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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016

YouTube of this presentation's JHipster Demo: Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and Browsersync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or JWT authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry and Heroku.

Spring Boot and Microservices
Spring Boot and MicroservicesSpring Boot and Microservices
Spring Boot and Microservices

The document discusses microservices architecture and how Spring Boot can be used to develop microservices. Some key points include: - Microservices architecture decomposes an application into small, independent services that communicate over the network, improving fault isolation and scalability compared to a monolithic architecture. - Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone Spring-based applications and services. It includes useful starter dependencies and auto-configuration options. - Developing microservices with Spring Boot offers benefits like rapid development cycles, easy scaling, and leveraging the Spring ecosystem of Java libraries and tools.

Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Overview of Spring Boot for the rapid development of Java Applications and Microservices. More information can be found at :

spring frameworkspring bootdependency injection
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Conway’s Law
Any organization that designs a system (defined
broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy
of the organization’s communication structure.
Melvyn Conway 1967
"Do one thing and do it well."
The Future?

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Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - RWX 2017
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - RWX 2017Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - RWX 2017
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - RWX 2017

To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your React app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your React app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This session shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, React, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an React app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover authentication with OpenID Connect and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Blog post: Demo app:

Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...
Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...
Developing PWAs and Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and JHipster - Devoxx Mo...

In this session, I show how to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) AND a mobile app using Ionic, Angular and JHipster. PWAs are being hyped as the next big thing in mobile development. This talk describes the trials and tribulations of developing the Ionic Module for JHipster. It will show how you can easily generate Ionic UIs and describe the pain points of working with Node and Yeoman to develop this module. My Dev Story about Ionic for JHipster on YouTube:

Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017
Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017
Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017

Building a modern web application requires a lot of tools, frameworks, and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks such as Angular, Spring Boot, and Bootstrap. Learn how Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern web apps, works with JHipster to generate a project that uses Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Webpack, WebSockets, and BrowserSync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms, including classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, and JWT-based authentication. For production deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for AWS, Cloud Foundry, Heroku, Docker, and Kubernetes.

You shouldn’t start with a microservices architecture.
Instead begin with a monolith, keep it modular, and split
it into microservices once the monolith becomes a
Martin Fowler March 2014
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Spring boot
Spring bootSpring boot
Spring boot

Spring Boot is a framework that simplifies building standalone applications and provides tools to automate configuration and add features like embedded servers. It aims to reduce the amount of configuration and code needed to build an application. Spring Boot can help developers build applications faster and with less code. It provides defaults and auto-configuration that allow applications to get started quickly without needing to define extensive configuration files or annotations.

spring bootspringwhat is spring boot
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - SpringOne 2017
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - SpringOne 2017Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - SpringOne 2017
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - SpringOne 2017

To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your React app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your React app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This session shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, React, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an React app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover authentication with OpenID Connect and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Blog post: Demo app:

Security Patterns for Microservice Architectures - Oktane20
Security Patterns for Microservice Architectures - Oktane20Security Patterns for Microservice Architectures - Oktane20
Security Patterns for Microservice Architectures - Oktane20

Matt Raible presented 11 security patterns for microservice architectures: 1) be secure by design, 2) scan dependencies, 3) use HTTPS everywhere, 4) use access and identity tokens, 5) encrypt and protect secrets, 6) verify security with delivery pipelines, 7) slow down attackers, 8) use Docker rootless mode, 9) use time-based security, 10) scan Docker and Kubernetes configurations for vulnerabilities, and 11) know your cloud and cluster security. He discussed each pattern in detail and provided examples and recommendations for implementation.

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017
 Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017 Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Connect.Tech 2017

Intro to Spring Boot and Angular presentation from JHipster 4 Workshop on Connect.Tech 2017. To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put on your Angular app "inside" and your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your Angular app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? This session shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, Angular 4, and TypeScript. You'll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, Spring Data REST, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an Angular app to display its data.

Choosing a Java Web Framework
Choosing a Java Web FrameworkChoosing a Java Web Framework
Choosing a Java Web Framework

Tips and criteria for selecting a web presentation framework. The focus is on Java-based frameworks, but the criteria are valid for any platform. From a panel discussion at the Seattle Java User Group (SeaJUG)

Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse
Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuseSeven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse
Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse

AppFuse is an open source project/application that uses best-of-breed Java open source tools to help you develop web applications quickly and efficiently. Not only does it provide documentation on how to develop light-weight POJO-based applications, it includes features that many applications need out-of-the-box: authentication and authorization, remember me, password hint, skinnability, file upload, Ajax libraries, signup and SSL switching. This is one of the main features in AppFuse that separates it from the other "CRUD Generation" frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Trails and Grails. AppFuse is already an application when you start using it, which means code examples are already in your project. Furthermore, because features already exist, the amount of boiler-plate code that most projects need will be eliminated. In this session, you will learn Seven Simple Reasons to Use AppFuse. If you don't use it to start your own projects, hopefully you will see that it provides much of the boiler-plate code that can be used in Java-based web applications. Since it's Apache Licensed, you're more than welcome to copy/paste any code from it into your own applications. Also see article published at:

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices are awesome, but they’re not free.
Les Hazlewood Stormpath CTO
Spring Boot Demo
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Spring boot
Spring bootSpring boot
Spring boot

Spring boot is a great and relatively a new project from The presentation discusses about basics of spring boot to advance topics. Sample demo apps are available here :

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Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - Dublin JUG 2019
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - Dublin JUG 2019Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - Dublin JUG 2019
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux - Dublin JUG 2019

You have streaming data and want to expose it as reactive streams with Spring Boot. Great! Spring WebFlux makes that pretty easy. But what about the UI? Can you stream that data to the UI and have it be reactive and constantly updating too? This session explores techniques for making your app fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React. Mostly live coding, with plenty of time for Q & A in the midst of it all. * Blog post: * Screencast:

reactive programmingreactivespring-webflux
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - Richmond JUG 2018
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - Richmond JUG 2018Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - Richmond JUG 2018
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React - Richmond JUG 2018

To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your React app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your React app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This session shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, React, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create a React app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover authentication with OpenID Connect and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Blog: YouTube:

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Securing Your API
Choose the Right API Security Protocol
Basic API Authentication with TLS (aka SSL)
OAuth 1.0a, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect
API Keys vs. Username/Password Authentication
Store Your API Security Key securely
Use globally unique IDs (e.g. Url62)
Avoid sessions, especially in URLs
JSON Web Tokens
Create a JWT in Java
String jwt = Jwts.builder()
.setExpiration(new Date(1300819380))
.claim("name", "Robert Token Man")
.claim("scope", "self groups/admins")

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How to Win at UI Development in the World of Microservices - THAT Conference ...How to Win at UI Development in the World of Microservices - THAT Conference ...
How to Win at UI Development in the World of Microservices - THAT Conference ...

You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon! But what about the front-end? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? This session will talk about the history of web frameworks, the microservices explosion, and techniques + frameworks for complementing your microservices with micro frontends. It'll include developer stories from folks implementing micro frontends and recommendations for learning more about them.

Understanding meteor
Understanding meteorUnderstanding meteor
Understanding meteor

Meteor, or MeteorJS is an open-source real-time JavaScript web application framework written on top of Node.js. While production-ready and used by a number of high-profile startups, Meteor allows for very rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform (web, Android, iOS) code. It integrates tightly with MongoDB and uses the Distributed Data Protocol and a publish–subscribe pattern to automatically propagate data changes to clients in real-time without requiring the developer to write any synchronization code. On the client, Meteor depends on jQuery and can be used with any JavaScript UI widget library.

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...

Microservices are all the rage and being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you’re working with a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you’re working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. Share your knowledge and experience about microservices in this informative and code-heavy talk. We’ll use JHipster (a Yeoman generator) to create Angular + Spring Boot apps on separate instances with a unified front-end. I’ll also show you options for securing your API gateway and individual applications using JWT. Heroku, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK, Spring Cloud, Okta; there will be plenty of interesting demos to see!

Validating a JWT
String jwt = // get JWT from Authorization header
Jws<Claims> claims = Jwts.parser()
String scope = claims.getBody().get("scope")
assertEquals(scope, "self groups/admins");
Better Secret
String b64EncodedSecret =
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016

Microservices are all the rage and being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you’re working on a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you’re working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. Share your knowledge and experience about microservices in this informative and code-heavy talk. We’ll use JHipster (a Yeoman generator) to create Angular + Spring Boot apps on separate instances with a unified front-end. I’ll also show you options for securing your API gateway and individual applications using JWT. Heroku, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK, Spring Cloud, Stormpath; there will be plenty of interesting demos to see!

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022

You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:


The document discusses the history and evolution of DevOps practices over time, from concepts like daily builds in the 1990s to more recent approaches like infrastructure as code and serverless architectures. It provides an overview of key figures and texts that helped establish ideas like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and site reliability engineering. The document also shares the author's perspective on what commercial security tools have been developed for DevOps workflows and mentions some open source collaboration and automation tools.

devops devsecops infosec cyber
JHipster by the numbers
+250 contributors
+6800 Github stars
+480,000 installations
+150 companies officially using it
How to use JHipster
To install JHipster, you run an npm command:
$ npm install -g generator-jhipster
$ mkdir myapp && cd myapp
$ yo jhipster
What’s Generated?
Spring Boot application
Angular application
Liquibase changelog files
Configuration files
Security Screens
Several generated screens
Login, logout, forgot password
Account management
User management
Useful for most applications
Pages must be tweaked
User roles will be added/extended
Provides good examples of working screens
Forms, directives, validation…

