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Understanding the Key Aspects of Enterprise Mobility Solutions roshan [at]
About… So! You are ready to kick-off your next big  Enterprise Mobility  initiative… This presentation highlights key questions to be considered when building robust  enterprise mobility  applications. Answering these questions will help you validate if your solution is really  enterprise ready. Help you make the right decisions about your  technology architecture  and  solutions partners . Before you jump the gun, consider this…
Platforms! Platforms! To achieve a significant market adoption, your solution needs to target at least 4-5 platforms: iPhone Android  Blackberry  Windows Mobile Perhaps, Symbian too Are you going to engineer for all?
Platform Challenge Each platform lifecycle would include: Design > Develop > QA > Deploy > Support How easy is it to find the right engineering talent for  each platform  and orchestrate these teams? 5X engineering costs? 5X time to “go live”? Isn’t it more effective to adopt cross-platform architecture and significantly reduce the effort and time-to-market? Yet, achieve the rich experience of native mobile apps…

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IBM InterConnect 2013 Mobile Keynote: Marie Wieck
IBM InterConnect 2013 Mobile Keynote: Marie WieckIBM InterConnect 2013 Mobile Keynote: Marie Wieck
IBM InterConnect 2013 Mobile Keynote: Marie Wieck

The document discusses the growing importance and impact of mobile devices. It notes that mobile adoption continues to explode, with mobile changing interactions across industries like banking, travel, government, and more. It also discusses how mobile is changing how individuals get things done. The document then summarizes some business and IT challenges that these trends bring, like app integration, infrastructure complexity, privacy/security, and the need for new processes and designs. It outlines findings from a study that show how "mobile leaders" are addressing these challenges differently than others. Finally, it discusses how IBM can help organizations build a mobile enterprise agenda with offerings like MobileFirst.

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Bluemix - a Digital Innovation Platform. Enabeling failing fast and failing often leading to Innovation,

IBM Mobile Overview for Ecosystem Partners
IBM Mobile Overview for Ecosystem PartnersIBM Mobile Overview for Ecosystem Partners
IBM Mobile Overview for Ecosystem Partners

An overview of the IBM Mobile offerings for partners who are interested in becoming part of the ecosystem.

Device Marketplace! New device models in the market at a phenomenal pace! Varied feature capabilities, display resolutions, storage, interactions, performance. Will your  enterprise mobile app  seamlessly work in such a fragmented marketplace? How will you ensure that your app investments work on future /upcoming devices?  How will you test your app against such a wide market of devices?
Usability! Much smaller form factors. Fragmented form factors: Tablets, Smartphones (4-inch to 10-inch). Multiple interaction models: Touch, Swipe, Keypad. Much lower attention span. Naturally, a great mobile User Experience is harder to get right!  Users expect that “Wow” factor in your enterprise mobile apps today.
Usability! Conventional UX models of desktop and web applications do not directly apply. Is your UI simple and action-oriented? Does your usability team have expertise in mobile UX? Can your mobility team rapidly mock mobile interfaces so you have a better sense of your product?
Mobile Security Can I rapidly integrate my mobile app with the enterprise authentication mechanisms: Oracle Virtual Directory / LDAP / AD Single-SignOn (SSO) Do I have the plumbing to support multiple user roles and  RBAC  (Role-based Access Control)? Does my mobile app save data in a tamper-proof encrypted store on the mobile device? Secure communication with backend Web Services?

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New to Mobile Application Development ? Learn about MEAP

Mobility is defined as the ability of an enterprise to connect through diverse mobile technologies from any location. Mobility enables greater convenience, productivity, and reach for consumers and enterprises. For consumers it provides services like mobile payments and location services anywhere. For enterprises it increases productivity through mobile workflows and improves supply chain management with asset tracking. Developing applications for the variety of mobile platforms poses challenges due to different operating systems, skills required, and frequent updates. A Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) provides tools to develop once and deploy across platforms using hybrid applications that combine HTML5, native device APIs, and a mobile backend.

