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Salesforce Applications
David Meyer
Technical Architect, Appirio
Andrew Davis
Consultant, Appirio
The role of JavaScript in Salesforce
JS is the ‘last mile’ between Salesforce and users (it already powers much
of the Salesforce UI)
The relevance of JS continues to grow (Angular, node.js, mongoDB, etc.)
Salesforce continues to expand the options for using JavaScript (Lightning
Components, Lightning Experience)
Justifications: When to go JavaScript-heavy?
If you need a highly-customized and responsive UI
If you need/want to use JS Frameworks (Angular, Backbone, etc.)
To achieve tight integration with other JS tools or web services
To bypass Salesforce governor limits
To make more complex asynchronous calls than is possible with Apex
Sample uses of JavaScript in the AOL Support Console
​  Account info derived
from back-end systems
​  Dynamically-sourced
customer offers
​ Displaying information from backend systems using browser-based REST APIs

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Generically Call External Classes from Managed Packages
Generically Call External Classes from Managed PackagesGenerically Call External Classes from Managed Packages
Generically Call External Classes from Managed Packages

Do you want to learn how to build a completely generic interface architecture that can call any external class from within a managed package? Join us as we review an extension architecture that implements an interface to generically call external packages, plus methods in a target org that are unknown during base package build. You'll learn how to build dynamic and robust managed packages that can handle many unknowns, like different editions, custom objects or unknown sharing models.

salesforce.comsalesforce developersdreamforce
Apex for Admins: Get Started with Apex in 30 Minutes! (part 1)
Apex for Admins: Get Started with Apex in 30 Minutes! (part 1)Apex for Admins: Get Started with Apex in 30 Minutes! (part 1)
Apex for Admins: Get Started with Apex in 30 Minutes! (part 1)

Description In this webinar we will introduce you to Apex, and then walk you through the process of writing and deploying a basic trigger in your development environment. This series serves as an Introduction to Apex for Salesforce Administrators with no programming background. This is the first in a 3-part series with David Liu and LeeAnne Templeman. David Liu is the creator of, an intro to Apex exercise guide for all Salesforce Admins. David is a self-taught Salesforce MVP who began his path as a marketer and is now the Salesforce Technical Architect for Google. He will share some of his own learning path, as well as tips and tricks on how to become a Salesforce developer. Key Takeaways See how quickly you can pick up the programming language and build triggers on your own! Learn what a test class is, and how to write, modify and deploy a basic trigger Understand when to use Apex and when to use core Salesforce tools like workflows and approvals Expand the automation capabilities in your Salesforce environment to increase adoption and data quality Understand core terms and development processes Series Targeted Audience: Salesforce Admins with experience developing point-and-click applications on the platform. Related Resources Apex Overview Page Apex Developer Guide Apex Workbook Chapter 1: Write Your First Trigger from Start to Finish! Head First Java

salesforce developerssalesforce1 platformdeveloper

This document contains a summary of Gowtham's experience as a software tester. He has over 6 years of experience in manual testing and is certified in software testing. He has worked on various projects testing web services, order management systems, and supply chain management applications. His skills include testing methodologies, techniques, tools like SOAP UI, Parasoft, and HP Quality Center. He is proficient in SQL and has experience automating test cases. He is looking for a new opportunity as a software tester.

​  Entirely custom
JavaScript applications
can be included in SFDC
​  … that draw data from
external systems
​  … and allow purchases
and other actions to be
performed on those
external systems
Sample uses of JavaScript in the AOL Support Console
​ Embedding entirely custom apps inside of Salesforce
Salesforce-JavaScript Interaction
Behind-the-scenes: Visualforce compiles down to HTML and JavaScript
Tools you can use:
• Remote Objects (JS data structures that mirror the SFDC database)
• Remote Actions (Defined in Apex, invoked from JS using JS callbacks)
• Action Methods (Action Functions, Action Support, Action Pollers)
• REST web services (Salesforce provides many and lets you write your own too)
• Lightning Components (learn more elsewhere)
• Tip: exchange complex objects between Apex and JS using
• Tip: overcome cross-org limitations by using JSONP or CORS-enabled services
Salesforce-JavaScript Interaction
How to pass control and data back and forth
JavaScript Concepts
Some core ideas to help Salesforce developers

