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 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
What is PostgreSQL
What is Ansible
Ansible Ad-hoc
Ansible Playbooks
Bring it all together
Run it automated
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Andreas Scherbaum
Working with databases since 1997, with PostgreSQL since 1998
Founding member of the European and German PostgreSQL User Group
Board of Directors – European PostgreSQL User Group
Organizing,, FOSDEM PGDay
Regional Contact PostgreSQL for Germany
Ran my own company for 7+ years – around PostgreSQL
Wrote a book about PostgreSQL (in German)
Worked for EMC/Pivotal from 2011 – August 2020
Joined Adjust in September 2020
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Get Social ...
Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr: @ascherbaum

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ansible why ?
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ansible why ?

This document contains information about the sys/net/sec admin Yashar Esmaildokht, including their contact information and websites. It then provides a brief overview of the open-source automation tool Ansible, describing its main features and uses for configuration management, application deployment, and cloud provisioning. Requirements and versions of Ansible are listed. The document concludes with examples of Ansible concepts including playbooks, tasks, modules, variables, and host inventory organization.

Ceph issue 해결 사례
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[Open Infrastructure & Cloud Native Days Korea 2019] 커뮤니티 버전의 OpenStack 과 Ceph를 활용하여 대고객서비스를 구축한 사례를 공유합니다. 유연성을 확보한 기업용 클라우드 서비스 구축 사례와 높은 수준의 보안을 요구하는 거래소 서비스를 구축, 운영한 사례를 소개합니다. 또한 이 프로젝트에 사용된 기술 스택 및 장애 해결사례와 최적화 방안을 소개합니다. 오픈스택은 역시 오픈소스컨설팅입니다. #openstack #ceph #openinfraday #cloudnative #opensourceconsulting


社内勉強会資料。 Hadoopの概要について説明。

 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Source: unknown
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible is:
– Fictional device for superluminal communication
Can send and receive messages without delay, over any
From the 1966 novel “Rocannon’s World” by Ursula le
Later adapted by other science fiction, most notably:
“Ender’s Game”

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バックアップことはじめ JPUG第29回しくみ+アプリケーション分科会(2014-05-31)
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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible is:
– Open Source software for provisioning, configuration management, and application
– Manages many systems in parallel, by executing tasks over [ssh|Windows Remote
– Manages Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems
Ansible host has to be Unix/Linux
– Under development since 2012, acquired by Red Hat in 2015
Current stable version: 2.10.x
– Python knowledge useful, but not required
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible Advantages
Code = Documentation
– If done properly
Playbooks are idempotent
– Can be re-run any time, only change what’s necessary
Can deploy and manage large clusters of machines in parallel
Playbooks can be run from multiple locations
– As long as access is handled
– No host agent necessary
Extensive and powerful variable and template handling
Requirements: Python (v3)
– Some Ansible modules require additional Python modules
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Host 1
Host 2
Host 3
Host 4
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible Modules
Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS SQL, MySQL,
InfluxDB, …
Files: fetch, copy, template, find, file, acl, archive, patch,
archive, xml, xattr, …
Network: AWS, GPC, [Switches], [Firewalls], [Loadbalancers]
Storage, Notification, Crypto, Cloud, Source Control, ...

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PostgreSQLのfull_page_writesについて(第24回PostgreSQLアンカンファレンス@オンライン 発表資料)
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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Host 1
Host 2
Host 3
Host 4
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible PostgreSQL Modules (as of v2.10)
Manage: databases, roles (user), membership, owner, schema,
extensions, languages, privileges, publications, sequences,
tables, indexes, replication slots
Information: retrieve information about PG servers, ping servers
pg_hba: manage access control
Query: run queries against the database, or COPY data
Many of the useful modules are available starting with version 2.8
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ad-hoc queries
Ansible allows to run ad-hoc commands against any given host
or host group
– Example: ping (check if host is alive, and Ansible can login)

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Inventory Hostlist
(as Python list,
with comma)
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Module Module
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ansible -i, -m ping all
Module Module
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ping - pong
ansible -i, -m ping all | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Password-less login
Ansible needs to be able to login without password
– For the regular user
– And the root method (sudo, su), if necessary
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Module parameters
ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Module output
ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Module output
ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27
Command Output

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This document describes how Brainly, a social network for homework help, automated their infrastructure using Ansible. It discusses how they migrated from custom scripts and packaging to using Ansible for configuration management. Key areas automated include Apache, DNS, user management, backups, monitoring with Icinga, clustering with Corosync/Pacemaker, firewalls, and scaling their infrastructure across multiple markets. While Ansible worked well overall, some challenges included complex templates, limitations of Jinja2, and lack of Python integration in roles.

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This document summarizes Brainly's use of Ansible for infrastructure automation. Key points include: - Brainly uses Ansible to configure over 1000 Linux containers running various services. - Ansible is used to automate setup of services like Nagios monitoring, Apache, DNS, backups, firewalls, and more. - Custom scripts were integrated with Ansible to improve reusability and standardization. - Dynamic inventory scripts were developed to simplify host and group management across hundreds of servers.

Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Module Return Code
ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27
Command Return Code
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Module output
ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27
“Something” changed
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Command output
Ansible fetches STDOUT and STDERR from the remote host
Shows both to the user, in Ad-hoc mode
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Command Result
Ansible provides the command return code (RC)
Playbooks can act on the RC
– ignore_errors: true
– failed_when: <condition>

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by EDB
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Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible - FOSDEM PGDay 2016
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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Every time Ansible changes something on the host, the status
of the task becomes “changed”
– Can be ignored with “changed_when: false”
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
“command” versus “shell”
Ansible has 2 modules for executing arbitrary commands on the host:
command: no variable replacement is done, no filehandle redirects (like:
2> /dev/null) are possible, only one command possible – uses “exec”
shell: uses a regular shell to execute the command, can handle all kind
of variables, or multiple shell commands – uses “system”
– cat /etc/passwd | grep root | cut -f3 -d:
Both modules (by default) “change” the remote system
– Ansible doesn’t know what the module is executing
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
“command” / “shell” versus modules
Always aim to use Ansible modules over of “shell”/”command”
Modules provide idempotence:
– Multiple calls to the same module will not change the remote
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

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This document provides an overview of PostgreSQL deployment automation using Terraform and Ansible. It begins with a brief introduction of Ansible and Terraform. It then describes EDB's open source projects for PostgreSQL deployment automation, including features and capabilities. The document reviews deployment automation capabilities with Ansible such as configuring repositories, installing database packages, initializing databases, setting up replication, and managing database servers. It also discusses deployment automation with Terraform for provisioning infrastructure on public clouds like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Finally, it presents the roadmap for future features.

by EDB
postgrespostgresqlpostgres build
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
A Playbook is a text file (Yaml format) with tasks
– Can run repeatedly - idempotent
Playbooks can become very large, and complex
– Split them up into roles (not topic of this talk)
Playbooks can run on parts of the infrastructure
– Example: only database hosts
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Hosts list
The file “hosts.cfg” in the Playbook directory defines the hosts
Variables can be specified
– Per host
– Per host group
– …
– Global
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
hosts.cfg (Example)
ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30
[databases] hostname=db1
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30
[databases] hostname=db1
Specify groups

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Managing Postgres with Ansible
Managing Postgres with AnsibleManaging Postgres with Ansible
Managing Postgres with Ansible

This document discusses using Ansible to manage PostgreSQL databases. It begins with an introduction to Ansible, explaining that it is an agentless automation tool used for configuration management, deployment, and orchestration. It then provides an overview of installing and using Ansible to provision infrastructure on Amazon Web Services and install PostgreSQL with streaming replication across multiple servers. Key components of Ansible like templates, variables, tasks, and playbooks are demonstrated in an example repository for automating PostgreSQL configuration management.

