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Neo4j: Graph-like power
Graph-like power
Roman R.
MATCH (a:Actor),(m:Movie)
WHERE ='Keanu Reeves'
AND m.title='The Matrix'
CREATE (actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(movie)
○ Graphs in NoSQL world
○ classification
○ definition
○ components
○ Neo4j
○ nodes, rels, props, indexes
○ Cypher
○ PHP and Neo4j
○ Demo
○ Alternatives
○ Q/A
NoSQL Databases
Tokyo Cabinet
Infinite GraphAllegroGraph

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Introduction to Spark Datasets - Functional and relational together at last
Introduction to Spark Datasets - Functional and relational together at lastIntroduction to Spark Datasets - Functional and relational together at last
Introduction to Spark Datasets - Functional and relational together at last

Spark Datasets are an evolution of Spark DataFrames which allow us to work with both functional and relational transformations on big data with the speed of Spark.

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Beyond Wordcount with spark datasets (and scalaing) - Nide PDX Jan 2018
Beyond Wordcount  with spark datasets (and scalaing) - Nide PDX Jan 2018Beyond Wordcount  with spark datasets (and scalaing) - Nide PDX Jan 2018
Beyond Wordcount with spark datasets (and scalaing) - Nide PDX Jan 2018

The document discusses Apache Spark Datasets and how they compare to RDDs and DataFrames. Some key points: - Datasets provide better performance than RDDs due to a smarter optimizer, more efficient storage formats, and faster serialization. They also offer simplicity advantages over RDDs for things like windowed operations and multi-column aggregates. - Datasets allow mixing of functional and relational styles more easily than RDDs or DataFrames. The optimizer has more information from Datasets' schemas and can perform optimizations like partial aggregation. - Datasets address some of the limitations of DataFrames, making it easier to write UDFs and handle iterative algorithms. They provide a typed API compared to the untyped

tech talkmeetupapache spark
Spark ML for custom models - FOSDEM HPC 2017
Spark ML for custom models - FOSDEM HPC 2017Spark ML for custom models - FOSDEM HPC 2017
Spark ML for custom models - FOSDEM HPC 2017

- Spark ML pipelines involve estimators that are trained on datasets to produce immutable transformers. - A transformer must define transformSchema() to validate the input schema, transform() to do the work, and copy() for cloning. - Configurable transformers take parameters like inputCol and outputCol to allow configuration for meta algorithms. - Estimators are similar but fit() returns a model instead of directly transforming.

machine learningapache spark
What is a Graph in math
● represent a connected set of objects
● graph:
○ vertex (node/points)
○ edge (arc/line/relationship/arrow) - undirected
○ attribute (property) - on node/relationship
● types:
○ pair: G = (V, E)
○ digraph: D = (V, A)
○ mixed: G = (V, E, A)
V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
E = {{1, 2}, {1, 5}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {4, 6}}
What is a Graph database
● stores data in a graph and retrieving vast networks of data
● shines when storing richly-connected data
● consists of nodes, connected by relationships
○ A Graph —records data in→ Nodes —which have→ Properties
○ Nodes —are organized by→ Rels —which also have→ Properties
○ Nodes —are grouped by→ Labels —into→ Sets
○ A Traversal —navigates→ a Graph
it —identifies→ Paths —which order→ Nodes
○ An Index —maps from→ Properties —to either→ Nodes or Rels
○ A Graph Database —manages a→ Graph and
—also manages related→ Indexes
Nodes, Rels, Props, Labels
A Graph
—records data in→ Nodes
—which have→ Properties
—are organized by→ Relationships
—which also have→ Properties
—are grouped by→ Labels
—into→ Sets
Graph Traversal
A Traversal
—navigates→ a Graph
—identifies→ Paths
—which order→ Nodes
what music
do my friends like
that I don’t yet own
if this power supply goes down,
what web services
are affected?

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Beyond shuffling - Scala Days Berlin 2016
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Beyond shuffling - Scala Days Berlin 2016

This session will cover our & community experiences scaling Spark jobs to large datasets and the resulting best practices along with code snippets to illustrate. The planned topics are: Using Spark counters for performance investigation Spark collects a large number of statistics about our code, but how often do we really look at them? We will cover how to investigate performance issues and figure out where to best spend our time using both counters and the UI. Working with Key/Value Data Replacing groupByKey for awesomeness groupByKey makes it too easy to accidently collect individual records which are too large to process. We will talk about how to replace it in different common cases with more memory efficient operations. Effective caching & checkpointing Being able to reuse previously computed RDDs without recomputing can substantially reduce execution time. Choosing when to cache, checkpoint, or what storage level to use can have a huge performance impact. Considerations for noisy clusters Functional transformations with Spark Datasets How to have the some of benefits of Spark’s DataFrames while still having the ability to work with arbitrary Scala code

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Big Data Processing using Apache Spark and Clojure
Big Data Processing using Apache Spark and ClojureBig Data Processing using Apache Spark and Clojure
Big Data Processing using Apache Spark and Clojure

Talk given at ClojureD conference, Berlin Apache Spark is an engine for efficiently processing large amounts of data. We show how to apply the elegance of Clojure to Spark - fully exploiting the REPL and dynamic typing. There will be live coding using our gorillalabs/sparkling API. In the presentation, we will of course introduce the core concepts of Spark, like resilient distributed data sets (RDD). And you will learn how the Spark concepts resembles those well-known from Clojure, like persistent data structures and functional programming. Finally, we will provide some Do’s and Don’ts for you to kick off your Spark program based upon our experience. About Paulus Esterhazy and Christian Betz Being a LISP hacker for several years, and a Java-guy for some more, Chris turned to Clojure for production code in 2011. He’s been Project Lead, Software Architect, and VP Tech in the meantime, interested in AI and data-visualization. Now, working on the heart of data driven marketing for Performance Media in Hamburg, he turned to Apache Spark for some Big Data jobs. Chris released the API-wrapper ‘chrisbetz/sparkling’ to fully exploit the power of his compute cluster. Paulus Esterhazy Paulus is a philosophy PhD turned software engineer with an interest in functional programming and a penchant for hammock-driven development. He currently works as Senior Web Developer at Red Pineapple Media in Berlin.

distributed computingsparkclojuredconf
A super fast introduction to Spark and glance at BEAM
A super fast introduction to Spark and glance at BEAMA super fast introduction to Spark and glance at BEAM
A super fast introduction to Spark and glance at BEAM

Apache Spark is one of the most popular general purpose distributed systems, with built in libraries to support everything from ML to SQL. Spark has APIs across languages including Scala, Java, Python, and R -- with more 3rd party language support (like Julia & C#). Apache BEAM is a cross-platform tool for building on top of different distributed systems, but its in it’s early stages. This talk will introduce the core concepts of Apache Spark, and look to the potential future of Apache BEAM. Apache Spark has two core abstractions for representing distributed data and computations. This talk will introduce the basics of RDDs and Spark DataFrames & Datasets, and Spark’s method for achieving resiliency. Since it’s a big data talk, we will include the almost required wordcount example, and end the Spark part with follow up pointers on Spark’s new ML APIs. For folks who are interested we’ll then talk a bit about portability, and how Apache BEAM aims to improve portability (as well it’s unique approach to cross-language support). Slides from Holden's talk at

apache sparkapache beambig data
Graph Index
An Index
—maps from→ Properties
—to either→ Nodes or Rels
find the Account
for username master-of-graphs
A Graph Database
—manages a→ Graph and
—also manages related→ Indexes
How looks Graph database
A Graph Database transforms a RDBMS

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MongoDB - A Document NoSQL Database

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that uses a document-data model. It provides horizontal scaling with auto-sharding and replication. MongoDB can store documents in collections without a defined schema and support dynamic queries and indexing. RealNetworks uses MongoDB with Scala and other technologies for an Android app to send notifications to devices with installed RealNetworks applications at scale.