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Salesforce Apex Hours:- Salesforce DX
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Salesforce Apex Hours:- Salesforce DX

Hello Everyone ! "Salesforce Apex Hours" is a recurring event to talk about salesforce ! Some times we'd like to meet on one location and some time online. This time we are planning one online session on "Salesforce DX" with Jitendra Zaa (Salesforce MVP). Agenda :- Salesforce DX provides you with an integrated, end-to-end lifecycle designed for high-performance agile development. In this session we would go through hands on and see how Salesforce DX can be used to create scratch org, automated testing and data load purpose. We would discuss CLI option as well IDE • Introduction to Salesforce DX • Creating Scratch Org • Deploying metadata to Scratch Org • Creating Skeleton Workspace • Running Test classes • Getting Help • Using IDE with Salesforce DX • Q&A

salesforcedxfarmington hills salesforce developer groupsalesforce-dx
Intro to Apex Programmers
Intro to Apex ProgrammersIntro to Apex Programmers
Intro to Apex Programmers

If you are familiar with object-oriented languages like Java or C#, Apex may be the language you already almost know. Apex is the cloud-based programming language used on the Salesforce1 Platform to take your enterprise applications to the next level. In this webinar, get an introduction to how Apex is similar to other languages, how you can start coding in Apex with just a web browser, and an overview of the many functions Apex can perform for your applications and users. Key Takeaways Programmers familiar with object-oriented languages will be able to learn Apex easily Apex can perform a wide range of functions from serving as a controller for Visualforce pages to scheduled tasks in the background.

AppExchange Tech Enablement June 2017
AppExchange Tech Enablement June 2017AppExchange Tech Enablement June 2017
AppExchange Tech Enablement June 2017

The document discusses an upcoming Salesforce developer conference in June 2017 with technical sessions, a keynote, and discounts available. It also provides information on enabling apps to work in the Lightning Experience, upcoming webinars on new Einstein Analytics features, and the Summer '17 release focusing on features for ISVs including improved Wave packaging templates, Salesforce DX entering open beta, the Apex Metadata API going GA, and the Lightning Data Service entering beta.

JavaScript Concepts
Most developers know some JavaScript
It’s worth getting to know it well!
What we’ll touch on:
• Object-oriented JavaScript (properties, methods, protoypes)
• Asynchronous JavaScript: (callbacks and promises)
• Variable scope in JavaScript (scope, closures, namespacing)
Selecting Elements in Visualforce Pages
The Id that Visualforce gave them when it renders your pageThe Id you gave to your elements
Try this method instead (this also works in CSS)These methods won’t work to select this element
Minimize use of global variables
Having all of your variables in the global scope is poor practice, makes debugging harder, and there are
950 global variables used in Salesforce that your variable names might conflict withIdeally, create a single global “namespace” object and make your code into its methods and properties
Group Related Variables into Objects
JSON.parse and JSON.stringify provide an elegant way to pass complex data

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Continuous integration testing for automation needs and quality of the releases
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Continuous integration testing for automation needs and quality of the releases

The customer is an online manufacturing marketplace that connects buyers and sellers. They worked with Zado to automate testing of their complex platform using tools like Selenium, Maven, and Bamboo. Zado automated over 1,300 test cases in 30 weeks and helped enable continuous integration testing. After a successful 3 month evaluation, Zado became a trusted long-term QA partner.

test automationseleniumcontinuous integration. test cases
Summer '13 Developer Preview Webinar
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Summer '13 Developer Preview Webinar

Watch this webinar to discover new and updated Salesforce Platform features coming in the Summer '13 Release including: Canvas (GA) -- Canvas is now generally available and supports multiple canvases on a page, ability for canvases to talk to each other, distribution through standard packaging processes, and more. Chatter in Apex (GA) -- Chatter in Apex (formerly Connect in Apex) exposes Chatter API objects in Apex, and is now generally available with new classes and methods. The documentation can now be found in the Apex Developer’s Guide. Visualforce Updates -- There are several Visualforce enhancements including configurable timeout for JavaScript remoting, HTML5 output generation options, and various new components. API Updates -- Lots of API Updates including new objects, SOQL/SOSL clauses, and metadata types for easier deployments. ISVForce -- ISVForce has many new additions in Summer ‘13 including an Environment Hub for storing easily switching between orgs, installing/uninstalling packages with the API, and creating trialforce signups using the API.

