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The History of Database Management
Database Models
What are data,
knowledge and
How do they differ?
Give an example of a
context where you
would apply each
Working Example: The UK Census
Data, information & knowledge
• Data: information
without context
• Information: data
within a context
• Knowledge:
information with
added value
Section 1: Database Management

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Relational Database Management System
Relational Database Management SystemRelational Database Management System
Relational Database Management System


Deductive databases
Deductive databasesDeductive databases
Deductive databases

The document discusses deductive databases and how they differ from conventional databases. Deductive databases contain facts and rules that allow implicit facts to be deduced from the stored information. This reduces the amount of storage needed compared to explicitly storing all facts. Deductive databases use logic programming through languages like Datalog to specify rules that define virtual relations. The rules allow new facts to be inferred through an inference engine even if they are not explicitly represented.

bsc csittribhuvan universityadbms
Active database
Active databaseActive database
Active database

Active databases' rules, it architectures, advantages and disadvantages along with applications have been covered in this presentation

active databasetriggerseca
6 Generations of Data Management
• G1: 1900 - 1955
• G2: 1955 - 1970
• G3: 1970 - 1980
• G4: 1980 - 1995
• G5: 1995 - 2012
• G6: 2012 - ?
Zeroth generation: Record Managers
4000BC -1900
• The first known writing describes
the royal assets and taxes in
• The next six thousand years saw a
technological evolution from clay
tablets to papyrus to parchment
and then to paper.
• There were many innovations in
data representation: phonetic
alphabets, novels, ledgers,
libraries, paper and the printing
Create a timeline which
shows the dates of
origin of the:
1. International Phonetic
Alphabet (IPA)
2. First Novel in English
3. 1st
4. Printing Press
5. 1st
Computational Device
Time: 10 mins
• 1300 BC: The Royal Library of Ashurbinpal in Sumeria
• 1439: Johannes Guttenberg invented the printing
• 1470: The first novel in English, Le Morte D’Arthur
was written by Thomas Malory
• 1801: Jacquard invented the loom – considered to be
the first computational device
• 1886: The International Phonetic Alphabet was

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Dbms architecture
Dbms architectureDbms architecture
Dbms architecture

Dbms architecture Three level architecture is also called ANSI/SPARC architecture or three schema architecture This framework is used for describing the structure of specific database systems (small systems may not support all aspects of the architecture) In this architecture the database schemas can be defined at three levels explained in next slide

three layer architecturesparcdbms
Introduction to RDBMS
Introduction to RDBMSIntroduction to RDBMS
Introduction to RDBMS

This document provides an overview of relational database management systems (RDBMS). It defines key terms like database, database management system, and data models. It describes the characteristics of a modern DBMS like using real-world entities, normalization to reduce redundancy, and query languages. The document also outlines the components of a database system including users, applications, the DBMS software, and the database itself. It explains common database architectures like single-tier, two-tier, and three-tier designs. Finally, it introduces some historical data models used in database design like the entity-relationship model, relational model, hierarchical model, and network model.

Data Models
Data ModelsData Models
Data Models

A data model is a set of concepts that define the structure of data in a database. The three main types of data models are the hierarchical model, network model, and relational model. The hierarchical model uses a tree structure with parent-child relationships, while the network model allows many-to-many relationships but is more complex. The relational model - which underlies most modern databases - uses tables with rows and columns to represent data, and relationships are represented by values in columns.

