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Building a World in the Clouds
MMO Architecture on AWS
Jeffrey Berube
Director of Technical Operations
Red 5 Studios, Inc.

November 15, 2013

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What is Firefall?
Why build in the cloud?
Infrastructure Goals
Evolution of the Platform
Tools for Success
What is Firefall?
• Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter
• “Shardless” world
• Instance-based maps
• Both persistent and transient map types
• Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time

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게임 분산 서버 구조
게임 분산 서버 구조게임 분산 서버 구조
게임 분산 서버 구조

게임 서버 개발을 다루는 대학 수업 과목의 수업 내용 중 하나를 공개합니다. 분산서버 개발에 대한 기초 내용을 다루고 있습니다.

중앙 서버 없는 게임 로직
중앙 서버 없는 게임 로직중앙 서버 없는 게임 로직
중앙 서버 없는 게임 로직

발표한 내용에서 특별히 의미가 있진 않은 사진들을 제거하고 QA 내용을 추가하였습니다.

Windows Registered I/O (RIO) vs IOCP
Windows Registered I/O (RIO) vs IOCPWindows Registered I/O (RIO) vs IOCP
Windows Registered I/O (RIO) vs IOCP

Windows 8 및 Windows Server 2012의 새로운 Network Extensions인 RIO에 대한 소개와 성능 평가, 그리고 샘플 코드입니다.

windows rionetwork extensionsiocp
• Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter
• “Shardless” world
• Instance-based maps
• Both persistent and transient map types
• Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time
• Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter
• “Shardless” world
• Instance-based maps
• Both persistent and transient map types
• Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time
Why build in the cloud?
• Players are unpredictable
• Developers are unpredictable
• Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities
for significant cost savings

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Multiplayer Game Sync Techniques through CAP theorem
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Multiplayer Game Sync Techniques through CAP theorem

멀티플레이어 게임 동기화 이야��� (최종일관성, 서버 되감기, 결정성)

synccap theoremnetworking
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games ConferenceKGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference
KGC 2016: HTTPS 로 모바일 게임 서버 구축한다는 것 - Korea Games Conference

부제: HTTPS 만 잘 알면 모바일 게임이 빨라진다?

Why build in the cloud?
• Players are unpredictable
– Forecasts can be (and usually are) wrong
• Too little hardware, Too many players
– Bad for everyone

• Too much hardware, Too few players
– Good for players (sort of) but bad for the business

– What if they don’t stick around?

• Developers are unpredictable
• Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for
significant cost savings
Why build in the cloud?
• Players are unpredictable
• Developers are unpredictable
• Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities
for significant cost savings
Why build in the cloud?
• Players are unpredictable
• Developers are unpredictable
– Active development has risks
• Performance can change drastically
• New services can “appear” the day of the patch

– MMOs are ALWAYS being actively developed!
• (If you want to be successful…)

• Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities
for significant cost savings
Why build in the cloud?
• Players are unpredictable
• Developers are unpredictable
• Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities
for significant cost savings

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양승명, 다음 세대 크로스플랫폼 MMORPG 아키텍처, NDC2012
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양승명, 다음 세대 크로스플랫폼 MMORPG 아키텍처, NDC2012
Python 게임서버 안녕하십니까 : RPC framework 편
Python 게임서버 안녕하십니까 : RPC framework 편Python 게임서버 안녕하십니까 : RPC framework 편
Python 게임서버 안녕하십니까 : RPC framework 편

NDC Python 게임서버 안녕하십니까? : 몬스터 슈퍼리그 게임 서버 편의 후속으로 기획된 발표입니다. 사내 준비 도중 "너굴" 님의 질문에서 시작되었습니다. 이 발표는 잘 알려진 RPC Framework 인 Thrift, gRPC를 살펴보고 예시로 오델로 게임을 만들어보면서 기존 RPC framework 들이 게임의 서버/클라 구조에 잘 어울리지는 살펴보고 왜 몬스터 슈퍼리그에서 그런 선택을 했는지 살펴봅니다. 그리고 게임에 맞게 RPC 를 설계하고 이를 이용하여 온라인 오델로 게임을 완성해봅니다.

