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OpenStack: Networking Roadmap,
Collaboration and Contribution
Open Networking Summit
06 April 2017
Santa Clara, CA
Paul Carver, AT&T
Armando Migliaccio, SUSE
Ildiko Vancsa, OpenStack Foundation
• Who are we and why should you care
• OpenStack Networking Overview
• Q & A Intermission
• OpenStack Networking Deep Dive
• Q & A Intermission
• OpenStack, Product WG, LCOO, Telco involvement
• Final Q & A
Where are our perspectives coming from?

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Disaggregated Networking - The Drivers, the Software & The High Availability
Disaggregated Networking - The Drivers, the Software & The High AvailabilityDisaggregated Networking - The Drivers, the Software & The High Availability
Disaggregated Networking - The Drivers, the Software & The High Availability

Dis-agregration is real… This trend started with SDN and the separation of Data plane and Control plane. The scope has expanded to include separate of hardware and software and created a whole new industry of white boxes, general purpose X86 commodity hardware. All three markets - Cloud, Enterprise and Carriers are now engaged in various solutions inside the Data Center. The disaggregation is impacted all parts of the network including Access and Edge layers.

open sourcenetworkingha
Why OpenDaylight
Why OpenDaylightWhy OpenDaylight
Why OpenDaylight

OpenDaylight is the most widely deployed open source SDN controller. Discover why providers are choosing open source and OpenDaylight and where you can use OpenDaylight in your network.

lumina networkszero touch installationsdn controller
The Interoperability Challenge in Telecom and NFS Environments
The Interoperability Challenge in Telecom and NFS EnvironmentsThe Interoperability Challenge in Telecom and NFS Environments
The Interoperability Challenge in Telecom and NFS Environments

Ildikó Váncsa, Chris Price, and Carsten Rossenhövel's presentation at the 2017 Open Networking Summit. Communications service providers (CSPs) have a wide range of options when building virtualized services from the ground up including multiple choices for each functional block in the ETSI NFV reference architecture. CSPs prefer heterogeneous systems with building blocks from different vendors including open source software; for such deployments interoperability becomes a crucial requirement. OpenStack, as the NFVI and VIM, serves as a widely used cloud platform for telecom and NFV use cases. As a common base, OpenStack offers the means for vendors and other open source projects to ease the interoperability challenge by providing a set of open API’s while focusing on upgradeability and backward compatibility. However, when it comes to productization, interoperability testing often falls short and is sometimes left to the carrier as shown by the testing programs actively run by no fewer than 10 organizations today. Join Carsten Rossenhövel from the European Advanced Networking Test Center (EANTC) and the rapporteur (editor) of ETSI’s NFV interoperability standards, Ildikó Váncsa from the OpenStack Foundation, and Chris Price, Ericsson and OpenStack board director to learn more about The ETSI NFV Release 2 interoperability testing activities - standardization and recently completed ETSI PlugTest. Over 40 commercial and open source implementations were tested for interoperability, including 20 virtual network functions, 10 management and orchestration solutions and 10 NFV platforms. The New IP Agency (NIA) interoperability testing campaigns of commercial NFV implementations executed by EANTC, focusing on results, lessons learned and recommendations. How vendors and open source projects are stepping up to the challenge, realizing they must work together. How to stay up-to-date with OpenStack releases and the community. How to get involved to ensure you are aware of the latest developments and contribute what you need to OpenStack. What will I learn from attending this session? CSPs, open source projects and vendors alike will learn more about the recent ETSI PlugTest and NIA-commissioned interoperability testing, their results and how to architect full NFV solutions that will work together. Interoperability API tests and associated marks from OpenStack will be covered, as well as features to help stay current on OpenStack releases. Attendees will also hear from Ericsson about a vendor’s point of view, and how other projects such a OPNFV are evolving and expanding in scope to address this challenge.

telecomopen sourcesdn
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
OpenStack is born
Neutron is born
Neutron is incubated
Neutron is core
L4/L7 are experimental
ML2 is born
ML2 is default
OpenDaylight is born
OPNFV is born
Tacker is born
Neutron SFC is born
DPDK is born
Neutron SFC
Neutron OVN
What is Neutron anyway?
• Neutron
– API exposing logical abstractions for consuming the networking service
– One or more backend implementations of that API
• Why?
– Networking constructs baked into Nova (OpenStack compute)
– No tenant control over network topology and service insertion
– Multi-tenancy and scalability
Neutron architecture
Inception tenets
● Any network abstraction as as Service
● L2 as overlays
● Extension capabilities
● Technology agnostic
● A collection of components to provide
a networking solution
● Tight governance to preserve sanity of
the project
● Gaps vetted by Neutron Drivers
Neutron Server
ML2 Plugin
Type Manager Mechanism Manager
API Abstraction
L3 Plugin
Neutron architecture
Quota management Policy enforcement SchedulingState and notifications

