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Lean Analytics
Lean Startup conference
San Francisco, November 16 2015
Don’t sell what you can make. Make what you can sell.
Kevin Costner is a lousy entrepreneur.
The core of Lean
is iteration.
Waterfall approach
You know the problem and the solution.

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Minimum Desirable Product
Minimum Desirable ProductMinimum Desirable Product
Minimum Desirable Product

This document discusses building a Minimum Desirable Product (MDP) rather than a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It recommends focusing on understanding user goals and creating a product that maximizes engagement and sustainable growth through a few key scenarios. An MDP can be built quickly in 4-6 weeks to test if people will use it daily and recommend it to others. The document cautions that desirability alone may not lead to viability, so MDP ideas still need to consider business feasibility. The goal of an MDP approach is to deliver compelling consumer value through the optimal minimal set of features.

Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is a marketing technique used by startups that focuses on creativity, data analysis, and social metrics to gain customers and exposure. It involves rapidly testing ideas through prototypes and measuring results to iterate quickly. Some key aspects of growth hacking include having an awesome product, thinking creatively, understanding viral growth loops, seeking major changes not just improvements, and being prepared to fail many times. Successful growth hacking examples include LinkedIn allowing public profiles to boost search engine results, YouTube making it easy to embed videos, and Airbnb contacting people with listings on Craigslist. Qualities of a good growth hacker include problem-solving skills, ambition, understanding users, discipline, coding ability, and bravery in testing bold ideas.

growth hacking
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)
Growth Hacking Fundamentals @ Echelon Jakarta (by Growth Hacking Asia)

The document provides an overview of growth hacking fundamentals. It begins by defining growth hacking as a process-driven approach focused on rapid experimentation to drive product growth, rather than just tactics or user acquisition. It discusses when growth hacking is most applicable and examples of common growth drivers like user acquisition, activation, referral, and retention. The document concludes by outlining the typical growth hacking process of identifying metrics to optimize, developing hypotheses, running experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing learnings.

startupsgrowth hackingentrepreneurship
Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster
Known set of
Known ways to satisfy
Spec Build Test Launch
Agile methodologies
Know the problem, find the solution
Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster

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Lean Analytics workshop for Dublin City University, April 2014
Lean Analytics workshop for Dublin City University, April 2014Lean Analytics workshop for Dublin City University, April 2014
Lean Analytics workshop for Dublin City University, April 2014

3h workshop on Lean Analytics, given at Dublin City University. Includes the system diagrams for the six basic business archetypes in the book.

lean analyticsdcuworkshop
Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

This document discusses growth hacking strategies used by early internet companies like Hotmail to achieve rapid growth. It defines growth hacking as a set of tactics and best practices for acquiring, activating, and retaining users. Some key tactics discussed include viral growth, A/B testing landing pages, optimizing the user lifecycle funnel, and identifying bottlenecks. The document provides examples of notable growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Path, and Eventbrite.

startupslean startupmarketing
Ecommerce Hacks | Strategies To 10X Ecommerce Sales
Ecommerce Hacks | Strategies To 10X Ecommerce SalesEcommerce Hacks | Strategies To 10X Ecommerce Sales
Ecommerce Hacks | Strategies To 10X Ecommerce Sales

These are the slides from my presentation at Digital Marketer Content & Commerce Summit in Los Angeles 2017. There are multiple ecommerce tools list, ecommerce strategies, ecommerce hacks and ecommerce tactics to increase sales by 10X on Amazon, Shopify, Big Commerce and more.

ecommerceecommerce toolsecommerce strategy
Known set of
Unclear how to satisfy
Build Test LaunchViable?Problem

Unknown set of
Lean approach
First, know that you don’t know.
Possible problem
Trial startup
Trial startup
You are
we’re all liars.

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9 Worst Practices in SaaS Metrics
9 Worst Practices in SaaS Metrics9 Worst Practices in SaaS Metrics
9 Worst Practices in SaaS Metrics

A presentation about 9 mistakes that SaaS founders should avoid, with some practical advice on how (and why) to avoid them.

saasdashboardsoftware as a service
Building the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn: CEO Guide
Building the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn: CEO GuideBuilding the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn: CEO Guide
Building the Billion Dollar SaaS Unicorn: CEO Guide

In a Venture Capital world that is obsessed with growth, recurring revenue and software as a service, after you validate that you have a solution that people are willing to pay for, there is an entire new world ahead of you in scaling that venture. For many, this involves an entirely new language and set of metrics to manage the business. For the startup that wants to make the leap to scale up and fast growth this should serve as a starting point for key insights and metrics for that journey.

b2bsaassoftware as a service
Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets

Growth hacking is a set of tactics and best practices used to optimize user growth and movement through the user lifecycle stages of acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. The document outlines Hotmail's viral growth strategy of adding "PS: I love you" messages to emails, discusses mapping the user journey and measuring conversions at each stage, and provides examples of growth hacking tactics like incentivizing referrals and optimizing landing pages through A/B testing.

hacking secretsgrowth hacking
Everyone’s idea is
the best right?
People love
this part!
(but that’s not always
a good thing)
This is where
things fall apart.
No data, no
Most startups don’t know what they’ll
be when they grow up.

was a

was going to
be an MMO

was a


first built for

was invoicing
for a web
design firm

was to be
written by
experts only

was a
Gottfried von Leibniz
was a geek just like you.
First calculator

(stepped reckoner)
One of the first
to recognize the
importance of
“I thought again
about my early plan
of a new language or
writing-system of
reason, which could
serve as a
communication tool
for all different

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Slides from Growthcon 2014 Lean Analytics masterclass
Slides from Growthcon 2014 Lean Analytics masterclassSlides from Growthcon 2014 Lean Analytics masterclass
Slides from Growthcon 2014 Lean Analytics masterclass

This document discusses lean analytics and how startups can use data and metrics to iterate their products and business models. It provides examples of how companies like Hotmail, Flickr, and Twitter pivoted from their original ideas. The core of lean is continuous experimentation and iteration to find product-market fit through analytics. Good metrics should be understandable, comparative, and behavior changing. The document discusses frameworks like Eric Ries' three engines of growth - virality, price, and stickiness. It also provides examples of how companies empirically validated problems and solutions through low-cost experiments like Twitter polls and Mechanical Turk interviews.

tokyoentrepreneurslean startup
Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel OptimizationUltimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization

The document provides tips and strategies for optimizing the user funnel, from acquiring first users to optimizing retention. It emphasizes testing optimizations through small experiments and using data to identify bottlenecks. Key recommendations include focusing first on learning rather than the funnel, using blogs and social media to acquire early users, and segmenting users to improve activation, onboarding and retention.

internet marketingfunnel optimizationacquisition
A KPI framework for startups
A KPI framework for startupsA KPI framework for startups
A KPI framework for startups

KPIs play a different role in startups than mature businesses. In startups, KPIs should focus on measuring progress towards achieving product-market fit rather than traditional metrics like customer acquisition and retention. To develop startup KPIs, companies first identify key success factors that drive product-market fit, then establish one or a few KPIs to measure each success factor. Good startup KPIs are relevant, responsive, easy to understand, and part of a broader analytics effort to inform ongoing product development.

The best of all possible
worlds is the one in
which the fewest
starting conditions
produce the greatest
variety of outcomes.
Rethinking the fundamentals is how
you discover new models.
What’s the

in a hair
The empty chair.
Knowing this, how
might you change
the client/customer

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Talks@Coursera - A/B Testing @ Internet Scale
Talks@Coursera - A/B Testing @ Internet ScaleTalks@Coursera - A/B Testing @ Internet Scale
Talks@Coursera - A/B Testing @ Internet Scale

This document discusses A/B testing at large internet companies. It describes how companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and LinkedIn use A/B testing to evaluate new ideas, measure their impact, and gain customer feedback. It outlines best practices for A/B testing, such as running one experiment at a time, choosing appropriate metrics and statistical significance, properly powering experiments, and addressing issues like multiple testing. The document also describes the key components of a scalable A/B testing system, including experiment management, online infrastructure for traffic routing and data logging, and automated offline analysis.

Winners Circle Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Lead Gen
Winners Circle Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Lead GenWinners Circle Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Lead Gen
Winners Circle Real Estate Marketing Real Estate Lead Gen

Big Block Realty Winner's Circle presentation on growth mindset for growing my real estate business, how to scale my real estate business, get real estate listings, facebook for real estate, messenger for real estate and more.

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128 High Converting Growth Hacks - the most epic growth hacking list
128 High Converting Growth Hacks - the most epic growth hacking list128 High Converting Growth Hacks - the most epic growth hacking list
128 High Converting Growth Hacks - the most epic growth hacking list

Because of nothing much to do - we read 2 105 publications and articles. Result? The most comprehensive growth hacking list up to date. All the growth hacks divided in easy to view AARRR sections - for pirates and growth hackers.

growth hackersseo growth hackscontent promotion growth hacks
Finding the tipping points of markets.
“Using Cue, you can tell if someone
has the ‘flu in 10 minutes.”
“Using Cue, you must tell if someone
has the ‘flu in 10 minutes…
…or Johnny can’t come on the school trip.”
Quantifying the riskiest parts.

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21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics
21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics
21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics

21 areas in which you can employ growth hacking tactics to grow your user / customer base.

startupscustomer acquisitionmarketing strategy
Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m

There are seven key stages in a startup’s evolution from $0m to $50m in revenue. Understanding where you are in that evolution, and how to act at each stage is critical for success, as what is appropriate at one stage is not appropriate at another stage. David will lay out the roadmap, and detail the keys to success at each stage. The talk is aimed at technical/product founders plus their sales, marketing & product executives who are responsible for the go-to-market strategy for their company.

saassaas sales & marketingstartup
Croll lean analytics workshop (3h) - lean ux nyc april 2014
Croll   lean analytics workshop (3h) - lean ux nyc april 2014Croll   lean analytics workshop (3h) - lean ux nyc april 2014
Croll lean analytics workshop (3h) - lean ux nyc april 2014

How to use data to build a better business faster. Based on the book Lean Analytics, this presentation looks at startup metrics and offers a framework for deliberate growth and iterative improvement of a new business. It also includes examples from larger organizations trying to change from within.

iterationlean analyticsdesign
The Attention Economy
“What information consumes
is rather obvious: it consumes
the attention of its recipients.
Hence a wealth of information
creates a poverty of attention, and a
need to allocate that attention efficiently
among the overabundance of
information sources that might
consume it.”
(Computers, Communications and the Public Interest, pages 40-41,
Martin Greenberger, ed., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971.)Herbert Simon
Lit motors tests the risky part
But how?
Analytics can help.

