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GraphQL & DGraph with GO
James tan
@ Okestra Systems Sdn Bhd | | | 0123221812
Workflow management simplified
Let’s make GO fun!
With AI (soon)
What is GraphQL?
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries
with your existing data.
Who uses GraphQL?
And more @

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Deep learning (DL) is still one of the fastest developing areas in machine learning. As models increase their complexity and data sets grow in size, your model training can last hours or even days. In this session we will explore some of the trends in Deep Neural Networks to accelerate training using parallelize/distribute deep learning. We will also present how to apply some of these strategies using Cloudera Data Science Workbenck and some popular (DL) open source frameworks like Uber Horovod, Tensorflow and Keras. Speakers Rafael Arana, Senior Solutions Architect Cloudera Zuling Kang, Senior Solutions Architect Cloudera Inc.

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Introduction to Cassandra

This document introduces Apache Cassandra, a distributed column-oriented NoSQL database. It discusses Cassandra's architecture, data model, query language (CQL), and how to install and run Cassandra. Key points covered include Cassandra's linear scalability, high availability and fault tolerance. The document also demonstrates how to use the nodetool utility and provides guidance on backing up and restoring Cassandra data.

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2017年10月30日に開催されたNTTデータ テクノロジーカンファレンス2017での講演資料です。 Apache Hadoopの未来 3系になって何が変わるのか? Introduction of Apache Hadoop security isssue and Hitchhiker Erasure Coding algorithm

Trusty REST
GET /pages
GET /pages/5
POST /pages
PUT /pages/5
DELETE /pages/5
Why GraphQL
Multiple Round
● fetch /pages/1
● fetch /comments?pageID=1
● fetch /users/2
query page($id: Int) {
page(ID: $id) {
comments {
created_by {
Multiple Round
● fetch /pages/1
● fetch /comments?pageID=1
● fetch /users/2
query page($id: Int) {
page(ID: $id) {
comments {
created_by {
announcements() {
edges {
node: {

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Apache Kafka Meetup Japan #3 発表資料

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The document discusses big data and Hadoop concepts. It covers Hadoop operations like put, get, scan, filter, delete as well as join and group by. It also discusses the different types of data access patterns like random write, sequential read, sequential write and random read. The document focuses on big data, Hadoop operations, and data access patterns.

Over fetching data
● Frontend: fetch /pages
● Admin: fetch /pages
title date
title date
ID title Created by Created on Published
1 Title here ... ... Yes
{ id: 1, title: “title”,
description: “...”,
created_at: “...”,
created_by: { name: “...” },
Comments_count: 2
}, …
REST Frontend & admin:
Over fetching data
title date
title date
ID title Created by Created on Published
1 Title here ... ... Yes
query page($id: Int) {
page(ID: $id) {
GraphQL frontend:
query page($id: Int) {
page(ID: $id) {
GraphQL admin:
Schema Documentation
Allow API Discovery and exploration
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
user(email: String!): User
users(first: Int, after: String): UsersConnection!
type Mutation {
createUser(email: String!, password: String!): User
Implementing GraphQL
● graphql-go: An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang.
● graph-gophers/graphql-go: An active implementation of GraphQL in Golang (was
● GQLGen - Go generate based graphql server library.
● graphql-relay-go: A Go/Golang library to help construct a graphql-go server supporting
● machinebox/graphql: An elegant low-level HTTP client for GraphQL.
● samsarahq/thunder: A GraphQL implementation with easy schema building, live queries,
and batching

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Google BigQuery is a cloud data warehouse and spreadsheet database that allows users to import, store, and query data in various formats like CSV, JSON, and Google Sheets. It provides a sandbox account with 10GB of free storage and 1TB of free queries per month. To use it, users create a BigQuery project, import data into datasets and tables, and then query the data using SQL syntax.

