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Σχεδιάζοντας το Web:
Web design, εφαρµογές και διαφηµίσεις
          Δίψα για λιγότερα

         Γιάννης Κωνσταντακόπουλος
Web design
Web design

             Web = περιεχόµενο (content)

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This Valentine's Day gift bundle order form allows purchasers to select from premade bundles or individual items like flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, candles, and candy to be delivered to recipients between February 3-12. Buyers provide their name, program, and delivery information and calculate a total purchase price for their selected items.


Este documento resume la opinión de una estudiante sobre una clase de contabilidad de costos. La estudiante sintió que la información presentada fue muy útil para comprender los conceptos básicos de la contabilidad de costos. Sin embargo, hubiera preferido que el profesor se extendiera más en el tema para disipar cualquier duda. La explicación sobre los requisitos para constituir una empresa anónima abierta y los estatutos necesarios fue otro tema que la estudiante encontró interesante.

Web design

   Content precedes design. Design in the
   absence of content is not design, it’s

                                Jeffrey Zeldman
Web design

             Design = επικοινωνία + χρήση

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Web design

Design is about communication and about use.
If something doesn't communicate it's message or is
unusable, for whatever reason, then it can benefit from

                                            Mark Boulton
Web design

      Design = οι λεπτοµέρειες που κάνουν τη διαφορά
Web design

             Grid Design

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This document analyzes various design elements of a magazine cover and pages, including: - The use of overlapping text and photos on the cover to emphasize importance. - Font choices and designs that appeal to different target audiences - a "crayon" font makes the artist seem relatable while other plain fonts suggest an older audience. - Placement and lighting of photos that position the artist as successful or facing optimism. - Color schemes and graphic elements that stand out against plain backgrounds to draw the eye, such as using red sparingly. - Stylistic photo locations and poses that convey implied meanings about the subjects' status or image.


El documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada en Baja California, México sobre las corridas de toros. Muestra que la mayoría de los encuestados no han asistido a una corrida de toros y están a favor de prohibirlas. Apoyo a la prohibición es más alto en Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada y Rosarito, pero menor en Tecate. Aunque pocos conocen detalles de las corridas, tres de cada diez apoyan su prohibición en México.

Migraine and its homeopathic treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, India
Migraine and its homeopathic treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, IndiaMigraine and its homeopathic treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, India
Migraine and its homeopathic treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, India

"Migraine- A migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head. Mindheal homeopathy detects the exact cause of migraine and provides relief in migraine. "/>

migraine homeopathy treatmenthomeopathic treatmenttension headache
Web design

Web design

             Negative space
Web design

             Flash is a killer app
Web design

                   - Flash kills user’s needs
              - Flash kills usability & accessibility
                        - Flash kills SEO
             - Flash is hard to be tamed = expensive

                           Tip: Try AJAX instead

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Školsko natjecanje iz njemačkog jezika - 2012.
Accellion TechEd - Social Media
Accellion TechEd - Social Media Accellion TechEd - Social Media
Accellion TechEd - Social Media

The document discusses a digital photo booth that was used at the TechEd 2014 conference, which had an estimated 10,000 attendees. Photos taken in the booth were uploaded daily to a digital wall display to promote awareness of the photo booth. Analytics data showed higher sustained traffic to the digital wall from social media referrals.

Zapisnik sa 64. sjednice
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Zapisnik sa 64. sjednice

Zapisnik sa 64. sjednice

Web development
Web development

- Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν απ’ όλους
- Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν αµέσως
- Εφαρµογές που είναι δύσκολο να κάνεις λάθος
Web development

- Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν απ’ όλους
- Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν αµέσως
- Εφαρµογές που είναι δύσκολο να κάνεις λάθος
Web development

                  Your browser or OS
                   is not supported

                   (Browser: Safari
                     OS: MacOS)

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Web development

                  Your browser or OS
                   is not supported

                    (Browser: IE7
                   OS: Windows XP)
Web development

Stick to what's truly essential. Good ideas can be tabled.
Take whatever you think your product should be and cut it in
half. Pare features down until you're left with only the most
essential ones. Then do it again.

