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                                                 User Training – Memento V6.0

This Business Application handles the full sales workflow (from lead to invoice). From the Sales menu you can launch your sales activities and easily
keep track of them.
         Customer and Supplier Relationship Management (CRM)

                     The CRM module requires configuration for you to be able to define leads/opportunities/meetings/ … Use the Configuration Wizard to easily
                     select features you want to use.

goal: The OpenERP CRM application allows you to efficiently track your sales activities. From the first contact by email or website form up to the
sales order fulfilment, OpenERP allows salesmen to concentrate on their deals and manage the full sales flow (lead qualification -> opportunity
tracking -> quotation -> sales order) while keeping a global vision of each stage.

Lead: A lead represents a prospect (potential customer) or a future sales opportunity. A lead usually is not qualified and not assigned to a sales person
for follow-up. Example: a business card, a database of potential customers.
Opportunity: a sales opportunity represents a potential contract. Each opportunity must be followed up by a salesperson spending time to make a
quotation or cancel the opportunity.

Example of flow:
    •   Create Lead: record a first contact with a potential prospect
    •   Click Convert to Opportunity: after qualification of an opportunity
        ◦ Create new partner
        ◦ Click Create Opportunity (do not forget to click Save)
    •   Click Schedule Call
    •   Click Next Stage: to record the sales / negotiation stages
    •   Click Convert to Sale: to send a quotation for the opportunity
        ◦ Add Products
    •   Print Sales Quotation

Tips and Tricks:
     •   Use Rules to get the most out of your CRM. Define your key criteria to automate actions (Sales > Configuration > Automated Actions >
         Automated Actions)
         ◦ Attribute a case to someone else after a number of days
         ◦ Set case status to urgent for key partners
     •   Want to check your appointments on your mobile phone? Use our CALDAV feature to display your CRM meetings!
     •   Thunderbird / Outlook integration
     •   Claims management
     •   Rerun the wizard to add extra functionalities (Administration > Configuration > Configuration Wizards > Start Configuration)
        Sales Management

goal: OpenERP Sales Management allows you to manage your sales goals in an effective & efficient manner. Dynamic dashboards will help you
keep track of all sales activities. OpenERP handles products, services and consumables in such a way that a sales order can trigger tasks,
manufacturing orders, purchases, etc. It supports several invoicing methods according to your configuration: from the sales order, from the picking...

Partner: Any physical or moral person you do business with [e.g. prospect, supplier, customer, employee]. Partners may have various addresses and
contact persons.
Quotation: An estimate of costs submitted to a (prospective) customer. The quotation will evolve to a sales order once confirmed.

         •   Define partner categories (Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Partner Categories)
         •   Define partners (Sales > Address Book > Customers)
         •   Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories)
         •   Define products (Sales > Products > Products)

Example of flow:
    •   Create Quotation with some products
    •   Print Quotation
    •   Click Delivery Costs: to compute costs (if module delivery installed)
    •   Confirm Quotation to create a Sales Order
    •   Print Sales Order
    •   Confirm Draft Invoice (created automatically)

Tips and Tricks:
     •   Use analytic accounting to invoice from time sheets or project tasks (see also Project Management / Human Resources)
         ◦ Timesheet Journal, Analytical Sales Journal
◦     Analytical account, e.g. Customer Project
     •     Add extra dates to sales order with the sale_order_dates module.
     •     Point of sale features to quickly create sales orders and invoices (we will dedicate a topic to this)
     •     Look at your sales margins according to invoices (sale_margin)
     •     Print delivery orders (sale_delivery_report)
     •     Find out your product margins based on sales and purchases (product_margin)

         Price Lists
  goal: Price lists allow you to efficiently manage promotions, customers special prices, segmentations of customer or supplier contracts, etc. It
  enableso either set fixed prices or to work by rules to auto-compute prices according to the cost, the date, the currency, the product category, etc.

                    A single price list can have several price list versions, only one of which may be active: example 2010, 2011, Summer Sale, ...

     •   Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories)
     •   Define products (Sales > Products > Products)
         ◦ Junior Consultant, Senior Consultant
     •   Define price list (Sales > Configuration > Product > Pricelists > Pricelists)
     •   Define price list versions (Sales > Configuration > Product > Pricelists > Pricelist Versions)
     •   Attach a price list to a customer from the Sales & Purchases tab in the Customer form

Tips and Tricks:
Price list versions allow you to easily adapt prices for suppliers and customers. You could use a version to prepare new price lists for the next year.
Every version has its starting and ending date.