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[0903 구경원] recast 네비메쉬
Player Graph
36 Hours
Player Graph with Server Overlay
Player Graph with Efficient Server Overlay
35%–37.5% Savings
Infrastructure Goals

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[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 - SPOF 없는 분산 MMORPG 서버
[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 - SPOF 없는 분산 MMORPG 서버[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 - SPOF 없는 분산 MMORPG 서버
[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처 - SPOF 없는 분산 MMORPG 서버

NDC14에서 발표한 "[야생의 땅: 듀랑고] 서버 아키텍처" 세션의 슬라이드입니다. 슬라이드에 설명이 많지 않은데, 디스이즈게임에서 발표 내용을 잘 정리해주었습니다. 기사도 함께 보시면 좋을 것 같습니다.

MMOG Server-Side 충돌 및 이동처리 설계와 구현
MMOG Server-Side 충돌 및 이동처리 설계와 구현MMOG Server-Side 충돌 및 이동처리 설계와 구현
MMOG Server-Side 충돌 및 이동처리 설계와 구현

2014년 작성. WSAD방식의 MMOG 게임을 개발할때 서버사이드에서 충돌 및 이동처리를 할 수 있도록 엔진을 설계하고 구현하는 방법.

[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security
[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security
[KGC 2012] Online Game Server Architecture Case Study Performance and Security

The document discusses various strategies for scaling online game server architecture to improve performance and handle increasing loads. It describes partitioning game worlds across multiple servers, using instance dungeons served by separate servers, and maintaining parallel game worlds each with their own set of game and database servers. Hardware-based scaling through use of SSDs, high-RPM disks, RAID configurations, and careful database modeling is also covered.

game server architecture온라인 게임 서버 구조와 보안online game security
Infrastructure Goals
Deployment and Recovery


How do we make site
management better?

How can the platform make
the player experience better?


Disaster Recovery

• Downtime
• Player Mobility
Infrastructure Goals:
Deployment and Recovery
Deployment and Recovery Goals

Quick regional expansion
On-demand scalability
Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
Deployment and Recovery Goals
• Quick regional expansion
– Traditionally, expansion is a multi-month process
• Contracts, Purchase and Shipping, Installation, etc.

– Today, adding a region is about a week long task
• Additional improvements are in the works

• On-demand scalability
• Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
• Self-healing

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게임서버프로그래밍 #0 - TCP 및 이벤트 통지모델

NHN NEXT 게임 서버 프로그래밍 강의 자료입니다. 최소한의 필요한 이론 내용은 질문 위주로 구성되어 있고 (답은 학생들 개별로 고민해와서 피드백 받는 방식) 해당 내용에 맞는 실습(구현) 과제가 포함되어 있습니다. 참고로, 서버 아키텍처에 관한 과목은 따로 있어서 본 강의에는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

nhn next게임서버 프로그래밍
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From NDC 2016 (2016.04.26)

임태현, MMO 서버 개발 포스트 모템, NDC2012
임태현, MMO 서버 개발 포스트 모템, NDC2012임태현, MMO 서버 개발 포스트 모템, NDC2012
임태현, MMO 서버 개발 포스트 모템, NDC2012
Deployment and Recovery Goals

Quick regional expansion
On-demand scalability
Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
Deployment and Recovery Goals
• Quick regional expansion
• On-demand scalability
– Automated scale up and down without* limits
• Instance sizes desired may not always be available, however

• Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
• Self-healing
Deployment and Recovery Goals

Quick regional expansion
On-demand scalability
Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
Deployment and Recovery Goals
• Quick regional expansion
• On-demand scalability
• Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
– Traditionally, DR sites are expensive and are not always
properly maintained
– Our goal is to automate disaster recovery safely
• We do a lot manually at present

• Self-healing

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이승재, 실버바인 서버엔진 2 설계 리뷰, NDC2018
이승재, 실버바인 서버엔진 2 설계 리뷰, NDC2018이승재, 실버바인 서버엔진 2 설계 리뷰, NDC2018
이승재, 실버바인 서버엔진 2 설계 리뷰, NDC2018

시즌 2: 멀티쓰레드 프로그래밍이 왜이리 힘드나요?
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시즌 2: 멀티쓰레드 프로그래밍이 왜이리 힘드나요?