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L4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef Laribi
L4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef LaribiL4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef Laribi
L4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef Laribi

In this talk, we will discuss how L4-L7 devices can integrate in various SDN architectures, discuss benefits and some of the challenges that such integration represents. We will also talk about how SDN and NFV relate, and what are the different challenges to successfully deploy L4-L7 devices as Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) or provide such services to the NFV Infrastructure (VIM). Bio Youcef Laribi is a Principal Architect in the Delivery Networks BU at Citrix. He is responsible for driving the integration projects of the NetScaler ADC product with several Cloud, SDN and Automation environments including OpenStack, CloudStack, VMware NSX and Cisco ACI. He is also the Citrix representative on the OpenDaylight Technical Steering Committee. His background is mainly in Operating Systems and Distributed Systems, and he worked on several middleware technologies from DCE and CORBA in the early days, to J2EE and .NET to SOA and micro-services today. Youcef speaks 4 languages and holds a PhD and an MSc in Computer Science from the French INPG Institute in Grenoble, France.

ONOS-Based VIM Implementation
ONOS-Based VIM ImplementationONOS-Based VIM Implementation
ONOS-Based VIM Implementation

The document discusses an ONOS-based virtual tenant network (VTN) implementation. It provides an overview of the architecture, including that ONOS uses a distributed architecture to provide high availability, scalability, and performance. It also allows for linear scalability. The VTN architecture runs on top of ONOS and uses Neutron and OpenStack for management of virtual networks and tenants. It allows for VTN management and scalability, high availability, and live migration of VM hosts.

opnfv summitonos
OPNFV: Road to Next-Generation Network
OPNFV: Road to Next-Generation NetworkOPNFV: Road to Next-Generation Network
OPNFV: Road to Next-Generation Network

The document discusses the role of OPNFV in developing open source platforms for 5G networks. Key points include: - OPNFV aims to deliver an integrated open source platform to support NFV and cloud-native architectures for 5G networks, focusing on features like network slicing and low latency. - It works with upstream communities to integrate components like OpenStack and aims to provide a reference platform for operators and vendors. - Huawei discusses its role and contributions to OPNFV, including leading projects, code commits, and staff. It also demonstrates solutions built on the OPNFV platform.

opnfv summit

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ONAP - Open Network Automation Platform
ONAP - Open Network Automation PlatformONAP - Open Network Automation Platform
ONAP - Open Network Automation Platform

The document provides an overview of the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP), which is an open source platform for automating virtual network functions (VNFs). ONAP was derived from AT&T's ECOMP platform and can design, create, orchestrate, monitor, and manage the lifecycles of VNFs, SDNs containing VNFs, and higher-level services combining these components. It also discusses network function virtualization (NFV) basics, global traffic trends, proprietary equipment issues, declining revenues, and the call for more agile and flexible software-based networks. Finally, it summarizes ONAP's architecture, including its design time and run time frameworks, and provides a use case

cloud computingnfvautomation
Introducing ONAP for OpenStack St Louis Meetup
Introducing ONAP for OpenStack St Louis MeetupIntroducing ONAP for OpenStack St Louis Meetup
Introducing ONAP for OpenStack St Louis Meetup

An introduction to the Open Networking Automation Platform (ONAP) a new Linux Foundation Project for SDN/NFV, as presented to the OpenStack St Louis Meetup on June 20, 2017

Delivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential and Mobile Edge
Delivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential and Mobile EdgeDelivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential and Mobile Edge
Delivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential and Mobile Edge

In this talk, Principal architects will share considerations in designing virtual infrastructure to deliver vCPE and vPE based services. The speakers will provide some background on service function chaining, service edge routing, Openstack clouds and discuss virtualized architectures that can solve Service Provider problems to achieve agility and richness of cloud based services