developersdeveloper forceanalytics api
10 Principles of Apex Testing
10 Principles of Apex Testing10 Principles of Apex Testing
10 Principles of Apex Testing

Kevin Poorman presented 10 principles of Apex testing. The principles included using asserts to validate expected behavior, using StartTest and StopTest to reset limits, writing both positive and negative tests, testing with different user profiles and permission sets, generating own test data rather than using real data, using helper libraries to facilitate testing, mocking external services to enable unit testing, writing code in a testable way, and leveraging continuous integration to catch failing tests early. Continuous integration was said to help with multiple developers working in parallel and keeping aware of test coverage.

apex testingsalesforce.comsalesforce developers
Understanding Variable Scope and Closures
Promises and the jQuery Deferred Object
Deferred objects allow for concise and clear expression of how asynchronous requests should be handled
Debugging JavaScript using Chrome DevTools
Getting to know the capabilities of Chrome DevTools or Firebug is essential
Capabilities of DevTools:
• Inspect and modify HTML, CSS, JS, browser data
• Monitor network traffic and page rendering timeline
• Set breakpoints and step through JS execution
• Emulate devices and network speeds
• Profile and Audit your JavaScript and page loads
DevTools can give you complete visibility into every aspect of your JS
Unit Testing JavaScript on Salesforce
Setting up a unit testing framework and preparing your code

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Web based automation testing on Node.js environment
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Web based automation testing on Node.js environment

This document discusses web-based automation testing on Node.js. It covers unit testing frameworks like Mocha and Chai, the Selenium framework for browser automation, and Nightwatch which combines Selenium, Mocha and Chai. Nightwatch allows writing tests in a BDD style and executing them across different browsers. The document also discusses non-GUI testing with PhantomJS and integrating tests with Jenkins for continuous integration.

Seamless Authentication with Canvas
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Seamless Authentication with Canvas

Join us to learn how to leverage SSO technologies (such as SAML) with Canvas. We'll show examples of using Canvas with your existing SSO application to provide a seamless user experience, how you can use Canvas and Salesforce Identity to demo cross-org Visualforce pages, and we'll show this behaving in Salesforce.

Advanced Flow Techniques with Apex and Visualforce
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Advanced Flow Techniques with Apex and Visualforce

Are you a developer who thinks Visual Workflow (aka Flow) is just for Admins? Join us to learn how to use Apex code and Visualforce to strengthen your Flows, while making your Admin even more powerful. We'll cover how and when to use Flows in a Visualforce page, and how to manipulate events in both the Flow and Visualforce page/controller.

salesforce developersdf15salesforce
Unit testing JavaScript on Salesforce
Why unit test your JavaScript?
Setting up a unit testing stack: Node-Karma-Mocha-Chai (locally or in CI)
Preparing your code:
• Try to move all of your JS into static resources (this can also speed page load)
• But {!controllerBindings} need to stay on the Visualforce page
• Make sure your code is testable:
• Testable methods need to be globally-accessible
• Emphasize discrete, independent functions that don’t depend on global values
Write unit tests using Mocha and Chai syntax with Sinon for stubs/mocks
Sample Unit Testing Stack
For installing
Test Runner
(Creates a web server)
Assertion Syntax
assert.typeOf(foo, 'string');
assert.equal(foo, 'bar');
assert.lengthOf(foo, 3);
Mocks & Stubs
var callback = sinon.stub();
Testing & Reporting
(The core test framework)
describe('testFn Suite', function () {
it('should return true', function () {
assert.equal(true, testFn() );
Unit testing stack setup (on your machine)
1.  Install Node.js on your development machine(s).
2.  Grab our code at (
3.  Copy these files from our sample project into yours and customize as needed:
a.  /package.json - Node.js will use this to get all the packages you need
b.  /karma.conf.js - The configuration file for Karma (which files to test, etc.)
c.  /test/* - The actual unit tests used in our sample project
4.  In the root of your development directory (where package.json is installed) run
the following one-time installation command from the command line:
npm install
5.  Run the following code from the command-line every time you want to start the
karma test runner:
./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js
6.  autowatch = true in our sample configuration file, so Karma will re-run all the unit
tests each time you save a change to one of the files being tested.
Unit Test FilesSalesforce Files
Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test
Salesforce Files
Unit Test Files
Similar Unit Tests can be Grouped
Salesforce Files
Setup & Tear-down steps
Actual Unit Tests

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Build Together And Deliver Continuously With Salesforce DX

This document describes a pilot program for continuous integration with Salesforce DX. It discusses pain points with the current development process and how Salesforce DX aims to improve the developer experience. Key benefits of Salesforce DX include faster development cycles through features like scratch orgs and metadata deployment automation. The document provides an overview of Salesforce DX principles and development flow, and demonstrates how to set up continuous integration with Jenkins.