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This document discusses the use of stateful mock servers to test REST APIs in microservices architectures. It describes some challenges with testing complex microservices ecosystems, including long test times due to dependencies. Stateful mock servers are proposed as a solution by replacing real dependencies with fake implementations that can be controlled during tests. Examples of different faking techniques like client fakes, proxies, and fake servers are provided. The document emphasizes generating mock server code to reduce development time and easily support contract and integration tests.

software developmentmocksfakes
Serverless 101 in Montreal
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Serverless 101 in Montreal

“Serverless” can be defined as a couple simple things: 1 - It’s a programming model for structuring applications as functions and events (basically a manifestation of microservices). 2 - It’s a cloud business model, where use is billed by the function call instead of by the provisioned server, so apps only pay when they run and for how long they run, eliminating over-provisioning and typically reducing costs. In this talk, we’ll cover the what, why and how of serverless, and learn more about it through running code. Throughout the session, we’ll focus on how the serverless model is being leveraged in the real world - not just toy functions and demos. Legacy enterprise apps - which are typically monolithic, written by large teams of Java and .Net devs, and resembling a bit of a mud ball - are being shaved down to take advantage of serverless, and we’ll be sharing some early results from those efforts. We'll discuss examples of how Fortune 50 companies are building their serverless projects on the Kubernetes and Mesos clouds they have already deployed. Le terme “Serverless” a plusieurs significations: 1 - un modèle de programmation pour structurer les applications en tant que fonctions et événements (essentiellement une manifestation de microservices); et 2 - Il s'agit d'un modèle d'entreprise Cloud, où l'utilisation est facturée par l'appel de fonction plutôt que par le serveur provisionné, de sorte que les applications ne paient que lorsqu'elles fonctionnent et pour combien de temps elles courent, éliminant le sur-provisionnement et réduisant les coûts associés. Dans ce discours, nous allons couvrir le quoi, le pourquoi et comment de Serverless, et en savoir plus à ce sujet en exécutant le code. Nous nous concentrerons sur la façon dont le modèle Serverless est utilisé dans le monde réel - pas seulement les fonctions et démos. Les applications d'entreprise héritées - qui sont généralement monolithiques, écrites par de grandes équipes de développeurs Java et .Net et ressemblant à un peu une grande boule de boue - sont rasées pour profiter de Serverless, et nous partagerons des résultats préliminaires de ces efforts.

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot and JHipster - Chicago JUG 2018
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot and JHipster - Chicago JUG 2018Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot and JHipster - Chicago JUG 2018
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot and JHipster - Chicago JUG 2018

Microservices are being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you're working with a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you're working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. This presentation will show you how to use JHipster to create Angular + Spring Boot apps with a unified front-end. You will leave with the know-how to create your own excellent apps! Blog post: Source code: Download the JHipster Mini-Book v5.0 for free from InfoQ!

Admin Screens
Spring Boot configuration
Spring Security audits
Log management
Very useful in production
Microservices with JHipster
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

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Securing a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud MigrationSecuring a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud Migration

Erik Costlow, Product Evangelist at Contrast Security, was Oracle's principal product manager for Java 8 and 9, focused on security and performance. His security expertise involves threat modeling, code analysis, and instrumentation of security sensors. He is working to broaden this approach to security with Contrast Security. Before becoming involved in technology, Erik was a circus performer who juggled fire on a three-wheel vertical unicycle.

Securing a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud MigrationSecuring a Cloud Migration
Securing a Cloud Migration

Presented by Erik Costlow, Contrast Security, at DevSecOps 101: Containers, Clouds, and Apps in Boston on May 16th, 2019.

contrast securitycloud migrationcloud native software
Cloud native programming model comparison
Cloud native programming model comparisonCloud native programming model comparison
Cloud native programming model comparison

This deck provides a side-by-side comparison between two popular cloud native programming models: MicroProfile vs. Spring boot. It lists similiarilities and differences between them

microprofilemicroservicesspring boot
Microservices are not free, but you get a deep discount
on microservices with JHipster.
Matt Raible 2016
JHipster CLI
gRPC Support
React Support
Spring 5 and Reactive
Improved Kafka Support
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Do one thing and do it well.
Unix philosophy

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Why Cloud Management Makes Sense
Why Cloud Management Makes SenseWhy Cloud Management Makes Sense
Why Cloud Management Makes Sense

RightScale Webinar: Cloud is the most nebulous and abused term in information technology today. It describes multiple, disparate service models and has been retroactively applied to countless legacy technologies in attempts to keep them current. In this webinar, we'll discuss the cloud technology landscape and where RightScale fits in to drive agility, cost, and time savings above cloud infrastructure. RightScale has been investing heavily for the past four years to make cloud infrastructure easy to leverage. This webinar will clarify elements that are straightforward, what continues to be difficult, and the impact on your schedule and budget.

webinarcloud managementrightscale
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022

The document discusses micro frontends for Java microservices. It provides an overview of microservices and frameworks like Spring and JHipster that can be used to develop microservices in Java. It then introduces the concept of micro frontends as an architecture for microservice applications and demonstrates how to build a sample application with micro frontends using JHipster. It also covers securing microservices with OAuth 2.1 and shows a live demo of creating and running microservice applications with JHipster.

