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Java 7 new features
Java User Group Latvia
Java 7
Project began in August 2006
JDK7 is done via Open JDK effort
Major release – JVM, language and library changes
Current status – milestone M10, build b115, planned
release Mid 2011
Initially planned features
Closures – Project Lambda
Small language changes – Project Coin
Modularity for Java platform – Project Jigsaw
Support for dynamically-typed languages
Core and IO library extensions
Swing and UI related changes
Support for updated standards - Unicode, localization,
security, cryptography, XML and JDBC
Two release plans
Plan A
All features, release in Mid 2012
Plan B
JDK 7 minus Lambda, Jigsaw and part of Coin,
release in Mid 2011
JDK 8, release in late 2012

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Files and streams
Files and streamsFiles and streams
Files and streams

The document discusses file input and output streams in C++. It covers key topics like: - Opening files using constructors and the open() function - Using input and output streams like ifstream and ofstream to read from and write to files - Controlling file pointers using functions like seekg(), seekp(), tellg(), and tellp() - Performing sequential and random access file I/O using functions like put(), get(), read(), and write() - Handling errors during file operations using functions in the ios class like fail(), eof(), bad(), and good()

c++oopsfile handling in c++
ROracle ROracle

ROracle is an R package that enables connectivity to Oracle Database, allowing users to execute SQL statements from R and interface with Oracle databases. It provides a high-performance Oracle driver based on OCI. ROracle reads and writes data between R and Oracle databases much faster than other R database connectors. It is open source and available on CRAN.

10 Lines or Less; Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal Code
10 Lines or Less; Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal Code10 Lines or Less; Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal Code
10 Lines or Less; Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal Code

This document provides 10 lines of Java code examples for working with files and images in IBM Notes/Domino. It discusses reading and writing files using different methods like FileChannel and BufferedReader. It also demonstrates how to create a thumbnail image from a file attachment and embed it in a rich text field as a MIME object rather than a file attachment. The document emphasizes using try/finally blocks to properly close streams and considers server permissions and memory usage implications.

Plan B selected
Plan A
All features, release in Mid 2012
Plan B
JDK 7 minus Lambda, Jigsaw and part of Coin,
release in Mid 2011
JDK 8, release in late 2012
Approved feature list
JSR 292: Support for Dynamically-Typed Languages
Small Language Enhancements (Project Coin)
Concurrency and Collections Updates (including the Fork/Join
Upgrade Class-Loader Architecture
Unicode 6.0
JSR 203: More New I/O APIs (“NIO 2”)
Updated cryptography
JDBC 4.1
Translucent & Shaped Windows
Heavyweight/Lightweight Component Mixing
Swing: Nimbus Look-and-Feel, JLayer Component
Update the XML Stack (JAXP, JAXB, & JAX-WS)
Language enhancements - Project Coin
Strings in switch statement
GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
int monthNameToDays(String s, int year) {
switch (s) {
case "April": case "June":
case "September": case "November":
return 30;
case "January": case "March":
case "May": case "July":
case "August": case "December":
return 31;
case "February":
return 28 + (c.isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0);
return -1;

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BP107: Ten Lines Or Less: Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal ...
BP107: Ten Lines Or Less: Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal ...BP107: Ten Lines Or Less: Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal ...
BP107: Ten Lines Or Less: Interesting Things You Can Do In Java With Minimal ...

Don’t be afraid of Java! Many IBM Notes/Domino developers, both new and seasoned, have an irrational fear of learning and using Java because it seems overwhelming. Julian and Kathy will help you over this stumbling block with several short, understandable, and useful examples of Java that you can learn from. All of the examples will be ten lines of code or less, making them approachable and easy to understand. And we will show you how to integrate the Java code with an XPages application so you can get started right away.

Python mongo db-training-europython-2011
Python mongo db-training-europython-2011Python mongo db-training-europython-2011
Python mongo db-training-europython-2011

This document provides an overview of using Python and MongoDB together. It discusses MongoDB concepts and architecture, how to get started with MongoDB using the interactive console, and basic CRUD operations. It then covers installing and using PyMongo, the main Python driver for MongoDB, and some popular high-level Python frameworks built on top of PyMongo like MongoEngine and MongoAlchemy.

python mongodb
Spring data presentation
Spring data presentationSpring data presentation
Spring data presentation

Spring Data provides a unified model for data access and management across different data access technologies such as relational, non-relational and cloud data stores. It includes utilities such as repository support, object mapping and templating to simplify data access layers. Spring Data MongoDB provides specific support for MongoDB including configuration, mapping, querying and integration with Spring MVC. It simplifies MongoDB access through MongoTemplate and provides a repository abstraction layer.