Lock-free 멀티쓰레드 프로그래밍 기법과 Transactional Memory를 실제 사용예제를 통해 설명하고, 성능을 보여줌.

multithreadtransactional memorylock-free
MMO Design Architecture by Andrew
MMO Design Architecture by AndrewMMO Design Architecture by Andrew
MMO Design Architecture by Andrew

The document describes the architecture of an MMO game called Happy Me. It discusses three key parts of the architecture: an object management system using MVC design, an automatic synchronization framework between server and client, and a custom network message dispatching system. The architecture provides a seamless MVC framework across server and client and addresses common challenges in synchronization for active server games. It also allows the game to easily scale on AWS infrastructure.

tdsagate studio
Deployment and Recovery Goals

Quick regional expansion
On-demand scalability
Disaster recovery with minimal downtime
Infrastructure Goals:
Platform Goals
• Zero downtime game updates
• Players can play globally without restrictions
Platform Goals
• Zero downtime game updates
– Blue-Green deployment
– Doesn’t preclude scheduled maintenance
• Some things are more safely done offline

• Players can play globally without restrictions

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A presentation done for my Oral Presentation Skills course. I got the maximum scores for it thus my course is practically done with the best possible mark too :D Again, the explanations and text was said and not included in the slideshow but you still might enjoy the screenshots taken from several games ;) -Qvi

Anatomy of the MMO
Anatomy of the MMOAnatomy of the MMO
Anatomy of the MMO

This document provides a high-level introduction to the technology involved in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. It discusses IBM's role in gaming and provides an overview of MMO architecture patterns, components, and growth considerations. Key systems like economic, game, and support organs are examined at a basic level. Factors like upfront and ongoing costs, user base sizing, and infrastructure scaling are also addressed. The future of MMOs is speculated to include more genres, platforms, user-generated content, and global free-to-play models.

A Virtual World Distributed Server Developed In Erlang As A Tool For Analysin...
A Virtual World Distributed Server Developed In Erlang As A Tool For Analysin...A Virtual World Distributed Server Developed In Erlang As A Tool For Analysin...
A Virtual World Distributed Server Developed In Erlang As A Tool For Analysin...

This document discusses the development of a prototype virtual world distributed server in Erlang to analyze the needs of massively multiplayer online game servers. It describes some key problems for MMOG servers, how Erlang was used to quickly prototype solutions, and tests conducted on architectures with different node configurations. The tests aimed to determine the maximum supported number of players and identify issues causing desynchronization between clients and servers. The prototype was found to be effective for rapidly exploring algorithms and architectures for distributed MMOG systems.

by l xf
Platform Goals
• Zero downtime game updates
• Players can play globally without restrictions
Platform Goals
• Zero downtime game updates
• Players can play globally without restrictions
– Characters won’t be held hostage
• Player data is available everywhere they want to be
• We don’t charge a player so that they can play with their friends

– Prefer closest healthy region, however
Evolution of the Platform
The Beginning
March 2011

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Intro to Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) Design
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Intro to Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) Design

Presentation on MMOG architecture given to several app development groups interested in moving into the game design world. Much of this content was inspired by

game designmmogmassively multiplayer online game
3D Graphics & Rendering in Computer Graphics
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3D Graphics & Rendering in Computer Graphics

Computer graphics, 3d rendering,3d graphics,Components of a 3D Graphic System,3D Modeling,3D Rendering,Illumination for scan-line renderers, 3D Graphics and Physics

components of a 3d graphic system3d modelingcomputer graphics
Beyond the Client-Server Architectures: A Survey of Mobile Cloud Techniques
Beyond the Client-Server Architectures: A Survey of Mobile Cloud TechniquesBeyond the Client-Server Architectures: A Survey of Mobile Cloud Techniques
Beyond the Client-Server Architectures: A Survey of Mobile Cloud Techniques

Mobile applications nowadays are developed either for a local (native) or for a client-server execution. However, applications in the future will be developed with cloud in mind, i.e. act as native applications, but do the heavy processing and storage in the cloud, deliver only needed parts and data at runtime and able to run offline. In order to better understand how to facilitate the building of mobile cloud-based applications, we have surveyed existing work in mobile computing through the prism of cloud computing principles. We provide an overview of the results from this survey, in particular, models of mobile cloud applications. We also highlight research challenges in the area of mobile cloud computing.

mobile computingcloud computing

The Beginning
March 2011
AWS Services in Use



Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)



Availability Zone: b
October 2011

October 2011


AWS Services in Use



















Availability Zone: b









Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Closed Beta
April 2012

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[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - Phát triển ứng dụng game đa nền tảng smart fox se...
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[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - Phát triển ứng dụng game đa nền tảng smart fox se...