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Building Dynamic UI with Visual Workflow Runtime API

Flow enables developers and admins to easily automate complex processes and execute custom logic with clicks, not code. But you can also manipulate flows programmatically via the Metadata, Tooling and and, as of the Winter 16' release REST API - Flow Runtime. Join us to learn from the engineers who built the API how to manipulate flow with the API. See examples of how this empowers you to build better applications for your customers.

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How developers do more in less time
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How developers do more in less time

The document discusses how developers can build RESTful backends faster using the platform. It describes building a "Meet Up" app with REST endpoints for events, attendees, and complex queries in under an hour. Key advantages are its immediate live availability on the web, ability to handle large loads, and built-in security. While other platforms may be able to achieve the same, allows doing so more quickly through its low code development capabilities and deployment speed.

rest web
Setup & Tear-down steps
Setup & Tear-down steps
Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test
Actual Unit Tests
Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test
Karma’s unit testing interface
Command-line or web-based
Browser-based test runner
The command-line test runner auto-runs when files change
Karma’s code coverage report (karma-junit-reporter style)
This shows aggregate and line-by-line unit test coverage on the project
Aggregate code-coverage for the project
Line-by-line code coverage

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Get Started with Salesforce DX!
Get Started with Salesforce DX!Get Started with Salesforce DX!
Get Started with Salesforce DX!

This document contains a forward-looking statement regarding potential risks and uncertainties in's financial results. It notes that actual results may differ from projections due to various risks including issues with new products, services, business models, mergers and acquisitions. The statement also notes that unreleased features mentioned may not be delivered on time or at all, and customers should only make purchase decisions based on currently available features. The document encourages reviewing's SEC filings for more details on potential risk factors.

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Lightning Components Explained
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Lightning Components Explained

Learn about the Lightning Components Framework which helps you develop component based apps which are compatible with Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience. This presentation was presented at the New Delhi Salesforce DG and #SalesforceSaturday session on 23rd April, 2016 in New Delhi.

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Pragmatic Parallels: Java and JavaScript
Pragmatic Parallels: Java and JavaScriptPragmatic Parallels: Java and JavaScript
Pragmatic Parallels: Java and JavaScript

JavaOne presentation looking at the different tools available to JavaScript developers for debugging, performance and deployment

Unit testing stack (for Continuous Integration)
​ General guidelines for including JS unit testing in your CI builds:
•  Set up a separate build step for the JS unit testing
•  Install the nodejs plugin for Jenkins and specify your version of node & npm
•  The build step consists simply of running this shell command:
npm install
node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js --single-run
•  The build step will succeed or fail based on the results of that command
•  This will also output some reports in the /reports folder that can be ingested to
report on code coverage, code quality, etc. if you’re using code quality tools
​  Build step for JS code
quality analysis in
JavaScript Unit Testing as a Continuous Deployment Step
​ JS unit testing can be one step in a CI/CD setup
​  Build step to run
JavaScript unit tests
Jenkins build step to
deploy to a QA org. This
also runs Apex unit tests
Karma outputs, displayed in SonarQube
Karma’s unit testing output can be ingested and displayed in other products
Questions & Answers
Grab the code at

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Netserv Software Testing

The acute software testing process, tools we use and tools we\'ve developed. We test with both open source and licensed-based products, such as Selenium and Mercury.