OpenStack Networking
SDN Controllers
Nirvana Stack
A Proposed
Target Stack
with Evolvability
A “Nirvana”
SDN Stack?
Data Plane Interface
Applicable Projects
Neutron (+Gluon Innovations)
Diverse Innovation Happens Here!
Data Plane Acceleration (SW/HW)
Specs Install
South Bound Interface
North Bound Interface
Neutron and Gluon
• Similarities
• Differences
• How do they interact
• Opinions

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NovoNet Vision and Operators' Perspective for ONAP
NovoNet Vision and Operators' Perspective for ONAPNovoNet Vision and Operators' Perspective for ONAP
NovoNet Vision and Operators' Perspective for ONAP

1) The document discusses China Mobile's future network vision called NovoNet and ONAP's vision and perspective from operators. 2) NovoNet envisions reconstructing network infrastructure, functions, and operations through technologies like NFV, SDN, and network slicing. 3) ONAP aims to be the global automation platform for network, infrastructure, and services across industries through open source components and reducing manual processes in virtualized environments like 5G. 4) The document provides details on NovoNet and ONAP goals to transform networks through virtualization, centralization, programmability, and automation.

by ITU
onapnetworkcloud network

This document discusses Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). It provides a brief history of SDN including its origins at Stanford University and the development of the OpenFlow protocol. It also outlines the SDN architecture including abstraction layers, control programs, network operating systems, and switches. Key frameworks like OpenDaylight and controllers like Floodlight are mentioned. NFV is defined as implementing network functions in software rather than proprietary hardware to leverage standard servers and virtualization.

Platform Independent Packet Processing with ODL
Platform Independent Packet Processing with ODLPlatform Independent Packet Processing with ODL
Platform Independent Packet Processing with ODL

The Open Dataplane (ODP) provides a platform-independent API and framework for packet processing applications. Especially, it enables applications to use the special packet processing capabilities of system-on-chips without being tied to a specific hardware implementation. This makes ODP a key ingredient in the OPNFV projects that are focusing on Dataplane Acceleration (DPACC) and OPNFV on ARM. This talk will introduce the Open Dataplane project with examples, and why it is important in Network Function Virtualization use cases.

opnfv summit
Q & A #1
A glance at neutron sub-projects
• Midonet
• OpenDaylight
• Dynamic Routing
• Firewall as a Service
• Service Function Chaining
• Midokura SDN solution
• Feature rich Neutron backend
• L2 gateways
• Firewall
• Dynamic Routing
• QoS
• Load Balancing
• Tap-as-a-Service
•SDN controller backend
• Neutron integration gone through a couple of architectural iterations
• Features
• L2 gateways
• Firewall
• QoS
• Load Balancing
• Service Function Chaining

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This document discusses ElasticISP, a concept for running an ISP on virtualized network functions in the cloud. The key points are: 1. ElasticISP aims to make it cheaper and faster to start an ISP by eliminating the need for physical networking hardware and deploying all functions like routing, firewalls, and LNS virtually in the cloud. 2. This allows an ISP to start for around $15k with minimal capital expenditure, and to easily scale network capacity and functions by adding more virtual instances as needed. 3. The document reviews ElasticISP concepts and architectures, including examples of logical and physical network designs using virtual routers, firewalls, and other functions deployed in public

Tech Talk by Louis Fourie: SFC: technology, trend and implementation
Tech Talk by Louis Fourie: SFC: technology, trend and implementationTech Talk by Louis Fourie: SFC: technology, trend and implementation
Tech Talk by Louis Fourie: SFC: technology, trend and implementation

Synopsis In this Tech Talk, Louis Fourie will do deep dive into one of the key technology enablers -- service function chaining and describe extensions to OpenStack networking (Neutron) for service chaining, including use cases, architecture and implementation. About Louis Fourie Louis Fourie is currently a senior staff engineer working on network virtualization, cloud services, and SDN technologies at Huawei Technology, USA. Louis is an active contributor to the service chaining work in several organizations including OpenStack, ONF, ETSI NFV, IETF, and OPNFV. Louis previously worked at Cisco on several computer networking, voice and data communications products, and is the holder of several patents.

