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Modularizing Your
                    Grails Application
                   with Private Plugins
                                  Ken Liu
                            SpringOne 2GX 2012
                                17 Oct 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 12
About Me
                  • Web development with Java since
                            JDK 1.0.2 (applets, anyone?)

                  • Groovy/Grails since 2009
                  • Lead developer for IEEE Spectrum
                  • Always been a closet fan of dynamic
                            languages (starting with Perl)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
About IEEE
                  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics
                  • Widely known for standards - 802.11
                  • World’s largest technology
                            professional association - 400,000
                            engineers in 160 countries
                  • Publishes nearly a third of the world’s
                            technical literature in EE/CS

Wednesday, October 17, 12
About IEEE Spectrum
               • Flagship publication of IEEE
               • General interest technology magazine
                      with focus on EE topics

               • 2012 National Magazine Award winner

Wednesday, October 17, 12
IEEE Spectrum website

                  • ~1.5M PV/mo
                  • Frequent referrals from HN, Reddit, /.
                  • 100% Groovy/Grails since 2009 -
                            both front-end and CMS
                  • Akamai/Weblogic/Oracle stack
                  • Award-winning coverage of ROBOTS!

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Grails plugins overview
                  • Grails plugin development basics
                  • Application architecture with private
                  • Lessons learned

Wednesday, October 17, 12
To fork or not to fork?

                  • “We need a new website...”
                  • “You must use the standard corporate
                            Enterprise CMS system.”

                  • “Can’t you guys just make a copy of
                            the existing code and tweak it?”

                  • DANGER!

Wednesday, October 17, 12
From “big ball of mud” to
                plugin architecture
                                  Where do we go from here?

                             Front End              Domain classes       CMS
                        Controllers/Views/           (e.g Article,    Controllers/
                              Services                BlogPost)      Views/Services
                     (e.g. article, blog pages)

                                                                     Utility classes
                            UrlMappings           Spectrum Taglib       (src/**)

                            Quartz Jobs           Front End & CMS
                            (e.g. sitemap                             Test classes
                                                   images, CSS, JS

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Grails plugins overview
                  • Grails plugin development basics
                  • Application architecture with private
                  • Lessons learned

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin systems and
                             component models
                  • Plugin systems are now commonplace
                  • Firefox, Eclipse, Jenkins, JEdit
                  • Package managers, OSGi, Ruby on
                            Rails Engines

                  • Component-oriented software?
                  • Coarse-grained high-level reuse,
                            separation of concerns

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Grails plugins in a
                  • Tightly integrated into Grails system
                  • Can implement common functionality
                            in plugins that is overridden by

                  • Can create new Artifact types
                  • Interact with Spring context
                  • Integrated with build system

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Grails plugins in a

                  • Central public plugin repository
                  • Version management
                  • Dependency management

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Grails - plugins inside
        • Many parts of Grails
               itself are built as plugins
        • Some default plugins can
               even be swapped out
               • Tomcat -> Jetty
               • GORM/Hibernate ->
                      Redis GORM

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Public Grails plugins
                  • 850 public plugins in the central
                            plugins repository

                  • Search on plugin portal

                  • Quickly bootstrap new applications
                  • Spend some time now
                            save some time later
                  • Follow @grailsplugins for updates

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Selected Grails plugins
                    Spring Security - user authentication
                    Cache - caching using annotations
                    Quartz - job scheduling (like cron)
                    DB Migration - controlled schema changes
                    Mail - send email with JavaMail
                    Resources - web performance optimization
                    Console - in-app interactive console
                    CodeNarc - static code analysis
                    Spock - enable Spock unit testing framework

Wednesday, October 17, 12
What can go into a
                  • Really, anything
                  • Standard Grails artifacts: GSPs,
                            Controllers, Services, i18n, TagLibs -
                            just like in app

                  • Define custom Grails artifact types:
                            see Quartz plugin “Jobs”