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online startups metrics
online startups metrics online startups metrics
online startups metrics

How to measure and analyze your online startups ( ecommerce, mobile app, SaaS, social media platforms and content platform )

Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs (Lean Startup Conf 2013)
Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs (Lean Startup Conf 2013)Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs (Lean Startup Conf 2013)
Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs (Lean Startup Conf 2013)

This document provides an introduction to Lean Analytics for intrapreneurs. It begins with two key lessons: companies die when they fail to adopt new business models, and the difference between a rogue agent and special operative is permission. It then discusses Lean Analytics fundamentals like good metrics being understandable, comparative, ratios or rates, and behavior changing. It covers qualitative vs quantitative data, exploratory vs reporting analytics, and examples of leading metrics. The document emphasizes focusing on one metric that matters for a given business model and stage. It provides examples of analytics baselines for growth, engagement, churn, and calculating customer lifetime value.

lean startupintrapreneurdata
Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs by Allistair Croll
Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs by Allistair CrollLean Analytics for Intrapreneurs by Allistair Croll
Lean Analytics for Intrapreneurs by Allistair Croll

This document provides an introduction to Lean Analytics for intrapreneurs. It begins with two key lessons: companies die when they fail to adopt new business models, and the difference between a rogue agent and special operative is permission. It then discusses Lean Analytics fundamentals like good metrics being understandable, comparative, ratios or rates, and behavior changing. It covers qualitative vs quantitative data, exploratory vs reporting analytics, and examples of leading metrics. The document emphasizes focusing on one key metric per business stage and provides examples of common metrics for different business models and stages.

lean startup conference 2013
Analytics is the measurement of
movement towards your business
In a startup, the purpose of analytics is
to iterate to product/market fit
before the money runs out.
Some fundamentals.
Analytics, performance, aggregation, and the right metrics

What makes a good metric?

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Slides for the day-long Lean Analytics workshop at the 2014 Lean Startup conf...
Slides for the day-long Lean Analytics workshop at the 2014 Lean Startup conf...Slides for the day-long Lean Analytics workshop at the 2014 Lean Startup conf...
Slides for the day-long Lean Analytics workshop at the 2014 Lean Startup conf...

A look at the metrics and processes needed to build a better business faster through data, whether you're a startup or a large enterprise.

lean startuplean analytics
Startup Metrics: The Data That Will Make or Break Your Business by Alistair C...
Startup Metrics: The Data That Will Make or Break Your Business by Alistair C...Startup Metrics: The Data That Will Make or Break Your Business by Alistair C...
Startup Metrics: The Data That Will Make or Break Your Business by Alistair C...

If you’re being methodical about growth, analytics matters. For startups, analytics is about measuring the right metric, in the right way, to produce the change the business needs most at that point in time. That’s harder than it sounds: you need a solid understanding of your business model; an awareness of what’s most at risk; and a clear idea of where to draw the line between success and failure. Metrics measure not only the health of your business, but also your journey to product/market fit; the value of your company; and the reliability of your underlying infrastructure. Join Lean Analytics co-author Alistair Croll for an all-day, in-depth look at analytics, measurement, and working with data. We’ll cover: The five stages of growth every company goes through, and how they guide your choice of metrics Six business-model archetypes and their unique measurement challenges What “good enough” looks like for fundamental metrics How to think about cohorts, segments, percentiles, and histograms Measuring and aggregating infrastructure KPIs such as latency and availability Using the Lean Analytics cycle to improve through experimentation This workshop is relevant for people working in standalone startups and for corporate entrepreneurs. It will combine presentations, case studies, and interactive discussion of the audience’s specific measurement challenges. Attendees need not be technical but should come armed with a basic understanding of web analytics, business metrics, and their current business model, plus a willingness to share with one another.

lean startup
SBC Growth Week - Lean Analytics
SBC Growth Week - Lean AnalyticsSBC Growth Week - Lean Analytics
SBC Growth Week - Lean Analytics

Slides from my session at SBC growth week about lean analytics, how it fits in as a framework and why it's important for growing your startup....

aarrrlean startupweb analytics
A good metric is:
If you’re busy
explaining the
data, you won’t
be busy acting
on it.
Comparison is
A ratio or rate
The only way to
change and roll
up the tension
between two
metrics (MPH)

What will you
do differently
based on the
results you

If a metric won’t change how
you behave, it’s a
Metrics help you know yourself.

of retailers

of retailers

of retailers
You are
just like
Customers that
buy >1x in 90d

per year

per year
Your customers
will buy from you
Then you are
in this mode
Low acquisition
cost, high checkout
Increasing return
rates, market share
Loyalty, selection,
inventory size
Focus on
(Thanks to Kevin Hillstrom for this.)
Unstructured, anecdotal,
revealing, hard to
aggregate, often too
positive & reassuring.
Warm and fuzzy.
Numbers and stats.
Hard facts, less insight,
easier to analyze; often
sour and disappointing.
Cold and hard.

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Help Employees Socialize Your Brand
Help Employees Socialize Your BrandHelp Employees Socialize Your Brand
Help Employees Socialize Your Brand

This is the talk I gave at Goodwill's Summer Learning event in Atlanta, GA on August 10, 2010. It covers how to help your employees go online and socialize your brand, how to measure their efforts, and how to handle some archetypes of social media crises.

goodwillweb analyticssocial media
Growth Hacking with Cassie Lancellotti-Young
Growth Hacking with Cassie Lancellotti-YoungGrowth Hacking with Cassie Lancellotti-Young
Growth Hacking with Cassie Lancellotti-Young

Cassie Lancellotti-Young discusses key startup metrics for evaluating marketing performance including acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. She emphasizes the importance of granular user data and tracking metrics across email, website, and revenue to understand the customer journey. Highlighting lessons from her experience, she stresses the value of optimization, testing assumptions, and focusing on the core user experience to drive engagement and growth.

Alistaire croll lean analytics - montreal lean startup circle - september 2018
Alistaire croll   lean analytics - montreal lean startup circle - september 2018Alistaire croll   lean analytics - montreal lean startup circle - september 2018
Alistaire croll lean analytics - montreal lean startup circle - september 2018

Alistair Croll's presentation of Lean Analytics hightlights at the Montreal Lean Startup Circle meetup September 2018

analyticslean startuplean startup circle montreal
Speculative. Tries to find
unexpected or
interesting insights.
Source of unfair
Predictable. Keeps you
abreast of the normal,
day-to-day operations.
Can be managed by
Rumsfeld on Analytics
(Or rather, Avinash Kaushik channeling Rumsfeld)
Things we

we know Are facts which may be wrong and
should be checked against data.
we don’t

Are questions we can answer by
reporting, which we should baseline
& automate.
we know
Are intuition which we should
quantify and teach to improve
effectiveness, efficiency.
we don’t

Are exploration which is where
unfair advantage and interesting
epiphanies live.
Slicing and dicing data
Comparison of
similar groups
along a timeline.
(this is the April cohort)
A/B test:
Changing one thing
(i.e. color) and
measuring the
result (i.e. revenue.)

Changing several
things at once to
see which correlates
with a result.
comparison of all
people divided by
some attribute (age,
gender, etc.)
Which of these two companies
is doing better?

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Introduction to lean analytics
Introduction to lean analyticsIntroduction to lean analytics
Introduction to lean analytics

This document introduces the concepts of lean analytics and the lean analytics framework. It begins with an introduction to lean startup methodology and emphasizes the importance of testing hypotheses through minimum viable products and the build-measure-learn loop. It then discusses different types of metrics and introduces the lean analytics framework, which focuses on empathy, stickiness, virality, revenue, and scale. For each stage, it provides examples of relevant metrics for different business models. The framework is intended to help companies adopt a lean approach to analytics and product development.

lean startupanalytics
Startup analytics
Startup analyticsStartup analytics
Startup analytics

This document discusses metrics and analytics for startups. It provides examples of metrics to measure at different stages of growth, including empathy, stickiness, virality, revenue, and scale. It emphasizes the importance of choosing one metric that matters for a given business stage and focusing on actionable metrics. Cohort analysis and funnels are presented as useful tools for understanding user behavior over time. Growth hacking techniques from successful startups like Airbnb, Dropbox, and LinkedIn are highlighted. Throughout, the document stresses testing hypotheses and using data and experimentation to optimize business performance.

Analytics, Search, Social Media, and Optimization: Why Has Marketing Gotten S...
Analytics, Search, Social Media, and Optimization: Why Has Marketing Gotten S...Analytics, Search, Social Media, and Optimization: Why Has Marketing Gotten S...
Analytics, Search, Social Media, and Optimization: Why Has Marketing Gotten S...

From search and social media to analytics and optimization, marketing has really gotten geeky. It's nearly impossible to keep up, so what should business owners know about online marketing in order to make good decisions about their web presence? This presentation is both a broad overview of key web marketing disciplines as well as a quick dive into some of the concepts and vocabulary behind them. Presented on Wednesday, August 18th to the Women Business Owners Special Interest Group of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce.

marketing optimizationcustomer experienceoptimization
  January February March April May
Rev/customer $5.00 $4.50 $4.33 $4.25 $4.50
Is this company
growing or stagnating?
Cohort 1 2 3 4 5
January $5 $3 $2 $1 $0.5
February $6 $4 $2 $1
March $7 $6 $5
April   $8 $7
May       $9
How about
this one?
Cohort 1 2 3 4 5
January $5 $3 $2 $1 $0.5
February $6 $4 $2 $1  
March $7 $6 $5    
April $8 $7      
May $9        
Averages $7 $5 $3 $1 $0.5
Look at the
same data
in cohorts
Historical. Shows you
how you’re doing;
reports the news.
Example: sales.
Explaining the
Number today that
predicts tomorrow;
reports the news.
Example: pipeline.
Predicting the


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Social Media Dashboarding (reporting)
Social Media Dashboarding (reporting)Social Media Dashboarding (reporting)
Social Media Dashboarding (reporting)

This document discusses social media dash boarding and measurement. It introduces Gary Angel and Scott K. Wilder as experts in social media analytics. It outlines challenges in measuring social media data and proposes focusing on the three C's: culling relevant data, classifying data by topic, sentiment, source and impact, and providing context by linking metrics to business issues. Examples of social media dashboards are provided to illustrate visualization techniques for competitive analysis, tracking influencers, and measuring site performance and marketing efforts.