What a difference 5 years make
What a difference 5 years makeWhat a difference 5 years make
What a difference 5 years make

This document summarizes Guru Parulkar's presentation at the 2017 Open Networking Summit. The presentation discusses the journey of SDN/NFV from disaggregation and open source software to production deployment. It notes that while network operators want to adopt open solutions, they lack development resources and investment. Vendors and system integrators also see opportunities but lack expertise and investment. To succeed in taking disaggregation and open source to production requires aligning incentives to drive sufficient investments.

open sourcenetworksnetworking
Open vSwitch OVN
•Open vSwitch scope expansion
• Neutron features done the “OVS way”
• Similar integration to other SDN controllers e.g. ODL
• Features
• Scale and performance
• L2/L3/DHCP
• Trunking
• QoS
• Integration with Container Orchestrators
• Set of Neutron drivers developed initially by Orange Telecom
• ML2 driver for tenant isolation through BGP BGP VPNs
• Building block for creating reachability between Neutron ports
(typically VMs) and BGP VPNs outside the cloud
•Interconnect neutron networks with WAN BGP-based VPNs
•Multi-vendor API
• OVS driver
• OpenDaylight
• OpenContrail
• Nuage
Firewall as a Service
•Neutron zero-trust security model (as opposed to security groups)
• v1 (Router-oriented API)
• v2 (Port-oriented API)
• Enforcement applied on specified router port
• Consistent API for applying policies to VM ports

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VNFs at the Edge using Docker Containers
VNFs at the Edge using Docker ContainersVNFs at the Edge using Docker Containers
VNFs at the Edge using Docker Containers

While little discussed, there is a solid case in placing some VNFs at the edge of the network, but this notion implies a distributed model that VNFs were not originally created to address. One of the problems in placing VNFs at the network edge is that the edge equipment may be very cost sensitive and in many cases, consumer grade. These consumer-grade devices cannot support a virtual container such as a KVM because of the huge memory requirements of an additional OS. A Docker container has been proposed and implemented with great success.

opnfv summitcontainers
Securing Micro Services in Cloud Foundry
Securing Micro Services in Cloud FoundrySecuring Micro Services in Cloud Foundry
Securing Micro Services in Cloud Foundry

This document discusses securing microservices in CloudFoundry. It begins by noting the need for microsegmentation as applications move to the cloud and become more elastic. Traditionally defining firewall rules by IP address becomes unmanageable in this environment. The document then proposes defining policies based on application roles and grouping endpoints into policy-defined segments. It provides examples of defining policies by application groups rather than individual IP addresses, avoiding state explosion. This group-based policy approach allows for secure, scalable and intent-based policy definition.

OpenStack and OpenDaylight, The Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking: a ...
OpenStack and OpenDaylight, The Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking: a ...OpenStack and OpenDaylight, The Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking: a ...
OpenStack and OpenDaylight, The Evolving Relationship in Cloud Networking: a ...

A session in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live, Berlin. OpenStack is well established as the public/private cloud platform, abstracting compute, storage, and networking resources behind a unified set of APIs. OpenStack Neutron provides the lion's share of networking resources and seems sufficient for many small private cloud deployments. As scale increases and service providers with large network footprints come into the picture, new complications arise. Service provider networks have requirements and capabilities far beyond those addressable with Neutron. Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has given rise to modular network controllers in the service provider space. OpenDaylight is the open source world’s answer, and service providers want to be able to marry OpenStack orchestration with OpenDaylight networking, as evident by the Open Platform for Network Function Virtualization project (OPNFV). Come learn how SDN controllers fit in this context vs. OpenStack with neutron drivers, when to use one when to use the other, and the benefits and functionality of each.

Service Function Chaining
•API to define a neutron port chain to connect SFs that consume
classified traffic
•Multi-vendor API
• OVS driver
• OpenDaylight
• Container networking in Openstack
• Leverages Neutron as building block
• Started as Docker libnetwork driver
• Container networking in Openstack
• Leverages Neutron as building block
• Started as Docker libnetwork driver
• Container networking in Openstack
• Leverages Neutron as building block
• Started as Docker libnetwork driver
• Extends network capabilities to Kubernetes

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OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014
OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014
OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014

This was a presentation I gave at the Open Networking Users Group (ONUG), Spring 2014. This talk covers some background on OpenStack and OpenDaylight, walks through Group Based Policy and OpFlex, and ends with a tutorial walk through of installing and using OpenStack with OpenDaylight.

openstackopen sourceonug
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep VittalThe Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal

