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Making Your Site Printable
Presented by Adrian Roselli
About Adrian Roselli
• Co-written four books.
• Technical editor
for two books.
• Written over fifty
articles, most recently
for .net Magazine and
Web Standards Sherpa.
Great bedtime reading!
About Adrian Roselli
• Member of W3C HTML Working Group, W3C
Accessibility Task Force, five W3C Community
• Building for the web since 1994.
• Founder, owner at Algonquin Studios
• Learn more at
• Avoid on Twitter @aardrian.
I warned you.
What We’ll Cover
• Background
• Techniques
• Measuring
• Questions

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Improving Web Usability in the Search for a Cure
Improving Web Usability in the Search for a CureImproving Web Usability in the Search for a Cure
Improving Web Usability in the Search for a Cure

I’ve had the pleasure of designing and improving WordPress websites for companies researching and treating neurological diseases and cancer. Their work is profoundly important, but it can be obscured by poor web design and usability. They don’t understand the value of usability, the need to be mobile responsive, or the importance of upgrades and security. Even seemingly minor improvements could make major differences when educating their prospective patients, or attracting doctors, scientists, and investors. And lives can truly be affected as a result of a better website. I’ll talk about my experiences improving these companies’ websites, some common usability mistakes, and best practices and techniques you can use for other websites, no matter what the industry.

The Coding Designer's Survival Kit - Capital Camp
The Coding Designer's Survival Kit - Capital CampThe Coding Designer's Survival Kit - Capital Camp
The Coding Designer's Survival Kit - Capital Camp

This document outlines the tools included in The Coding Designer's Survival Kit, which provides designers with markup, CSS, and JavaScript tools for designing websites in the browser. The kit includes HTML5 Boilerplate, elements and pages to design for, Modernizr and Selectivizr, JavaScript tools like Lettering.js, and Sass/Compass mixins. Using these tools allows designers to play with CSS, work parts of designs out in Photoshop while speaking CSS natively, and ask questions that Photoshop alone does not. Resources like Hardboiled Web Design, CSS3 for Web Designers, and Responsive Web Design are also recommended.

Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia
Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, DrupaldelphiaDesigning in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia
Designing in the Browser - Mason Wendell, Drupaldelphia

The document discusses the benefits of designing websites directly in HTML and CSS in the browser rather than first designing in Photoshop. It notes that designing in the browser means the designer is working in the actual medium, everything they design can be built because they are building it, and the client sees the real design from the start. Some tips provided include using frameworks for layouts, starting with content, embracing progressive enhancement, and using advanced CSS techniques while allowing for older browsers.

drupalweb designbrowser
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
• Responsive design (or
adaptive design) is about
supporting any device:
• Desktop computer
• Smartphone
• Tablet
• Television
• Printer?
Photo of printed page from
Source page:

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Building Websites for Retina Displays: Making Friends with PixelsBuilding Websites for Retina Displays: Making Friends with Pixels
Building Websites for Retina Displays: Making Friends with Pixels

This document discusses how to build websites that look good on high pixel density displays like the iPhone 4's Retina display. It recommends using responsive design so the site looks good on all devices. It also recommends using CSS3 properties instead of images when possible, optimizing images by creating higher resolution versions, and using media queries or SVG to serve the appropriate image based on the device's pixel density. The document stresses testing websites on different devices and prioritizing the platforms your users visit most.

htmlweb designcss
The 10 Commandments of Photoshop Mockups
The 10 Commandments of Photoshop MockupsThe 10 Commandments of Photoshop Mockups
The 10 Commandments of Photoshop Mockups

As designers we are often lured into the temptations of bad photoshop practices. We’re designing in the moment and don’t think about the consequences. But the reality is your clients’ requests to make a design more ‘edgy’ will lead to many extra hours of theming if not done right. The seemingly endless rounds of revisions caused by “I know it when I see it” type feedback, will take so much longer when you’re using the wrong tools. Following ‘The 10 Commandments of Photoshop Mockups’ will get you well on your way to eternal designer bliss.

