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Principles of Information Security,
Fifth Edition
Chapter 6
Security Technology: Firewalls and
If you think technology can solve your security problems,
then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t
understand the technology.
Lesson 3 –
Remote Access
Learning Objectives
• Upon completion of this material, you should be
able to:
– Discuss the important role of access control in
computer-based information systems, and identify
and discuss widely used authentication factors
– Describe firewall technology and the various
approaches to firewall implementation
– Identify the various approaches to control remote
and dial-up access by authenticating and authorizing
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 2
Learning Objectives (cont’d)
– Discuss content filtering technology
– Describe virtual private networks and discuss the
technology that enables them
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 3
Remote Access
• Unsecured, dial-up connection points represent a
substantial exposure to attack.
• Attacker can use a device called a war dialer to
locate the connection points.
• War dialer: automatic phone-dialing program that
dials every number in a configured range and
records number if modem picks up
• Some technologies (RADIUS systems; TACACS;
CHAP password systems) have improved the
authentication process.
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 4

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This project is all about providing security while communicating any data on the network between two or many user.

Security policies
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Security policies

This document discusses information security policies and standards. It defines a security policy as a set of rules that define what it means to be secure for a system or organization. An information security policy sets rules to ensure all users and networks follow security prescriptions for digitally stored data. The challenges are to define policies and standards, measure against them, report violations, correct violations, and ensure compliance. It then discusses the key elements of developing an information security program, including performing risk assessments, creating review boards, developing plans, implementing policies and standards, providing awareness training, monitoring compliance, evaluating effectiveness, and modifying policies over time.

Firewall Architecture
Firewall Architecture Firewall Architecture
Firewall Architecture

This Presentation Related to Firewall Architecture And It's Components.I am also Includes definition of firewall and categories of firewall.

Remote Access (cont’d)
• RADIUS, Diameter, and TACACS
– Systems that authenticate user credentials for those
trying to access an organization’s network via dial-up
– Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
(RADIUS): centralizes responsibility for user
authentication in a central RADIUS server
– Diameter: emerging alternative derived from
– Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
(TACACS): validates user’s credentials at
centralized server (like RADIUS); based on
client/server configuration
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 5
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 6
Remote Access (cont’d)
• Kerberos
– Provides secure third-party authentication
– Uses symmetric key encryption to validate individual
user to various network resources
– Keeps database containing private keys of
– Consists of three interacting services:
• Authentication server (AS)
• Key Distribution Center (KDC)
• Kerberos ticket granting service (TGS)
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 7
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 8

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The document provides an introduction to intrusion detection systems (IDS). It defines key concepts related to information security like threats, attacks, and security goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability. It discusses different types of attacks such as passive eavesdropping and active attacks like interruption, modification and fabrication. The document then introduces IDS, explaining what it is, the need for it, types of intrusions from inside and outside, and classifications of IDS based on information source, type of information and usage frequency.

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Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 9
Remote Access (cont’d)
– Secure European System for Applications in a
Multivendor Environment (SESAME) is similar to
• User is first authenticated to authentication server and
receives token.
• Token is then presented to a privilege attribute server
as proof of identity to gain privilege attribute certificate.
• Uses public key encryption; adds sophisticated access
control features; more scalable encryption systems;
improved manageability; auditing features; and options
for delegation of responsibility for allowing access
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 10
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
• Private and secure network connection between
systems; uses data communication capability of
unsecured and public network
• Securely extends organization’s internal network
connections to remote locations
• Three VPN technologies defined:
– Trusted VPN
– Secure VPN
– Hybrid VPN (combines trusted and secure)
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 11
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
• VPN must accomplish:
– Encapsulation of incoming and outgoing data
– Encryption of incoming and outgoing data
– Authentication of remote computer and perhaps
remote user as well
• In most common implementation, it allows the user
to turn Internet into a private network.
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 12

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A Firewall is a network security monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previous established security policies. View this presentation now to understand network security and firewall in network security. Happy learning!!

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Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
• Transport mode
– Data within IP packet is encrypted, but header
information is not.
– Allows user to establish secure link directly with
remote host, encrypting only data contents of packet
– Two popular uses:
• End-to-end transport of encrypted data
• Remote access worker connects to office network
over Internet by connecting to a VPN server on the
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 13
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 14
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
• Tunnel mode
– Establishes two perimeter tunnel servers to encrypt
all traffic that will traverse unsecured network
– Entire client package encrypted and added as data
portion of packet from one tunneling server to another
– Primary benefit to this model is that an intercepted
packet reveals nothing about the true destination
– Example of tunnel mode VPN: Microsoft’s Internet
Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 15
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 16

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Firewall Security Definition
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Firewall Security Definition

Firewall protection is the one that controls and monitors the network traffic whether it is incoming or outgoing on predetermined rules of security. It is basically a barrier or a shield applied specifically to save your PC, phone or tablet from the malwares of external world that exist in abundance on the internet.

