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Web Development
Lesson 9
● Review JavaScript
● Intro to jQuery
● jQuery Documentation
● jQuery Plugins
● Lab: Divided Times (basic)
● A Few jQuery Functions
● Lab: Divided Times (advanced)
What is jQuery
jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library
designed to simplify the client-side scripting of
“Cross browser” - works the same in all*
What is jQuery?
Allows for the following:
● Document traversal
● CSS manipulation
● Event handling
● Animation
● and more!

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Basics of Vue.js 2019
Basics of Vue.js 2019Basics of Vue.js 2019
Basics of Vue.js 2019

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces that has gained popularity recently. It is smaller in size than Angular and React but provides similar functionality like virtual DOM and one-way data binding. Vue.js applications can range from simple single-page apps to complex projects with nested components. Key aspects of Vue.js include reusable components, templates with directives like v-if and v-for, lifecycle hooks, and the use of Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing. The ecosystem around Vue.js continues to grow with tools, libraries, and support from companies using it in production.

Angular js for beginners
Angular js for beginnersAngular js for beginners
Angular js for beginners

This is a laconic presentation on Angular JS for beginners only. I have emphasized on example rather than theory. There are self explained source code urls attached with slides. In the last slide I have attached source code for a real life example using Angular JS an BootStrap which may be very helpful to understand the concept of Angular JS.

angularjsangular js real life exampleangular js controller
Web Workers
Web WorkersWeb Workers
Web Workers

The presentation about Web Workers from Maksim Yakusik - IntexSoft software engineer. Learn how to design Web Workers, how to kill them and much more!

softwaresoftware developmentweb workers
Where is jQuery?
Download code at
version 1.x versus version 2.x
Remote hosting:
Applying jQuery
is a built-in jQuery function that waits until the
HTML for a page loads before it runs your
Shorthand for jQuery Document Ready Event
Applying jQuery
Standard version:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
$(document).ready(function() {
// your code goes here
}); // end ready
Applying jQuery
Shorthand version:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
$(function() {
// your code goes here
}); // end ready

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JavaScript Roadmap - DOM Manipulation
JavaScript Roadmap - DOM ManipulationJavaScript Roadmap - DOM Manipulation
JavaScript Roadmap - DOM Manipulation

This document provides an agenda for a JavaScript roadmap covering DOM manipulation. It will discuss what the DOM is, how JavaScript can select, modify, and react to DOM elements, and provide examples building a static to-do application and background generator. Participants will learn how to access and update HTML, CSS, and attributes through the DOM, enabling dynamic interactivity on web pages.

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MEAN stack
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MEAN stack

The document discusses the MEAN stack, including its components (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) and how they work together. It notes that the MEAN stack allows building full-stack web applications using only JavaScript, and that it offers advantages like increased productivity, ease of debugging, and support for MVC architecture. Some disadvantages mentioned are that MongoDB may not scale as well for very large applications. The document then proposes building a simple app to demonstrate the MEAN stack in action.

Deep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.jsDeep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.js

Vue.js의 깊은 곳을 알아봅시다. 1. Vue.js Architecture 2. Observing 3. Rendering 4. Vue.js Package * 이 자료는 VUE.TIFULE KOREA 6회에서 발표한 자료입니다.

Where to Place Scripts
Top or Bottom of the Page?
Drop-Down Navigation Plugin
Access The jQuery Plugin Registry
Search “drop down menu”
● lack of demo
● lack of a tutorial
Drop-Down Navigation Plugin
Review basic horizontal navigation template
Access jQuery Drop Down Menu Tutorial &
Code Along from tutorial
Divided Times (basic)
● access divided_times_starter code
● review visual example
● incorporate basic jquery code
○ six items in each drop down
○ ignore layout (mega menu)

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Overview about AngularJS Framework
Overview about AngularJS Framework Overview about AngularJS Framework
Overview about AngularJS Framework

This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including how it can contribute to business applications, who believes in it, its market and architecture. AngularJS supports HTML5, extends HTML, uses an MVC pattern and provides flexibility between front-end and back-end technologies. It also offers performance, easy development, fast delivery cycles and good documentation. The presenter provides an example of how AngularJS allows parallel development between front-end and back-end teams using different technologies. Finally, the document demonstrates an example AngularJS application and references for further information.

Mean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An OverviewMean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An Overview

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which uses JavaScript for full-stack development. It discusses the evolution of web development from separate front-end and back-end work to full-stack JavaScript with Node.js. The MEAN stack combines MongoDB for the database, Express for the web framework, Angular for the front-end, and Node.js as the runtime environment. Each component is introduced, with Node.js using a single-threaded and asynchronous model, Express providing features like routing and middleware, Angular using templates and two-way data binding, and MongoDB as a flexible document database.