Diễn giả: Nguyễn Ngọc Thủy Đơn vị:

vietnam mobile day 2013
A practical architecture design for MMO casual game
A practical architecture design for MMO casual gameA practical architecture design for MMO casual game
A practical architecture design for MMO casual game

This document summarizes an architecture for a multiplayer online game. It includes three main systems: an object management system to organize game data, an auto synchronization framework to keep server and client data in sync, and a network message dispatching system for server-client communication. It was developed over 12 months by a team of 3 system developers and 4 game developers to support a room-based social game with a web-based Unity3D client.

by we20
Social Networking In MMOG‘s
Social Networking In MMOG‘sSocial Networking In MMOG‘s
Social Networking In MMOG‘s

- Social networks in MMOs can be defined as the social structures and relationships that develop between players through gameplay and interaction tools. They often resemble real-world social networks. - EVE Online exemplifies how robust social networks form in MMOs. Players organize into corporations and alliances that may include thousands of members and function similarly to companies and nations. Communication tools are essential for coordination. - As player groups grow larger, game designers must consider how to support emerging leadership roles and social hierarchies to ensure networks remain fun and don't disrupt new player experiences. The lines between MMOs and social media will continue to blur as virtual communities deepen.


Closed Beta
April 2012

Operator AWS ELB

AWS Services in Use





































Availability Zone: b


Availability Zone: c

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Relational Database Service (RDS)







August 2012

August 2012


AWS Services in Use








Task Task Task






































Availability Zone: b



Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Relational Database Service (RDS)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Open Beta
July 2013

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MMOTraffic - The Leading MMO Marketing Partner
MMOTraffic -  The Leading MMO Marketing PartnerMMOTraffic -  The Leading MMO Marketing Partner
MMOTraffic - The Leading MMO Marketing Partner

MMO Traffic is a marketing partner focused on the MMO games market. It aims to redefine the MMO games marketing landscape by utilizing affiliate partnerships to increase developers' player bases through new channels. As the largest MMO games network, it provides various marketing products like widgets, display ads, and white-labeled content to over 500 affiliates with a global reach of over 100 million monthly users. MMO Traffic operates its own MMO game portals and has a leading technology platform to optimize results and revenue for developers.

Game Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG Perspective
Game Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG PerspectiveGame Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG Perspective
Game Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG Perspective

Online gaming is one of the most profitable businesses on the Internet. Of all the genres of online games, MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) have become the most popular among network gamers, and now attract millions of users who play in an evolving virtual world simultaneously over the Internet. To gain a better understanding of game traffic and contribute to the economic well-being of the Internet, we analyze a 1, 356-million-packet trace from a sizeable MMORPG called ShenZhou Online. This work is, as far as we know, the first formal analysis of MMORPG server traces. We find that MMORPG and FPS (First-Person Shooting) games are similar in that they both generate small packets and require low bandwidths. In practice, the bandwidth requirement of MMORPGs is the lower of the two due to less real-time game playing. More distinctive features are the strong periodicity, temporal locality, irregularity, and self-similarity observed in MMORPG traffic. The periodicity is due to a common practice in game implementation, where game state updates are accumulated within a fixed time window before transmission. The temporal locality in game traffic is largely due to the game’s nature, whereby one action leads to another. The irregularity, which is unique to MMORPG traffic, is due to the diversity of the game’s design so that the behavior of users can vary drastically, depending on the quest at hand. The self-similarity of the aggregate traffic is due to the heavy-tailed active/idle activities of individual players. Moreover, we show that the arrival of game sessions within one hour can be modelled by a Poisson model, while the duration of game sessions is heavy-tailed.

traffic analysisnetwork gamesinternet measurement
EA: Optimization of mobile Unity application
EA: Optimization of mobile Unity applicationEA: Optimization of mobile Unity application
EA: Optimization of mobile Unity application

EA: Optimization of mobile Unity application


Open Beta
July 2013


AWS Services in Use
















































Task Task Task









Availability Zone: b





Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
November 2013

November 2013


AWS Services in Use













































Task Task Task



Availability Zone: b






Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
Tools for Success

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Online games: a real-time problem for the network
Online games: a real-time problem for the networkOnline games: a real-time problem for the network
Online games: a real-time problem for the network