data modelhierarchical modelnetwork model
First Generation: Record Managers
1900 -1955
• The first practical automated
information processing began
circa 1800 with the Jacquard
Loom that produced fabric
from patterns represented by
punched cards.
• Each data record was
represented as binary patterns
on a punched card
• By 1955, many companies had
entire floors dedicated to
storing punched cards, much as
the Sumerian archives had
stored clay tablets.
Second Generation: Programmed Unit
Record Equipment 1955-1970
• Stored program electronic computers
had been developed in the 1940’s for
scientific and numerical calculations.
At about the same time, Univac had
developed a magnetic tape
• Software was a key component of this
new technology. It made them
relatively easy to program and use. It
was much easier to sort, analyze, and
process the data with languages like
• The software of the day provided a
file-oriented record processing model.
Typical programs sequentially read
several input files and produced new
files as output
Third Generation: Online Network
Databases 1965-1980
• Teleprocessing monitors provided the specialized
software to multiplex thousands of terminals onto the
modest server computers of the day
• Online transaction processing augmented the batch
transaction processing that performed background
reporting tasks.
• Simple indexed-sequential record organizations soon
evolved to a more powerful set-oriented record
model. Applications often want to relate two or more
• The end product was, in essence, a network data
Fourth Generation: Relational
Databases 1980-1995
• Despite the success of the
network data model, many
software designers felt that a
navigational programming
interface was too low-level
• The idea of the relational model is
to represent both entities and
relationships in a uniform way.
• The relational model had some
unexpected benefits beyond
programmer productivity and
ease-of-use. The relational model
was well suited to client-server
computing, to parallel processing,
and to graphical user interfaces.

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Data models
Data modelsData models
Data models

This document provides an overview of data modeling concepts. It discusses the importance of data modeling, the basic building blocks of data models including entities, attributes, and relationships. It also covers different types of data models such as conceptual, logical, and physical models. The document discusses relational and non-relational data models as well as emerging models like object-oriented, XML, and big data models. Business rules and their role in database design are also summarized.

big datanosqlbusiness rules
Architecture of dbms(lecture 3)
Architecture of dbms(lecture 3)Architecture of dbms(lecture 3)
Architecture of dbms(lecture 3)

This document describes the three level architecture of a database management system (DBMS): the external, conceptual, and internal levels. The external level defines different views of the database for users. The conceptual level defines the logical structure and relationships of the entire database. The internal level defines the physical storage and implementation of the data. The document also discusses logical and physical data independence, which refer to the ability to modify schemas at different levels without affecting higher levels.

dbms architecture
1. Introduction to DBMS
1. Introduction to DBMS1. Introduction to DBMS
1. Introduction to DBMS

The document provides an overview of database systems, including their purpose, components, and architecture. It describes how database systems offer solutions to problems with using file systems to store data by providing data independence, concurrency control, recovery from failures, and more. It also defines key concepts like data models, data definition and manipulation languages, transactions, storage management, database users, administrators, and the roles they play in overall database system structure.

Fifth Generation: Multimedia
Databases 1995-?
• Relational systems offered huge improvements in
ease-of-use, graphical interfaces, client-server
applications, distributed databases, parallel data
search, and data mining. Nonetheless, in about
1985, the research community began to look
beyond the relational model.
• People coming from the object-oriented
programming community saw the problem
clearly: datatype design requires a good data
model and a unification of procedures and data.
Sixth Generation: The Future
• Defining the data models for new types and
integrating them with the traditional database
• Scaling databases in size (to petabytes), space
(distributed), and diversity (heterogeneous).
• Automatically discovering data trends,
patterns, and anomalies (data mining, data
Section 2: Database Models
What is a database model?
A database model is the
theoretical foundation of a
database and fundamentally
determines in which manner
data can be stored, organised,
and manipulated in a database
system. It thereby defines the
infrastructure offered by a
particular database system.

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DBMS and its Models
DBMS and its ModelsDBMS and its Models
DBMS and its Models

The document discusses database management systems and data modeling. It begins by defining key terms like data, databases, database management systems, and data models. It then provides a brief history of database development from the 1960s to the 1980s. The rest of the document discusses database concepts in more detail, including components of a DBMS, types of database users, database administration responsibilities, data modeling techniques, and the evolution of different data models.

Introduction to Database
Introduction to DatabaseIntroduction to Database
Introduction to Database

This document defines database and DBMS, describes their advantages over file-based systems like data independence and integrity. It explains database system components and architecture including physical and logical data models. Key aspects covered are data definition language to create schemas, data manipulation language to query data, and transaction management to handle concurrent access and recovery. It also provides a brief history of database systems and discusses database users and the critical role of database administrators.