                    OpenERP is preconfigured with two price lists by default (one for customers, one for suppliers). These price lists simply return the price
                    provided on the product form. Companies that have very basic needs do not have to use price lists, they can just record prices on product forms.

goal: OpenERP’s Knowledge Management is unique and totally innovative in its integrated approach. Its complete integration and synchronization
with the company’s management system solves most of the problems that are encountered when you use independent document management systems.
All documents produced by OpenERP are automatically indexed and classified for maximum efficiency. There is an ultra-rapid access to documents,
which are directly available from your email client or the company management software. The user access rights are managed just the same way as
those that are available in the company management system. Automatic assignment of meta-information comes directly from information contained in
your OpenERP login registration.

  To be completed. Example of use and configuration.

Human Resources
                    Use the HR Configuration Wizard to easily select features you want to use.

goal: OpenERP offers a flexible and easy-to-use solution for small to mid-sized companies. By providing modules for personnel information
management, leave, time tracking & attendance‚ expenses, payroll, periodic evaluations and recruitment, companies are able to manage the crucial
organisation asset: people.

Employee: A person who works in your company (linked to an address for his personnel data and to a product if you want to invoice his work)
User: A physical person who is given access to the company’s system., i.e. a person who is able to log on to OpenERP.

    •      Define employees (Human Resources > Employees)
    •      Define analytic accounts for use with timesheets (Accounting > Configuration > Analytic Accounting > Accounts > Analytic Accounts)
    •      Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories): Human Resources
    •      Define two products (Sales > Products > Products)
           ◦ Senior Developer (service, produce)
◦    Consultant (service, produce)

                   Link OpenERP User to an Employee, to an Analytical Journal and a Product if you want to invoice from timesheet lines.

Example of Timesheet flow:
    •   Enter your timesheet (draft)
    •   If okay, confirm timesheet
    •   Manager validates timesheet

Example of Expense flow:
    •   Enter your expenses(draft) and link them to customer projects
    •   At the end of the month confirm your sheet containing several expenses
    •   Manager validates expenses sheet
    •   The accountant validates the expenses sheet to generate accounting entries for the charges
    •   The accountant reimburses the employee for his personnel costs

Example of Leaves Management:
    •   To be completed

  Example of Periodic Evaluation:
    •   To be completed
Example of Recruitment:
    •   To be completed

Tips and Tricks:
     •   hr_timesheet_sheet combines two modules (hr_attendance and hr_timesheet). It is a different way of displaying your timesheets. With
         hr_timesheet_sheet, you will see both Sign in/Sign out and your timesheet lines in one screen.

Project Management
                   The « account_analytic_analysis » module sets the financial project management menu

  goal : OpenERP’s project management tools handle projects related to Services or Support, Production or Development – it is a universal module
  for all enterprise needs. These tools allow an operational project management to organise your activities into tasks and plan the work you need to
  get the tasks completed.
  The system handles an efficient allocation of resources, short and long term project planning, scheduling and automatic email communication to get
  your partners informed on the project's progress status. Gantt diagrams give you graphical representations of your project plans, as well as
  resources' availability and workload. With the Caldav functionality you can get access to scheduling information on a remote server.

     •   Define projects or project templates (Project > Project Management > Projects)
     •   Create tasks (Projects > Project Management > Tasks)
     •   Record task work (log) on tasks

                   Link OpenERP User to an Employee, to an Analytical Journal and a Product if you want to invoice from project tasks or timesheet lines. Don't
                   forget to set the invoicing method on analytic account if you installed hr_timesheet_invoice.

Tips and Tricks:
     •   For each project, OpenERP automatically creates a new analytic account. All you have to do is decide whether you want to add it to a
         parent project to build a hierarchical structure.
     •   Add the task work done automatically to your timesheet (project_timesheet).
     •   From a sales order, the system can automatically create project tasks to easily invoice services (project_mrp)
     •   You can also use retro planning to have your tasks deadline follow the project deadline (project_retro_planning)
     •   Plan your projects with Long Term Planning. Link tasks to your planning to have a great view of who will do what at a specific time
         (project_long_term). You need to define a working schedule and leaves since the project scheduler will use these to calculate the project
     •   Scrum: to be completed
     •   Project_gtd: to be completed
Financial Management
                    •     Use the Financial Management Configuration Wizard to easily select features you want to use.

