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Partner First Project Support

              SANDRO BOTTA


             SAMUEL MARTINS

It starts with …

but huh …

What now ?
Tell us about it !

            • we integrate your project in our CRM

            • we secure the lead

            • we make it manageable from your partner portal
Your forecast is our forecast !

Partners’ forecast and OpenERP’s forecast should be

We stay in sync with your forecast through the
partner review meetings

Assess your resources and specify the OpenERP
involvement and revenue split
Let’s talk about money
Standard split of revenues

                          Partner    OpenERP

The revenue and related services are split 85%-15% between Partner and
  OpenERP. Traditional ERP publishers take 35% of the project revenue!
Need more info to convince ?

    The partner portal
The partner portal

Get samples of brochures, presentation slides, comparison
       with competitors, contracts, RFP templates,
 implementation methodology,… in your partner portal.
Back to the project …
 how much it cost ?

Do you know what it takes to qualify
and estimate a project completely ?
Next steps

OpenERP suggested approach

     • Software Assessment      done

     • Professional Analysis
2                                      No free pre sales
     • Implementation

     Free              Billed      Billed but deducted from the
                                   implementation quote
Why selling a pre analysis ?

• If you succeed, you exclude competitors

• It limits the risk of irrelevant project cost estimation

• It builds up intimacy and trust with the customer, leading to
  higher implementation quotes

• We are cheaper than the competitors as there is no license costs
  but we don’t offer free services
When to sell the pre-analysis?

Only once the customer is excited and convinced by
the product

Even if he is still assessing competitors solutions
Offer structure

Pre analysis      4 - 8 days
Engage us in your sales visits !

           • introduce us to your prospect

           • Contact builds trust

           • We can help selling the pre-analysis and the
           Enterprise contract
Build a long term vision

Avoid the one shot

Trigger a reflection on their 2y-3y business

Sell a roadmap
Offer structure
A pain ?

Do I have the
ressources ?
Subcontract to avoid bottlenecks

Don’t be slowed down by a lack of resources. We can help you
deliver successfully.

  Problem                                Solution
  No project manager                     OpenERP consulting
  Need a functional expert               OpenERP consulting
  Not enough developers                  OpenERP Offshore developers
  No time to train employees/customers   Official training/webinar
  Wasting time on technical issues       OpenERP Enterprise
  Need to migrate custom instance        Custom module migration
Happy selling !
Supporting partners, but HOW?

GAP-analysis         POC         GAP-analysis   Estimation     Planning

  Detailed        Functional      Technical

                                                                              OpenERP Enterprise
                                                                              OpenERP Enterprise
  analysis         analysis        analysis

                 Developments    Integration
Developments      & Unit tests      tests

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

                                    Data                       Warranty
Deployment       environment
                                                 Go live
                                                             period support

Deployment        L1 support      L2 support
Project Support – phase by phase

 GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning

The purpose of the Gap Analysis is to
  Evaluate the project scope
  Determine the customization level which will be required
  Assess the investments required
  Plan the project
  Organise the project governance
Project Support – phase by phase

  GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning
Step 1: Company Mind Maps – Interviews:
Project Support – phase by phase

  GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning
Step 2: Key Users Mind Maps – Interviews:
Project Support – phase by phase

  GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning
Step 3: Define the GAPS and Estimates:

                                                               List the GAP’s

                                                               Weight the GAP’s :

                                                               • Complexity
                                                               • Analysis
                                                               • Development
Project Support – phase by phase

  GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning
Step 3: Define the GAPS and Estimates:

                                                              Estimation based on:

                                                              • Project Management
                                                              • Analysis
                                                              • Development
                                                              • Testing
                                                              • Migration
                                                              • Deployment
                                                              • Support
Project Support – phase by phase

   GAP-analysis   POC    GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning
Step 4: Plan the Project

Plan the project trying to phase development in small sprints:

• short analysis/development time => Quick in customer’s hand

                  => Be AGILE
Project Support – phase by phase

GAP-analysis   POC   GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning

The deliverables of the Gap Analysis are :
 Gap Analysis reporting (Needs, Scope, Risks, GAP’s)
 Gap Analysis Matrix
 Project Road map
 Financial estimate
 Agreement on validation process and project
Project Support – phase by phase

GAP-analysis     POC      GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning

OpenERP will assist the partner in :

