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If the lead wish an Entreprise-wide System, then present the global
          Why an implementation memento ?                                     solution that Open ERP provides.

Our experience has shown us that the implementation speed                     Tip: If you have too much unqualified leads, a good mean to test a lead's
                                                                              interest in the product is to invite him to come in your office for a demo
varies from simple to double depending on the methodology
                                                                              instead of you moving on site.
used for implementation. The methodology is therefore crucial to
reap the full benefits of an implementation.
                                                                              Goals      ✔ Help the customer to take a decision
Keys benefits of an efficient methodology are:                                           ✔ Sell pre-study
                                                                              Responsible A salesman is responsible for this phase.
     1.    Faster company growth.
           Frequently the implementation process is decelerate                Tips:
           because of a bottleneck issue related to HR. As an                 (i) The Salesman may be a junior under the supervision of its Sales
           example, a key project's manager is usually in charge for          Manager.
           every steps of the implementation. With the consequence            (ii) The salesman may be accompanied by a Project Manager for
           that this high level manager – already fully engaged in            major leads. Important: The Salesman is making the demo – he is
           one project - can hardly works on another one. This                the pro -, the project manager answers to sharp questions
           situation forced some companies to refuse projects.
           To grow faster, you must reduce dependence on high-                First meeting
           level managers by the distribution of management                   The important step on this phase is the first meeting. Here is its
           between multiple profiles.                                         canvas:
     2.    Quicker delivery.                                                           ➊ Presentation of the client → Listen
           ERP integrations are complex. An efficient methodology                      ➋ Presentation of your company and product
           allows you to specialised roles and get trained employees
                                                                                                  → Slide show
           that are quickly ready to deliver.
     3.    Risk mitigation.                                                                  → Online demo of OpenERP
           By working through a systematic approach, you can
                                                                                         ❸     Questions to the customer about his business and
           continuously improve yourself.
                                                                                                      → Company description
To integrate Open ERP, two radically different approaches can be
applied. The package approach is an integration mode that is low
cost, generic, with few developments to be done. This approach
goes from Open ERP generic to customer's needs. An important
point here is that your finality is not to describe the client's current
processes but an Open ERP solution. At the opposite a custom
approach is used when the client's business is weakly cover by
Open ERP generic. This approach goes from customer's needs
analysis to Open ERP solution. it is usually reserved for very large

In the following, we describe a methodology for the package
After reading this memento, you should have a clear vision on how
to improve your efficiency and the profitability of your Open ERP
projects by applying a package approach.

Implementation phases:

                                                                                         ➎ Discussion about methodology and next steps
                                                                                             → Slides about our methodology

                                                                              Within a few days following the meeting, you must send the
                                                                              following deliverables to your lead :
                                                                                         ✎   Fisrt meeting minutes and pre-study quotation
                                                                                         ✎    Slides show on your product and the company
                                                                                         ✎   Methodological slides
                     A typical project time line
                                                                                  PHASE 2. PRE-STUDY (8 days + options)
A typical implementation project is made of four main phases, each links
to specifics goals, responsible, tasks and deliverables. They are described   Introduction
in the following.                                                             Your lead has been converted! Great, it means that the pre-study
                                                                              contract is signed and a analysis of requirements will be conducted.
Important note: pre-study phase, implementation phase and after sales
services are associated to specific contracts (see supra).
                                                                              It is more than ever the time to convince your client about your
                                                                              capacity to fit the needs with an Open ERP solution.
To make this memento maximum benefit, we have placed in it many
links to valuable templates (quotes, mind maps, project scope board,          Tip: Create project in Open ERP and plan time for project manager
etc.).    Hoping that this will enable you to facilitate your
implementation projects, we hope you enjoy reading!                           Goals      ✔ Reassure the client : needs fitting, ROI
                                                                                         ✔ Get the full scope of the project to be able to quote
     PHASE 1. FIRST CONTACTS (½ – 1 day)                                                 ✔ Sell an implementation
                                                                              Responsible Project manager (PM) & the client's project manager
The first contacts between parties are the occasion for both parts to         Client's project manager: a person responsible for the ERP project on the
create a first opinion about their counterpart. Could it be a true            client's side. He is the contact point with your company. Ideally the
opportunity? Does the investment worth the case? Etc. The aim here            client's project manager should know the company well, both its specific
is to impress with the value of the product, the quality of your              quirks and its different standard cross-company processes. It is crucial
method and to show the fields of the possible improvements Open               the client's project has a sufficient weight in its organisation, since he/she
ERP will provide.                                                             endorse the role of validator of the deliverables.

During the first contacts, it is important to clarify the request:            Preparation Knowledge transfer between salesman and PM
If the lead is interested only, for instance, in CRM and sales
management, present Open ERP as a suite of integrated softwares               Training
solutions for business management. Indeed a client may be                     The client's project manager should be trained now on Open ERP.
interested only in one or two modules at first but add other                  Although, some customers prefer wait an implementation contract is
management systems later on. So, the message to get across is that            signed before invest more, the training – given by a certified trainer -
the different Open ERP features can be installed gradually, thus              is a necessary step to establish an effective relationship with the
limiting the risks.                                                           integrator and to detect problems rapidly. The training received is
functional. Optionally, on client request, it may be extend by a                                            Ask then the client's project manager to rank each requirement
technical training.                                                                                         according to its priority level (from 1 for cosmetic to 10 for top level
Meeting & interviews
         ➊ Meeting with the board executive of the client (½ - 1                                            Tip: A good negociation practice when the contract is discussed is to
day)                                                                                                        not decrease the price but the number of features to be
         Goal: get a dedicated analysis of the need:                                                        implemented.
                                                                                                            Option 1 Interviews of end users (3-5 days)
              •      → listen & reformulate (use mindmap Open ERP
                     Project )                                                                              Context: When the client's project manager does not know perfectly
              •      → get feedback on first deliverables                                                   all needs or when there is a need to prepare the employees to the
                                                                                                            change, you can suggest to plan interviews with (some of) the end
                                                                                                            Process: The interviews sessions are the same as the one describe

