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Next-gen ADM
The future of
application services
February 2019
Table of contents
The ADM market
Market trends
Client observations
The “new normal”
IBM point of view (POV) on the future of ADM
The three performance zones in ADM
Details of each model
Portfolio assessment and alignment
The shift over time
Key considerations in a comprehensive
ADM strategy
ADM team constructs
Convergence of AM and AD
Integrated AD and AM model
POV on automation
Our POV on service integration and management
Client stories
Client examples
Moving forward
Overview of the next-gen ADM story
© 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services3
The ADM market
The ADM market
Market trends driving the future of ADM
Rapid technology advances are driving higher expectations
around speed, efficiency and resilience
Supporting growth of the business
is the top priority for chief information
officers (CIOs). Gartner.
Increasing expectations for
consumer-like experiences in
workplace apps.
Rising digital ambitions driven by
the need to push customer-centric
offerings to market quickly.
Increasing financial pressure to shift
spend from app maintenance to digital
reinvention, and to move from capital
expenditure (capex) to operational
cost (opex).
Expanding the breadth of user
experiences, including advanced
user interfaces (Uis), connected cars,
mobile accessibility, virtual assistants
and social media integration.
Increasing hyper-personalization
requires real-time data capture and
Business expectations
Expectations for how
technology should help meet
business goals are rising
Technology trends
Businesses are using new
tools to improve speed,
quality and efficiency
Accelerated cloud adoption
Hybrid cloud environments are
becoming standard. Large enterprises
need to innovate using cloud and
legacy systems, where new cloud-native
architectures are transforming how
we deliver and operate solutions.
Omnichannel experience
The pervasive mobile and next-gen UI is
transforming how customers consume
business capabilities. Next-gen UIs and
devices are creating new complexity
around design, testing and management.
Application decomposition
Composable business functions bring
portability, security, speed and efficiency
to traditional applications, enabled by
application programming interfaces (APIs),
microservices and containers.
Data fabrics
A core component of digitization
is treating data as an asset. To be
successful with digitization, businesses
must use data management and
governance techniques to free data
from supporting IT components.
Service integration
As enterprises further externalize
application capabilities using software
as a service (SaaS) and business process
as a service (BPaaS) solutions, they
must provide comprehensive integration
of solutions at a service layer to meet
customer expectations.
AI-driven optimization
Advanced artificial intelligence (AI)
will transform ADM with predictive
analytics, machine learning and a
proactive self-healing system.
Advanced DevOps enables continuous
delivery and optimization (such as
telemetry and continuous monitoring),
while agile methods allow organizations
to deliver incremental business value.
Technology velocity and security
Technologies evolve rapidly, enabled by
open source and cloud ecosystems and
the need for increased security.
Automation-led productivity
Robotic process automation (RPA) will cut
app support costs by about 50 percent.

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Select this API Management Solution PowerPoint Presentation Slides and study the needs of app developers. Display your company’s objectives like the expansion of the market base, building a platform ecosystem, and improving the digital outreach company through this application gateway PPT templates. Highlight the structure of architectural components of API with the help of this computing interface management PPT slide. You can easily introduce your services of API portal like documentation, registration, and analysis in a well-organized manner by taking the aid of our invigorating software management PPT designs. Take advantage of our professionally designed network administration PPT themes to exhibit various components like API design, deployment, security, analytics, and monetization in an appropriate color-coded fashion. You can take the assistance of this API solution PPT presentation to provide a report on API management in a well-organized format. Click the download button and make this open-source management PowerPoint presentation your source to educate prospective clients about attractive opportunities in the API management market.

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Deloitte & Mulesoft : The Right Mix
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Businesses of every shape and size are using cloud to gain rapid access to world class IT capabilities (resource pooling, rapid elasticity,measured service, cost predictability, agility, rapid implementation, etc). Integrating a cloud solution with existing systems can be one of the most complex, costly and time-consuming aspects of cloud adoption.

