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Open Source Data Services for
       Strategic SOA
 WSO2 Data Services Server
              Sumedha Rubasinghe
  2009 Air Force Information Technology Conference
                 Montgomery, Atlanta
    SOA & Enterprise Data
    Need for SOA Data Services
    Use Cases
    Getting started & help
Open Source Data Services for Strategic SOA utilising WSO2 Data Services Server
Open Source Data Services for Strategic SOA utilising WSO2 Data Services Server
Open Source Data Services for Strategic SOA utilising WSO2 Data Services Server
Introducing Mattson ...
                   Mattson here..
                   I am an architect
My manager wants
to see salary increments
done in HRM system to be
reflected in Payroll....

These systems do not
support a programmable
Oh..Payroll system is using
an Informix database while
HRM writes to a MSSQL
Another scenario
    Build a Travel Expense Management System
        HRM – MSSQL
        Training Mgt – Spreadsheet
        Payroll - Informix
Ways of solving
    Method 1
        – Create a new data store
        – Pull relevant data from HRM, Payroll & Training Mgt
        – Store it to match new application’s requirements
        – Now comes another application…
        – More overhead
        – Redundant data
      • Inconsistency
      • Update anomalies
Ways of solving (contd..)
    Method 2
       – Connect to 3 data sources & extract data
       – Three different access mechanisms
Data access mechanisms
    Direct access to databases (JDBC,ODBC,..etc)
    Use of O/R mapping frameworks (Hibernate,
    Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
    Custom APIs
Positioning of data access code..
    Application developers like to deal with
    business process related logic
    Changes in data source configuration
        Should be transparent to application logic
        Should have minimal (if not any) effect on business
Method 2
  − Data access code VS business logic implementation
  − Difficult to reuse
  − Difficult to maintain
  − Difficult to test
  − Error prone
Ways of solving... (contd)
Method 3
  − Single layer to fulfill enterprise data access
    requirements (Data Services)
     Governed by,
        − More and more data being generated
        − Growing demand for consolidated, consistent
        − Mashups
        − Interoperability & standards
Data Services?
Tell me about it...
Data Service ?
Well defined request/response format
Encapsulates data oriented logic
Loose coupling (application & data store)
Data store specific configurations
Management & QoS features
WSO2 Data Services Server
Open Source Data Services for Strategic SOA utilising WSO2 Data Services Server
Simple Example
    Expose Employee Contact data in a MySQL
    database table as a data service
    Table Structure
GUI Wizard
Data Service Configuration
<data name="ContactInfoService">
      <property name="">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
      <property name="">dsuser</property>
      <property name="">user123</property>
      <property name="">1</property>
      <property name="">5</property>

   <query id="contactInfoQuery">
      <sql>select firstName,lastName,extension,email from employees where lastName = ?</sql>
      <param name="name" sqlType="STRING" />
      <result element="Employees" rowName="ContactInfo">
         <attribute name="LastName" column="lastName" />
         <element name="FirstName" column="firstName" />
         <element name="Extension" column="extension" />
         <element name="Email" column="email" />

   <operation name="getContactInformation">
      <call­query href="contactInfoQuery"        >
         <with­param name="name" query­param="name" />
Data Services Description Language
    In-house developed language for writing data
    Maps service requests to your SOA to queries
    operating on your database objects (tables,
    views, procedures & functions)
    Maps query results to XML responses
    Available online @
WSDL for the service
How to access a data service?
Multiple Data Source support
Secure Channel
High availability
        RDBMS – specific or generic JDBC drivers
        Directories – specific drivers, API
        Flat files, Spread sheets – different APIs
        Different data types
        Access control mechanisms
    Data Services are SOA equivalent of the Data
    Access Object(DAO) Pattern
    DS deal with different data sources similar to
    what DAO does
    But, DS operate on a different layer
How to access a data service?
Accessing a data service – Java Client
Accessing a data service – REST
Accessing a data service – Try It
 – Monitor System statistics
 – Running logs
 – Message Tracing
 – Dynamically configurable Logger
 – Exposes statistics via JMX
 – Dashboard – Google Gadgets
Use Case 1
    A mashup/ javascript/ Google Gadget wants to
    access data in a backend database
Use Case 2
    Re-using existing Master Data
Use Case 2
Use Case 3
    Master Data Update
Use Case 3
Use Case 4
    Content filtering based on logged in user
Use Case 4
Use Case 5
    Service enabling enterprise data
Open Source Data Services for Strategic SOA utilising WSO2 Data Services Server
Use Case 6
    Integrating with an external system
Use Case 6
Use Case 7
WSO2 Product Platform
That's lot of information...
Now I would like to try these out
myself. How do I get started?
How to get started?
    Download binary distribution from
    Latest is v2.0
• Run bin/ (on Unix) or
  bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows)
• Management console
    – https://localhost:9443/carbon
    – admin/admin
Help.. I messed it up...
How to get help?
    Online forum(
    Mailing list (
    Active community of external users
    Ample free documentation on
    If needed, we provided commercial support on
        – Getting started
        – Deployment
        – Custom development
        – Production support
I would like to have some
URLs for reference.
Useful references
    WSO2 Oxygen Tank for Web Service Developers
    Data Services HOWTOs Page
    WSO2 Data Services project page

 Introduced WSO2 Data Services
 Use cases
 Getting started
Thank you
(on behalf of WSO2 DS team)

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