SlideShare a Scribd company logo
                Ducks and
           little men behind
quack          bryan rieger <>
last millennium                                             since then...
design                                                                     web
                                    from T
                                                   Canada                    mobile
                                                         , eh!
                                                                 Sabbatical in
                 Web                                     games   South East Asia
                                               entertainment animation open source
                                                                                          DIY Tools
       Director                      advertising        management Java
                                                                                       Processing         Qt
                   Flash         media on devices
                                                       Flash Lite
                              Web rapid prototyping mobile craft animation
                                     Bill Buxton                             Web
       motion graphics              MPEG4 SVG UML                   research
 graphic design    QuickTime
                                   SMIL standards John Maeda
                                                                  UK       design
   Brenda Laurel
theatre design     boom
                                                   research and design
1991                         1996                        2000                   2005                   2009

                                           a little bit about me...
“a straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but is by no means the most interesting...”
a few caveats...
i don’t have the answers
i make lots of mistakes
             but i learn from
               most of them
business goals
                                and customer needs

i’m more concerned with finding the best way
rather than the generally accepted right way...
                               industry opinion
December 2nd 2009

where my mind is at today...
documentation issues
Options          View         Back

                       My Photo Sharing App                                                     My Photo Sharing App                 My Phot

                                 preview image                                                            preview image

                           what size?
                     photo album 1
                                                               See                   photo album 1   remove!

                                                                                               img      img    img    img   img
                     photo album 2

                     photo album 3                              animated?                     photo album 2

                     photo album 4                                                            photo album 3                           Previous

                     Options         Select        Back                                       Options          View         Back   Options

 lor sit amet,       Upon entering this screen the        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,         Once the user has clicked on a       After pressin
pisicing elit, sed   user is presented with a list of     consectetur adipisicing elit, sed   selected photo album list item       (or fire butto
  por incididunt     photo albums from which to           do eiusmod tempor incididunt        they are presented with various      presented w
 re magna            choose from.                         ut labore et dolore magna           image previews from which to         the image th
                                                          aliqua.                             select.                              selected.
                     Pressing up on the navi-pad or
m veniam, quis       joystick will change the focus of    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis       Using the left and right navi-pad    It rubs the lo
tion ullamco         the selected list item towards       nostrud exercitation ullamco        or joystick controls the user can    else it gets th
quip ex...           the top of the screen...             laboris nisi ut aliquip ex...       select a preview image...
                                                                                                              Version 3.25

                               nobody actually reads the docs

atrophy sets in as errors increase

we tend to better understand those
  things we interact with directly
language matters



                  Off              Dim
                 state                                Dim
                                   Off                state

             state diagram for a lightbulb

standards such as UML will require literacy
   from all contributors and stakeholders
literary reference

literary reference is often required to ensure
  understanding throughout the entire team
        a poll

nobody will ever admit that they don’t
   understand something in public
prototype problems



                   demo HTML

      hi-fidelity                                  Axure

definition of prototype varies considerably

paper is of course very lovely
some assembly

but it does have its limits
more on those later...


eventually you do have to make something

a lack of development resources
risk of development occurring during design

often solving the wrong problems
7 years for Vista?

 high investment = low iteration
this tends to get much worse as
   you move across platforms
prototypes elsewhere

architects build models as a tool to better
   communicate the ideas of a project

    automotive designers create
non-functional, full-scale clay models

sculptors often experiment using
    unconventional materials

actors stage rehearsals to craft the
   optimal audience experience
and I’m telling you this because...
a funny thing happened
  on the way to the theatre...
actually, I was
 in the audience...

how do you climb a mountain
without a an actual mountain?
and a tiny

the aha moment...
imagination           interpretation
the ability to see    the ability to fill in the
things that are not     gaps that imagination
there...                        leaves behind
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
lawn chair?
Is this the lawn chair you had in mind?
Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain
pay no attention to the
   little man behind the curtain
this got me thinking...
3rd law of prediction

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is
    indistinguishable from magic.”
                                       Arthur C. Clarke
...could the inverse be true?
“Magic is sufficiently indistinguishable
  from any advanced technology.”
 apparently tap is the new click
make magic
      thanks Bill!
Nokia 6680

Oyster card                                                  sticky tape

  make small pieces loosely joined




do the simplest thing that could possibly work
Nokia 6630



keep exploring, and iterate constantly

inspire and capture the imagination
kept being told to
ship our models...                     XML is platform agnostic

                         views    <view id="main" src="main_view.png">

                                     <state id="a" />
                                        <event key="fire" view="preview_1" />

                                        <event key="down" view="list_item4" />

                     processing         <event key="rsk" action="exit()" />


                                  <view id="other" src="other_view.png">


                                                experience should
                     lots of                         be very similar

     but build models, not the actual things
the Eliza Effect fooled many people

and don’t hesitate to fake it
behind the scenes
familiar displays

familiar platforms    standard networks

                         or Windows...

                     commodity hardware        familiar boxes
                         and software

                 use what we already have
edge case
                                                  edge case

                more and more platforms
            are being built on the web each day

                               already magical

            embrace the web...
processing                           arduino
           software sketching

on the                                       hardware interface
  inside                 made for
                  artists and designers
                                          lots of options
                 add a little open source

get comfortable with code
version control

 model-view-controller       design

  conditionals                    arguments
                     states                   datatypes
       compile                                            declarations
API                                              this takes time
focus only on learning the basic concepts

don’t be afraid of a little DIY
                                                     opportunity to learn
start simple, invest little and fail early


don’t be afraid to fill the bin

 reuse bits and pieces
but recycle what you can
                                                       or experiment

give yourself permission to play
but, most of all keep it human
tell more stories

a very human approach to
    sharing knowledge

we can all participate equally

use models to enhance the experience

share stories with everyone involved
and the rubber ducks...
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and
quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”
                                James Whitcomb Riley
add behaviour    more like a duck   ...more like a bath toy
add context

thank you
bryan rieger <>

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Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...
Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...
Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...
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Design Impulse: Boost the power of design
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Design Impulse: Boost the power of design

Of Prototypes, Rubber Ducks And Little Men Behind The Curtain