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OAuth 2.0 Threat Landscapes
Prabath Siriwardena (@prabath)
Cloud Identity Summit, 2017.
▪  The Senior Director of Security Architecture, WSO2
▪  Authored the book Advanced API Security - and three more

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The document discusses OpenIG, an identity gateway product from ForgeRock. OpenIG allows legacy applications and APIs to be integrated with identity and access management solutions without modifying the applications. It provides single sign-on, password capture and replay, OAuth 2.0 protection for APIs, and federation capabilities. The latest version of OpenIG includes support for OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, scripting with Groovy, SAML federation, and stateless sessions. The document promotes OpenIG as a cost-effective way to extend security and identity features to existing applications.

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LUDOVIC POITOU, Director of ForgeRock France & OpenIG Product Manager, at the European IRM Summit 2014.

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▪  CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
○  The attacker tries to log into the target website (OAuth 2.0 client) with his
account at the corresponding identity provider.
○  The attacker blocks the redirection to the target web site, and captures the
authorization code. The target web site never sees the code.
○  The attacker constructs the callback URL for the target site - and lets the victim,
clicks on it.
○  The victim logs into the target web site, with the account attached to the
attacker - and adds credit card information.
○  The attacker too logs into the target website with his/her valid credentials and
uses victim’s credit card to buy goods.
▪  Short-lived authorization code
▪  Use the state parameter as defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification.
○  Generate a random number and pass it to the authorization server along with
the grant request.
○  Before redirecting to the authorization server, add the generated value of the
state to the current user session.
○  Authorization server has to return back the same state value with the
authorization code to the return_uri.
○  The client has to validate the state value returned from the authorization server
with the value stored in the user’s current session - if mismatches - reject
moving forward.
▪  Use Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

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Client-side applications are becoming an increasingly popular technology to build applications owing to the advanced user experience that they provide consumers. Authentication and API authorization for these applications are also becoming equally popular topics that many developers have a hard time getting their heads around. Check these slides, where Johann Nallathamby, Head of Solutions Architecture for IAM at WSO2, will attempt to demystify some complexities and misconceptions surrounding this topic and help you better understand the most important features to consider when choosing an authentication and API authorization solution for client-side applications. These slides will review: - The broader classification of client-side applications and their legacy and more recent authentication and API authorization patterns - Sender-constrained token patterns - Solution patterns being employed to improve user experience in client-side applications

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Slides from the talk Token vs Cookies at Devoxx Morocco 2015. Introduction of Json Web Token JWT and comparison with (classic) Cookie handling. Find the demo project used during of this talk on github:

webmobile application developmenttoken
▪  The OAuth 2.0 client app generates a random number
(code_verifier) and finds the SHA256 hash of it - which
is called the code_challenge
▪  Send the code_challenge along with the hashing
method in the authorization grant request to the
authorization server.
▪  Authorization server records the code_challenge and
replies back with the code.
▪  The client sends the code_verifier along with the
authorization code to the token endpoint.
▪  Attacker may attempt to eavesdrop authorization code/access token/
refresh token in transit from the authorization server to the client.
○  Malware installed in the browser (public clients)
○  Browser history (public clients / URI fragments)
○  Intercept the TLS communication between the client (confidential) and the
authorization server (exploiting vulnerabilities at the TLS layer)
▪  Heartbleed
▪  Logjam
▪  Authorization Code Flow Open Redirector
▪  A malicious app can register itself as a handler for the same custom
scheme as of a legitimate OAuth 2.0 native app, can get hold of the
authorization code.
▪  Attacker may attempt a brute force attack to crack the authorization
code/access token.
▪  Attacker may attempt to steal the authorization code/access token/
refresh token stored in the authorization server.
▪  IdP Mix-Up / Malicious Endpoint
▪  The OAuth 2.0 app provides multiple IdP options to login.
▪  The victim picks foo.idp from the browser - the attacker intercepts
the request and change the selection to evil.idp.
▪  The client thinks it’s evil.idp and redirects the user to evil.idp.
▪  The attacker intercepts the redirection and modify the redirection
to go to the foo.idp.
▪  The client gets either the code or the token (based on the grant
type) and now will talk to the evil.idp to validate.
▪  The evil.idp gets hold of user’s access token or the authorization
code from the foo.idp.