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- A playbook is defined to check if a pattern is present in the content of a web page retrieved from localhost. The playbook registers the content and fails if the defined pattern is not found. - The playbook is modified to define different patterns for different host groups - the groups "prod" and "recette" would each have their own unique pattern to check for. - The playbook uses Ansible modules like uri to retrieve a web page, register to store the content, and fail if a registered pattern is not found in the content. Variables and conditionals allow defining patterns dynamically based on host groups.

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Presentationslides from the GR8Conf presentation. Find the abstract here:

Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30
[databases] hostname=db1
Variables for
all child groups
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30
[databases] hostname=db1
Database group
with one host
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30
[databases] hostname=db1
db_type=postgresql Variables for
database group
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Specifies task groups (Plays)
Goal is to group hosts together, and run Plays on them
Ansible wants Playbooks to be idempotent:
– Run many times, only change what is necessary
– Ansible modules are idempotent
– shell/command is not

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MongoDB: Advantages of an Open Source NoSQL DatabaseMongoDB: Advantages of an Open Source NoSQL Database
MongoDB: Advantages of an Open Source NoSQL Database

Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at OVERVIEW The presentation will present an overview of the MongoDB NoSQL database, its history and current status as the leading NoSQL database. It will focus on how NoSQL, and in particular MongoDB, benefits developers building big data or web scale applications. Discuss the community around MongoDB and compare it to commercial alternatives. An introduction to installing, configuring and maintaining standalone instances and replica sets will be provided. Presented live at FITC's Spotlight:MEAN Stack on March 28th, 2014. More info at

Ansible is Our Wishbone
Ansible is Our WishboneAnsible is Our Wishbone
Ansible is Our Wishbone

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation tool that helps automate infrastructure provisioning, application deployment, and orchestration of tasks. The presenter discusses how his team was spending too much time on repetitive database administration tasks manually. They discovered Ansible as a solution to automate these tasks. Using Ansible, they were able to define inventory, write idempotent playbooks using tasks, handlers, templates and variables. This improved performance and reliability by ensuring all environments were configured consistently and freeing up time from manual work. Moving forward, they aim to further develop roles and automate additional database management tasks like query tuning and self-healing using Ansible.

Ansible is Our Wishbone(Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible)
Ansible is Our Wishbone(Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible)Ansible is Our Wishbone(Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible)
Ansible is Our Wishbone(Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible)

How Ansible help to manage DBA Task and what are the best practices we followed are shared in this presentation.

Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: databases
- name: uptime
command: uptime
- name: uname
command: uname
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: databases
- name: uptime
command: uptime
- name: uname
command: uname
JSON/YAML marker
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: databases
- name: uptime
command: uptime
- name: uname
command: uname
Host group
(or: all)
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: databases
- name: uptime
command: uptime
- name: uname
command: uname
Task list

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What’s New In PostgreSQL 9.3
What’s New In PostgreSQL 9.3What’s New In PostgreSQL 9.3
What’s New In PostgreSQL 9.3

Pavan Deolasee gives an overview of new features in PostgreSQL 9.3. Key additions include support for auto updatable and materialized views, the LATERAL keyword for subqueries, range type enhancements, improved JSON support, foreign data wrappers allowing remote data access, parallel pg_dump for faster backups, event triggers for DDL monitoring, and streaming-only replication remastering. Many performance and management features are also introduced to make PostgreSQL more powerful and easier to administer.

[HKOSCON][20180616][Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deploymen...
[HKOSCON][20180616][Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deploymen...[HKOSCON][20180616][Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deploymen...
[HKOSCON][20180616][Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deploymen...

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018 Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deployment with Kubernetes, Docker and Ansible

Automating Complex Setups with Puppet
Automating Complex Setups with PuppetAutomating Complex Setups with Puppet
Automating Complex Setups with Puppet

This document discusses puppetizing complex applications like sipXecs, an open source voice over IP telephony server. It provides an overview of Puppet and how it can be used to deploy and configure sipXecs in a repeatable, automated way. Challenges with the existing sipXecs installation and configuration are discussed. The document explores potential approaches like using test frameworks and APIs but concludes there is no perfect solution yet and engagement with upstream suppliers may be needed.

Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: databases
- name: uptime
command: uptime
- name: uname
command: uname
Task 1
Task 2
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml
PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************************
Ok: []
TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [uname] ********************************************************************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml
PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************************
Ok: []
TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [uname] ********************************************************************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds
Run the Playbook
(using the “playbook” command
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml
PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************************
Ok: []
TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [uname] ********************************************************************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds
Task changed something

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Ansible intro
Ansible introAnsible intro
Ansible intro

This document provides an overview of Ansible, an open source automation tool. It discusses Ansible's core components like playbooks, roles, variables and modules. It also covers how to use Ansible for tasks like configuration management, deployment, security and continuous delivery. Finally, it mentions ways to get started with Ansible including using command line tools, the galaxy module to share roles and vault to protect sensitive data.

Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS
Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaSCloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS
Cloud Migration Paths: Kubernetes, IaaS, or DBaaS

Moving to the cloud is hard, and moving Postgres databases to the cloud is even harder. Public cloud or private cloud? Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), or Platform as a Service (PaaS)? Kubernetes for the application, or for the database and the application? This talk will juxtapose self-managed Kubernetes and container-based database solutions, Postgres deployments on IaaS, and Postgres DBaaS solutions of which EDB’s DBaaS BigAnimal is the latest example.

by EDB
Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen
Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr UnternehmenDie 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen
Die 10 besten PostgreSQL-Replikationsstrategien für Ihr Unternehmen