The core of CloudStack networking has always been software-defined. As the networking industry evolves to a software-defined future, CloudStack will have to evolve with it. The presentation will examine the present state of SDN in CloudStack, look at some industry directions and attempt to predict the evolution of CloudStack with those trends. Bio Chiradeep Vittal is a Distinguished Engineer in the Converged Infrastructure Group at Citrix where he has technology leadership responsibilities around Citrix Cloud Platform, Citrix Lifecycle Manager and Citrix Workspace Pod. He is also a Project Management Committee member of the Apache CloudStack Project. At (acquired by Citrix), he was a founding engineer, often tasked with the thorny details of virtualized networking and storage. Prior to, he worked at several Silicon Valley startups in various architectural roles. Chiradeep has a B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT, Bombay and a M.Sc from the University of Alberta. He has spoken / presented at several conferences, including CloudStack Collab, LISA, OSCON, ONS, SDN Summit and LinuxCon. His twitter handle is @chiradeep and occasionally blogs at

sdncloudstack networkingcloudstack
Navigating OpenStack Networking
Navigating OpenStack NetworkingNavigating OpenStack Networking
Navigating OpenStack Networking

Designed for IT professionals looking to expand their OpenStack Networking knowledge, “Navigating OpenStack Networking” is a comprehensive and fast-paced session which provides an overview of OpenStack Networking, its history, its predecessor (Nova Networks), its components and then dives deep into the architecture, its features and plugin model and its role in building an OpenStack Cloud.

• Container networking in Openstack
• Leverages Neutron as building block
• Started as Docker libnetwork driver
• Extends network capabilities to Kubernetes
• Shared networking
• Multi-tenant networking
• Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing
• Shared networking
• Multi-tenant networking
• Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing
• Shared networking
• Multi-tenant networking
• Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing

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OPNFV Update: The Danube Release and What Lies Around the Bend
OPNFV Update: The Danube Release and What Lies Around the BendOPNFV Update: The Danube Release and What Lies Around the Bend
OPNFV Update: The Danube Release and What Lies Around the Bend

OPNFV facilitates the development and evolution of NFV components across various open source ecosystems. Through system level integration, deployment and testing, OPNFV creates a reference NFV platform to accelerate the transformation of enterprise and service provider networks. The recently announced fourth release, Danube, represents a growing maturity for both the project and upstream partners and brings together elements across the stack to more quickly introduce technologies that meet the needs of operators. Tapio Tallgren, OPNFV TSC Chair, and Heather Kirksey, OPNFV Director, presented a session during ONS 2017 on how OPNFV Danube, Euphrates, and the many rivers to come are helping to build the next-generation network for NFV.

devopsopen sourceopnfv
ONUG Tutorial: Bridges and Tunnels Drive Through OpenStack Networking
ONUG Tutorial: Bridges and Tunnels Drive Through OpenStack NetworkingONUG Tutorial: Bridges and Tunnels Drive Through OpenStack Networking
ONUG Tutorial: Bridges and Tunnels Drive Through OpenStack Networking

This document summarizes OpenStack networking (Neutron) and discusses its key components and architecture. It describes how Neutron provides network abstraction and virtualization through pluggable backend drivers. It also outlines some common Neutron features like security groups and highlights new capabilities in the Juno release like IPv6 support and distributed virtual routing. The document concludes by looking ahead to further networking developments in OpenStack.

Openstack – An introduction
Openstack – An introductionOpenstack – An introduction
Openstack – An introduction

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that consists of several components including Nova (compute), Glance (images), Keystone (identity), Neutron (networking), Swift (object storage), and Horizon (dashboard). It aims to be scalable, feature-rich, and simple to implement. OpenStack began as a collaboration between NASA and Rackspace to develop open source cloud computing software. It has since grown significantly with over 2000 companies contributing to its development and adoption.

• Ocata (Feb 2017), Pike (Sep 2017), Queens (~Apr 2018)
• Midonet
• Ironic, IPv6, Container integration
• OpenDaylight
• Scalability improvements, incremental refinements
• ML2 OVS migration, metadata API, L3 HA, Distributed SNAT, DNS
• Bagpipe/BGPVPN
• Finer-grained control over routing
• FWaaS
• SFC integration, rules logging and counters, OpenDaylight integration
• NSH, Service Graph, Chaining of L2 SFs
Q & A #2
OpenStack Product Working Group
• Creating Development Proposals
• Development Proposals
• Reflect the voice of end-users/operators
• Requiring cross-community coordination
• Spanning multiple releases
• Maintaining a multi-release roadmap
User Survey Sneak Peek
• More than 1400 completed surveys
• Nearly 600 deployments
• Two-thirds of the deployments are in production
• 16% of the users are in the Telecommunications area
• Online dashboard -
Next survey results are by the 19th of April