Xml databases
Xml databasesXml databases
Xml databases

This document discusses XML databases and effective search engines. It describes how XML is a self-describing format that can store data in a portable way. While XML lacks features of traditional databases like efficient storage and indexing, XML databases address these issues. The document outlines how XML databases can store, search, retrieve and display XML documents and compares them to relational databases. It also provides examples of technologies and modules that can be used to parse, insert, query and synchronize XML documents with databases.

Flat File Model
The flat (or table) model consists of a
single, two-dimensional array of data
elements, where all members of a
given column are assumed to be
similar values, and all members of a
row are assumed to be related to
one another.
Hierarchical Model
In a hierarchical model, data is
organized into a tree-like
structure, implying a single upward
link in each record to describe the
nesting, and a sort field to keep
the records in a particular order in
each same-level list.
Network Model
The network model (defined
by the CODASYL specification)
organises data using two
fundamental concepts, called
records and sets. Records
contain fields (which may be
organized hierarchically, as in
the programming language
COBOL). Sets (not to be
confused with mathematical
sets) define one-to-many
relationships between records:
one owner, many members. A
record may be an owner in any
number of sets, and a member
in any number of sets.
COnference on DAta SYstems Languages
DataBase Task Group data model. The
CODASYL group originally formed in the early
1970's to create the standards for COBOL. After
successfully developing the COBOL
specifications, the groups charter was
extended to create a set of database
Relational Model
The relational model was
introduced by E.F. Codd in
1970as a way to make
database management
systems more independent
of any particular application.
It is a mathematical model
defined in terms of
predicate logic and set

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Database systems
Database systemsDatabase systems
Database systems

This chapter introduces database systems and their advantages over traditional file systems. It discusses the components of a database system including the database, database management system (DBMS), and their roles in data storage and access. Databases have evolved from file systems to address issues like data redundancy, inconsistency, and dependence on structure and storage characteristics. The chapter outlines different types of databases and the importance of database design. It provides examples of problems in traditional file system data management to illustrate improvements made by modern database systems.

database management system
6. Integrity and Security in DBMS
6. Integrity and Security in DBMS6. Integrity and Security in DBMS
6. Integrity and Security in DBMS

The document discusses various aspects of database integrity and security including domain constraints, referential integrity, triggers, assertions, and authorization. Domain constraints ensure values inserted are valid. Referential integrity ensures relationships between relations are maintained. Triggers allow automatic execution of actions on data modifications. Assertions specify conditions that should always be true. Authorization controls user access to data and modifications. Views can provide secure access to restricted data.

Integrity Constraints
Integrity ConstraintsIntegrity Constraints
Integrity Constraints

Integrity constraints are rules that help maintain data quality and consistency in a database. The main types of integrity constraints are: 1. Domain constraints specify valid values and data types for attributes to restrict what data can be entered. 2. Entity constraints require that each row have a unique identifier and prevent null values in primary keys. 3. Referential integrity constraints maintain relationships between tables by preventing actions that would invalidate links between foreign and primary keys. 4. Cascade rules extend referential integrity by automatically propagating updates or deletes from a primary table to its related tables.

Strengths of the Relational Model
• The data model and access to it is simple to
understand and use, even for those who are not
experienced programmers.
• The model of data represented in tables is simple.
• There are straightforward database design
• Efficient implementation techniques are well known
and widely used.
• Standards exist for query languages, such as SQL.
Object-Oriented Model
In recent years, the object-
oriented paradigm has been
applied to database
technology, creating a new
programming model known
as object databases. These
databases attempt to bring
the database world and the
application programming
world closer together, in
particular by ensuring that
the database uses the same
type system as the
application program.
Section 3: Data Warehousing
What is a Data Warehouse?
A data warehouse is a database used
for reporting and analysis. The data
stored in the warehouse is
uploaded from the operational
systems. The data may pass
through an operational data store
for additional operations before it
is used in the data warehouse for

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Architecture of-dbms-and-data-independence
Architecture of-dbms-and-data-independenceArchitecture of-dbms-and-data-independence
Architecture of-dbms-and-data-independence

The document discusses the architecture of a database management system (DBMS). It describes the three levels of DBMS architecture: the external, conceptual, and internal views. The external view represents how individual users see the data. The conceptual view presents a common view of data for all users. The internal view describes the physical storage and organization of data. This three-level architecture provides data independence, where each level is isolated from changes in the other levels.