drupaladobe photoshopweb design and development
Atlanta Drupal User Group (ADUG)
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Atlanta Drupal User Group (ADUG)

The document provides an overview of designing Drupal themes. It discusses common tools used to design themes such as Photoshop, Fireworks, and Illustrator. It also discusses Drupal-specific tools like Firebug and the Theme Developer module. The presentation covers designing for Drupal concepts like regions, blocks, and views. It provides examples of existing Drupal themes and recommendations for naming conventions, image preparation, CSS organization, and common theme techniques like CSS resets and menu placement.

Print Services “More Evidence of the Need for Print Styles”
Screen versus Print
• Continuous
• Visual, audible, tactile
• Vector and bitmap
• Interactive
• Online
• Paged
• Visual
• Bitmap
• Static
• Offline
• Is my site built mobile-first?
• Sometimes your mobile-first styles will get you
nearly all the way there.
• If you built desktop-first, you may be able to re-
use your smaller viewport styles.

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Themer's roundtable

The document discusses themes in Drupal, including what a theme is, the roles of different types of themers, and the typical components and files that make up a Drupal theme. It provides recommendations for software and modules that are useful for theming, and resources for themers to reference when working on themes. The document is intended as an introduction and overview of theming for Drupal.

Lesson 3 - IA for web
Lesson 3 - IA for webLesson 3 - IA for web
Lesson 3 - IA for web

The document provides information on key principles of information architecture for website design. It discusses the importance of clear navigation, structure and priorities on the initial page to help users understand what the site is about and how to use it. Specific guidelines covered include using a clear logo, corporate identity and branding elements, proper use of negative space and grids to structure content, and ensuring important information is placed above the website fold for visibility. The document emphasizes that following principles of usability and information architecture helps users easily find what they need and reduces frustration, which is important for customer satisfaction and sales.

Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3
Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3
Design for Developers: Introduction to Bootstrap 3

As web developers, we might not always have experience or training with principles of design. This presentation's goal is introduce some basic design principles and provide some resources to help developers create better designs or at least become more aware of design. Finally, the end of the presentation will introduce Bootstrap 3 in more of a workshop format. I'll show people who to add Bootstrap to their project and how easy it is to apply some basic design.

web designbootstraptwitter bootstrap
• Things I want the user to see:
• Branding
• Cross-branding
• Page address
• Copyright
• Path to page (breadcrumb)
• Link addresses (?)
• Things the user may not want to see:
• Primary navigation
• Secondary navigation
• Site search
• Social media icons
• Ad banners
• Fat footers
• Things that probably won’t print anyway:
• Colors
• Backgrounds (images and colors)
• Bits of timed / interactive elements
• White elements (logos, text, effects)

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CSS for Mobile
CSS for MobileCSS for Mobile
CSS for Mobile

This document discusses CSS for mobile platforms. It notes that approximately 15% of internet traffic is now from mobile devices, with Mobile Safari holding a 67% usage share. It discusses two approaches to mobile CSS: using a separate style sheet for mobile or adding additional rules in the same style sheet. It provides examples of CSS properties that are useful for mobile like viewport, background-size, gradients, and rgba colors. It outlines best practices like reducing assets, using CSS instead of images, hiding non-essential elements, using native fonts, simplifying layouts, and reordering content. It also lists some real world examples and additional resources for mobile CSS.

Avada kedavra!
Avada kedavra!Avada kedavra!
Avada kedavra!