mulesoftcloud orchestrationesb
The ADM market
Born-digital companies use
highly automated and mature
DevOps capabilities to shift the
baseline of product releases
from months to incremental
real-time releases.
Consumer-centric, born-digital
organizations use always-up,
zero-downtime capabilities to
ensure service resilience.
These organizations use test
automation and reuse of
composable business services
created in a DevOps-enabled
cloud platform to maximize the
efficiency of their apps.
The “new normal”
Born-digital companies are setting new standards for speed, efficiency and resilience
Facebook rapidly delivers new
features based on customer
Amazon has the ability to
deploy every 12 seconds
Uber has a fully API-
enabled enterprise
Google has pretrained cloud-
based AI capabilities to
augment RPA
Spotify has hidden features to
expose integration issues early
Netflix has an always-up
production system
Industry-specific content
– To be added by the
Please highlight
specific players and
trends that are relevant
for the client to whom
you are speaking
A modular breakdown of
work focused on agility,
user-centric design, and
automation is increasing
efficiency, responsiveness
and quality.
Businesses are developing and releasing software quicker
thanks to the rapid evolution of software frameworks, such
as web and mobile; modular technology paradigms, such as
microservices; and containerization accelerated by cloud-
based ecosystems.
Teams are reorganizing to
be small, self-contained
and multiskilled. This
reorganization allows them
to work in an end-to-end
fashion, and helps create
collaborative, accountable
The ADM market
The new normal is underpinned
by paradigm shifts across people,
processes and technology
© 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services7
the future
of ADM
the core
Cut costs and
Digital transformation in a multispeed environment with next-gen ADM
To compete in the new normal, organization must consider three performance zones
The future of ADM
Unlock legacy
Develop new
Unleash digital
Deliver speed
and growth

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In October 2014, I had a talk at Jazoon in Zurich, Switzerland: "A New Front for SOA: Open API and API Management as Game Changer" Open API represent the leading edge of a new business model, providing innovative ways for companies to expand brand value and routes to market, and create new value chains for intellectual property. In the past, SOA strategies mostly targeted internal users. Open APIs target mostly external partners. This session introduces the concepts of Open API, its challenges and opportunities. API Management will become important in many areas, no matter if business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C) communication. Several real world use cases will discuss how to gain leverage due to API Management. The end of the session shows and compares API management products from different vendors such as TIBCO API Exchange, IBM, Apigee, 3scale, WSO2, MuleSoft, Mashery, Layer 7, Vordel

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This document discusses a 12-week program to implement a minimum viable product (MVP) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and ServiceNow. The MVP will establish best practice workflows for provisioning, service management, and business reporting. Key user stories will be delivered in iterations to demonstrate value. The development team will focus on constant demonstration of value to business stakeholders through showcasing workflows.

• Traditional app
development and
maintenance refined
with modern tools
and approaches
• New development driven
primarily by legal and
regulatory needs
• Maintain core value, while
removing lower-value
Best fit for:
• Monolithic architectures
supported by legacy skills
• Complex enterprise
continuity systems that
need limited changes,
reactive maintenance and
minimal investment
• Apps that are important,
but aren’t economically
viable to modernize
Optimize the
Cut costs and
The future of ADM
Labor arbitrage, RPA and
cognitive computing drive
the following benefits:
• 50% fewer incidents
• 50%-70% productivity
benefits over five years
• 30% cost reduction
• 60% test-case reduction
• Complete regulatory
change cycles with
reduced complexity
§ Factory model with high offshore
leverage and necessary time zone
coverage for support
§ Functional squads for improved
collaboration and deskilling
§ Shared subject matter expert
(SME) squads for leveraging
§ Apprentice models for training,
especially for legacy skills that
are rare
The future of ADM
§ Cognitive automation: Improve quality
of support through shift left—put the
resolution closer to customers
§ Robotic process automation for
productivity and quality
§ Operation analytics and IT autonomics
for proactive incident management and
faster troubleshooting
§ Code quality review and reverse
engineering to reduce cost of transition
and maintenance
§ Test innovation IBM® IGNITE: Critical
technology development (CTD), scriptless
testing, cognitive defect analytics for
defect prevention
§ SaaS adoption for enterprise applications
§ Independent software vendor (ISV)
product-driven modernization, such as
§ Aspirational goal: To eliminate
need for application management
§ Shift left application support:
Put incident resolution closer to
the customer
§ Agile and lean processes
§ Security practices to improve
§ Hybrid labor model with
operational oversight on bots
§ Automation-first culture for
effort elimination
§ Drive simplification by
continuously maturing DevOps
Optimize the core
Intelligent, efficient and secure application management with low TCO,
using automation tools, cognitive assets and targeted security practices
What good looks like
• Wrap new technology and
features around existing
apps to unlock value.
• Take advantage of new
technology in a hybrid
• Have the potential to fully
move to cloud over time.
Best fit for:
• Legacy apps with key
data and embedded
business rules, requiring
new ways of user access
• Monolithic apps where a
full rewrite would be
• Apps that contribute to
• Portion of the core where
investment can help
improve speed, flexibility
and user experience
Develop new
The future of ADM
Prioritized modernization
based on business value
drives the following
• 40% faster time to
• 60% less build and
deployment time
• Omnichannel
enablement in weeks,
not months
• Up to 50% productivity
benefits over five years
§ Squads and scrum for app
development: Mature product
owner concept, scrum master
with cross-functional team
resources, two-week sprints
§ Squads and Kanban for
maintenance: Kanban for efficiency
and rotating talent between
maintenance and enhancements
§ Mixed-location strategy: Often
distributed, up to 90% offsite;
mission-critical or systems of
engagement applications are
more likely to be onsite
§ Full-stack teams: Move away
from project teams, toward
product-oriented squads that have
autonomy over the full vertical stack
The future of ADM
§ APIs to wrap legacy apps: Wrap
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
and monolithic apps to help unlock
value and allow new user
experiences—mobile, web, kiosk
§ DevOps automation: DevOps
pipelines to improve flexibility
and speed of feedback
§ Cloud readiness: Start to
modernize apps for the cloud—
containerization, modern tool
chains, removing monoliths,
user experience focus
§ Lean portfolio management:
Lean work streams
§ Coordinated programs: Release
planning, release trains with
program increments
§ Team on same cadence:
Two-week sprints coordinated
with other teams (both agile
and traditional)
§ DevOps processes: Eliminate
culture of separate dev and
ops silos
§ Modernized requirements and
design: IBM Design Thinking
(where applicable) with
empowered product owner
and strong focus on shift-left
automated testing
Culture/business agility
§ Agile and lean culture at the
portfolio level
§ Culture of grooming business
product owners
§ DevOps culture
§ User centric—mobile,
Unlock legacy
Wrap modern technology and approaches around existing
apps to improve flexibility, feedback and user experience
What good looks like