                                                                                                            Option 2 Implement a use case (3-10 days)
                                                                                                            Context: When the client is not sure OpenERP perfectly fit the needs
                                                                                                            or when you need to convince the managers, a use case is the best
                                                                                                            way to attest to Open ERP solution.
                                                                                                                    •     Writing of use cases with the client's project manager
                                                                                                                    •     Testing / parametrization (Who: PM)
              ➋ Interviews with keys managers/users (3 days)
              Goal: get a description of all departments activities                                                 •     Presentation to client (Who: PM)

              •      → Interview session:                                                                           •     Validation (Who: client's project manager)

                     ◦       2 hours of interview by departement                                            A 'use case' describe a business process applied by business actors
                     ◦       1 hour for writing / cleaning                                                  to achieve their goals (e.g., manual payment processing, expense
                                                                                                            report approval, manage corporate real estate).
                                                                                                            Ideally, the use case cover a flow large enough to be representative
                                                                                                            of a whole process. It illustrates a standard business process with a
                                                                                                            short text and a diagram.
                     ◦       ½ hour for reviewing with interviewee                                          See a tutorial on:
              •      → Report interview on Interviews mindmap↴
                                                                                                            Tip:When selecting a use case, the best option is to choose a case fully
                                                                                                            cover by Open ERP, which is more attractive and convincing for decision

                                                                                                            ✎   Mind map Interviews
                                                                                                            ✎   Project scope → A scope summary
                                                                                                            ✎   A quote for the full project → Example of integration quotation
                                                                                                                    •     Fixed price
                                                                                                                    •     Estimate for time and materials
                                                                                                            ✎   Planning → Example of integration planning
   If some process remain uncleared, help yourself with an (open
sources) process designer. Draw the flow and ask the interviewee its
                                                                                                            ✎   Integration contract
                             feedback.                                                                      Tips:
                                                                                                            (i) It is obvious that your understanding of the detailed customer
                                                                                                            needs is not perfect after a few days. However we believe it is
                                                                                                            sufficient to quote at the following conditions:
                                                                                                                  •> Critical phases (end user training, data importation) are on
                                                                                                            time and materials
                                                                                                                 •> We keep the right to review quote after the detailed analysis
                                                                                                            (ii) If the delivery date has been fixed, make a retro-planning.

                                                                                                                        PHASE 3. IMPLEMENTATION (90 days)
                                                                                                            Now, we are in! The two first phases make a success: the
                                                                                                            implementation contract is signed. Some negociations could still last
                                                                                                            for a while but the phase to come is no more a sales step. At this
                                                                                                            phase, a solution will be designed, developed and deployed.
                     Use Case - A flow diagram sample
                                                                                                            Phase 3.1.              Analysis
After each interview, the mind map and the diagram(s) must be
validated by the interviewee. Since each interview reveals some of                                            At the end of this phase, the customer can see the final
the functional perimeter of the project, complete the project scope                                           result! This allows a fast feedback.
with requirements gradually (see Project scope below↴).
                                                                                                            Goals         ✔ Describe and validate the solution: screens and
The project scope                                                                                           processes
Altogether, the interviews permit you to delineate the whole project
                                                                                                                          ✔ Review quotation (optional)
scope. When all the requirements have been placed in the project
scope fill in the field Open ERP cover, and the field estimated effort                                                    ✔ Deliver a reviewed planning
(see Project scope):
                                                                                                            Responsible PM & Client's project manager
                                      Project Scope
                                                                   OpenERP Estimated                Rank
 Id. Functionality                  Description
                                                                    cover    effort                 value   Solution design
   1 CRM             Standard applications OpenERP                       80,00%           2 days     10     For any requirement not covered by Open ERP at 100% (See project
                     Modularity of pricelist
                     Profiling (client type, product type, zone,
                                                                                                            scope.xls), a task (with its attachments) is created in OpenERP by
                                                                                                            the PM.
   2 DMS             ...                                                 100,00%                     10
   3 Sales           ...                                                 65,00%           4 days     8      A task is a short description of the solution - not the need - with the
   4 Stock           ...                                                      ...             ...    ...    full specifications of screens changes and notes on features to be
   5 Ac c ounting
     Acc             ...                                                      ...             ...    ...    improved:
   6 ...             ...                                                      ...             ...    ...
     ...             ...                                           ...              ...              ...
Task Id.: MRP_1 - Manufacturing order: useability improvement
We need to improve the manufacturing order form in trunk. The main
reasons are: ability to easily manage partial productions, lots & serial
number encoding, scrapping wrong products.
Full specifications of screen to change:

                                                                             2.       Use Case
                                                                           See Phase 2, Options 2.

                                                                                      ✎          Open   ERP   analyse    →   Example   of   project
                                                                                      ✎     A reviewed quotation (optional)
                                                                                      ✎     An updated planning (optional)

                                                                                             Phase 3.2.             Interface
                                                                           After this first development step, the client will be able to
                                                                           test the solution and organize workshop with end users for
                                                                           quick feedback and task reviewing

                                                                           Goals      ✔ Develop all screens and menus
                                                                                      ✔ Generate demonstration data
                                                                                                   → The result is visionable since this stage.
Technical notes: /                                                                    ✔ Get them validated by the client through workshop
                                                                                      ✔ Annex to contract:
                                                                                             ▪     When the customer wish to change initial
                                                                                                   specifications after viewing interface
                                                                                             ▪     It implies a feasability study
Note: to consult full specifications of this sample task see:                                ▪     Tell the client about the impact on budget and                                           planning
Once all the tasks – or solution design - have been reviewed by the
client's project manager ask him to sign the update project
scope.xls with mention « tasks approved » (update the document             Tip: Entire value added is given at the end of this phase. Thanks to a
with a column with the links to tasks Id.).                                quick feedback gaps are detected as early as possible.