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Apache Kafak의 성능이 특정환경(데이터 유실일 발생하지 않고, 데이터 전송순서를 반드시 보장)에서 어느정도 제공하는지 확인하기 위한 테스트 결과 공유 데이터 전송순서를 보장하기 위해서는 Apache Kafka cluster로 partition을 분산할 수 없게되므로, 성능향상을 위한 장점을 사용하지 못하게 된다. 이번 테스트에서는 Apache Kafka의 단위 성능, 즉 partition 1개에 대한 성능만을 측정하게 된다. 향후, partition을 증가할 경우 본 테스트의 1개 partition 단위 성능을 기준으로 예측이 가능할 것 같다.

apache kafkabenchmarkthroughput

PostgreSQLカンファレンス2019での発表資料です。 PostgreSQLだってビッグデータ処理したい!! ~GPUとNVMEを駆使して毎秒10億レコードを処理する技術~

● minimal API
● support for context.Context
● support for the OpenTracing standard
● schema type-checking against resolvers
● resolvers are matched to the schema based on method sets (can resolve a GraphQL schema with a Go
interface or Go struct).
● handles panics in resolvers
● parallel execution of resolvers
● Subscriptions
graphqlSchema := graphql.MustParseSchema(schema.GetRootSchema(), &resolver.Resolver{})
http.Handle("/graphql", h.AddContext(ctx,
&h.GraphQL{Schema: graphqlSchema},
Endpoint: - sample source code

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Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFramesBeyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames
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This document summarizes Spark SQL and DataFrames in Spark. It notes that Spark SQL is part of the core Spark distribution and allows running SQL and HiveQL queries. DataFrames provide a way to select, filter, aggregate and plot structured data like in R and Pandas. DataFrames allow writing less code through a high-level API and reading less data by using optimized formats and partitioning. The optimizer can optimize queries across functions and push down predicates to read less data. This allows creating and running Spark programs faster.

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Mobility Technologiesではタクシーに取り付けたデバイスのデータを収集していますが、Webとは違うIoTならではの問題や障害を経験しました。それを紹介します。

mobility technologiesiotbig data
How it works
http.Handle Schema.Exec Query resolver
Model resolver
Query resolver
Query & Mutation example
● Query - query list / single object
● Mutation - update, delete, create
● Subscription - subscribe to update or event

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2016/05/31 Apache Kafka Meetup Japan #1 での発表資料

How Dashtable Helps Dragonfly Maintain Low Latency
How Dashtable Helps Dragonfly Maintain Low LatencyHow Dashtable Helps Dragonfly Maintain Low Latency
How Dashtable Helps Dragonfly Maintain Low Latency

Dashtable is a hashtable implementation inside Dragonfly. It supports incremental resizes and fast, cache-friendly operations. In this talk, we will learn how Dashtable helps Dragonfly to keep its tail latency in check. In Dashtable, long-tail latencies have been reduced by a factor of 1000x, but P999 are 7x longer. Find out why we still think this is a good tradeoff.

high throughput and low latencyp99p99 conf
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dbt 101

Dbt 기초내용을 다룹니다

What is DGraph?
What is DGraph?
What is DGraph?
What is DGraph?
Dgraph is a distributed, low-latency, high throughput graph database, written in Go. It puts a lot of emphasis on good
design, concurrency and minimizing network calls required to execute a query in a distributed environment.
Why build Dgraph?
We think graph databases are currently second class citizens. They are not considered mature enough to be run as the
sole database, and get run alongside other SQL/NoSQL databases. Also, we’re not happy with the design decisions of
existing graph databases, which are either non-native or non-distributed, don’t manage underlying data or suffer from
performance issues.
Is Dgraph production ready?
We recommend Dgraph to be used in production at companies.

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Apache Kafka Meetup Japan #3 発表資料

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GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request specific data rather than entire resources. It addresses common problems with REST APIs like over-fetching data. Several GraphQL libraries exist for Java including graphql-java, graphql-java-kickstart, graphql-dgs-framework, and spring-graphql. These libraries differ in features like code generation, error handling, testing support, and available clients. Spring GraphQL is considered the most mature option as it integrates directly with Spring Boot and allows testing all code.