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This document discusses scaling Apache Spark applications and some of the unintended consequences that can arise. It covers Spark's core abstractions of RDDs and DataFrames for distributed data and computation. It explains how Spark's lazy evaluation model and use of deterministic partitioning can impact reusing data and operations like groupByKey. It also discusses challenges that can arise from Spark's support for arbitrary functions and working with non-JVM languages like Python.

Streaming ML on Spark: Deprecated, experimental and internal ap is galore!
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Streaming ML on Spark: Deprecated, experimental and internal ap is galore!

Slides from: Welcome to the first Sydney Spark Meetup in 2018! We are very glad to have an visiting Apache Spark committer Holden Karau to give a talk on streaming machine learning. Title: Streaming ML w/Spark (and why it's a bit painful today & #workingonit) Apache Spark is one of the most popular distributed systems, and it has built in libraries for both machine learning and streaming. This talk will cover Spark's two streaming libraries, look at the future, and how to make streaming ML work today (for both serving and prediction). If you aren't familiar with Spark, that's ok! We'll spend the first ~5 minutes covering just enough to get through the rest of the talk, and for those of you already familiar you can spend those ~5 minutes downloading the sample code :) About Holden: Holden is a transgender Canadian open source developer advocate @ Google with a focus on Apache Spark, BEAM, and related "big data" tools. She is the co-author of Learning Spark, High Performance Spark, and another Spark book that's a bit more out of date. She is a committer on the Apache Spark, SystemML, and Mahout projects. She was tricked into the world of big data while trying to improve search and recommendation systems and has long since forgotten her original goal. • What to bring • Important to know A couple of us will be at the doors of 60 Margaret St to let people in until 6.10pm.

apache sparkstructured streamingml
A Graph Database elaborates a Key-Value Store
K* = key
V* = value
A Graph Database relates Column-Family
● BigTable databases are an evolution of key-value,
using "families" to allow grouping of rows
● stored in a graph, the families could become
hierarchical, and the relationships among data
becomes explicit
A Graph Database navigates a Document Store
D2/S2 = reference
NoSQL Data Models
90% of all use cases
Relational Databases

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This document provides a summary of a presentation on scaling Apache Spark. It discusses techniques for reusing RDDs through caching, persistence levels and checkpointing. It also covers best practices for working with key-value data to avoid problems from groupByKey, and using Spark SQL and accumulators. Finally, it previews bringing code generation to Spark ML to improve performance.

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Introduction to and Extending Spark ML
Introduction to and Extending Spark MLIntroduction to and Extending Spark ML
Introduction to and Extending Spark ML

This document discusses extending Spark ML pipelines with custom estimators and transformers. It begins with an overview of Spark ML and the pipeline API. Then it demonstrates how to build a simple hardcoded word count transformer and configurable transformer. It discusses important aspects like transforming the input schema, parameters, and model fitting. The document provides guidance on configuration, persistence, serving models, and resources for learning more about custom Spark ML components.

apache sparkspark
Spark with Elasticsearch
Spark with ElasticsearchSpark with Elasticsearch
Spark with Elasticsearch

Introduces how to use Spark with Elasticsearch as well as re-using batch indexing code for on-line indexing.

● intuitive, using a graph model for data representation
● reliable, fully transactional, upholds ACID
● durable and fast, using a custom disk-based, native storage engine
● massively scalable, up to several billion nodes/relationships/properties
● highly-available, when distributed across multiple machines
● expressive, with a powerful, human readable declarative graph query
● fast, with a powerful traversal framework for high-speed graph queries
● embeddable, with a few small jars
● simple, accesible by a convenient REST API interface or an object-
oriented JAVA API
● indexes are based on Apache Lucene, supports Secondary Indexes
● has been in commercial development for 10 years and in production for
over 7 years; since 2003;
● Cross-platform; Simple set-up; Well documented; Open source;
● GPL for Community, AGPL for Enterprise
Neo4j features
● CPU - Intel Core i3/i7
● Memory - 2GB .. 16/32GB
● Disk - 10GB SATA .. SSD w/ SATA
● Filesystem - ext4 .. ext4/ZFS
● Software - Oracle JAVA 7
Neo4j requirements
● Neo4j Community
○ Open-Source High Performance
○ fully ACID transactional graph database
● Neo4j Enterprise
○ High-Performance Cache (up to 10x faster)
○ Horizontal scalability with Neo4j Clustering (predictable scalability)
○ High-availability and online backups
○ Cache based sharding (shard your graph in memory)
○ Advanced Monitoring (operational metrics)
○ Certified for Windows and Linux
○ Email/Phone Support (10x5, 24x7 hours)
○ Subscriptions
■ Personal (up to 3 devs, $100k annual revenue) = FREE
■ Startups (<$10M funding, <$5M annual revenue) = $12k
■ Business (medium, to Global 2000) = Contact Sales
Neo4j license

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Slides for my presentation at SoCal Code Camp, June 29, 2014 (

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Programming the Semantic Web

The document discusses programming techniques for the semantic web including LITEQ, a language for integrating RDF types and queries into programming languages. LITEQ allows programmers to navigate schemas, define types aligned with programming languages, and retrieve typed instances. The document also presents SchemEX, an index for efficiently searching RDF data sources in the linked open data cloud based on their schemas.

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Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr
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Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr

These are the slides for the session I presented at SoCal Code Camp San Diego on July 27, 2013.

apache solrjavasearch engine
● for the simple friends of friends query, Neo4j is 60% faster than MySQL
● for friends of friends of friends, Neo is 180 times faster
● and for the depth four query, Neo4j is 1,135 times faster
● and MySQL just chokes on the depth 5 query
Neo4j vs. Mysql
Neo4j: Nodes
● fundamental units that form a graph
● can have key/value-style properties
● index nodes and relationships
by {key, value} pairs
● represent entities
Neo4j: Relationships #1/2
● connect entities and structure domain
● allow for finding related data
● are always directed (outgoing or incoming)
● are equally well traversed in either direction
● can have relationships to itself
● have a relationship type (label)
Neo4j: Relationships #2/2

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Graph Databases & OrientDB

Presentation related to the Graph Databases & OrientDB technical talk I had conducted at Zapcom Solutions, Bengaluru.

