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Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group
February 24, 2009
Marv Schwartz
   … you write cascading style sheets (css)
   … you write software?
   … you write javascript?
   … you write jQuery?
   … you enjoy writing javascript?
   Why YOU might use jQuery
   How to update VS-2008 for jQuery
   Write some jQuery code
   Ideas for debugging jQuery code
   References

Sam Nasr has kindly agreed to post these slides

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WebNetConf 2012 - Single Page Apps

Single Page Apps or SPAs are rich, responsive web applications built with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that load all necessary code at once and persist state on the client without full page reloads. Many popular web apps like Gmail and Facebook use SPA architecture. Frameworks like AngularJS, BackboneJS, and KnockoutJS help build SPAs using common patterns like MVC/MVVM and provide templating, data binding, and other functionality. The document provides an example SPA called SPAtube built with KnockoutJS, jQuery, Bootstrap and other libraries that demonstrates a simple SPA for storing YouTube playlists.

webnet12 javascriptsingle page appsspa
SGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page Interface
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SGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page Interface

Cada día se desarrollan tecnologías que aprovechan mejor las capacidades de los navegadores, el soporte para HTML 5 y CSS 3 mejora cada día y se pueden encontrar librerías JavaScript que ofrecen soporte para lo mas moderno u ofrecen un fallback para funcionar en navegadores anticuados. Los usuarios cada vez sufren mas el fenomeno de la inmediatez, si el sitio web tarde en contestar se desesperan y se cierran el tab, perdemos al usuario. Por eso es importante que un sitio sea muy rápido y que ofrezca la información que el usuario busca. En esta charla hablare de como hemos empezado a adoptar Single Page Interface y de los retos que esto significa, como Bookmarking, SEO y otros. Así como de las librerías JavaScript (microframeworks) que evaluamos y que finalmente terminamos usando.

Mvc razor and working with data
Mvc razor and working with dataMvc razor and working with data
Mvc razor and working with data

This document discusses Razor code expressions and blocks in ASP.NET MVC and working with data using Entity Framework. It describes the Entity Framework architecture and the two main approaches of Database-First and Code-First. Database-First uses a designer, allows more SQL, and has better data performance, while Code-First does not use a designer, requires almost no SQL, allows faster development, and makes building complex data models easier. The document also provides homework on implementing CRUD operations for categories and notes models and includes resources for further information.

 Javascript has become essential to current
  web page development, but …
 Javascript is not a good language design
 Javascript has become bloated
     DOM navigation
     Browser differences
   Writing Javascript code is tedious, time-
    consuming, and error-prone
   jQuery makes writing Javascript much easier
     DOM navigation (css-like syntax)
     Apply methods to sets of DOM elements
     Builder model (chain method calls)
     Extensible and there are tons of libraries
     Handles most browser differences so you don’t
     have to
   Server provides data
   jQuery on client provides presentation
Scott Guthrie is a Corporate Vice President in
        the Microsoft Developer Division. He runs the
        development teams that build the following
CLR and the core .NET Base Class Libraries
IIS 7.0
Visual Studio Tools for ASP.NET, WPF, Silverlight and
jQuery and Microsoft (Google ScottGu jQuery)
Scott Guthrie announced “… that Microsoft will
be shipping jQuery with Visual Studio going
forward. We will distribute the jQuery
JavaScript library as-is, and will not be forking or
changing the source from the main jQuery
branch. The files will continue to use and ship
under the existing jQuery MIT license.
We will also distribute intellisense-annotated
versions that provide great Visual Studio
intellisense and help-integration at design-time”

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Building rest services using aspnetwebapi
Building rest services using aspnetwebapiBuilding rest services using aspnetwebapi
Building rest services using aspnetwebapi

The document discusses building REST services using ASP.NET Web API. It defines REST and its constraints, and explains what ASP.NET Web API is and how it enables writing REST based services. It covers HTTP verbs, defining resources, content negotiation, and provides an example of building a simple ASP.NET Web API application. web api
Node PDX: Intro to Sails.js
Node PDX: Intro to Sails.jsNode PDX: Intro to Sails.js
Node PDX: Intro to Sails.js

Sails.js makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. It is designed to resemble the MVC architecture from frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the more modern, data-oriented style of web app development. It's especially good for building realtime features like chat.