Why DGraph
Why Graph db.
What is Graph database?
What is Graph?
A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship.
Each node represents an entity (a person, place, thing, category or other piece of data), and each relationship
represents how two nodes are associated. This general-purpose structure allows you to model all kinds of
scenarios – from a system of roads, to a network of devices, to a population’s medical history or anything else
defined by relationships.
What is Graph database?
A graph database is an online database management system with Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD)
operations working on a graph data model.
Why Graph database?

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GraphQL And Relay Modern
GraphQL And Relay ModernGraphQL And Relay Modern
GraphQL And Relay Modern

The document discusses GraphQL and Relay Modern. It begins with an overview of REST and some of its issues. It then covers what GraphQL is, how it was created at Facebook, and some of its key features like being version-free and having a hierarchical data structure. The document also discusses Relay Modern and what it provides for managing GraphQL queries and mutations. It includes examples of using GraphQL schemas and Relay to fetch and display basic and list data.

GraphQL and Relay Modern
GraphQL and Relay ModernGraphQL and Relay Modern
GraphQL and Relay Modern

Brad Pillow's presention on GraphQL and Relay Modern at the June 7th Carmel JavaScript Roundabout meetup. Brad is the Chief Architect at

GraphQL And Relay Modern
GraphQL And Relay ModernGraphQL And Relay Modern
GraphQL And Relay Modern

This document discusses GraphQL and Relay Modern. It begins with an overview of REST and its issues. It then covers what GraphQL is, how it was created at Facebook, and its motivations. Key aspects of GraphQL discussed include its single endpoint, hierarchical nature, strong typing, response mirroring the query, and introspection capabilities. The document also discusses Relay Modern and what it provides like declarative queries and mutations. It provides examples of simple GraphQL schemas and Relay components. In the end, it discusses subscriptions, routing, debugging, and resources for learning more.

Example SQL with “Join”s
SELECT 'paper_review'::text AS type,, paper_reviews.user_id, concat_ws(' '::text, users.first_name, users.last_name) AS
user_full_name, users.title AS user_title, AS user_photo, users.organization AS user_organization, users.username,
paper_reviews.paper_id, NULL::character varying AS language_framework, NULL::text AS performance_description, paper_reviews.score_tech,
( SELECT count( AS count FROM public.comments WHERE ((comments.source_id = AND ( = 1))) AS
( SELECT count( AS count FROM public.comments WHERE ((comments.source_id = AND ( = 0))) AS
comments_count FROM ((public.paper_reviews LEFT JOIN public.papers ON ((paper_reviews.paper_id = LEFT JOIN public.users ON
((paper_reviews.user_id =
UNION SELECT 'paper_code'::text AS type,, paper_codes.user_id, concat_ws(' '::text, users.first_name, users.last_name) AS
user_full_name, users.title AS user_title, ...
Why Graph database?
Multiple round trip to database server
Single Query with additional relation mapping
Why Graph database?
SQL based:
More joins!, more indexing, more optimisations, more group by OR more sub select, or refactor
NoSQL based:
More round trip for additional collection, more indexing
Add relation, add to graphql query, more indexing (for non relation field)
Why Graph database?
Flexible schema, alike nosql
Add more nodes to distribute queries (dgraph - distributed)
Why Graph database?

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GraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database access
GraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database accessGraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database access
GraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database access

GraphQL is a query language mostly used to streamline access to REST APIs. It is seeing tremendous growth and adoption, in organizations like Airbnb, Coursera, Docker, GitHub, Twitter, Uber, and Facebook, where it was invented. As REST APIs are proliferating, the promise of accessing them all through a single query language and hub, which is what GraphQL and GraphQL server implementations bring, is alluring. A significant recent addition to GraphQL was SDL, its schema definition language. SDL enables developers to define a schema governing interaction with the back-end that GraphQL servers can then implement and enforce. Prisma is a productized version of the data layer leveraging GraphQL to access any database. Prisma works with MySQL, Postgres, and MongoDB, and is adding to this list. Prisma sees the GraphQL community really coming together around the idea of schema-first development, and wants to use GraphQL SDL as the foundation for all interfaces between systems.

Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...
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Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apac...