Avada is a responsive design theme for WordPress that provides a flexible and customizable framework. It has many features like premade page templates, one page scrolling, parallax effects, ecommerce functionality, and shortcodes. Both coders and non-coders can use Avada due to its simple menus, layout options, and built-in plugins. The theme also offers robust support through its documentation, forums, and quick ticket responses.

web designweb frameworkwordpress
Advanced Skinning & Styling for Android
Advanced Skinning & Styling for AndroidAdvanced Skinning & Styling for Android
Advanced Skinning & Styling for Android

This document summarizes Joshua Jamison's presentation on advanced styling and skinning in Android. It discusses layouts, styles, themes, common styles for buttons, images, tabs and dialogs. It also covers colors, strings, drawables, 9-patch images, and XML drawables. The presentation provided resources for further information.

No Print Styles
Calling Print Styles
Make a home for your print styles:
@media print {
/* insert your style declarations here */
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="/css/print.css" media="print">
General Styles
• Reset type sizes to points, set text to black.
• Points (mostly) provide more consistent text size
across browsers and devices than pixels.
• Light grey text doesn’t trigger browser overrides
to convert text to black.
• Not all users have color printers. Set red to black
so it doesn’t come out as a medium gray (perhaps
with other styles as appropriate).
General Styles
• Clear whitespace around the content.
• User’s print settings will handle page margins.
• Lets user get as much content on a page as
possible (yay for trees!).
• You shouldn’t need to worry about portrait vs.
landscape, A4 vs. 8.5×11, etc.

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Designing in the Browser - Design for Drupal, Boston 2010
Designing in the Browser - Design for Drupal, Boston 2010Designing in the Browser - Design for Drupal, Boston 2010
Designing in the Browser - Design for Drupal, Boston 2010

The document discusses the benefits of designing websites directly in the browser using HTML and CSS rather than designing first in Photoshop. It argues that designing in the browser results in more accurate and web-native designs that are buildable because the design is being built as it is designed. It provides tips for getting started with designing in the browser such as using frameworks for layouts, embracing progressive enhancement, and anticipating how the design will be implemented with content management systems like Drupal.

Chapter 17: Responsive Web Design
Chapter 17: Responsive Web DesignChapter 17: Responsive Web Design
Chapter 17: Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) allows web pages to adapt to different screen sizes. There are three main components: a flexible grid, flexible images, and CSS media queries. Media queries apply different styles depending on screen width and features. Designers create breakpoints for layout changes and optimize content hierarchy, typography, navigation, and other elements for different screen sizes through testing on actual devices.

Drupaldelphia Shortcuts Cheats And Cheap Stunts
Drupaldelphia  Shortcuts Cheats And Cheap StuntsDrupaldelphia  Shortcuts Cheats And Cheap Stunts
Drupaldelphia Shortcuts Cheats And Cheap Stunts

This document discusses shortcuts and techniques for overcoming challenges in Drupal theming and design workflows. It recommends starting with a stripped-down Zen starter theme, using CSS frameworks like Blueprint for layout, and leveraging browser debugging tools and Drupal modules like Devel and Admin for theme development. The document also briefly mentions using Sass/Compass for CSS preprocessing.

General Styles
• Write values of title (or alt, or data-*, etc.)
attributes into the page.
• Think @cite on blockquote, or @title on abbr.
• You can do this with most attributes on most
elements, although it might not be a good fit.
• Perhaps a @data-shortURL attribute to display a
minified link address to make it easier for users to
type URLs.
• A novel way to promote @longdesc.
In-Page Links
Select links in content container(s) and then
display the href value as text after the link.
#Content a[href]:after {
content: " [" attr(href) "] ";
word-wrap: break-word;
#Content a[href^="#"]:after, #Content
a[href^="tel"]:after, #Content a[href^="mailto"]:after,
#Content a[href^="javascript"]:after {
content: "";
Yes, you can do the inverse selector, but then I don’t get to show the variations!
• Get rid of the primary, secondary, tertiary
• Remove social media links,
• Remove other bits that won’t make sense
when printed.
#Nav, #FlyOutNav, #SubNav, .NoPrint, #SMLinks {
display: none;
Keep the breadcrumb as a wayfinding method, but
reduce its size and don’t expand the links.
#Bread a:link, #Bread a:visited {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #000;
#Bread {
color: #000;
font-size: 6pt;
#Bread > a:after {
content: "";

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Updated Feb. 9, 2014. This PPT is a review of color and fonts as used with HTML5 and CSS. Used in an undergraduate journalism class called Advanced Online Media Production.