  •       : The accounting modules enable you not only to manage your operations clearly but also to use efficient tools for financial analysis
      based on real-time data. You can configure your accounting structure from A to Z, defining automated recurring actions as well as payment
      and budget follow-up. Drive your strategic enterprise decisions with the analytic (or cost) accounting modules. You can work with one or
      multiple analytic plans. OpenERP handles batch work or lot handling for grouped transactions. As all tools are integrated, it gives you full
      control of your company.
  •   Fiscal Period: determines in which financial year entries will be posted, and not the date of the entry.
  •   Ledger: A ledger keeps accounting entries by accounts. It contains financial information from journals (debits and credits), and shows the
      current balances by account.
  •   An account is part of the ledger, and every debit and credit transaction is stored in it.
  •   Journal: A journal is used to record transactions from one account to another in chronological order. A journal groups entries by nature, i.e.
      purchase, sales.
  •   Reconciliation: links entries in an account that cancel each other out
  •   Analytic Accounting: Analytic accounts are useful for your day-to-day operations. Thanks to a hierarchical structure of your analytic
      accounts, you will be able to easily control your costs at multiple levels.
      Tips and Tricks    :
  •   A journal is numbered in two ways. Entry sequence determines the automatic numbering for accounting entries, i.e. it provides the
      numbering for moves. Use invoice sequences to define your own numbers for purchase / sales invoices (Account invoice out for sales,
      account invoice in for purchases) (Administration > Configuration > Sequences > Sequences)
  •   Use fiscal positions to create a mapping for intra-communal or export taxes / accounts.

      Example of an invoice flow (to be completed)         
  •   Create a customer invoice (Accounting > Receivables > Customer Invoice) with some products and confirm it.
  •   Launch reminders (follow-up)
  •   Record the bank statements
  •   Reconcile the invoice and the payment
      ◦ Option 1: reconcile the invoice and the payment directly from the bank statement
  •   Option 2: reconcile the invoice and the payment from Accounting > Periodical Processing > Reconciliation > Automatic or Manual

Purchase Management
  •      : Purchase management enables you to track your suppliers’ price quotations and convert them into Purchase Orders as you require.
      OpenERP has several methods of monitoring invoices and tracking the receipt of ordered goods. You can handle partial deliveries in
      OpenERP, so you can keep track of items that are still to be delivered on your orders, and you can issue reminders automatically.
  •   OpenERP’s replenishment management rules enable the system to generate draft purchase orders automatically, or you can configure it to
      run a lean process driven entirely by current production needs.
  •   Quotation: An estimate of costs submitted to a supplier.
  •   Purchase Order: a confirmed quotation sent to a supplier to order products.
  •   Purchase Requisition: You can create several supplier price requests for a single supply requirement.
      Example of Purchase flow:       
  •   Enter request for quotation
  •   If okay, confirm purchase quotation
  •   Approve purchase order according to supplier
  •   Go to Warehouse > Warehouse Management > Incoming Shipments to confirm that you received the products
  •   Check the products list view to see the stock level.
  •   Use the menu Accounting > Payables > Vendor Invoices to match the purchase invoice.
      Tips and Tricks   :
      When you install the purchase module from the basic set-up, OpenERP will display a Configuration Wizard allowing you to add extra
      modules. Of course, you can always install extra modules through Administration > Modules Management > Modules.
      Extra :
  •   The system can also manage Purchase Requisitions, allowing you to easily keep track of all your purchase orders (purchase_requisitions)