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Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr, Part 2 (SoCal Code Camp LA 2013)
Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr, Part 2 (SoCal Code Camp LA 2013)Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr, Part 2 (SoCal Code Camp LA 2013)
Search Engine-Building with Lucene and Solr, Part 2 (SoCal Code Camp LA 2013)

These are the slides for the session I presented at SoCal Code Camp Los Angeles on November 10, 2013.

apache solrapache lucenesearch
[FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye
[FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye[FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye
[FRENCH] - Neo4j and Cypher - Remi Delhaye

Slides de ma présentation de "How to Neo4j and Cypher, la puissance des bases de données en graph"

Neo4j: Properties
● nodes and relationships can have properties
● are key-value pairs
○ key is a string
○ values can be either a primitive or an array of
one primitive type
■ boolean, String, int, int[], etc
■ Java Language Specification
● entity attributes, rels qualities,
and metadata
Neo4j: Labels
● used to group nodes into sets
● any number of labels, including none
● can be added and removed during runtime
● can be used to mark temporary states for nodes
● names case-sensitive
● CamelCase (convention)
Neo4j: Paths
● is one or more nodes with connecting relationships
● shortest path:
● a path of length one:
● a path of length one:
Neo4j: Traversal
● Traversal Framework from box
● means visiting nodes, following relationships by rules
● in most cases only a subgraph is visited
● callback based traversal API
○ you can specify the traversal rules
● traversing breadth- or depth-first
● open Java API

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201301 - Focus Neo4j
201301 - Focus Neo4j201301 - Focus Neo4j
201301 - Focus Neo4j
Keanu reeves
Keanu reevesKeanu reeves
Keanu reeves

Keanu Reeves dropped out of high school at age 17 to become an actor. He had early roles in commercials and television shows in the 1980s before gaining fame for his role in the Matrix trilogy of films. Some key facts about Reeves include that he was chosen as one of the 50 most beautiful people by People magazine and ranked 23rd in Empire magazine's top 100 movie stars list. He also plays bass guitar and had roles that inspired his hobbies of horseback riding and surfing.

How To Do Music Recommendation
How To Do Music RecommendationHow To Do Music Recommendation
How To Do Music Recommendation

This document proposes a method for recommending new bands to users based on bands they already like. It involves taking a band a user likes, finding other bands that are connected or related to that band through various sources like being on the same record label, having collaborated, or been reviewed together. These connected bands would then be recommended to the user, ranked by the strength of their aggregate connections. However, the method is critiqued for only considering directly connected bands, ignoring bands' quality, popularity, and how users' tastes may evolve over time.

Neo4j: graph algorithms
● A* (> uses the A* algorithm to find the cheapest path between two
● Dijkstra (dijkstra > Dijkstra algorithm to find the cheapest path
between two nodes)
● PathWithLength (> all paths of a certain length (depth)
between two nodes)
● Shortest paths (shortestPath Default > find all the
shortest paths between two nodes)
● All simple paths (allSimplePaths > find all simple paths
between two nodes; without loops;)
● All paths (allPaths > find all available paths between two
Neo4j: Schema
● is schema-optional graph database
● introduced in Neo4j 2.0
● eventually available (populating in the background, is
not immediately available for querying)
○ come online after fully populated
○ failed status (drop and recreate the index)
● can be created on labels group
● indexed Nodes & Rels
● node_auto_indexing=false,
Neo4j: Index
Neo4j: Constraints
● can help you keep your data clean
● specify the rules for what your data should
look like
● unique constraints is the only available
constraint type

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CS158: Final Project
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CS158: Final Project

This document discusses approaches to music recommendation using the Million Song Dataset. It examines using k-means clustering on listening histories to group users and songs, and user-based collaborative filtering to find similar users and make recommendations. K-means achieved a mean average precision of 0.01008 using multiple centroids and modified metadata. Collaborative filtering on 1,000 users achieved 0.00822 precision, improving to 0.1127 on 110,000 users. Future work could include ensemble techniques, additional metadata, and distributed k-means.

Query By humming - Music retrieval technology
Query By humming - Music retrieval technologyQuery By humming - Music retrieval technology
Query By humming - Music retrieval technology

For slide details , visit following link

music information retrievalquery by singingquery by humming
Graph Adoption at Gamesys - Toby O'Rourke @ GraphConnect SF 2013
Graph Adoption at Gamesys - Toby O'Rourke @ GraphConnect SF 2013Graph Adoption at Gamesys - Toby O'Rourke @ GraphConnect SF 2013
Graph Adoption at Gamesys - Toby O'Rourke @ GraphConnect SF 2013

Gamesys is a major online gaming company that handles billions in wagers annually. They built an internal social network graph database using Neo4j to model relationships between players and incentivize referrals. This helped reduce customer acquisition costs. Neo4j provided stable performance with Spring Data for building the application and Cypher for querying and analytics. The graph structure was well-suited to model complex game economies and detect fraud.

gamesgraph databaseneo4j
● single server instance
○ nodes = 2^35 (~34 billion)
○ relationships = 2^35 (~34 billion)
○ labels = 2^31 (~2 billion)
○ properties = 2^36 to 2^38 depending on
property types (maximum ~274 billion, always
at least ~68 billion)
○ relationship types = 2^15 (~ 32’000)
Neo4j: Data Size
● powerful graph query language
● relatively simple
● declarative grammar (say what you want, not how)
● humane query language
● self-explanatory (based on English prose and neat iconography)
● written in Scala
● pattern-matching (borrows expression approaches from SPARQL)
● aggregation, ordering, limits
● create, update, delete
● structure and most of keywords inspired by SQL
● changing rather rapidly (CYPHER 1.9 START ...)
Cypher Query Language
“Makes the simple things easy, and the complex things possible”
Cypher patterns #1/2
● (a)
● (b)
● (a)-->(b)
● (a)-->(b)-->(c)
● (b)-->(c)<--(a)
● (b)-->()<--(a)
● (a)--(b)
● (a)-(*5)->(b)
● (a)-(*3..5)->(b)
○ (a)-(*3..)->(b)
○ (a)-(*..5)->(b)
○ (a)-(*)->(b)
Cypher patterns #2/2
● (a:Label)-->(m)
● (a:User:Admin)-->(m)
● (a)--(m)
● (a)-[r]->(m)
● (a)-[ACTED_IN]->(m)
● (a)-[r:SOME|ELSE|WTH]->(m)

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Introducing Neo4j
Introducing Neo4jIntroducing Neo4j
Introducing Neo4j

This document summarizes a presentation about the graph database Neo4j. The presentation included an agenda that covered graphs and their power, how graphs change data views, and real-time recommendations with graphs. It introduced the presenters and discussed how data relationships unlock value. It described how Neo4j allows modeling data as a graph to unlock this value through relationship-based queries, evolution of applications, and high performance at scale. Examples showed how Neo4j outperforms relational and NoSQL databases when relationships are important. The presentation concluded with examples of how Neo4j customers have benefited.

Ok shazam, "la la-lalaa"!
Ok shazam, "la la-lalaa"!Ok shazam, "la la-lalaa"!
Ok shazam, "la la-lalaa"!

The document discusses how audio fingerprinting and identification works, as used by apps like Shazam. It covers topics like Fourier transforms, spectrograms, acoustic fingerprints, time-invariant hashing, storing and matching fingerprints to identify songs. The presenter then demonstrates generating fingerprints from songs in a database and using audio input to identify matches in real-time.

Introduction to the graph technologies landscape
Introduction to the graph technologies landscapeIntroduction to the graph technologies landscape
Introduction to the graph technologies landscape

Graph technologies allow modeling of complex relationships and connections through nodes and edges. There are three main layers of graph technologies: graph databases to store graph data, graph analysis frameworks to analyze large graphs, and graph visualization solutions to interact with graphs. Popular tools in each layer include Neo4j and Titan for databases, Giraph and GraphX for analysis, and Gephi and Cytoscape for visualization. Graph technologies are gaining more attention due to their ability to extract insights from connected data.