   Training the partner on the various tools and methodologies
       Mind Maps
       Estimation sheet,...
   Reviewing the Partner’s Gap Analysis
   Performing the work load estimate together with the Partner
   Providing a matrix to estimate the overhaul cost
Project Support – phase by phase

GAP-analysis   POC      GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning

Partner will be in charge of:

   Conducting the customer interviews
   Filling the Gap Analysis Matrix
   Performing the work load estimate together with OpenERP
   Preparing the detailed project planning
   Setting up the project organisation (governance, project
   management tools, reporting, ...)
   Defining with customer the validation process at the various level
Project Support – phase by phase

GAP-analysis   POC     GAP-analysis   Estimation   Planning

Knowledge to be transferred during that stage:

   Tools to conduct end user interviews (Mind Maps)
   Tools to report the Gap Analysis (Gap analysis matrix)
   Gap analysis documentation : Needs, Scope, Risks (planning,
   pending decisions), GAP’s
   Functional expertise on OpenERP
   Expertise about assessing the development time required
Project Support – phase by phase

 Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Development      Integration
                analysis     analysis
                                        Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

The Analysis purpose is to
  Design the solution
  Validate the solution
  Finalise the development estimation
  from both a functional and technical point of view

The Development purpose is to
  Implement the solution,
  Test the solution
  Validate the solution with Key Users
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                        Development      Integration
               analysis     analysis
                                             Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

                                       Short Project Cycles:

                                       • Increase Project visibility with client
                                       (demo’s, user tests,...)

                                       • Keep control of requirements (quick
                                       technical and functional validation)

                                       • Increase quality (early testing allows
                                       you to identify issues early and solve
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Development      Integration
               analysis     analysis
                                       Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

How to analyse:
       Use the Detailed analysis template to define:
          Process description and workflows
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Development      Integration
               analysis     analysis
                                       Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

             Views and wizards using mockups
Project Support – phase by phase

  Detailed       Functional    Technical                       Development          Integration
                  analysis      analysis
                                                Developments   s & Unit tests          tests

                Access rights
             Objects          User type 1    User type 2        User Type 3
                                    Rights       Rights                  Rights
   Name                             CRUD           C                            R

   Address,…                           No          D                            U

“Rights” = access rights.
    “C” = create : user can create a new value for the object,
    ”R” = read : user can read/access the object,
    “U” = update : user can modify an existing object,
    “D” = delete : user can delete an existing object,
    “No”: user has no access to the object.
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional    Technical                   Development      Integration
               analysis      analysis
                                         Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

  Change requests

                           Change Request Flow
Project Support – phase by phase

 Detailed        Functional   Technical                   Development      Integration
                  analysis     analysis
                                           Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

The deliverables of the Analysis are :
 Detailed description of
            Processes and Activities
            Views, Workflows and Wizards
            Access rights
            Reports and Data Model
 Detailed interface description
 Infrastructure setup
 High level Test Plan
 Review workload estimates and planning
Project Support – phase by phase

 Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Development      Integration
                analysis     analysis
                                        Developments   s & Unit tests      tests

The deliverables of the Developments are :
 Software configuration
 Custom modules
 Data Import tools
 Test plan
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Developments    Integration
               analysis     analysis   Developments    & Unit tests      tests

OpenERP will assist the partner in :
 Training the partner on the various tools and methodologies
     Analysis templates
     Analysis best practice
 Validate the analysis :
     The feasibility
     The functional and technical choices
     The final estimates
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Developments    Integration
               analysis     analysis   Developments    & Unit tests      tests

OpenERP will assist the partner in :
 Setting Runbot Buildbot
 Code review for custom modules
 Bug correction (reporting, following,...)
 Data mapping for data import
Project Support – phase by phase

 Detailed      Functional   Technical                   Developments    Integration
                analysis     analysis    Developments    & Unit tests      tests

Partner will be in charge of:
  Prepare the analysis:
      Agree Process definition and workflows
      Design the new views and wizards
      Define access rights
      Define interfaces
  Perform developments (process, interfaces, migrations scripts)
  Unit test the code
  Perform integration testing including interfaces and migration
Project Support – phase by phase

 Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Developments    Integration
                analysis     analysis   Developments    & Unit tests      tests

Knowledge to be transferred during that stage:

  Methodology and templates to perform a detailed analysis
  Tools to design screen mock-ups
  Functional expertise on OpenERP
  Knowledge about how to customize reports, view, access rights
  Technical knowledge to interface OpenERP with other software
  Expertise about assessing the development time required to meet
  customer’s requirements to finalise the cost estimate
Project Support – phase by phase

Detailed      Functional   Technical                  Developments    Integration
               analysis     analysis   Developments    & Unit tests      tests

Knowledge to be transferred during that

 Development best practices
 How to set up a Runbot/ Buildbot
 Methodologies for bug reporting in OpenERP
 How to import data into OpenERP
 How to test OpenERP
Project Support – phase by phase

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

The Client Testing purpose is to

    Train the client End Users
    Handover the application to the client
    Allow the client to perform end to end testing including:
                 Access rights
    Put in place the support tools (Bugs shared view,
Project Support – phase by phase

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

Bugs shared view
Project Support – phase by phase

 Client testing   User training   Acceptance

The deliverables of the Client Testing (UAT) are :

  Training material
  User guides
  Full test report
  Approval for production deployment
Project Support – phase by phase

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

OpenERP will assist the partner in :
 Creating the support processes through OpenERP
 Training the partner on how to report a bug to OpenERP
Project Support – phase by phase

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

Partner will be in charge of :
 Write the training material
 Prepare the user guides
 Support the testing team
 Set the support process up through OpenERP
 Report the bugs to OpenERP
Project Support – phase by phase

Client testing   User training   Acceptance

Knowledge to be transferred during that stage:
 How to provide an efficient OpenERP training and building
 training materials
 How to use OpenERP to deliver high quality support to the
Project Support – phase by phase

                  Live                            Warranty       Post
Deployment    environment
                                        Go live    period    Deployment   L1 support   L2 support
                release                           support      support

   The (post) Deployment purpose is

       Deliver the solution into the production server
       Migrate the data if any
       Launch the production activities
       Support users (Question / bug fixing,...)
Project Support – phase by phase

                  Live                            Warranty       Post
Deployment    environment
                                        Go live    period    Deployment   L1 support   L2 support
                release                           support      support

   OpenERP will assist the partner in:

       Solving Core OpenERP bugs covered by OE
       Support complex bugs solving

Note that OE is applicable since project day 1 for all
                 Core OpenERP Bugs
Project Support – phase by phase

                  Live                            Warranty       Post
Deployment    environment
                                        Go live    period    Deployment   L1 support   L2 support
                release                           support      support

   Partner will be in charge of:

       Deploying the production environment
       Smoke test the environment
       Migrate the data
       Cover the warranty period
       Provide L1/L2 support as agreed in SLA
       Maintain the OpenERP bug shared view
Purpose and Objectives

OpenERP = Software editor
Working with partners = our core Business
   Go to Market strength
Partner = OpenERP’s Image at Client side
Partner = Selling OpenERP’s brand
Partner & OpenERP’s responsibility to succeed
     => IT IS a SHARED challenge
The Challenge

OpenERP = Software editor
Working with partners = our core Business
   Go to Market strength
Partner = OpenERP’s Image at Client side
Partner = Selling OpenERP’s brand
Partner & OpenERP’s responsibility to succeed
     => IT IS a SHARED challenge

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OpenERP- Partner First Project Support

