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Do you queue? Characteristics of scalabilityKevin SchroederTechnology EvangelistZend Technologies
About me Past: Programming/Sys Admin Current: Technology Evangelist/Author/Composer         @kpschrade
I blog at eschrade.comFollow us!(good things will happen to you)Zend Technologies (me!)
Twtpoll resultsCould your PHP apps benefit from being able to process data or execute asynchronously?

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This document discusses considerations for load testing websites that utilize Ajax technology. It notes that testing at the HTTP layer allows for scalable testing but can miss client-side interactions. Challenges with HTTP layer testing include hard-coded URLs, recording issues, limitations testing JavaScript-heavy code, and properly handling states and timeouts. Browser-based load testing is an alternative that allows proper simulation of Ajax interactions but lacks scalability, though cloud-based options are improving. The document provides guidance on when each approach is best suited.

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This document discusses behavior-driven development (BDD) and automation testing using Cucumber. It begins with an example of a Cucumber scenario for logging into a system. It then demonstrates an automation test case written in Java and discusses how Cucumber executes scenarios. The rest of the document outlines an agenda to discuss BDD, Cucumber automation, developing a Cucumber framework, and the pros and cons of BDD and Cucumber.

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SQL Server - CLR integration
SQL Server - CLR integrationSQL Server - CLR integration
SQL Server - CLR integration

This document contains notes from a SQL Server 2008 for Developers course taught by Peter Gfader. The course covered topics such as high availability, online index operations, mirrored backups, and SQL CLR integration. SQL CLR integration allows writing database queries using .NET code. It provides benefits like complex calculations, custom types and aggregates, and leveraging .NET debugging. However, T-SQL is better suited for core data operations. The document provides examples of stored procedures, functions, triggers and other SQL CLR code.

clr integrationstored procedure in csql server
Why would you want to queue?PerformanceExecute logic apart from the main request (asynchronicity)ScalabilityThe ability to handle non-immediate logic as resources are available
Typical anatomy of a PHP ApplicationBad for scala-bility!PresentationApplication ControlDatabase AccessBusiness LogicPresentationApplication ControlBusiness LogicPresentation| 6
Good for ScalabilityPresentationSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlApplication ControlSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpBusiness LogicSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpDatabase AccessSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.php| 7 |   8-Feb-11
What helps make software scalable?Defined tasksLoose couplingResource discovery

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This document discusses using WordPress as a backend for client-side applications. WordPress can function as a model-view-controller framework by handling the database through its API while client-side frameworks like AngularJS manage the views and logic. This allows building single-page applications that make requests to the WordPress API for data instead of loading full page HTML from the server. Benefits include less server load, easier caching, and a more scalable and interactive user experience through AJAX. An example application is discussed that uses WordPress for user authentication and data while employing client-side technologies for video chat, text chat, and user profiles.

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MVC Training Part 2
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This document discusses several key concepts in ASP.NET MVC including areas, HTML helpers, partial views, dependency injection, model validation, and asynchronous controller actions. It provides code examples for creating an area, partial view, unit tests, and using model attributes for validation. The document is intended to be part of an ASP.NET MVC training and covers important topics like routing, generating HTML, reusing views, testing, and asynchronous programming.
The Golden Rule of Scalability“It can probably wait”
Asynchronous execution usesPre-caching dataData analysisData processingPre-calculating (preparing data for the next request)Data is “out of date” once it leaves the web serverImmediacy is seldom necessary
CharacteristicsA sledgehammer can hit a machineScalability and High Availability are yin and yangA site that can’t keep running is not scalableA site that can’t scale will fail (if it gets really popular)Machines can be added and removed at willNot “cloudy” necessarilyNo single point of failureData exists in at least two, preferably at least three, places
ConsiderationsWaste disk spaceControl usage (don’t let users do anything they want)Pre-calculate as much as possibleCalculate and cache/storeKeep data processing off the front end serversDon’t just cacheDon’t let it substitute for thoughtCache hit rates can be meaningless if you have hundreds of cache hits for a request