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In this webinar from November 2015, John Barco (VP of Product Management) and Tim Sedlack (Sr. Product Manager) take you on a journey: A long time ago in a technology sector far, far away, organizations were promised a unified platform for centralizing identity and integrating it into resources everywhere. But this promise was never realized. Instead, organizations were forced down a dark path to implement a piecemeal identity infrastructure that was painful, with massive integration costs. Finally, the wait is over. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of ForgeRock's unified platform and highlight all the common services provided across the end-to-end solution to make your life easier. Learn more about ForgeRock Access Management: Learn more about ForgeRock Identity Management:

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▪  Always on TLS (use TLS 1.2 or later)
▪  Address all the TLS level vulnerabilities both at the client, authorization
server and the resource server.
▪  The token value should be >=128 bits long and constructed from a
cryptographically strong random or pseudo-random number sequence.
▪  Never store tokens in clear text - but the salted hash.
▪  Short-lived tokens.
○  LinkedIn	has	an	expiration	of	30	seconds	for	its	authorization	codes.	
▪  The token expiration time would depend on the following parameters.
○  Risk	associated	with	token	leakage		
○  Duration	of	the	underlying	access	grant		
○  Time	required	for	an	attacker	to	guess	or	produce	a	valid	token	
▪  One-time authorization code
▪  One-time access token (implicit grant type)
▪  Use PKCE (proof key for code exchange) to avoid authorization code
interception attack.
○  Have S256 as the code challenge method
▪  Enforce standard SQL injection countermeasures
▪  Avoid using the same client_id/client_secret for each instance of a
mobile app - rather use the Dynamic Client Registration API to
generate a key pair per instance.
○  Most of the time the leakage of authorization code becomes a threat when the
attacker is in hold of the client id and client secret.
▪  Restrict grant types by client.
○  Most of the authorization servers do support all core grant types. If unrestricted,
leakage of client id/client secret gives the attacker the opportunity obtain an
access token via client credentials grant type.
▪  Enable client authentication via a much secured manner.
○  JWT client assertions
○  TLS mutual authentication
○  Have a key of size 2048 bits or larger if RSA algorithms are used for the client
○  Have a key of size 160 bits or larger if elliptic curve algorithms are used for the
client authentication
▪  White-list callback URLs (redirect_uri)
○  The absolute URL or a regEx pattern

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This document discusses security approaches for microservices architectures. It begins by defining microservices as an application that calls API endpoints which then call other API endpoints. It then discusses four options for securing communication between microservices: 1) passing cleartext headers, 2) transmitting tokens, 3) using OAuth scopes, and 4) token exchange. Each option has advantages and disadvantages for security and complexity. The document also provides examples of microservices security architectures for three different companies. It concludes that the main challenge is implementing microservices security without mistakes by balancing requirements, capabilities, and choosing appropriate solutions.

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by WSO2
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▪  IdP-Mixup
○  Use different callback URLs by IdP
▪  Token Binding
▪  A malicious resource (an API / Microservice) could reuse an access
token used to access itself by a legitimate client to access another
resource, impersonating the original client.
▪  An evil web site gets an access token from a legitimate user, can
reuse it at another web site (which trusts the same authorization
server) with the implicit grant type
○  https://target-app/callback?access_token=<access_token>
▪  A legitimate user misuses an access token (issued under implicit grant
type/SPA) to access a set of backend APIs in a way, exhausting
server resources.
▪  Use scoped access tokens. Qualify the scope name, with a namespace
unique to the resource (resource server).
▪  The client obtains the access token for a given audience - by passing
the audience information (representing the resource server) to the
token endpoint - as per
▪  Use OAuth for authorization not for authentication.
○  Use OpenID Connect for authentication
▪  To avoid exhausting resources at the server side, enforce throttle limits
by user by application. In case an attacker wants to misuse a token -
the worst he/she can do is to eat his/her own quota.

