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Osama Oransa
 Use the proper loading strategy from either lazy
loading or eager data loading according to our
data size and usage; for small data volume, eager
loading always make sense.
 Query results pagination is also an important JPA
feature. The importance of this feature is to avoid
memory issues when the returned data is huge.
 The JPA provides two methods to control this
pagination: setMaxResults(int maxResult) and
setFirstResult(int startPosition) in the Query
 Use data chunking to return the required data
only from the database side, instead of
filtering in the application side using the IN
keyword and adding the list of IDs to the
 Increasing the index pre-allocation size can
speed up the creation of new objects. Also try
to minimize the usage of composite primary
keys for different entities.
 Enabling entity caching is important to
improve the performance.
 Enable the query-level caching for better
performance. One way to do that is by adding
a hint to the named query as follows:
◦ hints={@QueryHint(name="eclipselink.query-
results-cache", value="true")}

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The document discusses the Struts 2 framework architecture. It explains that the ActionContext stores the ValueStack which contains request data. The ValueStack holds application domain data for an action invocation and serves as the default root object for resolving OGNL expressions. Various tags like Iterator, If, Url are used to work with and retrieve data from the ValueStack. Results like DispatcherResult handles view resolution by forwarding to JSPs. The validation framework uses validators, validation metadata and domain data to validate action properties.

JPA For Beginner's
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The Java Persistence API discusses about the Java Persistence API's advantages and how it is being developed.

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Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"
Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"

The document discusses Java Persistence API (JPA), which is a specification that defines a Java API for object-relational mapping. It describes how JPA was created through the Java Community Process and references implementation. It also provides an overview of key JPA concepts including entities, the entity manager factory, entity managers, persistence contexts, and transaction types.

 Use batch interaction by sending a group of
inserts/updates/deletes to the database in a
single transaction by setting
"eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing"="JDBC" in
persistence.xml, we can also specify the size of
the batch using another property,
 Use the read-only entities when the entities are
not going to be modified, such as entities for
lookup data (for example, e-mail templates).
◦ This can be done using the @ReadOnly annotation on
the level of the entity.
 Access the JPA from stateless session beans
as a façade layer to get benefits from
different resource injections and EJB
transactional and security handling, and
encapsulate all JPA access logic.
 Don’t put (or minimize) any business logic in
Entity setters and getters.
 The shared-cache-mode element in the
persistence.xml deployment descriptor.
<persistence-unit name="examplePU" transaction-
 Cache retrieval mode, set by
the javax.persistence.retrieveMode property,
controls how data is read from the cache for calls
to the EntityManager.find method and from
 The retrieveMode property can be set to one of
the constants defined by
the javax.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode enum
type, either USE (the default) or BYPASS.
◦ USE, data is retrieved from the second-level cache, if
available. If the data is not in the cache, the persistence
provider will read it from the database.
◦ BYPASS, the second-level cache is bypassed and a call to
the database is made to retrieve the data.

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The document discusses using Hibernate, an object-relational mapping framework, to provide object persistence and retrieval by mapping Java objects to database tables. It explains what Hibernate does, its features like object-relational mapping and transaction management, and provides examples of persisting and retrieving objects using Hibernate's API. The document also shows how to configure a Hibernate project and map classes and associations between objects and database tables.

 The cache store mode, set by
the javax.persistence.storeMode property, controls
how data is stored in the cache.
 The storeMode property can be set to one of the
constants defined by
the javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode enumerated
type, either:
◦ USE (the default)
 Example:
EntityManager em = ...;
 USE the cache data is created or updated when
data is read from or committed to the database.
◦ If data is already in the cache, setting the store mode
to USE will not force a refresh when data is read from the
 BYPASS, data read from or committed to the
database is not inserted or updated in the cache.
◦ That is, the cache is unchanged.
 REFRESH, the cache data is created or updated
when data is read from or committed to the
database, and a refresh is forced on data in the
cache upon database reads.
EntityManager em = ...;
Map<String, Object> props = new
HashMap<String, Object>();
e", "BYPASS");
String personPK = ...;
Person person = em.find(Person.class,
personPK, props);
EntityManager em = ...;
CriteriaQuery<Person> cq = ...;
TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(cq);

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The document summarizes new features in JPA 2.0, including: 1) Standard properties were added to persistence.xml to configure things like locking timeouts and query timeouts. 2) The @AccessType annotation now allows mixed field and property access within an entity, overriding the default at the attribute level. 3) Derived identifiers allow identifiers to be derived from relationships rather than requiring a separate foreign key field. 4) New features were added for collections like @ElementCollection and support for ordering collections with @OrderColumn.