This document discusses online games and their impact on computer networks. It begins by looking at global trends in online gaming, including the growing popularity of multiplayer games and shift towards online and mobile platforms. It then examines how network latency impacts gameplay quality and discusses common online game genres and architectures. The document analyzes characteristics of network traffic for games and potential bottlenecks in client-server architectures. It also explores methods for estimating quality of experience, including models that consider latency, jitter and packet loss. The document notes limitations in applying quality models across different game titles.

wi-5university of zaragozaonline games
Online games traffic characterization and network support
Online games traffic characterization and network supportOnline games traffic characterization and network support
Online games traffic characterization and network support

Jose Saldana, Mirko Suznjevic, Tutorial "Online Games: Traffic Characterization and Network Support," Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2014. Las Vegas, January 10, 2014, PM sessions.

online gamesnetwork
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(GAM201) Scalable Game Architectures That Don't Break the Bank | AWS re:Inven...(GAM201) Scalable Game Architectures That Don't Break the Bank | AWS re:Inven...
(GAM201) Scalable Game Architectures That Don't Break the Bank | AWS re:Inven...

In this session, AWS shares best practices for mobile, console, and MMO games that can scale from 1,000 to 1,000,000 users. See how to create a game backend using Amazon EC2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Learn about database scaling challenges, and how to use Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon ElastiCache to address them. And, hear how to deliver game assets efficiently using Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. Then, hear from Roope Kangas, Lead Server Developer and co-founder at Grand Cru, about their journey launching and cost-optimizing Supernauts on AWS. Grand Cru used load testing to validate their system before launch, enabling them to reach 1 million users in 6 days. Then, after launch, the team optimized their architecture based on system metrics to cut their AWS costs by more than half.

cloudamazon s3aws cloud
Third-party Tools

Opscode Chef
Icinga (Nagios)
Others (Bluepill, Thin, memcached, RabbitMQ, etc.)
Third-party Services
• Dyn
– Global Load Balancing
– DNS Failover

• PagerDuty
– On-call scheduling
– Phone calls!

• Pingdom
– Transaction monitoring

• Duo Security
Internal Tools
• Architect
• Cartographer
• Dashboards (Everywhere)
Internal Tools
• Architect
– Everything heartbeats
– Service-specific data aggregation

• Cartographer
• Dashboards (Everywhere)

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A Practical Architecture Design for MMO Casual Game
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A Practical Architecture Design for MMO Casual Game

This document describes the architecture of an MMO casual game. It has a room-based active server architecture with a web-based Unity3D client. It uses three main systems: an object management system, a server-client data synchronization framework, and a network message dispatching system. The object management system uses an MVC pattern to manage game objects in a single system. The auto synchronization framework automatically synchronizes property changes between the server and clients. The network message dispatching system allows easy registration and handling of custom structured messages.

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Talk by Johan Andersson (DICE/EA) in the Beyond Programmable Shading Course at SIGGRAPH 2012. The other talks in the course can be found here:


XFLAG™スタジオ engineer meet up 2016 の発表資料

Internal Tools
• Architect
• Cartographer
• Dashboards (Everywhere)
Internal Tools
• Architect
• Cartographer
– Builds new game server stacks
– Replaces failed game server components
– Scales up (or down) the servers within a pool depending on
player demand

• Dashboards (Everywhere)
Internal Tools
• Architect
• Cartographer
• Dashboards (Everywhere)
Internal Tools
• Architect
• Cartographer
• Dashboards (Everywhere)
– Multiple data sources
• Graphite
• Production databases
• Business Intelligence databases

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INTRODUCTIONTO OPERATING SYSTEM What is an Operating System? Mainframe Systems Desktop Systems Multiprocessor Systems Distributed Systems Clustered System Real -Time Systems Handheld Systems Computing Environments

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IIMB presentation
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This document discusses how NoSQL databases can help organizations address challenges related to big data including volume, variety, and velocity of data. It provides examples of how different types of NoSQL databases like key-value stores, document stores, and columnar stores provide more flexibility and scale than traditional relational databases. The document also explains Aerospike's architecture as a distributed in-memory NoSQL database that uses a distributed hash table to evenly distribute data and ensure high performance and linear scalability.