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A Roadmap to Cloud Center of Excellence Adoption
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Implementing a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) promotes a seamless transition to the cloud for any organization. Cloud adoption includes communicating a new strategic direction, involving stakeholders from across the organization, identifying skill gaps, identifying key team members, and establishing a realistic roadmap. JHC Technology presents how organizations can manage, evaluate, automate, and continuously spur cloud adoption through repeatability, allowing the organization to deploy innovation today and be ready for whatever comes tomorrow. As part of this discussion we will review the framework necessary to identify AWS Partners that can provide the best value to your organization. Elizabeth Boudreau, Cloud Executive Advisor, Amazon Web Services Matt Jordan, Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Development, JHC Technology

• Uses modern technology
to innovate faster and
support strategic
• Builds new or improved
digital experiences.
Best fit for:
• Market-facing apps that
impact revenue.
• Systems that require
speed, flexibility and
agility to capture growth.
• Apps that need
continuous improvement
and delivery.
• Apps using platform as a
service (PaaS) and SaaS
capabilities like IBM
Cloud™, ServiceNow,
Microsoft Azure or
Red Hat Open Shift
Deliver speed
and growth
The future of ADM
Increased speed and
innovation and reduced
maintenance needs drive
the following benefits:
• 40% - 50% faster time to
• 50% faster feedback
• New and improved digital
• Improved scalability and
• Intrinsic resilience by
design, self-healing apps
§ Product squads: Product focus
versus project focus, with active
and empowered product owner
§ Cross-functional full-stack
teams: Technical squad leader,
team of self-learners with full-
stack skills, including site
reliability engineers (SREs)
§ Combined app development
and maintenance: Maintenance
team part of continuous squad
§ Colocated teams are ideal:
Reduce long time-zone overlaps
The future of ADM
§ Modern languages: Node,
Angular, JavaScript, Spring
§ Cloud-native patterns: Circuit
breaker, service registration
and discovery
§ Cloud native development:
Microservices, 12-factor
abstraction, Representational
State Transfer (RESTful) APIs,
self healing
§ Modern Toolchain: Automated
CI and CD pipeline and toolchain
§ Self-service development
and quality assurance (QA)
environments: Can be built
and torn down quickly
§ Hybrid footprint: Leverage
both private and public clouds
§ Minimum viable product (MVP)-
based starting points: Lean
work streams, Design Thinking
with defined market outcomes
§ Tight feedback loops: One-
week iterations with daily
feedback loops
§ Extreme programming (XP)
practices: Test-driven
development (TDD), pair
programming, continuous with
continuous integration (CI)
and continuous delivery (CD)
§ Maintenance and app
development backlog:
Maintenance backlog is
combined with new work
§ Innovation focused: Speed and
agility, fail fast, rapid feedback,
A/B testing, shift left
§ Innovation capabilities: Create
a capability to continuously
innovate with persistent
innovation squads and experiment
with new technologies—AI and
IBM Watson®, blockchain, the
Internet of Things (IoT) and more
§ Scalability and resiliency:
Horizontal scaling for elasticity,
zero-downtime deployments
and self-healing software with
immutable infrastructure
Unleash digital
Full digital reinvention of applications to drive growth
What good looks like
Shift toward
The journey will
be driven by
business and
The future of ADM
the core
IllustrativeThe shift
over time
The dominate model
among incumbents today
is the traditional legacy
model—optimize the
core. Over time, more
companies will shift to
modern management
approaches, but the
traditional model will not
disappear altogether.
Today Future
Unleash roadmap
Unlock roadmap
The future of ADM
Align applications to the appropriate ADM models
Application portfolio transformation: a path to the next-gen ADM
Associate apps with
preferred models
Assess capabilities to deliver
within a model
• Understand capabilities of each group
of apps within a model.
• Rate capabilities within key areas for
each model, such as cognitive,
robotics, engineering, development
approach, skills and architecture.
• Define the gaps compared with the
desired future state.
Optimize Unlock Unleash
Unleash capability rating framework
Unlock capability rating framework
Optimize capability rating framework
1 2 3 4
2. Determine best fit for
Future state
1. Understand the portfolio
Enterprise or line-of-business (LOB) portfolio
3. Assess capabilities
Build the roadmap
Tailor the roadmap from current
state to the desired end state for
each group of apps, within each
Optimize roadmap
4. Develop roadmaps
The business
The technology
IBM proprietary
business model
Client application
portfolio and user
1. Business outcomes
2. Criticality
3. Source of business
4. Total cost of
ownership (TCO)
1. Tech currency
2. Architecture maturity
3. Usage and system
4. Maintainability
5. Speed of innovation
1. Standardize parameterization of application
attributes to define future-state environment
2. Identify opportunities to retire, consolidate or
3. Consider cloud affinity, future-state deployment
options, and cost of ownership scenarios.
Applications to
Applications to
Applications to
Based on the
defined scope of
apps to be
addressed, align
apps into the
based on the
desired end
state of the

