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Learning Paper 1
developing effective health-related job aids
It’s all in the detail
Since starting operations in 2003, Malaria Consortium
has gained a great deal of experience and knowledge
through technical and operational programmes and
activities relating to the control of malaria and other
infectious childhood and neglected tropical diseases.
Organisationally, we are dedicated to ensuring our
work remains grounded in the lessons we learn
through implementation. We explore beyond
current practice, to try out innovative ways –
through research, implementation and policy
development – to achieve effective and sustainable
disease management and control. Collaboration and
cooperation with others through our work has been
paramount and much of what we have learned has
been achieved through our partnerships.
This series of learning papers aims to capture and collate
some of the knowledge, learning and, where possible,
the evidence around the focus and effectiveness of our
work. By sharing this learning, we hope to provide new
knowledge on public health development that will help
influence and advance both policy and practice.
Learning paper series
Community health workers
using job aids during a
training on use of mobile
phone technology
Learning Paper 1
Maddy Marasciulo-Rice
Malaria Consortium
Sandrine Martin
Malaria Consortium
Helen Counihan
Malaria Consortium
Sue George
Portia Reyes
Malaria Consortium
Transmission Art direction & Design
Andrew Lyons Cover illustration
Cristina Ortiz Graphic illustration
Citation: Marasciulo-Rice, M and
Martin, S (2014) It’s all in the detail:
developing effective health-related
job aids
Malaria Consortium
March 2014
© 2014 This learning paper was produced by Malaria
Consortium and is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution No-Derivs 3.0 Unported Licence. It is permitted
to copy, distribute and transmit the work commercially or
otherwise under the following conditions: the work must
be attributed in the manner specified by the author or
licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse
you or your use of the work; the work may not be altered,
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2. 	 Introduction
4. 	Section 1:
Malaria Consortium’s experience with job aids	
6. 	Communicate complex information accurately, and
in an easy-to-understand format
10.	Content must be current, accurate and consistent
with health policies and guidelines
12. 	Provide clear options for critical-decision
18. 	Describe processes and procedures in alignment
with the training curriculum, and existing
healthcare practices and job tasks
22.	Include culturally and literacy appropriate
language, illustrations and symbols to
communicate the desired key messages
26. 	Produce cost-effective quality materials which are
durable and attractive
28.	Section 2:
Recommended process for developing,
implementing and evaluating job aids
30. 	Section 3:
32.	 About Malaria Consortium
2 Learning Paper
This paper describes Malaria Consortium’s iterative and research-
based experience developing, implementing and evaluating job aids for
community health workers (CHWs)* and health facility workers**
in Mozambique, Nigeria, South Sudan and Uganda.
It discusses challenges encountered and considers
the lessons learned. Through this experience, Malaria
Consortium has developed a recommended process
and practical tips to ensure that the content of our job
aids is of high quality; accurate and appropriate for
the intended audience; consistent with standards of
practice; communicates essential information clearly;
contains culturally representative visuals and graphics;
and is understood and used to perform tasks and make
correct technical decisions.
The purpose of any job aid is to provide simplified
information, a selection of algorithmic decisions and
illustrated instructions of steps and procedures needed
to perform specific tasks. Job aids are used extensively
with CHWs and health facility workers to reinforce
adherence to a correct sequence of standard care
practices based on recommended guidelines. Job aids
help to enhance memory, reduce errors and improve job
performance. When used regularly, they can promote
passive learning through behavioural conditioning of
performing a task until the aid is no longer needed1,2
. In
addition, when combined with training and supervision,
they have been shown to enhance a health worker’s
ability to perform specific tasks3
A review of the literature indicates that job aids are
commonly used in developing countries to enhance
the performance of CHWs and health facility workers,
especially those who lack adequate supervision or
clearly defined performance expectations. There is a
consensus among behaviour change communication
and training experts about the recommended criteria
for a well-designed job aid. However, we found limited
evidence in the literature regarding operational research
on practical applications of these criteria or their impact
on job performance4
. We have found there to be one
confounding factor in demonstrating influence of job
aids on performance, which is that when CHWs were
observed, they avoided using the job aid. The reason for
this is because they believed the observer wanted to test
their ability to perform the tasks without this support5
Job aids are commonly
used to enhance the
performance of health
workers. There is
limited guidance in
the literature about
practical applications of
recommended criteria
for a well-designed job
We aim to contribute to
filling this gap through
sharing experience-
based lessons learned
and tips to develop
effective job aids and
maximise their use and
*Community health workers (CHWs) refer to individuals working in the community
to provide health services. They are often volunteers and often have little education.
