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On Application of Structural Decomposition for Process Model Abstraction Artem Polyvyanyy Sergey Smirnov Mathias Weske BPSC 2009     24 March 2009
Motivation Research project with AOK   Brandenburg Goal:   detailed process models  abstract process models *  example model : > 300 nodes >150 functions  graph-structured model ≈  4 000 EPCs  graph-structured process models
Business Process Model Abstraction …  is generalization of a model, leaving out insignificant process details in order to reduce model complexity and retain information relevant for a particular purpose.
Business Process Model Abstraction What model elements are insignificant? out of scope possible criteria: non-functional properties semantics SESE decomposition of a model abstraction mechanism How to abstract insignificant elements?

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Some of the business process models competing for primacy

MEASURE Evaluation: Results framework and resources
MEASURE Evaluation: Results framework and resourcesMEASURE Evaluation: Results framework and resources
MEASURE Evaluation: Results framework and resources

MEASURE Evaluation presented resources at a USAID meeting in Malawi. Their results framework focused on strengthening health data collection and use, improving health information system management, and increasing evaluation capacity. They highlighted several resources including skills for health information and systems, an indicator toolkit for child and household well-being, evaluation and learning capabilities, support for health information system strengthening to achieve PEPFAR results, a learning agenda for demonstrating health information system strengthening, and gender sensitive approaches including a youth assessment method. MEASURE Evaluation is funded by USAID to work with various partners to strengthen health information systems.

hssgender awareovc
Meronymy-based Aggregation of Activities in Business Process Models
Meronymy-based Aggregation of Activities in Business Process ModelsMeronymy-based Aggregation of Activities in Business Process Models
Meronymy-based Aggregation of Activities in Business Process Models

As business process management is increasingly applied in practice, more companies document their operations in the form of process models. Since users require descriptions of one process on various levels of detail, there are often multiple models created for the same process. Business process model abstraction emerged as a technique reducing the number of models to be stored: given a detailed process model, business process model abstraction delivers abstract representations for the same process. A key problem in many abstraction scenarios is the transition from detailed activities in the initial model to coarse-grained activities in the abstract model. This transition is realized by an aggregation operation clustering multiple activities to a single one. So far, humans decide on how to aggregate, which is expensive. This paper presents a semi-automated approach to activity aggregation that reduces the human effort significantly. The approach takes advantage of an activity meronymy relation, i.e., part-of relation defined between activities. The approach is semi-automated, as it proposes sets of meaningful aggregations, while the user still decides. The approach is evaluated by a real-world use case.

business process modelingbusiness processactivity aggregation
Process Model (N, E, type)  is a business process model, where: is a set of nodes, where  N A  ≠ Ø  – a set of activities;  N G  – a set of gateways; the sets are disjoint is a set of directed edges between nodes representing control flow is a connected graph every activity has at most 1 incoming & at most 1 outgoing edge there is at least 1 activity with no incoming edges (start activity) and at least 1 activity with no outgoing edges (end activity) assigns control flow construct to a gateway every gateway is either a split or a join; splits have exactly 1 incoming edge and at least 2 outgoing; joins have at least 2 incoming edges and exactly 1 outgoing.
Aggregation vs. Elimination Aggregate Eliminate
Assumption: Sound Process Models Hidden deadlock Hidden unsafe process fragment unsound model sound model Assume initial models to be sound
Stepwise Abstraction

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Order Preserving Abstraction F A A  and  B  belong to  F A , ordering constraints are lost C  and  D  do not belong to  F A , ordering constraints are preserved A  belong to  F A  and  D  does not, ordering constraints between F  and  D  as between  A  and  D
Single Entry Single Exit Fragment SESE fragment is a fragment which has exactly: 1  incoming edge 1  outgoing edge
Canonical SESE Fragment canonical SESE fragments non-canonical SESE fragments
Relations between SESE Fragments p arent - child predecessor-successor if the node set of SESE fragment  f 1  is the subset of node set of SESE fragment  f 2 , then  f 1  is the child of  f 2  and  f 2  is the parent of  f 1 SESE fragment  f 1  precedes SESE fragment  f 2  (and  f 2  succeeds  f 1 ) if the outgoing edge of  f 1  is the incoming edge of  f 2 P 1 c 2 c 1 p 1 s 2 s 1 p 2