Improved Type Inference for Generic
Instance Creation
Map<Integer, List<String>> map =
new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
New “diamond” operator:
Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
List<?> l = new ArrayList<>();
void copy(String src, String dest) throws IOException {
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
try {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
try {
byte[] buf = new byte[8 * 1024];
int n;
while ((n = >= 0)
out.write(buf, 0, n);
} finally {
} finally {
void copy(String src, String dest) throws IOException {
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest)) {
byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
int n;
while ((n = >= 0)
out.write(buf, 0, n);
void copy(String src, String dest) {
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest)) {
byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
int n;
while ((n = >= 0)
out.write(buf, 0, n);
} catch (IOException e) {

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Session 23 - JDBC
Session 23 - JDBCSession 23 - JDBC
Session 23 - JDBC

In this session you will learn: 1. File IO Continued 2. Intro to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

file io continuedintro to jdbc (java database connectivity)
Adventures in TclOO
Adventures in TclOOAdventures in TclOO
Adventures in TclOO

This was a presentation I gave at the 17th Tcl Conference, in Oakbrook Terrace, IL, in 2010. It describes some of the more sophisticated things that it is possible to do with the new Tcl object system, TclOO.

tclobject orientation
Session 22 - Java IO, Serialization
Session 22 - Java IO, SerializationSession 22 - Java IO, Serialization
Session 22 - Java IO, Serialization

In this session, you will learn: 1. Java IO 2. Files 3. Streams 4. Byte-based 5. Character-based 6. Object Serialization

java iojava files i/ocharacter-based
package java.lang;
public interface AutoCloseable {
void close() throws Exception;
public interface Closeable extends AutoCloseable {
void close() throws IOException;
try {
} catch (final IllegalAccessException |
InstantiationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exception
Integer and binary literals
byte b = 0b00100101;
int phoneNumber = 123_456_7890;
long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L;
int hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E;
Simplified Varargs Method Invocation
List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(),
b = new ArrayList<String>(),
c = new ArrayList<String>();
// Warning: [unchecked] unchecked generic array
// creation for varargs parameter of type
// List<String>[]
return Arrays.asList(a, b, c);

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Advance Java Programs skeleton
Advance Java Programs skeletonAdvance Java Programs skeleton
Advance Java Programs skeleton

The document provides templates and examples for creating Swing-based GUI applications, servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java Server Faces (JSF), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Hibernate, Struts, and web services in Java. It includes templates for common GUI components, servlets, JSP tags, database queries, managed beans, navigation rules, entity beans, Hibernate mappings, actions, and web service providers/consumers.

advance javasemester 5mumbai university
System Programming and Administration
System Programming and AdministrationSystem Programming and Administration
System Programming and Administration

This is the fourteenth (and last for now) set of slides from a Perl programming course that I held some years ago. I want to share it with everyone looking for intransitive Perl-knowledge. A table of content for all presentations can be found at The source code for the examples and the presentations in ODP format are on

Data access 2.0? Please welcome: Spring Data!
Data access 2.0? Please welcome: Spring Data!Data access 2.0? Please welcome: Spring Data!
Data access 2.0? Please welcome: Spring Data!

Spring Data provides a consistent programming model for data access while retaining store-specific features. It supports common repositories and query languages across relational, document, and graph databases. Spring Data includes sophisticated mapping support, template classes, query methods in repository interfaces, and integration of Querydsl for complex queries. It allows for cross-store persistence while also enabling specialized features like geospatial queries for MongoDB.