Dieses Webinar hilft Ihnen, die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Replikationsansätzen zu verstehen, die Anforderungen der jeweiligen Strategie zu erkennen und sich über die Möglichkeiten klar zu werden, was mit jeder einzelnen zu erreichen ist. Damit werden Sie hoffentlich eher in der Lage sein, herauszufinden, welche PostgreSQL-Replikationsarten Sie wirklich für Ihr System benötigen. - Wie physische und logische Replikation in PostgreSQL funktionieren - Unterschiede zwischen synchroner und asynchroner Replikation - Vorteile, Nachteile und Herausforderungen bei der Multi-Master-Replikation - Welche Replikationsstrategie für unterschiedliche Use-Cases besser geeignet ist Referent: Borys Neselovskyi, Regional Sales Engineer DACH, EDB ------------------------------------------------------------ For more #webinars, visit Download free #PostgreSQL whitepapers: Read our #Postgres Blog Follow us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Follow us on LinkedIn at Reach us via email at

by EDB
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml
PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************************
Ok: []
TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [uname] ********************************************************************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Playbook versus Ad-hoc
Ad-hoc is about simple commands
– Output is of interest
Playbooks are about idempotence
– Output is not really interesting
– Change is interesting, and so is a failure
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Error handling
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: True
- name: non-existent command
command: downtime
- name: uname
command: uname
Abort everything
on first error
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Failing Playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml
PLAY [all] ****************************************************************************************************************
TASK [non-existent command] ***********************************************************************************************
Fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "downtime", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}
NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ********************************************************************************************************
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************** : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds

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Migre sus bases de datos Oracle a la nube
Migre sus bases de datos Oracle a la nube Migre sus bases de datos Oracle a la nube
Migre sus bases de datos Oracle a la nube

Cuando busca alternativas a Oracle en la nube, hacer el cambio puede parecer un trabajo duro. Entendemos que la migración involucra más que solo la base de datos. La compatibilidad es un punto clave, especialmente cuando se consideran los recursos que posiblemente ya haya invertido en Oracle, como por ejemplo el código de aplicación específico de Oracle.Este seminario web explorará las opciones y las principales consideraciones al pasar de las bases de datos de Oracle a la nube. - Revisión detallada de las ofertas de bases de datos disponibles en la nube - Factores críticos que se deben considerar considerar para elegir la oferta en la nube más adecuada - Cómo la experiencia de EDB con PostgreSQL puede ayudarlo en su decisión - Demostración de BigAnimal de EDB Présentateur: Sergio Romera, Senior Sales Engineer EMEA, EDB ------------------------------------------------------------ For more #webinars, visit Download free #PostgreSQL whitepapers: Read our #Postgres Blog Follow us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Follow us on LinkedIn at Reach us via email at

by EDB
EFM Office Hours - APJ - July 29, 2021
EFM Office Hours - APJ - July 29, 2021EFM Office Hours - APJ - July 29, 2021
EFM Office Hours - APJ - July 29, 2021

This document provides an overview and demonstration of EnterpriseDB's Failover Manager (EFM). It begins with an overview of EFM's capabilities in ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime during database upgrades or maintenance. It then covers installation and configuration prerequisites, supported platforms, and the EFM architecture involving a primary, standby, and witness database nodes. The remainder demonstrates switchover and failover functionality through a live demo in a replication environment using CentOS 7.7 and EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server 13.

by EDB
postgresqlfailover managerhigh availability
Benchmarking Cloud Native PostgreSQL
Benchmarking Cloud Native PostgreSQLBenchmarking Cloud Native PostgreSQL
Benchmarking Cloud Native PostgreSQL

Database come PostgreSQL non possono girare su Kubernetes. Questo è il ritornello che sentiamo continuamente, ma al tempo stesso la motivazione per noi di EDB di abbattere questo muro, una volta per tutte. In questo webinar parleremo della nostra avventura finora per portare PostgreSQL su Kubernetes. Scopri perché crediamo che fare benchmark di storage e del database prima di andare in produzione porti a una più sana e longeva vita di un DBMS, anche su Kubernetes. Condivideremo il nostro processo, i risultati fin qui ottenuti e sveleremo i nostri piani per il futuro con Cloud Native PostgreSQL.

by EDB
postgresqlcloudcloud database
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
The following slides will:
– Install a PostgreSQL database
– Check connectivity
– Create new roles + databases
– Allow access (modify pg_hba.conf)
– Create a table + index
– Run a query
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (commandline)
apt-get install postgresql-13 postgresql-client-13
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libboost-serialization1.71.0 libgmpxx4ldbl libprotobuf-c1 libsfcgal1
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
postgresql-client-common postgresql-common
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
postgresql-13 postgresql-client-13 postgresql-client-common postgresql-common
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 14,5 MB/14,7 MB of archives.
After this operation, 45,6 MB of additional disk space will be used.

Recommended for you

Las Variaciones de la Replicación de PostgreSQL
Las Variaciones de la Replicación de PostgreSQLLas Variaciones de la Replicación de PostgreSQL
Las Variaciones de la Replicación de PostgreSQL

Replicación física, replicación lógica, síncrona, asíncrona, multi-maestro, escalabilidad horizontal, etc. Son muchos los términos asociados con la replicación de bases de datos. En esta charla revisaremos los conceptos fundamentales detrás de cada variación de la replicación de PostgreSQL, y en qué casos conviene usar una o la otra. La presentación incluye una parte práctica con demostraciones aunque no será un tutorial sobre como configurar un cluster. El enfoque está en entender cada variación para elegir la mejor dependiendo del caso de uso. Cosas que aprenderán: - Cómo funciona la replicación física en PostgreSQL - Cómo funciona la replicación lógica en PostgreSQL - Diferencias entre replicación síncrona y asíncrona - Qué es replicación multi-maestro

by EDB
NoSQL and Spatial Database Capabilities using PostgreSQL
NoSQL and Spatial Database Capabilities using PostgreSQLNoSQL and Spatial Database Capabilities using PostgreSQL
NoSQL and Spatial Database Capabilities using PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database system. NoSQL on the other hand is a non-relational database and is document-oriented. Learn how the PostgreSQL database gives one the flexible options to combine NoSQL workloads with the relational query power by offering JSON data types. With PostgreSQL, new capabilities can be developed and plugged into the database as required. Attend this webinar to learn: - The new features and capabilities in PostgreSQL for new workloads, requiring greater flexibility in the data model - NoSQL with JSON, Hstore and its performance and features for enterprises - Spatial SQL - advanced features in PostGIS application with PostGIS extension

by EDB
postgresqldatabasesrelational databases
Is There Anything PgBouncer Can’t Do?
Is There Anything PgBouncer Can’t Do?Is There Anything PgBouncer Can’t Do?
Is There Anything PgBouncer Can’t Do?