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  •      : The inventory management is based on hierarchical location structure, from warehouses to storage bins. The double entry
      inventory system allows you to manage customers, suppliers and manufacturing inventories as well. OpenERP has the capacity to manage
      lots and serial numbers ensuring compliance with the traceability requirements imposed by the majority of industries.
  •   Virtual Location: used as a counterpart (cfr. double entry system) for various operations : 1) procurement [when you do not know the
      source yet: supplier or production], 2) production [receipt of raw material and sending finished products], 3) inventory [to correct stock
  •   Physical location: defines where your stock is physically stored and represents the warehouses and their hierarchical structure.
  •   Partner location: represents the customer and supplier stocks. May be very generic (customer / supplier) or detailed (a partner location per
      customer / supplier, e.g. for consigned stock).
  •   View Location: represents an organizational node for the hierarchical structure. It cannot be involved in stock moves.
  •   Warehouse: A warehouse represents places of physical stock. It always contains an input location, a stock location and an output location
      for sold products.
  •   Real Stock: Quantity of products physically present in the warehouse.
  •   Virtual Stock: Quantity of products that can actually be sold. Virtual stock is calculated as follows: real stock – outgoing products +
      incoming products.
      steps :
  •   Define minimum stock rules (Warehouse > Automatic Procurements > Minimum Stock Rules)
  •   Run the Scheduler to generate draft purchase orders based on rules. (the scheduler is launched automatically every night)
  •   Define stock journals for real-time accounting valuation (Warehouse > Configuration > Warehouse Management > Stock Journals)
      Tips and Tricks    :
  •   A warehouse is the link between your input, output and stock location.
  •   A shop is linked to a warehouse and a company.

  •      : The manufacturing module allows you to cover planning, ordering, stocks and the manufacturing or assembly of products from raw
      materials and components. It handles consumption and production of products according to Bills of Material, and the necessary operations
      on machinery, tools or human resources according to Routings.
  •   It supports several methods to automate productions or purchases propositions: MTS/MTO, Master Production Schedule, Minimum Stock
  •   Customer Lead Time: lead time for delivery at the customer's, expressed in number of days between the order and the delivery to the
  •   Manufacturing Lead Time: lead time, in days, between a production order and the end of production of the finished product
  •   Bill of Material (BOM): list of raw materials used to make a finished product.
  •   Make to Stock: customers are supplied from available stock. You procure a set quantity of each product when its stock is too low.
  •   Make to Order: when a customer order is confirmed, it then procures or manufactures the products concerned.
  •   Routing: Production method of determining the sequence of manufacturing steps necessary to complete a product. Routing is determined
      by the type of product and its associated production process.
      steps  :
  •   Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories)
  •   Define products (Sales > Products > Products)
  •   Define bills of material (BoM) → Example: 5L Orange Juice = 3Kg Oranges plus 4.5L of water.
  •   Create production order
      Tips and Tricks   :
  •   Procurement orders are launched when you run the procurement scheduler. To have your procurement orders created Just in Time, install
      the mrp_jit module. Then all procurement orders are immediately processed (this may have a slight impact on performance).
  •   Install mrp_repair module to have ensured complete repair management.
  •   Sections: To be completed
  •   Tools
  •   Marketing