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Hear how Turtle Rock launched Evolve, their fast-paced mercenary-vs-monster first-person shooter (FPS), to millions of players using AWS regions around the globe. Turtle Rock provides an in-depth view into Evolve's architecture on AWS, including both their Amazon EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing web API stack, as well as their Crytek-based UDP game servers. Hear how they used Amazon VPC subnets, along with an RDS MySQL based server registration service, to balance players across Availability Zones and regions. Learn about Turtle Rock's innovative game server scaling logic, which maintains a pool of game server capacity while keeping costs in check. Finally, see Evolve’s Graphite and Grafa monitoring setup, which provides player count and server health status across their worldwide fleet.

gam404expert (400 level)amazon web services
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Building a World in the Clouds: MMO Architecture on AWS (MBL304) | AWS re:Invent 2013

  • 1. Building a World in the Clouds MMO Architecture on AWS Jeffrey Berube Director of Technical Operations Red 5 Studios, Inc. November 15, 2013 © 2013, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified, or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
  • 2. Overview • • • • • What is Firefall? Why build in the cloud? Infrastructure Goals Evolution of the Platform Tools for Success
  • 4. • Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter • “Shardless” world • Instance-based maps • Both persistent and transient map types • Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time
  • 5. • Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter • “Shardless” world • Instance-based maps • Both persistent and transient map types • Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time
  • 6. • Free-to-play cooperative open world shooter • “Shardless” world • Instance-based maps • Both persistent and transient map types • Possible for many instances of a map to exist at the same time
  • 8. Why build in the cloud? • Players are unpredictable • Developers are unpredictable • Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for significant cost savings
  • 9. Why build in the cloud? • Players are unpredictable – Forecasts can be (and usually are) wrong • Too little hardware, Too many players – Bad for everyone • Too much hardware, Too few players – Good for players (sort of) but bad for the business – What if they don’t stick around? • Developers are unpredictable • Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for significant cost savings
  • 10. Why build in the cloud? • Players are unpredictable • Developers are unpredictable • Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for significant cost savings
  • 11. Why build in the cloud? • Players are unpredictable • Developers are unpredictable – Active development has risks • Performance can change drastically • New services can “appear” the day of the patch – MMOs are ALWAYS being actively developed! • (If you want to be successful…) • Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for significant cost savings
  • 12. Why build in the cloud? • Players are unpredictable • Developers are unpredictable • Cyclical player behavior opens up opportunities for significant cost savings
  • 14. Player Graph with Server Overlay
  • 15. Player Graph with Efficient Server Overlay 35%–37.5% Savings
  • 17. Infrastructure Goals Deployment and Recovery Platform How do we make site management better? How can the platform make the player experience better? • • • • Expansion Scalability Disaster Recovery Self-Healing • Downtime • Player Mobility
  • 19. Deployment and Recovery Goals • • • • Quick regional expansion On-demand scalability Disaster recovery with minimal downtime Self-healing
  • 20. Deployment and Recovery Goals • Quick regional expansion – Traditionally, expansion is a multi-month process • Contracts, Purchase and Shipping, Installation, etc. – Today, adding a region is about a week long task • Additional improvements are in the works • On-demand scalability • Disaster recovery with minimal downtime • Self-healing
  • 21. Deployment and Recovery Goals • • • • Quick regional expansion On-demand scalability Disaster recovery with minimal downtime Self-healing
  • 22. Deployment and Recovery Goals • Quick regional expansion • On-demand scalability – Automated scale up and down without* limits • Instance sizes desired may not always be available, however • Disaster recovery with minimal downtime • Self-healing
  • 23. Deployment and Recovery Goals • • • • Quick regional expansion On-demand scalability Disaster recovery with minimal downtime Self-healing
  • 24. Deployment and Recovery Goals • Quick regional expansion • On-demand scalability • Disaster recovery with minimal downtime – Traditionally, DR sites are expensive and are not always properly maintained – Our goal is to automate disaster recovery safely • We do a lot manually at present • Self-healing