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This document provides an overview of Spring's transaction management capabilities. It discusses how Spring provides a uniform transaction management API that can work with various transaction technologies like JDBC, Hibernate, JPA etc. It also describes how transactions can be handled programmatically using the TransactionTemplate or directly through the transaction manager. Finally, it covers Spring's declarative transaction support using XML or annotations.

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jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.

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EntityManager em = ...;
Cache cache =
String personPK = ...;
if (cache.contains(Person.class, personPK)) {
// the data is cached
} else {
// the data is NOT cached
EntityManager em = ...;
Cache cache =
cache.evict(Person.class, personPK);
 Many metadata annotations in JPA have a fetch property.
 This property can take on one of two
values: FetchType.EAGER or FetchType.LAZY.
 FetchType.EAGER means that the field is loaded by the JPA
implementation before it returns the persistent object to
◦ Whenever you retrieve an entity from a query or from
the EntityManager, you are guaranteed that all of its eager fields
are populated with datastore data.
 FetchType.LAZY is a hint to the JPA runtime that you want
to defer loading of the field until you access it.
◦ This is called lazy loading. Lazy loading is completely transparent;
◦ When you attempt to read the field for the first time, the JPA
runtime will load the value from the datastore and populate the
field automatically.
◦ Lazy loading is only a hint and not a directive because some JPA
implementations cannot lazy-load certain field types.
 With a mix of eager and lazily-loaded fields,
you can ensure that commonly-used fields
load efficiently, and that other state loads
transparently when accessed.
 Example:
private Article article;

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Spring Data provides a common data access layer for various data stores like MongoDB, JPA, Neo4J, and Redis. It simplifies polyglot persistence through repositories that provide common CRUD methods. Developers define entities specific to the data store and a repository interface with finder methods. Spring Data generates an implementation that interacts with the underlying data store transparently. This allows writing data access code that is portable across data sources.

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The document discusses object-relational mapping and Hibernate. It describes common object-relational mismatches including problems of granularity, subtypes, associations, and data navigation. It then provides an overview of Hibernate and JPA, how to start a Hibernate project, POJOs, Hibernate APIs, configuration, annotations, identifier generators, dynamic SQL generation, immutable entities, property access strategies, generated property values, default property values, entities vs value types, and mapping of collection properties.

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Easy data-with-spring-data-jpa

Java and Spring Data JPA: Easy SQL Data Access Abstract Presenter: Miya W. Longwe, MBA, MSE, Tech Lead, Staples, Inc, Framingham MA 01702 Accessing data repositories in various applications programming languages typically involves writing of tedious boilerplate lines of code. Some application development frameworks such as Spring have tried to make the experience more succinct by providing abstraction layers such as HibernateTemplate and JdbcTemplate, etc. Despite these APIs, the developers still spend a lot time writing repetitive code than concentrating on implementing business requirements. Developers at Spring, led by Oliver Gierke, introduced Spring Data JPA which “aims to significantly improve the implementation of data access layers by reducing the effort to the amount that's actually needed. As a developer you write your repository interfaces, including custom finder methods, and Spring will provide the implementation automatically”. Spring Data JPA provides a powerful, out-of-the-box alternative to creating your own DAO framework. You declare custom repository operations on an interface, and the framework generates dynamic implementations (not code generation) automatically, based on conventions around method names. As part of the presentation, we'll also review a demo to look at Spring Java configuration (as opposed to XML configuration), and investigate the @Profile annotation – configuration details which may make life a bit easier in various ways when setting up unit testing of our repository classes, using out-of-the-box alternative to creating DAO framework, how to create custom repositories, pagination and support for custom queries among other features. Presenter's Bio Miya W. Longwe is a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead at Staples, Inc. where he is currently working on an initiative to re-platform the company’s ecommerce architecture to offer platform-driven, modular products that can be quickly customized, enhanced, and branded as needed. Miya has been a software professional since 1997. His 16 years software development career includes working for large companies to small startups, building solutions for enterprises and consumers, working with a broad range of technologies. Miya Longwe is a hands-on java developer. He believes that in order to be a relevant and effective software developer one needs to remain a deeply knowledgeable, up-to-date, and productive software developer. His research interests include model-driven engineering, domain specific languages, test driven development and project risk management. Miya graduated from the University of Malawi (Lilongwe, Malawi) and has an MBA from the University of Wales Cardiff Business School (Wales, UK) and a Masters in Software Engineering from Brandeis University (MA, USA). Occasionally, Miya can be spotted fishing the banks of the south shore (MA) with his two boys, William and Daniel.