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OpenERP Functional Memento

  • 1.   User Training – Memento V6.0       Sales This Business Application handles the full sales workflow (from lead to invoice). From the Sales menu you can launch your sales activities and easily keep track of them. Customer and Supplier Relationship Management (CRM) The CRM module requires configuration for you to be able to define leads/opportunities/meetings/ … Use the Configuration Wizard to easily select features you want to use. goal: The OpenERP CRM application allows you to efficiently track your sales activities. From the first contact by email or website form up to the sales order fulfilment, OpenERP allows salesmen to concentrate on their deals and manage the full sales flow (lead qualification -> opportunity tracking -> quotation -> sales order) while keeping a global vision of each stage. Terminology Lead: A lead represents a prospect (potential customer) or a future sales opportunity. A lead usually is not qualified and not assigned to a sales person for follow-up. Example: a business card, a database of potential customers. Opportunity: a sales opportunity represents a potential contract. Each opportunity must be followed up by a salesperson spending time to make a quotation or cancel the opportunity. Example of flow: • Create Lead: record a first contact with a potential prospect • Click Convert to Opportunity: after qualification of an opportunity ◦ Create new partner ◦ Click Create Opportunity (do not forget to click Save) • Click Schedule Call • Click Next Stage: to record the sales / negotiation stages • Click Convert to Sale: to send a quotation for the opportunity ◦ Add Products • Print Sales Quotation Tips and Tricks: • Use Rules to get the most out of your CRM. Define your key criteria to automate actions (Sales > Configuration > Automated Actions > Automated Actions) ◦ Attribute a case to someone else after a number of days ◦ Set case status to urgent for key partners Extra: • Want to check your appointments on your mobile phone? Use our CALDAV feature to display your CRM meetings! • Thunderbird / Outlook integration • Claims management • Rerun the wizard to add extra functionalities (Administration > Configuration > Configuration Wizards > Start Configuration) Sales Management goal: OpenERP Sales Management allows you to manage your sales goals in an effective & efficient manner. Dynamic dashboards will help you keep track of all sales activities. OpenERP handles products, services and consumables in such a way that a sales order can trigger tasks, manufacturing orders, purchases, etc. It supports several invoicing methods according to your configuration: from the sales order, from the picking... Terminology Partner: Any physical or moral person you do business with [e.g. prospect, supplier, customer, employee]. Partners may have various addresses and contact persons. Quotation: An estimate of costs submitted to a (prospective) customer. The quotation will evolve to a sales order once confirmed. steps: • Define partner categories (Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Partner Categories) • Define partners (Sales > Address Book > Customers) • Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories) • Define products (Sales > Products > Products) Example of flow: • Create Quotation with some products • Print Quotation • Click Delivery Costs: to compute costs (if module delivery installed) • Confirm Quotation to create a Sales Order • Print Sales Order • Confirm Draft Invoice (created automatically) Tips and Tricks: • Use analytic accounting to invoice from time sheets or project tasks (see also Project Management / Human Resources) ◦ Timesheet Journal, Analytical Sales Journal
  • 2. Analytical account, e.g. Customer Project Extra: • Add extra dates to sales order with the sale_order_dates module. • Point of sale features to quickly create sales orders and invoices (we will dedicate a topic to this) • Look at your sales margins according to invoices (sale_margin) • Print delivery orders (sale_delivery_report) • Find out your product margins based on sales and purchases (product_margin) Price Lists goal: Price lists allow you to efficiently manage promotions, customers special prices, segmentations of customer or supplier contracts, etc. It enableso either set fixed prices or to work by rules to auto-compute prices according to the cost, the date, the currency, the product category, etc. A single price list can have several price list versions, only one of which may be active: example 2010, 2011, Summer Sale, ... steps: • Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories) • Define products (Sales > Products > Products) ◦ Junior Consultant, Senior Consultant • Define price list (Sales > Configuration > Product > Pricelists > Pricelists) • Define price list versions (Sales > Configuration > Product > Pricelists > Pricelist Versions) • Attach a price list to a customer from the Sales & Purchases tab in the Customer form Tips and Tricks: Price list versions allow you to easily adapt prices for suppliers and customers. You could use a version to prepare new price lists for the next year. Every version has its starting and ending date. OpenERP is preconfigured with two price lists by default (one for customers, one for suppliers). These price lists simply return the price provided on the product form. Companies that have very basic needs do not have to use price lists, they can just record prices on product forms. Knowledge goal: OpenERP’s Knowledge Management is unique and totally innovative in its integrated approach. Its complete integration and synchronization with the company’s management system solves most of the problems that are encountered when you use independent document management systems. All documents produced by OpenERP are automatically indexed and classified for maximum efficiency. There is an ultra-rapid access to documents, which are directly available from your email client or the company management software. The user access rights are managed just the same way as those that are available in the company management system. Automatic assignment of meta-information comes