SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Learner Management Systems

Photo Credit:
• Embed and manipulate third party content such as such
as YouTube, Slideshare and Scribd into Moodle
• <iframe>
• Multimedia plug ins.
Michael Gwyther
What is embedding?

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This document provides instructions for using various tools for teaching purposes, including Zoomit for presentations, downloading YouTube videos using Chrome, and sharing presentations online using Slideshare and Adobe Acrobat services. It outlines how to install necessary software, upload files to cloud platforms, and use embedded features to present and share materials from any internet-connected device.


This document provides instructions for using various tools for teaching purposes, including Zoomit for presentations, downloading YouTube videos using Chrome, and sharing presentations online using Slideshare and Adobe Acrobat services. It outlines how to install necessary software, upload files to cloud platforms, and use embedded features to present and share materials from any internet-connected device.


This document provides instructions for using various tools for teaching purposes, including Zoomit for presentations, downloading YouTube videos using Chrome, and sharing presentations online using Slideshare and Adobe Acrobat services. It outlines how to install necessary software, upload files to cloud platforms, and use embedded features to present and share materials from any internet-connected device.

Where can I embed?

Photo Credit:
What content do you have?
What digital content do you
have now?
What might you need to
Multimedia sources
Multimedia sources

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Tools (2)
Tools (2)Tools (2)
Tools (2)

This document provides instructions for using various tools for teaching purposes, including Zoomit for presentations, downloading YouTube videos using Chrome, and sharing presentations online using Slideshare and Adobe Acrobat services. It outlines how to install necessary software, upload files to cloud platforms, and use embedded features to present and share materials from any internet-connected device.

web browser ppt
web browser pptweb browser ppt
web browser ppt

The document provides information on various web browsers, including their history, architecture, popular browsers, and features. It discusses early browsers from the 1990s like WorldWideWeb and Mosaic. It then covers popular modern browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge. It provides details on the developers, platforms, and technologies used for each browser. It also gives brief summaries of the key features and functionality of several major browsers.

Ed tech training
Ed tech trainingEd tech training
Ed tech training

This document contains a list of resources for educational technology training including tools for image searching, file transfer, voice recording, advanced searching, presenting PowerPoints, shortening URLs, dealing with vocabulary, blogging platforms, preparing blogs, creating word clouds, and making animated videos.

Multimedia sources

Multimedia sources
Site Permissions
Settings > Site administration > Security > Site
Resource Repositories

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Moodle Series #2 - Learn Local - Administering your Moodle Course
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Moodle Series #2 - Learn Local - Administering your Moodle Course

This document provides an overview of learner management systems and Moodle plugins. It discusses setting up courses and user accounts, managing cohorts, exploring and configuring plugins, and using filters. The presenter demonstrates adding categories and courses, uploading users via CSV files, and managing multimedia plugins and embedded media. Settings for passwords, backups, and filters are also overviewed. The goal is to help users understand common Moodle functions and customize their installation using various plugins and settings.

Tools for elearning_2.0
Tools for elearning_2.0Tools for elearning_2.0
Tools for elearning_2.0

This seminar discusses tools for eLearning Web 2.0. It explains that eLearning 2.0 is based on Web 2.0 and focuses on sharing information, collaborative learning, and people rather than just online courses. Various free and open source tools are presented for creating PDFs, quizzes, animations, images, web albums, audio/video, and syndicating media. Platforms like Joomla, Moodle, and Blackboard are also discussed. The seminar concludes that choosing the right Web 2.0 tools can make teaching and learning more fun, easy, effective and convenient, but eLearning still faces challenges.

Acpet eLearning Program 2013 LMS - Moodle
Acpet eLearning Program 2013 LMS - MoodleAcpet eLearning Program 2013 LMS - Moodle
Acpet eLearning Program 2013 LMS - Moodle

The document discusses Learner Management Systems (LMS) and focuses on Moodle, an open-source LMS. It provides an overview of Moodle, including its communication tools, assessment tools, content tools, and course structures. It also covers implementing and customizing Moodle, as well as student and course management functions. The document is intended to help users understand the capabilities and effective use of Moodle as an LMS.

Resource Repositories - YouTube
Resource Repositories - YouTube

<p><a href="">P3
Professionals Change Drivers Bronze Age Orientation Day</a></p>

Settings > Site
administration > Plugins >
Repositories > Manage
Multimedia Embedding

Photo Credit:

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My Media at University of Toronto Libraries
My Media at University of Toronto LibrariesMy Media at University of Toronto Libraries
My Media at University of Toronto Libraries

The document describes the University of Toronto Libraries' media server called MyMedia. It provides the following key details: 1. MyMedia allows university faculty, staff and students to upload, store, encode and publish various media formats for teaching and research purposes. 2. The media server was built in 4 weeks to support pandemic preparedness efforts and provides tools for easily publishing media to web pages from a central storage location. 3. The system utilizes various open source software components including a MySQL database, ffmpeg for encoding, and a PHP/Flash based interface for viewing media. Media can be streamed or downloaded depending on access permissions.

media serverstreamingmedia
Return Of The Browser Wars Ajax World West2007
Return Of The Browser Wars Ajax World West2007Return Of The Browser Wars Ajax World West2007
Return Of The Browser Wars Ajax World West2007

The document discusses the potential return of competition between web browsers and platforms, with Microsoft's Silverlight competing with Adobe's Flash. It argues that no single company will fully control the web. It then explores moving beyond just web browsers to access local resources and offline use through technologies like Ajax, plugins, widgets and virtual machines. It advises carefully choosing technologies based on specific user needs rather than trends and to avoid over-engineering solutions.


