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Polymer is production ready.
How about you? Maurizio Mangione
ROME 18-19 MARCH 2016
Google Developers Expert
Milano JS Founder
What is this talk about?
I ♥ Polymer

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Blogging for hackers (english)
Blogging for hackers (english)Blogging for hackers (english)
Blogging for hackers (english)

An introduction to Jekyll, a ruby gem and static site generator for building blogs and other simple static sites.

De 0 a Polymer
De 0 a PolymerDe 0 a Polymer
De 0 a Polymer

The document discusses Polymer and web components. It begins with an introduction to web components and their building blocks like templates, shadow DOM, and custom elements. It then explains that Polymer is a library that makes it easier to build with web components, but is not a framework in itself. The rest of the document demonstrates how to build a simple custom element called "alert-banner" with Polymer by generating the element scaffolding, defining the element behavior, and adding styling and content. It suggests that elements can be combined into applications and discusses tools for developing and deploying production web apps with Polymer.

GoCoding.Today For Rails - Episode1
GoCoding.Today For Rails - Episode1GoCoding.Today For Rails - Episode1
GoCoding.Today For Rails - Episode1

GoCoding.Today shares how to become a software engineer from zero by covering important concepts and keywords over 18 episodes, emphasizing that practice is required. Viewers can ask questions by leaving comments. The site recommends having an idea of something to build and knowing that done is better than perfect when getting started with HTML and CSS basics by referencing provided learning resources and homework of creating an HTML page.

Web Components
Custom Elements
<x-element attribute="test"></x-element>
HTML Imports
<link rel="import" href="path/to/component.html">
<template id="template">
<h1>Web Components</h1>
<img src="">

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Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS
Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSSThinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS
Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS

This document provides an overview of a frontend crash course on HTML and CSS. It introduces the instructor and teaching assistants. The agenda includes learning key concepts of HTML and CSS over 30 minutes, reviewing assignments for 10 minutes, completing challenges with support for 30 minutes, and information on continuing learning for 10 minutes. The document explains how the web works with clients and servers, and provides examples of HTML tags and CSS properties to style pages. It also lists assignments for students and discusses Thinkful's programming bootcamps and mentorship opportunities.

Polymer - El fin a tus problemas con el FrontEnd
Polymer - El fin a tus problemas con el FrontEndPolymer - El fin a tus problemas con el FrontEnd
Polymer - El fin a tus problemas con el FrontEnd

This document discusses Polymer and web components. It explains that Polymer uses web components to allow defining custom HTML elements. It provides an example of creating a simple custom alert banner element with Polymer that can be reused. The document also discusses how elements can be combined into applications and some features of Polymer like app-wide theming and its build process.

Introduction to Django CMS
Introduction to Django CMS Introduction to Django CMS
Introduction to Django CMS

This document discusses using Django CMS to build websites. It provides an overview of Django CMS, how to install it using the djangocms-installer, configure templates and placeholders, add plugins, and customize aspects like permissions, languages, and wizards. Django CMS allows non-technical users to edit content while providing developers flexibility through its plugin architecture and integration with Django.

django cmsdjangopython
Shadow DOM
var progressBar = document.createElement('div');
var shadowRoot = progressBar.attachShadow({mode:
var template = document.getElementById('template');
“Always bet on Javascript”
Brendan Eich

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Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS
Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSSThinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS
Thinkful FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS

This document provides an overview of a frontend crash course on HTML and CSS. It introduces the instructor and teaching assistants. The agenda includes learning key concepts of HTML and CSS over 30 minutes, reviewing assignments for 10 minutes, completing challenges with support for 30 minutes, and information on continuing learning for 10 minutes. The document explains how the web works with clients and servers, and provides examples of HTML tags and CSS properties to style pages. It also lists assignments for students and information on Thinkful's programming bootcamps and mentorship opportunities.

DevDay 2018 - Blazor
DevDay 2018 - BlazorDevDay 2018 - Blazor
DevDay 2018 - Blazor

Blazor is a WebAssembly (Wasm) technology. A WebAssembly is a safe, portable, low-level code format designed for efficient execution and compact representation. These slides are used in my 2018 presentation.

Web Development with Vim by Johannes Raggam
Web Development with Vim by Johannes RaggamWeb Development with Vim by Johannes Raggam
Web Development with Vim by Johannes Raggam

This document summarizes a presentation on using Vim for web development. It introduces the presenter and provides links to related resources. It then demonstrates various Vim plugins and configurations for file navigation, linting and formatting, Git integration, and other development tasks. The document concludes by offering to help with configuring jedi-vim for Python auto-completion using a project-specific paths file.

