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Log Structured Merge Tree
Pinglei Guo
at15 at1510086
● History
● Questions after reading the paper
● An example: Cassandra
● The original paper: Why & How & Visualization
● Suggested reading
1996 LSM Tree
The log-structured merge-tree
cited by 401
2006 Bigtable
Bigtable: A distributed storage system for
structured data
cited by 4917
2011 LevelDB
LevelDB: A Fast Persistent
Key-Value Store
History of LSM Tree
1992 LSF
The design and implementation
of a log-structured file system
cited by 1885
2013 RocksDB
Under the Hood: Building and
open-sourcing RocksDB
2015 TSM Tree
The New InfluxDB Storage
Engine: Time Structured
Merge Tree
2010 Cassandra
Cassandra: a decentralized
structured storage system
2007 HBase
History of LSM Tree
What’s the trend for Database?
● Data become larger, more write
● Non-Relational Databases emerge, HBase, Cassandra
● Database are also used for analysis and decision making
● Bigtable
● Cassandra
● HBase
● PNUTS (from Yahoo! 阿里他爸)
● LevelDB && RocksDB
● MongoDB (wired tiger)
● SQLite (optional)
● InfluxDB
Databases using LSM Tree Databases using LevelDB/RocksDB
● Riak KV (TS)
● TiKV
● InfluxDB (before 1.0)
● MySQL (in facebook)
● MongoDB (in facebook's dismissed Parse)
Facebook: eat my own Rocks

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The Parquet format is one of the most widely used columnar storage formats in the Spark ecosystem. Given that I/O is expensive and that the storage layer is the entry point for any query execution, understanding the intricacies of your storage format is important for optimizing your workloads. As an introduction, we will provide context around the format, covering the basics of structured data formats and the underlying physical data storage model alternatives (row-wise, columnar and hybrid). Given this context, we will dive deeper into specifics of the Parquet format: representation on disk, physical data organization (row-groups, column-chunks and pages) and encoding schemes. Now equipped with sufficient background knowledge, we will discuss several performance optimization opportunities with respect to the format: dictionary encoding, page compression, predicate pushdown (min/max skipping), dictionary filtering and partitioning schemes. We will learn how to combat the evil that is ‘many small files’, and will discuss the open-source Delta Lake format in relation to this and Parquet in general. This talk serves both as an approachable refresher on columnar storage as well as a guide on how to leverage the Parquet format for speeding up analytical workloads in Spark using tangible tips and tricks.

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ORC File & Vectorization - Improving Hive Data Storage and Query Performance
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Hive’s RCFile has been the standard format for storing Hive data for the last 3 years. However, RCFile has limitations because it treats each column as a binary blob without semantics. The upcoming Hive 0.11 will add a new file format named Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file that uses and retains the type information from the table definition. ORC uses type specific readers and writers that provide light weight compression techniques such as dictionary encoding, bit packing, delta encoding, and run length encoding — resulting in dramatically smaller files. Additionally, ORC can apply generic compression using zlib, LZO, or Snappy on top of the lightweight compression for even smaller files. However, storage savings are only part of the gain. ORC supports projection, which selects subsets of the columns for reading, so that queries reading only one column read only the required bytes. Furthermore, ORC files include light weight indexes that include the minimum and maximum values for each column in each set of 10,000 rows and the entire file. Using pushdown filters from Hive, the file reader can skip entire sets of rows that aren’t important for this query. Columnar storage formats like ORC reduce I/O and storage use, but it’s just as important to reduce CPU usage. A technical breakthrough called vectorized query execution works nicely with column store formats to do this. Vectorized query execution has proven to give dramatic performance speedups, on the order of 10X to 100X, for structured data processing. We describe how we’re adding vectorized query execution to Hive, coupling it with ORC with a vectorized iterator.

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Questions after reading the paper
● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree
● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation
● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail
● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias
for Column Database
Quick Answers
● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree
● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation
● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail
I will try
● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias
for Column Database
No, JavaScript != Java + Script
Cassandra as first example
Why? (not O'Neil 96, Bigtable, LevelDB)
why we pick Cassandra as first example?
1. It give us a high level overview of a full real system
2. It is easier to understand than original paper
3. It is battle tested
4. It is open source

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● Commit Log (WAL)
● Memtable (C0 in paper)
Write goes to
Operations return before
the data is written to disk
Cassandra Write
● Memtable are dumped to disk as SSTable
● SSTable are merged by background process
Cassandra ‘Merge’
SSTable: Sorted String Table
● Bloom Filter
● Index
● Data
● Read from MemTable
● use Bloom filter to identify SSTables
● Load SSTable index
● Read from multiple SSTables
● Merge the result and return
Cassandra Read (simplified)
O'Neil 96 The LSM tree
Its name leads to confusion
● Log structured merge tree is not log like WAL
● Log comes from log structured file system
● LSM Tree is a concept than a concrete implementation
● Tree can be replaced by other data structure like map
● More intuitive name could be buffered write, multi level storage, write back cache for index
Log is borrowed, Tree can be replaced, Merge is the king