"Why use PgBouncer? It’s a lightweight, easy to configure connection pooler and it does one job well. As you’d expect from a talk on connection pooling, we’ll give a brief summary of connection pooling and why it increases efficiency. We’ll look at when not to use connection pooling, and we’ll demonstrate how to configure PgBouncer and how it works. But. Did you know you can also do this? 1. Scaling PgBouncer PgBouncer is single threaded which means a single instance of PgBouncer isn’t going to do you much good on a multi-threaded and/or multi-CPU machine. We’ll show you how to add more PgBouncer instances so you can use more than one thread for easy scaling. 2. Read-write / read only routing Using different pgBouncer databases you can route read-write traffic to the primary database and route read-only traffic to a number of standby databases. 3. Load balancing When we use multiple PgBouncer instances, load balancing comes for free. Load balancing can be directed to different standbys, and weighted according to ratios of load. 4. Silent failover You can perform silent failover during promotion of a new primary (assuming you have a VIP/DNS etc that always points to the primary). 5. And even: DoS prevention and protection from “badly behaved” applications! By using distinct port numbers you can provide database connections which deal with sudden bursts of incoming traffic in very different ways, which can help prevent the database from becoming swamped during high activity periods. You should leave the presentation wondering if there is anything PgBouncer can’t do."

by EDB
postgresqlpgbounceropen source
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
as “root”
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
as “root”

Recommended for you

Data Analysis with TensorFlow in PostgreSQL
Data Analysis with TensorFlow in PostgreSQLData Analysis with TensorFlow in PostgreSQL
Data Analysis with TensorFlow in PostgreSQL

In this talk I'll discuss how we can combine the power of PostgreSQL with TensorFlow to perform data analysis. By using the pl/python3 procedural language we can integrate machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow with PostgreSQL, opening the door for powerful data analytics combining SQL with AI. Typical use-cases might involve regression analysis to find relationships in an existing dataset and to predict results based on new inputs, or to analyse time series data and extrapolate future data taking into account general trends and seasonal variability whilst ignoring noise. Python is an ideal language for building custom systems to do this kind of work as it gives us access to a rich ecosystem of libraries such as Pandas and Numpy, in addition to TensorFlow itself.

by EDB
postgresqldata analyticstensorflow
Practical Partitioning in Production with Postgres
Practical Partitioning in Production with PostgresPractical Partitioning in Production with Postgres
Practical Partitioning in Production with Postgres

Has your table become too large to handle? Have you thought about chopping it up into smaller pieces that are easier to query and maintain? What if it's in constant use? An introduction to the problems that can arise and how PostgreSQL's partitioning features can help, followed by a real-world scenario of partitioning an existing huge table on a live system. We will be looking at the problems caused by having very large tables in your database and how declarative table partitioning in Postgres can help. Also, how to perform dimensioning before but also after creating huge tables, partitioning key selection, the importance of upgrading to get the latest Postgres features and finally we will dive into a real-world scenario of having to partition an existing huge table in use on a production system.

by EDB
A Deeper Dive into EXPLAIN
A Deeper Dive into EXPLAINA Deeper Dive into EXPLAIN
A Deeper Dive into EXPLAIN

There have been plenty of “explaining EXPLAIN” type talks over the years, which provide a great introduction to it. They often also cover how to identify a few of the more common issues through it. EXPLAIN is a deep topic though, and to do a good introduction talk, you have to skip over a lot of the tricky bits. As such, this talk will not be a good introduction to EXPLAIN, but instead a deeper dive into some of the things most don’t cover. The idea is to start with some of the more complex and unintuitive calculations needed to work out the relationships between operations, rows, threads, loops, timings, buffers, CTEs and subplans. Most popular tools handle at least several of these well, but there are cases where they don’t that are worth being conscious of and alert to. For example, we’ll have a look at whether certain numbers are averaged per-loop or per-thread, or both. We’ll also cover a resulting rounding issue or two to be on the lookout for. Finally, some per-operation timing quirks are worth looking out for where CTEs and subqueries are concerned, for example CTEs that are referenced more than once. As time allows, we can also look at a few rarer issues that can be spotted via EXPLAIN, as well as a few more gotchas that we’ve picked up along the way. This includes things like spotting when the query is JIT, planning, or trigger time dominated, spotting the signs of table and index bloat, issues like lossy bitmap scans or index-only scans fetching from the heap, as well as some things to be aware of when using auto_explain.

by EDB
postgresqlpostgresopen source
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
List of
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
List of
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc)
ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all | CHANGED => {
"ansible_facts": {
"cache_update_time": 1592052301,
"cache_updated": false,
"changed": true,
"stderr": "",
"stderr_lines": [],
"stdout": "…”
"stdout_lines": […]
Watch for

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IOT with PostgreSQL
IOT with PostgreSQLIOT with PostgreSQL
IOT with PostgreSQL

This document provides an overview of using PostgreSQL for IoT applications. Chris Ellis discusses why PostgreSQL is a good fit for IoT due to its flexibility and extensibility. He describes various ways of storing, loading, and processing IoT time series and sensor data in PostgreSQL, including partitioning, batch loading, and window functions. The document also briefly mentions the TimescaleDB extension for additional time series functionality.

by EDB
A Journey from Oracle to PostgreSQL
A Journey from Oracle to PostgreSQLA Journey from Oracle to PostgreSQL
A Journey from Oracle to PostgreSQL

The document describes a migration from an Oracle database topology to a PostgreSQL database topology at ACI. It discusses the starting Oracle topology with issues around operational complexity and non-ACID compliance. It then describes the target PostgreSQL topology with improved performance, availability and lower costs. The document outlines decisions around tools, extensions, code changes and testing approaches needed for the migration. It also discusses options for migrating the data and cutting over to the new PostgreSQL environment.

by EDB
postgresqloracleoracle migration
Psql is awesome!
Psql is awesome!Psql is awesome!
Psql is awesome!

The document provides an introduction to using the psql command line tool for interacting with PostgreSQL databases. It explains how to connect to a database, perform basic queries, explain query plans, and get information about tables, schemas, and users.

by EDB
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Install PostgreSQL with a Playbook
- hosts: all
any_errors_fatal: True
become: yes
- name: Install PostgreSQL
- postgresql-13
- postgresql-client-13
- python3-psycopg2
state: present
Run as “root”
Use Debian
package module “apt”
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Install PostgreSQL with a Playbook
ansible-playbook -i, playbook.yml
TASK [Install PostgreSQL]
Changed: []
PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 24 seconds
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Re-run the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i, playbook.yml
TASK [Install PostgreSQL]
Changed: []
PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 24 seconds
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Many Ansible modules have a “state” parameter
– Usually defaults to “present”
– “present” will install a package, but not upgrade it
– “latest” will upgrade, if newer package is available
– “absent” will uninstall a package

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EDB 13 - New Enhancements for Security and Usability - APJ
EDB 13 - New Enhancements for Security and Usability - APJEDB 13 - New Enhancements for Security and Usability - APJ
EDB 13 - New Enhancements for Security and Usability - APJ

Database security is always of paramount importance to all organizations. In this webinar, we will explore the security, usability, and portability updates of the latest version of the EDB database server and tools. Join us in this webinar to learn: - The new security features such as SCRAM and the encryption of database passwords and traffic between Failover Manager agents - Usability updates that automate partitioning, verify backup integrity, and streamline the management of failover and backups - Portability improvements that simplify running PostgreSQL across on-premise and cloud environments

by EDB
postgresqldatabaseopen source
Comment sauvegarder correctement vos données
Comment sauvegarder correctement vos donnéesComment sauvegarder correctement vos données
Comment sauvegarder correctement vos données