                  • Plugins can depend on other plugins

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Grails plugins overview
                  • Grails plugin development basics
                  • Application architecture with private
                  • Lessons learned

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Creating a new plugin

                    grails create-plugin myplugin

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Creating a new plugin

                   Same structure
                   as a Grails
                   application, but
                   with an extra
                   descriptor file

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin Descriptor
             class MypluginGrailsPlugin {
               // the plugin version
               def version = "0.1"

                 // the version or versions of Grails the plugin is designed for
                 def grailsVersion = "2.1 > *"

                 // the other plugins this plugin depends on
                 def dependsOn = [:]

                 def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx ->
                   // TODO Implement registering dynamic methods to classes (optional)

                 def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext ->
                   // TODO Implement post initialization spring config (optional)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Excluded plugin files
             Grails excludes         /grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy
             certain files            (and any other *DataSource.groovy)
             from packaging          /grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Running a plugin
                  • A plugin is a Grails app!
                  • grails run-app from plugin dir
                  • excluded files loaded during run-app
                  • useful for testing
                            (test-app works too)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Packaging a plugin

                  • grails package-plugin
                  • creates a zip file that can be installed
                            & distributed

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Installing a plugin

        from local directory:
        grails install-plugin /path/to/

        from URL:
        grails install-plugin

        in BuildConfig.groovy (“in-place” plugin):
        // Uncomment this only for local development - do not check in!
        grails.plugin.location.'spectrum-core' = '../spectrum-core'

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin Development

                  • Easy: create Controllers, Services,
                            Views, Taglibs, etc.

                  • Specify resource paths <g:resource>
                  • Can alter Spring context
                  • Hook into build system, reload events

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Grails plugins overview
                  • Grails plugin development basics
                  • Application architecture with private
                  • Lessons learned

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Public vs. Private plugins
                              Public plugins
             • Highly cohesive
             • Maximize reuse
             • Sometimes provide “horizontal slices” -
                    e.g. Spring security core
             • Most don’t depend on other plugins

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Public vs. Private plugins
                              Private Plugins
              • Proprietary code
              • Application or domain-specific
              • Code reuse within an organization
              • Can be coarse-grained, heavyweight
              • Private forks of public plugins
              • Enable interesting options for
                      application architecture

Wednesday, October 17, 12
From “big ball of mud” to
                plugin architecture
                  • Grails applications tend to become
                            unmanageable over time
                  • Convention-based directory trees
                            (e.g. /grails-app/views )

                  • Rapid development/scaffolding
                  • Need “separation of concerns”

Wednesday, October 17, 12
From “big ball of mud” to
                plugin architecture
                    Spectrum application before refactoring

                             Front End              Domain classes       CMS
                        Controllers/Views/           (e.g Article,    Controllers/
                              Services                BlogPost)      Views/Services
                     (e.g. article, blog pages)

                                                                     Utility classes
                            UrlMappings           Spectrum Taglib       (src/**)

                            Quartz Jobs           Front End & CMS
                            (e.g. sitemap                             Test classes
                                                   images, CSS, JS

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Reusable domain model
        • Reuse a set of
               Domain classes
               between applications
        • Different applications,
               same DB instance
                                        Domain Model                  Domain Model

        • Hibernate not
                                           plugin                        plugin

               included in plugins by   API endpoint                  Primary web
                                         application                   application
        • Consider Hibernate                           Domain Model
               caching issues

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Refactored with plugin
              Spectrum Application                 Spectrum Core Plugin

                    Front End             Core Domain             Utility classes
                 Controllers/Views          classes                  (src/**)

                       Front End                                     CMS
                                         Common Front
                      UrlMappings                                 Controllers/
                                         End Controllers

                  Front End Taglib
                                          Core Services         CMS test classes

                       Test classes      CoreUrlMappings           CMS Taglib

                     Front End                 CMS
                                                                   Quartz Jobs
                   images, CSS, JS        images, CSS, JS

                                      Depends on other plugins: spring-security-core,
                                         quartz, searchable, ckeditor, and others

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Different web sites,
                     common backend code

                            Spectrum         The Institute
                             website           website
                              10.4+               3.0

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Same Controller,
                               different Views

                        Spectrum application      The Institute application
                             show.gsp                    show.gsp

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Same Controller,
                                different Views
                  • Define common Controller in plugin
                  • View resolution: application first, then
                  • Can specify plugin using
                            <g:render plugin=”myplugin”>

                  • The promise of MVC fulfilled!