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17 © 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services17
Key considerations
in a comprehensive
ADM strategy
Cross-functional ADM
squad team
Product ownerLocal product ownerProduct
Optimize the core Unlock Unleash
A comprehensive ADM strategy
ADM team constructs: Illustrative
Optimizing the workforce and operating at scale
ADM squad team
Squad lead
Client site, IBM centers
Colocated teams
IBM Garage Method
Time to value and impact
Product-driven ADM
Cost: Horizontal integration Vertical integration Speed
Highest-priority transformation initiatives
Maximum flexibility and impact
Distributed agile teams
2 hour overlap during working hours
Growth initiatives
Mainstream components
Partial scrum
Client site Global delivery center
Cost optimized with flexibility
Agile specialization App Development
and Kanban maintenance
Cost optimized
Project-driven app development
and Kanban maintenance
Traditional model
Global factory delivery
Global delivery
Client site
Project-based app
development teams
Kanban maintenance
Client leadership
Factory requirement
Functional initiatives
Traditional development
Global distributed squad structure
Time-zone focused 100% screen share
Squad lead
Transformation initiatives
Key growth initiatives
Faster time to market than scrum
Client-site squads Distributed squads
Flexibility, quality and cost
Product-driven ADM
DesignerDesigner Kanban maintenance teams
To meet client productivity
expectations and to enhance
quality, compliance and
Our POV on automation
Automation will be used to execute work
without human intervention, as well as to
augment knowledge workers with AI to
drive higher productivity and better
A comprehensive ADM strategy
In the next generation of
ADM, every engagement will
include automation to delivery
30%-40% productivity and
workforce savings.
IBM Automation offers
automation solutions
across infrastructure,
applications and
business processes to
help clients in
becoming a cognitive
We will offer solutions that use
embedded intelligent automation
to remove human intervention
from routine, repetitive work and
augment knowledge work.
We team with clients to deliver
enterprise application
automation “out of the box” to
drastically reduce TCO and
improve speed and quality.
A new breed of IT & Application
A new breed of information
technology (IT) and application
automation engineers will
deliver enhanced application
services by bringing together AI
and Watson™ API’s, RPA and
associated automation
technologies using a fully
integrated automation tool kit
on the IBM Cloud.
on service
In an environment where application and infrastructure
capabilities are broadly externalized through the use of SaaS,
BPaaS and platforms, maintaining control of the performance
and cost of the portfolio becomes an increasingly complex
service integration task.
In addition, this environment becomes increasingly dynamic as
a non-customized best-of-breed approach supports just-in-
time switching of capabilities. This approach demands new
capabilities in the domains of service-level enforcement,
architectural standards enforcement, data management, cost
control, and demand and supply management.
Effective structuring of this capability can be complicated. It
requires specialist skills and effective deployment of tools well
beyond the traditional scope of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
into domains, such as data fabric management, environment
brokering, tool capability and architecture assessment, and so
on. Vendors can play a role in helping the client establish
these capabilities or even operate them on behalf of the client.
Service integration
becomes a key
function in unlocking
value for the business
from the portfolio and
maintaining business
stability and control.
A comprehensive ADM strategy