“It all starts with the START”
Michael Hunger, Cypher webinar, Sep 2012
● designates the start points
● START is optional (in Neo4j >= 2.0)
● START <lookup> RETURN <expression>
● START n=node(0) RETURN n
● START n=node(*) RETURN
Cypher: MATCH
● primary way of getting data from the database
● START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr>
● OPTIONAL MATCH <lookup> RETURN <expr>
● MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)
● MATCH (actor:Actor) RETURN;
● START me=node(0) MATCH (me)--(f) RETURN
● MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n AS FROM, r AS `->`, m AS TO
● creates nodes and relationships
● CREATE (<name>[:label] [properties,..])
● CREATE (<node-in>)-[<var>:RELATION [properties,..]]->(<node-out>);
● CREATE (n:Actor { name:"Keanu Reeves" });
● CREATE (keanu)-[:ACTED_IN]->(matrix)
● MATCH (keanu {name:”..”}) SET keanu.age=49 RETURN
Cypher: CREATE / SET
Cypher: WHERE
● filters the results
● MATCH <pattern> WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr>
● WHERE =~ “(?i)John.*”
● WHERE type(rel) =~ “Perso.*”

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Introducing Neo4j 3.0
Introducing Neo4j 3.0Introducing Neo4j 3.0
Introducing Neo4j 3.0

William Lyon presented on Neo4j 3.0 which introduces a new storage engine allowing unlimited graph size, new language drivers for easier application development, and improved operability for deploying Neo4j in the cloud, containers, and on premises. Key features include the new Bolt binary protocol, Java stored procedures, and an upgraded Cypher query engine with a new cost-based optimizer.

Graphs for Enterprise Architects
Graphs for Enterprise ArchitectsGraphs for Enterprise Architects
Graphs for Enterprise Architects

This introduction to graph databases is specifically designed for Enterprise Architects who need to map business requirements to architectural components like graph databases. It explains how and why graphs matter for Enterprise Architecture and reviews the architectural differences between relational and graph models.

Neo4j in Depth
Neo4j in DepthNeo4j in Depth
Neo4j in Depth

This document provides an overview of Neo4j, a graph database management system. It discusses how Neo4j stores data as nodes and relationships, allowing for fast querying of connected data. Traditional relational databases struggle with complex relationships, while NoSQL databases don't support relationships at all. Neo4j addresses these issues through its native graph storage and processing capabilities. The document highlights key Neo4j features like scalability, high performance, and its Cypher query language.

graph databaseneo4jgraphs
Cypher: RETURN
● creates the result table
● any query can return data
● can be nodes, relationships, or properties on these
● RETURN DISTINCT <expression> AS x
● RETURN aggregate(expr) as alias
● RETURN nodes, rels, properties
● RETURN expressions of funcs and operators
● RETURN aggregation funcs on the above
Cypher: etc
● ORDER BY node.key, node2.key, .. ASC|DESC
● WITH (WITH count(*) as c)
● UNION / UNION ALL (combining results from multiple queries)
● Expressions
● Operators
● Comments
● Functions: ALL, ANY, LENGTH, {Math}, {String}, ...
● any updating query will run in a transaction
● “it is very important to finish each transaction”
● write lock on node/rel:
○ adding, changing or removing prop on a node/rel
● write lock on node:
○ creating or deleting a node
● write lock on node and both its nodes:
○ creating or deleting a relationship
Cypher: Transactions
Cypher: Aggregation
● count(node/rel/prop)
● count(n), count(n.prop)
● sum(n.prop)
● avg(n.prop)
● percentileDisc(n.prop, {median})
● stdev(n.prop, {median}) - calculate deviation from group
● max(n.prop, {median})
● collect(n.prop, {median})
● RETURN n, count(*)

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Music Information Retrieval: Overview and Current Trends 2008
Music Information Retrieval: Overview and Current Trends 2008Music Information Retrieval: Overview and Current Trends 2008
Music Information Retrieval: Overview and Current Trends 2008

The document provides an overview of music information retrieval (MIR), including its applications, history, and techniques. MIR aims to extract semantic information from music to help organize and search large digital music collections. Key points include that MIR techniques analyze low-level audio features and integrate top-down information to determine higher-level attributes like genre, emotion, and similarity. This facilitates applications like music recommendation, identification, and discovery.

Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph DatabasesIntro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases

These webinar slides are an introduction to Neo4j and Graph Databases. They discuss the primary use cases for Graph Databases and the properties of Neo4j which make those use cases possible. They also cover the high-level steps of modeling, importing, and querying your data using Cypher and touch on RDBMS to Graph.

Intro to Graph Databases Using Tinkerpop, TitanDB, and Gremlin
Intro to Graph Databases Using Tinkerpop, TitanDB, and GremlinIntro to Graph Databases Using Tinkerpop, TitanDB, and Gremlin
Intro to Graph Databases Using Tinkerpop, TitanDB, and Gremlin

A quick overview of the history, motivation, and uses of graph modeling and graph databases in various industries. Covers a brief introduction to graph databases with an emphasis on the Tinkerpop stack and Gremlin query language. These concepts are then solidified through a hands-on lab modeling a blog engine using Titan and Gremlin. See more at

FROM Person
WHERE name=“Valentin” and age > 30
● START person=node:Person(node=”Valentin”)
WHERE person.age > 30
RETURN person
Cypher: back to SQL #1/5
Cypher: back to SQL #2/5
● SELECT “Email”.*
FROM Person
JOIN “Email” ON “Person”.id = “Email”.person_id
WHERE “Person”.name = “Benedikt”
● START person=node:Person(name=”Benedikt”)
MATCH person-[:email]->email
RETURN email
Cypher: back to SQL #3/5
● show me all people that are both actors and
● SELECT name FROM Person
person_id IN (SELECT person_id FROM Actor) AND
person_id IN (SELECT person_id FROM Director)
● START person=node:Person(“name:*”)
WHERE (person)-[:ACTS_IN]->()
AND (person)-[:DIRECTED]->()
Cypher: back to SQL #4/5
● show me all Tom Hanks’s co-actors
JOIN Movie a1 ON tom.person_in = a1.person_id
JOIN Actor a2 ON a1.movie_id = a2.movie_id
JOIN Person co_actor ON co_actor.person_id = a2.person_id
WHERE = “Tom Hanks”
● START tom=node:Person(name=”Tom Hanks”)
MATCH tom-[:ACTS_IN]->movie,

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Intro to Neo4j presentation
Intro to Neo4j presentationIntro to Neo4j presentation
Intro to Neo4j presentation

An introduction of the Neo4j Graph database. Introduces the NOSQL space, the Graph Database concept, and Neo4j with examples.

by jexp
graph databasegraphdbnosql
Working With a Real-World Dataset in Neo4j: Import and Modeling
Working With a Real-World Dataset in Neo4j: Import and ModelingWorking With a Real-World Dataset in Neo4j: Import and Modeling
Working With a Real-World Dataset in Neo4j: Import and Modeling

This webinar will cover how to work with a real world dataset in Neo4j, with a focus on how to build a graph from an existing dataset (in this case a series of JSON files). We will explore how to performantly import the data into Neo4j - both in the case of an initial import and scaling writes for your graph application. We will demonstrate different approaches for data import (neo4j-import, LOAD CSV, and using the official Neo4j drivers), and discuss when it makes to use each import technique. If you've ever asked these questions, then this webinar is for you! - How do I design a property graph model for my domain? - How do I use the official Neo4j drivers? - How can I deal with concurrent writes to Neo4j? - How can I import JSON into Neo4j?

graph data modelgraph databasemodeling data
Base de données graphe et Neo4j
Base de données graphe et Neo4jBase de données graphe et Neo4j
Base de données graphe et Neo4j

Présentation de la base NoSQL graphe Neo4j aux elèves du module NFE204 du CNAM Paris, le 17 janvier 2017.