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NaaS in OpenStack - CloudCamp Moscow
NaaS in OpenStack - CloudCamp MoscowNaaS in OpenStack - CloudCamp Moscow
NaaS in OpenStack - CloudCamp Moscow

This document discusses network as a service (NaaS) in OpenStack. It provides an overview of OpenStack, including its core projects like Nova, Swift, Glance, Keystone, and Horizon. It then describes NaaS and how two OpenStack projects, Quantum and Melange, provide NaaS functionality like software-defined networking, IP management, and network connectivity for VMs. Potential DevOps applications of NaaS in OpenStack are also outlined, such as simulating network failures for distributed systems testing in cloud environments. Finally, OpenStack community resources are highlighted.

cloudcamp moscowopenstack
Introduction to openstack
Introduction to openstackIntroduction to openstack
Introduction to openstack

OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that manages large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter. It includes several independent services like Nova (compute), Neutron (networking), Swift (object storage), and Glance (image service). Hands-on experience with OpenStack can be gained through all-in-one installations or multi-node configurations on physical or virtual machines using various OpenStack distributions from companies like Red Hat, Ubuntu, and Mirantis. Neutron provides virtual networking and integration with technologies like Open vSwitch, namespaces, and plugins to enable multi-tenant isolation.

Operators experience and perspective on SDN with VLANs and L3 Networks
Operators experience and perspective on SDN with VLANs and L3 NetworksOperators experience and perspective on SDN with VLANs and L3 Networks
Operators experience and perspective on SDN with VLANs and L3 Networks

Presentation from OpenStack Summit Austin 2016. Video is available at

OpenStack Roadmap
• Creation and maintenance is lead by the Product Working Group
• Mid-term planning
• Items are grouped into themes
Latest version is planned to be released in May
Focus areas
•User Experience
Telecom/NFV Related Working Groups
• Telecom/NFV Operators Functional Team
• Group formed by Telecom operators
• Experience with running OpenStack in production
• Focus on pain points and missing functionality
• Use cases of
• Network service providers
• Massively distributed cloud operators
• Focus on end-to-end feature implementation upstream
Cross-community Collaboration
• Full stack CI/CD pipeline in OPNFV
• Deploy the latest code base
• Fast feedback on new development
• NFV Interoperability testing
• NFV specific testing in RefStack
• In collaboration with OPNFV Functest and CVP
• Feature development activities
• Neutron integration
• ...

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Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr
Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack KuryrContainer Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr
Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr

The slides give the brief idea of the current situation of the container orchestration integration in OpenStack and how OpenStack Kuryr can improve the situation.

Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr & Apache Mesos
Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr & Apache MesosContainer Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr & Apache Mesos
Container Orchestration Integration: OpenStack Kuryr & Apache Mesos

This document discusses container orchestration integration between OpenStack Kuryr and Apache Mesos. It begins with introductions to Docker and Mesos, describing how they are used to distribute workloads across container hosts. It then reviews the history of networking in Docker and Mesos, how libnetwork was developed for Docker networking, and how Mesos uses IPAM and network isolator modules. Finally, it describes how OpenStack Kuryr acts as a translator between Neutron and libnetwork, allowing Neutron networking APIs to manage containers running on Mesos.

midonetopenstack kuryrapache mesos
Directions for CloudStack Networking
Directions for CloudStack  NetworkingDirections for CloudStack  Networking
Directions for CloudStack Networking

Presented at the CloudStack Silicon Valley User Group in September 2015 at Nuage Networks. Discussed impact of containers, emerging software defined networking platforms, NFV, IPv6 and performance.

software defined networkingovnipv6
Community Involvement
• Write code
• New features
• Bug fixes
• Write documentation
• OpenStack Manuals
• Developer documentation
• Participate in Working Groups
• Attend/organize User Group meet-ups
OpenStack Upstream Institute
• Upstream collaboration training
• 1.5 days long
• Interactive, hands-on course
• Face to face training
• Held before the OpenStack Summits
Next training - May 6-7, 2017, Boston
Events - OpenStack Summit
• Open Infrastructure Event
• Conference
• Forum
• Open Source Days
• Meet related open source communities
• See OpenStack as part of a bigger picture
Upcoming Summit: May 8-11, 2017, Boston
Events - PTG
• Developer focused event
• First PTG was held in February, 2017 in Atlanta
• Cross-project discussions
• Per project design discussions
Save the date - September 11-15, 2017, Denver