directly from information contained in your OpenERP login registration. To be completed. Example of use and configuration. Human Resources Use the HR Configuration Wizard to easily select features you want to use. goal: OpenERP offers a flexible and easy-to-use solution for small to mid-sized companies. By providing modules for personnel information management, leave, time tracking & attendance‚ expenses, payroll, periodic evaluations and recruitment, companies are able to manage the crucial organisation asset: people. Terminology Employee: A person who works in your company (linked to an address for his personnel data and to a product if you want to invoice his work) User: A physical person who is given access to the company’s system., i.e. a person who is able to log on to OpenERP. steps: ��� Define employees (Human Resources > Employees) • Define analytic accounts for use with timesheets (Accounting > Configuration > Analytic Accounting > Accounts > Analytic Accounts) • Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories): Human Resources • Define two products (Sales > Products > Products) ◦ Senior Developer (service, produce)
  • 3. Consultant (service, produce) Link OpenERP User to an Employee, to an Analytical Journal and a Product if you want to invoice from timesheet lines. Example of Timesheet flow: • Enter your timesheet (draft) • If okay, confirm timesheet • Manager validates timesheet Example of Expense flow: • Enter your expenses(draft) and link them to customer projects • At the end of the month confirm your sheet containing several expenses • Manager validates expenses sheet • The accountant validates the expenses sheet to generate accounting entries for the charges • The accountant reimburses the employee for his personnel costs Example of Leaves Management: • To be completed Example of Periodic Evaluation: • To be completed Example of Recruitment: • To be completed Tips and Tricks: • hr_timesheet_sheet combines two modules (hr_attendance and hr_timesheet). It is a different way of displaying your timesheets. With hr_timesheet_sheet, you will see both Sign in/Sign out and your timesheet lines in one screen. Project Management The « account_analytic_analysis » module sets the financial project management menu goal : OpenERP’s project management tools handle projects related to Services or Support, Production or Development – it is a universal module for all enterprise needs. These tools allow an operational project management to organise your activities into tasks and plan the work you need to get the tasks completed. The system handles an efficient allocation of resources, short and long term project planning, scheduling and automatic email communication to get your partners informed on the project's progress status. Gantt diagrams give you graphical representations of your project plans, as well as resources' availability and workload. With the Caldav functionality you can get access to scheduling information on a remote server. steps: • Define projects or project templates (Project > Project Management > Projects) • Create tasks (Projects > Project Management > Tasks) • Record task work (log) on tasks Link OpenERP User to an Employee, to an Analytical Journal and a Product if you want to invoice from project tasks or timesheet lines. Don't forget to set the invoicing method on analytic account if you installed hr_timesheet_invoice. Tips and Tricks: • For each project, OpenERP automatically creates a new analytic account. All you have to do is decide whether you want to add it to a parent project to build a hierarchical structure. • Add the task work done automatically to your timesheet (project_timesheet). Extra: • From a sales order, the system can automatically create project tasks to easily invoice services (project_mrp) • You can also use retro planning to have your tasks deadline follow the project deadline (project_retro_planning) • Plan your projects with Long Term Planning. Link tasks to your planning to have a great view of who will do what at a specific time (project_long_term). You need to define a working schedule and leaves since the project scheduler will use these to calculate the project dates. • Scrum: to be completed • Project_gtd: to be completed
  • 4. Financial Management • • Use the Financial Management Configuration Wizard to easily select features you want to use. • •     : The accounting modules enable you not only to manage your operations clearly but also to use efficient tools for financial analysis goal based on real-time data. You can configure your accounting structure from A to Z, defining automated recurring actions as well as payment and budget follow-up. Drive your strategic enterprise decisions with the analytic (or cost) accounting modules. You can work with one or multiple analytic plans. OpenERP handles batch work or lot handling for grouped transactions. As all tools are integrated, it gives you full control of your company. • •   Terminology   • Fiscal Period: determines in which financial year entries will be posted, and not the date of the entry. • Ledger: A ledger keeps accounting entries by accounts. It contains financial information from journals (debits and credits), and shows the current balances by account. • An account is part of the ledger, and every debit and credit transaction is stored in it. • Journal: A journal is used to record transactions from one account to another in chronological order. A journal groups entries by nature, i.e. purchase, sales. • Reconciliation: links entries in an account that cancel each other out • Analytic Accounting: Analytic accounts are useful for your day-to-day operations. Thanks to a hierarchical structure of your analytic accounts, you will be able to easily control your costs at multiple levels. • •   Tips and Tricks  : • A journal is numbered in two ways. Entry sequence determines the automatic numbering for accounting entries, i.e. it provides the numbering for moves. Use invoice sequences to define your own numbers for purchase / sales invoices (Account invoice out for sales, account invoice in for purchases) (Administration > Configuration > Sequences > Sequences) • Use fiscal positions to create a mapping