Introduction presentation
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Introduction presentation

This document outlines a course on web application development using ASP.NET and AJAX. The 10-part course covers topics such as server controls, data handling, security, localization, XML web services, MVC, Razor, data sources, and AJAX and security in ASP.NET MVC. It also lists potential exam tasks such as building a forum, blog, photo album, or school management application. The document is presented by Vladislav Hadzhiyski and includes his contact information.

   ScottGu, jQuery Intellisense in VS 2008

   VS2008 sp1

   KB958502-JScript Editor support for
    “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense documentation files
February 7th, 2009
FLOSS Weekly 55: jQuery
Hosts: Randal Schwartz and Leo Laporte
jQuery, a lightweight JavaScript library emphasizing JavaScript and HTML
Guest: John Resig for jQuery
TWiT Wiki for this show
John Resig is the creator, project lead and the head of the development team
    of the jQuery JavaScript library, released in January, 2006. For Resig's day
    job he works as a JavaScript Evangelist for the Mozilla Corporation, where
    he does JavaScript testing, performance analysis, speaking, and writing.
    He's also the author of a number of other projects, including:
Sizzle: A cross-browser, standalone, JavaScript library for implementing CSS
    selector DOM selection in JavaScript, which is in the process of being
    integrated into jQuery, Prototype, Sizzle, YUI, and MochiKIt.
Processing.js: A port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript
    (running in an HTML 5 canvas element).
Resig also speaks on the Open Web Podcast with Dion Almaer and Alex Russel,
    where they discuss web standards, JavaScript, and browsers. He's the
    author of the book "Pro JavaScript Techniques" and is working on his
    second book: "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja" (due out in 2009)
   HTML only
     Text
     Tables
 No ScriptHandler
 Uses WebMethods
 Uses query string

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What's behind the hype about Blazor? Is Javascript dead? Another Silverlight? If you are a .Net developer you will love Blazor: the new framework to build web/desktop and even mobile apps with C#. In this talk we will cover Blazor hosting models, Javascript Interop, Components, and a lot more.

Lap Around ASP.NET MVC 5
Lap Around ASP.NET MVC 5Lap Around ASP.NET MVC 5
Lap Around ASP.NET MVC 5

This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on new features in ASP.NET MVC 5 including Bootstrap, scaffolding, ASP.NET Identity, attribute routing, and authentication filters. The presentation provides demos of each new feature, with the goal of giving an overview of ASP.NET MVC 5 and how it can be used to build scalable, standards-based web applications.

Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET5
Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET5Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET5
Building Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET5

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on building modern web applications with ASP.NET 5. The presentation covers topics like middleware, dependency injection, configuration, and view components. It includes demos of adding middleware, injecting dependencies, loading configuration from different sources, and using a view component. The goal is to introduce key concepts in ASP.NET 5 and show examples of working with middleware, dependency injection, configuration, and view components.

asp.net5middlwaredependency injection
 Compress jQuery-1.3.2.js
 or use Google to host jQuery

   Not needed: jQuery-1.3.2.vsdoc.js
   Plugins:

   and Google returns many more
     flot
     SimpleModal
   jQuery in Action


 chapter2lab selectors.html
 chapter2lab.wrapped.set.html

   Scott Guthrie’s blog:

   Rick Strahl’s blog:

   Book: jQuery in Action

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Server rendering-talk
Server rendering-talkServer rendering-talk
Server rendering-talk

This document discusses server-side rendering for single-page applications built with React. It outlines the user experience challenges of traditional SPAs, how server-side rendering improves load time and perceived performance. It then covers some of the technical challenges of implementing SSR including routing, data fetching, and sharing code between client and server. Examples of routing with React Router and state management with Redux are provided. The presentation concludes by emphasizing the importance of performance and suggests further resources to explore this topic.