Tip: If it does not seem possible to describe a task within 10 lines,      Responsible Developers & PM
split it into sub-tasks.
                                                                           Development of screens

Two tools can be used for solution design                                  The developer is in charge of the developments. On the ground of
                                                                           specifications he should be able to conceive all the screens. The task
     1.    The diagrams editor Dia                                         may consist to create new screens or adapt existing one in Open
Dia is a screens and workflows designer.                                   The PM checks the developments and demonster a scenario to the

For screen design, an Open ERP interface was developed. It allows          Scenario
you to import in dia Open ERP views (shapes and screens) and to
modify them on purpose.                                                    A scenario to show the match of developments with specifications
                                                                           (see also use cases)
      Steps to install the Open ERP interface of Dia:
                                                                           Demo Data
      ➔     extract the plug in dia in your home directory. This zip is         •     Goal: illustrate the scenario with real data conformed to
available following this link: plug in dia                                            the client's business
      ➔    then log as super_user and put the file under             •     Data should be generic to a sector to make them re-
      ~/.dia/python                                                                   usable
      ➔     after extracting dot_dia in your home directory, start Dia          •     Install module 'Recorder' so that you can record data in a
      as a normal user. All shapes are under sheet "OpenERP                           separate module.
      Interface Sheet"
                                                                           Note: The base_module_record module can be used to export a set of
      To load OpenERP views,                                               changes in the form of a new module. It should be used for all
      ➔    click on the menus Tools > Load Open ERP                        customizations (including demo data) that should be carried on
                                                                           through migrations and updates.
      ➔   now specify proper URL, database name, login user and
      password                                                             Branch bazaar on launchpad
      ➔    select a view to import
                                                                           Launchpad is a software collaboration platform that provides bug
      Then you can see your imported view in a current diagram:            tracking, code hosting using Bazaar and code review among others
                                                                                ➢     See

                                                                           Your branch bazaar will contain at least 2 modules:

                                                                           Module 'Profile'. The purpose of a profile is to initialize Open ERP
                                                                           with a set of modules directly after the database has been created.
A profile is a special kind of module that contains no code, only         The analysis has revealed the list of reports to adapt or to develop
dependencies on other modules.                                            (see document 'Project scope'). During this phase, new Open ERP
                                                                          reports will be designed, developed, delivered and approved by the
Module 'Demo data'. The data module is make dependant of the
module profile to assure a automatic downloading of data each time        Note: (i) There are two types of reports in OpenERP. Any printable
the 'Profile ' is installed.                                              document like a sales order, a purchase order, an invoice, etc. is a
                                                                          first type of report. Statistical reports (postgres sql object) are a
Workshops. The client gives its remarks and indicates what he do          second type.
not accept and why (modifications to do to reach specifications).
Once a development is accepted, the client signs for it.                  Goals    ✔ Produce appropriated template of reports
                                                                                   ✔ Get them approved by the client
Annex to contract
After the prototype's review, the client may want to change some of
                                                                          Responsible The developer
the specifications to cope more closely with its needs.
In this case, the developer notes the request and informs the PM
                                                                          Design & development
that a change request has come.
                                                                          It is appropriate to ask the client a copy of each report to be
                                                                          modified or add in Open ERP:
     1.     the PM design a solution, quote and plan.                          •      Reports from customers
     2.     once the client has signed the proposal, the development           •      Reports or documents for internal use
            of the interface starts.
Finally, the signed document is annexed to the initial contract.               •      Reports and documents to customers.
Invoicing                                                                      1.     Draw each report on a sheet
As mentioned in contract template (see Phase 4), the PM send two               2.     Ask the client to validate each template
invoices every month to its client:                                            3.     Once a report is validated, start development
     •     One invoice for 'fixed' services and,
                                                                               •      All the reports template
     •     One invoice for 'time and materials'.
                                                                               •      The 'project scope' document properly completed by the
Deliverable A working version on OpenERP that has all screens                         client
adapted to the customer need. Demonstration data are set.                             ◦    each line in the column 'validate report' is sign by
                                                                                           the client
Phase 3.3.            Data importation (30 days)
Context                                                                   Phase 3.6.            Deployment        &   parametrization        (6
The importation process can start once the screens are validated
since the db scheme is now fixed.
Workload for data importation is hard to estimate this is why the
integrator sell the consultancy days in time and materials.
                                                                          Deployment is the process of putting a Open ERP database into a
Data importation can be done in parallel with the remaining
                                                                          production-ready state where it can be used by everyone for their
implementation phases.
                                                                          daily work. You’d usually configure Open ERP and load data into it on
                                                                          one development system, train staff on that or another training
There are different methods to import your data into Open ERP:
                                                                          system and deploy it onto a production system that has better
          Through web-service interface                                  protection against failure, better security and more performance.
          Building a module with .XML or .CSV files with the content
                                                                          Goals        ✔ Deliver product
          Using an ETL
                                                                                           •     Test all cases
Whatever the technical solution choosed to import data, it is critical                     •     Make parametrization (security rules, groups,
that the whole importation is done automatically using scripts,                                  …)
without any manual operations. As there will be several intermediary
import, the import process must be strictly defined.                                       •     Make each delivery validate by the client
                                                                                      ✔ Train end users
Responsible The client is responsible for data import.
                                                                          Responsible PM
The designated agent (the client's project manager or someone else        The PM should be present during and after the delivery (see
with a technical profile) had received a technical training on Open       warranty) to assure a technical and a functional support.