**health facility workers refer to doctors, clinicians, nurses, nursing assistants,
labortorians and pharmacists working in a health facility (either public or private).
They are literate and earn a salary.
A Malaria Consortium
community drug distributor
shows a mother how to treat
her one-year old daughter,
South Sudan

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Learning Paper 3
4 Learning Paper
Malaria Consortium has had extensive experience designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a variety of job
aids. An integral part of our work is to strengthen capacity and improve the performance of health workers to be able to
prevent, diagnose, treat and care for groups most at risk of malaria and other communicable diseases.
Malaria Consortium’s
experience with job aids
Community health workers
using job aids during a
training in Buhimba sub-
county, Uganda
We do this by developing quality training curricula,
training trainers, designing and developing training
materials including job aids and coordinating the
delivery of training. The beneficiaries of our training
are CHWs and their supervisors, as well as public
and private sector health facility workers. The level
of education varies from CHWs with little to no
education and very low literacy, to health facility
workers with university education and a good reading
comprehension of English, or Portuguese in the case of
Motivation and quality of care varies widely among
these health workers. Our job aids are designed to
strengthen various elements of quality of care such as
interpersonal patient communication and diagnostic
skills and adherence to treatment policies. In addition,
we train supervisors about competency-based
performance management and how to use job aids to
monitor quality and standards of care during support
supervision visits.
Lastly, in order to ensure good evidence supports
delivery of effective services, Malaria Consortium
frequently conducts formative and operational research
to test the use, comprehension and impact of our job
aids with users.
From theory to practise
We have found the following six
criteria to be critical for a well-designed
job aid. These criteria are based
on recommended behavioural and
communication theories and on best
practice from our practical experience.
Communicate complex information
accurately and in an easy-to-understand
Content must be current, accurate, and
consistent with health policies and
Provide clear options for critical decision
Describe processes and procedures in
alignment with the training curriculum
and existing healthcare practices and
Include culturally and literacy-
appropriate language, illustrations and
symbols to communicate key messages.
Produce cost-effective quality materials
which are durable and attractive.
The following sections in this paper
show a summary of our experiences,
challenges and lessons learned while
applying these principles in the
development of various original or new
job aids in several countries.
Learning Paper 5
6 Learning Paper
In order to reduce errors and enhance memory recall, the
written and visual content of the job aid should be simple,
direct and contain only key information. Any unnecessary and
confusing details should be removed. Job aids should help to
reduce the need to memorise complex information or a long
list of processes by making it readily accessible and easy to
follow. By using the job aid repeatedly over time, it reinforces
the learning of job tasks through associative conditioning of
desired behaviours. The messages, instructions, illustrations
and symbols should serve as cues to remind the user of the
knowledge and skills they acquired during training.
Selecting and presenting key information and
simple cues for action
In Mozambique, the Ministry of Health revitalised
the community health programme in 2010 and
developed a new training curriculum for CHWs, called
Elementary Multipurpose Agents (Agentes Polivalentes
Elementares - APEs).
APEs were not equipped with additional job aids, as the
Ministry of Health felt that the instructional design of
the modules was sufficient and could be used by APEs
as a reference material. In addition, producing a job aid
would have increased costs for the programme.
However, an operational research study conducted in a
district of Inhambane province in March 2012, revealed
that APEs were facing significant challenges with
diagnosis and treatment of childhood illnesses. This
resulted in incomplete diagnoses and sometimes an
incorrect treatment prescription.
Malaria Consortium thus designed and piloted a job aid
for APEs in this province to provide a practical summary
guide that APEs could take in their bag and use during
sick child consultation. The main purpose of this job aid
was to translate disease-specific technical contents into
‘the eight steps of the child consultation’. It was designed
to support APEs in following the required essential steps
for the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of three
diseases in children under five, and the dispensing of
medicines correctly and adequately. While we re-used
many images and wording from the manual to ensure
consistency, we also had to make adaptations. These
included bringing assessment of all danger signs into the
first steps, instead of presenting danger signs by specific
disease as they were in the manual.