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VueJS: The Simple Revolution
VueJS: The Simple RevolutionVueJS: The Simple Revolution
VueJS: The Simple Revolution

An in-depth exploration of VueJs, the progressive front-end framework with focus on reactivity, componentization and simplicity

software developmentjavascriptsoftware architecture
Divided Times (advanced)
● Can you adjust CSS to create mega
● If not, access a different plugin
○ jQuery Mega Drop Down Menu
A Few jQuery Functions
● .toggleClass()
● .hasClass()
● .hide()
● .show()
● .slideUp()
● .siblings()
● .addClass()
● .removeClass()
Divided Times (advanced with teams)
● image (mockup)
● behaviors
● pseudo code
● apply jQuery to HTML and CSS
● Work on Divided Times
● Watch Fundamentals of jQuery videos (7)
● Begin jQuery Learning Center (Ch. 1-3)
● Read about jQuery.each()
● Begin conceptualizing personal project
● Create index page for your server space
● Add some jQuery to index page

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Sencha TouchのMVCについて 〜スケールするアプリケーションを求めて〜
Sencha TouchのMVCについて 〜スケールするアプリケーションを求めて〜Sencha TouchのMVCについて 〜スケールするアプリケーションを求めて〜
Sencha TouchのMVCについて 〜スケールするアプリケーションを求めて〜

Sencha Touch is a JavaScript framework for developing mobile applications. It uses an MVC architecture with models for data, views for presentation, and controllers for handling events and application logic. The document discusses how to implement MVC patterns in Sencha Touch, including defining models, views, controllers, and handling events. It also covers challenges of splitting logic between client and server, testing applications, and scaling the architecture over time as an app grows in complexity.

Node.js Crash Course (Jump Start)
Node.js Crash Course (Jump Start) Node.js Crash Course (Jump Start)
Node.js Crash Course (Jump Start)

This is the presentation I was using when delivering the free meetup "Node.js Jump Start" (Crash Course). You can find the video at

node.jsjavascriptjump start
Introduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJSIntroduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJS

AngularJS is a framework for building client-side web applications. It allows you to extend HTML vocabulary with custom attributes and elements, and uses two-way data binding between models and views. AngularJS provides services, directives, modules and dependency injection to help organize application code and logic. Testing is also an important part of the AngularJS workflow, as it helps ensure code quality.


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Lesson 09

  • 2. Agenda ● Review JavaScript ● Intro to jQuery ● jQuery Documentation ● jQuery Plugins ● Lab: Divided Times (basic) ● A Few jQuery Functions ● Lab: Divided Times (advanced)
  • 3. What is jQuery jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. “Cross browser” - works the same in all* browsers.
  • 4. What is jQuery? Allows for the following: ● Document traversal ● CSS manipulation ● Event handling ● Animation ● and more!
  • 5. Where is jQuery? Download code at version 1.x versus version 2.x Remote hosting:
  • 6. Applying jQuery $(document).ready() is a built-in jQuery function that waits until the HTML for a page loads before it runs your script. Shorthand for jQuery Document Ready Event
  • 7. Applying jQuery Standard version: <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { // your code goes here }); // end ready </script>
  • 8. Applying jQuery Shorthand version: <script type=”text/javascript”> $(function() { // your code goes here }); // end ready </script>
  • 9. Where to Place Scripts Top or Bottom of the Page?
  • 10. Drop-Down Navigation Plugin Access The jQuery Plugin Registry Search “drop down menu” Downsides: ● lack of demo ● lack of a tutorial
  • 11. Drop-Down Navigation Plugin Review basic horizontal navigation template Access jQuery Drop Down Menu Tutorial & Demo Code Along from tutorial
  • 12. Lab Divided Times (basic) ● access divided_times_starter code ● review visual example ● incorporate basic jquery code ○ six items in each drop down ○ ignore layout (mega menu)
  • 13. Lab Divided Times (advanced) ● Can you adjust CSS to create mega menu? ● If not, access a different plugin ○ jQuery Mega Drop Down Menu
  • 14. A Few jQuery Functions ● .toggleClass() ● .hasClass() ● .hide() ● .show() ● .slideUp() ● .siblings() ● .addClass() ● .removeClass()
  • 15. Lab Divided Times (advanced with teams) ● image (mockup) ● behaviors ● pseudo code ● apply jQuery to HTML and CSS
  • 16. Homework ● Work on Divided Times ● Watch Fundamentals of jQuery videos (7) ● Begin jQuery Learning Center (Ch. 1-3) ● Read about jQuery.each() ● Begin conceptualizing personal project ● Create index page for your server space ● Add some jQuery to index page