This document discusses property graphs and how they are represented and queried using Morpheus, a graph query engine for Apache Spark. Morpheus allows querying property graphs using Cypher and represents property graphs using DataFrames, with node and relationship data stored in tables. It integrates with various data sources and supports federated queries across multiple property graphs. The document provides examples of loading property graph data from sources like JSON, SQL databases and Neo4j, creating graph projections, running analytical queries, and recommending businesses based on graph algorithms.

GraphQL & Prisma from Scratch
GraphQL & Prisma from ScratchGraphQL & Prisma from Scratch
GraphQL & Prisma from Scratch

The document discusses Prisma and GraphQL. It provides an overview of GraphQL concepts like schema, queries, and resolvers. It then covers the typical architecture of a GraphQL server including the schema definition, resolver functions, and server setup. Finally, it introduces Prisma as a database access layer that can be used to build GraphQL servers.

DGraph Setup
● Zero node: controls the Dgraph cluster, assigns servers to a group and re-balances data between server
● Alpha node: hosts predicates and indexes
● Ratel: UI to run queries, mutations & altering schema (alike pgadmin) - docker-compose example
DGraph: Declaring schema
name: string @index(term) @lang .
age: int @index(int) .
friend: uid @count @reverse . - data types
DGraph: GO Client
go get -u -v
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9080", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
dgraphClient := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(conn))
op := &api.Operation{
Schema: `name: string @index(exact) .
age: int @index(int) .`,
err := dgraphClient.Alter(ctx, op) 35
DGraph: Updating/Deleting/Mutate
txn := dgraphClient.NewTxn()
defer txn.Discard(ctx)
type Person struct {
Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
p := Person{
Uid: "_:alice",//optional
Name: "Alice",
pb, err := json.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
mu := &api.Mutation{
SetJson: pb,
assigned, err := txn.Mutate(ctx, mu)
if err != nil {

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GraphQL-ify your API - JFall 2022

GraphQL is query language for APIs, but what are the advantages and how would one implement such in their microservices/APIs. In this session, I will go through the basics of GraphQL, different aspects of GraphQL and architecture of such APIs. How 4 different ways we can implement GraphQL for a Springboot microservice/API.

GraphQL IndyJS April 2016
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GraphQL IndyJS April 2016

This document discusses GraphQL, a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. It provides examples of basic queries, nested fields, connections, arguments, and fragments. It also covers GraphQL types including scalars, schemas, definitions, predicates, and data resolution. GraphQL allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and specifies querying, modifying, and transmitting data between client and server.

Advanced Data Science with Apache Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)
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Advanced Data Science with Apache Spark-(Reza Zadeh, Stanford)

The document discusses graph computations and Pregel, an API for graph processing. It introduces Pregel's vertex-centric programming model where computation is organized into supersteps and depends only on neighboring vertices. Examples like PageRank are shown implemented in Pregel. GraphX is also introduced as a library providing Pregel-like abstractions on Spark. The document then discusses distributing matrix computations, covering partitioning schemes for matrices and how to distribute operations like multiplication and singular value decomposition (SVD) across a cluster.

apache sparkspark summit 2015
DGraph: Committing transaction / discard
txn := dgraphClient.NewTxn()
defer txn.Discard(ctx)
err := txn.Commit(ctx)
if err == y.ErrAborted {
// Retry or handle error
DGraph: Query Single object
q := `query all($a: string) {
all(func: eq(name, $a)) {
resp, err := txn.QueryWithVars(ctx, q,
map[string]string{"$a": "Alice"})
user(func: uid(0xc351)) {
roles: with_role {
DGraph: Query list
users(func: eq(_type, "users"), first: 10,
offset:0, orderdesc: created_at)
@filter(has(with_role)) {
company : work_for {

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GraphQL-ify your APIs
GraphQL-ify your APIsGraphQL-ify your APIs
GraphQL-ify your APIs

GraphQL is query language for APIs, but what are the advantages and how would one implement such in their microservices/APIs. In this session, I will go through the basics of GraphQL, different aspects of GraphQL and architecture of such APIs. There will be a demo/live-coding on, how 4 different ways we can implement GraphQL for a Springboot microservice/API. Lots of examples, live coding and helpful comparison on structure, usage and implementations of GraphQL in Springboot & Java world.