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There’s an old expression, that there are only 2 hard problems in computing: naming, cache invalidation and off-​​by-​​one errors. Building offline web apps is all about those hard problems. There are some different ways of storing stuff — such as html5 caching, html5 storage, sqllite, and even native stores such as contacts and calendars — and we’ll sing their praises. But the really hard problems are knowing what to store, whether the stuff is still good or needs refreshing, how much to store, how to resolve conflicts between the client and server, how to integrate with data-​​specific stores, all in a bewildering cacophony of network and storage limited devices. We’ll spend the bulk of our time on these hard problems, which is probably more useful than api description and sample code. Dave Orchard is Mobile Architect at Salesforce​.com and located in Vancouver, Canada. This means being involved in many mobile platforms, architectures, tools, technologies and APIs. Prior to that, he was a co-​​founder of Ayogo Games and focused on iPhone and ruby/​merb/​mysql based casual social games. Back further in the mists of time, he was the Web standards lead for BEA Systems for 7 years, including being elected three times to 2 year terms on the W3C Technical Architecture Group chaired by Sir Tim Berners-​​Lee. Follow Dave on Twitter: @DaveO

ConsiderationsBuild a deployment mechanism with NO hardcoded values like directory or resource locations
Make as much as possible configurable/discoverableDecouple/PartitionDon’t tie everything (relationships and such) into the databaseUse queues/messagingStomp interfaces are really good for PHP – Can also use Java BridgeZend_Queue has several interfacesTry to use stateless interfaces(polling is more scalable than idle connections)
OptionsUse Cron /w PHP CLI (not the best idea)People mostly use cron simply due to availabilityIt’s an available option, not necessarily the best option.Use GearmanUse home-grown (don’t do this)Use pcntl_fork() (NEVER do this)Use Zend Server Job Queue
Your only real optionsVery cloud friendly* I am not an expert on Gearman.  Corrections will be taken in the spirit that they are given.For obvious reasons, I will focus on Zend Server

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This document provides an introduction to ASP.NET MVC, covering the MVC pattern, controllers, actions, routing, views, models, and capturing user input with forms. It discusses key ASP.NET MVC concepts like separation of concerns, the default project structure, and common action filters. The document also provides exercises for readers to create a basic MVC application with a model, controller actions, and views that display and capture data. It concludes by outlining additional topics to be covered in part 2, such as HTML helpers, partial views, and unit testing.

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Presentation from the October 2011 meeting of the Northern Virginia Test Automation Interest Group on testing web performance.

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Looking at performance may quickly become a tuning exercise, the hunt for the last 2% algorithmic improvement or JVM parameter readjustment. This presentation takes a somewhat more removed look at Enterprise Java performance - taking in the broader picture of the entire multi-tier architecture and applying common sense performance concepts from every day life an applying those to enterprise Java architectures. To serve as an eye opener. (originally created for the Oracle Technology Day on Java Enterprise Performance, May 2011, The Netherlands)

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Zend FrameworkZend ServerPHPApplicationPerformanceReliability &ManagementScale-OutBusiness-gradePHPAccelerationMonitoringClusteringHot FixesOptimizationRoot-CauseJob QueueSupportCachingDownloadsJava BridgeConfigurationLinux(rpm/web repositories)IBM i(PTF)Windows(MSI) What the heck is Zend Server?16Zend Server
Job Queue Architecture – Elastic BackendWeb Server /w JQWeb ServerUsers!Web Server /w JQWeb ServerLoad BalancerWeb Server /w JQWeb ServerProsScale the backend as necessaryDefault (easy) mechanismConsGetting the job status requires using a DB
Job Queue Architecture – Elastic FrontendWeb ServerWeb Server /w JQUsers!Web ServerWeb Server /w JQLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb Server /w JQProsEasy to communicate with the Job Queue server handling the jobConsRequires you to build your own interface (or just use mine!)
Kevin’s favorite way to implement itCreate a task-handling controllerCreate an abstract task classUnderstands the Job QueueSelf containedIf Elastic Backend: connects to localhostIf Elastic Frontend: connects to load balancer (my preferred), load balanced JQ servers manage themselvesExecute the task, have it serialize itself and send it to send to the task handler

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Presentation from first Selenium conference in Europe - Selenium Camp ( about different test design approaches to make functional tests on Selenium more flexible, reliable and stable.