The integrator can sell days of consultancy 'time and materials' to       Deployment Options
help the client in the migration process                                  To deploy Open ERP in a company, several options are available to
                                                                               •      an SaaS (Software as a Service) or on Demand offer
Phase 3.4.            The logical layer (1day/workflow )                              which includes the equipment, the hosting, the
                                                                                      maintenance and the support on a system configured to
At the end of the phase the whole solution will be working                            client's needs in advance,
and tested by the customer. They will be no report yet , nor
customer data in the solution.                                                 •      an internal installation, that have managed by the IT
                                                                                      services of the integrator,
The logical layer correspond to the implementation of all business        Deployment Procedure
rules and logic.                                                          The deployment of a version of Open ERP is make easier when the
                                                                          server has been configured in the production environment. The
The goals here are: ✔ Develop logic,
                                                                          security of the data will then be a key element.
                     ✔ Test all use cases                                 When you’ve installed the server you should create at least two
                     ✔ Test all buttons of the interface                  databases:
Responsible Developer & PM for testing final solution                          •      a test or development database, in which the users can
Deliverables                                                                          test the system and familiarize themselves with it,
     •     A working version is OpenERP that integrate all the                 •    a production database which will be the one used by the
           business logic and computed fields                                       company in daily use.
     •     The 'project scope' document properly completed by the         You should test the data module in the development version and
           client                                                         check that it doesn’t require any more manual adjustments. If the
                                                                          import runs correctly, it shows that you’re ready to load data in the
           ◦    each line in the column 'validate logic' is sign by the
                                                                          production database.
                                                                          You can use the Open ERP database backup procedure at different
Phase 3.5.            Reports (1-2 days / reports)
                                                                          stages of configuration (see Installation and Initial Setup). Then if
                                                                          you’ve made a false step that you can’t recover from you can always
 At the end of this phases, everything will work. The next
                                                                          return to a prior state.
 step will be validate with customer's own data.
                                                                          Since your data describes much of your company’s value, take
                                                                          particular care both when you need to transfer it (in backups and
                                                                          across your network) and when you’re managing the super-

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administrator pass- word.    Make sure that the connection between           up in order to hold our customers informed as soon as
a PC client and the two servers is correctly secured.                        possible, and to provide a correction before the fault does
                                                                             become public.
You can configure Open ERP to use the HTTPS protocol, which              •
provides security for data transfer
                                                                         •   Finally, the    maintenance contract      provides the
You could also use the PostgreSQL database directly to backup and            opportunity for the end user to work live with the Open
restore data on the server, depending on access rights and the               ERP editor which will verify the quality of the modules
availability of passwords for the server.                                    developed    by the partner       through    a   quality
End-users training                                                       •
The training of end users can start when a developement database
is ready to use.                                                         •   Brochures:
                                                                         •   ✎   Maintenance
It will not work perfectly, directly ! During the next two - three       •   ✎   Support
months it is important to be present at client's site:                   •
     •     to assist end-users                                           •   If you wish more informations on support and
     •    to react rapidly when troubles are detected in production          maintenance contract, contact us at
After 2 months, everyone will be happy !                                 •
                                                                                           •   CONCLUSION
         Phase 4. AFTER SALES SERVICES                                   •
                                                                         •   The repetitive use of a same methodology helps to
Maintenance and support are critical for your long term success.             improve the follow up of projects and to increase speed of
The support aims to ensure that end users get the maximum                    developements and quality of deliverables.
productivity from their use of Open ERP answering questions to the       •
use of the system.
The maintenance aims to ensure that the system itself continues to
                                                                         •   The goal of the present memento was to give a general
                                                                             framework for OpenERP implementation in package
function as required. It includes system upgrades, which give you
access to the latest functionality available.
Support Contract                                                         •   The method described here is compatible only with agile
The Open ERP editor sell support contracts to its partners. The
                                                                             project management. Indeed the client is involved in all
partners can then sell their own support contracts to their clients or
                                                                             stages, with short decision cycles and high reactivity to
ask the editor to take this in charge.
                                                                             client's feedback in order to reach a solution that fits the
The support contract is a fixed time contract; the amount of
                                                                             actual needs.
interventions is fixed in credits time (or interventions units).
The contract includes any request for a functional help or a technical   •
help that is not bug fixing.                                                 ◦    The strenght and perennity of Open ERP is
Example of functional help: a customer parametrize mistakingly the                grounded on its community. So, if you wish to give
sales flow of his company and the sales order status did not evolved              us a feedback on this memento PLEASE send us
to a request status when pressing validation button.                              your comments at
Example of technical support: a customer develop a new accounting
view in xml but made a syntax error involving the view does not
appear properly.