  • 2. It starts with … YOU HAVE A PROJECT !
  • 4. Tell us about it ! • we integrate your project in our CRM • we secure the lead • we make it manageable from your partner portal
  • 5. Your forecast is our forecast ! Partners’ forecast and OpenERP’s forecast should be aligned We stay in sync with your forecast through the partner review meetings Assess your resources and specify the OpenERP involvement and revenue split
  • 7. Standard split of revenues 7 Partner OpenERP 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% The revenue and related services are split 85%-15% between Partner and OpenERP. Traditional ERP publishers take 35% of the project revenue!
  • 8. Need more info to convince ? The partner portal
  • 9. The partner portal 9 Get samples of brochures, presentation slides, comparison with competitors, contracts, RFP templates, implementation methodology,… in your partner portal.
  • 10. Back to the project … how much it cost ?
  • 11. Checklist Do you know what it takes to qualify and estimate a project completely ?
  • 12. Next steps OpenERP suggested approach • Software Assessment done 1 • Professional Analysis 2 No free pre sales • Implementation 3 Free Billed Billed but deducted from the implementation quote
  • 13. Why selling a pre analysis ? • If you succeed, you exclude competitors • It limits the risk of irrelevant project cost estimation • It builds up intimacy and trust with the customer, leading to higher implementation quotes • We are cheaper than the competitors as there is no license costs but we don’t offer free services
  • 14. When to sell the pre-analysis? Only once the customer is excited and convinced by the product Even if he is still assessing competitors solutions
  • 16. Engage us in your sales visits ! • introduce us to your prospect • Contact builds trust • We can help selling the pre-analysis and the Enterprise contract
  • 17. Build a long term vision Avoid the one shot Trigger a reflection on their 2y-3y business initiatives Sell a roadmap
  • 19. A pain ? Do I have the ressources ?
  • 20. Subcontract to avoid bottlenecks Don’t be slowed down by a lack of resources. We can help you deliver successfully. Problem Solution No project manager OpenERP consulting Need a functional expert OpenERP consulting Not enough developers OpenERP Offshore developers No time to train employees/customers Official training/webinar Wasting time on technical issues OpenERP Enterprise Need to migrate custom instance Custom module migration
  • 22. Supporting partners, but HOW? GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning Detailed Functional Technical OpenERP Enterprise OpenERP Enterprise analysis analysis analysis Developments Integration Developments & Unit tests tests User Client testing User training Acceptance testing Live Data Warranty Deployment environment migration Go live period support release Post Deployment L1 support L2 support support
  • 23. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning The purpose of the Gap Analysis is to Evaluate the project scope Determine the customization level which will be required Assess the investments required Plan the project Organise the project governance
  • 24. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning HOW? Step 1: Company Mind Maps – Interviews:
  • 25. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning HOW? Step 2: Key Users Mind Maps – Interviews:
  • 26. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning HOW? Step 3: Define the GAPS and Estimates: List the GAP’s Weight the GAP’s : • Complexity • Analysis • Development
  • 27. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning HOW? Step 3: Define the GAPS and Estimates: Estimation based on: • Project Management • Analysis • Development • Testing • Migration • Deployment • Support
  • 28. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning HOW? Step 4: Plan the Project Plan the project trying to phase development in small sprints: • short analysis/development time => Quick in customer’s hand => Be AGILE
  • 29. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning The deliverables of the Gap Analysis are : Gap Analysis reporting (Needs, Scope, Risks, GAP’s) Gap Analysis Matrix Project Road map Financial estimate Agreement on validation process and project
  • 30. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning OpenERP will assist the partner in : Training the partner on the various tools and methodologies Mind Maps Estimation sheet,... Reviewing the Partner’s Gap Analysis Performing the work load estimate together with the Partner Providing a matrix to estimate the overhaul cost
  • 31. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning Partner will be in charge of: Conducting the customer interviews Filling the Gap Analysis Matrix Performing the work load estimate together with OpenERP Preparing the detailed project planning Setting up the project organisation (governance, project management tools, reporting, ...) Defining with customer the validation process at the various level
  • 32. Project Support – phase by phase GAP-analysis POC GAP-analysis Estimation Planning Knowledge to be transferred during that stage: Tools to conduct end user interviews (Mind Maps) Tools to report the Gap Analysis (Gap analysis matrix) Gap analysis documentation : Needs, Scope, Risks (planning, pending decisions), GAP’s Functional expertise on OpenERP Expertise about assessing the development time required
  • 33. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis The Analysis purpose is to Design the solution Validate the solution Finalise the development estimation from both a functional and technical point of view The Development purpose is to Implement the solution, Test the solution Validate the solution with Key Users
  • 34. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis BE AGILE Short Project Cycles: • Increase Project visibility with client (demo’s, user tests,...) • Keep control of requirements (quick technical and functional validation) • Increase quality (early testing allows you to identify issues early and solve them)
  • 35. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis How to analyse: Use the Detailed analysis template to define: Process description and workflows