for intra-communal or export taxes / accounts. •   Example of an invoice flow (to be completed)   • Create a customer invoice (Accounting > Receivables > Customer Invoice) with some products and confirm it. • Launch reminders (follow-up) • Record the bank statements • Reconcile the invoice and the payment ◦ Option 1: reconcile the invoice and the payment directly from the bank statement • Option 2: reconcile the invoice and the payment from Accounting > Periodical Processing > Reconciliation > Automatic or Manual Reconciliation Purchase Management •    : Purchase management enables you to track your suppliers’ price quotations and convert them into Purchase Orders as you require. goal OpenERP has several methods of monitoring invoices and tracking the receipt of ordered goods. You can handle partial deliveries in OpenERP, so you can keep track of items that are still to be delivered on your orders, and you can issue reminders automatically. • OpenERP’s replenishment management rules enable the system to generate draft purchase orders automatically, or you can configure it to run a lean process driven entirely by current production needs. • •   Terminology   • Quotation: An estimate of costs submitted to a supplier. • Purchase Order: a confirmed quotation sent to a supplier to order products. • Purchase Requisition: You can create several supplier price requests for a single supply requirement. • •   Example of Purchase flow:   • Enter request for quotation • If okay, confirm purchase quotation • Approve purchase order according to supplier • Go to Warehouse > Warehouse Management > Incoming Shipments to confirm that you received the products • Check the products list view to see the stock level. • Use the menu Accounting > Payables > Vendor Invoices to match the purchase invoice. • •   Tips and Tricks  : When you install the purchase module from the basic set-up, OpenERP will display a Configuration Wizard allowing you to add extra modules. Of course, you can always install extra modules through Administration > Modules Management > Modules. • •   Extra : • The system can also manage Purchase Requisitions, allowing you to easily keep track of all your purchase orders (purchase_requisitions)
  • 5. Warehouse •    : The inventory management is based on hierarchical location structure, from warehouses to storage bins. The double entry goal inventory system allows you to manage customers, suppliers and manufacturing inventories as well. OpenERP has the capacity to manage lots and serial numbers ensuring compliance with the traceability requirements imposed by the majority of industries. • •   Terminology   • Virtual Location: used as a counterpart (cfr. double entry system) for various operations : 1) procurement [when you do not know the source yet: supplier or production], 2) production [receipt of raw material and sending finished products], 3) inventory [to correct stock levels]. • Physical location: defines where your stock is physically stored and represents the warehouses and their hierarchical structure. • Partner location: represents the customer and supplier stocks. May be very generic (customer / supplier) or detailed (a partner location per customer / supplier, e.g. for consigned stock). • View Location: represents an organizational node for the hierarchical structure. It cannot be involved in stock moves. • Warehouse: A warehouse represents places of physical stock. It always contains an input location, a stock location and an output location for sold products. • Real Stock: Quantity of products physically present in the warehouse. • Virtual Stock: Quantity of products that can actually be sold. Virtual stock is calculated as follows: real stock – outgoing products + incoming products. • •   steps : • Define minimum stock rules (Warehouse > Automatic Procurements > Minimum Stock Rules) • Run the Scheduler to generate draft purchase orders based on rules. (the scheduler is launched automatically every night) • Define stock journals for real-time accounting valuation (Warehouse > Configuration > Warehouse Management > Stock Journals) • •   Tips and Tricks  : • A warehouse is the link between your input, output and stock location. • A shop is linked to a warehouse and a company. Manufacturing •    : The manufacturing module allows you to cover planning, ordering, stocks and the manufacturing or assembly of products from raw goal materials and components. It handles consumption and production of products according to Bills of Material, and the necessary operations on machinery, tools or human resources according to Routings. • It supports several methods to automate productions or purchases propositions: MTS/MTO, Master Production Schedule, Minimum Stock Rules. • •   Terminology   • Customer Lead Time: lead time for delivery at the customer's, expressed in number of days between the order and the delivery to the customer. • Manufacturing Lead Time: lead time, in days, between a production order and the end of production of the finished product • Bill of Material (BOM): list of raw materials used to make a finished product. • Make to Stock: customers are supplied from available stock. You procure a set quantity of each product when its stock is too low. • Make to Order: when a customer order is confirmed, it then procures or manufactures the products concerned. • Routing: Production method of determining the sequence of manufacturing steps necessary to complete a product. Routing is determined by the type of product and its associated production process. •   steps  : • Define product categories (Sales > Configuration > Product > Product Categories) • Define products (Sales > Products > Products) • Define bills of material (BoM) → Example: 5L Orange Juice = 3Kg Oranges plus 4.5L of water. • Create production order • •   Tips and Tricks  : • Procurement orders are launched when you run the procurement scheduler. To have your procurement orders created Just in Time, install the mrp_jit module. Then all procurement orders are immediately processed (this may have a slight impact on performance). • Install mrp_repair module to have ensured complete repair management. • • Sections: To be completed • Tools • Marketing