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To get more details about Java EE 7 performance
tuning, check my book at the following URL:

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JPA 2.1 performance tuning tips

  • 2.  Use the proper loading strategy from either lazy loading or eager data loading according to our data size and usage; for small data volume, eager loading always make sense.  Query results pagination is also an important JPA feature. The importance of this feature is to avoid memory issues when the returned data is huge.  The JPA provides two methods to control this pagination: setMaxResults(int maxResult) and setFirstResult(int startPosition) in the Query object.
  • 3.  Use data chunking to return the required data only from the database side, instead of filtering in the application side using the IN keyword and adding the list of IDs to the query.  Increasing the index pre-allocation size can speed up the creation of new objects. Also try to minimize the usage of composite primary keys for different entities.
  • 4.  Enabling entity caching is important to improve the performance.  Enable the query-level caching for better performance. One way to do that is by adding a hint to the named query as follows: ◦ hints={@QueryHint(name="eclipselink.query- results-cache", value="true")}
  • 5.  Use batch interaction by sending a group of inserts/updates/deletes to the database in a single transaction by setting "eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing"="JDBC" in persistence.xml, we can also specify the size of the batch using another property, "eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing.size"="2000".  Use the read-only entities when the entities are not going to be modified, such as entities for lookup data (for example, e-mail templates). ◦ This can be done using the @ReadOnly annotation on the level of the entity.
  • 6.  Access the JPA from stateless session beans as a façade layer to get benefits from different resource injections and EJB transactional and security handling, and encapsulate all JPA access logic.  Don’t put (or minimize) any business logic in Entity setters and getters.
  • 7.  The shared-cache-mode element in the persistence.xml deployment descriptor. <persistence-unit name="examplePU" transaction- type="JTA"> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvid er </provider> <jta-data-source>jdbc/__default</jta-data-source> <shared-cache-mode>ENABLE_SELECTIVE</shared- cache-mode> </persistence-unit>
  • 8.  Cache retrieval mode, set by the javax.persistence.retrieveMode property, controls how data is read from the cache for calls to the EntityManager.find method and from queries.  The retrieveMode property can be set to one of the constants defined by the javax.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode enum type, either USE (the default) or BYPASS. ◦ USE, data is retrieved from the second-level cache, if available. If the data is not in the cache, the persistence provider will read it from the database. ◦ BYPASS, the second-level cache is bypassed and a call to the database is made to retrieve the data.
  • 9.  The cache store mode, set by the javax.persistence.storeMode property, controls how data is stored in the cache.  The storeMode property can be set to one of the constants defined by the javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode enumerated type, either: ◦ USE (the default) ◦ BYPASS ◦ REFRESH  Example: EntityManager em = ...; em.setProperty("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode", "BYPASS");
  • 10.  USE the cache data is created or updated when data is read from or committed to the database. ◦ If data is already in the cache, setting the store mode to USE will not force a refresh when data is read from the database.  BYPASS, data read from or committed to the database is not inserted or updated in the cache. ◦ That is, the cache is unchanged.  REFRESH, the cache data is created or updated when data is read from or committed to the database, and a refresh is forced on data in the cache upon database reads.
  • 11. EntityManager em = ...; Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put("javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMod e", "BYPASS"); String personPK = ...; Person person = em.find(Person.class, personPK, props);
  • 12. EntityManager em = ...; CriteriaQuery<Person> cq = ...; TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(cq); q.setHint("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode", "REFRESH");
  • 13. EntityManager em = ...; Cache cache = em.getEntityManagerFactory().getCache(); String personPK = ...; if (cache.contains(Person.class, personPK)) { // the data is cached } else { // the data is NOT cached }
  • 14. EntityManager em = ...; Cache cache = em.getEntityManagerFactory().getCache(); cache.evict(Person.class, personPK); cache.evictAll();
  • 15.  Many metadata annotations in JPA have a fetch property.  This property can take on one of two values: FetchType.EAGER or FetchType.LAZY.  FetchType.EAGER means that the field is loaded by the JPA implementation before it returns the persistent object to you. ◦ Whenever you retrieve an entity from a query or from the EntityManager, you are guaranteed that all of its eager fields are populated with datastore data.  FetchType.LAZY is a hint to the JPA runtime that you want to defer loading of the field until you access it. ◦ This is called lazy loading. Lazy loading is completely transparent; ◦ When you attempt to read the field for the first time, the JPA runtime will load the value from the datastore and populate the field automatically. ◦ Lazy loading is only a hint and not a directive because some JPA implementations cannot lazy-load certain field types.
  • 16.  With a mix of eager and lazily-loaded fields, you can ensure that commonly-used fields load efficiently, and that other state loads transparently when accessed.  Example: @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) private Article article;
  • 17. To get more details about Java EE 7 performance tuning, check my book at the following URL: optimization/book