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Network security
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Network security

Network security involves implementing physical and software measures to protect a network from unauthorized access and enable authorized access. It aims to maintain confidentiality of data, integrity of data, availability of resources, and privacy of personal data. Key aspects of network security include encryption to scramble data, firewalls to control access to networks, and securing wireless networks through standards like WPA2. Common security processes also involve backing up data regularly, using access controls like passwords, and encrypting data during storage and transmission.


Firewalls act as a choke point between networks to control and monitor traffic. Packet filters examine each IP packet to allow or deny services based on rules, while stateful packet filters track client-server sessions to better detect invalid packets. Application proxies have full access to protocols and validate requests before fulfilling them, but cannot support all services. Circuit gateways relay TCP connections between trusted internal users and external networks. Bastion hosts are highly secured systems that may run gateway or service functions with connections to multiple networks. Access control determines what resources users can access based on their identity and the classification of the protected objects.

• Firewall technology
• Various approaches to remote and dial-up access
• Content filtering technology
• Virtual private networks
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 17

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Lesson 3- Remote Access

  • 1. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition Chapter 6 Security Technology: Firewalls and VPNs If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology. BRUCE SCHNEIER, AMERICAN CRYPTOGRAPHER, COMPUTER SECURITY SPECIALIST, AND WRITER Lesson 3 – Remote Access
  • 2. Learning Objectives • Upon completion of this material, you should be able to: – Discuss the important role of access control in computer-based information systems, and identify and discuss widely used authentication factors – Describe firewall technology and the various approaches to firewall implementation – Identify the various approaches to control remote and dial-up access by authenticating and authorizing users Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 2
  • 3. Learning Objectives (cont’d) – Discuss content filtering technology – Describe virtual private networks and discuss the technology that enables them Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 3
  • 4. Remote Access • Unsecured, dial-up connection points represent a substantial exposure to attack. • Attacker can use a device called a war dialer to locate the connection points. • War dialer: automatic phone-dialing program that dials every number in a configured range and records number if modem picks up • Some technologies (RADIUS systems; TACACS; CHAP password systems) have improved the authentication process. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 4
  • 5. Remote Access (cont’d) • RADIUS, Diameter, and TACACS – Systems that authenticate user credentials for those trying to access an organization’s network via dial-up – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS): centralizes responsibility for user authentication in a central RADIUS server – Diameter: emerging alternative derived from RADIUS – Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS): validates user’s credentials at centralized server (like RADIUS); based on client/server configuration Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 5
  • 6. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 6
  • 7. Remote Access (cont’d) • Kerberos – Provides secure third-party authentication – Uses symmetric key encryption to validate individual user to various network resources – Keeps database containing private keys of clients/servers – Consists of three interacting services: • Authentication server (AS) • Key Distribution Center (KDC) • Kerberos ticket granting service (TGS) Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 7
  • 8. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 8
  • 9. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 9
  • 10. Remote Access (cont’d) • SESAME – Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment (SESAME) is similar to Kerberos. • User is first authenticated to authentication server and receives token. • Token is then presented to a privilege attribute server as proof of identity to gain privilege attribute certificate. • Uses public key encryption; adds sophisticated access control features; more scalable encryption systems; improved manageability; auditing features; and options for delegation of responsibility for allowing access Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 10
  • 11. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) • Private and secure network connection between systems; uses data communication capability of unsecured and public network • Securely extends organization’s internal network connections to remote locations • Three VPN technologies defined: – Trusted VPN – Secure VPN – Hybrid VPN (combines trusted and secure) Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 11
  • 12. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) (cont’d) • VPN must accomplish: – Encapsulation of incoming and outgoing data – Encryption of incoming and outgoing data – Authentication of remote computer and perhaps remote user as well • In most common implementation, it allows the user to turn Internet into a private network. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 12
  • 13. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) (cont’d) • Transport mode – Data within IP packet is encrypted, but header information is not. – Allows user to establish secure link directly with remote host, encrypting only data contents of packet – Two popular uses: • End-to-end transport of encrypted data • Remote access worker connects to office network over Internet by connecting to a VPN server on the perimeter. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 13
  • 14. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 14
  • 15. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) (cont’d) • Tunnel mode – Establishes two perimeter tunnel servers to encrypt all traffic that will traverse unsecured network – Entire client package encrypted and added as data portion of packet from one tunneling server to another – Primary benefit to this model is that an intercepted packet reveals nothing about the true destination system. – Example of tunnel mode VPN: Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 15
  • 16. Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 16
  • 17. Summary • Firewall technology • Various approaches to remote and dial-up access protection • Content filtering technology • Virtual private networks Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition 17