Designing & Developing for Content in WordPress
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Designing & Developing for Content in WordPress

Wordcamp Tampa presentation on Designing and Developing for Content in WordPress. Leverage design patterns, custom post types and custom field tools to take content to the next level.

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Thanks to the Foundation for the Development of the Education System and its activities hundreds of thousands of people of all ages have had the chance, regardless of their education and skills, to participate in educational projects implemented with the support of the European Union.

• Change any text to
print units,
• Adjust colors,
• Handle spacing,
• Make sure you keep
the logo.
• Consider SVG.
• Change any text to print units,
• Adjust colors,
• Handle spacing,
• Remove unneeded bits.
footer {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 6pt;
color: #000;
background-color: transparent;
footer p {
margin: 0;
color: #000;
footer p a::after {
content: attr(data-alt);
footer img {
display: none;
Page Breaks
The CSS properties page-break-before, page-
break-after and page-break-inside have the
following values:
• auto: default value, no specified behavior.
• avoid: tries to avoid a page-break.
• always: invokes a page-break (not for page-break-
• left | right: Tries to place element on the start of a page
on the left or right, for when you are printing bound material
(books, magazines, etc.) (not for page-break-inside).
Further Consideration
• Hide videos.
• Hide controls for embedded audio.
• Hide Flash movies.
• Hide canvas elements (assuming interactive).
• Don’t scale images to 100% width (looking at
you, mobile styles and frameworks).
• Determine if ads should be printed or not.

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WordPress Accessibility - WordCamp Buffalo 2016

With recent announcement that all code submitted to WordPress core (as well as themes) must meet WCAG 2.0 AA, proper accessibility techniques are more important within WordPress than ever. I’ll review some basic and fringe accessibility techniques you can use for your personal and client projects, as well as for contributing to WordPress core.

Taking the toolkit to social media
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Taking the toolkit to social media

This training for Pick.Click.Give. nonprofits shares ideas and strategies for using the tools we provide on your social media platforms. Digital media consultant Slavik Boyechko of Video Dads leads this presentation.
Before (9 pages)
After (2 pages)
Printing from Mobile
Android Browser Chrome Firefox
Printing from Mobile
Android Browser Chrome Firefox

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Презентация к докладу на конференции "Мир мультиэкранного ТВ", Киев, 03.04.2014

Teks ini memberikan informasi tentang rencana pelajaran IPA tentang fungsi organ pernapasan manusia khususnya cara kerja diafragma dengan menggunakan metode demonstrasi menggunakan replika diafragma sebagai media kepada siswa kelas 5 SD.

Printing from Mobile
• Consider the explosion of mobile.
• Same goals on mobile as desktop.
• Mobile has played catch-up in print, but has
arrived within past year.
• Firefox & Safari print background colors.
• Firefox used odd page size.
• Android browser outputs raster PDF.
Printing from Mobile Has Improved:
• Print to PDF for your first (most) rounds.
• Chrome Developer Tools (next slide).
• Use every browser you can.
• Use each browser visiting your site.
• Change paper size (8.5" × 11", A4, etc.).
• Change paper orientation.
• Scale the content in the print dialog.
Chrome Developer Tools

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Презентация Кристины Белавич. Библиотека. Взгляд из будущего

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Google Analytics
• Call the GA tracking image, but only when the
print styles get used.
• Attach a custom event to that image.
• View custom events in Google Analytics.
• Identify which pages get printed.
• Make sure that at least those pages print well.
• For fun, compare to your carousel.
Full tutorial:
Check the Data
Check the Data
Wrap-up, Questions