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An Open and Collaborative Ecosystem for IoT
An Open and Collaborative Ecosystem for IoTAn Open and Collaborative Ecosystem for IoT
An Open and Collaborative Ecosystem for IoT

This document summarizes a presentation about open source and open standards for the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses the promise and challenges of the IoT, including many disjoint efforts and standards. It then describes OpenStack and OpenDaylight, two open source projects that provide platforms for cloud computing and SDN/NFV. Finally, it discusses how open source and open standards can be combined to accelerate innovation for the IoT through collaboration on efforts like oneM2M, IoT Data Broker, Time Series Data Repository, and putting the pieces together through projects like OPNFV.

openstackiotopen source
Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
 Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference... Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...

Slide was presented at Dr. Dobb's Conference in Bangalore. Talks about Openstack Introduction in general Projects under Openstack. Contributing to Openstack. This was presented jointly by CB Ananth and Rahul at Dr. Dobb's Conference Bangalore on 12th Apr 2014.

All about open stack
All about open stackAll about open stack
All about open stack

DataCentred's Senior Cloud Systems Engineer, Nick Jones, talks about OpenStack - a cloud operating system.

Q & A #3

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OpenStack: Networking Roadmap, Collaboration and Contribution

  • 1. OpenStack: Networking Roadmap, Collaboration and Contribution Open Networking Summit 06 April 2017 Santa Clara, CA Paul Carver, AT&T Armando Migliaccio, SUSE Ildiko Vancsa, OpenStack Foundation
  • 2. Agenda • Who are we and why should you care • OpenStack Networking Overview • Q & A Intermission • OpenStack Networking Deep Dive • Q & A Intermission • OpenStack, Product WG, LCOO, Telco involvement • Final Q & A
  • 3. Introductions Where are our perspectives coming from?
  • 5. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 OpenStack is born Diablo Neutron is born Essex Neutron is incubated Folsom Neutron is core L4/L7 are experimental Grizzly ML2 is born Havana ML2 is default OpenDaylight is born Icehouse OPNFV is born Tacker is born Liberty Neutron SFC is born History ETSI NFV ISG is born DPDK is born Mitaka Neutron SFC 1.0.0 Newton Neutron OVN 1.0.0
  • 6. What is Neutron anyway? • Neutron – API exposing logical abstractions for consuming the networking service – One or more backend implementations of that API • Why? – Networking constructs baked into Nova (OpenStack compute) – No tenant control over network topology and service insertion – Multi-tenancy and scalability
  • 7. Neutron architecture Inception tenets ● Any network abstraction as as Service ● L2 as overlays ● Extension capabilities ● Technology agnostic Stadium ● A collection of components to provide a networking solution ● Tight governance to preserve sanity of the project ● Gaps vetted by Neutron Drivers
  • 8. Neutron Server ML2 Plugin Type Manager Mechanism Manager VXLAN TypeDriver VLAN TypeDriver … OVS API Abstraction LinuxBridge SDN Controller … L3 Plugin OVS/DVR+HA SDNController … LBaaS HAProxy SDNController … FWaaS IPTables SDNController … … … Neutron architecture Quota management Policy enforcement SchedulingState and notifications
  • 15. 15 A Proposed Target Stack with Evolvability A “Nirvana” SDN Stack? Data Plane Interface VPP Automated Test Applicable Projects Neutron (+Gluon Innovations) Diverse Innovation Happens Here! Data Plane Acceleration (SW/HW) Specs Install South Bound Interface North Bound Interface 1 2 3 4
  • 16. Neutron and Gluon • Similarities • Differences • How do they interact • Opinions
  • 17. Q & A #1
  • 18. A glance at neutron sub-projects • Midonet • OpenDaylight • OVN • BAGPIPE • BGPVPN • Dynamic Routing • Firewall as a Service • Service Function Chaining
  • 19. Midonet • Midokura SDN solution • Feature rich Neutron backend • L2 gateways • Firewall • Dynamic Routing • QoS • Load Balancing • Tap-as-a-Service •
  • 20. OpenDaylight •SDN controller backend • Neutron integration gone through a couple of architectural iterations • Features • L2 gateways • Firewall • QoS • Load Balancing • Service Function Chaining •
  • 21. Open vSwitch OVN •Open vSwitch scope expansion • Neutron features done the “OVS way” • Similar integration to other SDN controllers e.g. ODL • Features • Scale and performance • L2/L3/DHCP • Trunking • QoS • Integration with Container Orchestrators •