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Learn how IBM is using new technologies, applications and mobile devices to enable a smarter, more productive workforce. This short presentation shares IBM's journey enabling a flexible, mobile enterprise.

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Charts from the session at MWC2013 where I co-presented with Chris Frosk from AT&T about the new IBM-ATT partnership which is focused on accelerating our client's speed in delivering mobile apps to market with high quality.

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Enterprise Integration Enterprise Mobility solutions  are not  point-solutions! Solutions have to integrate with a fairly complex 800-pound gorilla: The legacy enterprise IT eco-system. Mobile solutions have to co-exist and ride of top of your enterprise IT infrastructure. Does your team have expertise in both, mobile clients platforms & enterprise backend?
Enterprise Integration Have you considered these few likely integration points: SOA / ESB Infrastructure Enterprise Directory Services Enterprise Web-Applications Cloud Services / Cloud APIs Reporting / Analytics / Monitoring Services Enterprise ITES Services Security Policy Managers
Offline Access When was the last time you complained of your mobile carrier dropping calls? Is my enterprise mobile app usable and responsive if: Network connectivity is absent? (15-hr Flight?) Network latency is very high? Network bandwidth is limited? Is the app architected to behave intelligently between online  vs  offline scenarios?
Synchronization How does the on-device app stay synchronized with the enterprise backend? Are you re-inventing the synchronization mechanism for each app from scratch? Is the sync-mechanism incremental? Is the sync-optimized to reduce the amount of battery consumption and bandwidth consumption? In case of collaborative mobile apps, how does the sync mechanism deal with concurrent-updates by multiple users?

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1. The document discusses Mobile Enterprise Application Platforms (MEAPs), which provide tools and middleware for developing, deploying, and managing mobile applications across different devices and platforms. 2. MEAPs address challenges like app diversity and fragmentation by allowing developers to write apps once and deploy them across platforms. They also enable integration with backend systems and device features. 3. The document examines the benefits of MEAPs, including faster development and deployment, management capabilities, and issues to consider when choosing a MEAP solution.

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Why Mobile will Change your Business - Parmelee
Why Mobile will Change your Business - ParmeleeWhy Mobile will Change your Business - Parmelee
Why Mobile will Change your Business - Parmelee

Mobile technology will fundamentally change businesses in the coming years. Leading companies are building mobile apps to unlock core business data for mobile uses and optimize the customer experience. To succeed, companies need to securely manage mobile devices and apps, integrate mobile with existing systems, and gain insights from mobile data to engage customers. IBM's MobileFirst platform provides tools to develop, secure, manage and analyze enterprise mobile apps across their lifecycle.

mobilemdmmobile business
How Enterprise Mobility is reinventing Enterprise Software
How Enterprise Mobility is reinventing Enterprise SoftwareHow Enterprise Mobility is reinventing Enterprise Software
How Enterprise Mobility is reinventing Enterprise Software

Enterprise mobility is reinventing enterprise software as employees are driving adoption of mobile devices before enterprises realize returns. The consumerization of IT means innovations emerge for consumers first, challenging enterprises. A layered approach innovates with mobile apps and platforms versus just mobilizing existing systems. Well-designed enterprise apps differ from consumer apps, and developed versus emerging markets require different approaches. HTML5 and cloud computing are promising but not ready to replace native apps. Strategic advice includes focusing on apps over SDKs, understanding different audience needs, and delivering frequently updated apps like consumer firms.

enterprise mobility
Mobile > Cloud Integration Too slow to get past enterprise-IT hurdles to make your app a reality? Can you be much more agile and move mobility infrastructure to the cloud? Why reinvent? Leverage cloud services: Queueing Caching Storage Content Delivery
Mobile > Cloud Integration How well does your mobility backend infrastructure scale? Does the team have the cloud expertise to integrate with Cloud APIs: SalesForce OAuth Paypal Social Media APIs
Adoption and the “Wow” Factor! Most mobile users have experienced rich apps from public app stores. Users have exposure to consumer-friendly social media. Users expect that same experience to be extended to enterprise mobile apps today! “ Rich experience”, “Sharing” and “Collaboration” are no longer alien concepts in the enterprise domain.
Adoption and the “Wow” Factor! Where is the “wow” factor? Interactive charts and graphs Real-time data streams to mobile apps Rich dashboards Real-time notifications Real-time collaboration capabilities Employees sharing mobile apps with peers (analogous to a social-sharing model) – Increasing app adoption in your enterprise.