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Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014

- The document provides an overview of a presentation on accessibility given by Adrian Roselli. It discusses statistics on disabilities, techniques for making websites accessible, and ways to motivate accessibility work. - Basic statistics are given on the prevalence of vision, hearing, mobility, and cognitive disabilities both in the US and worldwide. Over 10% of working-age US adults have some form of disability. - Techniques for testing accessibility are covered, including checking label-field relationships, keyboard-only use, disabling images/CSS, high contrast mode, and ensuring captions and transcripts. - Motivations discussed include the likelihood of developing a disability over time, accidents that could cause impairment, and how accessibility benefits future and injured

Storyboard (Draft)
Storyboard (Draft)Storyboard (Draft)
Storyboard (Draft)

The storyboard draft outlines various shots that will be used in a music video, including a close-up of the upset vocalist sitting on a sofa, a midshot of him drinking whiskey to drown his sorrows, and a longshot of him throwing the empty bottle before being stopped by a close friend. Additional shots show performances by the band from different angles and a point of view shot of band members convincing the isolated vocalist to rejoin them.

Further Reading
• Tracking Printed Pages (or How to Validate Assumptions)
• Make your website printable with CSS:
• Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed:
• Tracking When Users Print Pages:
• Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets:
• Printing The Web:
• CSS Paged Media Level 2:
• CSS Paged Media Module Level 3:
• Proposals for the future of CSS Paged Media:
• Can you typeset a book with CSS?
Making Your Site Printable
Presented by Adrian Roselli
Slides from this talk will be available at

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Making Your Site Printable: Booster Conference