Cypher: back to SQL #5/5
● show me all Lucy’s favorite directors
● SELECT, count(*) FROM Person lucy
JOIN Actor on Person.person_id = Actor.person_id
JOIN Director ON Actor.movie_id = Director.movie_id
JOIN Person dir ON Director.person_id = dir.person_id
WHERE = “Lucy Liu”
ORDER BY count(*) DESC
● START lucy=node:Person(name=”Lucy Liu”)
MATCH lucy-[:ACTS_IN]->movie,
RETURN, count(*)
ORDER BY, count(*) DESC
lucy = node:Person(name=”Lucy Lui”),
kevin = node:Person(name=”Kevin Bacon”)
p = shortestPath( lucy-[:ACTS_IN*]-kevin )
COALESCE(, n.title?))
Cypher: back to SQL #6/5
Neo4j Shell
● command-line shell for running Cypher queries
● supports remote shell
● :schema
● bash# neo4j-shell -path data/graph.db -readonly
-config conf/
-c “<command>”
Neo4j: Security
● does not deal with data encryption
● can be used all means built into the Java
● can be used encrypted datastore
● webadmin https

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Graph database Use Cases
Graph database Use CasesGraph database Use Cases
Graph database Use Cases

This document provides an overview of graph databases and their use cases. It begins with definitions of graphs and graph databases. It then gives examples of how graph databases can be used for social networking, network management, and other domains where data is interconnected. It provides Cypher examples for creating and querying graph patterns in a social networking and IT network management scenario. Finally, it discusses the graph database ecosystem and how graphs can be deployed for both online transaction processing and batch processing use cases.

cyphergraph databaseopen source
Neo4j graph database
Neo4j graph databaseNeo4j graph database
Neo4j graph database

An Introduction to Neo4j Graph database, Cypher query language. Comparison between Neo4j and Graph Database

neo4jgraph databaserdbms
Brett Ragozzine - Graph Databases and Neo4j
Brett Ragozzine - Graph Databases and Neo4jBrett Ragozzine - Graph Databases and Neo4j
Brett Ragozzine - Graph Databases and Neo4j

This document discusses graph databases and the graph database Neo4j. It provides an introduction to graph databases, explaining that they are well-suited for storing relationships and sparse data. It then discusses Neo4j and its Cypher query language. Examples using GraphGists are provided and use cases and resources for getting started with Neo4j are listed.

● manipulate data stored in RDF format
● focused on match triple sets
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?email
?person a foaf:Person.
?person foaf:name ?name.
?person foaf:mbox ?email.
● graph traversal language
● scripting language
● Pipe & Filter (similar to jQuery)
● across different graph databases
● based on Groovy (limited to Java)
● not as stable in Neo4j
● XPath like
● ./outE[label=”family”]/inV/@name
● g.v(1).out('likes').in('likes').out('likes').groupCount(m)
●'x').out.groupCount(m).loop('x'){c++ < 1000}
● g.v(1).in(‘LOVE_OF’).out(‘SOME_IN’).has(‘title’,’abc’).back(2)
Neo4j and PHP
● everyman/neo4jphp <
○ PHP wrapper for the Neo4j using REST interface
○ Follows the PSR-0 autoloading standard
○ Basic wrappers for all components
○ Last update - a month ago
○ supports Gremlin
● Neo4j-PHP OGM < a lot of based on
○ Object Graph Mapper, inspired by Doctrine
○ based on DoctrineCommon
○ borrows significantly DoctrineORM design
○ uses annotations on classes
○ MIT Licence
● Neo4J PHP REST API client
○ Using Neo4j REST API
○ Node create/find/delete
○ Relationship create/list/filter
High Availability with Neo4j
● in HA - a single master and zero or more slaves
● slave synchronizing with the master to preserve
● master write to slave before transaction completes

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Graph databases
Graph databasesGraph databases
Graph databases

This document provides an overview of graph databases. It discusses how graph data is naturally represented as nodes connected by edges, unlike relational databases which require joins. Graph databases allow for fast traversal of connected data and enable querying connected subgraphs. Popular graph database models include property graphs and RDF triple stores. Neo4j is introduced as a widely used graph database management system that uses labels, properties, relationships, and Cypher query language.

Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...
Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...
Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...

This document discusses property graphs and how they are represented and queried using Morpheus, a graph query engine for Apache Spark. Morpheus allows querying property graphs using Cypher and represents property graphs using DataFrames, with node and relationship data stored in tables. It integrates with various data sources and supports federated queries across multiple property graphs. The document provides examples of loading property graph data from sources like JSON, SQL databases and Neo4j, creating graph projections, running analytical queries, and recommending businesses based on graph algorithms.

OQGraph @ SCaLE 11x 2013
OQGraph @ SCaLE 11x 2013OQGraph @ SCaLE 11x 2013
OQGraph @ SCaLE 11x 2013

OQGraph 3 is a graph computation engine for MariaDB that allows for representing graphs and hierarchies using plain SQL. It stores graph data in tables but operates differently than typical storage engines by focusing on graph computations rather than data storage and retrieval. Key features include improved performance over previous versions using Judy arrays and ability to handle larger graphs by only holding the bitmap array in memory. It represents graph data using nodes and edges stored in tables and allows querying to find paths and perform other graph algorithms.

Demo Example Datasets:
● DrWho (nodes=1'060; rels=2'286)
● Cineasts Movies & Actors (nodes=64'069; rels=121'778)
● Hubway Data Challenge (nodes=554'674; rels=2'011'904)
● JIRA and neo4j
● PHP and neo4j
● Kant in neo4j
Gephi (win, nix, mac)
Neoclipse (eclipse plugin)

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NoSQL no more: SQL on Druid with Apache Calcite
NoSQL no more: SQL on Druid with Apache CalciteNoSQL no more: SQL on Druid with Apache Calcite
NoSQL no more: SQL on Druid with Apache Calcite

Druid is an analytics-focused, distributed, scale-out data store. Existing Druid clusters have scaled to petabytes of data and trillions of events, ingesting millions of events every second. Up until version 0.10, Druid could only be queried in a JSON-based language that many users found unfamiliar. Enter Apache Calcite. It includes an industry-standard SQL parser, validator, and JDBC driver, as well as a cost-based relational optimizer. Calcite bills itself as “the foundation for your next high-performance database” and is used by Hive, Drill, and a variety of other projects. Druid uses Calcite to power Druid SQL, a standards-based query API that vaults Druid out of the NoSQL world and into the SQL world. Gian Merlino offers an overview of Druid SQL and explains how Druid and Calcite are integrated and why you should stop worrying and learn to love relational algebra in your own projects.