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin UrlMappings
                  • UrlMappings.groovy excluded from plugin

                  • *UrlMappings.groovy merged into
                            application mappings

                  • Application can override plugin mappings
                  • Enables “mini application” in plugin
                  • Can’t remove unwanted mappings, only

Wednesday, October 17, 12
                  • Config.groovy is excluded from plugin
                  • Might want to fix certain config
                            properties - won’t need them in
                            application Config
                  • Manually merge config in
                  •         application.config.merge(new

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Extending plugin
                                 domain model
                               Content class
                            Domain model plugin   Domain classes in
                                                   plugins can be
                                                    extended in
                     Webinar extends Content

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Publishing private plugins
                  • Publish to internal corporate Maven
                            repo - e.g. Artifactory or Nexus
                  • Release plugin - installed by default
                  • Old-style svn-based repos supported,
                            but not recommended for Grails 2
                  • Customize plugin metadata with
                            internal Maven groupId
                  • Publish from Jenkins

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Declaring private plugin
                               (Maven/Ivy dependencies)
         repositories {
             /* other default repos here */
                 /* point to internal corporate Maven repo */
                 mavenRepo ''
         plugins {
             /* other plugin dependencies here */
             compile ''

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Day-to-day development
                  • Use “in-place” plugin (exploded plugin) in
                            your local dev workspace

                  • Private plugins tend to be updated along
                            with application features

                  • Beware of potential breaking changes
                            (in other applications)

                  • Define deprecation strategy and use
                            @deprecated javadoc

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Refactoring to plugin

                  • Determine candidates for refactoring
                  • Create new empty plugin & plugin descriptor
                  • Move Grails artifacts (e.g. Controllers,
                            Services, Views, etc.) into new plugin
                  •         Move dependent files from /src
                  •         Move related test files into new plugin
                  •         Remove hard coded paths to resources
                  •         Run your functional test suite

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Refactoring to plugin

                  • Start small - don’t create a whole
                            bunch of plugins from the outset

                  • Consider migrating version history

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Super-project with plugins
            One application with several in-place plugins

             In BuildConfig.groovy:
               grails.plugin.location.pluginA = 'pluginA' // path to plugin
               grails.plugin.location.pluginB = 'pluginB'
               grails.plugin.location.pluginC = 'pluginC'

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Public website,
                                  private back end
                        Public                  Private
                       Internet                intranet
                                                              Deploy public
                                                              and private
                                                              versions of
                        application              facing       application with
                                                              shared code


Wednesday, October 17, 12
Vertical slices / mini
                             Grails applications
                  • Plugins can be self contained
                  • UrlMappings + Controllers + Domains +
                            Views + Services = Grails application

                  • Remove views -> “white label” application
                  • Embed a small application within another

                  • Vertically slice your application into plugins

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugins as a platform
                   Data Capture       Data Cleaning      Data Validation
                      plugin             plugin              plugin

                                                                   Super-plugin to
                                                                   combine plugin
                                  Clinical Data Management        dependencies into
                                        Platform plugin             a platform or

                         Clinical data
                                                Clinical data review
                      management server

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Sensitive code protection
                                                          Split application
                                                          into separate
               Data Ingestion          Data Analysis      parts to isolate
                                       “secret sauce”     key algorithms
                                                          from external

              Shell application        Full application
              (external team)

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Grails plugins overview
                  • Grails plugin development basics
                  • Application architecture with private
                  • Lessons learned