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The ASP.NET MVC Framework provides a powerful Model View Controller (MVC) approach to building web applications and provides separation of concerns, control over HTML output, intuitive URLs, and increased testability. We will start by looking at the what and why of ASP.NET MVC. Then we will explore the various pieces of ASP.NET MVC including routes, controllers, actions, and views. If you are looking to get started with MVC then don’t miss this session.
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
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Understand the basics of the Model-View-Controller pattern and explore the differences between ASP.NET Web forms and MVC applications.

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Classes involved in the demoManagerHandles connecting to the queue and passing results back and forthJobAbstractAbstract class that a job would be based off ofResponseThe response from the manager when a job is queued.  Contains the server name and job numberGetRemoteLinksScans a given web page and reports back a list of all the links on the page
Execution FlowCreate job and set dataExecute jobJob passes itself to the queue managerManager serializes jobManager uses HTTP call through a load balancer to queue the jobThe queue on the other end returns the job id and server nameJob ID and server name is passed to the clientClient polls the manager to get a completed jobWhen the job is returned pass the serialized version of the executed job
Neato, but how in the world does this pertain to Magento?

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Gearman is a framework for writing distributed applications across many nodes. It allows you to do work in parallel, load balance processes and write applications across several programming languages. In this presentation we'll learn how to get started writing Gearman-powered applications in Perl.

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This document outlines the plan and process for building a web application using ASP.NET MVC 3-tier architecture. It describes requirements for a link sharing portal, defines user and admin roles, designs the database schema and business objects, and outlines the controller and view logic for the user interface. Implementation steps include creating the data access layer, business logic layer, and MVC presentation layer to build out features like user registration, link submission, category management, and authentication.

Magento's Imagine eCommerce Conference: Do You Queue?
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Magento's Imagine eCommerce Conference: Do You Queue?

This document discusses using queues to improve the scalability of PHP applications. Queues allow asynchronous and distributed processing of tasks to improve performance and allow applications to handle more traffic. The document recommends using Zend Server's job queue to process long-running or asynchronous tasks outside the main request. It provides an example of using the job queue to asynchronously process payments in Magento to improve the customer experience.

How?Long running front-end requests kill front-end responsiveness which kills the user experience40% will wait no more than 4 seconds for a website (Forrester)Calculating cache data on-the-fly can lead to bad user experiences (abruptly slow page load times) and consistency problemsLong running page requests can push up against max_execution_timeFor example, handling payments from a slow CC APISimply setting it to run longer is a band-aid on a broken bone
Solution?Build Zend Server integration extensionsZendserver_JobqueueZendserver_MonitorUtilize the event system to intercept actionsAsync_Payment  (for payments, in this case)Profit! (scalability AND performance, actually)
Building a jobInstall the Zend Server Magento extensionCreate a class that extends Zendserver_Jobqueue_JobAbstractCall $job->execute();
Payment as an exampleHooks an observer into controller_action_predispatch_checkout_onepage_saveOrder, core_block_abstract_to_html_afterChecks if a defined template is being renderedInjects JavaScript that changes the methodInjects a new URL for submitting the transaction which creates a jobPasses POSTed data to a jobJob executes by submitting the payment URL on behalf of the browser, storing the resultBrowser pings the server to see if the job has completed executing yet

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North east user group tour
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This document summarizes an upcoming tour by Kevin Schroeder of Zend Technologies to discuss various topics including: - An introduction to Kevin and what he does at Zend - An overview of Zend products like Zend Framework and Zend Server - A discussion of performance, scalability, and queuing in PHP applications - A demonstration of using the Zend Server job queue to asynchronously process tasks - Considerations for deploying PHP applications in different environments like development, testing, staging, and production

Architecting single-page front-end apps
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Architecting single-page front-end apps

This document provides an overview of key concepts for building single-page web applications. It discusses client-server relationships, routing, views and content rendering, global event handling, dependency management, initialization and execution, form handling. The document emphasizes defining RESTful APIs, rendering HTML on the server when possible, using a dependency library like RequireJS, and following conventions to manage initialization and execution of code.

