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Linked data at
Smithsonian Libraries
Heidy Berthoud, Head of Resource Description
NASIG 2020 Practical approaches to linked data
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The Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
stand with the Secretary of the
Smithsonian, Dr. Lonnie Bunch, in
expressing our deepest sympathy to the
families and communities impacted by
discrimination and violence.
Current linked data projects
• Participation in Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s (PCC) URIs in
MARC pilot
• Experimentation with Wikidata and creating a local Wikibase
• Adjacent projects that we have built into this work:
• FAST headings, both adding to bibliographic records and populating authority
• Redoing import profiles to allow vocabularies beyond LCSH
• Implementing guidelines for minimally punctuated records
Linked data (LD) import macro
• Created by Jackie Shieh, Descriptive Data Management
• (Partially) developed for PCC URI pilot project
• Developed in phases:
• June-December 2019: LD import macro revisions; used only by Head
of Resource Description + Head of Serials and Electronic Resources
• January 2020-: Final LD import macro; used by all catalogers

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NASIG 2016: CORAL User Group Meeting
NASIG 2016: CORAL User Group MeetingNASIG 2016: CORAL User Group Meeting
NASIG 2016: CORAL User Group Meeting

The document summarizes announcements from the 2016 NASIG CORAL User Group meeting. It provides information on the steering committee and web committee members and notes their upcoming plans. These include merged repositories, a comprehensive roadmap, governance documents, new collaboration tools, and software updates. It also outlines new features and additions from SirsiDynix, such as fund code creation and import options, resource import updates, and helpful links in the licensing module.

The Power of Cross-unit Data Sharing: Nontraditional Uses for ILLiad
The Power of Cross-unit Data Sharing: Nontraditional Uses for ILLiadThe Power of Cross-unit Data Sharing: Nontraditional Uses for ILLiad
The Power of Cross-unit Data Sharing: Nontraditional Uses for ILLiad

also serves as a data center which can be used to inform and improve the work done in other areas. This session will provide two examples of how ILLiad, an interlibrary loan software, was used to collect and share data with other units to improve workflows and services. At Austin Peay State University, ILLiad data was used to gain a holistic understanding of the information needs of various patron groups, which led to projects like purchasing digital access to resources requested by distance students, identifying collection gaps, purchasing titles repeatedly requested by students, and implementing a faculty buy-not-borrow policy. Similarly, ILLiad was used at Louisiana State University to report electronic resource access issues to the newly hired Electronic Resources Librarian. A year’s worth of data revealed the most common types of access issues impacting LSU’s electronic resources, training opportunities for ILL staff, and most significantly, the revelation that ILL staff and troubleshooters engage in many of the same procedures to carry out their work, prompting her to wonder if the intersection of ILL request processing and troubleshooting present an opportunity for restructuring. Time will be allotted for questions from audience members. Megan Lounsberry, Louisiana State University NW Nicole Wood, Resource Management Librarian, Austin Peay State University

UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...
UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...
UKSG Conference 2017 Breakout - KBART recommendations: challenges and achieve...

This session will comprise a talk with a panel of speakers looking at KBART: seven years later (since the publication of the first set of recommendations up to today). The panel will discuss the changes on the e-resources metadata landscape, the benefits of KBART and the challenges of its implementation. Today poor metadata in the electronic resources supply chain is still a problem. The panel will use practical examples to explain how metadata creation, consumption and usage are marked by the constant requirement of finding the balance between available resources (technical and human) and end user discoverability needs. The KBART Standing Committee sees the implementation of KBART recommendations as a community effort from a range of stakeholders (content providers, knowledge bases, link resolvers and librarians).

LD import macro final
• Runs three tasks in MarcEdit
• RDA helper
• Build linked records
• Strips punctuation / adds 758
• Works on bib records only
• Adds tracking field
Roll out and training
• Team already accustomed to using an import macro
• MarcEdit needed on all machines used in cataloging workflows
• Task file for punctuation / 758 needed to be saved on all
• Did change the way we do authority work
• No longer imported at point of cataloging
• Authorities are now updated and processed in a batch procedure
Click to edit Master title styleExample records
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Lost motels
Experimental phase

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Getting the Most out of CORAL
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Getting the Most out of CORAL

This document provides an overview of the open source electronic resource management system CORAL. It begins with a brief history of ERM systems and an introduction to CORAL. Next, it reviews literature about CORAL implementations at various universities. It then provides a tour of CORAL's modules for resources, licensing, organizations, and usage statistics. The document concludes with a case study of CORAL's implementation at East Carolina University and their experiences getting the most out of the system.