semphonicwildervoicessocial media analytics
Social Media Dashboarding by Scott Wilder and semphonic
Social Media Dashboarding by Scott Wilder and semphonicSocial Media Dashboarding by Scott Wilder and semphonic
Social Media Dashboarding by Scott Wilder and semphonic

This document discusses social media dash boarding and measurement. It introduces Gary Angel and Scott K. Wilder as experts in social media analytics. It outlines challenges in measuring social media, including culling relevant data, classifying data by topic and sentiment, and providing business context. Examples of social media dashboards are provided to illustrate tracking metrics, competitors, influencers, and site performance. The key takeaways are applying the three C's of culling data, classifying data, and providing business context.

edelman digitalscott wildersocial media metrics
Adobe User Group Amsterdam - Correlation between Innovation & Growth Hacking
Adobe User Group Amsterdam - Correlation between Innovation & Growth Hacking Adobe User Group Amsterdam - Correlation between Innovation & Growth Hacking
Adobe User Group Amsterdam - Correlation between Innovation & Growth Hacking

My slides from my session at Adobe User Group Amsterdam 2015. Theme was "Hack your Growth" and a follow up of the Lean Analytics workshop from Alistair Croll at April 21st in Amsterdam. The talk is about why we need Growth Hacking to stimulate (corporate) innovation, from innovation dilemma, to lean analytics and various examples on growth hacking...

tribe eventsjeroen tjepkemameasureworks
Ice cream consumption Drownings
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Two variables that are
related (but may be
dependent on
something else.)
Ice cream &
An independent variable
that directly impacts a
dependent one.
Summertime &
A leading, causal metric
is a superpower.
A Facebook user reaching 7 friends within 10 days of signing up
(Chamath Palihapitiya)
If someone comes back to Zynga a day after signing up for a game,
they’ll probably become an engaged, paying user (Nabeel Hyatt)
A Dropbox user who puts at least one file in one folder on one device
(ChenLi Wang)
Twitter user following a certain number of people, and a certain
percentage of those people following the user back (Josh Elman)
A LinkedIn user getting to X connections in Y days (Elliot Schmukler)
Some examples
(From the 2012 Growth Hacking conference.

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Analytics & Product development
Analytics & Product developmentAnalytics & Product development
Analytics & Product development

This document discusses using analytics in the product development lifecycle. It covers: 1. Different business models and stages of growth that determine the appropriate metrics to track, such as empathy, stickiness, virality, revenue, and scale. 2. What makes a good metric, including being comparative, understandable, a rate or ratio, and changing user behavior. It warns against "vanity metrics" like page views or followers. 3. Different types of metrics including exploratory, qualitative vs. quantitative, leading vs. lagging, and correlated vs. causal. 4. How to use segments, cohorts, A/B testing, and multivariate testing to test changes and see what correlates with desired

data scienceanalytics
The World of Measurement and Analytics
The World of Measurement and AnalyticsThe World of Measurement and Analytics
The World of Measurement and Analytics

This was a presentation given at the Nomadic Marketing seminar in Johannesburg, South Africa, focusing on measurement and web analytics. It offers a simple model of how to think about measurement moving toward behavioural targeting. |

Start-up Metrics (Smetrics )
Start-up Metrics (Smetrics )Start-up Metrics (Smetrics )
Start-up Metrics (Smetrics )

An overview of metrics for startups. "A start-up without metrics, is like a car without a windshield". Have them! Presented by Stephen Merity for Incubate summer workshop 2013.

startup metricsstartupstechnology
Why is Nigerian spam so badly
Aunshul Rege of Rutgers University, USA in 2009
Experienced scammers expect a “strike rate” of 1 or 2 replies per 1,000 messages
emailed; they expect to land 2 or 3 “Mugu” (fools) each week.
One scammer boasted “When you get a reply it’s 70% sure you’ll get the money”
“By sending an email that repels all but the most gullible,” says [Microsoft Researcher
Corman] Herley, “the scammer gets the most promising marks to self-select, and tilts
the true to false positive ratio in his favor.”
1000 emails
1-2 responses
1 fool and their money, parted.
Bad language (0.1% conversion)
Gullible (70% conversion)
1000 emails
100 responses
1 fool and their money, parted.
Good language (10% conversion)
Not-gullible (.07% conversion)
This would be horribly
inefficient since
humans are involved.
Turns out the word “Nigeria” is the best
way to identify promising prospects.
Nigerian spammers
really understand their target market.
They see past vanity metrics.

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HatlingFlint KNOW Series
HatlingFlint KNOW SeriesHatlingFlint KNOW Series
HatlingFlint KNOW Series

This presentation is from the KNOW series, featuring Josh Lysne, Eric Piela and Tony Franklin. Topics included social media, engage marketing and online media.

st cloudknowhatlingflint
A5: Designing Gamified Experiences to Gain Customer Insights, Richardo Chen &...
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A5: Designing Gamified Experiences to Gain Customer Insights, Richardo Chen &...

The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on gamification that includes basic concepts, the Wisy experience canvas, and a simulation. It also provides details on gamification principles and elements, Wisy features and cases, and an example of a gamified event to promote learning and increase attendance and engagement. The workshop will have participants work in teams to design a Wisy experience using a provided canvas to meet a goal of increasing sales for a fictional touring company.

the lean startup conference 2019
Keynote: The Subscription Economy: How to Survive the End of Ownership, Tien ...
Keynote: The Subscription Economy: How to Survive the End of Ownership, Tien ...Keynote: The Subscription Economy: How to Survive the End of Ownership, Tien ...
Keynote: The Subscription Economy: How to Survive the End of Ownership, Tien ...

57% of people surveyed want to own less stuff according to a 2019 Harris survey on the end of ownership. The survey found that many people desire to own fewer material possessions. Most respondents indicated an interest in reducing clutter and owning only essential items.

the lean startup conference 2019
Eric’s three engines of growth
Make people
invite friends.
How many they
tell, how fast they
tell them.
Spend money to
get customers.
Customers are
worth more than
they cost.
Keep people
coming back.
Get customers
faster than you
lose them.
Math that
Dave’s Pirate Metrics
How do your users become aware of you?
SEO, SEM, widgets, email, PR, campaigns, blogs ...
Do drive-by visitors subscribe, use, etc?
Features, design, tone, compensation, affirmation ...
Does a one-time user become engaged?
Notifications, alerts, reminders, emails, updates...
Do you make money from user activity?
Transactions, clicks, subscriptions, DLC, analytics...
Do users promote your product?
Email, widgets, campaigns, likes, RTs, affiliates...
I’ve found a real, poorly-met need that a
reachable market faces.
I’ve figured out how to solve the problem in a
way they will keep using and pay for.
I’ve found ways to get them to tell their friends,
either intrinsically or through incentives.
The users and features fuel growth organically
and artificially.
I’ve found a sustainable, scalable business with
the right margins in a healthy ecosystem.
Six business model archetypes.
E-commerce SaaS Media



The business you’re in

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A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...
A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...
A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...

This document outlines a process for developing and testing social solutions using a canvas. It involves identifying key metrics to measure the solution's value and impact, running experiments to validate those metrics, and then choosing to iterate on the solution, pivot to a new idea, or scale up based on the experimental results and insights gained. The goal is to use a test-learn approach to develop solutions that address societal problems and have the potential for transformative scale and impact.

the lean startup conference 2019
A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...
A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...
A3: Lean For Social Impact: Innovating for Greater Impact and Scale, Steve Na...

The document outlines a 5-step Lean process for social innovation: 1) Define guideposts like target users and goals, 2) Propose 3-factor solutions addressing value, scale, and impact, 3) Develop success metrics, 4) Quickly test solutions through the Test-Learn-Respond loop, and 5) Track learnings through iterative testing. It provides an example of using this process to develop an English learning program for immigrants, iterating based on testing until a validated model was found that served over 1 million users at minimal cost. The key is embracing an experimental mindset to fail fast, learn from failures, and improve solutions.

the lean startup conference 2019
Keynote: Innovation is a Habit, not a Mindset, Diana Kander
Keynote: Innovation is a Habit, not a Mindset, Diana KanderKeynote: Innovation is a Habit, not a Mindset, Diana Kander
Keynote: Innovation is a Habit, not a Mindset, Diana Kander

The document discusses how habits can impact teams and strategies. It notes that culture and habits can outweigh strategies, and that individual mindsets are less important than shared team habits. It identifies three team habits that can be problematic: a lack of psychological safety that prevents sharing of ideas; not allocating time to identify opportunities for improvement; and overreliance on metrics that creates confirmation bias without processes to address blind spots. The conclusion is that habits, both individually and collectively, are the primary determinants of outcomes.

the lean startup conference 2019
(Which means eye
charts like these.)
Customer Acquisition Cost
paid direct search wom
Freemium/trial offer
Disengaged User
Engaged User
Free user
Trial abandonment
Invite Others
Paying Customer

User Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value
Viral coefficient

Viral rate
Support data
Account Cancelled Billing Info Exp.
Paid Churn Rate
Capacity Limit
rate Upselling
Disengaged DissatisfiedTrial Over
Model + Stage = One Metric That Matters.
One Metric

That Matters.
The business you’re in
E-Com SaaS Mobile 2-Sided Media UCG
Really? Just one?
Yes, one.

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F3: Employee = Founder: Building a Startup inside a Fortune 500 Company, Max-...
F3: Employee = Founder: Building a Startup inside a Fortune 500 Company, Max-...F3: Employee = Founder: Building a Startup inside a Fortune 500 Company, Max-...
F3: Employee = Founder: Building a Startup inside a Fortune 500 Company, Max-...