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O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
Let's talk about Merge
Merge is the subtle part (that I don't understand clearly)
Two Merges
● Post-Write: Merge fast (small) level to slow (big) level
● Read: Read from both fast level and slow level and return the merged result
Merge Sort
● A new array need to be allocated
● Two sub array must be sorted before merge
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
Q1: Why we need to Merge?
A : Because we put data on different media
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
Q2: Why put data on different media?
1. Speed & Access pattern
The 5 minutes rule
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
1. Speed & Access pattern
2. Price
3. Durability
Q2: Why put data on different media?
● Tape

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O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
1. Speed & Access pattern
2. Price
3. Durability
Q2: Why put data on different media?
● Tape
Other media? NVM?
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
1. Speed & Access pattern
2. Price
3. Durability
Q2: Why put data on different media?
● Tape
Other media? Distributed system is also ‘media’
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
1. Speed & Access pattern
2. Price
3. Durability
Q2: Why put data on different media?
Distributed systems -> media that resist larger failure
● Natural disasters
● Human misbehave
● Fail of one machine
● Fail of entire datacenter
● Fail of a country
● Fail of planet earth
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media
2. Put data on different media to gain
1. Faster Speed
2. Lower Price
3. Resistance to various level of Failures
Q3: How to merge?

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● Batch
● Append
● speed up
● more efficient space usage
Principle: You don't write to the next level until you have to, and you write in the fastest way
How to Merge is important
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
Client: Write <6, "foo">
Before After
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
96 (foo)
10 12 10 12
O' Neil 96
DB: I need to merge
load leaf node into memory emptying, pick node
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
96 (foo)
10 12
1 8
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
96 (foo)
10 12
1 8
O' Neil 96
DB: I need to merge
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
96 (foo)
10 12
1 8
1 6
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
append to disk
O' Neil 96

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In file systems, large sequential writes are more beneficial than small random writes, and hence many storage systems implement a log structured file system. In the same way, the cloud favors large objects more than small objects. Cloud providers place throttling limits on PUTs and GETs, and so it takes significantly longer time to upload a bunch of small objects than a large object of the aggregate size. Moreover, there are per-PUT calls associated with uploading smaller objects. In Netflix, a lot of media assets and their relevant metadata is generated and pushed to cloud. We would like to propose a strategy to compact these small objects into larger blobs before uploading them to Cloud. We will discuss how to select relevant smaller objects, and manage the indexing of these objects within the blob along with modification in reads, overwrites and deletes. Finally, we would showcase the potential impact of such a strategy on Netflix assets in terms of cost and performance.

p99p99 confhigh throughput and low latency
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
Client: Write <6, "bar">
6 (bar)
Client: Read <6, ?>
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
6 (bar)
[foo, bar]
Fetch from both level and return merged result
O' Neil 96
Client: Delete <6, "bar">
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
6 (bar) (dead)
O' Neil 96
Client: Read <6, ?>
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
6 (bar) (dead)
O' Neil 96
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
710 12
1 6 (foo) 8 9
10 12
1 8 10 11 12 13
10 12
1 6 (foo)
6 (bar) (dead)
DB: I need to merge
Before After
Client: Write <6, "I am foo">
After Cassandra
7 Ha Ha
13 Excited
6 I am foo
7 Ha Ha
13 Excited
1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !

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DB: I need to dump
6 I am foo
7 Ha Ha
13 Excited
1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited
1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
DB: I need to compact
1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
1 This 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 ! 13 Excited
6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited
Compare of O'Neil 96 and Cassandra
O'Neil 96 Cassandra
in memory structure AVL/2-3 Tree Map
on disk structure B+ Tree SSTable, Index, Bloomfilter
level (component) C_0, C_1 .... C_n Memtable, SSTable
flush to disk when Memory can’t hold Memory can’t hold and/or timer
persist to disk by Write new block (append) dump new SSTable from Memtable (append)
merge is done at Memory (empty, filling block) Disk (Compaction in background)
concurrency control Complex SSTable is immutable, data have (real world)
timestamp for versioning, updating value does
not bother dump or merge
delete Tombstone, delete at merge Tombstone, delete at merge
O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
● Write to fast level
● Read from both fast and slow.
● Data is flushed from fast level to slow level when they are too big
● Real delete is defered to merge

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Bloom Filter for range queries
From RocksDB: Challenges of LSM-Trees in Practice
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Bloom Filter for range queries
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1. The document discusses various technologies for building big data architectures, including NoSQL databases, distributed file systems, and data partitioning techniques. 2. Key-value stores, document databases, and graph databases are introduced as alternatives to relational databases for large, unstructured data. 3. The document also covers approaches for scaling databases horizontally, such as sharding, replication, and partitioning data across multiple servers.