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IBM Mobile Quality Assurance - Open Beta Study Group Session 1
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IBM is introducing a new Mobile Quality Assurance tool in open beta to help organizations continuously deliver high quality mobile applications. The tool provides features across the mobile development lifecycle like over the air app distribution to testers, in-app bug reporting, direct user feedback collection, crash log reporting, and planned sentiment analysis of app store reviews. These capabilities are meant to streamline the feedback loop from users and testers to development teams to integrate user input before and after application releases. The goal is to improve mobile app quality and proactively manage quality risks through rapid issue identification and reduced development cycles.

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This document discusses enterprise mobile applications and their development. It defines enterprise mobile apps as applications that access and process workplace data from mobile devices. It discusses the types of enterprise apps, including business, supply chain, and communication apps. It also covers enabling technologies, platforms, approaches to developing enterprise mobile apps, concerns around security, connectivity and deployment, and the potential for growth in specialized vertical market apps.

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Building cross-platform, cross-device mobility solutions to drive your enterprise mobility initiatives.

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Support Systems Launching your enterprise mobile applications is half the battle! What is the support eco-system for this? Can uses raise support tickets from the application itself to the Enterprise IT support? Do you have the backend L1-L5 support workflow in place for your mobile app?
Application Analytics Do you need to embed in-app analytics? Will these analytics help you track user behavior & improvise the mobile UI experience? Will these analytics help you track the real ROI of your mobility solution? Do you have dashboards / reports to view these analytics?
Application Analytics Some analytics you may want to track: How are users interacting with the app UI? Which screens users spend the most time on? Which screens do users feel stuck? What is the average latency to pull new data into the mobile app?
Testability How can you test across a large number of scenarios: Variety of carrier networks Large number of devices Varying network conditions Various security vulnerabilities Load testing the mobile backend infrastructure before you roll to production? Does your solution provider offer expertise in mobility testing?

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IBM InterConnect Build and Deploy MobileFirst Applications
IBM InterConnect Build and Deploy MobileFirst ApplicationsIBM InterConnect Build and Deploy MobileFirst Applications
IBM InterConnect Build and Deploy MobileFirst Applications

The document discusses deploying mobile first applications. It begins by stating that mobile application development is a top priority for businesses. It then discusses how mobile development and management are different from traditional approaches due to factors like smaller screens, unstable networks, and more devices to support. The document advocates for a comprehensive integrated development approach that supports all app development approaches and is based on open standards. It provides examples of companies like Colmobil and FIMC that have improved customer service and efficiency by extending their systems to mobile with IBM Worklight. The document positions IBM as a leader in helping companies excel at mobile first strategies with offerings like Worklight, Rational Test Workbench, and MobileFirst Platform.

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Mobile computing is becoming increasingly important, with over 1 billion workers expected to be using mobile technology by 2013. Enterprise mobility is projected to be a $168.8 billion global market by 2015. AMI has over 25 years of experience helping organizations implement effective mobile strategies using their proven mobile frameworks. Their consultative approach and customizable solutions allow organizations to increase productivity, enhance customer management and access business intelligence anytime, anywhere.

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Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy
Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by MicrostrategyConsiderations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy
Considerations when building mobile app. Presented by Microstrategy

The document discusses considerations for building mobile apps for businesses. It recommends defining a strategy that considers the types of apps needed, constraints, and intended users. The strategy should determine whether to build native or cross-platform apps. It also stresses the importance of user research and storyboarding workflows before building apps. When building, choices like native coding vs frameworks and HTML5 approaches must be made. Finally, deploying apps across platforms and measuring effectiveness is discussed, along with maintenance and scaling the apps over time. The next wave will bring truly disruptive mobile technologies.