Multilingual presentation ifla 2013 08-19
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Data mining OCLC for translations. Creating authority records for VIAF. Remodelling the bibliorgraphic structure to make the best mutli-lingual displays from all available data in a work set.

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Lowe NISO virtual conf feb17
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This talk was provided by Brian Lowe of Ontocale SRL during the NISO Virtual Conference, Using Open Source in Your Institution, held on February 17, 2016

open sourceniso virtual conference
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Lost motels
Experimental phase
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Lost motels
Experimental phase
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Macro final version
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Macro final version

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Reiss 4
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This presentation was provided by Fred Reiss of the University of Oklahoma for the NISO webinar, Integrating Library Management Systems, held on June 8, 2016.

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UKSG Conference 2016 Breakout Session - Discovery and linking integrity – do ...
UKSG Conference 2016 Breakout Session - Discovery and linking integrity – do ...UKSG Conference 2016 Breakout Session - Discovery and linking integrity – do ...
UKSG Conference 2016 Breakout Session - Discovery and linking integrity – do ...

How serendipitous is discovery for users? Like many a teenager, OpenURL linking can behave inappropriately. What can we do to smooth out the bumps on the road and what other tools are available? This breakout session will walk swiftly through linking to discovery targets, from OpenURL 0.1/1.0, to Index-Enhanced Direct Linking, Link 2.0 and beyond …

Smarter Data for Smarter Libraries
Smarter Data for Smarter LibrariesSmarter Data for Smarter Libraries
Smarter Data for Smarter Libraries

This document discusses how libraries can leverage data from their collections to support new research and discovery. It outlines several initiatives that treat library collections as data, including the Library of Congress labs and a project exploring computationally-driven research. The document also discusses OCLC's work analyzing institutional repository data through its Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal (RAMP) and making data more interoperable through support of the IIIF standard for sharing images and metadata.

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Macro final version
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Macro final version
Wikidata—a brief introduction
• Stores structured data in the form of simple relationship statements
• Great way to educate team members on triples
• Relationships are built between two items (represented in Wikidata
by Q numbers) linked by a property (represented in Wikidata by P
• Anyone can sign up for an account and start editing data
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Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path...
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Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path...

Athenaeum21 is pleased to announce the public release of “Library Assessment Toolkit & Dashboard Scoping Research Final Report and Path Forward." The report is the culmination of a six-month research project in collaboration with the University Library of the University of California, Davis; the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford; and the Staats und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen, Germany. The research project examined how libraries currently assess their resources and services, and areas of opportunity to streamline and visualize library performance through a common and customizable set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and dashboard modules. The research team interviewed library assessment leaders and practitioners across diverse institutions and geographies, and reviewed the current landscape of technology, tools, and services addressing their needs. [Click and drag to move] ​​ The report concludes that "the majority of library managers approach assessment and evaluation in an ad hoc and reactive manner as questions arise. Managers spend valuable time manually collecting, cleaning, and normalizing data from diverse systems, and then perform one-time or static interpretations. The library managers that we interviewed during our research felt that the availability of a toolkit and dashboard could free them to probe and interpret more data, think more strategically, and develop more meaningful questions about measuring and evaluating library performance. While the scoping research focused on the performance of research libraries, the proposed toolkit and dashboard framework could be adopted and customized by any type of library, including smaller college and university libraries, community college libraries, and public libraries. Institutionalizing the project through sponsorship by an appropriate body or syndicate of libraries would help assure its extensibility nationally and internationally."

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UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...
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UKSG webinar: Making scholarly communication great again. Do institutional re...

It is not new to say that the scholarly communication system is sick. One way to put it is that the publishers have built a paywall around the papers written by our faculty and make us librarians pay for it. For years, Open Access via the green and gold route have been touted as a joint solution. To this end, as academic librarians, we focused on building institutional repositories and getting open access mandates. However, recently, many prominent members of the open access community have begun to express doubts about the viability of institutional repositories as a solution given the lack of success. Some, like Stevan Harnad self-dubbed “Open Access Archivangelist” for Green Open access, claim to have given up, while others, like Eric Van de Velde, suggest that we rethink other ways to accomplish Green Open access beyond just institutional repositories. In this webinar, we will summarise all the arguments and attempt to give a librarian’s point of view about the future of IRs.