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Introduction to Business Architecture - Part 2
Introduction to Business Architecture - Part 2Introduction to Business Architecture - Part 2
Introduction to Business Architecture - Part 2

The first part is available at: This material describes conducting a specific business architecture engagement. The engagement process is generic and needs to be adapted to each specific application and use. The engagement is a formal process for gathering information and creating a new business function model based on an analysis of that information. The objective is to create a realistic and achievable target business architecture to achieve the desired business change. Business architecture is a structured approach to analysing the operation of an existing business function or entire organisation with a view to improving its operations or developing a new business function, with a strong focus on processes and technology. Business architecture is not about business requirements – it is about business solutions and organisation changes to deliver business objectives.

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Ten years ago, DevOps broke down the silos between Engineering and Ops and accelerated the pace of innovation. Today, a similar pattern is emerging where effective cloud infrastructure adoption and usage requires a deep collaboration between technical teams (DevOps) and their new partners in finance and business. Attendees will learn from cloud innovators how to scale their cloud adoption by collaborating across operations, development and finance to continuously optimise cloud spend, using an emerging practice known as FinOps.

© 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services21
Tom Crane
Next-gen ADM Global Leader
Thank you
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019
IBM Corporation
New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Produced in the United States of America
February 2019
IBM, the IBM logo,, Cloudant, IBM API Connect, IBM Cloud, IBM Watson, UrbanCode, and Watson are trademarks or
registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and
service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at
“Copyright and trademark information” at
Microsoft and Azure are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
The document is current as of the initial date of the publication and may be changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are
available in every country in which IBM operates.
WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the terms and conditions
of the agreements under which they are provided.
Trademarks and notes
Next Gen ADM: The future of application services.

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Next Gen ADM: The future of application services.