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As companies more and more often turn to documenting their business processes in models, the task of managing large model collections becomes essential. There is a number of techniques simplifying this task, e.g., construction of customized process views and business process model abstraction. The latter aims at deriving abstract process representations from existing low-level models omitting details irrelevant for the current task. A number of papers on process model abstraction conceptualized the abstraction problem and proposed algorithms handling simplistic models. To the best of our knowledge there is no work discussing abstraction of models in BPMN. In this paper we present an abstraction approach, addressing specific features of BPMN 1.2. The abstraction approach is order-preserving and is capable of handling graph-structured process models.

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Business process management experiences a large uptake by the industry, and process models play an important role in the analysis and improvement of processes. While an increasing number of sta becomes involved in actual modeling practice, it is crucial to assure model quality and homogeneity along with providing suitable aids for creating models. In this paper we consider the problem of o ering recommendations to the user during the act of modeling. Our key contribution is a concept for de ning and identifying action patterns - chunks of actions often appearing together in business processes. In particular, we specify action patterns and demonstrate how they can be identi ed from existing process model repositories using association rule mining techniques. Action patterns can then be used to suggest additional actions for a process model. Our approach is challenged by applying it to the collection of process models from the SAP Reference Model.

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Togaf 9 template functional decomposition diagram
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This functional decomposition diagram breaks down the major functions of a business into primary functions like engineering, manufacturing, distribution, and support functions like administration, finance, human resources, and marketing and sales. The engineering function includes research and development, design of products and processes, and quality engineering. Manufacturing involves planning production, converting resources into products, and maintenance. Distribution consists of inventory management and shipping products.

togaf 9 templatefunctional decomposition diagram
Process Structure Tree parent-child predecessor-successor
Auxiliary Concepts A  – an activity to be abstracted sese A  – canonical SESE fragment containing  A  (is a leaf in the PST) sese min  – a minimal canonical SESE fragment containing  A  and at least one more activity ( sese min  ≠ sese A ); there are 2 options for  sese min : there is canonical sese fragment  sese A’  which is in predecessor-successor relation with  sese A ; then  sese min  is a SESE fragment with the incoming edge of the predecessor and the outgoing edge of the successor if 1 does not hold, than  sese min  is a SESE fragment which is the parent of  sese A
Abstraction Algorithm define the set of activities to be abstracted (let it be  I A ); if  I A  has elements, select one activity from the set (let it be  A ); else go to  8 ; find  sese min  for  A; remove from  I A  all the activities which belong to  sese min ; replace  sese min  with aggregating activity with the incoming edge of  sese min  and the outgoing edge of  sese min ; if necessary, add the new aggregating activity to  I A ; go to  2 ; stop.
Abstraction Smoothness smoothness = 2 smoothness = 2 smoothness = 5 …  loss of information is essential and desired …  abstraction smoothness quantitatively estimates the information loss produced by one abstraction step

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business processbpmnbusiness process model and notation
Smoothness Evaluation (I) Experiment with process models: 50 models real world process models 50 <|N| < 205 graph-structured models
Smoothness Evaluation (II) „ Optimistic“ algorithm „ Pessimistic“ algorithm
Conclusions We proposed the structural abstraction approach based on PST, which is: order preserving handles graph-structured models We evaluated the approach regarding smoothness
Future Work What model elements are insignificant? semantics of model elements more fine-grained decomposition methods prototypical implementation How to abstract insignificant elements?

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BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is a standard for business process modeling that provides a graphical notation for specifying business processes. It allows processes to be designed and shared between BPMS tools. ProcessMaker's BPMN Designer supports modeling processes and collaborations using BPMN. Key BPMN elements include events, activities, gateways, sequence flows, participants, and artifacts. BPMN enables visual representation of business processes through different types of diagrams.

