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online seller meetup
April, 2016
Leeds University | Landline: 029 2236 2596 | @OnlineSellerUK
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Hello !
I’m Prabhat Shah
Project Manager, Online Seller UK
& DaytodayeBay
find me @OnlineSellerUK
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Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
How much are your customers worth to you?
What this presentation will cover…
The value of existing customers…
- Optimising Cost Per Acquisition
- Increasing Conversion
- Increasing AOV
- Developing Customer Lifetime Value
Why are existing customers important to me?
Many retailers are constantly on the lookout for two things…
More Customers More Orders
Less is generally said about existing customers, and what
they mean to the business.
Why is this so important?
On average, it costs 6-7x more to acquire a new
customer, than to retain an existing one.
Existing customers typically spend more than
double that of a new customer.
A 2% increase in retention has the same
effect as decreasing costs by 10%.
Ecommerce companies in the top performing
quartile have a customer lifetime value
of over 5x that of the industry average.
How do we prove this?
To appreciate the value of existing customers, we must keep
track of four key metrics:
CPA: Cost per Acquisition CR: Conversion Rate
AOV: Average Order Value LTV: Lifetime Value
In order to draw valuable conclusions, these metrics must be
considered alongside the customer purchasing journey…
CPA: Cost per Acquisition CR: Conversion Rate LTV: Lifetime Value
Acquisition Conversion Retention Win-Back
This is a dynamic process. There is no “right” or “wrong”
combination, other than what works for your business…
Average Distribution
High Value – Low Frequency
High Frequency – Low Value
It is only by monitoring these metrics, and examining how
they affect each other, that we can truly assess the
performance of a business.
Whilst this may sound like a challenge, it can be easily
achieved, via free tools and SaaS platforms.
Let’s take a closer look at each element, see
what it is, and how it can be improved…
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
If you retail on marketplaces, this is effectively
done on your behalf, and is commission +
listing fees. Circa 7% – 15%.
However, the negative to a fixed CPA is that
this will remain, regardless of turnover.
Therefore, the priority should be to cultivate your
own customers, rather than eBay or Amazon’s
and divert value into your own brand.
This is done with the launch of a dedicated web presence,
which allows you to control and measure the cost per
acquisition of various marketing channels.
Average Order Value (AOV)
These are our essentials to encourage a higher AOV:
1. Free Delivery Threshold
2. Timed Incentives
3. Volume Discount/Multi-Buy
4. Giveaways + Thresholds
5. Loyalty & Rewards
Conversion Rate (CR)
Improving your conversion rate is one of the quickest ways to
generate additional revenue, from your existing traffic levels.
A dedicated web presence allows you to positively affect
conversion rate, with a pro-active approach to key areas.
Currently, the biggest barrier to a higher conversion rate for
most retailers user experience (UX), in particular mobile.
This should also be viewed as an opportunity.
32% of all online sales came from mobile devices in 2014.
This rose to 40% in 2015 and is growing at around 30%
year on year.
Desktop abandonment averages around 68%, however
this increases to 72% on tablets, and 84% on mobile.
Ignoring mobile users is the equivalent of
closing your shop for 3 days a week.
Over Half your marketing and advertising
spend will soon be consumed by mobile.
Social media and email engagement are already
mobile first channels at 80-90%
So what makes a good M-commerce
experience that converts?
Here are our essential mobile requirements to maximise AOV…
Optimised for touch and swipe
Optimised menu and navigation elements
Use device features for usability
Touch and mobile compatible image gallery
In the same way the internet has revolutionised commerce,
mobile and mobile payments are set to do the same.
Lifetime Value (LTV)
After going to the trouble and expense of acquiring the
customer, it is vital to maximise lifetime value.
This is because the true value to your business should be measured
across an extended time period, in order to add perspective.
The long term aim should always be to enrich your customer data, this
should include:
Product Preference Gender Specific Related Purchases Age Specific Purchase Frequency
The primary area we see retailers fail to maximise customer lifetime
value is Lifecycle Marketing.
Cost-effective, personalised communication.
Lifecycle Marketing
Automated e-mails with bespoke messages
triggered by customer activity.
Lifecycle Marketing
Activities are classified according to their
stage on the customer ‘lifecycle’.
Lifecycle Marketing
Tailor offers and messages to achieve the
desired action…
Lifecycle Marketing
The aim is to convert, retain, grow
and reactivate.
Lifecycle Marketing
Up to a 45% click through rate.
Some Recent Lifecycle Email Statistics
Over 20% increased spend.
Some Recent Lifecycle Email Statistics
On average 3 x more valuable over time.
Some Recent Lifecycle Email Statistics
4 x the benchmark conversion rate
Some Recent Lifecycle Email Statistics
A well structured campaign should include:
Welcome Campaign
Forgotten Password
Abandoned Basket
Order / Shipping Confirmations
Search Results / Recently Viewed Campaigns
Survey / Customer Service Campaigns
Birthday / Seasonal Event Campaigns
The triggered touchpoints of lifecycle marketing should be
complemented by regular campaigns and promotions.
Email campaigns and promotions provide the most cost effective
and consistently high-performing route to market available.
As a channel, email marketing is extremely responsive, and can
therefore react to seasonal trends, current affairs, trending
products/topics and more.
These campaigns also provide flexibility, to promote high value
products, bundles, or even slow moving stock or clearance sections.
This puts you in control of your products.
Key Takeaways
- ANALYTICS : Make sure you have access to key metrics
- DATA : Analyse your current data and enrich where possible
- CONTROL : Minimise dependency on marketplaces and build a brand
- LIFETIME VALUE : Maximise sales with regular, personalised communication
Key Takeaways
Leeds Online Seller Meetup
Price Matters
52% of Online Shoppers In Italy Check Price
Before Purchasing
Blackhawk Engagement Solutions Survey
The Buy Box
The Buy
The Competition
Who gets the most sales?
From 82% to 90%
of all sales made on Amazon
they happen through the BuyBox
How Amazon
Repricing Works
Price change in
receives the
from Amazon
received get
processed from the
Repricing Software
and the new Price is
The New Price
is pushed to
Amazon update the
new price received
from the Repricing
Software its
This is a
continuous 24/7
Data Received for each SKU Price Change
Offer Data Received for Top 20
Seller Id - Feedback Rating - Feedback Count - Listing & Shipping Price - FBA Yes/No -
New Used
Amazon do not share all available information
Solving the Buy Box Mystery
How Rules-Based Repricing Works
•Set your Personalized Min /
•Define Buy Box Conditions
•Repricing including desired
Profit Margins
•Why to consider Stock Level
in the rule’s definition
•Shipping Rules and Timing
•Competitor Exceptions
Repricing including Profit Margin
Control on Revenue Contribution of each sale
Using a Repricing Software = Real Time Profit Optimization
Price Replication
There are tools out there that allow a seller to push
and pull prices from competitor sites and Amazon
Thanks for your time
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Thanks !
Everyone for your support.
Prabhat Shah
Landline: 029 2236 2596 Mobile: 0751 88 39629

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