The document provides resources for creating digital stories, including websites that allow adding voice, images, and music to tell visual stories. It lists tools for editing audio and video, finding free media like images and music, and publishing completed digital stories. Sources include Audacity for audio editing, Animoto and Voicethread for telling visual stories, and sites like Flickr and iStockPhoto for finding free images.

• Finds a link in text that points to a
multimedia resource and replaces the link
with an appropriate multimedia player code
which can play the resource.

Photo Credit:
Filter settings
Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Filters >
Manage Filters
Filter settings
Settings > Site administration > Appearance >
Media embedding
Multimedia Plug ins

Supported Media Formats

* .mp3 - MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III
* .swf - Macromedia Flash Format File (Adobe, Inc.)
* .mov - QuickTime Video Clip (Apple Computer, Inc.)
* .wmv - Windows Media File (Microsoft)
* .mpg - MPEG Animation
* .avi - Audio Video Interleave File
* .flv - Flash Video File (Macromedia, Inc.)
* .ram - RealMedia Metafile (RealNetworks, Inc.)
* .rpm - RealMedia Player Plug-in (RealNetworks)
* .rm - RealMedia Streaming Media (Real Networks, Inc.)
* .mp4
* .m4v

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Data Portability for Educators
Data Portability for EducatorsData Portability for Educators
Data Portability for Educators

This document discusses data portability and the importance of open standards for sharing and remixing data. It outlines principles of data portability such as giving users control over their data regardless of the platform, using open formats and APIs, protecting user privacy and rights, and recommending existing standards. The document warns of issues that can occur when users' data and content are locked into proprietary platforms or formats and advocates for policies that enable data sharing and portability.

Learn Local Moodle Webinar #3 - Course formating ideas
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-Moodle plug ins that can extend course formatting options and how to install them. -How to exploit Moodle section, resource and activity links to create custom navigation inside your Moodle course from text or icons.

WordPress: Smart Ideas for Startup - SMW torino 2012
WordPress: Smart Ideas for Startup - SMW  torino 2012 WordPress: Smart Ideas for Startup - SMW  torino 2012
WordPress: Smart Ideas for Startup - SMW torino 2012

This document summarizes an event about WordPress. It introduces two organizers, Giuliano Ambrosio and Maurizio Pelizzone. It provides statistics on WordPress's popularity and features. It outlines WordPress's evolution from a blogging platform to a full content management system and application platform. It discusses potential future directions, including simplifying the interface. Examples are given for different types of WordPress sites. Security tips are also provided. The conclusion is that WordPress is powerful but not a "silver bullet."

#smw #smwtorino #wordpress #startup
iFrame tag



Open any Moodle tinyMCE editor
Switch to HTML view
Type in iFrame embed code:
<iframe src="http:/">
Add length & width:
<iframe height="600" width="900"
Use all real estate (width)
<iframe height="600" width=”100%"
Photo Credit:
iFrame tag – alternative text

In the event the user’s browser doesn’t support
frames, add some alterative text between the
opening and closing tages:


Use all real estate (width)
<iframe height="600" width=”100%"
Place alternative text for browsers that do not
understand Iframes in here</iframe>

Photo Credit:
iFrame tag – examples



Photo Credit:
iFrame tag – examples

Photo Credit:

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Feature Bits at DevOpsDays 2010 US
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Popcorn.js is a JavaScript framework that allows for synchronizing HTML5 media like video and audio with interactive elements on a webpage, making media the "conductor" of an experience. It provides a plugin system and normalizes media properties and events to provide an easy API for building interactive narratives. The document outlines how Popcorn.js works, provides examples of plugins and sample code, and gives resources for learning more about developing with the framework.

popcorn.js storycode transmedia
WordPress, an Open Source CMS Technologies
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WordPress, an Open Source CMS Technologies

presented at Software Freedom Day, Sun’s Open Source University Meetup (OSUM) at Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. Friday, Oktober 16th 2009

wordpressopen sourcecms
Photo Credit:
Object example

Photo Credit:
Object example
YouTube (old embed Code)

Photo Credit:
Object example
YouTube (old embed Code)

Photo Credit:

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Why Portability matters (full presentation)
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Why Portability matters (full presentation)

The document discusses the importance of data portability on the web. It notes that users should have control over their own data and be able to easily move it between services. However, many current systems lock users into specific platforms by not allowing easy export or transfer of data. The document outlines several principles of user-controlled data portability and highlights examples of both good and bad practices among different web companies and technologies. It argues that users need more freedom and control over their personal information on the internet.