Getting Started with Zend Framework
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Getting Started with Zend Framework

The document provides an overview of getting started with the Zend Framework. It discusses setting up the project structure, installing Zend Framework, configuring Apache and php.ini settings, creating controllers and views, using layouts, setting up the database adapter and models, creating and using forms, and handling errors. Example code is provided for common tasks like bootstrapping the framework, creating controllers, views, models and forms.

Scaling the solutionWebserverJob Queue/ WebserverWebserverLoad BalancerJob Queue/ WebserverWebserverJob Queue/ Webserver* Duplicate deployments on ALL machinesDatabase or Session Clustering
DownloadsZend Server Queue library & demo
Magento/Zend Case Study - us!Zend Technologies (me!)

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Slideshare - Magento Imagine - Do You Queue

  • 1. Do you queue? Characteristics of scalabilityKevin SchroederTechnology EvangelistZend Technologies
  • 2. About me Past: Programming/Sys Admin Current: Technology Evangelist/Author/Composer @kpschrade
  • 3. I blog at eschrade.comFollow us!(good things will happen to you)Zend Technologies (me!)
  • 4. Twtpoll resultsCould your PHP apps benefit from being able to process data or execute asynchronously?
  • 5. Why would you want to queue?PerformanceExecute logic apart from the main request (asynchronicity)ScalabilityThe ability to handle non-immediate logic as resources are available
  • 6. Typical anatomy of a PHP ApplicationBad for scala-bility!PresentationApplication ControlDatabase AccessBusiness LogicPresentationApplication ControlBusiness LogicPresentation| 6
  • 7. Good for ScalabilityPresentationSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlSomething.phtmlApplication ControlSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpBusiness LogicSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpDatabase AccessSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.phpSomething.php| 7 | 8-Feb-11
  • 8. What helps make software scalable?Defined tasksLoose couplingResource discovery
  • 9. The Golden Rule of Scalability“It can probably wait”
  • 10. Asynchronous execution usesPre-caching dataData analysisData processingPre-calculating (preparing data for the next request)Data is “out of date” once it leaves the web serverImmediacy is seldom necessary
  • 11. CharacteristicsA sledgehammer can hit a machineScalability and High Availability are yin and yangA site that can’t keep running is not scalableA site that can’t scale will fail (if it gets really popular)Machines can be added and removed at willNot “cloudy” necessarilyNo single point of failureData exists in at least two, preferably at least three, places
  • 12. ConsiderationsWaste disk spaceControl usage (don’t let users do anything they want)Pre-calculate as much as possibleCalculate and cache/storeKeep data processing off the front end serversDon’t just cacheDon’t let it substitute for thoughtCache hit rates can be meaningless if you have hundreds of cache hits for a request
  • 13. ConsiderationsBuild a deployment mechanism with NO hardcoded values like directory or resource locations
  • 14. Make as much as possible configurable/discoverableDecouple/PartitionDon’t tie everything (relationships and such) into the databaseUse queues/messagingStomp interfaces are really good for PHP – Can also use Java BridgeZend_Queue has several interfacesTry to use stateless interfaces(polling is more scalable than idle connections)
  • 15. OptionsUse Cron /w PHP CLI (not the best idea)People mostly use cron simply due to availabilityIt’s an available option, not necessarily the best option.Use GearmanUse home-grown (don’t do this)Use pcntl_fork() (NEVER do this)Use Zend Server Job Queue
  • 16. Your only real optionsVery cloud friendly* I am not an expert on Gearman. Corrections will be taken in the spirit that they are given.For obvious reasons, I will focus on Zend Server