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022

You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:

This Presentation and Demos
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017
Image Credits
Fountain of colours - Paulius Malinovskis on Flickr
Ponte dell’Accademia at Sunrise - Trey Ratcliff on Stuck in Customs
Conway’s Law - Martin Fowler and James Lewis on Microservices
Good Morning Denver - Sheila Sund on Flickr
Monoliths - Arches National Park on Flickr
Mexico - Trish McGinity on McGinity Photo
Future - vivianhir on Flickr
Spring Runoff - Ian Sane on Flickr
The memory Seeker, Santa Monica Pier, CA - Pacheco on Flickr
San Francisco By Night - Trish McGinity on McGinity Photo

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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
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Nuno Caneco
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Matt Raible
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VMware Tanzu
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Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
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Oracle Korea
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Chetan Gordhan
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Eugene Hanikblum
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Bill Scott
Spring and Pivotal Application Service - SpringOne Tour Dallas
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Spring and Pivotal Application Service - SpringOne Tour Dallas
VMware Tanzu

Similar to Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017 (20)

Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and OAuth - Utah JUG...
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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
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Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
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Serverless 101 in Montreal
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Why Cloud Management Makes Sense
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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - J-Spring 2017

  • 6. Conway’s Law Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure. Melvyn Conway 1967
  • 7. "Do one thing and do it well."
  • 9. You shouldn’t start with a microservices architecture. Instead begin with a monolith, keep it modular, and split it into microservices once the monolith becomes a problem. Martin Fowler March 2014
  • 18. Microservices are awesome, but they’re not free. Les Hazlewood Stormpath CTO
  • 22. Securing Your API Choose the Right API Security Protocol Basic API Authentication with TLS (aka SSL) OAuth 1.0a, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect API Keys vs. Username/Password Authentication Store Your API Security Key securely Use globally unique IDs (e.g. Url62) Avoid sessions, especially in URLs
  • 24. Create a JWT in Java String jwt = Jwts.builder() .setSubject("users/TzMUocMF4p") .setExpiration(new Date(1300819380)) .claim("name", "Robert Token Man") .claim("scope", "self groups/admins") .signWith( SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, "secret".getBytes("UTF-8") ) .compact();
  • 25. Validating a JWT String jwt = // get JWT from Authorization header Jws<Claims> claims = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey("secret".getBytes("UTF-8")) .parseClaimsJws(jwt) String scope = claims.getBody().get("scope") assertEquals(scope, "self groups/admins");
  • 26. Better Secret String b64EncodedSecret = "Yn2kjibddFAWtnPJ2AFlL8WXmohJMCvigQggaEypa5E="; .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, TextCodec.BASE64.decode(b64EncodedSecret))
  • 29. JHipster by the numbers +250 contributors +6800 Github stars +480,000 installations +150 companies officially using it
  • 30. How to use JHipster To install JHipster, you run an npm command: $ npm install -g generator-jhipster $ mkdir myapp && cd myapp $ yo jhipster
  • 31. What’s Generated? Spring Boot application Angular application Liquibase changelog files Configuration files
  • 32. Security Screens Several generated screens Login, logout, forgot password Account management User management Useful for most applications Pages must be tweaked User roles will be added/extended Provides good examples of working screens Forms, directives, validation…
  • 33. Admin Screens Monitoring Health Spring Boot configuration Spring Security audits Log management Very useful in production
  • 37. Microservices are not free, but you get a deep discount on microservices with JHipster. Matt Raible 2016
  • 38. JHipster CLI gRPC Support React Support Spring 5 and Reactive Improved Kafka Support
  • 40. Do one thing and do it well. Unix philosophy
  • 41. This Presentation and Demos
  • 43. Image Credits Fountain of colours - Paulius Malinovskis on Flickr Ponte dell’Accademia at Sunrise - Trey Ratcliff on Stuck in Customs Conway’s Law - Martin Fowler and James Lewis on Microservices Good Morning Denver - Sheila Sund on Flickr Monoliths - Arches National Park on Flickr Mexico - Trish McGinity on McGinity Photo Future - vivianhir on Flickr Spring Runoff - Ian Sane on Flickr The memory Seeker, Santa Monica Pier, CA - Pacheco on Flickr San Francisco By Night - Trish McGinity on McGinity Photo