Wednesday, October 17, 12
                  • Changes to domain model need to be
                            carefully managed
                  • Avoid dbCreate=update
                  • Adopt DDL file naming convention:

                  • Bootstrap-triggered migrations
                  • DB Migrations plugin (Liquibase)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Config.groovy changes
                          over time
                  • Easy to add a new entry to
                            Config.groovy and then forget about it

                  • Group together plugin config
                            properties into a closure

                  • Don’t forget about external config files
                            and differences in various

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Maven/Ivy/build issues

                  • Maven/Ivy hell > JAR hell
                  • SNAPSHOT resolution error-prone
                  • See JIRA for bugs related to plugins
                  • Avoid creating many small plugins
                  • Strange problems? Look at your build.

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin versioning and

                  • Define version numbering strategy
                  • Be prepared to branch/merge
                  • Be sure to update plugin versions and
                            tag your code consistently
                  • Just use Git - merging & cherry-
                            picking are sweet

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Code Rigidity

                  • Inflexibility to change/afferent
                  • Avoid breaking changes (duh)
                  • Solution: automate your tests, catch
                            breaking changes early

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Continuous Integration

                  • Use Jenkins to trigger builds of
                            applications that depend on your
                            private plugin

                  • Run Plugin test suite with plugin build
                  • Publish snapshots to Maven repo from

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin namespace

                  • Plugin artifacts all share same
                            namespace with each other
                  • Potential for class name collisions,
                            especially with “conventions”
                  • Planned enhancement for Grails 2.2

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Plugin resources

                  • Plugin static resources (images, CSS, JS,
                            etc.) packaged in a path corresponding to
                            plugin name & version - /plugins/
                  • path changes between dev mode and WAR -
                            <g:resource> handles correctly
                  • May need to redeploy with each plugin
                            version bump
                  • Don’t accidentally share sensitive files!

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Component interfaces

                  • Grails plugins don’t have any kind of
                            external “interface” or contract
                            besides Plugin Metadata

                  • Up to you to make the rules
                            (not a bad thing)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
               Release strategy for 2013 website redesign

                                     spectrum-core Plugin
                                         2.0, 2.1, 2.2

                                          The Institute
                            Spectrum                      Spectrum
                             website                       website
                            10.8, 10.9,                   4.0 - 2013
                              10.10                        release

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                  • Plugins are easy to create and use
                  • Private plugins are a safe, robust way
                            to modularize Grails applications
                  • Private plugins enable coarse-grained
                            reuse of application components
                  • Configuration management and OO
                            principles are important (as always)

Wednesday, October 17, 12
Additional resources

                  • @grailsplugins - Grails plugin updates -

                  • Grails reference docs chapter on plugins -

                  • Inside Grails: The Build System and Plugin Management - http://

                  • GGUG: Grails Plugins - Lessons to Learn

Wednesday, October 17, 12

Wednesday, October 17, 12

                    feedback is appreciated.

Wednesday, October 17, 12

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Modularizing your Grails Application with Private Plugins - SpringOne 2GX 2012