Learning Single page Application chapter 1
Learning Single page Application chapter 1Learning Single page Application chapter 1
Learning Single page Application chapter 1

This document provides an overview of single page applications (SPAs) and the MEAN stack. It discusses SPAs, the MVC and MVVM patterns, differences between SPAs and traditional web development, factors for choosing frameworks, and an introduction to the MEAN stack which is comprised of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. It also briefly mentions tools for developing web applications and recommends an IDE along with providing example Indonesian tutorials.

full web stackmean stacknodejs
ASP.NET MVC 4 Introduction
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ASP.NET MVC 4 Introduction

This document summarizes the new features in ASP.NET MVC 4, including enhanced default project templates, new mobile project templates, display modes for desktop and mobile browsers, an empty project template, the ability to add controllers to any folder, the new Web API framework, and bundling and minification capabilities. It then provides more detail on mobile web applications, selective views for mobile, Web API features, and how bundling and minification works.
A problem with Google is that it finds outdated
information as easily as current information.
Integration with Visual Studio 2008 is improving
quickly. Be wary of old hints. Some are
unnecessary. Some break things.
Go code some cool web pages using jQuery.
Thank you.
Marv Schwartz

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  • 1. Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group February 24, 2009 Marv Schwartz
  • 2. … you write cascading style sheets (css)  … you write software?  … you write javascript?  … you write jQuery?  … you enjoy writing javascript?
  • 3. Why YOU might use jQuery  How to update VS-2008 for jQuery  Write some jQuery code  Ideas for debugging jQuery code  References Sam Nasr has kindly agreed to post these slides on
  • 5.  Javascript has become essential to current web page development, but …  Javascript is not a good language design  Javascript has become bloated  DOM navigation  Browser differences  Writing Javascript code is tedious, time- consuming, and error-prone
  • 6. jQuery makes writing Javascript much easier  DOM navigation (css-like syntax)  Apply methods to sets of DOM elements  Builder model (chain method calls)  Extensible and there are tons of libraries  Handles most browser differences so you don’t have to  Server provides data  jQuery on client provides presentation
  • 7. Scott Guthrie is a Corporate Vice President in the Microsoft Developer Division. He runs the development teams that build the following products/technologies: CLR and the core .NET Base Class Libraries ASP.NET Silverlight WPF IIS 7.0 Visual Studio Tools for ASP.NET, WPF, Silverlight and Mobile jQuery and Microsoft (Google ScottGu jQuery)
  • 8. Scott Guthrie announced “… that Microsoft will be shipping jQuery with Visual Studio going forward. We will distribute the jQuery JavaScript library as-is, and will not be forking or changing the source from the main jQuery branch. The files will continue to use and ship under the existing jQuery MIT license. We will also distribute intellisense-annotated versions that provide great Visual Studio intellisense and help-integration at design-time”
  • 9. ScottGu, jQuery Intellisense in VS 2008 j  VS2008 sp1  KB958502-JScript Editor support for “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense documentation files
  • 10. February 7th, 2009 FLOSS Weekly 55: jQuery Hosts: Randal Schwartz and Leo Laporte jQuery, a lightweight JavaScript library emphasizing JavaScript and HTML interaction. Guest: John Resig for jQuery TWiT Wiki for this show John Resig is the creator, project lead and the head of the development team of the jQuery JavaScript library, released in January, 2006. For Resig's day job he works as a JavaScript Evangelist for the Mozilla Corporation, where he does JavaScript testing, performance analysis, speaking, and writing. He's also the author of a number of other projects, including: Sizzle: A cross-browser, standalone, JavaScript library for implementing CSS selector DOM selection in JavaScript, which is in the process of being integrated into jQuery, Prototype, Sizzle, YUI, and MochiKIt. Processing.js: A port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript (running in an HTML 5 canvas element). Resig also speaks on the Open Web Podcast with Dion Almaer and Alex Russel, where they discuss web standards, JavaScript, and browsers. He's the author of the book "Pro JavaScript Techniques" and is working on his second book: "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja" (due out in 2009)
  • 11. HTML only  Text  Tables  AJAX
  • 12.   No ScriptHandler  Uses WebMethods  Uses query string
  • 13.  Compress jQuery-1.3.2.js  or use Google to host jQuery  Not needed: jQuery-1.3.2.vsdoc.js
  • 14. Plugins:  and Google returns many more  flot  SimpleModal
  • 15. jQuery in Action   chapter2lab selectors.html  chapter2lab.wrapped.set.html
  • 16.  Scott Guthrie’s blog:  Rick Strahl’s blog:  Book: jQuery in Action
  • 17. A problem with Google is that it finds outdated information as easily as current information. Integration with Visual Studio 2008 is improving quickly. Be wary of old hints. Some are unnecessary. Some break things. Go code some cool web pages using jQuery. Thank you. Marv Schwartz