“Always bet on
the Web Platform”
Let’s build an App
1 Create reusable elements
● Start with the seed-element
● Use Polyserve
● Publish via Bower

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Kentico Cloud Best Practices
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Andy Thompson, Get Started CTO, shares first experience and practices they gained with Kentico Cloud headless CMS recently. Get more familiar with all resources available for Kentico Cloud. users and get a use of various best practices: - Search as a Service - Content Type based navigation - Modular Content - Content Personalization

headless cmskentico cloudmodular content
Frontend Crash Course
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Frontend Crash Course

The document outlines an agenda for a frontend crash course workshop on HTML and CSS. It introduces the instructor and TAs, suggests taking advantage of support, and provides an overview of the workshop agenda which includes learning key concepts, reviewing assignments, working on challenges with support, and next steps for continued learning. It also covers topics like how the web works, the roles of clients and servers, HTML structure and tags, using CSS to style pages, common CSS properties and selectors, and assignments for attendees to complete after the workshop.

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Introduction speech about my up and coming Wade.Go client-side centric web framework for Go. The project is at

● Element boilerplate
● Test ready
● Auto generated docs
Visual and non-visual elements
2 Put things together

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Overview / extracts from presentations at conference about topics that were more interesting to me.

jsconf javascript
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When you are about to make the step from developing web apps to making mobile apps, you should consider using a hybrid technology approach. The use of web technologies to build "native" mobile apps is a journey with a lot of choices to make and questions to answer. This presentation tells you, how we made our decisions and what options we had been looking at. It also introduces the Lungo-Angular-Bridge we use to bring together the best of Lungo and Angular to make mobile apps that rock.

mobile webmobile application developmentmobile phone
Word press plugin development
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Word press plugin development

This document provides an overview of how to build maintainable WordPress plugins. It discusses the history of WordPress and how plugins work using hooks. It recommends using object-oriented PHP and learning additional technologies like VueJS and ReactJS. The document also provides resources like the WordPress Plugin Handbook and Hooks Reference and encourages looking at existing plugin code and the WordPress codex to continue learning. It concludes by mentioning the company is hiring.

wordpressplugin development
How elements talk to each other
<g-tag my-attr="true">
is: 'g-tag',
properties: {
myAttr: {
type: Boolean
Mediator Pattern
The wrapper

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Magento 2 Community Project - Moving from LESS to SASS

The document summarizes the reasons for moving from LESS to SASS for Magento 2 theme development. LESS allows bad coding practices while SASS has better performance, conditional statements, and other features. The project will also implement a new frontend methodology using BEM, documentation, modularity, and tools to improve development. Partners will work on rebuilding the Blank theme using these new approaches with a target release of Q4 2016. Developers are encouraged to follow updates on Twitter, GitHub, and Magento forums.

Thinkful DC FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS
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Thinkful DC FrontEnd Crash Course - HTML & CSS

This document provides an overview of a frontend crash course on HTML and CSS. It includes details about the instructor, learning objectives, agenda, and how to continue learning after the course. The agenda covers key concepts of HTML, CSS, and how the web works. Assignments are provided to practice the skills learned. Real-world examples and troubleshooting tips are also discussed to help students learn and feel supported.

Polymer - Lego for the web!
Polymer - Lego for the web!Polymer - Lego for the web!
Polymer - Lego for the web!

by Maurizio Mangione - I web components sono un nuovo set di feature della piattaforma web. Polymer ne rende la creazione ancora più facile e permette, tramite polyfill di utilizzarli in tutti i browser moderni fin da ora. In Polymer tutto è un elemento, ha una vita propria e per questo può essere facilmente distribuibile e riutilizzabile.

maurizio mangionepolymercodemotion milan 2014
<link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="x-app">

Polymer({ is: 'x-app' });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="import" href="x-app/x-app.html">
<template is="dom-bind">
<template id="app" is="dom-bind">
<a href="#" on-click="sayHello">Click me!</a>
const app = document.querySelector('#app');
app.sayHello = () => { console.log('Hello') };
Should I use Mediator Pattern?

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Polymer in production : we did it!Polymer in production : we did it!
Polymer in production : we did it!

Polymer is a new framework developed by Google for quickly creating web applications using web components. At Kontest, we face the challenge to push this technology in production to a mainstream audience for the 1st time ever. The presentation starts with the fundamentals and some examples. Then, we share our feedbacks from the field with all the details on the implementation.