                                      Getting real: The book
Web development

         Instapaper   laterloop

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Ribbit is a platform that allows developers to integrate voice functionality into web applications using Flash. It provides APIs that allow applications to make phone calls, send text messages, and share voice messages through an open platform. The document discusses Ribbit's architecture and how developers can build applications on the Ribbit platform by using Flash and the Ribbit APIs. It also provides examples of how Ribbit applications could be used and ideas for new applications.


This document discusses and summarizes various aspects of Web 2.0 technologies and social networking. It begins by listing different types of Web 2.0 generators and tools. It then provides definitions and characteristics of Web 2.0, discusses how the concepts of Web 2.0 have influenced other fields, and contemplates future developments like Web 3.0. The document also examines social networking platforms like Ning and OpenSocial, detailing their features for content, community and collaboration.

Web development

Διαφηµίσεις στο Web
Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

                      Google Adwords
Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

                      Αυτό είναι όλο;


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【12-D-6】 Silverlight によるハイグレードなLOB/BI実現のためのコンポーネント活用法
【12-D-6】 Silverlight によるハイグレードなLOB/BI実現のためのコンポーネント活用法【12-D-6】 Silverlight によるハイグレードなLOB/BI実現のためのコンポーネント活用法
【12-D-6】 Silverlight によるハイグレードなLOB/BI実現のためのコンポーネント活用法

This document discusses using Silverlight for line of business (LOB) and business intelligence (BI) application development. It provides examples of Silverlight applications from companies like TDK and Infragistics. Key benefits highlighted include the rich user interface capabilities of Silverlight, its support for .NET development, and how it allows creating interactive and visually engaging BI and LOB applications for the web. Approaches like incrementally adding Silverlight components to existing web applications are also presented.

Opencoffee VIII Grebooca
Opencoffee VIII GreboocaOpencoffee VIII Grebooca
Opencoffee VIII Grebooca

Nicholas Kokkalis, a professor at Stanford University, has the idea to develop social network applications by starting a company. He proposes connecting opencoffee (a meetup site) and forums/newsletters to allow for collaboration between users. Recruiting developers will be challenging but important for the startup. The technology will need to support dynamic, large-scale social networks.

by dth
FOSS Business IUT
FOSS Business IUTFOSS Business IUT
FOSS Business IUT

The document discusses various open source business models and their importance. It provides examples of different open source business models including donations, bageware, dual licensing, open-core, IT service and support companies, subscriptions, hardware, and hybrid models. It emphasizes that open source software is important from both student and business perspectives, allowing people to learn while lowering software development costs.

Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

                      7 διαφηµίσεις
                        >50% του
Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

The reason why most online advertising fails is that web
users see it as little better than spam.

                                          Publishing 2.0
Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

                  Καλές Διαφηµίσεις
                      Content (περιεχόµενο)
            Context (ευρύτερο νοηµατικό πλαίσιο website)

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Revolutions Side B

2005/12/02 Talk about Blog, SNS, Flikr, Social Bookmark, Podcasting, Long Tail, IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Web 2.0, Semantic Web

Webken 03: Project Design for Optimaizing User Experience
Webken 03: Project Design for Optimaizing User ExperienceWebken 03: Project Design for Optimaizing User Experience
Webken 03: Project Design for Optimaizing User Experience

This document discusses strategies for optimizing website design. It describes large-scale website design projects as having many interrelated parts and stakeholders. The document recommends taking a holistic, collaborative approach to website redesign projects that involves reconfiguring the entire site structure and shared interfaces. It also emphasizes the importance of user experience and usability testing during the design process.

uxiaproject design
다양한 업무에 적합한 AWS의 스토리지 서비스 알아보기 – 김상현, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: AWS Builders Online Ser...
다양한 업무에 적합한 AWS의 스토리지 서비스 알아보기 – 김상현, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: AWS Builders Online Ser...다양한 업무에 적합한 AWS의 스토리지 서비스 알아보기 – 김상현, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: AWS Builders Online Ser...
다양한 업무에 적합한 AWS의 스토리지 서비스 알아보기 – 김상현, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: AWS Builders Online Ser...

기업에서 운영하는 IT 인프라의 중요성이 커지고 있고 애플리케이션과 데이터의 종류도 점점 다양해지고 있습니다. AWS에는 이렇게 빠르게 변화하는 환경에 알맞는 다양한 스토리지 서비스가 있는데 이번 세션에서는 그 종류와 특징을 알아봅니다.