  • 1. Modularizing Your Grails Application with Private Plugins Ken Liu IEEE SpringOne 2GX 2012 17 Oct 2012 Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 2. About Me • Web development with Java since JDK 1.0.2 (applets, anyone?) • Groovy/Grails since 2009 • Lead developer for IEEE Spectrum • Always been a closet fan of dynamic languages (starting with Perl) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 3. About IEEE • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers • Widely known for standards - 802.11 • World’s largest technology professional association - 400,000 engineers in 160 countries • Publishes nearly a third of the world’s technical literature in EE/CS Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 4. About IEEE Spectrum • Flagship publication of IEEE • General interest technology magazine with focus on EE topics • 2012 National Magazine Award winner Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 5. IEEE Spectrum website • • ~1.5M PV/mo • Frequent referrals from HN, Reddit, /. • 100% Groovy/Grails since 2009 - both front-end and CMS • Akamai/Weblogic/Oracle stack • Award-winning coverage of ROBOTS! Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 6. Agenda • Grails plugins overview • Grails plugin development basics • Application architecture with private plugins • Lessons learned Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 7. To fork or not to fork? • “We need a new website...” • “You must use the standard corporate Enterprise CMS system.” • “Can’t you guys just make a copy of the existing code and tweak it?” • DANGER! Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 8. From “big ball of mud” to plugin architecture Where do we go from here? Front End Domain classes CMS Controllers/Views/ (e.g Article, Controllers/ Services BlogPost) Views/Services (e.g. article, blog pages) Utility classes UrlMappings Spectrum Taglib (src/**) Quartz Jobs Front End & CMS (e.g. sitemap Test classes images, CSS, JS generation) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 9. Agenda • Grails plugins overview • Grails plugin development basics • Application architecture with private plugins • Lessons learned Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 10. Plugin systems and component models • Plugin systems are now commonplace • Firefox, Eclipse, Jenkins, JEdit • Package managers, OSGi, Ruby on Rails Engines • Component-oriented software? • Coarse-grained high-level reuse, separation of concerns Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 11. Grails plugins in a nutshell • Tightly integrated into Grails system • Can implement common functionality in plugins that is overridden by application • Can create new Artifact types • Interact with Spring context • Integrated with build system Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 12. Grails plugins in a nutshell • Central public plugin repository • Version management • Dependency management Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 13. Grails - plugins inside • Many parts of Grails itself are built as plugins • Some default plugins can even be swapped out • Tomcat -> Jetty • GORM/Hibernate -> Redis GORM Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 14. Public Grails plugins • 850 public plugins in the central plugins repository • Search on plugin portal • Quickly bootstrap new applications • Spend some time now save some time later • Follow @grailsplugins for updates Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 15. Selected Grails plugins Spring Security - user authentication Cache - caching using annotations Quartz - job scheduling (like cron) DB Migration - controlled schema changes Mail - send email with JavaMail Resources - web performance optimization Console - in-app interactive console CodeNarc - static code analysis Spock - enable Spock unit testing framework Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 16. What can go into a plugin? • Really, anything • Standard Grails artifacts: GSPs, Controllers, Services, i18n, TagLibs - just like in app • Define custom Grails artifact types: see Quartz plugin “Jobs” • Plugins can depend on other plugins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 17. Agenda • Grails plugins overview • Grails plugin development basics • Application architecture with private plugins • Lessons learned Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 18. Creating a new plugin grails create-plugin myplugin Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 19. Creating a new plugin Same structure as a Grails application, but with an extra plugin descriptor file Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 20. Plugin Descriptor class MypluginGrailsPlugin { // the plugin version def version = "0.1" // the version or versions of Grails the plugin is designed for def grailsVersion = "2.1 > *" // the other plugins this plugin depends on def dependsOn = [:] def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx -> // TODO Implement registering dynamic methods to classes (optional) } def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext -> // TODO Implement post initialization spring config (optional) } Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 21. Excluded plugin files /grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy /grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy /grails-app/conf/Config.groovy Grails excludes /grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy certain files (and any other *DataSource.groovy) /grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy from packaging /grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy /web-app/WEB-INF/** /web-app/plugins/** /test/** Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 22. Running a plugin • A plugin is a