  • 1. Making Your Site Printable Presented by Adrian Roselli
  • 2. About Adrian Roselli • Co-written four books. • Technical editor for two books. • Written over fifty articles, most recently for .net Magazine and Web Standards Sherpa. Great bedtime reading!
  • 3. About Adrian Roselli • Member of W3C HTML Working Group, W3C Accessibility Task Force, five W3C Community Groups. • Building for the web since 1994. • Founder, owner at Algonquin Studios ( • Learn more at • Avoid on Twitter @aardrian. I warned you.
  • 4. What We’ll Cover • Background • Techniques • Measuring • Questions
  • 6. Responsive Web Design (RWD) • Responsive design (or adaptive design) is about supporting any device: • Desktop computer • Smartphone • Tablet • Television • Printer? Photo of printed page from
  • 9. Print Services “More Evidence of the Need for Print Styles”
  • 11. Screen versus Print Screen • Continuous • Visual, audible, tactile • Vector and bitmap • Interactive • Online Print • Paged • Visual • Bitmap • Static • Offline
  • 12. Planning • Is my site built mobile-first? • Sometimes your mobile-first styles will get you nearly all the way there. • If you built desktop-first, you may be able to re- use your smaller viewport styles.
  • 13. Planning • Things I want the user to see: • Branding • Cross-branding • Page address • Copyright • Path to page (breadcrumb) • Link addresses (?)
  • 14. Planning • Things the user may not want to see: • Primary navigation • Secondary navigation • Site search • Social media icons • Ad banners • Fat footers
  • 15. Planning • Things that probably won’t print anyway: • Colors • Backgrounds (images and colors) • Bits of timed / interactive elements • White elements (logos, text, effects)
  • 18. Calling Print Styles Make a home for your print styles: @media print { /* insert your style declarations here */ } Or: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/print.css" media="print">
  • 19. General Styles • Reset type sizes to points, set text to black. • Points (mostly) provide more consistent text size across browsers and devices than pixels. • Light grey text doesn’t trigger browser overrides to convert text to black. • Not all users have color printers. Set red to black so it doesn’t come out as a medium gray (perhaps with other styles as appropriate).
  • 20. General Styles • Clear whitespace around the content. • User’s print settings will handle page margins. • Lets user get as much content on a page as possible (yay for trees!). • You shouldn’t need to worry about portrait vs. landscape, A4 vs. 8.5×11, etc.
  • 21. General Styles • Write values of title (or alt, or data-*, etc.) attributes into the page. • Think @cite on blockquote, or @title on abbr. • You can do this with most attributes on most elements, although it might not be a good fit. • Perhaps a @data-shortURL attribute to display a minified link address to make it easier for users to type URLs. • A novel way to promote @longdesc.
  • 22. In-Page Links Select links in content container(s) and then display the href value as text after the link. #Content a[href]:after { content: " [" attr(href) "] "; word-wrap: break-word; } #Content a[href^="#"]:after, #Content a[href^="tel"]:after, #Content a[href^="mailto"]:after, #Content a[href^="javascript"]:after { content: ""; } Yes, you can do the inverse selector, but then I don’t get to show the variations!
  • 23. Navigation • Get rid of the primary, secondary, tertiary navigation, • Remove social media links, • Remove other bits that won’t make sense when printed. #Nav, #FlyOutNav, #SubNav, .NoPrint, #SMLinks { display: none; }
  • 24. Breadcrumb Keep the breadcrumb as a wayfinding method, but reduce its size and don’t expand the links. #Bread a:link, #Bread a:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: #000; } #Bread { color: #000; font-size: 6pt; } #Bread > a:after { content: ""; }
  • 25. Banner • Change any text to print units, • Adjust colors, • Handle spacing, • Make sure you keep the logo. • Consider SVG.
  • 26. Footer • Change any text to print units, • Adjust colors, • Handle spacing, • Remove unneeded bits. footer { border-top: 1px solid #000; font-size: 6pt; color: #000; background-color: transparent; } footer p { margin: 0; color: #000; } footer p a::after { content: attr(data-alt); } footer img { display: none; }
  • 27. Page Breaks The CSS properties page-break-before, page- break-after and page-break-inside have the following values: • auto: default value, no specified behavior. • avoid: tries to avoid a page-break. • always: invokes a page-break (not for page-break- inside). • left | right: Tries to place element on the start of a page on the left or right, for when you are printing bound material (books, magazines, etc.) (not for page-break-inside).
  • 28. Further Consideration • Hide videos. • Hide controls for embedded audio. • Hide Flash movies. • Hide canvas elements (assuming interactive). • Don’t scale images to 100% width (looking at you, mobile styles and frameworks). • Determine if ads should be printed or not.
  • 31. Printing from Mobile Android Browser Chrome Firefox
  • 32. Printing from Mobile Android Browser Chrome Firefox
  • 33. Printing from Mobile • Consider the explosion of mobile. • Same goals on mobile as desktop. • Mobile has played catch-up in print, but has arrived within past year. • Firefox & Safari print background colors. • Firefox used odd page size. • Android browser outputs raster PDF. Printing from Mobile Has Improved:
  • 34. TEST! • Print to PDF for your first (most) rounds. • Chrome Developer Tools (next slide). • Use every browser you can. • Use each browser visiting your site. • Change paper size (8.5" × 11", A4, etc.). • Change paper orientation. • Scale the content in the print dialog.
  • 37. Google Analytics • Call the GA tracking image, but only when the print styles get used. • Attach a custom event to that image. • View custom events in Google Analytics. • Identify which pages get printed. • Make sure that at least those pages print well. • For fun, compare to your carousel. Full tutorial:
  • 41. Further Reading • Tracking Printed Pages (or How to Validate Assumptions) • Make your website printable with CSS: • Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed: • Tracking When Users Print Pages: • Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets: • Printing The Web: • CSS Paged Media Level 2: • CSS Paged Media Module Level 3: • Proposals for the future of CSS Paged Media: • Can you typeset a book with CSS?
  • 42. Making Your Site Printable Presented by Adrian Roselli Slides from this talk will be available at