GraphQL + relay
GraphQL + relayGraphQL + relay
GraphQL + relay

A complete presentation of GraphQL and Relay Video :

Me want more...
● DGraph quick start:

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GraphQL & DGraph with Go

  • 1. GraphQL & DGraph with GO 1
  • 2. James tan @ Okestra Systems Sdn Bhd | | | 0123221812 2 Workflow management simplified Let’s make GO fun! With AI (soon)
  • 3. What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. 3
  • 4. Who uses GraphQL? 4 And more @
  • 5. Trusty REST GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS, PUT, TRACE, CONNECT GET /pages GET /pages/5 POST /pages PUT /pages/5 DELETE /pages/5 Examples: 5
  • 7. Multiple Round Trip 7 ● fetch /pages/1 ● fetch /comments?pageID=1 ● fetch /users/2 query page($id: Int) { page(ID: $id) { title description comments { id message created_by { id name } } } } REST: GraphQL:
  • 8. Multiple Round Trip 8 ● fetch /pages/1 ● fetch /comments?pageID=1 ● fetch /users/2 query page($id: Int) { page(ID: $id) { title description comments { id message created_by { id name } } } announcements() { edges { node: { id title message } } } REST: GraphQL:
  • 9. Over fetching data 9 ● Frontend: fetch /pages ● Admin: fetch /pages Frontend: Admin: title date description title date description ... ID title Created by Created on Published 1 Title here ... ... Yes 2 comments 5 comments [ { id: 1, title: “title”, description: “...”, created_at: “...”, created_by: { name: “...” }, Comments_count: 2 }, … ] REST Frontend & admin:
  • 10. Over fetching data 10 Frontend: Admin: title date description title date description ... ID title Created by Created on Published 1 Title here ... ... Yes 2 comments 5 comments query page($id: Int) { page(ID: $id) { title description Comment_count … }} GraphQL frontend: query page($id: Int) { page(ID: $id) { Title … }} GraphQL admin:
  • 11. Schema Documentation 11 Allow API Discovery and exploration REST: schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation } type Query { user(email: String!): User users(first: Int, after: String): UsersConnection! } type Mutation { createUser(email: String!, password: String!): User }
  • 12. Implementing GraphQL ● graphql-go: An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang. ● graph-gophers/graphql-go: An active implementation of GraphQL in Golang (was ● GQLGen - Go generate based graphql server library. ● graphql-relay-go: A Go/Golang library to help construct a graphql-go server supporting react-relay. ● machinebox/graphql: An elegant low-level HTTP client for GraphQL. ● samsarahq/thunder: A GraphQL implementation with easy schema building, live queries, and batching 12
  • 13. Graphql-go ● minimal API ● support for context.Context ● support for the OpenTracing standard ● schema type-checking against resolvers ● resolvers are matched to the schema based on method sets (can resolve a GraphQL schema with a Go interface or Go struct). ● handles panics in resolvers ● parallel execution of resolvers ● Subscriptions 13
  • 14. Setup graphqlSchema := graphql.MustParseSchema(schema.GetRootSchema(), &resolver.Resolver{}) http.Handle("/graphql", h.AddContext(ctx, graphqlupload.Handler( &h.GraphQL{Schema: graphqlSchema}, ), )) Endpoint: - sample source code 14
  • 16. 16
  • 17. How it works 17 http.Handle Schema.Exec Query resolver Mutation resolver Model resolver Return Query resolver Mutation resolver
  • 18. Query & Mutation example ● Query - query list / single object ● Mutation - update, delete, create ● Subscription - subscribe to update or event 18
  • 24. What is DGraph? 24 Dgraph is a distributed, low-latency, high throughput graph database, written in Go. It puts a lot of emphasis on good design, concurrency and minimizing network calls required to execute a query in a distributed environment. Why build Dgraph? We think graph databases are currently second class citizens. They are not considered mature enough to be run as the sole database, and get run alongside other SQL/NoSQL databases. Also, we’re not happy with the design decisions of existing graph databases, which are either non-native or non-distributed, don’t manage underlying data or suffer from performance issues. Is Dgraph production ready? We recommend Dgraph to be used in production at companies.