When There Is no Magic Bullet: an Interlocking Approach of Managing Ebooks
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When There Is no Magic Bullet: an Interlocking Approach of Managing Ebooks

Presenter: Xiaoyan Song, Electronic Resource Librarian, NC State University Libraries As academic ebook business grows rapidly, opportunities and challenges arise out of this change. A wide range of systems and tools spring up aiming to assist librarians to manage ebooks in an efficient and streamlined fashion. Proprietary vendors are acquiring new technologies and products to integrate into their existing product line. Some community developed open source systems and tools become the rising stars due to the economic and budget pressures. Specific local needs result home-grown tools. Nevertheless, Librarians often find themselves get frustrated with the variety of choices presented in front of them, realizing that there is not a single magic bullet that can solve all their problems. Creative and critical thinking has become the norm as libraries seek an optimizing solution to mingle these options. And that is what’s essential to lego play! This session demonstrates how an interlocking approach is developed that integrates ILS, ERM, open source tools and a locally developed database to manage ebooks. It starts with an examination of the lego building process from a lego workshop that the presenter has recently attended, followed by the analogy between lego building and ebooks management. It provides a quick overview of the mainstream systems that the presenter’s home libraries are using, discussing the pain points within these mainstream systems. It elaborates on how open source tools and local developed tools are brought into the “lego building” process. Ebooks are dynamic in nature. Entailing with creative thinking and problem-solving skills, the interlocking approach allows us to embrace the changes with innumerable fun which we find in lego play.

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Lonnie Bunch (Q12053846)
employer (P108)
• Smithsonian Institution
• California African
American Museum
• Chicago History Museum
Wikidata—early days
• Already have experienced Wikimedian on staff—Diane Shaw,
Special Collections Cataloger
• Particular goals and areas of interest:
• Looking for new ways to manage identities
• Looking for new ways to represent collections that aren’t handled well
in ILS
• Local Wikibase is under development
Wikidata—early victories
• Found support for and interest in this project across the
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
• Multiple colleagues from Smithsonian archival units
• Creation of the Smithsonian P number in Wikidata : P7851
• Onsite training with Andrew Lih and development of online tools
Wikidata and teleworking
• New energy around Wikidata Team
• Highly portable work, so folks from outside metadata and cataloging have
wanted to get involved
• Easy to organize via shared documentation
• Working (so far!) on data modeling discussions, selecting properties
for creation in our Wikibase, creating properties and recording P
• Workshop with Wikimedia Deutschland happening tomorrow (June

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Presented by Zena Mulligan, SUNCAT Project Officer for EDINA, at Internet Librarian International, London, 21 October 2014. Zena goes through the stages of the redevelopment of the SUNCAT online serials catalogue, moving from Ex Libris to Solr and improving the interface and functionality along the way.

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Presented at the OCLC Research Library Partnership meeting by Senior Program Officer, Karen Smith-Yoshimura and hosted by the University of Sydney in Sydney, NSW Australia, 17 February 2017. This meeting provided an opportunity for Research Library Partners to touch base with each other on issues of common concern and explore possible areas of future engagement with the OCLC Research Library Partnership and OCLC Research.

oclc researchoclc research library partnership
Statement from Secretary of the Smithsonian, Dr. Lonnie Bunch
“Talking about Race” from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American
History & Culture
NASIG statement against racism
PCC task group on linked data best practices final report (September
URI FAQs (September 2018)
Formulating and obtaining URIs: a guide to commonly used vocabularies and
reference sources (updated January 2020)
PCC guidelines for minimally punctuated MARC bibliographic records (Approved
September 2019; effective January 2020)
Wikidata : List of properties
Wikidata property proposal/Generic
Wikimedia Toolforge

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NISO Standards update: KBart and Demand Driven Acquisitions Best Practices
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NISO Standards update: KBart and Demand Driven Acquisitions Best Practices

This document summarizes a presentation about developing best practices for demand-driven acquisition (DDA) of monographs. It defines DDA and discusses the need for standardized practices to help libraries, publishers, and vendors effectively implement DDA programs. The presentation outlines goals to develop a flexible DDA model, recommendations around access models, technology, and metrics, and addresses obstacles. It notes next steps will include surveys, focus groups, and interviews to inform the development of NISO recommended practices for DDA by December 2013.

Embracing Changing Technology and New Technical Services Workflows in Migrati...
Embracing Changing Technology and New Technical Services Workflows in Migrati...Embracing Changing Technology and New Technical Services Workflows in Migrati...
Embracing Changing Technology and New Technical Services Workflows in Migrati...

In 2015, Radford University’s McConnell Library migrated to OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services (WMS), relinquishing three legacy systems in the process. As a result, many of the Collection and Technical Services Department’s workflows changed considerably beginning months before the contract was signed. An extensive temporary departmental focus on data clean-up and training was required while maintaining core duties. New opportunities for collaboration and communication emerged. In light of developing new workflows, Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians and Core Competencies for Print Serials Management were consulted in revising positions. This presentation focuses on the process, management, communication and outcomes involved in migrating to a new next-generation library management system. Kay Johnson, Head of Collection and Technical Services Jessica Ireland, Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian

Wikidata Introductory Workshop
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Introduction to Wikidata for Friends of OpenGLAM, 13 May 2019, at the Bern University of Applied Sciences

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Thank you!