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AWS Summit London 2014 | Deployment Done Right (300)

This mid-level technical session will help you choose among the AWS services that can help you deploy and run your applications more easily. You will learn how to get an application running using AWS OpsWorks and AWS Elastic Beanstalk and how to use AWS CloudFormation templates to document, version control, and share your application configuration

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Introduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJSIntroduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJS

The document provides an overview of AngularJS including its history, key concepts, and features. Some of the main points covered include: - AngularJS was created in 2009 and is an open-source JavaScript framework maintained by Google. - It uses HTML enhanced with directives and bindings to create single-page applications. Core concepts include MVC, templates, dependency injection, and two-way data binding. - Templates define the UI using directives, expressions, and filters. Scopes provide the model and propagate events. Modules organize the app into components. - Services can be used to share code across the app using dependency injection. Common services include $http, $log, filters and more

Share Your Feedback, and Win a GoPro!
Earn a GoPro prize entry for
each completed survey
Tap the bell to take a
survey2Enroll in a session1
Thank you
Salesforce - JavaScript Integration Methods
Note that you can mix and match any combination of these as needed
Action Methods
Remote Objects
Controller Code
yes yes no no
yes yes yes no
Have their own
Governor Limits
no no no yes
Main Benefit
Call static or
instance methods
while maintaining
controller state
Call static Apex
methods quickly and
Create a JS version
of Salesforce object
with CRUD access
Perform Salesforce
actions and modify
data from external
Submits form data;
Limited to static
Can’t execute
custom Apex from
VF this way

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Javascript-heavy Salesforce Applications