→ Request processing
   A request comes to support via email or the phone. It is then
transmit to        the quality team for problem characterization at a
functional level. Two cases:
     •     the problem is link to user misuse of the software
           ◦     a functional help is provided
           ◦     imputation of the analytic account of client
     •     actual bug
           ◦     transmit the case to R&D
           ◦     bug fixing
           ◦     no imputation.
     •     Maintenance Contract
     •     The two true parts with the maintenance contract are the
           Open ERP editor and the final customer; the integrator
           partner has a role of intermediary. However, some
           partner integrates maintenace in their suppport contract.
     •     The maintenance contract is a fixed price contract; the
           cost and the period are fixed.
     •     The objective of this contract is to guarantee a perennial
           solution of the delivery to customers
     •     It includes:
     •     Guarantee of version migration
     •     Bug fixing
     •     Management of security alerts

     •                Guarantee of migration. Once the yearly
           version's upgrade is available, the editor provide a
           system for automated migration. He also guaranties a
           unlimited technical support.
     •                Bug fixing. The maintenance contract
           includes an unlimited guarantee for certified modules.
     •               Management of security alerts. An alarm
           system on possible problems of safety measures was set
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Published by Open Object Press, Grand Rosière, Belgium
OpenERP Implementation Memento
OpenERP Implementation Memento

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Agile and Scrum 101 – basics of Agile and Scrum Scrum in 100 words: • Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. • It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect actual working software (every two weeks to one month). • The business sets the priorities. Teams self-organize to determine the best way to deliver the highest priority features. • Every two weeks to a month anyone can see real working software and decide to release it as is or continue to enhance it for another sprint. In the presentation we discuss the basics of Agile and Scrum, the roles, ceremonies and artifacts. We add from our, from the trenches, lessons learned and better practices.

agile software developmentagile projectagile
2013 06 04_5806_case_manager_implementation__
2013 06 04_5806_case_manager_implementation__2013 06 04_5806_case_manager_implementation__
2013 06 04_5806_case_manager_implementation__

- The document discusses IBM's approach to deploying and delivering case management solutions to customers. It describes IBM's focus on providing comprehensive solutions, not just products, to address customer needs. - The solution workshop is summarized as a 3-5 day collaborative session between IBM and the customer to design an initial case management solution mockup and understand how IBM Case Manager can address business challenges. - An overview of IBM's prescriptive case management journey is provided, outlining stages from an initial pilot project to enterprise-wide adoption and the goals and maturity challenges at each stage.

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OpenERP Implementation Memento