Language enhancements postponed
until Java 8
Language enhancements in Java 8
Collection literals and indexing
List<String> cities = ["Riga", "London", "Tokio"];
Set<String> countries = { "LV", "LT", "EE" };
Map<String, Double> atomicWeights = { "H" : 1.0079,
"He" : 4.0026, "Li" : 6.941 };
String city = cities[0];
Double weight = atomicWeights["H"];
Language enhancements in Java 8
#{ int x -> x + 1 }
#{ System.out.println("Hello, World!") }
list.forEach(#{ e -> System.out.println(e) });
Arrays.sort(array, #{ a, b -> a.compareToIgnoreCase(b) });
Language enhancements in Java 8
Method references
class Person {
public static int compareByAge(Person a, Person b) { ... }
Person[] people = ...
Arrays.sort(people, #Person.compareByAge);
Arrays.sort(people, #Person.compareByAge(Person, Person));
Arrays.sort(people, #comparatorHolder.comparePersonByAge);

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Lambda Chops - Recipes for Simpler, More Expressive Code
Lambda Chops - Recipes for Simpler, More Expressive CodeLambda Chops - Recipes for Simpler, More Expressive Code
Lambda Chops - Recipes for Simpler, More Expressive Code

While the new Streams API has been a great showcase for lambda methods, there are many other ways this new language feature can be used to make friendlier APIs and more expressive code. Lambdas can be used for a number of tasks which historically required significant boilerplate, type-unsafe constructs, or both. From new ways to express metedata, to emulating Groovy's null-safe navigation operator, we'll take a look at a myriad of ways, big and small, that you can use lambdas to improve APIs and streamline your code. We'll also look at some of the limitations of lambdas, and some techniques for overcoming them.

Session 24 - JDBC, Intro to Enterprise Java
Session 24 - JDBC, Intro to Enterprise JavaSession 24 - JDBC, Intro to Enterprise Java
Session 24 - JDBC, Intro to Enterprise Java

This document provides an overview of JDBC and introduces Java Enterprise Edition. It begins with a continued discussion of JDBC, explaining the purpose of databases and how JDBC drivers connect Java applications to databases. It then demonstrates how to connect to an Oracle database using JDBC and perform basic operations like queries, inserts, updates and deletes. The document concludes by introducing Java EE and noting that hands-on examples will use the HR schema in Oracle.

jdbcintroduction to java enterprise edition (java ee)
4 sesame
4 sesame4 sesame
4 sesame

Sesame is an open source Java framework for storing and querying RDF data. It provides a repository API for programmatic access and tools like a command line console and web-based workbench. The repository API offers methods for adding, querying, and deleting RDF data through repository connections. Sesame supports various repository implementations including in-memory, native on-disk, and remote repositories accessed over HTTP. Transactions allow grouping operations and rolling back on failure.

JSR 292 – Support for Dynamically-
Typed languages
JSR 292 - Overview
Dynamic languages on the JVM
JSR 223 implemented in JDK6
JVM initially designed for statically-typed language
4 bytecode instructions available for method invocations
new bytecode instruction "invokedynamic“ and Method
java.dyn package
JSR 292 – Method Handles
Method handle is a lightweight pointer or reference to a
public void testMethodHandle() throws Throwable {
MethodHandle hndl = MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual(
PrintStream.class, "println",
MethodType.methodType(void.class, String.class));
hndl.<void>invokeGeneric(System.out, "Hello, MethodHandle!");
JSR 292 Invokedynamic – how it works?
JVM encounters invokedynamic instruction
JVM invokes the bootstrap method
The Bootstrap method resolves the method handle
The Bootstrap method must be previously registered in
Future calls don't require the Bootstrap method

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EuroPython 2015 - Big Data with Python and Hadoop
EuroPython 2015 - Big Data with Python and HadoopEuroPython 2015 - Big Data with Python and Hadoop
EuroPython 2015 - Big Data with Python and Hadoop

Big Data - these two words are heard so often nowadays. But what exactly is Big Data ? Can we, Pythonistas, enter the wonder world of Big Data ? The answer is definitely “Yes”. This talk is an introduction to the big data processing using Apache Hadoop and Python. We’ll talk about Apache Hadoop, it’s concepts, infrastructure and how one can use Python with it. We’ll compare the speed of Python jobs under different Python implementations, including CPython, PyPy and Jython and also discuss what Python libraries are available out there to work with Apache Hadoop.