  • 25. Deployment and Recovery Goals • • • • Quick regional expansion On-demand scalability Disaster recovery with minimal downtime Self-healing
  • 27. Platform Goals • Zero downtime game updates • Players can play globally without restrictions
  • 28. Platform Goals • Zero downtime game updates – Blue-Green deployment – Doesn’t preclude scheduled maintenance • Some things are more safely done offline • Players can play globally without restrictions
  • 29. Platform Goals • Zero downtime game updates • Players can play globally without restrictions
  • 30. Platform Goals • Zero downtime game updates • Players can play globally without restrictions – Characters won’t be held hostage • Player data is available everywhere they want to be • We don’t charge a player so that they can play with their friends – Prefer closest healthy region, however
  • 31. Evolution of the Platform
  • 33. INET The Beginning March 2011 AWS Services in Use Outside-Game AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) US-West-1 CORP Availability Zone: b
  • 35. INET Operator Alpha October 2011 AWS ELB AWS Services in Use Mx HP Outside-Game HP PvP HP MM HP HP Inside-LB Chef Ic I I C Ar Inside-Core Log U Ad Inside-App C U Ad Inside-DB Availability Zone: b US-West-1 CORP HP Outside-LB Inside-Game AWS MD MCP Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  • 37. INET Closed Beta April 2012 Operator AWS ELB AWS Services in Use OW PvP HP HP Outside-Game Outside-Game MM Outside-LB HP HP Inside-LB HP Inside-Game Outside-LB MD MM HP HP Inside-LB MCP Inside-Game HP HP HP Chef I Ic Gr Inside-Core Log C U I C U Ar Ad S Ar Ad S Inside-App Availability Zone: b AWS RDS Inside-App Availability Zone: c Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Simple Queue Service (SQS) Relational Database Service (RDS) ElastiCache AWS PvP HP US-West-1 CORP OW HP
  • 39. INET Operator Gamescom August 2012 AWS ELB AWS Services in Use OW NPE PvE EU-West-1 PvP HP HP HP Outside-Game Task Task Task MD MM Inside-Game Log Ic C U Ar L In Ad Co S A P W I Chef C U A P Gr Log Ic Outside-LB I Inside-AppTasks Chef AWS ELB Gr Inside-Core VPC Inside-Core AWS MCP Inside-App W Inside-DB Availability Zone: b US-West-2 CORP US-East-1 US-West-2 Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Simple Queue Service (SQS) Relational Database Service (RDS) ElastiCache CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) HQ
  • 41. INET Operator Open Beta July 2013 AWS ELB AWS Services in Use ES ES ES OW NPE PvE EU-West-1 PvP HP MCP MD MM HP HP Inside-LB Log Ic C U Ar L In Ad Co S A P W C U A P Gr Log Gr Inside-Core Inside-Core VPC US-East-1 Ops US-East-1 Outside-LB I Chef VPC HP I Inside-AppTasks Ic HP Inside-Game Task Task Task Chef HP Outside-Game Inside-Search AWS ES ES Inside-App W Inside-DB Availability Zone: b US-West-2 CORP ES HQ Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Simple Queue Service (SQS) CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
  • 43. INET Operator Today November 2013 AWS ELB AWS Services in Use ES ES ES ES ES ES OW NPE PvE EU-West-1 PvP HP Outside-Game MD MM Chef Log Ic Ic Inside-LB C U Ar L In Ad Co S A P W Gr Log Gr VPC Inside-Core VPC US-East-1 Ops AP-NorthEast-1 Inside-App C Inside-Core US-East-1 Outside-LB I Inside-AppTasks Chef HP Inside-Game AWS MCP Task Task Task A P Inside-DB Availability Zone: b US-West-2 SA-East-1 CORP Inside-Search HQ Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Simple Queue Service (SQS) CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
  • 45. Third-party Tools • • • • • • • • • Opscode Chef collectd Icinga (Nagios) Graphite Graylog2 HAProxy Keepalived elasticsearch Others (Bluepill, Thin, memcached, RabbitMQ, etc.)
  • 46. Third-party Services • Dyn – Global Load Balancing – DNS Failover • PagerDuty – On-call scheduling – Phone calls! • Pingdom – Transaction monitoring • Duo Security
  • 47. Internal Tools • Architect • Cartographer • Dashboards (Everywhere)
  • 48. Internal Tools • Architect – Everything heartbeats – Service-specific data aggregation • Cartographer • Dashboards (Everywhere)
  • 49. Internal Tools • Architect • Cartographer • Dashboards (Everywhere)
  • 50. Internal Tools • Architect • Cartographer – Builds new game server stacks – Replaces failed game server components – Scales up (or down) the servers within a pool depending on player demand • Dashboards (Everywhere)
  • 51. Internal Tools • Architect • Cartographer • Dashboards (Everywhere)
  • 52. Internal Tools • Architect • Cartographer • Dashboards (Everywhere) – Multiple data sources • Graphite • Production databases • Business Intelligence databases
  • 53. Please give us your feedback on this presentation MBL304 As a thank you, we will select prize winners daily for completed surveys!