  • 1. If the lead wish an Entreprise-wide System, then present the global Why an implementation memento ? solution that Open ERP provides. Our experience has shown us that the implementation speed Tip: If you have too much unqualified leads, a good mean to test a lead's interest in the product is to invite him to come in your office for a demo varies from simple to double depending on the methodology instead of you moving on site. used for implementation. The methodology is therefore crucial to reap the full benefits of an implementation. Goals ✔ Help the customer to take a decision Keys benefits of an efficient methodology are: ✔ Sell pre-study Responsible A salesman is responsible for this phase. 1. Faster company growth. Frequently the implementation process is decelerate Tips: because of a bottleneck issue related to HR. As an (i) The Salesman may be a junior under the supervision of its Sales example, a key project's manager is usually in charge for Manager. every steps of the implementation. With the consequence (ii) The salesman may be accompanied by a Project Manager for that this high level manager – already fully engaged in major leads. Important: The Salesman is making the demo – he is one project - can hardly works on another one. This the pro -, the project manager answers to sharp questions situation forced some companies to refuse projects. To grow faster, you must reduce dependence on high- First meeting level managers by the distribution of management The important step on this phase is the first meeting. Here is its between multiple profiles. canvas: 2. Quicker delivery. ➊ Presentation of the client → Listen ERP integrations are complex. An efficient methodology ➋ Presentation of your company and product allows you to specialised roles and get trained employees → Slide show that are quickly ready to deliver. 3. Risk mitigation. → Online demo of OpenERP By working through a systematic approach, you can ❸ Questions to the customer about his business and continuously improve yourself. needs → Company description To integrate Open ERP, two radically different approaches can be applied. The package approach is an integration mode that is low cost, generic, with few developments to be done. This approach goes from Open ERP generic to customer's needs. An important point here is that your finality is not to describe the client's current processes but an Open ERP solution. At the opposite a custom approach is used when the client's business is weakly cover by Open ERP generic. This approach goes from customer's needs analysis to Open ERP solution. it is usually reserved for very large projects. In the following, we describe a methodology for the package approach. After reading this memento, you should have a clear vision on how to improve your efficiency and the profitability of your Open ERP projects by applying a package approach. Implementation phases: ➎ Discussion about methodology and next steps → Slides about our methodology Deliverables Within a few days following the meeting, you must send the following deliverables to your lead : ✎ Fisrt meeting minutes and pre-study quotation ✎ Slides show on your product and the company ✎ Methodological slides A typical project time line PHASE 2. PRE-STUDY (8 days + options) A typical implementation project is made of four main phases, each links to specifics goals, responsible, tasks and deliverables. They are described Introduction in the following. Your lead has been converted! Great, it means that the pre-study contract is signed and a analysis of requirements will be conducted. Important note: pre-study phase, implementation phase and after sales services are associated to specific contracts (see supra). It is more than ever the time to convince your client about your capacity to fit the needs with an Open ERP solution. To make this memento maximum benefit, we have placed in it many links to valuable templates (quotes, mind maps, project scope board, Tip: Create project in Open ERP and plan time for project manager etc.). Hoping that this will enable you to facilitate your implementation projects, we hope you enjoy reading! Goals ✔ Reassure the client : needs fitting, ROI ✔ Get the full scope of the project to be able to quote PHASE 1. FIRST CONTACTS (½ – 1 day) ✔ Sell an implementation Responsible Project manager (PM) & the client's project manager Introduction The first contacts between parties are the occasion for both parts to Client's project manager: a person responsible for the ERP project on the create a first opinion about their counterpart. Could it be a true client's side. He is the contact point with your company. Ideally the opportunity? Does the investment worth the case? Etc. The aim here client's project manager should know the company well, both its specific is to impress with the value of the product, the quality of your quirks and its different standard cross-company processes. It is crucial method and to show the fields of the possible improvements Open the client's project has a sufficient weight in its organisation, since he/she ERP will provide. endorse the role of validator of the deliverables. During the first contacts, it is important to clarify the request: Preparation Knowledge transfer between salesman and PM If the lead is interested only, for instance, in CRM and sales management, present Open ERP as a suite of integrated softwares Training solutions for business management. Indeed a client may be The client's project manager should be trained now on Open ERP. interested only in one or two modules at first but add other Although, some customers prefer wait an implementation contract is management systems later on. So, the message to get across is that signed before invest more, the training – given by a certified trainer - the different Open ERP features can be installed gradually, thus is a necessary step to establish an effective relationship with the limiting the risks. integrator and to detect problems rapidly. The training received is
  • 2. functional. Optionally, on client request, it may be extend by a Ask then the client's project manager to rank each requirement technical training. according to its priority level (from 1 for cosmetic to 10 for top level priority). Meeting & interviews ➊ Meeting with the board executive of the client (½ - 1 Tip: A good negociation practice when the contract is discussed is to day) not decrease the price but the number of features to be Goal: get a dedicated analysis of the need: implemented. Option 1 Interviews of end users (3-5 days) • → listen & reformulate (use mindmap Open ERP Project ) Context: When the client's project manager does not know perfectly • → get feedback on first deliverables all needs or when there is a need to prepare the employees to the change, you can suggest to plan interviews with (some of) the end users Process: The interviews sessions are the same as the one describe upon. Option 2 Implement a use case (3-10 days) Context: When the client is not sure OpenERP perfectly fit the needs or when you need to convince the managers, a use case is the best way to attest to Open ERP solution. Process: • Writing of use cases with the client's project manager • Testing / parametrization (Who: PM) ➋ Interviews with keys managers/users (3 days) Goal: get a description of all departments activities • Presentation to client (Who: PM) • → Interview session: • Validation (Who: client's project manager) ◦ 2 hours of interview by departement A 'use case' describe a business process applied by business actors ◦ 1 hour for writing / cleaning to achieve their goals (e.g., manual payment processing, expense report approval, manage corporate real estate). Ideally, the use case cover a flow large enough to be representative of a whole process. It illustrates a standard business process with a short text and a diagram. ◦ ½ hour for reviewing with interviewee See a tutorial on: • → Report interview on Interviews mindmap↴ Tip:When selecting a use case, the best option is to choose a case fully cover by Open ERP, which is more attractive and convincing for decision makers. Deliverables ✎ Mind map Interviews ✎ Project scope → A scope summary ✎ A quote for the full project → Example of integration quotation • Fixed price • Estimate for time and materials ✎ Planning → Example of integration planning If some process remain uncleared, help yourself with an (open sources) process designer. Draw the flow and ask the interviewee its ✎ Integration contract feedback. Tips: (i) It is obvious that your understanding of the detailed customer needs is not perfect after a few