Dans ce webinar, nous allons parler des différences entre une sauvegarde physique et une sauvegarde logique. Nous allons lister les avantages et inconvénients, les principales considérations et les outils disponibles pour les deux méthodes. - Perte de données - Exports logiques - Standbys - WALs et Recovery - Snapshots VM/Disques - Sauvegardes physique - Conclusion

by EDB
postgresqlopen sourcedatabase
Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Italiano
Cloud Native PostgreSQL - ItalianoCloud Native PostgreSQL - Italiano
Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Italiano

Vieni a scoprire Cloud Native PostgreSQL (CNP), l’operatore per Kubernetes, direttamente da coloro che lo hanno ideato e lo sviluppano in EDB. CNP facilita l’integrazione di database PostgreSQL con le tue applicazioni all’interno di cluster Kubernetes e OpenShift Container Platform di RedHat, grazie alla sua gestione automatica dell’architettura primario/standby che include: self-healing, failover, switchover, rolling update, backup, ecc. Durante il webinar affronteremo i seguenti punti: - DevOps e Cloud Native - Introduzione a Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Architetture - Caratteristiche principali - Esempi di uso e configurazione - Kubernetes, Storage e Postgres - Demo - Conclusioni

by EDB
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Next: check if PostgreSQL is running
Ansible provides the “postgresql_ping” module
– Login credentials are required (db, username, host)
This is useful at the beginning of the Playbook:
– See if the DB is up and running
– Otherwise later commands fail with more obscure errors
This module runs on the remote host
– Hence: the db is on “”
– The Unix Domain Socket is used
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Check if PostgreSQL is running
- name: Ping PostgreSQL
db: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
login_user: postgres
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Check if PostgreSQL is running
- name: Ping PostgreSQL
db: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
login_user: postgres
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Runs on
“local host”
Ansible runs this
as user “postgres”

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New enhancements for security and usability in EDB 13
New enhancements for security and usability in EDB 13New enhancements for security and usability in EDB 13
New enhancements for security and usability in EDB 13

EDB 13 enhances our flagship database server and tools. This webinar will explore its security, usability, and portability updates. Join us to learn how EDB 13 can help you improve your PostgreSQL productivity and data protection. Webinar highlights include: - New security features such as SCRAM and the encryption of database passwords and traffic between Failover Manager agents - Usability updates that automate partitioning, verify backup integrity and streamline the management of failover and backups - Portability improvements that simplify running PostgreSQL across on-premise and cloud environments

by EDB
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Best Practices in Security with PostgreSQL
Best Practices in Security with PostgreSQLBest Practices in Security with PostgreSQL
Best Practices in Security with PostgreSQL

The webinar will review a multi-layered framework for PostgreSQL security, with a deeper focus on limiting access to the database and data, as well as securing the data. Using the popular AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Auditing) framework we will cover: - Best practices for authentication (trust, certificate, MD5, Scram, etc). - Advanced approaches, such as password profiles. - Deep dive of authorization and data access control for roles, database objects (tables, etc), view usage, row-level security, and data redaction. - Auditing, encryption, and SQL injection attack prevention. Note: this session is delivered in German Speaker: Borys Neselovskyi, Sales Engineer, EDB

by EDB
Cloud Native PostgreSQL - APJ
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Cloud Native PostgreSQL - APJ

EDB Cloud Native Postgres includes database container images and a Kubernetes Operator that manage the lifecycle of a database from deployment to operations. This Kubernetes Operator for Postgres is written by EDB entirely from scratch in the Go language and relies exclusively on the Kubernetes API. Attend this webinar to learn about: - DevOps & Cloud Native - Overview of Cloud Native Postgres - Storage for Postgres workloads in Kubernetes - Using Cloud Native Postgres - Demo

by EDB
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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Check if PostgreSQL is running
TASK [Ping PostgreSQL] *******************************************
Ok: []
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************* : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create Roles + Databases
Manage roles: postgresql_user
Manage databases: postgresql_db
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Adding a new role
- name: Create role
db: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
Name: "{{ demouser }}"
Password: "{{ demopass }}"
become: yes
become_user: postgres

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Adding a new role
- name: Create role
db: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
Name: "{{ demouser }}"
Password: "{{ demopass }}"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Username and password
are stored in variables
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on creating roles
The password is stored in a variable
– Transmitted in clear text to the remote host
– Ansible will prevent logging the password
Consider pre-encrypted passwords
– Creating them is not part of this talk
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Example: remove a role
- name: Drop role
db: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
name: "otheruser"
state: absent
become: yes
become_user: postgres
State: “absent” to
remove the role
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Adding a new database
- name: Create database
maintenance_db: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
name: "{{ demodb }}"
owner: "{{ demouser }}"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Database name is
stored in a variable

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Adding a new database
- name: Create database
maintenance_db: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
name: "{{ demodb }}"
owner: "{{ demouser }}"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
New db owner
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on databases
“state=dump” allows taking backups
“state=restore” allows restoring backups
Needs a “target=<filename>” for backup/restore
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Modify pg_hba.conf
- name: Allow access for demo user from everywhere
dest: "/etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf"
contype: host
users: "demouser"
source: "0/0"
databases: "demodb"
method: "md5"
- reload postgresql

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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on modifying pg_hba.conf
The “postgresql_pg_hba” module does not allow much control
over the sort order of the entries
– Consider “lineinfile” or “blockinfile” or “template” modules
It must be run as root (on Debian)
– The configfiles live in /etc/postgresql
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Modify pg_hba.conf
- name: Allow access for demo user from everywhere
dest: "/etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf"
contype: host
Users: "{{ demouser }}"
source: "0/0"
Databases: "{{ demodb }}"
method: "md5"
- reload postgresql Introduces a “notify”,
which requires a “handler”
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
- hosts: all
- name: reload postgresql
name: postgresql
state: reloaded
“handlers” are defined
like “tasks”
The “name” is free-form
Any Ansible module
can be used here
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Handler can be called from many places
Run when the Playbook ends
– All “notify”s are queued
Ideal to reload/restart services at the end
– The notify is only run when the Task changed
– Playbook doesn’t have to check every single Task

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
cat /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
host demodb demouser 0/0 md5
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Creates tables + indexes
postgresql_table: manage tables
postgresql_idx: manage indexes
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create a table
- name: Create table
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
name: "demotable"
- id serial primary key
- data text
owner: "demouser"
become: yes
become_user: postgres

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create a table
- name: Create table
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
name: "demotable"
- id serial primary key
- data text
owner: "demouser"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Table name and
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on tables
Will not add/remove new columns
– Only the initial set of columns is used when creating the
Can specify table and storage parameters
Can create tables “like” another table
Can drop/truncate/rename tables
Can create unlogged tables
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create an index
- name: Create index on demo table
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
columns: "data"
idxname: "demotable_data_ixd"
table: "demotable"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create an index
- name: Create index on demo table
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
table: "demotable"
columns: "data"
idxname: "demotable_data_ixd"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Index column(s)