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Spark & Cassandra - DevFest Córdoba

Slides form my talk in "DefFest Córdoba" talking about Spark, Cassandra and why they work wonderfully together.

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Big Data processing with Apache Spark

Get started with Apache Spark parallel computing framework. This is a keynote from the series "by Developer for Developers"

big datasparkscala
KeyLines (JavaScript library)
Graffeine (npm package)
Neovigator (neography + processing.js)
● Heroku
○ GrapheneDB beta
○ bash$ heroku addons:add graphenedb
● Jelastic Cloud PaaS

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Processing Large Graphs
Processing Large GraphsProcessing Large Graphs
Processing Large Graphs

This document discusses processing large graphs. It introduces graph processing with MapReduce and Apache Giraph. MapReduce algorithms for finding triangles and connected components in graphs are described. The limitations of MapReduce for graph processing are discussed. Alternative graph processing technologies including Neo4j, a graph database, are presented. A movie recommendation use case is demonstrated using Neo4j to find similar users and recommend unseen movies.

Getting started with Graph Databases & Neo4j
Getting started with Graph Databases & Neo4jGetting started with Graph Databases & Neo4j
Getting started with Graph Databases & Neo4j

The presentation gives a brief information about Graph Databases and its usage in today's scenario. Moving on the presentation talks about the popular Graph DB Neo4j and its Cypher Query Language i.e., used to query the graph.

New Features in Neo4j 3.4 / 3.3 - Graph Algorithms, Spatial, Date-Time & Visu...
New Features in Neo4j 3.4 / 3.3 - Graph Algorithms, Spatial, Date-Time & Visu...New Features in Neo4j 3.4 / 3.3 - Graph Algorithms, Spatial, Date-Time & Visu...
New Features in Neo4j 3.4 / 3.3 - Graph Algorithms, Spatial, Date-Time & Visu...

Highlighting the progress in Neo4j 3.3 and 3.4 especially Neo4j Desktop, Graph Algorithms, NLP, Date-Time, Geospatial, and performance. Also featuring the new visualization tool Neo4j Bloom.

by jexp
graph databasedatabasevisualization
● GrapheneDB - based on neo4j
● AllegroGraph - Closed Source, Commercial, RDF-QuadStore
● Sones - Closed Source, .NET focused
○ graph database built around the W3C spec for the Resource
Description Framework
○ supports SPARQL, RDFS++, and Prolog
● Virtuoso - Closed Source, RDF focused
● GraphDB - graph database built in .NET by the German company sones
● InfiniteGraph - goal is to create a graph database with "virtually
unlimited scalability."
● FlockDB
● - book, O'REILLY
● http://www.cs.usfca.
edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html - Graph
Algorithms visualization
● best used for graph-style,
rich or complex,
structured dense data,
deep graphs with unlimited depth and cyclical,
with weighted connections,
interconnected data
● quickly add new functionality without impacting
existing deployments
● schema-less forcing to re-think entire approach to data
● not the silver bullet for all problems
Neo4j: Graph-like power

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Neo4j - Graph Database
Neo4j - Graph DatabaseNeo4j - Graph Database
Neo4j - Graph Database

Neo4j is an open source graph database that uses nodes, relationships, and properties to store and query data. It supports ACID transactions and is high performance. Cypher is Neo4j's query language that allows matching patterns of nodes and relationships. A graph database model uses nodes connected by relationships, unlike a relational database that uses tables and rows.

OQGraph at MySQL Users Conference 2011
OQGraph at MySQL Users Conference 2011OQGraph at MySQL Users Conference 2011
OQGraph at MySQL Users Conference 2011

This document provides an overview of using graphs and hierarchies in SQL databases with OQGRAPH. It discusses how trees and graphs differ, examples of each, and some of the challenges of representing them in relational databases. It then introduces OQGRAPH as a storage engine that can perform graph computations directly in SQL. Key features of OQGRAPH like inserting edges, performing path queries, and joining to other tables are demonstrated. Later versions provide additional optimizations and the ability to use an existing table as the source of edges.

Distributed computing with spark
Distributed computing with sparkDistributed computing with spark
Distributed computing with spark

This document discusses Spark, an open-source cluster computing framework. It begins with an introduction to distributed computing problems related to processing large datasets. It then provides an overview of Spark, including its core abstraction of resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) and how Spark builds on the MapReduce model. The rest of the document demonstrates Spark concepts like transformations and actions on RDDs and the use of key-value pairs. It also discusses SparkSQL and shows examples of finding the most retweeted tweet using core Spark and SparkSQL.