days. However we believe it is sufficient to quote at the following conditions: •> Critical phases (end user training, data importation) are on time and materials •> We keep the right to review quote after the detailed analysis (ii) If the delivery date has been fixed, make a retro-planning. PHASE 3. IMPLEMENTATION (90 days) Introduction Now, we are in! The two first phases make a success: the implementation contract is signed. Some negociations could still last for a while but the phase to come is no more a sales step. At this phase, a solution will be designed, developed and deployed. Use Case - A flow diagram sample Phase 3.1. Analysis After each interview, the mind map and the diagram(s) must be validated by the interviewee. Since each interview reveals some of At the end of this phase, the customer can see the final the functional perimeter of the project, complete the project scope result! This allows a fast feedback. with requirements gradually (see Project scope below↴). Goals ✔ Describe and validate the solution: screens and The project scope processes Altogether, the interviews permit you to delineate the whole project ✔ Review quotation (optional) scope. When all the requirements have been placed in the project scope fill in the field Open ERP cover, and the field estimated effort ✔ Deliver a reviewed planning (see Project scope): Responsible PM & Client's project manager Project Scope OpenERP Estimated Rank Id. Functionality Description cover effort value Solution design 1 CRM Standard applications OpenERP 80,00% 2 days 10 For any requirement not covered by Open ERP at 100% (See project Modularity of pricelist Profiling (client type, product type, zone, scope.xls), a task (with its attachments) is created in OpenERP by salesman) ... the PM. 2 DMS ... 100,00% 10 3 Sales ... 65,00% 4 days 8 A task is a short description of the solution - not the need - with the 4 Stock ... ... ... ... full specifications of screens changes and notes on features to be 5 Ac c ounting Acc ... ... ... ... improved: 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Total:
  • 3. Task Id.: MRP_1 - Manufacturing order: useability improvement We need to improve the manufacturing order form in trunk. The main reasons are: ability to easily manage partial productions, lots & serial number encoding, scrapping wrong products. Full specifications of screen to change: 2. Use Case See Phase 2, Options 2. Deliverables ✎ Open ERP analyse → Example of project specifications ✎ A reviewed quotation (optional) ✎ An updated planning (optional) Phase 3.2. Interface After this first development step, the client will be able to test the solution and organize workshop with end users for quick feedback and task reviewing Goals ✔ Develop all screens and menus ✔ Generate demonstration data → The result is visionable since this stage. Technical notes: / ✔ Get them validated by the client through workshop ✔ Annex to contract: ▪ When the customer wish to change initial specifications after viewing interface ▪ It implies a feasability study Note: to consult full specifications of this sample task see: ▪ Tell the client about the impact on budget and planning Once all the tasks – or solution design - have been reviewed by the client's project manager ask him to sign the update project scope.xls with mention « tasks approved » (update the document Tip: Entire value added is given at the end of this phase. Thanks to a with a column with the links to tasks Id.). quick feedback gaps are detected as early as possible. Tip: If it does not seem possible to describe a task within 10 lines, Responsible Developers & PM split it into sub-tasks. Development of screens Two tools can be used for solution design The developer is in charge of the developments. On the ground of specifications he should be able to conceive all the screens. The task 1. The diagrams editor Dia may consist to create new screens or adapt existing one in Open ERP. Dia is a screens and workflows designer. The PM checks the developments and demonster a scenario to the client. For screen design, an Open ERP interface was developed. It allows Scenario you to import in dia Open ERP views (shapes and screens) and to modify them on purpose. A scenario to show the match of developments with specifications (see also use cases) Steps to install the Open ERP interface of Dia: Demo Data ➔ extract the plug in dia in your home directory. This zip is • Goal: illustrate the scenario with real data conformed to available following this link: plug in dia the client's business ➔ then log as super_user and put the file under • Data should be generic to a sector to make them re- ~/.dia/python usable ➔ after extracting dot_dia in your home directory, start Dia • Install module 'Recorder' so that you can record data in a as a normal user. All shapes are under sheet "OpenERP separate module. Interface Sheet" Note: The base_module_record module can be used to export a set of To load OpenERP views, changes in the form of a new module. It should be used for all ➔ click on the menus Tools > Load Open ERP customizations (including demo data) that should be carried on through migrations and updates. ➔ now specify proper URL, database name, login user and password Branch bazaar on launchpad ➔ select a view to import Launchpad is a software collaboration platform that provides bug Then you can see your imported view in a current diagram: tracking, code hosting using Bazaar and code review among others utilities. ➢ See Your branch bazaar will contain at least 2 modules: Module 'Profile'. The purpose of a profile is to initialize Open ERP with a set of modules directly after the database has been created.
  • 4. A profile is a special kind of module that contains no code, only The analysis has revealed the list of reports to adapt or to develop dependencies on other modules. (see document 'Project scope'). During this phase, new Open ERP reports will be designed, developed, delivered and approved by the client. Module 'Demo data'. The data module is make dependant of the module profile to assure a automatic downloading of data each time Note: (i) There are two types of reports in OpenERP. Any printable the 'Profile ' is installed. document like a sales order, a purchase order, an invoice, etc. is a first type of report. Statistical reports (postgres sql object) are a Workshops. The client gives its remarks and indicates what he do second type. not accept and why (modifications to do to reach specifications). Once a development is accepted, the client signs for it. Goals ✔ Produce appropriated template of reports ✔ Get them approved by the client Annex to contract After the prototype's review, the client may want to change some of Responsible The developer the specifications to cope more closely with its needs. In this case, the developer notes the request and informs the PM Design & development that a change request has come. It is appropriate to ask the client a copy of each report to be modified or add in Open ERP: Then, 1. the PM design a solution, quote and plan. • Reports from customers 2. once the client has signed the proposal, the development • Reports or documents for internal use of the interface starts. Finally, the signed document is annexed to the initial contract. • Reports and documents to customers. Then, Invoicing 1. Draw each report on a sheet As mentioned in contract template (see Phase 4), the PM send two 2. Ask the client to validate each template invoices every month to its client: 3. Once a report is validated, start development • One invoice for 'fixed' services and, Deliverables • All the reports template • One invoice for 'time and materials'. • The 'project scope' document properly completed by the Deliverable A working version on OpenERP that has all screens client adapted to the customer need. Demonstration data are set. ◦ each line in the column 'validate report' is sign by the client Phase 3.3. Data importation (30 days) Context Phase 3.6. Deployment & parametrization (6 The importation process can start once the screens are validated since the db scheme is now fixed. weeks) Workload for data importation is hard to estimate this is why the Introduction integrator sell the consultancy days in time and materials. Deployment is the process of putting a Open ERP database into a Data importation can be done in parallel with the remaining production-ready state where it can be used by everyone for their implementation phases. daily work. You’d usually configure Open ERP and load data into it on one development system, train staff on that or another training There are different methods to import your data into Open ERP: system and deploy it onto a production system that has better  Through web-service interface protection against failure, better security and more performance.  