Editor's Notes

  1. jQuery is a lightweight open source JavaScript library (only 15kb in size) that in a relatively short span of time has become one of the most popular libraries on the web. A big part of the appeal of jQuery is that it allows you to elegantly (and efficiently) find and manipulate HTML elements with minimum lines of code.  jQuery supports this via a nice "selector" API that allows developers to query for HTML elements, and then apply "commands" to them.  One of the characteristics of jQuery commands is that they can be "chained" together - so that the result of one command can feed into another.  jQuery also includes a built-in set of animation APIs that can be used as commands.  The combination allows you to do some really cool things with only a few keystrokes. For example, the below JavaScript uses jQuery to find all <div> elements within a page that have a CSS class of "product", and then animate them to slowly disappear: As another example, the JavaScript below uses jQuery to find a specific <table> on the page with an id of "datagrid1", then retrieves every other <tr> row within the datagrid, and sets those <tr> elements to have a CSS class of "even" - which could be used to alternate the background color of each row: [Note: both of these samples were adapted from code snippets in the excellent jQuery in Action book] Providing the ability to perform selection and animation operations like above is something that a lot of developers have asked us to add to ASP.NET AJAX, and this support was something we listed as a proposed feature in the ASP.NET AJAX Roadmap we published a few months ago.  As the team started to investigate building it, though, they quickly realized that the jQuery support for these scenarios is already excellent, and that there is a huge ecosystem and community built up around it already.  The jQuery library also works well on the same page with ASP.NET AJAX and the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Rather than duplicate functionality, we thought, wouldn't it be great to just use jQuery as-is, and add it as a standard, supported, library in VS/ASP.NET, and then focus our energy building new features that took advantage of it?  We sent mail the jQuery team to gauge their interest in this, and quickly heard back that they thought that it sounded like an interesting idea too. Supporting jQuery I'm excited today to announce that Microsoft will be shipping jQuery with Visual Studio going forward.  We will distribute the jQuery JavaScript library as-is, and will not be forking or changing the source from the main jQuery branch.  The files will continue to use and ship under the existing jQuery MIT license. We will also distribute intellisense-annotated versions that provide great Visual Studio intellisense and help-integration at design-time.  For example: and with a chained command: The jQuery intellisense annotation support will be available as a free web-download in a few weeks (and will work great with VS 2008 SP1 and the free Visual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1).  The new ASP.NET MVC download will also distribute it, and add the jQuery library by default to all new projects. We will also extend Microsoft product support to jQuery beginning later this year, which will enable developers and enterprises to call and open jQuery support cases 24x7 with Microsoft PSS. Going forward we'll use jQuery as one of the libraries used to implement higher-level controls in the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, as well as to implement new Ajax server-side helper methods for ASP.NET MVC.  New features we add to ASP.NET AJAX (like the new client template support ) will be designed to integrate nicely with jQuery as well.  We also plan to contribute tests, bug fixes, and patches back to the jQuery open source project.  These will all go through the standard jQuery patch review process. Summary We are really excited to be able to partner with the jQuery team on this.  jQuery is a fantastic library, and something we think can really benefit ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX developers.  We are looking forward to having it work great with Visual Studio and ASP.NET, and to help bring it to an even larger set of developers. For more details on today's announcement, please check out John Resig's post on the jQuery team blog.  Scott Hanselman is also about to post a nice tutorial that shows off integrating jQuery with ASP.NET AJAX (including the new client templating engine) as well as ADO.NET Data Services (which shipped in .NET 3.5 SP1 and was previously code-named "Astoria"). Hope this helps, Scott Published Sunday, September 28, 2008 11:32 AM by ScottGu