Object oriented databases
Object oriented databasesObject oriented databases
Object oriented databases

This document provides an overview of object-oriented databases. It introduces object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance. It then discusses how object-oriented databases combine these concepts with database principles like ACID properties. Advantages include being integrated with programming languages and automatic method storage. Disadvantages include requiring object-oriented programming and high costs to convert data. The document also discusses the Object Query Language and provides an example query in OQL.

Slide 2 data models
Slide 2 data modelsSlide 2 data models
Slide 2 data models

The document discusses several data models: hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, object-relational, deductive, and ER models. It provides descriptions of each model, including their key features, advantages, and disadvantages. The relational model is highlighted as the most popular currently due to its structural independence, conceptual simplicity, and powerful query capabilities using SQL. The ER model is also discussed as defining the conceptual view of databases through modeling real-world entities and relationships.

data models
A data-processing database? Wholesaling Data?
Benefits of a Data Warehouse
A data warehouse maintains a copy of information from the source transaction
systems. This architectural complexity provides the opportunity to:
• Maintain data history, even if the source transaction systems do not.
• Integrate data from multiple source systems, enabling a central view across
the enterprise. This benefit is always valuable, but particularly so when the
organization has grown by merger.
• Improve data quality, by providing consistent codes and descriptions, flagging
or even fixing bad data.
• Present the organization's information consistently.
• Provide a single common data model for all data of interest regardless of the
data's source.
• Restructure the data so that it makes sense to the business users.
• Restructure the data so that it delivers excellent query performance, even for
complex analytic queries, without impacting the operational systems.
• Add value to operational business applications, notably customer relationship
management (CRM) systems.
Dimensional v Normalised
There are two leading approaches to storing data in a data
warehouse — the dimensional approach and the normalised
• The dimensional approach, whose supporters are referred to
as “Kimballites”, believe in Ralph Kimball’s approach in which
it is stated that the data warehouse should be modelled using
a Dimensional Model (DM).
• The normalized approach, also called the 3NF model, whose
supporters are referred to as “Inmonites”, believe in Bill
Inmon's approach in which it is stated that the data
warehouse should be modelled using an Entity-Relationship
(ER) model.
Section 4: Data Mining

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Dbms models
Dbms modelsDbms models
Dbms models

The document provides an introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and database models. It defines key terms like data, database, DBMS, file system vs DBMS. It describes the evolution of DBMS from 1960 onwards and different database models like hierarchical, network and relational models. It also discusses the roles of different people who work with databases like database designers, administrators, application programmers and end users.

Database Design Slide 1
Database Design Slide 1Database Design Slide 1
Database Design Slide 1

This document provides an overview of key database concepts, including: - Types of databases and database management systems (DBMS) functions - Data models like relational, hierarchical, and object-oriented - The three-schema architecture with conceptual, internal, and external schemas - Languages used to define and manipulate database structures and data - Centralized and client-server database system architectures

Datastage database design and data modeling ppt 4
Datastage database design and data modeling ppt 4Datastage database design and data modeling ppt 4
Datastage database design and data modeling ppt 4

What is dimension modeling? , Difference between ER modeling and dimension modeling, What is a Dimension? , What is a Fact? Start Schema , Snow Flake Schema , Difference between Star and snow flake schema , Fact Table , Different types of facts Dimensional Tables, Fact less Fact Table , Confirmed Dimensions , Unconfirmed Dimensions , Junk Dimensions , Monster Dimensions , Degenerative Dimensions , What are slowly changing Dimensions? , Different types of SCD's,

datastage course in mumbaidatastage business intelligence certification courvibrant technologies &amp
What is Data Mining?
Data mining, the analysis step of the Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (KDD) processor; a
relatively young and interdisciplinary field of
computer science,is the process of
discovering new patterns from large data sets
involving methods at the intersection of
artificial intelligence, machine learning,
statistics and database systems.
Classes of Task Examples 1-3
Data mining involves common classes of tasks, for example:
1. Classification: is the task of generalising known structure
to apply to new data, eg, an email program might
attempt to classify an email as legitimate or spam.
3. Clustering: is the task of discovering groups and
structures in the data that are in some way or another
similar, without using known structures in the data, eg,
market basket analysis: Age x Income x Type of Cheese
4. Summarisation: providing a more compact
representation of the data set, including visualisation
and report generation, eg, charts and graphs