  • 1. 1 Next-gen ADM The future of application services February 2019
  • 2. 2 Table of contents The ADM market Market trends Client observations The “new normal” IBM point of view (POV) on the future of ADM The three performance zones in ADM Details of each model Portfolio assessment and alignment The shift over time Key considerations in a comprehensive ADM strategy ADM team constructs Convergence of AM and AD Integrated AD and AM model POV on automation Our POV on service integration and management Client stories Client examples Moving forward Overview of the next-gen ADM story
  • 3. © 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services3 The ADM market
  • 4. 4 The ADM market Market trends driving the future of ADM Rapid technology advances are driving higher expectations around speed, efficiency and resilience Supporting growth of the business is the top priority for chief information officers (CIOs). Gartner. Increasing expectations for consumer-like experiences in workplace apps. Rising digital ambitions driven by the need to push customer-centric offerings to market quickly. Increasing financial pressure to shift spend from app maintenance to digital reinvention, and to move from capital expenditure (capex) to operational cost (opex). Expanding the breadth of user experiences, including advanced user interfaces (Uis), connected cars, mobile accessibility, virtual assistants and social media integration. Increasing hyper-personalization requires real-time data capture and analysis. Business expectations Expectations for how technology should help meet business goals are rising Technology trends Businesses are using new tools to improve speed, quality and efficiency Accelerated cloud adoption Hybrid cloud environments are becoming standard. Large enterprises need to innovate using cloud and legacy systems, where new cloud-native architectures are transforming how we deliver and operate solutions. Omnichannel experience The pervasive mobile and next-gen UI is transforming how customers consume business capabilities. Next-gen UIs and devices are creating new complexity around design, testing and management. Application decomposition Composable business functions bring portability, security, speed and efficiency to traditional applications, enabled by application programming interfaces (APIs), microservices and containers. Data fabrics A core component of digitization is treating data as an asset. To be successful with digitization, businesses must use data management and governance techniques to free data from supporting IT components. Service integration As enterprises further externalize application capabilities using software as a service (SaaS) and business process as a service (BPaaS) solutions, they must provide comprehensive integration of solutions at a service layer to meet customer expectations. AI-driven optimization Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) will transform ADM with predictive analytics, machine learning and a proactive self-healing system. DevOps Advanced DevOps enables continuous delivery and optimization (such as telemetry and continuous monitoring), while agile methods allow organizations to deliver incremental business value. Technology velocity and security Technologies evolve rapidly, enabled by open source and cloud ecosystems and the need for increased security. Automation-led productivity Robotic process automation (RPA) will cut app support costs by about 50 percent.
  • 5. 5 The ADM market Speed Born-digital companies use highly automated and mature DevOps capabilities to shift the baseline of product releases from months to incremental real-time releases. Resilience Consumer-centric, born-digital organizations use always-up, zero-downtime capabilities to ensure service resilience. Efficiency These organizations use test automation and reuse of composable business services created in a DevOps-enabled cloud platform to maximize the efficiency of their apps. The “new normal” Born-digital companies are setting new standards for speed, efficiency and resilience Facebook rapidly delivers new features based on customer insights Amazon has the ability to deploy every 12 seconds Uber has a fully API- enabled enterprise Google has pretrained cloud- based AI capabilities to augment RPA Spotify has hidden features to expose integration issues early Netflix has an always-up production system Industry-specific content – To be added by the presenter. Please highlight specific players and trends that are relevant for the client to whom you are speaking
  • 6. 66 Processes A modular breakdown of work focused on agility, user-centric design, and automation is increasing efficiency, responsiveness and quality. Technology Businesses are developing and releasing software quicker thanks to the rapid evolution of software frameworks, such as web and mobile; modular technology paradigms, such as microservices; and containerization accelerated by cloud- based ecosystems. People Teams are reorganizing to be small, self-contained and multiskilled. This reorganization allows them to work in an end-to-end fashion, and helps create collaborative, accountable organizations. The ADM market The new normal is underpinned by paradigm shifts across people, processes and technology
  • 7. © 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services7 IBM POV on the future of ADM
  • 8. 88 Optimize the core Cut costs and maximize efficiency Digital transformation in a multispeed environment with next-gen ADM To compete in the new normal, organization must consider three performance zones The future of ADM Unlock legacy Develop new capabilities Unleash digital Deliver speed and growth
  • 9. 9 • Traditional app development and maintenance refined with modern tools and approaches • New development driven primarily by legal and regulatory needs • Maintain core value, while removing lower-value costs Best fit for: • Monolithic architectures supported by legacy skills • Complex enterprise continuity systems that need limited changes, reactive maintenance and minimal investment • Apps that are important, but aren’t economically viable to modernize Optimize the core Cut costs and maximize efficiency The future of ADM Labor arbitrage, RPA and cognitive computing drive the following benefits: • 50% fewer incidents • 50%-70% productivity benefits over five years • 30% cost reduction • 60% test-case reduction • Complete regulatory change cycles with reduced complexity