The document discusses building a startup within a large company. It describes how Max-Antonio Burger co-founded VEZA SUR Brewing Co. as an employee of Anheuser-Busch's craft division Brewer's Collective. It explains that entrepreneurship is about pursuing opportunities to meet consumer needs, and that Lean Startup methodology helped the startup get off the ground despite risks. The document also outlines challenges of being an "intrapreneur" and phases of developing the venture from ideation to scaling up within the large organization.

the lean startup conference 2019
G3: Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion Dollar Company, Sahil Lavingia
G3: Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion Dollar Company, Sahil LavingiaG3: Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion Dollar Company, Sahil Lavingia
G3: Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion Dollar Company, Sahil Lavingia

The document reflects on the author's failure to build the company Gumroad into a billion-dollar company. Some key points: - Every month with less than 20% growth should have been seen as a red flag. - The market a company is in will determine most of its growth, more so than amazing products or fast feature development. - By June 2016, revenue had increased to $176,000 per month but operating expenses had been cut dramatically to $32,000, allowing the company to become profitable after previously losing $351,000 per month. - The author now realizes "building a billion-dollar company" was a terrible goal and that "enough is a decision, not

the lean startup conference 2019
C3: Optimize, Grow or Catapult: Where to Target Your Organization’s Innovatio...
C3: Optimize, Grow or Catapult: Where to Target Your Organization’s Innovatio...C3: Optimize, Grow or Catapult: Where to Target Your Organization’s Innovatio...
C3: Optimize, Grow or Catapult: Where to Target Your Organization’s Innovatio...

The document discusses optimizing innovation efforts across three horizons: optimize, grow, and catapult. It emphasizes having clear strategies for each horizon regarding targets, risks, timing of return on investment. Core elements for effective innovation are identified as strategy, governance, culture, and skills/capabilities. Good innovation requires assessing these elements for each horizon. The presentation provides a framework to help organizations strategically focus innovation efforts.

the lean startup conference 2019
In a startup, focus is hard to achieve.
Having only one metric
addresses this problem.
Moz cuts down on metrics
SaaS-based SEO toolkit in the scale stage. Focused on net adds.
Was a marketing campaign successful?
Were customer complaints lowered?
Was a product upgrade valuable?
Net adds up:
Can we acquire more valuable customers?
What product features can increase engagement?
Can we improve customer support?
Net adds flat:
Are the new customers not the right segment?
Did a marketing campaign fail?
Did a product upgrade fail somehow?
Is customer support falling apart?
Net adds down:

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G6: Getting Leaders On Board: Don’t Let Your Innovation Program be Pronounced...
G6: Getting Leaders On Board: Don’t Let Your Innovation Program be Pronounced...G6: Getting Leaders On Board: Don’t Let Your Innovation Program be Pronounced...
G6: Getting Leaders On Board: Don’t Let Your Innovation Program be Pronounced...

This document discusses strategies for getting leadership support for innovation programs: - It recommends using Investment Readiness Levels (IRL) and project age to measure progress across a portfolio of early-stage projects and determine which projects receive additional funding. - Leaders and stakeholders should understand that the goal is to reduce risk by validating ideas before large investments, and that success means achieving a high IRL rather than scale, while failure means not achieving a high IRL or scale. - Projects should earn additional funding through IRL milestones rather than receiving overfunding initially.

the lean startup conference 2019
E3: Amazon’s Approach to Culture Change, Wen Huang, Eric Tachibana
E3: Amazon’s Approach to Culture Change, Wen Huang, Eric TachibanaE3: Amazon’s Approach to Culture Change, Wen Huang, Eric Tachibana
E3: Amazon’s Approach to Culture Change, Wen Huang, Eric Tachibana

The document discusses organizational culture and how it can be managed. It defines culture as shared understandings instantiated through values, rituals, artifacts, and stories. It states that while culture itself is abstract, it can be managed by focusing on these concrete expressions. Values are beliefs held by all members, rituals are routines repeated over time, artifacts are physical manifestations, and stories are histories and legends. The document provides examples from Amazon of its yearly leadership conference, banning PowerPoints, employee t-shirts, and core leadership principles representing these cultural expressions. It suggests the strongest cultures have high intersection between all four expressions.

the lean startup conference 2019
G1: Brackitz Toy Story: Learning From Mistakes and Mental Models for Success,...
G1: Brackitz Toy Story: Learning From Mistakes and Mental Models for Success,...G1: Brackitz Toy Story: Learning From Mistakes and Mental Models for Success,...
G1: Brackitz Toy Story: Learning From Mistakes and Mental Models for Success,...

The document discusses learning from mistakes and developing mental models for success. It describes an assessment where students score their neighbor's answers and then pass the sheets to the left. The document also provides contact information for Chris Cochella, including his email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile.

the lean startup conference 2019
Metrics are like squeeze toys.
SaaS Media



Interviews; qualitative results; quantitative scoring; surveys
CAC, shares,
virality, CAC
API, magic #,
user data
SEM, sharing
(Money from transactions)
churn, virality
WoM, app
ratings, CAC
(Money from active users)
Traffic, visits,
virality, SEM
CPE, affiliate
%, eyeballs
(Money from ad clicks)
Drawing some lines in the sand.

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D5: Be the Solution: Use Lean to Solve Community Problems, Katrina Medoff
D5: Be the Solution: Use Lean to Solve Community Problems, Katrina MedoffD5: Be the Solution: Use Lean to Solve Community Problems, Katrina Medoff
D5: Be the Solution: Use Lean to Solve Community Problems, Katrina Medoff

The document discusses how Katrina Medoff used Lean principles to solve community problems by founding the Women's Weekend Film Challenge, which has held 3 challenge weekends in NYC in less than 18 months producing over 500 professional female filmmakers and 24 short films that have been shown at over 60 film festivals. The Women's Weekend Film Challenge has helped support diversity in the film industry by having 50% of participants be women of color and 30% identify as LGBTQ+ across an age range of 18 to 60+, starting with no brand, budget or equipment and growing its impact over time.

the lean startup conference 2019
F1: Mastering the Art of Telling Your Story, Jamie Lazzeri
F1: Mastering the Art of Telling Your Story, Jamie LazzeriF1: Mastering the Art of Telling Your Story, Jamie Lazzeri
F1: Mastering the Art of Telling Your Story, Jamie Lazzeri

The Lean Startup Conference 2019

the lean startup conference 2019
Keynote: Intelligent Growth in Startups: Building More Than a Product to Get ...
Keynote: Intelligent Growth in Startups: Building More Than a Product to Get ...Keynote: Intelligent Growth in Startups: Building More Than a Product to Get ...
Keynote: Intelligent Growth in Startups: Building More Than a Product to Get ...

This document discusses the challenges of achieving product-market fit for startups. It argues that product-market fit is more complex than simply building an MVP and measuring customer usage and revenue. True product-market fit requires considering the product value, business model, and ecosystem in which the product exists. It emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs deeply and solving meaningful problems, rather than focusing solely on product features or growth metrics. Achieving product-market fit is an iterative process of learning through building, measuring, and refining based on customer and market feedback.

the lean startup conference 2019
A company loses a quarter of its
customers every year.
Is this good or bad?
Not knowing what normal is
makes you do stupid things.
5-7% growth a week
“A good growth rate during YC
is 5-7% a week,” he says. “If
you can hit 10% a week you're
doing exceptionally well. If you
can only manage 1%, it's a sign
you haven't yet figured out
what you're doing.” At revenue
stage, measure growth in
revenue. Before that, measure
growth in active users.
Paul Graham, Y Combinator
• Are there enough people who really care
enough to sustain a 5% growth rate?

• Don’t strive for a 5% growth at the expense
of really understanding your customers
and building a meaningful solution

• Once you’re a pre-revenue startup at or
near product/market fit, you should have
5% growth of active users each week
• Once you’re generating revenues, they
should grow at 5% a week
10% visitor engagement/day
Fred Wilson’s social ratios
30% of users/month use web or mobile app
10% of users/day use web or mobile app
1% of users/day use it concurrently

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Keynote: From Founder to Investor: Stories From the Trenches of Entrepreneurs...
Keynote: From Founder to Investor: Stories From the Trenches of Entrepreneurs...Keynote: From Founder to Investor: Stories From the Trenches of Entrepreneurs...
Keynote: From Founder to Investor: Stories From the Trenches of Entrepreneurs...

This document appears to be an excerpt from a book or guide about entrepreneurship. It discusses several lessons for entrepreneurs, including that ideas are everywhere, the importance of telling others about your idea and making connections, and that success is the ultimate goal rather than just winning. It is authored by Leah Busque Solivan and references her Twitter handle and venture capital firm Fuel Capital.

the lean startup conference 2019
G5: Big Problems Require Big Solutions: the Story of Earn, Leigh Phillips
G5: Big Problems Require Big Solutions: the Story of Earn, Leigh PhillipsG5: Big Problems Require Big Solutions: the Story of Earn, Leigh Phillips
G5: Big Problems Require Big Solutions: the Story of Earn, Leigh Phillips

EARN is a nonprofit that helps low-income families save money and invest in their futures through matched savings programs. While EARN had helped thousands of people with homeownership, education, and businesses, operational constraints limited enrollment. To better serve more people, EARN aimed to leverage technology, reduce barriers to participation, and build on existing successful strategies. This involved creating a more flexible digital savings platform called SaverLife 2.0 that streamlined the onboarding process, engaged users through games and challenges, and capitalized on moments like tax season to motivate savings. The new approach helped EARN grow its membership to over 175,000 savers across the United States.

the lean startup conference 2019
B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...
B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...
B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...

This document outlines Intercorp's purpose of making Peru the best place to raise a family in Latin America. It also describes the process for developing "Beacons", which are projects that meet unmet user needs, have high potential to transform the organization, and cannot succeed without organizational transformation. The Beacon development process involves committing to a Beacon, discovering user needs, prototyping solutions in alpha testing, scaling a working version in beta testing, and broadly launching the Beacon for optimization.

the lean startup conference 2019
2-5% monthly churn
• The best SaaS get 1.5% - 3% a month. They have multiple Ph.D’s
on the job.
• Get below a 5% monthly churn rate before you know you’ve got a
business that’s ready to grow (Mark MacLeod) and around 2%
before you really step on the gas (David Skok)
• Last-ditch appeals and reactivation can have a big impact.
Facebook’s “don’t leave” reduces attrition by 7%.
Calculating customer lifetime

monthly churn

The average
customer lasts
4 months

monthly churn

The average
customer lasts
20 months

monthly churn

The average
customer lasts
50 months
CAC under 1/3 of CLV
• CLV is wrong. CAC Is probably wrong, too.
• Time kills all plans: It’ll take a long time to find
out whether your churn and revenue projections
are right
• Cashflow: You’re basically “loaning” the
customer money between acquisition and CLV.
• It keeps you honest: Limiting yourself to a
CAC of only a third of your CLV will forces you
to verify costs sooner.
Lifetime of 20 mo.
$30/mo. per
$600 CLV
$200 CAC
Now segment
those users!
1/3 spend
Who is worth more?
Roberto Medri, Etsy

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B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...
B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...
B6: Leading Innovation and Building Better Lives: Intercorp Latin America, Ed...