The document discusses Structured Query Language (SQL) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). It provides examples of using SQL statements like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE to query and manipulate data in database tables. It also demonstrates how to connect to databases like MySQL from Java using JDBC, execute SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data, handle transactions and exceptions. Key classes discussed are Connection, Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement and their methods.

jdbcsunil ossunil sahu
InvokeDynamic at #shikadriven 2012
InvokeDynamic at #shikadriven 2012InvokeDynamic at #shikadriven 2012
InvokeDynamic at #shikadriven 2012
JSR 292 InvokeDynamic, Java example
public void testDynamic() throws Throwable {
static {
public static void greet(String str) {
System.out.println("Hello, dynamic " + str);
private static CallSite bootstrap(Class caller, String name,
MethodType type) {
CallSite site = new CallSite(caller, name, MethodType.make(void.class));
site.setTarget(MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(Test.class, name,
MethodType.make(void.class, String.class)));
return site;
NIO.2 – Paths
java.nio.file.Path – a replacement for
File file = new File("index.html");
Path path = Paths.get("index.html");
Path path = new File("index.html").toPath();
All Path methods throw exceptions in case of errors
if (!file.delete()){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
NIO.2 – FileSystem
Provides interface to file system
Default file system is local/platform file system
FileSystem local = FileSystems.getDefault();
Path p = local.getPath(“filename");
Path p2 = Paths.get(“filename”);
Jar and Zip file systems included

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Welcome to the AWS Cloud - AWS Symposium 2014 - Washington D.C.
Welcome to the AWS Cloud - AWS Symposium 2014 - Washington D.C. Welcome to the AWS Cloud - AWS Symposium 2014 - Washington D.C.
Welcome to the AWS Cloud - AWS Symposium 2014 - Washington D.C.

Steven Halliwell, General Manager, Amazon Web Services, will provide an Introduction to AWS, Why Organizations are choosing AWS, What Workloads are appropriate on AWS, and How Organizations are getting started with AWS. Steven will discuss what many AWS public sector customers and partners are doing with and saying about AWS. Lastly, Steven will talk about various strategies for how customers and partners can get started with AWS.

awscloudamazon web services
Charles nutter star techconf 2011 - jvm languages
Charles nutter   star techconf 2011 - jvm languagesCharles nutter   star techconf 2011 - jvm languages
Charles nutter star techconf 2011 - jvm languages

The document discusses building programming languages for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It begins by introducing the speaker, Charles Oliver Nutter, and his background working with JRuby and the JVM. It then explores reasons for creating and implementing languages, focusing on the benefits of the JVM like cross-platform support, libraries, and memory management. A case study of JRuby is presented, showing how it allows Ruby programming on the JVM with full interoperability with Java. In the conclusion, the document emphasizes benefits of the JVM like tools, open source culture, and how it influenced language implementation.

Evolving Operations for BBC iPlayer
Evolving Operations for BBC iPlayerEvolving Operations for BBC iPlayer
Evolving Operations for BBC iPlayer

The document summarizes the evolution of the BBC iPlayer video factory operations from a traditional monolithic model to a more modern and scalable architecture in the cloud. The new architecture uses many small independent components with stateless and scalable design, continuous delivery, AWS services like CloudFormation, and tools for monitoring and automation. This has improved supportability, increased release frequency, and enabled more scalable video storage and delivery of over 24 terabytes of video per day across multiple regions and locations.

NIO.2 – DirectoryStream
DirectoryStream to iterate over the entries
Scales to large directories
Filter using glob, regex, or custom filter
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream =
dir.newDirectoryStream("*.{c,h,cpp,hpp,java}")) {
for (Path entry : stream) {
NIO.2 - Files.walkFileTree
Walks a file tree rooted at a given starting file
Invoke FileVisitor method for each file/directory
interface FileVisitor<T> {
FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(T dir);
FileVisitResult visitFile(T file, BasicFileAttributes attrs);
FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(T file, IOException exc);
FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(T dir, IOException exc);
SimpleFileVisitor – a default implementation
NIO.2 - File change notifications
Current approach – polling the file system
WatchService – watch registered objects (Watchables) for changes
WatchService watcher =
path.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
for (;;) {
WatchKey watchKey = watcher.take();
for (WatchEvent event : watchKey.pollEvents()) {
System.out.println(event.kind() + " : “
+ event.context());
Fork/Join framework

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Large scale-olap-with-kobayashi
Large scale-olap-with-kobayashiLarge scale-olap-with-kobayashi
Large scale-olap-with-kobayashi

This document summarizes a presentation about performing large-scale OLAP (online analytical processing) using Kobayashi. It discusses storing network monitoring data from millions of meters at minute intervals in Riak and using FastBit indexes to enable arbitrary OLAP queries. It provides an example query to retrieve traffic data from specific meters over a 45 minute period broken down by traffic type. The presentation concludes by discussing future work, such as archiving expired data, outputting results at arbitrary resolutions, and open sourcing the data cubing and querying code.