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Create an index
- name: Create index on demo table
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
table: "demotable"
columns: "data"
idxname: "demotable_data_ixd"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Index name
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on Indexes
The index name is always required (sigh)
Index can cover multiple columns
Index can have a different type (“idxtype”)
Index can be on another tablespace (“tablespace”)
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Show table
demodb=# d demotable
Table "public.demotable"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('demotable_id_seq'::regclass)
data | text | | |
"demotable_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"demotable_data_ixd" btree (data)
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run queries
postgresql_query: run a query against the database
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run queries
- name: Run INSERT
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
query: "INSERT INTO demotable (data) VALUES ((SELECT random()::TEXT))"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
Query to run
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Notes on Queries
Each call of “postgresql_query” will “change” the database
– Even if it’s a SELECT query
– Use “changed_when: False”
– Not idempotent by default
Queries in Ansible can run in a long-running transaction
– Don’t forget to commit/rollback
Positional arguments and placeholders (prepared queries) are possible
SQL Code can be in a script
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Run a SELECT query
- name: Run SELECT
login_user: postgres
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql"
db: "demodb"
query: "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM demotable"
become: yes
become_user: postgres
register: select_result
Store the entire
result in a

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Show the result
- name:
msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}"
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Show the result
- name:
msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}"
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Show the result
- name:
msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}"
Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Show the result
- name:
msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}"
The “count”
from the query

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Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Query result
TASK [debug] ************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": "8"
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Running Playbooks
Playbooks can run from any (Linux) computer
– Every developer can run them
– However: every developer needs access to all credentials
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible Tower
Ansible Tower provides a central place to run Playbooks
– Runs can be triggered (as example: GitHub commits)
– Runs can be scheduled
– Nice web interface
Commercial product by Red Hat

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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Image copyright: Red Hat
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible Tower in Open Source: AWX
More frequent releases
– basically: development version for Ansible Tower
No support from Red Hat
No cross-upgrade possible
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Useful tool to manage a large fleet of servers, VMs, services
and applications
Idempotence allows re-running of Playbooks until success

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Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible
Andreas Scherbaum
Ansible & PostgreSQL
Many useful modules to manage (almost) any aspect of
PostgreSQL databases
Quick results & small overhead, compared to “shell scripts”
 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

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Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