Intercorp Peru is a large Peruvian conglomerate with $8 billion in annual revenues, operating 33 companies across multiple industries with 80,000 total employees. The company aims to inspire transformation through "Beacon Teams" of over 100 internal corporate ventures adopting new ways of working and by attracting Internet-era talent who want to solve challenges and have real-world impact.

the lean startup conference 2019
B5: The 8 Deadly Maladies of Rapid Experimentation, Lukas Oberhuber
B5: The 8 Deadly Maladies of Rapid Experimentation, Lukas OberhuberB5: The 8 Deadly Maladies of Rapid Experimentation, Lukas Oberhuber
B5: The 8 Deadly Maladies of Rapid Experimentation, Lukas Oberhuber

Simply Business is an online insurance broker that serves over 600,000 micro-business customers. The document discusses various challenges ("maladies") that teams can experience when trying to innovate, such as continuously running experiments without clear goals or accountability, focusing only on quick wins to prove value, or getting stuck in analysis paralysis around identifying the single best opportunity. It provides examples of teams experiencing these issues and offers questions to help address the underlying causes through improved governance, decision making, and accountability.

the lean startup conference 2019
B4: The Road to Startup Success is Paved in Pivots, Kate Skavish
B4: The Road to Startup Success is Paved in Pivots, Kate Skavish B4: The Road to Startup Success is Paved in Pivots, Kate Skavish
B4: The Road to Startup Success is Paved in Pivots, Kate Skavish

This document discusses various types of pivots that companies can make when needed to change direction, using examples from companies like Animatron, WorldStream, Dropbox, HubSpot, Pinterest, Canva, Android, Salesforce, and Amazon. It defines a pivot as when a company ditches its original product offering and changes direction. Some specific pivots discussed are customer use pivots, zoom-in pivots, business model pivots, channel pivots, value capture pivots, technology pivots, platform pivots, and zoom-out pivots. The document provides guidance on when certain pivots may be needed based on metrics like customer churn and happiness.

the lean startup conference 2019
The Lean Analytics cycle
Draw a new line
Pivot or

give up
Try again
Did we move the
the results
Make changes
in production
Design a test
With data:

find a
Without data:
make a good
Find a potential
Draw a linePick a KPI

Recommended for you


Simple Ways to Make Your Commercial Space More Energy Efficient In today's world, being energy efficient isn't just good for the planet—it's also good for your wallet. Whether you run a small shop or a large office building, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to reduce your energy consumption and save money on utility bills. Let's dive in! 1. Upgrade Your Lighting: One of the easiest ways to save energy is by switching to energy-efficient lighting options like LED bulbs. LEDs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer, so you'll save money on both energy and replacement costs in the long run. 2. Install Motion Sensors: Do you have areas in your commercial space that aren't always in use, like storage rooms or bathrooms? Consider installing motion sensors that automatically turn lights off when no one is around. This simple addition can lead to significant energy savings over time. 3. Optimize Heating and Cooling: Heating and cooling can account for a big portion of your energy bills, especially in larger commercial spaces. To save energy, make sure your HVAC system is properly maintained and consider investing in a programmable thermostat. You can also encourage employees to dress in layers to reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling. 4. Seal Leaks and Insulate: A well-insulated building is more energy efficient because it retains heat in the winter and keeps cool air in during the summer. Check for drafts around windows and doors and seal them with weather stripping or caulking. Adding insulation to walls, floors, and ceilings can also make a big difference in your energy consumption. 5. Use Energy-Efficient Equipment: When it's time to replace old appliances or equipment in your commercial space, opt for energy-efficient models. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that the product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. 6. Encourage Energy-Saving Habits: Sometimes, the simplest changes can have the biggest impact. Encourage employees to turn off lights and electronics when they're not in use, unplug chargers and other devices when they're fully charged, and use natural light whenever possible. 7. Conduct an Energy Audit: If you're serious about improving energy efficiency in your commercial space, consider hiring a professional to conduct an energy audit. They'll assess your energy usage and identify areas where you can make improvements, ultimately helping you save even more money in the long run. 8. Educate and Involve Employees: Finally, don't forget to involve your employees in your energy-saving efforts. Educate them about the importance of energy efficiency and encourage them to come up with their own ideas for saving energy in the workplace. When everyone is on board, you'll see even greater results. LED , Lights , Manufacturers in India , Efficient Lighting , Quality Products

led lightsefficient technologyled lighting
Mandated reporting powerpoint to help with understanding your role
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Mandated reporting powerpoint to help with understanding your role


Business model Lean format - sample Feb23.pdf
Business model Lean format - sample Feb23.pdfBusiness model Lean format - sample Feb23.pdf
Business model Lean format - sample Feb23.pdf Business model Lean format - sample Feb23.pdf

Do AirBnB hosts
get more business
if their property is
Gut instinct (hypothesis)
Professional photography helps AirBnB’s business
Candidate solution (MVP)
20 field photographers posing as employees
Measure the results
Compare photographed listings to a control group
Make a decision
Launch photography as a new feature for all hosts
5,000 shoots per month
by February 2012
Hang on a second.

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Abortion pills in Kuwait))௵+918133066128௹Get Cytotec Pills IN Kuwait City

social mediaresearchmarketing
Staffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project Management
Staffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project ManagementStaffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project Management
Staffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project Management

A while back I created this training material for project managers in 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴. I am now sharing it widely since it is useful to a broader audience. A central theme is that project management is much more than putting together presentations. It covers all kinds of high-level cognitive efforts, which is why it is exciting (at first). It is also important to note that you do not improvise your way into project management. It is a well-developed craft that is far down its experience curve. I started my career at McKinsey & Company in 1984 and was an Engagement Manager between 1986 and 1989. I then became a partner. So my project management days are long gone, but I have interacted with and trained countless young consultants since. The document is not a manual. If you follow it 100% you would not have time to do your project management job. But I trust there is always an idea or two that is useful on any project. To me, the most difficult part of this document was to create the 18 rays with the grey contours. It involves some trigonometry. Getting this right was fun.

Research Methodology, Objectives, Types and Significance of Research
Research Methodology, Objectives, Types and Significance of ResearchResearch Methodology, Objectives, Types and Significance of Research
Research Methodology, Objectives, Types and Significance of Research

Research methodology refers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. research is integral to every aspect of business operations. It supports informed decision-making, identifies opportunities and threats, enhances customer understanding, improves efficiency, fosters innovation, aids in strategic planning, refines marketing strategies, manages risk, boosts employee satisfaction, enhances financial performance, and informs policy formulation. This comprehensive understanding and application of research allow businesses to operate more effectively and sustainably in a competitive environment. Research methodology refers to the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It encompasses the principles, procedures, and techniques used by researchers to collect, analyze, and interpret data. Essentially, research methodology provides the blueprint for the entire research process, ensuring that the study is carried out in a structured, reliable, and valid manner.

research definitionobjectives of researchtypes of research
Gut instinct (hypothesis)
Professional photography helps AirBnB’s business
Draw a new line
Pivot or

give up
Try again
Did we move the
the results
Make changes
in production
Design a test
With data:

find a
Without data:
make a good
Find a potential
Draw a linePick a KPI
“Gee, those
houses that do
well look really
Maybe it’s the
“Computer: What
do all the
highly rented
houses have in
Camera model.
With data:

find a commonality
Without data: make a
good guess
Circle of Moms: Not enough engagement
• Too few people were
actually using the
• Less than 20% of any
circles had any activity
after their initial creation
• A few million monthly
uniques from 10M
registered users, but no
sustained traction
• They found moms were far more engaged
• Their messages to one another were on average 50% longer
• They were 115% more likely to attach a picture to a post they wrote
• They were 110% more likely to engage in a threaded (i.e. deep)
• Circle owners’ friends were 50% more likely to engage with the circle
• They were 75% more likely to click on Facebook notifications
• They were 180% more likely to click on Facebook news feed items
• They were 60% more likely to accept invitations to the app
• Pivoted to the new market, including a name change
• By late 2009, 4.5M users and strong engagement
• Sold to Sugar, inc. in early 2012

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How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
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How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Design Thinking are two powerful tools that, when used together, can revolutionize the service industry. By combining these approaches, businesses can develop innovative solutions that enhance customer experience, increase efficiency, and drive growth. Here's how AI and Design Thinking are disrupting the service industry

aiartificial intelligencedesign thinking
JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking RevelationsJD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations

Shocking Revelations: The JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) Financial Debacle In an astonishing series of events, Finance JD Euroway Inc. and its CEO Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes legal battle, accused of orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme. The allegations, which have not yet been proven in court, detail a complex web of deceit and financial misconduct that has left investors in turmoil. A Complex Financial Web Finance JD Euroway Inc. (JDE), under the leadership of Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), has been accused of luring investors into a fraudulent scheme involving Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs). According to the plaintiffs, JDE promised extraordinary returns on investments, convincing them to deposit substantial funds into JDE-controlled accounts under false pretenses. Promises of High Returns The case details how investors were enticed by Zephir's promises of high returns and secure investments. In one instance, an investor forwarded USD $1.2 million to JDE, assured by Zephir of a guaranteed 10% monthly return. Similarly, another investor was persuaded to deposit USD $10 million in escrow for what was purported to be a lucrative investment opportunity. The Alleged Fraud The plaintiffs assert that these investments were never intended to generate returns. Instead, they claim that JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) used these funds for unauthorized purposes. Zephir is accused of providing fraudulent SWIFT receipts and false insurance documents to create an illusion of legitimacy. For example, the insurance for one investor's escrow funds was supposedly backed by Timber Creek Surety Inc., which later confirmed the insurance certificate was fraudulent. Legal Proceedings and Injunctions The gravity of the situation has led the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to issue a Mareva injunction and Norwich order, aimed at freezing the defendants' assets and uncovering the whereabouts of the misappropriated funds. Justice John Callaghan, in his endorsement, highlighted the plaintiffs' strong prima facie case of fraud and the necessity to prevent further dissipation of assets. A Tale of Unfulfilled Promises Despite repeated assurances from Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), the promised returns never materialized. Investors experienced continuous delays and excuses, with Zephir often citing issues such as pending bank confirmations and internal reviews. By May 2024, it became clear that the funds were not forthcoming, prompting the plaintiffs to take legal action.

jd euroway shockingjd euroway financial reportjd euroway canda 2024
Landing page design A/B testing
Cohort analysis General analytics
URL shortening
Funnel analytics
Influencer Marketing
Publisher analytics
SaaS analytics
Gaming analytics
User interaction Customer satisfaction KPI dashboardsUser segmentation
User analytics Spying on users
Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster
Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster
The mobile app!
customer lifecycle!
Gross revenue
App sales
Churn, CLV

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Guide to Obtaining a Money Changer License in Singapore
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Intrapreneurship in large

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Transform your home into a festive wonderland this Christmas with our guide to small Christmas trees, elegant candle centerpieces, and unique wreaths for your front door. Discover the perfect small Christmas tree for limited spaces, learn how to create stunning candle centerpieces, and find the best unique wreaths for your front door to welcome guests. Embrace sustainable decorating ideas, personalize your decor, and achieve a cohesive holiday look that spreads joy throughout your home.