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Database Management & Models

  • 1. The History of Database Management & Database Models
  • 2. Task What are data, information, knowledge and wisdom? How do they differ? Give an example of a context where you would apply each concept. Working Example: The UK Census
  • 3. Data, information & knowledge • Data: information without context • Information: data within a context • Knowledge: information with added value
  • 4. Section 1: Database Management Development
  • 5. 6 Generations of Data Management • G1: 1900 - 1955 • G2: 1955 - 1970 • G3: 1970 - 1980 • G4: 1980 - 1995 • G5: 1995 - 2012 • G6: 2012 - ?
  • 6. Zeroth generation: Record Managers 4000BC -1900 • The first known writing describes the royal assets and taxes in Sumeria. • The next six thousand years saw a technological evolution from clay tablets to papyrus to parchment and then to paper. • There were many innovations in data representation: phonetic alphabets, novels, ledgers, libraries, paper and the printing press.
  • 7. TASK Create a timeline which shows the dates of origin of the: 1. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 2. First Novel in English 3. 1st Library 4. Printing Press 5. 1st Computational Device Time: 10 mins
  • 8. Answers • 1300 BC: The Royal Library of Ashurbinpal in Sumeria • 1439: Johannes Guttenberg invented the printing press • 1470: The first novel in English, Le Morte D’Arthur was written by Thomas Malory • 1801: Jacquard invented the loom – considered to be the first computational device • 1886: The International Phonetic Alphabet was invented
  • 9. First Generation: Record Managers 1900 -1955 • The first practical automated information processing began circa 1800 with the Jacquard Loom that produced fabric from patterns represented by punched cards. • Each data record was represented as binary patterns on a punched card • By 1955, many companies had entire floors dedicated to storing punched cards, much as the Sumerian archives had stored clay tablets.
  • 10. Second Generation: Programmed Unit Record Equipment 1955-1970 • Stored program electronic computers had been developed in the 1940’s for scientific and numerical calculations. At about the same time, Univac had developed a magnetic tape • Software was a key component of this new technology. It made them relatively easy to program and use. It was much easier to sort, analyze, and process the data with languages like COBOL • The software of the day provided a file-oriented record processing model. Typical programs sequentially read several input files and produced new files as output
  • 11. Third Generation: Online Network Databases 1965-1980 • Teleprocessing monitors provided the specialized software to multiplex thousands of terminals onto the modest server computers of the day • Online transaction processing augmented the batch transaction processing that performed background reporting tasks. • Simple indexed-sequential record organizations soon evolved to a more powerful set-oriented record model. Applications often want to relate two or more records. • The end product was, in essence, a network data model
  • 12. Fourth Generation: Relational Databases 1980-1995 • Despite the success of the network data model, many software designers felt that a navigational programming interface was too low-level • The idea of the relational model is to represent both entities and relationships in a uniform way. • The relational model had some unexpected benefits beyond programmer productivity and ease-of-use. The relational model was well suited to client-server computing, to parallel processing, and to graphical user interfaces.
  • 13. Fifth Generation: Multimedia Databases 1995-? • Relational systems offered huge improvements in ease-of-use, graphical interfaces, client-server applications, distributed databases, parallel data search, and data mining. Nonetheless, in about 1985, the research community began to look beyond the relational model. • People coming from the object-oriented programming community saw the problem clearly: datatype design requires a good data model and a unification of procedures and data.
  • 14. Sixth Generation: The Future • Defining the data models for new types and integrating them with the traditional database systems. • Scaling databases in size (to petabytes), space (distributed), and diversity (heterogeneous). • Automatically discovering data trends, patterns, and anomalies (data mining, data analysis).
  • 16. What is a database model? A database model is the theoretical foundation of a database and fundamentally determines in which manner data can be stored, organised, and manipulated in a database system. It thereby defines the infrastructure offered by a particular database system.
  • 17. Flat File Model The flat (or table) model consists of a single, two-dimensional array of data elements, where all members of a given column are assumed to be similar values, and all members of a row are assumed to be related to one another.