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Full Answers
● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree
● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation
No, it’s how you use different data structure in different storage media
● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail
I tried
● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias
for Column Database
No, see Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column-Stores
Reference & Suggested reading
1. SSTable and log structured storage leveldb
2. Notes for reading LSM paper
3. Cassandra: a decentralized structured storage system
4. Bigtable: A distributed storage system for structured data
5. RocksDB Talks
6. Pathologies of Big Data
7. Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column-Stores
8. Visualization of B+ Tree
9. Time structured merge tree
10. Code: Cassandra, LevelDB, RocksDB, Indeed LSM Tree, InfluxDB (Talk is cheap, show me the code)
code is cheap, show me the proof; proof is cheap, I just want to sleep
Thank You!
Happy weekend and Lunar New Year!
Pinglei Guo

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Log Structured Merge Tree

  • 1. Log Structured Merge Tree Pinglei Guo at15 at1510086
  • 2. Agenda ● History ● Questions after reading the paper ● An example: Cassandra ● The original paper: Why & How & Visualization ● Suggested reading
  • 3. 1996 LSM Tree The log-structured merge-tree cited by 401 2006 Bigtable Bigtable: A distributed storage system for structured data cited by 4917 2011 LevelDB LevelDB: A Fast Persistent Key-Value Store History of LSM Tree 1992 LSF The design and implementation of a log-structured file system cited by 1885 2013 RocksDB Under the Hood: Building and open-sourcing RocksDB 2015 TSM Tree The New InfluxDB Storage Engine: Time Structured Merge Tree 2010 Cassandra Cassandra: a decentralized structured storage system 2007 HBase 1
  • 4. History of LSM Tree 1 What’s the trend for Database? ● Data become larger, more write ● Non-Relational Databases emerge, HBase, Cassandra ● Database are also used for analysis and decision making ● Bigtable ● Cassandra ● HBase ● PNUTS (from Yahoo! 阿里他爸) ● LevelDB && RocksDB ● MongoDB (wired tiger) ● SQLite (optional) ● InfluxDB Databases using LSM Tree Databases using LevelDB/RocksDB ● Riak KV (TS) ● TiKV ● InfluxDB (before 1.0) ● MySQL (in facebook) ● MongoDB (in facebook's dismissed Parse) Facebook: eat my own Rocks
  • 5. Questions after reading the paper 2 ● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree ● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation ● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail ● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias for Column Database
  • 6. Quick Answers 2 ● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree Yes ● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation No ● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail I will try ● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias for Column Database No, JavaScript != Java + Script
  • 7. 3 Cassandra as first example Why? (not O'Neil 96, Bigtable, LevelDB)
  • 8. why we pick Cassandra as first example? 3 1. It give us a high level overview of a full real system 2. It is easier to understand than original paper 3. It is battle tested 4. It is open source
  • 9. 3 ● Commit Log (WAL) ● Memtable (C0 in paper) Write goes to Operations return before the data is written to disk (Fast) Cassandra Write
  • 10. 3 ● Memtable are dumped to disk as SSTable ● SSTable are merged by background process immutable Cassandra ‘Merge’ SSTable: Sorted String Table ● Bloom Filter ● Index ● Data
  • 11. 3 ● Read from MemTable ● use Bloom filter to identify SSTables ● Load SSTable index ● Read from multiple SSTables ● Merge the result and return Cassandra Read (simplified)
  • 12. 4 O'Neil 96 The LSM tree Its name leads to confusion ● Log structured merge tree is not log like WAL ● Log comes from log structured file system ● LSM Tree is a concept than a concrete implementation ● Tree can be replaced by other data structure like map ● More intuitive name could be buffered write, multi level storage, write back cache for index Log is borrowed, Tree can be replaced, Merge is the king
  • 13. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree Let's talk about Merge Merge is the subtle part (that I don't understand clearly) Two Merges ● Post-Write: Merge fast (small) level to slow (big) level ● Read: Read from both fast level and slow level and return the merged result Merge Sort ● A new array need to be allocated ● Two sub array must be sorted before merge
  • 14. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree Q1: Why we need to Merge? A : Because we put data on different media
  • 15. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media Q2: Why put data on different media? 1. Speed & Access pattern The 5 minutes rule
  • 16. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media 1. Speed & Access pattern 2. Price 3. Durability Q2: Why put data on different media? ● Tape ● HDD ● SSD ● RAM
  • 17. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media 1. Speed & Access pattern 2. Price 3. Durability Q2: Why put data on different media? ● Tape ● HDD ● SSD ● RAM Other media? NVM?
  • 18. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media 1. Speed & Access pattern 2. Price 3. Durability Q2: Why put data on different media? ● Tape ● HDD ● SSD ● RAM Other media? Distributed system is also ‘media’