  • 10. 10 People § Factory model with high offshore leverage and necessary time zone coverage for support § Functional squads for improved collaboration and deskilling § Shared subject matter expert (SME) squads for leveraging expertise § Apprentice models for training, especially for legacy skills that are rare The future of ADM Technology § Cognitive automation: Improve quality of support through shift left—put the resolution closer to customers § Robotic process automation for productivity and quality § Operation analytics and IT autonomics for proactive incident management and faster troubleshooting § Code quality review and reverse engineering to reduce cost of transition and maintenance § Test innovation IBM® IGNITE: Critical technology development (CTD), scriptless testing, cognitive defect analytics for defect prevention § SaaS adoption for enterprise applications § Independent software vendor (ISV) product-driven modernization, such as SAP S4/HANA Processes § Aspirational goal: To eliminate need for application management (AM) § Shift left application support: Put incident resolution closer to the customer § Agile and lean processes § Security practices to improve resilience § Hybrid labor model with operational oversight on bots Other considerations § Automation-first culture for effort elimination § Drive simplification by continuously maturing DevOps Optimize the core Intelligent, efficient and secure application management with low TCO, using automation tools, cognitive assets and targeted security practices What good looks like
  • 11. 11 • Wrap new technology and features around existing apps to unlock value. • Take advantage of new technology in a hybrid model. • Have the potential to fully move to cloud over time. Best fit for: • Legacy apps with key data and embedded business rules, requiring new ways of user access • Monolithic apps where a full rewrite would be cost-prohibitive • Apps that contribute to differentiation • Portion of the core where investment can help improve speed, flexibility and user experience Unlock legacy Develop new capabilities The future of ADM Prioritized modernization based on business value drives the following benefits: • 40% faster time to market • 60% less build and deployment time • Omnichannel enablement in weeks, not months • Up to 50% productivity benefits over five years
  • 12. 12 People § Squads and scrum for app development: Mature product owner concept, scrum master with cross-functional team resources, two-week sprints § Squads and Kanban for maintenance: Kanban for efficiency and rotating talent between maintenance and enhancements § Mixed-location strategy: Often distributed, up to 90% offsite; mission-critical or systems of engagement applications are more likely to be onsite § Full-stack teams: Move away from project teams, toward product-oriented squads that have autonomy over the full vertical stack The future of ADM Technology § APIs to wrap legacy apps: Wrap commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and monolithic apps to help unlock value and allow new user experiences—mobile, web, kiosk § DevOps automation: DevOps pipelines to improve flexibility and speed of feedback § Cloud readiness: Start to modernize apps for the cloud— containerization, modern tool chains, removing monoliths, user experience focus Processes § Lean portfolio management: Lean work streams § Coordinated programs: Release planning, release trains with program increments § Team on same cadence: Two-week sprints coordinated with other teams (both agile and traditional) § DevOps processes: Eliminate culture of separate dev and ops silos § Modernized requirements and design: IBM Design Thinking (where applicable) with empowered product owner and strong focus on shift-left automated testing Other considerations Culture/business agility § Agile and lean culture at the portfolio level § Culture of grooming business product owners § DevOps culture § User centric—mobile, omnichannel Unlock legacy Wrap modern technology and approaches around existing apps to improve flexibility, feedback and user experience What good looks like
  • 13. 13 • Uses modern technology to innovate faster and support strategic initiatives. • Builds new or improved digital experiences. Best fit for: • Market-facing apps that impact revenue. • Systems that require speed, flexibility and agility to capture growth. • Apps that need continuous improvement and delivery. • Apps using platform as a service (PaaS) and SaaS capabilities like IBM Cloud™, ServiceNow, Microsoft Azure or Red Hat Open Shift Unleash digital Deliver speed and growth The future of ADM Increased speed and innovation and reduced maintenance needs drive the following benefits: • 40% - 50% faster time to market • 50% faster feedback loops • New and improved digital experiences • Improved scalability and resiliency • Intrinsic resilience by design, self-healing apps
  • 14. 14 People § Product squads: Product focus versus project focus, with active and empowered product owner § Cross-functional full-stack teams: Technical squad leader, team of self-learners with full- stack skills, including site reliability engineers (SREs) § Combined app development and maintenance: Maintenance team part of continuous squad § Colocated teams are ideal: Reduce long time-zone overlaps The future of ADM Technology § Modern languages: Node, Angular, JavaScript, Spring § Cloud-native patterns: Circuit breaker, service registration and discovery § Cloud native development: Microservices, 12-factor abstraction, Representational State Transfer (RESTful) APIs, self healing § Modern Toolchain: Automated CI and CD pipeline and toolchain § Self-service development and quality assurance (QA) environments: Can be built and torn down quickly § Hybrid footprint: Leverage both private and public clouds Processes § Minimum viable product (MVP)- based starting points: Lean work streams, Design Thinking with defined market outcomes § Tight feedback loops: One- week iterations with daily feedback loops § Extreme programming (XP) practices: Test-driven development (TDD), pair programming, continuous with continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) § Maintenance and app development backlog: Maintenance backlog is combined with new work Other considerations § Innovation focused: Speed and agility, fail fast, rapid feedback, A/B testing, shift left § Innovation capabilities: Create a capability to continuously innovate with persistent innovation squads and experiment with new technologies—AI and IBM Watson®, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT) and more § Scalability and resiliency: Horizontal scaling for elasticity, zero-downtime deployments and self-healing software with immutable infrastructure Unleash digital Full digital reinvention of applications to drive growth What good looks like
  • 15. 15 Shift toward modern application management practices The journey will be driven by business and technology triggers The future of ADM Shareofportfolio Time Unlock legacy Unleash digital Optimize the core IllustrativeThe shift over time The dominate model among incumbents today is the traditional legacy model—optimize the core. Over time, more companies will shift to modern management approaches, but the traditional model will not disappear altogether. Today Future