Διαφηµίσεις στο Web

                The Deck
                A buy in The Deck reaches the
                creative community on the web in
                an uncluttered, controlled
                environment, far more valuable
                than a standard banner or a single
                text ad among dozens of others.

                The current rate for ads is $6400
                USD per ad per month and this rate
                is valid through July 31, 2008.
Σχεδιάζοντας το Web

              Design γύρω από το περιεχόµενο
           Development γύρω από τον επισκέπτη
         Διαφηµίσεις γύρω από το context & content
                       Χρήσιµο Web

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웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹 기획의 기본스킬입니다. 그리고 웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹 기획자에게 웹 사이트의 트렌드를 읽을수 있는 눈을 키워줄 뿐만아니라 경쟁 사이트 혹은 유명 사이트의 벤치마킹을 통하여 웹의 문제점과 개선방안에 실질적인 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹의 콘셉이나 우수한 서비스를 발견하는 것이 전부가 아니라 사용자의 사고, 사이트 이용패턴, 이용경험까지 벤치마킹해야합니다

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웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹 기획의 기본스킬입니다. 그리고 웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹 기획자에게 웹 사이트의 트렌드를 읽을수 있는 눈을 키워줄 뿐만아니라 경쟁 사이트 혹은 유명 사이트의 벤치마킹을 통하여 웹의 문제점과 개선방안에 실질적인 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 웹 사이트 벤치마킹은 웹의 콘셉이나 우수한 서비스를 발견하는 것이 전부가 아니라 사용자의 사고, 사이트 이용패턴, 이용경험까지 벤치마킹해야합니다

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  • 1. Σχεδιάζοντας το Web: Web design, εφαρµογές και διαφηµίσεις Δίψα για λιγότερα Γιάννης Κωνσταντακόπουλος
  • 3. Web design Web = περιεχόµενο (content)
  • 5. Web design Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration. Jeffrey Zeldman
  • 8. Web design Design = επικοινωνία + χρήση
  • 9. Web design Design is about communication and about use. If something doesn't communicate it's message or is unusable, for whatever reason, then it can benefit from design. Mark Boulton
  • 11. Web design Design = οι λεπτοµέρειες που κάνουν τη διαφορά
  • 12. Web design Grid Design
  • 13. Web design Τυπογραφία
  • 14. Web design Negative space
  • 15. Web design Flash is a killer app
  • 16. Web design - Flash kills user’s needs - Flash kills usability & accessibility - Flash kills SEO - Flash is hard to be tamed = expensive Tip: Try AJAX instead
  • 18. Web development - Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν απ’ όλους - Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν αµέσως - Εφαρµογές που είναι δύσκολο να κάνεις λάθος
  • 19. Web development - Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν απ’ όλους - Εφαρµογές που µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν αµέσως - Εφαρµογές που είναι δύσκολο να κάνεις λάθος
  • 20. Web development Your browser or OS is not supported (Browser: Safari OS: MacOS)
  • 21. Web development Your browser or OS is not supported (Browser: IE7 OS: Windows XP)
  • 22. Web development Stick to what's truly essential. Good ideas can be tabled. Take whatever you think your product should be and cut it in half. Pare features down until you're left with only the most essential ones. Then do it again. Getting real: The book
  • 23. Web development Instapaper laterloop
  • 25. Web development Twitterific
  • 28. Διαφηµίσεις στο Web Αυτό είναι όλο; Όχι
  • 29. Διαφηµίσεις στο Web 7 διαφηµίσεις = >50% του διαθέσιµου χώρου
  • 30. Διαφηµίσεις στο Web The reason why most online advertising fails is that web users see it as little better than spam. Publishing 2.0
  • 31. Διαφηµίσεις στο Web Καλές Διαφηµίσεις = Content (περιεχόµενο) + Context (ευρύτερο νοηµατικό πλαίσιο website)
  • 34. Διαφηµίσεις στο Web The Deck A buy in The Deck reaches the creative community on the web in an uncluttered, controlled environment, far more valuable than a standard banner or a single text ad among dozens of others. The current rate for ads is $6400 USD per ad per month and this rate is valid through July 31, 2008.
  • 35. Σχεδιάζοντας το Web Design γύρω από το περιεχόµενο + Development γύρω από τον επισκέπτη + Διαφηµίσεις γύρω από το context & content = Χρήσιµο Web