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Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster
F500 Life
Growth by entering
a new business 95

% fail
Strategy Board

% fail
1950 2010...
When you’re a startup
your goal is to find a sustainable,
repeatable business model.
When you’re a big company
your goal is to perpetuate one.
Someone working to produce
disruptive change in an organization
that has already found a sustainable,
repeatable business model.

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The Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Zodiac Sign

Explore the strengths and weaknesses of each Zodiac Sign to understand yourself and others better. Discover detailed insights with MyPandit and enhance your personal growth and relationships.

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The difference between a rogue agent
and a special operative is permission.
The job of an intrapreneur is to
identify an adjacent market, product,
or method that conforms to
organizational filters.
It is not to improve the current
product, market, or method.
Also: a pariah.
Successful innovators share certain attributes.
Bad listener: Wilfully ignore feedback from your best customers.
Cannibal: If successful, destroying existing revenue streams.
Job killer: Automation & lower margins are your favorite tools.
Security risk: Advocate of transparency, open data, communities.
Narcissist: Worry constantly about how you’ll get attention.
Slum lord: Sell to those with less money, deviants, and weirdos.
In other words, if your job is change you
have your work cut out for you.

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TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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Commercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptx
Commercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptxCommercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptx
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This isn’t about a lack of resources.
Blockbuster had a lot going for it.
Plenty of inventory, of course.
But that matters less than...

Recommended for you intelligence,
customers, existing
payment approval,
and customer
The problem was framing:
Blockbuster thought it was in the video
store management business. Netflix
realized it was in the entertainment
delivery business.



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In a big company,
analytics replaces opinion with fact.
Companies that use data-driven
analytics instead of intuition have
5%-6% higher productivity and
profits than competitors.
Brynjolfsson, Erik, Lorin Hitt, and Heekyung Kim. "Strength in Numbers: How Does Data-Driven
Decisionmaking Affect Firm Performance?." Available at SSRN 1819486 (2011).
2011 MIT study of 179 large publicly traded firms

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Arbitron and radio data
Times a song in “heavy
rotation” is played daily
2007 2012

(five mores)





You can convince
executives of this
because some of it
is familiar.
This terrifies them
because it eats the
current business.
A three-maxima model
of enterprise innovation
Improvement Adjacency Remodeling
Do the same,

only better.
Explore what’s

nearby quickly
Try out new

business models
Lean approaches apply, but the metrics vary widely.




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Sustaining Adjacent Disruptive
Next year’s car Electric car,

same dealer
On-demand, app-based

car service
is about
more of
the same.
(says Sergio Zyman)
More things
To more people
For more money
More often
More efficiently
Supply chain optimization
Per-transaction cost reduction
Loyal customer base that returns
Demand prediction, notification
Maximum shopping cart
Price skimming/tiering
Highly viral offering
Low incremental order costs
Inventory increase
Gifting, wish lists
Blizzard extends the
lifespan of WOW



The infamous S-curve
(Product lifecycle, Bass diffusion curve, etc.)
Blizzard extends the
lifespan of WOW

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Blizzard extends the
lifespan of WOW
Fixing this: sustaining growth with novelty
Product & market innovation
(“New & improved!”)
Blizzard extends the
lifespan of WOW

Wrath of

the Lich King
Mists of

Warlords of
Adjacent innovation is about changing
one part of the model in a way that
alters the value network.
Experiment with product, market,
and method.

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(new “what”)
(new “who”)
(new “how”)
3 kinds of
Adjacent product
to the same
market in the
same way
Transformative innovation is about
taking a leap, changing more than one
dimension simultaneously in search of
a new business model.
If sustaining, incremental innovation
produces linear growth, then
disruptive, transformative innovation
produces exponential growth.

Recommended for you

Transformative isolation:
Metlife Infinity
Some street-smart

tactics that work
“How quickly can you test this”

should be a criteria.
You’re not building a product,

you’re figuring out what product to build.

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How easily can you test these out?
Take baby steps
How you get there matters as much as where you’re going.

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Twitter’s 140-character
limit isn’t arbitrary. It’s
constrained by the size
of SMS (160
characters) and
username (20
Black car Uberpool
Let them ask for an out
Detecting SaaS churn early without hurting cashflow
The tradeoff
Charge a monthly fee Charge annual fee up front
Find out if they hate it sooner, when
they cancel on first billing cycle.
No need to pay back CAC; cash you
can use right away.
Takes months to recoup the money
you spent acquiring them.
May be a zombie user who vanishes
when the year is up.

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They’re happy, you keep your
money, goodwill for offering.
They’re unsatisfied, you made it
right, they tell you why, you learn.
The solution—because the goal is to
learn, not to trap customers.
Annual fee, with an out
1. Offer an annual, discounted fee.
2. After a couple of weeks, ask if
they’d like a refund.
Protip: Campaigns that don’t suck.
How to build a marketing campaign
When will you decide if it worked, and adjust?
Who are you
Size, reachability,

What do you
want them to

call to action.
Why should
they do it?
Laid, paid, made,

or afraid;

fits their mindset.
How will you
know if they


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Waterslides, not funnels
The whole point of digital is personal
Segment 1
User segment

Segment 2
Segment 3

Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3

Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3 Credit: Patrick McGarvey
More like this.
Pitchers not buckets

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Bounces Non-





Engaged users

Leaky buckets are a
bad metaphor
Bounces Non-


Improve stickiness; call-to-action optimization;

A/B page testing; picking better traffic sources
Notifications; updates; reactivating users;

segmenting those who are engaged.
Usage caps, natural upselling;

premium features
Better support; credit card renewal;
naturally sustained features
Hardcore interviews
Maybe they don’t love you

like they said they do.
Your offering doesn’t make them want to

brag or their contact isn’t really a friend
Advocates can’t learn & convey

your message easily
They don’t trust you entirely
Woohoo! Scalable, viral,

explainable product!
Get a meeting
Grab the phone
They pitch it
Call them now?
Intro to a friend?

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Use outliers and missed searches to
hunt for good ideas & adjacencies
(Multi-billion-dollar hygiene product company)
1/8 men have an incontinence issue. 1/3
women do.
When search results show a significant
number of men searching, this suggests the
adjacent (male) market is underserved.
Frame it like a study
Product creation is almost
Unlike a VC or startup, when
the initiative fails the
organization still learns.
Use data to create a taste for
Sitting on Billions of rows of
transactional data
David Boyle ran 1M online surveys
Once the value was obvious to
management, got license to dig.
Focus on the desired behavior, not just
the information.
26% increase in towel
re-use with an appeal
to social norms; 33%
increase when tied to
the specific room.
Energy Conservation “Nudges” and Environmentalist
Ideology: Evidence from a Randomized Residential Electricity
Field Experiment - Costa & Kahn 2011
The effectiveness of energy
conservation “nudges” depends on
an individual’s political ideology ...
Conservatives who learn that their
consumption is less than their
neighbors’ “boomerang” whereas
liberals reduce their consumption.

Recommended for you
Think subversively.
But don’t break promises.
“The most important figures that one
needs for management are unknown
or unknowable, but successful
management must nevertheless take
account of them.”
Lloyd S. Nelson

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Pic by Twodolla on Flickr.
Once, a leader convinced others
in the absence of data.
Now, a leader knows
what questions to ask.

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Alistair Croll
Ben Yoskovitz

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Lean Startup Co.
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Lean Startup Co.
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Lean Analytics: Using Data to Build a Better Business Faster