Going Cloud First at the FT
Going Cloud First at the FTGoing Cloud First at the FT
Going Cloud First at the FT

The Financial Times has adopted a cloud-first approach, moving their data warehouse to AWS which reduced costs by 80% and processing time by 98%. They leverage AWS services and automation tools like Puppet to deploy and manage environments. Their FT Platform acts as an interface and aims to simplify using AWS through roles, security best practices, and making changes easier through regular reboots and rebuilding of environments. The focus is on automating infrastructure management to reduce complexity and costs while improving agility.

awscloudcloud computing
Java Closures
Java ClosuresJava Closures
Java Closures

This document discusses implementing closures in Java using inner classes and lambda expressions. It explains that inner classes can capture local variables and implement closures. Lambda expressions allow treating functions as values and auto-converting between functional interfaces. The document also covers proposed syntax for lambda expressions and how default methods allow adding methods to interfaces without breaking backward compatibility.

Fork/Join Framework
Multicore era approaching
Moore’s Law doesn’t work since ~2003
Current solution (java.util.concurrent) has its
Coarse grained parallelism
Inefficient CPU utilization
Solution: Fork/Join framework
Fork/Join – Divide and conquer
Result solve(Problem problem) {
if (problem.size < SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD)
return solveSequentially(problem);
else {
Result left, right;
left = solve(extractLeftHalf(problem));
right = solve(extractRightHalf(problem));
return combine(left, right);
Fork/Join - architecture
ForkJoinExecutor, ForkJoinTask
Each worker thread has it’s own task queue (deque) –
no concurrency between treads for tasks
Work stealing algorithm – threads are never idle
Fork/Join - ParallelArray
ParallelArray<T>, ParallelLongArray etc.
Supports filtering, mapping, searching, sorting,
reducing etc.

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Rjb is a Ruby gem that allows Ruby code to interact with Java objects by wrapping them in Ruby classes, enabling Ruby applications to leverage existing Java libraries and solutions. It provides a simple API for loading Java classes and calling methods on Java objects from Ruby without requiring a full Java runtime like JRuby. The document discusses how to install, configure and use Rjb to integrate Java functionality into Ruby and Rails applications.

JDK1.7 features
JDK1.7 featuresJDK1.7 features
JDK1.7 features

This document summarizes several proposed changes for Java 7 including better integer literals with underscores for clarity, improved type inference for constructors and argument positions, new features like string switches and automatic resource management, and new libraries such as NIO2 and the fork/join framework for parallel programming.

jdk1.7javajava 7.0
Java 7, 8 & 9 - Moving the language forward
Java 7, 8 & 9 - Moving the language forwardJava 7, 8 & 9 - Moving the language forward
Java 7, 8 & 9 - Moving the language forward

The document summarizes new features in Java 7-8 including lambda expressions, switch on strings, try-with-resources, and the fork/join framework. Java 8 will focus on lambda expressions to provide functional programming capabilities and default methods to allow interfaces to have default implementations without breaking existing implementations. Java 9 may include additional modularization support.

ParallelArray example
ParallelArray<Order> orders = new ParallelArray<>(fjPool, data);
double maxAmount = orders
static final Ops.Predicate<Order> madeThisYear = new Ops.Predicate<>() {
public boolean op(Order o) {
return o.getYear() == thisYear;
static final Ops.ObjectToDouble<Order> getAmount = new
Ops.ObjectToDouble<>() {
public double op(Order o) {
return o.getAmount();
Try it yourself
Download JDK 7 early access