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Summary… Look at your larger eco-system! Not just a point mobile solution. What is your net-ROI? Rapidly prototype your mobile user experience. Ensure that your technology architecture is cross-platform and future-proof. Ensure you ability to track, analyze and measure mobile applications on the field.
Enterprise Mobility @Mindstix SOA Integration Cloud Integration Cross-platform Apps Scalability Cloud-ready Mobility Understanding Business Mobility Needs Mobile Product Conceptualization Thinking-hat & Innovation in Mobility Mobile User Experience Design iPhone / Android Blackberry / WinMo HTML 5 Standards Compliant Apps Cross-Platform Hybrid Mobile Apps Mobile Testing Innovation Architecture Integration Delivery Enterprise Mobility @Mindstix
Executive Team ……………………………………… ..……   Roshan Kulkarni   Pune, India   roshan [at] ……………………………………… ..……   Dinesh Brid   Pune, India   dinesh [at] ……………………………………… ..…… Contact us We’d love your feedback @ +1 650 331 1141 Strategic Advisors ……………………………………… ..…   Arvind Narain   San Francisco, U.S.A. …………………… ………………… ..……   Kshama Grandhi   Stockholm, Sweden ……………………………………… ..……

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Key Architectural Aspects of a Enterprise Mobility Solution

  • 1. Understanding the Key Aspects of Enterprise Mobility Solutions roshan [at]
  • 2. About… So! You are ready to kick-off your next big Enterprise Mobility initiative… This presentation highlights key questions to be considered when building robust enterprise mobility applications. Answering these questions will help you validate if your solution is really enterprise ready. Help you make the right decisions about your technology architecture and solutions partners . Before you jump the gun, consider this…
  • 3. Platforms! Platforms! To achieve a significant market adoption, your solution needs to target at least 4-5 platforms: iPhone Android Blackberry Windows Mobile Perhaps, Symbian too Are you going to engineer for all?
  • 4. Platform Challenge Each platform lifecycle would include: Design > Develop > QA > Deploy > Support How easy is it to find the right engineering talent for each platform and orchestrate these teams? 5X engineering costs? 5X time to “go live”? Isn’t it more effective to adopt cross-platform architecture and significantly reduce the effort and time-to-market? Yet, achieve the rich experience of native mobile apps…
  • 5. Device Marketplace! New device models in the market at a phenomenal pace! Varied feature capabilities, display resolutions, storage, interactions, performance. Will your enterprise mobile app seamlessly work in such a fragmented marketplace? How will you ensure that your app investments work on future /upcoming devices? How will you test your app against such a wide market of devices?
  • 6. Usability! Much smaller form factors. Fragmented form factors: Tablets, Smartphones (4-inch to 10-inch). Multiple interaction models: Touch, Swipe, Keypad. Much lower attention span. Naturally, a great mobile User Experience is harder to get right! Users expect that “Wow” factor in your enterprise mobile apps today.
  • 7. Usability! Conventional UX models of desktop and web applications do not directly apply. Is your UI simple and action-oriented? Does your usability team have expertise in mobile UX? Can your mobility team rapidly mock mobile interfaces so you have a better sense of your product?
  • 8. Mobile Security Can I rapidly integrate my mobile app with the enterprise authentication mechanisms: Oracle Virtual Directory / LDAP / AD Single-SignOn (SSO) Do I have the plumbing to support multiple user roles and RBAC (Role-based Access Control)? Does my mobile app save data in a tamper-proof encrypted store on the mobile device? Secure communication with backend Web Services?
  • 9. Enterprise Integration Enterprise Mobility solutions are not point-solutions! Solutions have to integrate with a fairly complex 800-pound gorilla: The legacy enterprise IT eco-system. Mobile solutions have to co-exist and ride of top of your enterprise IT infrastructure. Does your team have expertise in both, mobile clients platforms & enterprise backend?
  • 10. Enterprise Integration Have you considered these few likely integration points: SOA / ESB Infrastructure Enterprise Directory Services Enterprise Web-Applications Cloud Services / Cloud APIs Reporting / Analytics / Monitoring Services Enterprise ITES Services Security Policy Managers