Grails app! • grails run-app from plugin dir • excluded files loaded during run-app • useful for testing (test-app works too) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 23. Packaging a plugin • grails package-plugin • creates a zip file that can be installed & distributed Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 24. Installing a plugin from local directory: grails install-plugin /path/to/ from URL: grails install-plugin in BuildConfig.groovy (“in-place” plugin): // Uncomment this only for local development - do not check in! grails.plugin.location.'spectrum-core' = '../spectrum-core' Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 25. Plugin Development • Easy: create Controllers, Services, Views, Taglibs, etc. • Specify resource paths <g:resource> • Can alter Spring context • Hook into build system, reload events Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 26. Agenda • Grails plugins overview • Grails plugin development basics • Application architecture with private plugins • Lessons learned Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 27. Public vs. Private plugins Public plugins • Highly cohesive • Maximize reuse • Sometimes provide “horizontal slices” - e.g. Spring security core • Most don’t depend on other plugins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 28. Public vs. Private plugins Private Plugins • Proprietary code • Application or domain-specific • Code reuse within an organization • Can be coarse-grained, heavyweight • Private forks of public plugins • Enable interesting options for application architecture Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 29. From “big ball of mud” to plugin architecture • Grails applications tend to become unmanageable over time • Convention-based directory trees (e.g. /grails-app/views ) • Rapid development/scaffolding • Need “separation of concerns” Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 30. From “big ball of mud” to plugin architecture Spectrum application before refactoring Front End Domain classes CMS Controllers/Views/ (e.g Article, Controllers/ Services BlogPost) Views/Services (e.g. article, blog pages) Utility classes UrlMappings Spectrum Taglib (src/**) Quartz Jobs Front End & CMS (e.g. sitemap Test classes images, CSS, JS generation) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 31. Reusable domain model DB • Reuse a set of Domain classes between applications • Different applications, same DB instance Domain Model Domain Model • Hibernate not plugin plugin included in plugins by API endpoint Primary web application application default • Consider Hibernate Domain Model plugin caching issues Reporting application Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 32. Refactored with plugin Spectrum Application Spectrum Core Plugin Front End Core Domain Utility classes Controllers/Views classes (src/**) Front End CMS Common Front UrlMappings Controllers/ End Controllers Views/Services Front End Taglib Core Services CMS test classes Test classes CoreUrlMappings CMS Taglib Front End CMS Quartz Jobs images, CSS, JS images, CSS, JS Depends on other plugins: spring-security-core, quartz, searchable, ckeditor, and others Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 33. Different web sites, common backend code spectrum-core Plugin Spectrum The Institute website website 10.4+ 3.0 Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 34. Same Controller, different Views FrontendArticleController#show() Spectrum application The Institute application show.gsp show.gsp Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 35. Same Controller, different Views • Define common Controller in plugin • View resolution: application first, then plugin • Can specify plugin using <g:render plugin=”myplugin”> • The promise of MVC fulfilled! Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 36. Plugin UrlMappings • UrlMappings.groovy excluded from plugin build • *UrlMappings.groovy merged into application mappings • Application can override plugin mappings • Enables “mini application” in plugin • Can’t remove unwanted mappings, only override Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 37. Config.groovy • Config.groovy is excluded from plugin • Might want to fix certain config properties - won’t need them in application Config • Manually merge config in doWithSpring • application.config.merge(new ConfigSlurper().parse(application.classLoader.loadClass('MyPluginConfig '))) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 38. Extending plugin domain model Content class Domain model plugin Domain classes in plugins can be extended in application Webinar extends Content Application Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 39. Publishing private plugins • Publish to internal corporate Maven repo - e.g. Artifactory or Nexus • Release plugin - installed by default • Old-style svn-based repos supported, but not recommended for Grails 2 • Customize plugin metadata with internal Maven groupId • Publish from Jenkins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 40. Declaring private plugin dependencies BuildConfig.groovy (Maven/Ivy dependencies) repositories { grailsPlugins() /* other default repos here */ /* point to internal corporate Maven repo */ mavenRepo '' } plugins { /* other plugin dependencies here */ compile '' } Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 41. Day-to-day development • Use “in-place” plugin (exploded plugin) in your local dev workspace (BuildConfig.groovy) • Private plugins tend to be updated along with application features • Beware of potential breaking changes (in other applications) • Define deprecation strategy and use @deprecated javadoc Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 42. Refactoring to plugin • Determine candidates