  • 18. Hierarchical Model In a hierarchical model, data is organized into a tree-like structure, implying a single upward link in each record to describe the nesting, and a sort field to keep the records in a particular order in each same-level list.
  • 19. Network Model The network model (defined by the CODASYL specification) organises data using two fundamental concepts, called records and sets. Records contain fields (which may be organized hierarchically, as in the programming language COBOL). Sets (not to be confused with mathematical sets) define one-to-many relationships between records: one owner, many members. A record may be an owner in any number of sets, and a member in any number of sets. COnference on DAta SYstems Languages DataBase Task Group data model. The CODASYL group originally formed in the early 1970's to create the standards for COBOL. After successfully developing the COBOL specifications, the groups charter was extended to create a set of database standards.
  • 20. Relational Model The relational model was introduced by E.F. Codd in 1970as a way to make database management systems more independent of any particular application. It is a mathematical model defined in terms of predicate logic and set theory.
  • 21. Strengths of the Relational Model • The data model and access to it is simple to understand and use, even for those who are not experienced programmers. • The model of data represented in tables is simple. • There are straightforward database design procedures. • Efficient implementation techniques are well known and widely used. • Standards exist for query languages, such as SQL.
  • 22. Object-Oriented Model In recent years, the object- oriented paradigm has been applied to database technology, creating a new programming model known as object databases. These databases attempt to bring the database world and the application programming world closer together, in particular by ensuring that the database uses the same type system as the application program.
  • 23. Section 3: Data Warehousing
  • 24. What is a Data Warehouse? A data warehouse is a database used for reporting and analysis. The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems. The data may pass through an operational data store for additional operations before it is used in the data warehouse for reporting.
  • 25. A data-processing database? Wholesaling Data?
  • 26. Benefits of a Data Warehouse A data warehouse maintains a copy of information from the source transaction systems. This architectural complexity provides the opportunity to: • Maintain data history, even if the source transaction systems do not. • Integrate data from multiple source systems, enabling a central view across the enterprise. This benefit is always valuable, but particularly so when the organization has grown by merger. • Improve data quality, by providing consistent codes and descriptions, flagging or even fixing bad data. • Present the organization's information consistently. • Provide a single common data model for all data of interest regardless of the data's source. • Restructure the data so that it makes sense to the business users. • Restructure the data so that it delivers excellent query performance, even for complex analytic queries, without impacting the operational systems. • Add value to operational business applications, notably customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
  • 27. Dimensional v Normalised There are two leading approaches to storing data in a data warehouse — the dimensional approach and the normalised approach. • The dimensional approach, whose supporters are referred to as “Kimballites”, believe in Ralph Kimball’s approach in which it is stated that the data warehouse should be modelled using a Dimensional Model (DM). • The normalized approach, also called the 3NF model, whose supporters are referred to as “Inmonites”, believe in Bill Inmon's approach in which it is stated that the data warehouse should be modelled using an Entity-Relationship (ER) model.
  • 28. Section 4: Data Mining
  • 29. What is Data Mining? Data mining, the analysis step of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) processor; a relatively young and interdisciplinary field of computer science,is the process of discovering new patterns from large data sets involving methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics and database systems.
  • 30. Classes of Task Examples 1-3 Data mining involves common classes of tasks, for example: 1. Classification: is the task of generalising known structure to apply to new data, eg, an email program might attempt to classify an email as legitimate or spam. 3. Clustering: is the task of discovering groups and structures in the data that are in some way or another similar, without using known structures in the data, eg, market basket analysis: Age x Income x Type of Cheese 4. Summarisation: providing a more compact representation of the data set, including visualisation and report generation, eg, charts and graphs