  • 11. Offline Access When was the last time you complained of your mobile carrier dropping calls? Is my enterprise mobile app usable and responsive if: Network connectivity is absent? (15-hr Flight?) Network latency is very high? Network bandwidth is limited? Is the app architected to behave intelligently between online vs offline scenarios?
  • 12. Synchronization How does the on-device app stay synchronized with the enterprise backend? Are you re-inventing the synchronization mechanism for each app from scratch? Is the sync-mechanism incremental? Is the sync-optimized to reduce the amount of battery consumption and bandwidth consumption? In case of collaborative mobile apps, how does the sync mechanism deal with concurrent-updates by multiple users?
  • 13. Mobile > Cloud Integration Too slow to get past enterprise-IT hurdles to make your app a reality? Can you be much more agile and move mobility infrastructure to the cloud? Why reinvent? Leverage cloud services: Queueing Caching Storage Content Delivery
  • 14. Mobile > Cloud Integration How well does your mobility backend infrastructure scale? Does the team have the cloud expertise to integrate with Cloud APIs: SalesForce OAuth Paypal Social Media APIs
  • 15. Adoption and the “Wow” Factor! Most mobile users have experienced rich apps from public app stores. Users have exposure to consumer-friendly social media. Users expect that same experience to be extended to enterprise mobile apps today! “ Rich experience”, “Sharing” and “Collaboration” are no longer alien concepts in the enterprise domain.
  • 16. Adoption and the “Wow” Factor! Where is the “wow” factor? Interactive charts and graphs Real-time data streams to mobile apps Rich dashboards Real-time notifications Real-time collaboration capabilities Employees sharing mobile apps with peers (analogous to a social-sharing model) – Increasing app adoption in your enterprise.
  • 17. Support Systems Launching your enterprise mobile applications is half the battle! What is the support eco-system for this? Can uses raise support tickets from the application itself to the Enterprise IT support? Do you have the backend L1-L5 support workflow in place for your mobile app?
  • 18. Application Analytics Do you need to embed in-app analytics? Will these analytics help you track user behavior & improvise the mobile UI experience? Will these analytics help you track the real ROI of your mobility solution? Do you have dashboards / reports to view these analytics?
  • 19. Application Analytics Some analytics you may want to track: How are users interacting with the app UI? Which screens users spend the most time on? Which screens do users feel stuck? What is the average latency to pull new data into the mobile app?
  • 20. Testability How can you test across a large number of scenarios: Variety of carrier networks Large number of devices Varying network conditions Various security vulnerabilities Load testing the mobile backend infrastructure before you roll to production? Does your solution provider offer expertise in mobility testing?
  • 21. Summary… Look at your larger eco-system! Not just a point mobile solution. What is your net-ROI? Rapidly prototype your mobile user experience. Ensure that your technology architecture is cross-platform and future-proof. Ensure you ability to track, analyze and measure mobile applications on the field.
  • 22. Enterprise Mobility @Mindstix SOA Integration Cloud Integration Cross-platform Apps Scalability Cloud-ready Mobility Understanding Business Mobility Needs Mobile Product Conceptualization Thinking-hat & Innovation in Mobility Mobile User Experience Design iPhone / Android Blackberry / WinMo HTML 5 Standards Compliant Apps Cross-Platform Hybrid Mobile Apps Mobile Testing Innovation Architecture Integration Delivery Enterprise Mobility @Mindstix
  • 23. Executive Team ……………………………………… ..…… Roshan Kulkarni Pune, India roshan [at] ……………………………………… ..…… Dinesh Brid Pune, India dinesh [at] ……………………………………… ..…… Contact us We’d love your feedback @ +1 650 331 1141 Strategic Advisors ……………………………………… ..… Arvind Narain San Francisco, U.S.A. …………………… ………………… ..…… Kshama Grandhi Stockholm, Sweden ……………………………………… ..……