for refactoring • Create new empty plugin & plugin descriptor • Move Grails artifacts (e.g. Controllers, Services, Views, etc.) into new plugin • Move dependent files from /src • Move related test files into new plugin • Remove hard coded paths to resources • Run your functional test suite Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 43. Refactoring to plugin • Start small - don’t create a whole bunch of plugins from the outset • Consider migrating version history Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 44. Super-project with plugins One application with several in-place plugins /myapplication /grails-app ... /pluginA /grails-app /pluginB /pluginC In BuildConfig.groovy: grails.plugin.location.pluginA = 'pluginA' // path to plugin grails.plugin.location.pluginB = 'pluginB' grails.plugin.location.pluginC = 'pluginC' Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 45. Public website, private back end Public Private Internet intranet Deploy public Core Core application application plugin and private plugin Business- versions of Public-facing application facing application with application shared code DB Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 46. Vertical slices / mini Grails applications • Plugins can be self contained • UrlMappings + Controllers + Domains + Views + Services = Grails application • Remove views -> “white label” application • Embed a small application within another application • Vertically slice your application into plugins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 47. Plugins as a platform Data Capture Data Cleaning Data Validation plugin plugin plugin Super-plugin to combine plugin Clinical Data Management dependencies into Platform plugin a platform or domain-specific framework Clinical data Clinical data review management server application application Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 48. Sensitive code protection DB Split application into separate Data Ingestion Data Analysis parts to isolate plugin plugin “secret sauce” key algorithms from external vendor Shell application Full application (external team) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 49. Agenda • Grails plugins overview • Grails plugin development basics • Application architecture with private plugins • Lessons learned Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 50. Domain/Schema management • Changes to domain model need to be carefully managed • Avoid dbCreate=update • Adopt DDL file naming convention: spectrum-core-2.1.sql spectrum-core-2.2.sql • Bootstrap-triggered migrations • DB Migrations plugin (Liquibase) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 51. Config.groovy changes over time • Easy to add a new entry to Config.groovy and then forget about it • Group together plugin config properties into a closure • Don’t forget about external config files and differences in various environments Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 52. Maven/Ivy/build issues • Maven/Ivy hell > JAR hell • SNAPSHOT resolution error-prone • See JIRA for bugs related to plugins • Avoid creating many small plugins • Strange problems? Look at your build. Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 53. Plugin versioning and branching • Define version numbering strategy • Be prepared to branch/merge • Be sure to update plugin versions and tag your code consistently • Just use Git - merging & cherry- picking are sweet Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 54. Code Rigidity • Inflexibility to change/afferent coupling • Avoid breaking changes (duh) • Solution: automate your tests, catch breaking changes early Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 55. Continuous Integration • Use Jenkins to trigger builds of applications that depend on your private plugin • Run Plugin test suite with plugin build • Publish snapshots to Maven repo from Jenkins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 56. Plugin namespace conflicts • Plugin artifacts all share same namespace with each other • Potential for class name collisions, especially with “conventions” • Planned enhancement for Grails 2.2 Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 57. Plugin resources • Plugin static resources (images, CSS, JS, etc.) packaged in a path corresponding to plugin name & version - /plugins/ myplugin-1.0/* • path changes between dev mode and WAR - <g:resource> handles correctly • May need to redeploy with each plugin version bump • Don’t accidentally share sensitive files! Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 58. Component interfaces • Grails plugins don’t have any kind of external “interface” or contract besides Plugin Metadata • Up to you to make the rules (not a bad thing) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 59. Success! Release strategy for 2013 website redesign spectrum-core Plugin 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 The Institute Spectrum Spectrum website website website 3.x 10.8, 10.9, 4.0 - 2013 10.10 release Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 60. Takeaway • Plugins are easy to create and use • Private plugins are a safe, robust way to modularize Grails applications • Private plugins enable coarse-grained reuse of application components • Configuration management and OO principles are important (as always) Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 61. Additional resources • @grailsplugins - Grails plugin updates - grailsplugins • Grails reference docs chapter on plugins - latest/guide/plugins.html • Inside Grails: The Build System and Plugin Management - http:// • GGUG: Grails Plugins - Lessons to Learn podcast/java-jee/grails-plugins Wednesday, October 17, 12
  • 63. Thanks! feedback is appreciated. @kenliu Wednesday, October 17, 12