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As the popularity of cloud-based deployment is on the rise, more and more organizations are moving their mission-critical workloads into cloud services. Microsoft Azure is one of the fastest-growing cloud service providers. They have gained the trust and loyalty of lots of users over the year. WSO2 identity server is an extensible identity access management solution for implementing cost-effective identity management infrastructure. WSO2 Identity Server supports deployments on-premises, many cloud service providers and hybrid models. Watch the on-demand recording here -

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Identity provisioning has traditionally centered around user identities. However, as the digital transformation takes hold and more devices and things come online, there is a need to apply traditional provisioning practices to untraditional things. Identity administration in the modern age must be about managing the identity lifecycle of users’ devices and things and their relationships to one another. In this session, Victor and Stein will discuss different ways to address the complex identity challenges of IoT. With: Victor Ake, VP Customer Innovation, ForgeRock Stein Myrseth, Technology Solutions Director, ForgeRock

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The OpenID Connect or OAuth frameworks can be used to achieve a range of security levels. Properly used, it mitigates many risks. However, OpenID Connect’s flexibility, combined with its shared ontogeny with OAuth 2.0, creates opportunities for error--developers may not use (or even know about ) certain features necessary to achieve the transaction integrity they desire. The good news is that client software and middleware services can do some of the heavy lifting. You can have the best of both worlds--maximizing security and developer joy. Whether you’re a developer or security architect, what should you look for in an application that acts as an OpenID Connect client?

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[Cloud Identity Summit 2017] Oauth 2.0 Threat Landscapes