  • 22. BaGPipe • Set of Neutron drivers developed initially by Orange Telecom • ML2 driver for tenant isolation through BGP BGP VPNs • Building block for creating reachability between Neutron ports (typically VMs) and BGP VPNs outside the cloud •
  • 23. BGPVPN •Interconnect neutron networks with WAN BGP-based VPNs •Multi-vendor API • OVS driver • OpenDaylight • OpenContrail • Nuage •
  • 24. Firewall as a Service •Neutron zero-trust security model (as opposed to security groups) • v1 (Router-oriented API) • v2 (Port-oriented API) • Enforcement applied on specified router port • Consistent API for applying policies to VM ports •
  • 25. Service Function Chaining •API to define a neutron port chain to connect SFs that consume classified traffic •Multi-vendor API • OVS driver • OpenDaylight • ONOS • OVN •
  • 26. Kuryr • Container networking in Openstack • Leverages Neutron as building block • Started as Docker libnetwork driver
  • 27. Kuryr • Container networking in Openstack • Leverages Neutron as building block • Started as Docker libnetwork driver
  • 28. Kuryr • Container networking in Openstack • Leverages Neutron as building block • Started as Docker libnetwork driver • Extends network capabilities to Kubernetes
  • 29. Kuryr • Container networking in Openstack • Leverages Neutron as building block • Started as Docker libnetwork driver • Extends network capabilities to Kubernetes
  • 30. Ironic • Shared networking • Multi-tenant networking • Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing
  • 31. Ironic • Shared networking • Multi-tenant networking • Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing
  • 32. Ironic • Shared networking • Multi-tenant networking • Some limitations: e.g. ACLs, Trunking, hardware routing
  • 33. Roadmap • Ocata (Feb 2017), Pike (Sep 2017), Queens (~Apr 2018) • Midonet • Ironic, IPv6, Container integration • OpenDaylight • Scalability improvements, incremental refinements • OVN • ML2 OVS migration, metadata API, L3 HA, Distributed SNAT, DNS • Bagpipe/BGPVPN • Finer-grained control over routing • FWaaS • SFC integration, rules logging and counters, OpenDaylight integration • SFC • NSH, Service Graph, Chaining of L2 SFs
  • 34. Q & A #2
  • 35. OpenStack Product Working Group • Creating Development Proposals • Development Proposals • Reflect the voice of end-users/operators • Requiring cross-community coordination • Spanning multiple releases • Maintaining a multi-release roadmap
  • 36. User Survey Sneak Peek • More than 1400 completed surveys • Nearly 600 deployments • Two-thirds of the deployments are in production • 16% of the users are in the Telecommunications area • Online dashboard - Next survey results are by the 19th of April
  • 37. OpenStack Roadmap • Creation and maintenance is lead by the Product Working Group • Mid-term planning • Items are grouped into themes Latest version is planned to be released in May
  • 39. Telecom/NFV Related Working Groups • Telecom/NFV Operators Functional Team • Group formed by Telecom operators • Experience with running OpenStack in production • Focus on pain points and missing functionality • • LCOO • Use cases of • Network service providers • Massively distributed cloud operators • Focus on end-to-end feature implementation upstream •
  • 40. Cross-community Collaboration • Full stack CI/CD pipeline in OPNFV • Deploy the latest code base • Fast feedback on new development • NFV Interoperability testing • NFV specific testing in RefStack • In collaboration with OPNFV Functest and CVP • Feature development activities • Neutron integration • ODL • • ...
  • 41. Community Involvement • Write code • New features • Bug fixes • Write documentation • OpenStack Manuals • Developer documentation • Participate in Working Groups • Attend/organize User Group meet-ups
  • 42. OpenStack Upstream Institute • Upstream collaboration training • 1.5 days long • Interactive, hands-on course • Face to face training • Held before the OpenStack Summits Next training - May 6-7, 2017, Boston
  • 43. Events - OpenStack Summit • Open Infrastructure Event • Conference • Forum • Open Source Days • Meet related open source communities • See OpenStack as part of a bigger picture Upcoming Summit: May 8-11, 2017, Boston
  • 44. Events - PTG • Developer focused event • First PTG was held in February, 2017 in Atlanta • Cross-project discussions • Per project design discussions Save the date - September 11-15, 2017, Denver
  • 45. Q & A #3