  • 2. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 2/122 Agenda ● What is PostgreSQL ● What is Ansible ● Ansible Ad-hoc ● Ansible Playbooks ● Bring it all together ● Run it automated ● Summary
  • 3. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 3/122 Andreas Scherbaum ● Working with databases since 1997, with PostgreSQL since 1998 ● Founding member of the European and German PostgreSQL User Group ● Board of Directors – European PostgreSQL User Group ● Organizing,, FOSDEM PGDay ● Regional Contact PostgreSQL for Germany ● Ran my own company for 7+ years – around PostgreSQL ● Wrote a book about PostgreSQL (in German) ● Worked for EMC/Pivotal from 2011 – August 2020 ● Joined Adjust in September 2020
  • 4. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 4/122 Get Social ... ● Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr: @ascherbaum ● LinkedIn: ● Mastadon: ● Diaspora: ● Blog:
  • 6. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 6/122 Source: unknown
  • 8. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 8/122 Ansible ● Ansible is: – Fictional device for superluminal communication ● Can send and receive messages without delay, over any distance ● From the 1966 novel “Rocannon’s World” by Ursula le Guin ● Later adapted by other science fiction, most notably: “Ender’s Game”
  • 9. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 9/122 Ansible ● Ansible is: – Open Source software for provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment – Manages many systems in parallel, by executing tasks over [ssh|Windows Remote Management|PowerShell] – Manages Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems ● Ansible host has to be Unix/Linux – Under development since 2012, acquired by Red Hat in 2015 ● Current stable version: 2.10.x – Python knowledge useful, but not required
  • 10. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 10/122 Ansible Advantages ● Code = Documentation – If done properly ● Playbooks are idempotent – Can be re-run any time, only change what’s necessary ● Can deploy and manage large clusters of machines in parallel ● Playbooks can be run from multiple locations – As long as access is handled – No host agent necessary ● Extensive and powerful variable and template handling ● Requirements: Python (v3) – Some Ansible modules require additional Python modules
  • 11. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 11/122 Ansible Ansible Controller Host 1 Webserver Host 2 Webserver Host 3 Database Host 4 Load Balancer ssh
  • 12. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 12/122 Ansible Modules ● Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS SQL, MySQL, InfluxDB, … ● Files: fetch, copy, template, find, file, acl, archive, patch, archive, xml, xattr, … ● Network: AWS, GPC, [Switches], [Firewalls], [Loadbalancers] ● Storage, Notification, Crypto, Cloud, Source Control, ... ● Expandable!
  • 13. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 13/122 Ansible Ansible Controller Host 1 Webserver Host 2 Webserver Host 3 PostgreSQL Host 4 Load Balancer ssh
  • 14. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 14/122 Ansible PostgreSQL Modules (as of v2.10) ● Manage: databases, roles (user), membership, owner, schema, extensions, languages, privileges, publications, sequences, tables, indexes, replication slots ● Information: retrieve information about PG servers, ping servers ● pg_hba: manage access control ● Query: run queries against the database, or COPY data ● Many of the useful modules are available starting with version 2.8
  • 16. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 16/122 Ad-hoc queries ● Ansible allows to run ad-hoc commands against any given host or host group – Example: ping (check if host is alive, and Ansible can login)
  • 17. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 17/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all
  • 18. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 18/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all Inventory
  • 19. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 19/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all Inventory Hostlist (as Python list, with comma)
  • 20. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 20/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all
  • 21. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 21/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all Module
  • 22. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 22/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all Module Module Name
  • 23. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 23/122 ping ansible -i, -m ping all Module Module Name Servers (all)
  • 24. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 24/122 ping - pong ansible -i, -m ping all | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { ... }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" }
  • 25. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 25/122 Password-less login ● Ansible needs to be able to login without password – For the regular user – And the root method (sudo, su), if necessary
  • 26. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 26/122 Module parameters ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all Additional Module Parameters
  • 27. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 27/122 Module output ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27
  • 28. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 28/122 Module output ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27 Command Output
  • 29. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 29/122 Module Return Code ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27 Command Return Code
  • 30. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 30/122 Module output ansible -i, -m command -a “uptime” all | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 23:04:34 up 5 days, 5:14, 16 users, load average: 1,82, 1,33, 1,27 “Something” changed
  • 31. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 31/122 Command output ● Ansible fetches STDOUT and STDERR from the remote host ● Shows both to the user, in Ad-hoc mode
  • 32. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 32/122 Command Result ● Ansible provides the command return code (RC) ● Playbooks can act on the RC – ignore_errors: true – failed_when: <condition>
  • 33. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 33/122 Changes ● Every time Ansible changes something on the host, the status of the task becomes “changed” – Can be ignored with “changed_when: false”
  • 34. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 34/122 “command” versus “shell” ● Ansible has 2 modules for executing arbitrary commands on the host: ● command: no variable replacement is done, no filehandle redirects (like: 2> /dev/null) are possible, only one command possible – uses “exec” ● shell: uses a regular shell to execute the command, can handle all kind of variables, or multiple shell commands – uses “system” – cat /etc/passwd | grep root | cut -f3 -d: ● Both modules (by default) “change” the remote system – Ansible doesn’t know what the module is executing
  • 35. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 35/122 “command” / “shell” versus modules ● Always aim to use Ansible modules over of “shell”/”command” ● Modules provide idempotence: – Multiple calls to the same module will not change the remote system
  • 37. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 37/122 Playbooks ● A Playbook is a text file (Yaml format) with tasks – Can run repeatedly - idempotent ● Playbooks can become very large, and complex – Split them up into roles (not topic of this talk) ● Playbooks can run on parts of the infrastructure – Example: only database hosts
  • 38. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 38/122 Hosts list ● The file “hosts.cfg” in the Playbook directory defines the hosts ● Variables can be specified – Per host – Per host group – … – Global
  • 39. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 39/122 hosts.cfg (Example) [all-systems:children] webservers databases [all-systems:vars] ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30 [databases] hostname=db1 [databases:vars] db_type=postgresql
  • 40. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 40/122 hosts.cfg [all-systems:children] webservers databases [all-systems:vars] ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30 [databases] hostname=db1 [databases:vars] db_type=postgresql Specify groups
  • 41. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 41/122 hosts.cfg [all-systems:children] webservers databases [all-systems:vars] ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30 [databases] hostname=db1 [databases:vars] db_type=postgresql Variables for all child groups
  • 42. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 42/122 hosts.cfg [all-systems:children] webservers databases [all-systems:vars] ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30 [databases] hostname=db1 [databases:vars] db_type=postgresql Database group with one host
  • 43. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 43/122 hosts.cfg [all-systems:children] webservers databases [all-systems:vars] ssh_args = -o ServerAliveInterval=30 [databases] hostname=db1 [databases:vars] db_type=postgresql Variables for database group
  • 44. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 44/122 Playbook ● Specifies task groups (Plays) ● Goal is to group hosts together, and run Plays on them ● Ansible wants Playbooks to be idempotent: – Run many times, only change what is necessary – Ansible modules are idempotent – shell/command is not
  • 45. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 45/122 Playbook --- - hosts: databases tasks: - name: uptime command: uptime - name: uname command: uname
  • 46. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 46/122 Playbook --- - hosts: databases tasks: - name: uptime command: uptime - name: uname command: uname JSON/YAML marker
  • 47. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 47/122 Playbook --- - hosts: databases tasks: - name: uptime command: uptime - name: uname command: uname Host group (or: all)
  • 48. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 48/122 Playbook --- - hosts: databases tasks: - name: uptime command: uptime - name: uname command: uname Task list
  • 49. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 49/122 Playbook --- - hosts: databases tasks: - name: uptime command: uptime - name: uname command: uname Task 1 Task 2
  • 50. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 50/122 Run the Playbook ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************** Ok: [] TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ****************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds
  • 51. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 51/122 Run the Playbook ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************** Ok: [] TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ****************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds Run the Playbook (using the “playbook” command
  • 52. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 52/122 Run the Playbook ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************** Ok: [] TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ****************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds Task changed something
  • 53. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 53/122 Run the Playbook ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************** Ok: [] TASK [uptime] TASK [uname] ****************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [uname] ******************************************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds Summary
  • 54. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 54/122 Playbook versus Ad-hoc ● Ad-hoc is about simple commands – Output is of interest ● Playbooks are about idempotence – Output is not really interesting – Change is interesting, and so is a failure
  • 55. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 55/122 Error handling --- - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - name: non-existent command command: downtime - name: uname command: uname Abort everything on first error Non-existent command
  • 56. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 56/122 Failing Playbook ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml PLAY [all] **************************************************************************************************************** TASK [non-existent command] *********************************************************************************************** Fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "downtime", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2} NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ******************************************************************************************************** PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************** : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • 58. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 58/122 “Demo” ● The following slides will: – Install a PostgreSQL database – Check connectivity – Create new roles + databases – Allow access (modify pg_hba.conf) – Create a table + index – Run a query
  • 60. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 60/122 Debian (commandline) apt-get install postgresql-13 postgresql-client-13 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libboost-serialization1.71.0 libgmpxx4ldbl libprotobuf-c1 libsfcgal1 Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. The following additional packages will be installed: postgresql-client-common postgresql-common Suggested packages: postgresql-doc-13 The following NEW packages will be installed: postgresql-13 postgresql-client-13 postgresql-client-common postgresql-common 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 14,5 MB/14,7 MB of archives. After this operation, 45,6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  • 61. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 61/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