Neo4j: Graph-like power

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Neo4j: Graph-like power

  • 2. Graph-like power Roman R. MATCH (a:Actor),(m:Movie) WHERE ='Keanu Reeves' AND m.title='The Matrix' CREATE (actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(movie)
  • 3. Today ○ Graphs in NoSQL world ○ classification ○ definition ○ components ○ Neo4j ○ nodes, rels, props, indexes ○ Cypher ○ PHP and Neo4j ○ Demo ○ Alternatives ○ Q/A 1
  • 5. What is a Graph in math 3 ● represent a connected set of objects ● graph: ○ vertex (node/points) ○ edge (arc/line/relationship/arrow) - undirected ○ attribute (property) - on node/relationship ● types: ○ pair: G = (V, E) ○ digraph: D = (V, A) ○ mixed: G = (V, E, A) V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} E = {{1, 2}, {1, 5}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {4, 6}}
  • 6. What is a Graph database 4 ● stores data in a graph and retrieving vast networks of data ● shines when storing richly-connected data ● consists of nodes, connected by relationships ○ A Graph —records data in→ Nodes —which have→ Properties ○ Nodes —are organized by→ Rels —which also have→ Properties ○ Nodes —are grouped by→ Labels —into→ Sets ○ A Traversal —navigates→ a Graph it —identifies→ Paths —which order→ Nodes ○ An Index —maps from→ Properties —to either→ Nodes or Rels ○ A Graph Database —manages a→ Graph and —also manages related→ Indexes
  • 7. Nodes, Rels, Props, Labels 5 A Graph —records data in→ Nodes —which have→ Properties Nodes —are organized by→ Relationships —which also have→ Properties Nodes —are grouped by→ Labels —into→ Sets
  • 8. Graph Traversal 6 A Traversal —navigates→ a Graph it —identifies→ Paths —which order→ Nodes what music do my friends like that I don’t yet own if this power supply goes down, what web services are affected?
  • 9. Graph Index 7 An Index —maps from→ Properties —to either→ Nodes or Rels find the Account for username master-of-graphs
  • 10. Graph 8 A Graph Database —manages a→ Graph and —also manages related→ Indexes
  • 11. How looks Graph database 9
  • 12. A Graph Database transforms a RDBMS 10
  • 13. A Graph Database elaborates a Key-Value Store 11 K* = key V* = value
  • 14. A Graph Database relates Column-Family 12 ● BigTable databases are an evolution of key-value, using "families" to allow grouping of rows ● stored in a graph, the families could become hierarchical, and the relationships among data becomes explicit
  • 15. A Graph Database navigates a Document Store 13 D=Document, S=Subdocument, V=Value, D2/S2 = reference
  • 16. NoSQL Data Models 14 90% of all use cases Relational Databases
  • 17. 15
  • 18. ● intuitive, using a graph model for data representation ● reliable, fully transactional, upholds ACID ● durable and fast, using a custom disk-based, native storage engine ● massively scalable, up to several billion nodes/relationships/properties ● highly-available, when distributed across multiple machines ● expressive, with a powerful, human readable declarative graph query language ● fast, with a powerful traversal framework for high-speed graph queries ● embeddable, with a few small jars ● simple, accesible by a convenient REST API interface or an object- oriented JAVA API ● indexes are based on Apache Lucene, supports Secondary Indexes ● has been in commercial development for 10 years and in production for over 7 years; since 2003; ● Cross-platform; Simple set-up; Well documented; Open source; ● GPL for Community, AGPL for Enterprise 16 Neo4j features
  • 19. ● CPU - Intel Core i3/i7 ● Memory - 2GB .. 16/32GB ● Disk - 10GB SATA .. SSD w/ SATA ● Filesystem - ext4 .. ext4/ZFS ● Software - Oracle JAVA 7 17 Neo4j requirements
  • 20. ● Neo4j Community ○ Open-Source High Performance ○ fully ACID transactional graph database ● Neo4j Enterprise ○ High-Performance Cache (up to 10x faster) ○ Horizontal scalability with Neo4j Clustering (predictable scalability) ○ High-availability and online backups ○ Cache based sharding (shard your graph in memory) ○ Advanced Monitoring (operational metrics) ○ Certified for Windows and Linux ○ Email/Phone Support (10x5, 24x7 hours) ○ Subscriptions ■ Personal (up to 3 devs, $100k annual revenue) = FREE ■ Startups (<$10M funding, <$5M annual revenue) = $12k ■ Business (medium, to Global 2000) = Contact Sales 18 Neo4j license
  • 21. 19 ● for the simple friends of friends query, Neo4j is 60% faster than MySQL ● for friends of friends of friends, Neo is 180 times faster ● and for the depth four query, Neo4j is 1,135 times faster ● and MySQL just chokes on the depth 5 query Neo4j vs. Mysql
  • 22. Neo4j: Nodes ● fundamental units that form a graph ● can have key/value-style properties ● index nodes and relationships by {key, value} pairs ● represent entities 20
  • 23. Neo4j: Relationships #1/2 ● connect entities and structure domain ● allow for finding related data ● are always directed (outgoing or incoming) ● are equally well traversed in either direction ● can have relationships to itself ● have a relationship type (label) 21
  • 25. Neo4j: Properties ● nodes and relationships can have properties ● are key-value pairs ○ key is a string ○ values can be either a primitive or an array of one primitive type ■ boolean, String, int, int[], etc ■ Java Language Specification ● entity attributes, rels qualities, and metadata 23
  • 26. Neo4j: Labels ● used to group nodes into sets ● any number of labels, including none ● can be added and removed during runtime ● can be used to mark temporary states for nodes ● names case-sensitive ● CamelCase (convention) 24
  • 27. Neo4j: Paths ● is one or more nodes with connecting relationships ● shortest path: ● a path of length one: ● a path of length one: 25
  • 28. Neo4j: Traversal ● Traversal Framework from box ● means visiting nodes, following relationships by rules ● in most cases only a subgraph is visited ● callback based traversal API ○ you can specify the traversal rules ● traversing breadth- or depth-first ● open Java API 26
  • 29. Neo4j: graph algorithms ● A* (> uses the A* algorithm to find the cheapest path between two nodes) ● Dijkstra (dijkstra > Dijkstra algorithm to find the cheapest path between two nodes) ● PathWithLength (> all paths of a certain length (depth) between two nodes) ● Shortest paths (shortestPath Default > find all the shortest paths between two nodes) ● All simple paths (allSimplePaths > find all simple paths between two nodes; without loops;) ● All paths (allPaths > find all available paths between two nodes) 27
  • 30. Neo4j: Schema ● is schema-optional graph database 28
  • 31. ● introduced in Neo4j 2.0 ● eventually available (populating in the background, is not immediately available for querying) ○ come online after fully populated ○ failed status (drop and recreate the index) ● can be created on labels group ● indexed Nodes & Rels ● node_auto_indexing=false, node_keys_indexable Neo4j: Index 29
  • 32. Neo4j: Constraints ● can help you keep your data clean ● specify the rules for what your data should look like ● unique constraints is the only available constraint type 30
  • 33. ● single server instance ○ nodes = 2^35 (~34 billion) ○ relationships = 2^35 (~34 billion) ○ labels = 2^31 (~2 billion) ○ properties = 2^36 to 2^38 depending on property types (maximum ~274 billion, always at least ~68 billion) ○ relationship types = 2^15 (~ 32’000) 31 Neo4j: Data Size
  • 34. ● powerful graph query language ● relatively simple ● declarative grammar (say what you want, not how) ● humane query language ● self-explanatory (based on English prose and neat iconography) ● written in Scala ● pattern-matching (borrows expression approaches from SPARQL) ● aggregation, ordering, limits ● create, update, delete ● structure and most of keywords inspired by SQL ● changing rather rapidly (CYPHER 1.9 START ...) Cypher Query Language 32 “Makes the simple things easy, and the complex things possible”