  • 1. Lean Analytics Lean Startup conference San Francisco, November 16 2015 @acroll
  • 2. Don’t sell what you can make. Make what you can sell. Kevin Costner is a lousy entrepreneur.
  • 3. The core of Lean is iteration.
  • 4. Waterfall approach You know the problem and the solution.
  • 6. Known set of requirements Known ways to satisfy them Spec Build Test Launch
  • 7. Agile methodologies Know the problem, find the solution
  • 9. Known set of requirements Unclear how to satisfy them Build Test LaunchViable?Problem
 statement Adjust Sprints Unknown set of requirements
  • 10. Lean approach First, know that you don’t know.
  • 11. Possible problem space Product/ market hypothesis Trial startup Product/ market hypothesis Trial startup Product/market hypothesis Trialstartup Product/market hypothesis Trialstartup You are herePIVOT
  • 13. Everyone’s idea is the best right? People love this part! (but that’s not always a good thing) This is where things fall apart. No data, no learning.
  • 14. Most startups don’t know what they’ll be when they grow up. Hotmail
 was a database company Flickr
 was going to be an MMO Twitter
 was a podcasting company Autodesk
 made desktop automation Paypal
 first built for Palmpilots Freshbooks
 was invoicing for a web design firm Wikipedia
 was to be written by experts only Mitel
 was a lawnmower company
  • 15. Gottfried von Leibniz was a geek just like you.
  • 16. First calculator (stepped reckoner) One of the first to recognize the importance of binary. “I thought again about my early plan of a new language or writing-system of reason, which could serve as a communication tool for all different nations..”
  • 17. The best of all possible worlds is the one in which the fewest starting conditions produce the greatest variety of outcomes.
  • 18. Rethinking the fundamentals is how you discover new models.
  • 20. The empty chair. Knowing this, how might you change the client/customer relationship?
  • 21. Finding the tipping points of markets.
  • 22. “Using Cue, you can tell if someone has the ‘flu in 10 minutes.”
  • 23. “Using Cue, you must tell if someone has the ‘flu in 10 minutes… …or Johnny can’t come on the school trip.”
  • 25. The Attention Economy “What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.” (Computers, Communications and the Public Interest, pages 40-41, Martin Greenberger, ed., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971.)Herbert Simon
  • 26. Lit motors tests the risky part
  • 29. Analytics is the measurement of movement towards your business goals.
  • 30. In a startup, the purpose of analytics is to iterate to product/market fit before the money runs out.
  • 31. Some fundamentals. Analytics, performance, aggregation, and the right metrics
  • 33. A good metric is: Understandable If you’re busy explaining the data, you won’t be busy acting on it. Comparative Comparison is context. A ratio or rate The only way to measure change and roll up the tension between two metrics (MPH) Behavior
 changing What will you do differently based on the results you collect?
  • 34. The simplest rule bad
 metric. If a metric won’t change how you behave, it’s a h"p://
  • 35. Metrics help you know yourself. Acquisition Hybrid Loyalty 70%
 of retailers 20%
 of retailers 10%
 of retailers You are just like Customers that buy >1x in 90d Once 2-2.5
 per year >2.5
 per year Your customers will buy from you Then you are in this mode 1-15% 15-30% >30% Low acquisition cost, high checkout Increasing return rates, market share Loyalty, selection, inventory size Focus on (Thanks to Kevin Hillstrom for this.)
  • 36. Qualitative Unstructured, anecdotal, revealing, hard to aggregate, often too positive & reassuring. Warm and fuzzy. Quantitative Numbers and stats. Hard facts, less insight, easier to analyze; often sour and disappointing. Cold and hard.
  • 37. Exploratory Speculative. Tries to find unexpected or interesting insights. Source of unfair advantages. Cool. Reporting Predictable. Keeps you abreast of the normal, day-to-day operations. Can be managed by exception. Necessary.
  • 38. Rumsfeld on Analytics (Or rather, Avinash Kaushik channeling Rumsfeld) Things we know don’t
 know we know Are facts which may be wrong and should be checked against data. we don’t
 know Are questions we can answer by reporting, which we should baseline & automate. we know Are intuition which we should quantify and teach to improve effectiveness, efficiency. we don’t
 know Are exploration which is where unfair advantage and interesting epiphanies live.
  • 39. MayAprMarFeb Slicing and dicing data Jan 0 5,000 Activeusers Cohort: Comparison of similar groups along a timeline. (this is the April cohort) A/B test: Changing one thing (i.e. color) and measuring the result (i.e. revenue.) Multivariate
 analysis Changing several things at once to see which correlates with a result. ☀ ☁ ☀ ☁ Segment: Cross-sectional comparison of all people divided by some attribute (age, gender, etc.) ☀ ☁
  • 40. Which of these two companies is doing better?
  • 41.   January February March April May Rev/customer $5.00 $4.50 $4.33 $4.25 $4.50 Is this company growing or stagnating? Cohort 1 2 3 4 5 January $5 $3 $2 $1 $0.5 February $6 $4 $2 $1 March $7 $6 $5 April   $8 $7 May       $9 How about this one?
  • 42. Cohort 1 2 3 4 5 January $5 $3 $2 $1 $0.5 February $6 $4 $2 $1   March $7 $6 $5     April $8 $7       May $9         Averages $7 $5 $3 $1 $0.5 Look at the same data in cohorts
  • 43. Lagging Historical. Shows you how you’re doing; reports the news. Example: sales. Explaining the past. Leading Forward-looking. Number today that predicts tomorrow; reports the news. Example: pipeline. Predicting the future.
  • 45. 1 10 100 1000 10000 Ice cream consumption Drownings Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
  • 46. Correlated Two variables that are related (but may be dependent on something else.) Ice cream & drowning. Causal An independent variable that directly impacts a dependent one. Summertime & drowning.
  • 47. A leading, causal metric is a superpower. h"p://
  • 48. A Facebook user reaching 7 friends within 10 days of signing up (Chamath Palihapitiya) If someone comes back to Zynga a day after signing up for a game, they’ll probably become an engaged, paying user (Nabeel Hyatt) A Dropbox user who puts at least one file in one folder on one device (ChenLi Wang) Twitter user following a certain number of people, and a certain percentage of those people following the user back (Josh Elman) A LinkedIn user getting to X connections in Y days (Elliot Schmukler) Some examples (From the 2012 Growth Hacking conference.
  • 49. Why is Nigerian spam so badly written?
  • 50. Aunshul Rege of Rutgers University, USA in 2009 Experienced scammers expect a “strike rate” of 1 or 2 replies per 1,000 messages emailed; they expect to land 2 or 3 “Mugu” (fools) each week. One scammer boasted “When you get a reply it’s 70% sure you’ll get the money” “By sending an email that repels all but the most gullible,” says [Microsoft Researcher Corman] Herley, “the scammer gets the most promising marks to self-select, and tilts the true to false positive ratio in his favor.” 1000 emails 1-2 responses 1 fool and their money, parted. Bad language (0.1% conversion) Gullible (70% conversion) 1000 emails 100 responses 1 fool and their money, parted. Good language (10% conversion) Not-gullible (.07% conversion) This would be horribly inefficient since humans are involved.
  • 51. Turns out the word “Nigeria” is the best way to identify promising prospects.
  • 52. Nigerian spammers really understand their target market. They see past vanity metrics.
  • 53. Eric’s three engines of growth Virality Make people invite friends. How many they tell, how fast they tell them. Price Spend money to get customers. Customers are worth more than they cost. Stickiness Keep people coming back. Approach Get customers faster than you lose them. Math that matters
  • 54. Dave’s Pirate Metrics AARRR Acquisition How do your users become aware of you? SEO, SEM, widgets, email, PR, campaigns, blogs ... Activation Do drive-by visitors subscribe, use, etc? Features, design, tone, compensation, affirmation ... Retention Does a one-time user become engaged? Notifications, alerts, reminders, emails, updates... Revenue Do you make money from user activity? Transactions, clicks, subscriptions, DLC, analytics... Referral Do users promote your product? Email, widgets, campaigns, likes, RTs, affiliates...
  • 55. Stage EMPATHY I’ve found a real, poorly-met need that a reachable market faces. STICKINESS I’ve figured out how to solve the problem in a way they will keep using and pay for. VIRALITY I’ve found ways to get them to tell their friends, either intrinsically or through incentives. REVENUE The users and features fuel growth organically and artificially. SCALE I’ve found a sustainable, scalable business with the right margins in a healthy ecosystem. Gate Thefivestages
  • 56. Six business model archetypes. E-commerce SaaS Media Mobile
 app User-gen
 content 2-sided
 market The business you’re in
  • 57. (Which means eye charts like these.) Customer Acquisition Cost paid direct search wom inherent virality VISITOR Freemium/trial offer Enrollment User Disengaged User Cancel Freemium churn Engaged User Free user disengagement Reactivate Cancel Trial abandonment rate Invite Others Paying Customer Reactivation
 rate Paid conversion FORMER USERS User Lifetime Value Reactivate FORMER CUSTOMERS Customer Lifetime Value Viral coefficient Viral rate Resolution Support data Account Cancelled Billing Info Exp. Paid Churn Rate Tiering Capacity Limit Upselling rate Upselling Disengaged DissatisfiedTrial Over
  • 58. Model + Stage = One Metric That Matters. One Metric
 That Matters. The business you’re in E-Com SaaS Mobile 2-Sided Media UCG Empathy Stickiness Virality Revenue Scale Thestageyou’reat
  • 61. In a startup, focus is hard to achieve.
  • 62. Having only one metric addresses this problem.
  • 64. Moz cuts down on metrics SaaS-based SEO toolkit in the scale stage. Focused on net adds. Was a marketing campaign successful? Were customer complaints lowered? Was a product upgrade valuable? Net adds up: Can we acquire more valuable customers? What product features can increase engagement? Can we improve customer support? Net adds flat: Are the new customers not the right segment? Did a marketing campaign fail? Did a product upgrade fail somehow? Is customer support falling apart? Net adds down:
  • 65. Metrics are like squeeze toys.
  • 66. Empathy Stickiness Virality Revenue Scale E- commerce SaaS Media Mobile
 app User-gen
 content 2-sided
 market Interviews; qualitative results; quantitative scoring; surveys Loyalty, conversion CAC, shares, reactivation Transaction, CLV Affiliates, white-label Engagement, churn Inherent virality, CAC Upselling, CAC, CLV API, magic #, mktplace Content, spam Invites, sharing Ads, donations Analytics, user data Inventory, listings SEM, sharing Transactions, commission Other verticals (Money from transactions) Downloads, churn, virality WoM, app ratings, CAC CLV, ARPDAU Spinoffs, publishers (Money from active users) Traffic, visits, returns Content virality, SEM CPE, affiliate %, eyeballs Syndication, licenses (Money from ad clicks)
  • 68. Drawing some lines in the sand.
  • 69. A company loses a quarter of its customers every year. Is this good or bad?
  • 70. Not knowing what normal is makes you do stupid things.
  • 71. Baseline: 5-7% growth a week “A good growth rate during YC is 5-7% a week,” he says. “If you can hit 10% a week you're doing exceptionally well. If you can only manage 1%, it's a sign you haven't yet figured out what you're doing.” At revenue stage, measure growth in revenue. Before that, measure growth in active users. Paul Graham, Y Combinator • Are there enough people who really care enough to sustain a 5% growth rate? • Don’t strive for a 5% growth at the expense of really understanding your customers and building a meaningful solution • Once you’re a pre-revenue startup at or near product/market fit, you should have 5% growth of active users each week • Once you’re generating revenues, they should grow at 5% a week
  • 72. Baseline: 10% visitor engagement/day Fred Wilson’s social ratios 30% of users/month use web or mobile app 10% of users/day use web or mobile app 1% of users/day use it concurrently