  • 36. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis Views and wizards using mockups
  • 37. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis Access rights Objects User type 1 User type 2 User Type 3 Rights Rights Rights Name CRUD C R Address,… No D U “Rights” = access rights. “C” = create : user can create a new value for the object, ”R” = read : user can read/access the object, “U” = update : user can modify an existing object, “D” = delete : user can delete an existing object, “No”: user has no access to the object.
  • 38. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis Change requests Change Request Flow
  • 39. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis The deliverables of the Analysis are : Detailed description of Processes and Activities Views, Workflows and Wizards Access rights Reports and Data Model Detailed interface description Infrastructure setup High level Test Plan Review workload estimates and planning
  • 40. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Development Integration analysis analysis Developments s & Unit tests tests analysis The deliverables of the Developments are : Software configuration Custom modules Interfaces Data Import tools Test plan
  • 41. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Developments Integration analysis analysis Developments & Unit tests tests analysis OpenERP will assist the partner in : Training the partner on the various tools and methodologies Analysis templates Analysis best practice Validate the analysis : The feasibility The functional and technical choices The final estimates
  • 42. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Developments Integration analysis analysis Developments & Unit tests tests analysis OpenERP will assist the partner in : Setting Runbot Buildbot Code review for custom modules Bug correction (reporting, following,...) Data mapping for data import
  • 43. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Developments Integration analysis analysis Developments & Unit tests tests analysis Partner will be in charge of: Prepare the analysis: Agree Process definition and workflows Design the new views and wizards Define access rights Define interfaces Perform developments (process, interfaces, migrations scripts) Unit test the code Perform integration testing including interfaces and migration
  • 44. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Developments Integration analysis analysis Developments & Unit tests tests analysis Knowledge to be transferred during that stage: Methodology and templates to perform a detailed analysis Tools to design screen mock-ups Functional expertise on OpenERP Knowledge about how to customize reports, view, access rights Technical knowledge to interface OpenERP with other software Expertise about assessing the development time required to meet customer’s requirements to finalise the cost estimate
  • 45. Project Support – phase by phase Detailed Functional Technical Developments Integration analysis analysis Developments & Unit tests tests analysis Knowledge to be transferred during that stage: Development best practices How to set up a Runbot/ Buildbot Methodologies for bug reporting in OpenERP How to import data into OpenERP How to test OpenERP
  • 46. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing The Client Testing purpose is to Train the client End Users Handover the application to the client Allow the client to perform end to end testing including: Application Interfaces Access rights Outputs Reports Put in place the support tools (Bugs shared view, governance,...)
  • 47. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing Bugs shared view
  • 48. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing The deliverables of the Client Testing (UAT) are : Training material User guides Full test report Approval for production deployment
  • 49. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing OpenERP will assist the partner in : Creating the support processes through OpenERP Training the partner on how to report a bug to OpenERP
  • 50. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing Partner will be in charge of : Write the training material Prepare the user guides Support the testing team Set the support process up through OpenERP Report the bugs to OpenERP
  • 51. Project Support – phase by phase User Client testing User training Acceptance testing Knowledge to be transferred during that stage: How to provide an efficient OpenERP training and building training materials How to use OpenERP to deliver high quality support to the customer
  • 52. Project Support – phase by phase Live Warranty Post Data Deployment environment migration Go live period Deployment L1 support L2 support release support support The (post) Deployment purpose is Deliver the solution into the production server Migrate the data if any Launch the production activities Support users (Question / bug fixing,...)
  • 53. Project Support – phase by phase Live Warranty Post Data Deployment environment migration Go live period Deployment L1 support L2 support release support support OpenERP will assist the partner in: Solving Core OpenERP bugs covered by OE Support complex bugs solving Note that OE is applicable since project day 1 for all Core OpenERP Bugs
  • 54. Project Support – phase by phase Live Warranty Post Data Deployment environment migration Go live period Deployment L1 support L2 support release support support Partner will be in charge of: Deploying the production environment Smoke test the environment Migrate the data Cover the warranty period Provide L1/L2 support as agreed in SLA Maintain the OpenERP bug shared view
  • 55. Purpose and Objectives OpenERP = Software editor Working with partners = our core Business Go to Market strength Scalability Localization Partner = OpenERP’s Image at Client side Partner = Selling OpenERP’s brand Partner & OpenERP’s responsibility to succeed projects => IT IS a SHARED challenge
  • 56. The Challenge OpenERP = Software editor Working with partners = our core Business Go to Market strength Scalability Localization Partner = OpenERP’s Image at Client side Partner = Selling OpenERP’s brand Partner & OpenERP’s responsibility to succeed projects => IT IS a SHARED challenge