  • 35. Cypher patterns #1/2 33 ● (a) ● (b) ● (a)-->(b) ● (a)-->(b)-->(c) ● (b)-->(c)<--(a) ● (b)-->()<--(a) ● (a)--(b) ● (a)-(*5)->(b) ● (a)-(*3..5)->(b) ○ (a)-(*3..)->(b) ○ (a)-(*..5)->(b) ○ (a)-(*)->(b)
  • 36. Cypher patterns #2/2 34 ● (a:Label)-->(m) ● (a:User:Admin)-->(m) ● (a)--(m) ● (a)-[r]->(m) ● (a)-[ACTED_IN]->(m) ● (a)-[r:SOME|ELSE|WTH]->(m)
  • 37. Cypher: START / RETURN “It all starts with the START” Michael Hunger, Cypher webinar, Sep 2012 ● designates the start points ● START is optional (in Neo4j >= 2.0) Examples: ● START <lookup> RETURN <expression> ● START n=node(0) RETURN n ● START n=node(*) RETURN 35
  • 38. Cypher: MATCH ● primary way of getting data from the database ● START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr> ● OPTIONAL MATCH <lookup> RETURN <expr> Examples: ● MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) ● MATCH (actor:Actor) RETURN; ● START me=node(0) MATCH (me)--(f) RETURN ● MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n AS FROM, r AS `->`, m AS TO 36
  • 39. ● creates nodes and relationships ● CREATE (<name>[:label] [properties,..]) ● CREATE (<node-in>)-[<var>:RELATION [properties,..]]->(<node-out>); ● CREATE UNIQUE ... Examples: ● CREATE (n:Actor { name:"Keanu Reeves" }); ● CREATE (keanu)-[:ACTED_IN]->(matrix) ● MATCH (keanu {name:”..”}) SET keanu.age=49 RETURN Cypher: CREATE / SET 37
  • 40. Cypher: WHERE ● filters the results ● MATCH <pattern> WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr> Examples: ● WHERE =~ “(?i)John.*” ● WHERE NOT .. ● WHERE type(rel) =~ “Perso.*” 38
  • 41. Cypher: RETURN ● creates the result table ● any query can return data ● can be nodes, relationships, or properties on these ● RETURN DISTINCT <expression> AS x ● RETURN aggregate(expr) as alias ● RETURN nodes, rels, properties ● RETURN expressions of funcs and operators ● RETURN aggregation funcs on the above 39
  • 42. Cypher: etc ● CASE / WHEN / ELSE ● ORDER BY node.key, node2.key, .. ASC|DESC ● LIMIT / SKIP ● WITH (WITH count(*) as c) ● UNION / UNION ALL (combining results from multiple queries) ● USING INDEX/SCAN ● MERGE / SET / DELETE / REMOVE / FORECH ● Expressions ● Operators ● Comments ● Functions: ALL, ANY, LENGTH, {Math}, {String}, ... 40
  • 43. ● any updating query will run in a transaction ● ACID ● “it is very important to finish each transaction” ● write lock on node/rel: ○ adding, changing or removing prop on a node/rel ● write lock on node: ○ creating or deleting a node ● write lock on node and both its nodes: ○ creating or deleting a relationship Cypher: Transactions 41
  • 44. Cypher: Aggregation ● count(node/rel/prop) ● count(n), count(n.prop) ● sum(n.prop) ● avg(n.prop) ● percentileDisc(n.prop, {median}) ● stdev(n.prop, {median}) - calculate deviation from group ● max(n.prop, {median}) ● collect(n.prop, {median}) ● RETURN n, count(*) 42
  • 45. ● SELECT * FROM Person WHERE name=“Valentin” and age > 30 ● START person=node:Person(node=”Valentin”) WHERE person.age > 30 RETURN person Cypher: back to SQL #1/5 43
  • 46. Cypher: back to SQL #2/5 ● SELECT “Email”.* FROM Person JOIN “Email” ON “Person”.id = “Email”.person_id WHERE “Person”.name = “Benedikt” ● START person=node:Person(name=”Benedikt”) MATCH person-[:email]->email RETURN email 44
  • 47. Cypher: back to SQL #3/5 ● show me all people that are both actors and directors ● SELECT name FROM Person WHERE person_id IN (SELECT person_id FROM Actor) AND person_id IN (SELECT person_id FROM Director) ● START person=node:Person(“name:*”) WHERE (person)-[:ACTS_IN]->() AND (person)-[:DIRECTED]->() RETURN 45
  • 48. Cypher: back to SQL #4/5 ● show me all Tom Hanks’s co-actors ● SELECT DISTICT FROM Person tom JOIN Movie a1 ON tom.person_in = a1.person_id JOIN Actor a2 ON a1.movie_id = a2.movie_id JOIN Person co_actor ON co_actor.person_id = a2.person_id WHERE = “Tom Hanks” ● START tom=node:Person(name=”Tom Hanks”) MATCH tom-[:ACTS_IN]->movie, co_actor-[:ACTS_IN]->movie RETURN DISTINCT 46
  • 49. Cypher: back to SQL #5/5 ● show me all Lucy’s favorite directors ● SELECT, count(*) FROM Person lucy JOIN Actor on Person.person_id = Actor.person_id JOIN Director ON Actor.movie_id = Director.movie_id JOIN Person dir ON Director.person_id = dir.person_id WHERE = “Lucy Liu” GROUP BY ORDER BY count(*) DESC ● START lucy=node:Person(name=”Lucy Liu”) MATCH lucy-[:ACTS_IN]->movie, director-[:DIRECTED]->movie RETURN, count(*) ORDER BY, count(*) DESC 47
  • 50. START lucy = node:Person(name=”Lucy Lui”), kevin = node:Person(name=”Kevin Bacon”) MATCH p = shortestPath( lucy-[:ACTS_IN*]-kevin ) RETURN EXTRACT (n in NODES(p): COALESCE(, n.title?)) 48 Cypher: back to SQL #6/5
  • 51. Neo4j Shell ● command-line shell for running Cypher queries ● supports remote shell ● :schema ● bash# neo4j-shell -path data/graph.db -readonly -config conf/ -c “<command>” 49
  • 52. Neo4j: Security ● does not deal with data encryption explicitly ● can be used all means built into the Java ● can be used encrypted datastore ● webadmin https 50
  • 53. ● manipulate data stored in RDF format ● focused on match triple sets PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?name ?email WHERE { ?person a foaf:Person. ?person foaf:name ?name. ?person foaf:mbox ?email. } SPARQL 51
  • 54. ● graph traversal language ● scripting language ● Pipe & Filter (similar to jQuery) ● across different graph databases ● based on Groovy (limited to Java) ● not as stable in Neo4j ● XPath like ● ./outE[label=”family”]/inV/@name ● g.v(1).out('likes').in('likes').out('likes').groupCount(m) ●'x').out.groupCount(m).loop('x'){c++ < 1000} ● g.v(1).in(‘LOVE_OF’).out(‘SOME_IN’).has(‘title’,’abc’).back(2) Gremlin 52
  • 55. Neo4j and PHP ● everyman/neo4jphp < ○ PHP wrapper for the Neo4j using REST interface ○ Follows the PSR-0 autoloading standard ○ Basic wrappers for all components ○ Last update - a month ago ○ supports Gremlin ● Neo4j-PHP OGM < a lot of based on ○ Object Graph Mapper, inspired by Doctrine ○ based on DoctrineCommon ○ borrows significantly DoctrineORM design ○ uses annotations on classes ○ MIT Licence ● Neo4J PHP REST API client ○ Using Neo4j REST API ○ Node create/find/delete ○ Relationship create/list/filter 53
  • 56. High Availability with Neo4j ● in HA - a single master and zero or more slaves ● slave synchronizing with the master to preserve consistency ● master write to slave before transaction completes 54
  • 57. Demo Example Datasets: ● DrWho (nodes=1'060; rels=2'286) ● Cineasts Movies & Actors (nodes=64'069; rels=121'778) ● Hubway Data Challenge (nodes=554'674; rels=2'011'904) GraphGist: ● JIRA and neo4j ● PHP and neo4j ● Kant in neo4j XSS 55
  • 58. Gephi (win, nix, mac) 56
  • 63. Neovigator (neography + processing.js) 61
  • 64. ● Heroku ○ GrapheneDB beta ○ bash$ heroku addons:add graphenedb ● Jelastic Cloud PaaS Cloud 62
  • 65. ● GrapheneDB - based on neo4j ● AllegroGraph - Closed Source, Commercial, RDF-QuadStore ● Sones - Closed Source, .NET focused ○ graph database built around the W3C spec for the Resource Description Framework ○ supports SPARQL, RDFS++, and Prolog ● Virtuoso - Closed Source, RDF focused ● GraphDB - graph database built in .NET by the German company sones ● InfiniteGraph - goal is to create a graph database with "virtually unlimited scalability." ● FlockDB Analogues 63
  • 66. Docs ● ● ● - book, O'REILLY ● http://www.cs.usfca. edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html - Graph Algorithms visualization ● ● 64
  • 67. ● best used for graph-style, rich or complex, structured dense data, deep graphs with unlimited depth and cyclical, with weighted connections, interconnected data ● quickly add new functionality without impacting existing deployments ● schema-less forcing to re-think entire approach to data ● not the silver bullet for all problems Conclusion