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Linked Data at Smithsonian Libraries

  • 1. Click to edit Master title style Edit Master text styles Linked data at Smithsonian Libraries Heidy Berthoud, Head of Resource Description NASIG 2020 Practical approaches to linked data
  • 2. Click to edit Master title style The Smithsonian Libraries and Archives stand with the Secretary of the Smithsonian, Dr. Lonnie Bunch, in expressing our deepest sympathy to the families and communities impacted by discrimination and violence.
  • 3. Current linked data projects • Participation in Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s (PCC) URIs in MARC pilot • Experimentation with Wikidata and creating a local Wikibase • Adjacent projects that we have built into this work: • FAST headings, both adding to bibliographic records and populating authority file • Redoing import profiles to allow vocabularies beyond LCSH • Implementing guidelines for minimally punctuated records
  • 4. Linked data (LD) import macro • Created by Jackie Shieh, Descriptive Data Management Librarian • (Partially) developed for PCC URI pilot project • Developed in phases: • June-December 2019: LD import macro revisions; used only by Head of Resource Description + Head of Serials and Electronic Resources • January 2020-: Final LD import macro; used by all catalogers
  • 5. LD import macro final • Runs three tasks in MarcEdit • RDA helper • Build linked records • Strips punctuation / adds 758 • Works on bib records only • Adds tracking field
  • 6. Roll out and training • Team already accustomed to using an import macro • MarcEdit needed on all machines used in cataloging workflows • Task file for punctuation / 758 needed to be saved on all machines • Did change the way we do authority work • No longer imported at point of cataloging • Authorities are now updated and processed in a batch procedure
  • 7. Click to edit Master title styleExample records
  • 8. Click to edit Master title style Lost motels Experimental phase
  • 9. Click to edit Master title style Lost motels Experimental phase
  • 10. Click to edit Master title style Lost motels Experimental phase
  • 11. Click to edit Master title style Eggs Macro final version
  • 12. Click to edit Master title style Eggs Macro final version
  • 13. Click to edit Master title style Eggs Macro final version
  • 14. Click to edit Master title style Eggs Macro final version
  • 15. Wikidata—a brief introduction • Stores structured data in the form of simple relationship statements • Great way to educate team members on triples (subject/predicate/object) • Relationships are built between two items (represented in Wikidata by Q numbers) linked by a property (represented in Wikidata by P numbers) • Anyone can sign up for an account and start editing data
  • 16. Click to edit Master title style
  • 17. Click to edit Master title style Lonnie Bunch (Q12053846) subject employer (P108) predicate • Smithsonian Institution (Q131626) • California African American Museum (Q5020212) • Chicago History Museum (Q2963315) objects
  • 18. Wikidata—early days • Already have experienced Wikimedian on staff—Diane Shaw, Special Collections Cataloger • Particular goals and areas of interest: • Looking for new ways to manage identities • Looking for new ways to represent collections that aren’t handled well in ILS • Local Wikibase is under development
  • 19. Wikidata—early victories • Found support for and interest in this project across the Smithsonian • Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) • Multiple colleagues from Smithsonian archival units • Creation of the Smithsonian P number in Wikidata : P7851 • Onsite training with Andrew Lih and development of online tools
  • 20. Wikidata and teleworking • New energy around Wikidata Team • Highly portable work, so folks from outside metadata and cataloging have wanted to get involved • Easy to organize via shared documentation • Working (so far!) on data modeling discussions, selecting properties for creation in our Wikibase, creating properties and recording P numbers • Workshop with Wikimedia Deutschland happening tomorrow (June 10)
  • 21. Resources Statement from Secretary of the Smithsonian, Dr. Lonnie Bunch bunch?fbclid=IwAR19ZCVS4iY2AtA-By5XURDAOuJdDb- qDP5QMSbyAPayamgfSE0W4TE_zc “Talking about Race” from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture NASIG statement against racism
  • 22. Resources PCC task group on linked data best practices final report (September 2019) report.pdf URI FAQs (September 2018)
  • 23. Resources Formulating and obtaining URIs: a guide to commonly used vocabularies and reference sources (updated January 2020) PCC guidelines for minimally punctuated MARC bibliographic records (Approved September 2019; effective January 2020) MARC-Data.docx
  • 24. Resources Wikidata Wikidata : List of properties Wikidata property proposal/Generic Wikimedia Toolforge
  • 25. Click to edit Master title style Thank you!