  • 19. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media 1. Speed & Access pattern 2. Price 3. Durability Q2: Why put data on different media? Distributed systems -> media that resist larger failure ● Natural disasters ● Human misbehave ● Fail of one machine ● Fail of entire datacenter ● Fail of a country ● Fail of planet earth
  • 20. 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree 1. Merge is needed because we put data on different media 2. Put data on different media to gain 1. Faster Speed 2. Lower Price 3. Resistance to various level of Failures Q3: How to merge?
  • 21. ● Batch ● Append ● speed up ● more efficient space usage Principle: You don't write to the next level until you have to, and you write in the fastest way How to Merge is important 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree
  • 22. Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 Client: Write <6, "foo"> 7 9 Before After Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 96 (foo) 10 12 10 12 O' Neil 96 4
  • 23. DB: I need to merge load leaf node into memory emptying, pick node Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 96 (foo) 10 12 1 8 Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 96 (foo) 10 12 1 8 O' Neil 96 4
  • 24. DB: I need to merge filling Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 96 (foo) 10 12 1 8 1 6 Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) append to disk O' Neil 96 4
  • 25. Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) Client: Write <6, "bar"> 6 (bar) Client: Read <6, ?> Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) 6 (bar) [foo, bar] Fetch from both level and return merged result O' Neil 96 4
  • 26. Client: Delete <6, "bar"> Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) 6 (bar) (dead) O' Neil 96 4 Client: Read <6, ?> Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) 6 (bar) (dead) [foo]
  • 27. O' Neil 96 4 Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 710 12 1 6 (foo) 8 9 Mem Disk 10 12 1 8 10 11 12 13 7 9 10 12 8 1 6 (foo) 6 (bar) (dead) DB: I need to merge Before After
  • 28. Mem Disk Client: Write <6, "I am foo"> Before After Cassandra 4 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited Mem Disk 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited 1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 ! 1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
  • 29. DB: I need to dump Before 4 Mem Disk 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited CassandraAfter Mem Disk 1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 ! 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited 1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 !
  • 30. DB: I need to compact 4 Disk 1 This 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 ! 1 This 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 8 is 9 radom 10 gen 11 text 12 ! 13 Excited 6 I am foo 7 Ha Ha 13 Excited Before After Cassandra
  • 31. Compare of O'Neil 96 and Cassandra 4 O'Neil 96 Cassandra in memory structure AVL/2-3 Tree Map on disk structure B+ Tree SSTable, Index, Bloomfilter level (component) C_0, C_1 .... C_n Memtable, SSTable flush to disk when Memory can’t hold Memory can’t hold and/or timer persist to disk by Write new block (append) dump new SSTable from Memtable (append) merge is done at Memory (empty, filling block) Disk (Compaction in background) concurrency control Complex SSTable is immutable, data have (real world) timestamp for versioning, updating value does not bother dump or merge delete Tombstone, delete at merge Tombstone, delete at merge
  • 32. Summary 4 O'Neil 96 The LS Merge tree ● Write to fast level ● Read from both fast and slow. ● Data is flushed from fast level to slow level when they are too big ● Real delete is defered to merge
  • 33. LevelDB & RocksDB 5 From RocksDB: Challenges of LSM-Trees in Practice
  • 34. LevelDB & RocksDB 5 From RocksDB: Challenges of LSM-Trees in Practice
  • 35. LevelDB & RocksDB Bloom Filter for range queries From RocksDB: Challenges of LSM-Trees in Practice
  • 36. LevelDB & RocksDB Bloom Filter for range queries From RocksDB: Challenges of LSM-Trees in Practice
  • 37. Full Answers 2 ● Do I still need WAL/WBL when I use log structured merge tree Yes ● Is LSM Tree a data structure like B+ Tree, is there a textbook implementation No, it’s how you use different data structure in different storage media ● Can someone explain the rolling merge process in detail I tried ● Databases using LSM Tree often have the concept of column family, is it an alias for Column Database No, see Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column-Stores
  • 38. Reference & Suggested reading 1. SSTable and log structured storage leveldb 2. Notes for reading LSM paper 3. Cassandra: a decentralized structured storage system 4. Bigtable: A distributed storage system for structured data 5. RocksDB Talks 6. Pathologies of Big Data 7. Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column-Stores 8. Visualization of B+ Tree 9. Time structured merge tree 10. Code: Cassandra, LevelDB, RocksDB, Indeed LSM Tree, InfluxDB (Talk is cheap, show me the code) code is cheap, show me the proof; proof is cheap, I just want to sleep
  • 39. Thank You! Happy weekend and Lunar New Year! Pinglei Guo at1510086at15