  • 16. 16 Unleash roadmap Unlock roadmap The future of ADM Align applications to the appropriate ADM models Application portfolio transformation: a path to the next-gen ADM Associate apps with preferred models Assess capabilities to deliver within a model • Understand capabilities of each group of apps within a model. • Rate capabilities within key areas for each model, such as cognitive, robotics, engineering, development approach, skills and architecture. • Define the gaps compared with the desired future state. Optimize Unlock Unleash Unleash capability rating framework Unlock capability rating framework Optimize capability rating framework 1 2 3 4 ü ü ü 2. Determine best fit for applications Future state 1. Understand the portfolio Enterprise or line-of-business (LOB) portfolio Score 3. Assess capabilities Build the roadmap Tailor the roadmap from current state to the desired end state for each group of apps, within each model Score Score Optimize roadmap 4. Develop roadmaps The business context The technology context IBM proprietary industry-specific component business model Client application portfolio and user inputs 1. Business outcomes supported 2. Criticality 3. Source of business differentiation 4. Total cost of ownership (TCO) 1. Tech currency 2. Architecture maturity 3. Usage and system reliability 4. Maintainability 5. Speed of innovation required 1. Standardize parameterization of application attributes to define future-state environment mapping. 2. Identify opportunities to retire, consolidate or replace. 3. Consider cloud affinity, future-state deployment options, and cost of ownership scenarios. Applications to unleash Applications to unlock Applications to optimize Based on the defined scope of apps to be addressed, align apps into the three environments based on the desired end state of the business.
  • 17. 17 © 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services17 Key considerations in a comprehensive ADM strategy 17
  • 18. 18 Proxyscrum master Cross-functional ADMsquadteam Cross-functional ADM squad team Product owner Product ownerLocal product ownerProduct owner Optimize the core Unlock Unleash A comprehensive ADM strategy ADM team constructs: Illustrative Optimizing the workforce and operating at scale Cross-functional ADM squad team Designer Squad lead Client site, IBM centers Colocated teams IBM Garage Method Time to value and impact optimized Product-driven ADM Cost: Horizontal integration Vertical integration Speed Highest-priority transformation initiatives Maximum flexibility and impact Distributed agile teams 2 hour overlap during working hours Partial scrumteam Scrum master Growth initiatives Mainstream components Migrations Partial scrum teams Client site Global delivery center Cost optimized with flexibility Agile specialization App Development and Kanban maintenance Cost optimized Project-driven app development and Kanban maintenance Traditional model Global factory delivery Global delivery center Client site Project-based app development teams Kanban maintenance teams Client leadership Factory requirement creation Functional initiatives Traditional development Global distributed squad structure Time-zone focused 100% screen share Squad lead Transformation initiatives Key growth initiatives Faster time to market than scrum Client-site squads Distributed squads Flexibility, quality and cost optimized Product-driven ADM DesignerDesigner Kanban maintenance teams Pair Prgmg. Pair Prgmg. Pair Prgmg.
  • 19. 1919 Why? To meet client productivity expectations and to enhance quality, compliance and scalability. Our POV on automation Automation will be used to execute work without human intervention, as well as to augment knowledge workers with AI to drive higher productivity and better decision-making A comprehensive ADM strategy In the next generation of ADM, every engagement will include automation to delivery 30%-40% productivity and workforce savings. IBM Automation offers enterprise-grade automation solutions across infrastructure, applications and business processes to help clients in becoming a cognitive enterprise. What? We will offer solutions that use embedded intelligent automation to remove human intervention from routine, repetitive work and augment knowledge work. We team with clients to deliver enterprise application automation “out of the box” to drastically reduce TCO and improve speed and quality. How? A new breed of IT & Application A new breed of information technology (IT) and application automation engineers will deliver enhanced application services by bringing together AI and Watson™ API’s, RPA and associated automation technologies using a fully integrated automation tool kit on the IBM Cloud.
  • 20. 20 Our POV on service integration and management In an environment where application and infrastructure capabilities are broadly externalized through the use of SaaS, BPaaS and platforms, maintaining control of the performance and cost of the portfolio becomes an increasingly complex service integration task. In addition, this environment becomes increasingly dynamic as a non-customized best-of-breed approach supports just-in- time switching of capabilities. This approach demands new capabilities in the domains of service-level enforcement, architectural standards enforcement, data management, cost control, and demand and supply management. Effective structuring of this capability can be complicated. It requires specialist skills and effective deployment of tools well beyond the traditional scope of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) into domains, such as data fabric management, environment brokering, tool capability and architecture assessment, and so on. Vendors can play a role in helping the client establish these capabilities or even operate them on behalf of the client. Service integration becomes a key function in unlocking value for the business from the portfolio and maintaining business stability and control. A comprehensive ADM strategy
  • 21. © 2018 IBM Corporation 8 February 2019 IBM Services21 Tom Crane Next-gen ADM Global Leader Thank you
  • 22. 22 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2019 IBM Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 Produced in the United States of America February 2019 IBM, the IBM logo,, Cloudant, IBM API Connect, IBM Cloud, IBM Watson, UrbanCode, and Watson are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Microsoft and Azure are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. The document is current as of the initial date of the publication and may be changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every country in which IBM operates. THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided. Trademarks and notes