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Google Web Toolkit
Why is unique?
Why needed?
Who uses?
Who knows what GWT is?
Who tried that?
Who is using in projects?
Compared to Other Frameworks
Apache Wicket
Spring MVC
The Reality
Not really the same…
GWT is a Rich Client Framework
Similar to hand-written JavaScript client
Standalone client
HTTP/Ajax communication
Rich Client (JavaScript)
Java Backend (REST, RPC)
The Essence
Swing-like development model
Cross-browser Java to JavaScript Compiler
GWT is one of the best tools for webapp
GWT Performance Tricks
GWT Compiler
Deferred Binding
Separate JS for each browser
Java Script
Java Script
Java Script
javac gwtc
Bootstrap Sequence
index.html (small, temporary cache)
nocache.js (small)
cache.js (large, eternal cache)
Code Splitting
Single JS is too large
Split Points
Loads JS in parts
No Page Reloads
Single page application
No refreshes (no HTTP traffic)
Async Model
Single thread
RPC Serialization
TODO Give snippets
Resource Bundles
Text resources
GWT Pros and Cons
+ Full control
+ Performance and scalability
+ Portability
+ Development Speed
- Non-trivial development model
- Plenty of design/architecture options
- IE6 and IE7 are still out there...
Very powerful yet complicated tool
Cache everything
Compress everything
Less HTTP requests
Version 2.1 is out now (October 29th)
About the Speaker
Dmitry Buzdin
Agile software developer working with Java since 2005
Based in C.T.Co
Reach me at

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