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Jug java7

  • 1. Java 7 new features Java User Group Latvia
  • 2. Java 7 Project began in August 2006 JDK7 is done via Open JDK effort Major release – JVM, language and library changes Current status – milestone M10, build b115, planned release Mid 2011
  • 3. Initially planned features Closures – Project Lambda Small language changes – Project Coin Modularity for Java platform – Project Jigsaw Support for dynamically-typed languages Core and IO library extensions Swing and UI related changes Support for updated standards - Unicode, localization, security, cryptography, XML and JDBC
  • 4. Two release plans Plan A All features, release in Mid 2012 Plan B JDK 7 minus Lambda, Jigsaw and part of Coin, release in Mid 2011 JDK 8, release in late 2012
  • 5. Plan B selected Plan A All features, release in Mid 2012 Plan B JDK 7 minus Lambda, Jigsaw and part of Coin, release in Mid 2011 JDK 8, release in late 2012
  • 6. Approved feature list JSR 292: Support for Dynamically-Typed Languages (“InvokeDynamic”) Small Language Enhancements (Project Coin) Concurrency and Collections Updates (including the Fork/Join Framework) Upgrade Class-Loader Architecture Unicode 6.0 JSR 203: More New I/O APIs (“NIO 2”) Updated cryptography JDBC 4.1 Translucent & Shaped Windows Heavyweight/Lightweight Component Mixing Swing: Nimbus Look-and-Feel, JLayer Component Update the XML Stack (JAXP, JAXB, & JAX-WS)
  • 7. Language enhancements - Project Coin
  • 8. Strings in switch statement GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); int monthNameToDays(String s, int year) { switch (s) { case "April": case "June": case "September": case "November": return 30; case "January": case "March": case "May": case "July": case "August": case "December": return 31; case "February": return 28 + (c.isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0); default: return -1; } }
  • 9. Improved Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); New “diamond” operator: Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); List<?> l = new ArrayList<>();
  • 10. Try-with-resources void copy(String src, String dest) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); try { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest); try { byte[] buf = new byte[8 * 1024]; int n; while ((n = >= 0) out.write(buf, 0, n); } finally { out.close(); } } finally { in.close(); } }
  • 11. Try-with-resources void copy(String src, String dest) throws IOException { try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest)) { byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; int n; while ((n = >= 0) out.write(buf, 0, n); } }
  • 12. Try-with-resources void copy(String src, String dest) { try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest)) { byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; int n; while ((n = >= 0) out.write(buf, 0, n); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
  • 13. Try-with-resources package java.lang; public interface AutoCloseable { void close() throws Exception; } package; public interface Closeable extends AutoCloseable { void close() throws IOException; }
  • 14. Multi-catch try { String.class.newInstance(); } catch (final IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // handle exception }
  • 15. Integer and binary literals byte b = 0b00100101; int phoneNumber = 123_456_7890; long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L; int hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E;
  • 16. Simplified Varargs Method Invocation List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(), b = new ArrayList<String>(), c = new ArrayList<String>(); // Warning: [unchecked] unchecked generic array // creation for varargs parameter of type // List<String>[] return Arrays.asList(a, b, c);
  • 18. Language enhancements in Java 8 Collection literals and indexing List<String> cities = ["Riga", "London", "Tokio"]; Set<String> countries = { "LV", "LT", "EE" }; Map<String, Double> atomicWeights = { "H" : 1.0079, "He" : 4.0026, "Li" : 6.941 }; String city = cities[0]; Double weight = atomicWeights["H"];
  • 19. Language enhancements in Java 8 Closures #{ int x -> x + 1 } #{ System.out.println("Hello, World!") } list.forEach(#{ e -> System.out.println(e) }); Arrays.sort(array, #{ a, b -> a.compareToIgnoreCase(b) });
  • 20. Language enhancements in Java 8 Method references class Person { public static int compareByAge(Person a, Person b) { ... } } Person[] people = ... Arrays.sort(people, #Person.compareByAge); Arrays.sort(people, #Person.compareByAge(Person, Person)); Arrays.sort(people, #comparatorHolder.comparePersonByAge);
  • 21. JSR 292 – Support for Dynamically- Typed languages