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Engage and retain users in the mobile world
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appsmatteo bonifazimobile
Use what you like the most
● Events (fire, listen)
● Flux-like architecture
● Your own solution
3 Testing
Web component tester
> npm i -g web-component-tester
> wct
Web component tester

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codemotion amsterdam 2016
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codemotion amsterdam 2016
4 The build step
Tools of the trade
● Vulcanize
● Crisper
● NPM scripts or Gulp
> vulcanize target.html > build.html
> cat index.html | crisper -h build.html -j build.js

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codemotion amsterdam 2016
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codemotion amsterdam 2016
So, what I need?
● Elements
● Let them talk to each other
● Test all the things
● Build/deploy
Polymer Starter Kit
PSK’s Hot features
● Offline support
● Complete build chain
● Responsive app layout
> npm i -g yo
> npm install -g generator-polymer
> yo polymer

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We produce software systems at an ever increasing rate, but our ability to get cleanup after older systems does not keep up with that pace. An IDC study showed that there are some 10k mainframe systems in use containing some 200B LOC. This shows that software is not that soft, and that once let loose systems produce long lasting consequences. Because of the impact of our industry, we need to look at software development as a problem of environmental proportions. We must build our systems with recycling in mind. As builders of the future world, we have to take this responsibility seriously.

codemotion amsterdam 2016
Ok sold, but is not so easy...
You can win!
One component at a time

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If there is bad press about Node.js it's because of performance issues and how hard it is to track them down. Usually these problems are hiding during development but start to kick in under high load. Not good. In my talk we will briefly go through the "hall of fame" of Node.js performance problems and the technical details behind them. By doing so, we will also get some valuable insights on how Node.js (V8, libuv) works internally. Then we will learn how to create metrics that the V8 engine provides to us out of the box and learn about tools that help interpreting them.

codemotion amsterdam 2016
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According to the F# Foundation ( "F# is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. It empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable and robust code." It sounds attractive, but it's different enough that without a guide getting started can be a bit intimidating - and why do you want to anyway? Come along to this gentle introduction to F# for the curly brace developer and find out.

codemotion amsterdam 2016
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co-designmino parisiux
I don’t want to add more stuff
to my legacy app
Think about jQuery plugins
Useful resources

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codemotion amsterdam 2016
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codemotion amsterdam 2016
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Awesome Polymer
Should you build your app
entirely with Web Components?

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codemotion amsterdam 2016
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This document provides an overview and description of a module on interactive web application development. It covers front-end topics like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and the Polymer library, as well as back-end concepts using Java EE frameworks and Node.js. The module will include sections on: - Front-end with HTML5, CSS, JS, and the Polymer library - Back-end concepts using Java EE for servlets, JSP, and frameworks - Back-end using Node.js, ExpressJS, and APIs - JavaScript build tools like Grunt, Gulp, Bower, and Yeoman - Software development practices like test-driven development - An examination of student

Polymer Polymer

This document provides an overview of Polymer, a library for building web applications using web components. Polymer leverages emerging web standards like custom elements, shadow DOM, templates and data binding to provide reusability and encapsulation. It allows developers to create custom HTML elements with associated JavaScript behavior that can be reused across projects. The document discusses Polymer's core capabilities and components, how to create and use custom elements, and why developers should be excited about its potential to improve productivity and software design.

Is up to you!
Polymer is good because
● Built on standards
● Freedom of choice
● Production ready...
@granze about you?

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Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering service

SMX Advanced Europe, June 2021 - With the advent of new technologies and the massive use of Javascript on the internet, search engines have started using Web Rendering Services to better understand the content of pages on the internet. What are the difficulties in building a WRS? Are tools we use every day replicating what search engines do? In this session, Giacomo will drive you on a discovery journey digging in some techy implementation details of a search engine like web rendering service building process, covering edge cases such as infinite scrolling, iframe, web component, and shadow DOM and how to approach them.

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Web Components
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Web Components

Presented at Web Unleashed on September 16-17, 2015 in Toronto, Canada More info at Web Components with Jeff Tapper OVERVIEW Web Components provide a necessary element for large scale applications: the ability to build Web Apps as a set of encapsulated, maintainable and reusable components. In order to use Web Components, a series of emerging web platform features such as the Shadow DOM, HTML Imports and Custom elements need to be used, each of which have varying support in browsers today. However, with the help of the Polymer project – a set of polyfills and an application framework using these principles – Web Components can be used today. In this session Jeff Tapper will explore Web Components, and walk through the creation of a Web Component for a modern JavaScript project. OBJECTIVE Learn to use Web Components to create reusable elements for your web application. TARGET AUDIENCE JavaScript Developers looking to understand how to build large scale applications. ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Audience should be comfortable working in JavaScript and manipulating the DOM. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN What are Web Components What is the current state of support for Web Components When do I need to use the Polymer Project to implement Web Components How to build a Web Component How to use a Web Component

javascriptweb componentsdom
Intro To Django
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This document introduces and summarizes Django, an open-source web framework written in Python. It highlights key features of Django, including its automated administration interface, object-relational mapper (ORM), generic views, forms, URL configuration, templates, internationalization support, and built-in user authentication. The document also discusses how Django aims to minimize the time it takes to develop software through automation, reusable apps, and other features. Examples are provided of large sites built with Django to demonstrate its performance and scalability.


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