  • 1. OAuth 2.0 Threat Landscapes Prabath Siriwardena (@prabath) Cloud Identity Summit, 2017.
  • 2. ABOUT ME 2 ▪  The Senior Director of Security Architecture, WSO2 ▪  Authored the book Advanced API Security - and three more
  • 10. ▪  CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) ○  The attacker tries to log into the target website (OAuth 2.0 client) with his account at the corresponding identity provider. ○  The attacker blocks the redirection to the target web site, and captures the authorization code. The target web site never sees the code. ○  The attacker constructs the callback URL for the target site - and lets the victim, clicks on it. ○  The victim logs into the target web site, with the account attached to the attacker - and adds credit card information. ○  The attacker too logs into the target website with his/her valid credentials and uses victim’s credit card to buy goods. 10 SESSION INJECTION THREATS
  • 11. ▪  Short-lived authorization code ▪  Use the state parameter as defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification. ○  Generate a random number and pass it to the authorization server along with the grant request. ○  Before redirecting to the authorization server, add the generated value of the state to the current user session. ○  Authorization server has to return back the same state value with the authorization code to the return_uri. ○  The client has to validate the state value returned from the authorization server with the value stored in the user’s current session - if mismatches - reject moving forward. 11 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES SESSION INJECTION
  • 12. ▪  Use Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) ○ 12 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES SESSION INJECTION
  • 13. ▪  The OAuth 2.0 client app generates a random number (code_verifier) and finds the SHA256 hash of it - which is called the code_challenge ▪  Send the code_challenge along with the hashing method in the authorization grant request to the authorization server. ▪  Authorization server records the code_challenge and replies back with the code. ▪  The client sends the code_verifier along with the authorization code to the token endpoint. 13 PROOF KEY FOR CODE EXCHANGE
  • 14. TOKEN LEAKAGE ▪  Attacker may attempt to eavesdrop authorization code/access token/ refresh token in transit from the authorization server to the client. ○  Malware installed in the browser (public clients) ○  Browser history (public clients / URI fragments) ○  Intercept the TLS communication between the client (confidential) and the authorization server (exploiting vulnerabilities at the TLS layer) ▪  Heartbleed ▪  Logjam ▪  Authorization Code Flow Open Redirector 14 THREATS
  • 15. ▪  A malicious app can register itself as a handler for the same custom scheme as of a legitimate OAuth 2.0 native app, can get hold of the authorization code. ▪  Attacker may attempt a brute force attack to crack the authorization code/access token. ▪  Attacker may attempt to steal the authorization code/access token/ refresh token stored in the authorization server. ▪  IdP Mix-Up / Malicious Endpoint 15 THREATS TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 16. ▪  The OAuth 2.0 app provides multiple IdP options to login. ▪  The victim picks foo.idp from the browser - the attacker intercepts the request and change the selection to evil.idp. ▪  The client thinks it’s evil.idp and redirects the user to evil.idp. ▪  The attacker intercepts the redirection and modify the redirection to go to the foo.idp. ▪  The client gets either the code or the token (based on the grant type) and now will talk to the evil.idp to validate. ▪  The evil.idp gets hold of user’s access token or the authorization code from the foo.idp. 16 IDP MIXUP
  • 17. ▪  Always on TLS (use TLS 1.2 or later) ▪  Address all the TLS level vulnerabilities both at the client, authorization server and the resource server. ▪  The token value should be >=128 bits long and constructed from a cryptographically strong random or pseudo-random number sequence. ▪  Never store tokens in clear text - but the salted hash. ▪  Short-lived tokens. ○  LinkedIn has an expiration of 30 seconds for its authorization codes. 17 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 18. ▪  The token expiration time would depend on the following parameters. ○  Risk associated with token leakage ○  Duration of the underlying access grant ○  Time required for an attacker to guess or produce a valid token ▪  One-time authorization code ▪  One-time access token (implicit grant type) ▪  Use PKCE (proof key for code exchange) to avoid authorization code interception attack. ○  Have S256 as the code challenge method ▪  Enforce standard SQL injection countermeasures 18 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 19. ▪  Avoid using the same client_id/client_secret for each instance of a mobile app - rather use the Dynamic Client Registration API to generate a key pair per instance. ○  Most of the time the leakage of authorization code becomes a threat when the attacker is in hold of the client id and client secret. ▪  Restrict grant types by client. ○  Most of the authorization servers do support all core grant types. If unrestricted, leakage of client id/client secret gives the attacker the opportunity obtain an access token via client credentials grant type. 19 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 20. ▪  Enable client authentication via a much secured manner. ○  JWT client assertions ○  TLS mutual authentication ○  Have a key of size 2048 bits or larger if RSA algorithms are used for the client authentication ○  Have a key of size 160 bits or larger if elliptic curve algorithms are used for the client authentication ▪  White-list callback URLs (redirect_uri) ○  The absolute URL or a regEx pattern 20 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 21. ▪  IdP-Mixup ○  Use different callback URLs by IdP ○ ▪  Token Binding ○ ○ ○ ○ 21 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN LEAKAGE
  • 22. TOKEN REUSE/MISUSE ▪  A malicious resource (an API / Microservice) could reuse an access token used to access itself by a legitimate client to access another resource, impersonating the original client. ▪  An evil web site gets an access token from a legitimate user, can reuse it at another web site (which trusts the same authorization server) with the implicit grant type ○  https://target-app/callback?access_token=<access_token> ▪  A legitimate user misuses an access token (issued under implicit grant type/SPA) to access a set of backend APIs in a way, exhausting server resources. 22 THREATS
  • 23. ▪  Use scoped access tokens. Qualify the scope name, with a namespace unique to the resource (resource server). ▪  The client obtains the access token for a given audience - by passing the audience information (representing the resource server) to the token endpoint - as per audience-00.html. ▪  Use OAuth for authorization not for authentication. ○  Use OpenID Connect for authentication 23 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN REUSE/MISUSE
  • 24. ▪  To avoid exhausting resources at the server side, enforce throttle limits by user by application. In case an attacker wants to misuse a token - the worst he/she can do is to eat his/her own quota. 24 MITIGATIONS / BEST PRACTICES TOKEN REUSE/MISUSE