  • 1. JavaScript-heavy Salesforce Applications David Meyer Technical Architect, Appirio Andrew Davis Consultant, Appirio
  • 2. The role of JavaScript in Salesforce JS is the ‘last mile’ between Salesforce and users (it already powers much of the Salesforce UI) The relevance of JS continues to grow (Angular, node.js, mongoDB, etc.) Salesforce continues to expand the options for using JavaScript (Lightning Components, Lightning Experience)
  • 3. Justifications: When to go JavaScript-heavy? If you need a highly-customized and responsive UI If you need/want to use JS Frameworks (Angular, Backbone, etc.) To achieve tight integration with other JS tools or web services To bypass Salesforce governor limits To make more complex asynchronous calls than is possible with Apex
  • 4. Sample uses of JavaScript in the AOL Support Console ​  Account info derived from back-end systems ​  Dynamically-sourced customer offers ​ Displaying information from backend systems using browser-based REST APIs
  • 5. ​  Entirely custom JavaScript applications can be included in SFDC ​  … that draw data from external systems ​  … and allow purchases and other actions to be performed on those external systems Sample uses of JavaScript in the AOL Support Console ​ Embedding entirely custom apps inside of Salesforce
  • 6. Salesforce-JavaScript Interaction Behind-the-scenes: Visualforce compiles down to HTML and JavaScript Tools you can use: • Remote Objects (JS data structures that mirror the SFDC database) • Remote Actions (Defined in Apex, invoked from JS using JS callbacks) • Action Methods (Action Functions, Action Support, Action Pollers) • REST web services (Salesforce provides many and lets you write your own too) • Lightning Components (learn more elsewhere) • Tip: exchange complex objects between Apex and JS using • Tip: overcome cross-org limitations by using JSONP or CORS-enabled services
  • 7. Salesforce-JavaScript Interaction How to pass control and data back and forth
  • 8. JavaScript Concepts Some core ideas to help Salesforce developers
  • 9. JavaScript Concepts Most developers know some JavaScript It’s worth getting to know it well! What we’ll touch on: • Object-oriented JavaScript (properties, methods, protoypes) • Asynchronous JavaScript: (callbacks and promises) • Variable scope in JavaScript (scope, closures, namespacing)
  • 10. Selecting Elements in Visualforce Pages The Id that Visualforce gave them when it renders your pageThe Id you gave to your elements Try this method instead (this also works in CSS)These methods won’t work to select this element
  • 11. Minimize use of global variables Having all of your variables in the global scope is poor practice, makes debugging harder, and there are 950 global variables used in Salesforce that your variable names might conflict withIdeally, create a single global “namespace” object and make your code into its methods and properties
  • 12. Group Related Variables into Objects JSON.parse and JSON.stringify provide an elegant way to pass complex data
  • 14. Promises and the jQuery Deferred Object Deferred objects allow for concise and clear expression of how asynchronous requests should be handled
  • 15. Debugging JavaScript using Chrome DevTools Getting to know the capabilities of Chrome DevTools or Firebug is essential Capabilities of DevTools: • Inspect and modify HTML, CSS, JS, browser data • Monitor network traffic and page rendering timeline • Set breakpoints and step through JS execution • Emulate devices and network speeds • Profile and Audit your JavaScript and page loads DevTools can give you complete visibility into every aspect of your JS
  • 16. Unit Testing JavaScript on Salesforce Setting up a unit testing framework and preparing your code
  • 17. Unit testing JavaScript on Salesforce Why unit test your JavaScript? Setting up a unit testing stack: Node-Karma-Mocha-Chai (locally or in CI) Preparing your code: • Try to move all of your JS into static resources (this can also speed page load) • But {!controllerBindings} need to stay on the Visualforce page • Make sure your code is testable: • Testable methods need to be globally-accessible • Emphasize discrete, independent functions that don’t depend on global values Write unit tests using Mocha and Chai syntax with Sinon for stubs/mocks
  • 18. Sample Unit Testing Stack For installing dependenciesPlatform Test Runner (Creates a web server) Assertion Syntax assert.typeOf(foo, 'string'); assert.equal(foo, 'bar'); assert.lengthOf(foo, 3); Mocks & Stubs var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.withArgs(42).returns(1); callback.withArgs(1).throws("TypeError"); Testing & Reporting (The core test framework) describe('testFn Suite', function () { it('should return true', function () { assert.equal(true, testFn() ); }); });
  • 19. Unit testing stack setup (on your machine) 1.  Install Node.js on your development machine(s). 2.  Grab our code at ( 3.  Copy these files from our sample project into yours and customize as needed: a.  /package.json - Node.js will use this to get all the packages you need b.  /karma.conf.js - The configuration file for Karma (which files to test, etc.) c.  /test/* - The actual unit tests used in our sample project 4.  In the root of your development directory (where package.json is installed) run the following one-time installation command from the command line: npm install 5.  Run the following code from the command-line every time you want to start the karma test runner: ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js 6.  autowatch = true in our sample configuration file, so Karma will re-run all the unit tests each time you save a change to one of the files being tested.
  • 20. Unit Test FilesSalesforce Files Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test Salesforce Files Unit Test Files Similar Unit Tests can be Grouped Salesforce Files Setup & Tear-down steps Actual Unit Tests
  • 21. Setup & Tear-down steps Setup & Tear-down steps Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test
  • 22. Actual Unit Tests Anatomy of a JavaScript Unit Test
  • 23. Karma’s unit testing interface Command-line or web-based Browser-based test runner The command-line test runner auto-runs when files change
  • 24. Karma’s code coverage report (karma-junit-reporter style) This shows aggregate and line-by-line unit test coverage on the project Aggregate code-coverage for the project Line-by-line code coverage
  • 25. Unit testing stack (for Continuous Integration) ​ General guidelines for including JS unit testing in your CI builds: •  Set up a separate build step for the JS unit testing •  Install the nodejs plugin for Jenkins and specify your version of node & npm •  The build step consists simply of running this shell command: npm install node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js --single-run •  The build step will succeed or fail based on the results of that command •  This will also output some reports in the /reports folder that can be ingested to report on code coverage, code quality, etc. if you’re using code quality tools
  • 26. ​  Build step for JS code quality analysis in SonarQube JavaScript Unit Testing as a Continuous Deployment Step ​ JS unit testing can be one step in a CI/CD setup ​  Build step to run JavaScript unit tests Jenkins build step to deploy to a QA org. This also runs Apex unit tests
  • 27. Karma outputs, displayed in SonarQube Karma’s unit testing output can be ingested and displayed in other products
  • 28. Questions & Answers Grab the code at (
  • 29. Share Your Feedback, and Win a GoPro! 3 Earn a GoPro prize entry for each completed survey Tap the bell to take a survey2Enroll in a session1
  • 31. Salesforce - JavaScript Integration Methods Note that you can mix and match any combination of these as needed Action Methods JavaScript Remoting Remote Objects Salesforce REST API Require Controller Code yes yes no no Require Visualforce yes yes yes no Have their own Governor Limits no no no yes Main Benefit Call static or instance methods while maintaining controller state Call static Apex methods quickly and efficiently Create a JS version of Salesforce object with CRUD access Perform Salesforce actions and modify data from external apps Main Disadvantage Submits form data; slower Limited to static methods Can’t execute custom Apex from VF this way