  • 17. Zend FrameworkZend ServerPHPApplicationPerformanceReliability &ManagementScale-OutBusiness-gradePHPAccelerationMonitoringClusteringHot FixesOptimizationRoot-CauseJob QueueSupportCachingDownloadsJava BridgeConfigurationLinux(rpm/web repositories)IBM i(PTF)Windows(MSI) What the heck is Zend Server?16Zend Server
  • 18. Job Queue Architecture – Elastic BackendWeb Server /w JQWeb ServerUsers!Web Server /w JQWeb ServerLoad BalancerWeb Server /w JQWeb ServerProsScale the backend as necessaryDefault (easy) mechanismConsGetting the job status requires using a DB
  • 19. Job Queue Architecture – Elastic FrontendWeb ServerWeb Server /w JQUsers!Web ServerWeb Server /w JQLoad BalancerWeb ServerWeb Server /w JQProsEasy to communicate with the Job Queue server handling the jobConsRequires you to build your own interface (or just use mine!)
  • 20. Kevin’s favorite way to implement itCreate a task-handling controllerCreate an abstract task classUnderstands the Job QueueSelf containedIf Elastic Backend: connects to localhostIf Elastic Frontend: connects to load balancer (my preferred), load balanced JQ servers manage themselvesExecute the task, have it serialize itself and send it to send to the task handler
  • 21. Classes involved in the demoManagerHandles connecting to the queue and passing results back and forthJobAbstractAbstract class that a job would be based off ofResponseThe response from the manager when a job is queued. Contains the server name and job numberGetRemoteLinksScans a given web page and reports back a list of all the links on the page
  • 22. Execution FlowCreate job and set dataExecute jobJob passes itself to the queue managerManager serializes jobManager uses HTTP call through a load balancer to queue the jobThe queue on the other end returns the job id and server nameJob ID and server name is passed to the clientClient polls the manager to get a completed jobWhen the job is returned pass the serialized version of the executed job
  • 23. Demo
  • 24. Neato, but how in the world does this pertain to Magento?
  • 25. How?Long running front-end requests kill front-end responsiveness which kills the user experience40% will wait no more than 4 seconds for a website (Forrester)Calculating cache data on-the-fly can lead to bad user experiences (abruptly slow page load times) and consistency problemsLong running page requests can push up against max_execution_timeFor example, handling payments from a slow CC APISimply setting it to run longer is a band-aid on a broken bone
  • 26. Solution?Build Zend Server integration extensionsZendserver_JobqueueZendserver_MonitorUtilize the event system to intercept actionsAsync_Payment (for payments, in this case)Profit! (scalability AND performance, actually)
  • 27. Building a jobInstall the Zend Server Magento extensionCreate a class that extends Zendserver_Jobqueue_JobAbstractCall $job->execute();
  • 28. Payment as an exampleHooks an observer into controller_action_predispatch_checkout_onepage_saveOrder, core_block_abstract_to_html_afterChecks if a defined template is being renderedInjects JavaScript that changes the methodInjects a new URL for submitting the transaction which creates a jobPasses POSTed data to a jobJob executes by submitting the payment URL on behalf of the browser, storing the resultBrowser pings the server to see if the job has completed executing yet
  • 29. Scaling the solutionWebserverJob Queue/ WebserverWebserverLoad BalancerJob Queue/ WebserverWebserverJob Queue/ Webserver* Duplicate deployments on ALL machinesDatabase or Session Clustering
  • 31. Magento/Zend Case Study - us!Zend Technologies (me!)
  • 32. Get this information and all the examples at…

Editor's Notes

  1. We released Zend Server and Zend Server Community Edition in April this year Products written from scratch based on our very extensive experience with Platform technologies Full integrated stack, native installer, ZF and Studio integration, software updates, all new UI, … Both editions have been very well received by users (love performance boost, ease of use, deployment) Great fit to our partners – we’re working with Varien/Magento, KnowledgeTree, MCS, … Next step will round up web app server offering to support high availability and scalability – more on this in the next few months