Igniting Student Creativity Through Digital Storytelling
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Igniting Student Creativity Through Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is the process of writing a story and adding multimedia elements like voice, images, and music to create a visual narrative. It allows students to develop their creativity by capturing stories and lives through personal digital narratives. The document provides various ideas for digital storytelling genres and formats, as well as resources for finding images, audio, and video to include in digital stories. It also lists software and websites that can be used to plan, edit, and publish digital stories.

Alternatives to LMS and Content development
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Alternatives to LMS and Content development

This document provides a summary of alternative delivery tools that can be used for e-learning, including blogs, wikis, social networks, visual tools, communication tools, student productivity tools, and mind mapping tools. Several specific tools are mentioned for each category, along with their website URLs. The document encourages exploring the top 100 tools for learning and cool tools for schools resources for more options.

Thank you
Michael Gwyther

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Moodle Series - Learn Local - Embedding in Moodle

Editor's Notes

  1. {"16":"Page pathHome\n/ ▶ Site administration\n/ ▶ Appearance\n/ ▶ Media embedding\n","17":"Page pathHome\n/ ▶ Site administration\n/ ▶ Plugins\n/ ▶ Filters\n/ ▶ Manage filters\nFilters can be used to add links, insert multimedia players, convert Mathematical expressions or emoticons into images and more. \nA filter may be enabled at the site level and then removed as needed at the course or activity level. Thus a teacher can disable glossary auto-linking in a quiz for example. \n","12":"Repositories in Moodle enable users to upload files, access previously uploaded files and to easily bring content into Moodle from external repositories, such as Flickr or Google Docs. Enabled repositories are available in the File picker. \nGoogle Docs - bring files from your Google docs account \nFlickr public - search for and display images from Flickr \nFlickr - search for and display images from your personal Flickr account \nPicasa web album - search for and display images from your Picasa account \nAlfresco - link to or copy files from Alfresco into Moodle \nAmazon S3 \ - bring files in from your account \nDropbox - bring files in from Dropbox \nFile system - access files uploaded to a folder on your server (by, eg FTP) \nLegacy course files - use the old system from 1.9 of &quot;course files&quot; \ - bring resources in from \nWebDAV -bring in files using webdav \nEQUELLA - link to files in an EQUELLA installation \n","18":"\n","13":"Repositories in Moodle enable users to upload files, access previously uploaded files and to easily bring content into Moodle from external repositories, such as Flickr or Google Docs. Enabled repositories are available in the File picker. \nGoogle Docs - bring files from your Google docs account \nFlickr public - search for and display images from Flickr \nFlickr - search for and display images from your personal Flickr account \nPicasa web album - search for and display images from your Picasa account \nAlfresco - link to or copy files from Alfresco into Moodle \nAmazon S3 \ - bring files in from your account \nDropbox - bring files in from Dropbox \nFile system - access files uploaded to a folder on your server (by, eg FTP) \nLegacy course files - use the old system from 1.9 of &quot;course files&quot; \ - bring resources in from \nWebDAV -bring in files using webdav \nEQUELLA - link to files in an EQUELLA installation \n","19":"\n","14":"Repositories in Moodle enable users to upload files, access previously uploaded files and to easily bring content into Moodle from external repositories, such as Flickr or Google Docs. Enabled repositories are available in the File picker. \nGoogle Docs - bring files from your Google docs account \nFlickr public - search for and display images from Flickr \nFlickr - search for and display images from your personal Flickr account \nPicasa web album - search for and display images from your Picasa account \nAlfresco - link to or copy files from Alfresco into Moodle \nAmazon S3 \ - bring files in from your account \nDropbox - bring files in from Dropbox \nFile system - access files uploaded to a folder on your server (by, eg FTP) \nLegacy course files - use the old system from 1.9 of &quot;course files&quot; \ - bring resources in from \nWebDAV -bring in files using webdav \nEQUELLA - link to files in an EQUELLA installation \n","15":"Repositories in Moodle enable users to upload files, access previously uploaded files and to easily bring content into Moodle from external repositories, such as Flickr or Google Docs. Enabled repositories are available in the File picker. \nGoogle Docs - bring files from your Google docs account \nFlickr public - search for and display images from Flickr \nFlickr - search for and display images from your personal Flickr account \nPicasa web album - search for and display images from your Picasa account \nAlfresco - link to or copy files from Alfresco into Moodle \nAmazon S3 \ - bring files in from your account \nDropbox - bring files in from Dropbox \nFile system - access files uploaded to a folder on your server (by, eg FTP) \nLegacy course files - use the old system from 1.9 of &quot;course files&quot; \ - bring resources in from \nWebDAV -bring in files using webdav \nEQUELLA - link to files in an EQUELLA installation \n"}