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On Application Of Structural Decomposition For Process Model Abstraction

  • 1. On Application of Structural Decomposition for Process Model Abstraction Artem Polyvyanyy Sergey Smirnov Mathias Weske BPSC 2009 24 March 2009
  • 2. Motivation Research project with AOK Brandenburg Goal: detailed process models abstract process models * example model : > 300 nodes >150 functions graph-structured model ≈ 4 000 EPCs graph-structured process models
  • 3. Business Process Model Abstraction … is generalization of a model, leaving out insignificant process details in order to reduce model complexity and retain information relevant for a particular purpose.
  • 4. Business Process Model Abstraction What model elements are insignificant? out of scope possible criteria: non-functional properties semantics SESE decomposition of a model abstraction mechanism How to abstract insignificant elements?
  • 5. Process Model (N, E, type) is a business process model, where: is a set of nodes, where N A ≠ Ø – a set of activities; N G – a set of gateways; the sets are disjoint is a set of directed edges between nodes representing control flow is a connected graph every activity has at most 1 incoming & at most 1 outgoing edge there is at least 1 activity with no incoming edges (start activity) and at least 1 activity with no outgoing edges (end activity) assigns control flow construct to a gateway every gateway is either a split or a join; splits have exactly 1 incoming edge and at least 2 outgoing; joins have at least 2 incoming edges and exactly 1 outgoing.
  • 6. Aggregation vs. Elimination Aggregate Eliminate
  • 7. Assumption: Sound Process Models Hidden deadlock Hidden unsafe process fragment unsound model sound model Assume initial models to be sound
  • 9. Order Preserving Abstraction F A A and B belong to F A , ordering constraints are lost C and D do not belong to F A , ordering constraints are preserved A belong to F A and D does not, ordering constraints between F and D as between A and D
  • 10. Single Entry Single Exit Fragment SESE fragment is a fragment which has exactly: 1 incoming edge 1 outgoing edge
  • 11. Canonical SESE Fragment canonical SESE fragments non-canonical SESE fragments
  • 12. Relations between SESE Fragments p arent - child predecessor-successor if the node set of SESE fragment f 1 is the subset of node set of SESE fragment f 2 , then f 1 is the child of f 2 and f 2 is the parent of f 1 SESE fragment f 1 precedes SESE fragment f 2 (and f 2 succeeds f 1 ) if the outgoing edge of f 1 is the incoming edge of f 2 P 1 c 2 c 1 p 1 s 2 s 1 p 2
  • 13. Process Structure Tree parent-child predecessor-successor
  • 14. Auxiliary Concepts A – an activity to be abstracted sese A – canonical SESE fragment containing A (is a leaf in the PST) sese min – a minimal canonical SESE fragment containing A and at least one more activity ( sese min ≠ sese A ); there are 2 options for sese min : there is canonical sese fragment sese A’ which is in predecessor-successor relation with sese A ; then sese min is a SESE fragment with the incoming edge of the predecessor and the outgoing edge of the successor if 1 does not hold, than sese min is a SESE fragment which is the parent of sese A
  • 15. Abstraction Algorithm define the set of activities to be abstracted (let it be I A ); if I A has elements, select one activity from the set (let it be A ); else go to 8 ; find sese min for A; remove from I A all the activities which belong to sese min ; replace sese min with aggregating activity with the incoming edge of sese min and the outgoing edge of sese min ; if necessary, add the new aggregating activity to I A ; go to 2 ; stop.
  • 16. Abstraction Smoothness smoothness = 2 smoothness = 2 smoothness = 5 … loss of information is essential and desired … abstraction smoothness quantitatively estimates the information loss produced by one abstraction step
  • 17. Smoothness Evaluation (I) Experiment with process models: 50 models real world process models 50 <|N| < 205 graph-structured models
  • 18. Smoothness Evaluation (II) „ Optimistic“ algorithm „ Pessimistic“ algorithm
  • 19. Conclusions We proposed the structural abstraction approach based on PST, which is: order preserving handles graph-structured models We evaluated the approach regarding smoothness
  • 20. Future Work What model elements are insignificant? semantics of model elements more fine-grained decomposition methods prototypical implementation How to abstract insignificant elements?