  • 62. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 62/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all Ad-hoc command
  • 63. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 63/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all Ad-hoc command Execute as “root”
  • 64. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 64/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all Ad-hoc command Execute as “root” “apt” module
  • 65. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 65/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all
  • 66. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 66/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all List of packages
  • 67. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 67/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all List of packages Desired Package state
  • 68. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 68/122 Debian (Ansible Ad-hoc) ansible -i, -b -m apt -a "name=postgresql-13,postgresql-client-13 state=present" all | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { ... }, "cache_update_time": 1592052301, "cache_updated": false, "changed": true, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "…” "stdout_lines": […] ] } Something changed Watch for errors
  • 69. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 69/122 Install PostgreSQL with a Playbook - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: True become: yes tasks: - name: Install PostgreSQL apt: name: - postgresql-13 - postgresql-client-13 - python3-psycopg2 state: present Run as “root” Use Debian package module “apt”
  • 70. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 70/122 Install PostgreSQL with a Playbook ansible-playbook -i, playbook.yml TASK [Install PostgreSQL] *************************************************************** Changed: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 24 seconds
  • 71. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 71/122 Re-run the Playbook ansible-playbook -i, playbook.yml TASK [Install PostgreSQL] *************************************************************** Changed: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 24 seconds
  • 72. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 72/122 State ● Many Ansible modules have a “state” parameter – Usually defaults to “present” – “present” will install a package, but not upgrade it – “latest” will upgrade, if newer package is available – “absent” will uninstall a package
  • 74. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 74/122 Next: check if PostgreSQL is running ● Ansible provides the “postgresql_ping” module – Login credentials are required (db, username, host) ● This is useful at the beginning of the Playbook: – See if the DB is up and running – Otherwise later commands fail with more obscure errors ● This module runs on the remote host – Hence: the db is on “” – The Unix Domain Socket is used
  • 75. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 75/122 Check if PostgreSQL is running - name: Ping PostgreSQL postgresql_ping: db: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" login_user: postgres become: yes become_user: postgres
  • 76. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 76/122 Check if PostgreSQL is running - name: Ping PostgreSQL postgresql_ping: db: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" login_user: postgres become: yes become_user: postgres Runs on “local host” Ansible runs this as user “postgres”
  • 77. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 77/122 Check if PostgreSQL is running TASK [Ping PostgreSQL] ******************************************* Ok: [] PLAY RECAP ******************************************************* : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0
  • 79. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 79/122 Create Roles + Databases ● Manage roles: postgresql_user ● Manage databases: postgresql_db
  • 80. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 80/122 Adding a new role - name: Create role postgresql_user: db: postgres login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" Name: "{{ demouser }}" Password: "{{ demopass }}" become: yes become_user: postgres
  • 81. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 81/122 Adding a new role - name: Create role postgresql_user: db: postgres login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" Name: "{{ demouser }}" Password: "{{ demopass }}" become: yes become_user: postgres Username and password are stored in variables
  • 82. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 82/122 Notes on creating roles ● The password is stored in a variable – Transmitted in clear text to the remote host – Ansible will prevent logging the password ● Consider pre-encrypted passwords – Creating them is not part of this talk
  • 83. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 83/122 Example: remove a role - name: Drop role postgresql_user: db: postgres login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" name: "otheruser" state: absent become: yes become_user: postgres State: “absent” to remove the role
  • 84. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 84/122 Adding a new database - name: Create database postgresql_db: maintenance_db: postgres login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" name: "{{ demodb }}" owner: "{{ demouser }}" become: yes become_user: postgres Database name is stored in a variable
  • 85. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 85/122 Adding a new database - name: Create database postgresql_db: maintenance_db: postgres login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" name: "{{ demodb }}" owner: "{{ demouser }}" become: yes become_user: postgres New db owner (optional)
  • 86. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 86/122 Notes on databases ● “state=dump” allows taking backups ● “state=restore” allows restoring backups ● Needs a “target=<filename>” for backup/restore
  • 88. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 88/122 Modify pg_hba.conf - name: Allow access for demo user from everywhere postgresql_pg_hba: dest: "/etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf" contype: host users: "demouser" source: "0/0" databases: "demodb" method: "md5" notify: - reload postgresql
  • 89. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 89/122 Notes on modifying pg_hba.conf ● The “postgresql_pg_hba” module does not allow much control over the sort order of the entries – Consider “lineinfile” or “blockinfile” or “template” modules ● It must be run as root (on Debian) – The configfiles live in /etc/postgresql
  • 90. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 90/122 Modify pg_hba.conf - name: Allow access for demo user from everywhere postgresql_pg_hba: dest: "/etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf" contype: host Users: "{{ demouser }}" source: "0/0" Databases: "{{ demodb }}" method: "md5" notify: - reload postgresql Introduces a “notify”, which requires a “handler”
  • 91. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 91/122 Handler - hosts: all tasks: handlers: - name: reload postgresql service: name: postgresql state: reloaded “handlers” are defined like “tasks” The “name” is free-form Any Ansible module can be used here
  • 92. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 92/122 Handler ● Handler can be called from many places ● Run when the Playbook ends – All “notify”s are queued ● Ideal to reload/restart services at the end – The notify is only run when the Task changed – Playbook doesn’t have to check every single Task
  • 93. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 93/122 pg_hba.conf cat /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf … host demodb demouser 0/0 md5 …
  • 95. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 95/122 Creates tables + indexes ● postgresql_table: manage tables ● postgresql_idx: manage indexes
  • 96. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 96/122 Create a table - name: Create table postgresql_table: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" name: "demotable" columns: - id serial primary key - data text owner: "demouser" become: yes become_user: postgres
  • 97. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 97/122 Create a table - name: Create table postgresql_table: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" name: "demotable" columns: - id serial primary key - data text owner: "demouser" become: yes become_user: postgres Table name and definition
  • 98. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 98/122 Notes on tables ● Will not add/remove new columns – Only the initial set of columns is used when creating the table ● Can specify table and storage parameters ● Can create tables “like” another table ● Can drop/truncate/rename tables ● Can create unlogged tables
  • 99. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 99/122 Create an index - name: Create index on demo table postgresql_idx: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" columns: "data" idxname: "demotable_data_ixd" table: "demotable" become: yes become_user: postgres
  • 100. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 100/122 Create an index - name: Create index on demo table postgresql_idx: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" table: "demotable" columns: "data" idxname: "demotable_data_ixd" become: yes become_user: postgres Index column(s)
  • 101. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 101/122 Create an index - name: Create index on demo table postgresql_idx: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" table: "demotable" columns: "data" idxname: "demotable_data_ixd" become: yes become_user: postgres Index name
  • 102. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 102/122 Notes on Indexes ● The index name is always required (sigh) ● Index can cover multiple columns ● Index can have a different type (“idxtype”) ● Index can be on another tablespace (“tablespace”)
  • 103. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 103/122 Show table demodb=# d demotable Table "public.demotable" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------- id | integer | | not null | nextval('demotable_id_seq'::regclass) data | text | | | Indexes: "demotable_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "demotable_data_ixd" btree (data)
  • 105. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 105/122 Run queries ● postgresql_query: run a query against the database
  • 106. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 106/122 Run queries - name: Run INSERT postgresql_query: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" query: "INSERT INTO demotable (data) VALUES ((SELECT random()::TEXT))" become: yes become_user: postgres Query to run
  • 107. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 107/122 Notes on Queries ● Each call of “postgresql_query” will “change” the database – Even if it’s a SELECT query – Use “changed_when: False” – Not idempotent by default ● Queries in Ansible can run in a long-running transaction – Don’t forget to commit/rollback ● Positional arguments and placeholders (prepared queries) are possible ● SQL Code can be in a script
  • 108. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 108/122 Run a SELECT query - name: Run SELECT postgresql_query: login_user: postgres login_unix_socket: "/var/run/postgresql" db: "demodb" query: "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM demotable" become: yes become_user: postgres register: select_result Store the entire result in a variable
  • 109. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 109/122 Show the result - name: debug: msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}"
  • 110. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 110/122 Show the result - name: debug: msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}" Result variable
  • 111. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 111/122 Show the result - name: debug: msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}" Result variable Query results
  • 112. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 112/122 Show the result - name: debug: msg: "{{ select_result.query_result[0].count }}" Result variable Query results The “count” from the query
  • 113. Postgres Vision 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 113/122 Query result TASK [debug] ************************************ ok: [] => { "msg": "8" } count(*)
  • 115. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 115/122 Running Playbooks ● Playbooks can run from any (Linux) computer – Every developer can run them – However: every developer needs access to all credentials
  • 116. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 116/122 Ansible Tower ● Ansible Tower provides a central place to run Playbooks – Runs can be triggered (as example: GitHub commits) – Runs can be scheduled – Nice web interface ● Commercial product by Red Hat
  • 117. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 117/122 Image copyright: Red Hat
  • 118. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 118/122 Ansible Tower in Open Source: AWX ● More frequent releases – basically: development version for Ansible Tower ● No support from Red Hat ● No cross-upgrade possible
  • 120. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 120/122 Ansible ● Useful tool to manage a large fleet of servers, VMs, services and applications ● Self-documentation ● Idempotence allows re-running of Playbooks until success
  • 121. Postgres Build 2020 Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible Andreas Scherbaum 121/122 Ansible & PostgreSQL ● Many useful modules to manage (almost) any aspect of PostgreSQL databases ● Quick results & small overhead, compared to “shell scripts”