Building a module with .XML or .CSV files with the content Goals ✔ Deliver product  Using an ETL • Test all cases Whatever the technical solution choosed to import data, it is critical • Make parametrization (security rules, groups, that the whole importation is done automatically using scripts, …) without any manual operations. As there will be several intermediary import, the import process must be strictly defined. • Make each delivery validate by the client ✔ Train end users Responsible The client is responsible for data import. Responsible PM The designated agent (the client's project manager or someone else The PM should be present during and after the delivery (see with a technical profile) had received a technical training on Open warranty) to assure a technical and a functional support. ERP. The integrator can sell days of consultancy 'time and materials' to Deployment Options help the client in the migration process To deploy Open ERP in a company, several options are available to you: • an SaaS (Software as a Service) or on Demand offer Phase 3.4. The logical layer (1day/workflow ) which includes the equipment, the hosting, the maintenance and the support on a system configured to At the end of the phase the whole solution will be working client's needs in advance, and tested by the customer. They will be no report yet , nor customer data in the solution. • an internal installation, that have managed by the IT services of the integrator, Goal The logical layer correspond to the implementation of all business Deployment Procedure rules and logic. The deployment of a version of Open ERP is make easier when the server has been configured in the production environment. The The goals here are: ✔ Develop logic, security of the data will then be a key element. ✔ Test all use cases When you’ve installed the server you should create at least two ✔ Test all buttons of the interface databases: Responsible Developer & PM for testing final solution • a test or development database, in which the users can Deliverables test the system and familiarize themselves with it, • A working version is OpenERP that integrate all the • a production database which will be the one used by the business logic and computed fields company in daily use. • The 'project scope' document properly completed by the You should test the data module in the development version and client check that it doesn’t require any more manual adjustments. If the import runs correctly, it shows that you’re ready to load data in the ◦ each line in the column 'validate logic' is sign by the production database. client You can use the Open ERP database backup procedure at different Phase 3.5. Reports (1-2 days / reports) stages of configuration (see Installation and Initial Setup). Then if you’ve made a false step that you can’t recover from you can always At the end of this phases, everything will work. The next return to a prior state. step will be validate with customer's own data. Since your data describes much of your company’s value, take particular care both when you need to transfer it (in backups and Context across your network) and when you’re managing the super-
  • 5. administrator pass- word. Make sure that the connection between up in order to hold our customers informed as soon as a PC client and the two servers is correctly secured. possible, and to provide a correction before the fault does become public. You can configure Open ERP to use the HTTPS protocol, which • provides security for data transfer • Finally, the maintenance contract provides the You could also use the PostgreSQL database directly to backup and opportunity for the end user to work live with the Open restore data on the server, depending on access rights and the ERP editor which will verify the quality of the modules availability of passwords for the server. developed by the partner through a quality certification. End-users training • The training of end users can start when a developement database is ready to use. • Brochures: • ✎ Maintenance Warranty It will not work perfectly, directly ! During the next two - three • ✎ Support months it is important to be present at client's site: • • to assist end-users • If you wish more informations on support and • to react rapidly when troubles are detected in production maintenance contract, contact us at After 2 months, everyone will be happy ! • • CONCLUSION Phase 4. AFTER SALES SERVICES • Introduction • The repetitive use of a same methodology helps to Maintenance and support are critical for your long term success. improve the follow up of projects and to increase speed of The support aims to ensure that end users get the maximum developements and quality of deliverables. productivity from their use of Open ERP answering questions to the • use of the system. The maintenance aims to ensure that the system itself continues to • The goal of the present memento was to give a general framework for OpenERP implementation in package function as required. It includes system upgrades, which give you approach. access to the latest functionality available. • Support Contract • The method described here is compatible only with agile The Open ERP editor sell support contracts to its partners. The project management. Indeed the client is involved in all partners can then sell their own support contracts to their clients or stages, with short decision cycles and high reactivity to ask the editor to take this in charge. client's feedback in order to reach a solution that fits the The support contract is a fixed time contract; the amount of actual needs. interventions is fixed in credits time (or interventions units). The contract includes any request for a functional help or a technical • help that is not bug fixing. ◦ The strenght and perennity of Open ERP is Example of functional help: a customer parametrize mistakingly the grounded on its community. So, if you wish to give sales flow of his company and the sales order status did not evolved us a feedback on this memento PLEASE send us to a request status when pressing validation button. your comments at Example of technical support: a customer develop a new accounting view in xml but made a syntax error involving the view does not appear properly. → Request processing A request comes to support via email or the phone. It is then transmit to the quality team for problem characterization at a functional level. Two cases: • the problem is link to user misuse of the software ◦ a functional help is provided ◦ imputation of the analytic account of client • actual bug ◦ transmit the case to R&D ◦ bug fixing ◦ no imputation. • • Maintenance Contract • The two true parts with the maintenance contract are the Open ERP editor and the final customer; the integrator partner has a role of intermediary. However, some partner integrates maintenace in their suppport contract. • • The maintenance contract is a fixed price contract; the cost and the period are fixed. • The objective of this contract is to guarantee a perennial solution of the delivery to customers • It includes: • Guarantee of version migration • Bug fixing • Management of security alerts • Guarantee of migration. Once the yearly version's upgrade is available, the editor provide a system for automated migration. He also guaranties a unlimited technical support. • • Bug fixing. The maintenance contract includes an unlimited guarantee for certified modules. • • Management of security alerts. An alarm system on possible problems of safety measures was set
  • 6. License Copyright © 2010 Open Object Press. All rights reserved. You may take electronic copy of this work and distribute it if you don't change the content. You can also print a copy to be read by yourself only. We have contracts with different publishers in different countries to sell and distribute paper or electronic based versions of this work (translated or not) in bookstores. This helps to distribute and promote the Open ERP product. It also helps us to create incentives to pay contributors and authors with the royalties. Due to this, grants to translate, modify or sell this work are strictly forbidden, unless Open ERP ltd (representing Open Object Press) gives you a written authorization for this. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the publisher and the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Published by Open Object Press, Grand Rosière, Belgium