  • 26. What is Graph database? 26 What is Graph? A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship. Each node represents an entity (a person, place, thing, category or other piece of data), and each relationship represents how two nodes are associated. This general-purpose structure allows you to model all kinds of scenarios – from a system of roads, to a network of devices, to a population’s medical history or anything else defined by relationships. source:
  • 27. What is Graph database? 27 A graph database is an online database management system with Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations working on a graph data model. source:
  • 28. Why Graph database? 28source:
  • 29. Performance Example SQL with “Join”s SELECT 'paper_review'::text AS type,, paper_reviews.user_id, concat_ws(' '::text, users.first_name, users.last_name) AS user_full_name, users.title AS user_title, AS user_photo, users.organization AS user_organization, users.username, paper_reviews.paper_id, NULL::character varying AS language_framework, NULL::text AS performance_description, paper_reviews.score_tech, paper_reviews.score_original, ( SELECT count( AS count FROM public.comments WHERE ((comments.source_id = AND ( = 1))) AS likes_count, ( SELECT count( AS count FROM public.comments WHERE ((comments.source_id = AND ( = 0))) AS comments_count FROM ((public.paper_reviews LEFT JOIN public.papers ON ((paper_reviews.paper_id = LEFT JOIN public.users ON ((paper_reviews.user_id = UNION SELECT 'paper_code'::text AS type,, paper_codes.user_id, concat_ws(' '::text, users.first_name, users.last_name) AS user_full_name, users.title AS user_title, ... Why Graph database? 29
  • 30. Performance NoSQL Multiple round trip to database server GraphDB Single Query with additional relation mapping Why Graph database? 30
  • 31. Flexibility SQL based: More joins!, more indexing, more optimisations, more group by OR more sub select, or refactor NoSQL based: More round trip for additional collection, more indexing GraphDB Add relation, add to graphql query, more indexing (for non relation field) Why Graph database? 31
  • 32. Agility Flexible schema, alike nosql Add more nodes to distribute queries (dgraph - distributed) Why Graph database? 32
  • 33. DGraph Setup ● Zero node: controls the Dgraph cluster, assigns servers to a group and re-balances data between server groups ● Alpha node: hosts predicates and indexes ● Ratel: UI to run queries, mutations & altering schema (alike pgadmin) - docker-compose example 33
  • 34. DGraph: Declaring schema name: string @index(term) @lang . age: int @index(int) . friend: uid @count @reverse . - data types 34
  • 35. DGraph: GO Client go get -u -v --- conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9080", grpc.WithInsecure()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() dgraphClient := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(conn)) op := &api.Operation{ Schema: `name: string @index(exact) . age: int @index(int) .`, } err := dgraphClient.Alter(ctx, op) 35
  • 36. DGraph: Updating/Deleting/Mutate txn := dgraphClient.NewTxn() defer txn.Discard(ctx) type Person struct { Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` } p := Person{ Uid: "_:alice",//optional Name: "Alice", } 36 pb, err := json.Marshal(p) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } mu := &api.Mutation{ SetJson: pb, } assigned, err := txn.Mutate(ctx, mu) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
  • 37. DGraph: Committing transaction / discard txn := dgraphClient.NewTxn() defer txn.Discard(ctx) err := txn.Commit(ctx) if err == y.ErrAborted { // Retry or handle error } 37
  • 38. DGraph: Query Single object q := `query all($a: string) { all(func: eq(name, $a)) { name } }` resp, err := txn.QueryWithVars(ctx, q, map[string]string{"$a": "Alice"}) fmt.Println(string(resp.Json)) { user(func: uid(0xc351)) { First_name Last_name Email roles: with_role { Uid Name } } } 38
  • 39. DGraph: Query list users(func: eq(_type, "users"), first: 10, offset:0, orderdesc: created_at) @filter(has(with_role)) { uid email first_name company : work_for { uid code name } } } 39
  • 41. Me want more... ● ● ● ● DGraph quick start: 41

Editor's Notes

  1. Can be called via rest post call