  • 22. JSR 292 - Overview Dynamic languages on the JVM JSR 223 implemented in JDK6 JVM initially designed for statically-typed language 4 bytecode instructions available for method invocations Invokestatic Invokevirtual Invokespecial Invokeinterface new bytecode instruction "invokedynamic“ and Method Handles java.dyn package
  • 23. JSR 292 – Method Handles Method handle is a lightweight pointer or reference to a method java.dyn.MethodHandle Example public void testMethodHandle() throws Throwable { MethodHandle hndl = MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual( PrintStream.class, "println", MethodType.methodType(void.class, String.class)); hndl.<void>invokeGeneric(System.out, "Hello, MethodHandle!"); }
  • 24. JSR 292 Invokedynamic – how it works? JVM encounters invokedynamic instruction JVM invokes the bootstrap method The Bootstrap method resolves the method handle The Bootstrap method must be previously registered in JVM Future calls don't require the Bootstrap method invocation
  • 25. JSR 292 InvokeDynamic, Java example public void testDynamic() throws Throwable { InvokeDynamic.<void>greet("World"); } static { Linkage.registerBootstrapMethod("bootstrap"); } public static void greet(String str) { System.out.println("Hello, dynamic " + str); } private static CallSite bootstrap(Class caller, String name, MethodType type) { CallSite site = new CallSite(caller, name, MethodType.make(void.class)); site.setTarget(MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(Test.class, name, MethodType.make(void.class, String.class))); return site; }
  • 26. NIO.2
  • 27. NIO.2 – Paths java.nio.file.Path – a replacement for File file = new File("index.html"); Path path = Paths.get("index.html"); Path path = new File("index.html").toPath(); All Path methods throw exceptions in case of errors if (!file.delete()){ ... } try { path.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { ... }
  • 28. NIO.2 – FileSystem Provides interface to file system Default file system is local/platform file system FileSystem local = FileSystems.getDefault(); Path p = local.getPath(“filename"); Path p2 = Paths.get(“filename”); Jar and Zip file systems included
  • 29. NIO.2 – DirectoryStream DirectoryStream to iterate over the entries Scales to large directories Filter using glob, regex, or custom filter try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = dir.newDirectoryStream("*.{c,h,cpp,hpp,java}")) { for (Path entry : stream) { ... } }
  • 30. NIO.2 - Files.walkFileTree Walks a file tree rooted at a given starting file Invoke FileVisitor method for each file/directory interface FileVisitor<T> { FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(T dir); FileVisitResult visitFile(T file, BasicFileAttributes attrs); FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(T file, IOException exc); FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(T dir, IOException exc); } SimpleFileVisitor – a default implementation
  • 31. NIO.2 - File change notifications Current approach – polling the file system WatchService – watch registered objects (Watchables) for changes WatchService watcher = path.getFileSystem().newWatchService(); path.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_MODIFY); for (;;) { WatchKey watchKey = watcher.take(); for (WatchEvent event : watchKey.pollEvents()) { System.out.println(event.kind() + " : “ + event.context()); } watchKey.reset(); }
  • 33. Fork/Join Framework Multicore era approaching Moore’s Law doesn’t work since ~2003 Current solution (java.util.concurrent) has its limitations Coarse grained parallelism Inefficient CPU utilization Solution: Fork/Join framework
  • 34. Fork/Join – Divide and conquer Result solve(Problem problem) { if (problem.size < SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD) return solveSequentially(problem); else { Result left, right; INVOKE-IN-PARALLEL { left = solve(extractLeftHalf(problem)); right = solve(extractRightHalf(problem)); } return combine(left, right); } }
  • 35. Fork/Join - architecture ForkJoinExecutor, ForkJoinTask Each worker thread has it’s own task queue (deque) – no concurrency between treads for tasks Work stealing algorithm – threads are never idle
  • 36. Fork/Join - ParallelArray ParallelArray<T>, ParallelLongArray etc. Supports filtering, mapping, searching, sorting, reducing etc.
  • 37. ParallelArray example ParallelArray<Order> orders = new ParallelArray<>(fjPool, data); double maxAmount = orders .withFilter(madeThisYear) .withMapping(getAmount) .max(); static final Ops.Predicate<Order> madeThisYear = new Ops.Predicate<>() { public boolean op(Order o) { return o.getYear() == thisYear; } }; static final Ops.ObjectToDouble<Order> getAmount = new Ops.ObjectToDouble<>() { public double op(Order o) { return o.getAmount(); } };
  • 38. Try it yourself Download JDK 7 early access