  • 73. Baseline: 2-5% monthly churn • The best SaaS get 1.5% - 3% a month. They have multiple Ph.D’s on the job. • Get below a 5% monthly churn rate before you know you’ve got a business that’s ready to grow (Mark MacLeod) and around 2% before you really step on the gas (David Skok) • Last-ditch appeals and reactivation can have a big impact. Facebook’s “don’t leave” reduces attrition by 7%.
  • 74. Baseline: Calculating customer lifetime 25%
 monthly churn 100/25=4
 The average customer lasts 4 months 5%
 monthly churn 100/5=20
 The average customer lasts 20 months 2%
 monthly churn 100/2=50
 The average customer lasts 50 months
  • 75. Baseline: CAC under 1/3 of CLV • CLV is wrong. CAC Is probably wrong, too. • Time kills all plans: It’ll take a long time to find out whether your churn and revenue projections are right • Cashflow: You’re basically “loaning” the customer money between acquisition and CLV. • It keeps you honest: Limiting yourself to a CAC of only a third of your CLV will forces you to verify costs sooner. Lifetime of 20 mo. $30/mo. per customer $600 CLV $200 CAC Now segment those users! 1/3 spend
  • 76. Who is worth more? Today A Lifetime: $200 Roberto Medri, Etsy B Lifetime: $200 Visits
  • 80. Draw a new line Pivot or
 give up Try again Success! Did we move the needle? Measure the results Make changes in production Design a test Hypothesis With data:
 find a commonality Without data: make a good guess Find a potential improvement Draw a linePick a KPI
  • 81. Do AirBnB hosts get more business if their property is professionally photographed?
  • 82. Gut instinct (hypothesis) Professional photography helps AirBnB’s business Candidate solution (MVP) 20 field photographers posing as employees Measure the results Compare photographed listings to a control group Make a decision Launch photography as a new feature for all hosts
  • 83. 5,000 shoots per month by February 2012
  • 84. Hang on a second.
  • 85. Gut instinct (hypothesis) Professional photography helps AirBnB’s business SRSLY?
  • 86. Draw a new line Pivot or
 give up Try again Success! Did we move the needle? Measure the results Make changes in production Design a test Hypothesis With data:
 find a commonality Without data: make a good guess Find a potential improvement Draw a linePick a KPI
  • 87. “Gee, those houses that do well look really nice.” Maybe it’s the camera. “Computer: What do all the highly rented houses have in common?” Camera model. With data:
 find a commonality Without data: make a good guess
  • 88. Circle of Moms: Not enough engagement • Too few people were actually using the product • Less than 20% of any circles had any activity after their initial creation • A few million monthly uniques from 10M registered users, but no sustained traction • They found moms were far more engaged • Their messages to one another were on average 50% longer • They were 115% more likely to attach a picture to a post they wrote • They were 110% more likely to engage in a threaded (i.e. deep) conversation • Circle owners’ friends were 50% more likely to engage with the circle • They were 75% more likely to click on Facebook notifications • They were 180% more likely to click on Facebook news feed items • They were 60% more likely to accept invitations to the app • Pivoted to the new market, including a name change • By late 2009, 4.5M users and strong engagement • Sold to Sugar, inc. in early 2012
  • 89. Landing page design A/B testing Cohort analysis General analytics URL shortening Funnel analytics Influencer Marketing Publisher analytics SaaS analytics Gaming analytics User interaction Customer satisfaction KPI dashboardsUser segmentation User analytics Spying on users
  • 92. The mobile app! customer lifecycle! Ratings Reviews Search Leaderboards Purchases Downloads Installs Play Disengagement Reactivation Uninstallation Disengagement Account" creation Virality Downloads," Gross revenue ARPU App sales Activation Churn, CLV In-app" purchases Appstore! Incentivized Legitimate Fraudulent Ratings!
  • 98. ( F500 Life Expectancy Growth by entering a new business 95
 % fail Corporate Strategy Board 99
 % fail Clay Christensen 75 years 15 years 1950 2010...
  • 99. When you’re a startup your goal is to find a sustainable, repeatable business model. When you’re a big company your goal is to perpetuate one.
  • 100. Intrapreneur: Someone working to produce disruptive change in an organization that has already found a sustainable, repeatable business model.
  • 101. Intrapreneurship: The difference between a rogue agent and a special operative is permission.
  • 102. The job of an intrapreneur is to identify an adjacent market, product, or method that conforms to organizational filters. It is not to improve the current product, market, or method.
  • 103. Also: a pariah. Successful innovators share certain attributes. Bad listener: Wilfully ignore feedback from your best customers. Cannibal: If successful, destroying existing revenue streams. Job killer: Automation & lower margins are your favorite tools. Security risk: Advocate of transparency, open data, communities. Narcissist: Worry constantly about how you’ll get attention. Slum lord: Sell to those with less money, deviants, and weirdos.
  • 104. In other words, if your job is change you have your work cut out for you.
  • 105. This isn’t about a lack of resources.
  • 107. Blockbuster had a lot going for it.
  • 108. Plenty of inventory, of course. But that matters less than...
  • 109. intelligence, customers, existing payment approval, and customer history.
  • 110. The problem was framing: Blockbuster thought it was in the video store management business. Netflix realized it was in the entertainment delivery business.
  • 115. In a big company, analytics replaces opinion with fact.
  • 116. Companies that use data-driven analytics instead of intuition have 5%-6% higher productivity and profits than competitors. Brynjolfsson, Erik, Lorin Hitt, and Heekyung Kim. "Strength in Numbers: How Does Data-Driven Decisionmaking Affect Firm Performance?." Available at SSRN 1819486 (2011). 2011 MIT study of 179 large publicly traded firms
  • 118. Times a song in “heavy rotation” is played daily 2007 2012 266
  • 119. Current
 state Business optimization (five mores)
 method innovation
 Business model innovation
 You can convince executives of this because some of it is familiar. This terrifies them because it eats the current business. A three-maxima model of enterprise innovation
  • 120. Improvement Adjacency Remodeling Do the same,
 only better. Explore what’s
 nearby quickly Try out new
 business models Lean approaches apply, but the metrics vary widely. Sustain/
 core Innovate/
 adjacent Disrupt/
  • 121. Sustaining Adjacent Disruptive Next year’s car Electric car,
 same dealer On-demand, app-based
 car service
  • 122. Sustaining innovation is about more of the same. (says Sergio Zyman) More things To more people For more money More often More efficiently Supply chain optimization Per-transaction cost reduction Loyal customer base that returns Demand prediction, notification Maximum shopping cart Price skimming/tiering Highly viral offering Low incremental order costs Inventory increase Gifting, wish lists
  • 123. Blizzard extends the lifespan of WOW Early
 adopters Rapid
 growth Market
 saturation The infamous S-curve (Product lifecycle, Bass diffusion curve, etc.)
  • 125. Blizzard extends the lifespan of WOW Fixing this: sustaining growth with novelty Product & market innovation (“New & improved!”)
  • 126. Blizzard extends the lifespan of WOW WOW Burning
 Crusade Wrath of
 the Lich King Mists of
 PandariaCataclysm Warlords of Draenor
  • 127. Adjacent innovation is about changing one part of the model in a way that alters the value network.
  • 128. Experiment with product, market, and method.
  • 130. Adjacent product to the same market in the same way
  • 131. Transformative innovation is about taking a leap, changing more than one dimension simultaneously in search of a new business model.
  • 132. If sustaining, incremental innovation produces linear growth, then disruptive, transformative innovation produces exponential growth.
  • 136. “How quickly can you test this”
 should be a criteria. You’re not building a product,
 you’re figuring out what product to build.
  • 137. How easily can you test these out?
  • 138. Take baby steps How you get there matters as much as where you’re going.
  • 141. Twitter’s 140-character limit isn’t arbitrary. It’s constrained by the size of SMS (160 characters) and username (20 characters.) sms_screen_twitter_activity_stream_270x405.png
  • 143. Let them ask for an out Detecting SaaS churn early without hurting cashflow
  • 144. The tradeoff Charge a monthly fee Charge annual fee up front Find out if they hate it sooner, when they cancel on first billing cycle. No need to pay back CAC; cash you can use right away. Takes months to recoup the money you spent acquiring them. May be a zombie user who vanishes when the year is up.
  • 145. They’re happy, you keep your money, goodwill for offering. They’re unsatisfied, you made it right, they tell you why, you learn. The solution—because the goal is to learn, not to trap customers. Annual fee, with an out 1. Offer an annual, discounted fee. 2. After a couple of weeks, ask if they’d like a refund.
  • 146. Protip: Campaigns that don’t suck.
  • 148. How to build a marketing campaign When will you decide if it worked, and adjust? Who are you targeting? Size, reachability,
 homogeneity. What do you want them to do? Specific, measurable
 call to action. Why should they do it? Laid, paid, made,
 or afraid; message
 fits their mindset. How will you know if they did? Analytics,
  • 150. The whole point of digital is personal Segment 1 User segment
 (who) Segment 2 Segment 3 Goal
 (what) Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Motivation
 (why) Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3
  • 154. Bounces Non-
 creators Non-
 payers Churn Improve stickiness; call-to-action optimization;
 A/B page testing; picking better traffic sources Notifications; updates; reactivating users;
 segmenting those who are engaged. Usage caps, natural upselling;
 premium features Better support; credit card renewal; naturally sustained features
  • 156. Maybe they don’t love you
 like they said they do. N Your offering doesn’t make them want to
 brag or their contact isn’t really a friend N Advocates can’t learn & convey
 your message easily N They don’t trust you entirely N Woohoo! Scalable, viral,
 explainable product! Y Get a meeting Y Grab the phone Y They pitch it Y Call them now? Y Intro to a friend? Interview
  • 157. Use outliers and missed searches to hunt for good ideas & adjacencies (Multi-billion-dollar hygiene product company) 1/8 men have an incontinence issue. 1/3 women do. When search results show a significant number of men searching, this suggests the adjacent (male) market is underserved.
  • 158. Frame it like a study Product creation is almost accidental. Unlike a VC or startup, when the initiative fails the organization still learns.
  • 159. Use data to create a taste for data Sitting on Billions of rows of transactional data David Boyle ran 1M online surveys Once the value was obvious to management, got license to dig.
  • 160. Focus on the desired behavior, not just the information. 200808/changing-minds-and-changing-towels 26% increase in towel re-use with an appeal to social norms; 33% increase when tied to the specific room. Energy Conservation “Nudges” and Environmentalist Ideology: Evidence from a Randomized Residential Electricity Field Experiment - Costa & Kahn 2011 The effectiveness of energy conservation “nudges” depends on an individual’s political ideology ... Conservatives who learn that their consumption is less than their neighbors’ “boomerang” whereas liberals reduce their consumption.
  • 162. But don’t break promises.
  • 164. “The most important figures that one needs for management are unknown or unknowable, but successful management must nevertheless take account of them.” Lloyd S. Nelson
  • 165. Pic by Twodolla on Flickr.
  • 167. Once, a leader convinced others in the absence of data.
  • 168. Now, a leader knows what questions to ask.