Communicate complex information accurately
and in an easy-to-understand format

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Definition: In service education is a planned learning experience provided by the employer for employees. functions: Meet the health need and public expectation Develop ability of the nurses Aims: Skill development Confidence Retain staff Staff development Performance improvement Behavior changes Discover potential Communication skill Job satisfaction Latest knowledge Objectives: The primary objective of in services education is the improvement of professional practice and development of the person as an individual and a responsible citizen It enables one to implement knowledge with skill and ability It improves health care delivery to the public thus enhancing the quality of effective nursing practice It develops confidence through the acquisition of up to date knowledge It helps to observe and bring about change in staff behavior The primary objective of in services education is the improvement of professional practice and development of the person as an individual and a responsible citizen It enables one to implement knowledge with skill and ability It improves health care delivery to the public thus enhancing the quality of effective nursing practice It develops confidence through the acquisition of up to date knowledge It helps to observe and bring about change in staff behavior Need for in service programs : The need for in service education for professional nurses in influenced by research and advantages in health care. In the current health environment, the quality appropriate and effectiveness of intervention assumes increasing importance Inservice education program for nursing staff are frequently planned by the nursing services administration Need for in service program: There are two types of in-service education program General Inservice education- These program are short term learning expense related to topics pertinent to all staff Ex. CPR and FIRE SAFTY Specific in services education- This type of program is also short term but designed to meet the need of a particular group of staff in clinical area. Summary Today we learned In this practice teaching Definition of in-service education. Function of in-service education. Aims of in-service education. Objectives in service education. Needs of in-service education.

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Learning Paper 7
In the example pictured here, the algorithm for fever
assessment has been simplified: the danger signs are
being assessed at the beginning of the consultation, so
that the fever assessment section is focused on malaria
testing and only two options are left for the CHW to act
on. In the case of a positive rapid diagnostic test (RDT),
the CHW should counsel the care-giver on how to bring
fever down (wrapping the child in a damp cloth) and
give Coartem (AL) medication to be continued at home.
In the case of a negative RDT, the CHW should only give
paracetamol as pre-referral treatment and counsel the
care-giver to go to the nearest health facility for further
assessment of the child’s condition.
Fever assessment from the
APE Manual, Mozambique
(top row) to job aid (bottom)
8 Learning Paper
As part of the inSCALE Project*, the use of mobile
phone technology was introduced to a group of CHWs
participating in the integrated community case
management (iCCM) programme in Uganda and
Mozambique. The mobile phone contains customised
software for submitting iCCM patient reports and for
receiving motivational and automated educational
messages. CHWs were also provided with a solar charger
to charge the phone in areas where electricity was not
Our initial needs assessment in Uganda indicated that
although most Ugandans in rural communities had
used a mobile phone, very few knew how to operate it
beyond turning it on and making or receiving a call.
None of them had used a solar charger before. As a
result, two detailed job aids were developed – one for the
phone functions and the solar charger, and the other for
using the mobile phone to submit weekly iCCM reports
and read educational messages. Designing this job
aid required taking the detailed manufacturer’s users’
guides and translating them into simple steps with
brief directions. It also required adding photographs
of the various phone screens, parts of the phone and
charger to illustrate each step. Included in the training
curriculum was an instructional DVD which reinforced
the same steps in the job aid. Still-shot pictures from
the DVD training were also included in the job aid for
visual reinforcement
An easy to follow job aid for community health workers
to operate mobile phones and solar chargers
Learning Paper 9
A sample page from the
VHT job aid on how to use
the solar charger and Nokia
mobile phone (left) and how
to send weekly reports using
a Nokia mobile phone (right)
Extensive pre-testing was conducted with CHWs in
several districts to see whether they could read the
instructions in English or just follow the visual cues
without any instructions from a trainer or supervisor.
Remarkably, the vast majority of the pre-testing
participants were able to operate the phone, place the
solar panel properly in the sun, charge the phone, and
use the accompanying solar lamp and solar charger
just by following the pictures in the job aid and with
minimal assistance.
We found developing these job aids to be quite
challenging in terms of the time it took to select and
photograph the essential phone screens and describing
the instructions for each step and illustration while
using minimal non-technical words. The time and detail
applied to ensuring these job aids communicated the
content in an easy-to-follow format proved vital to the
success of training and implementation of this project.
10 Learning Paper
Health worker job aids frequently contain new technical
content and/or new guidelines and policies which need to
be followed exactly as they are written. As a repository of
standards of care practice, it is important that the content is
accurate and consistent with national or international policies
they are describing. As a guide to quality standards, the
content and description of procedures can be used to measure
the quality of health worker performance to determine whether
they are complying with standards of care in the correct
procedural order.
Content must be current, accurate and
consistent with health policies and guidelines
Job aids to help health facility workers improve
their communication skills with patients and
promote malaria testing before treating
In 2011, the Ministry of Health of Uganda implemented
a new National Malaria Control Policy (NMCP) stating
that all suspected malaria cases must be confirmed with
microscopy or RDTs before treatment with artemisinin
diagnosis of malaria, the Ministry of Health introduced
RDTs for malaria in all health facilities where microscopic
research was conducted to understand the underlying
policy. The qualitative study revealed that health facility
workers did not trust the accuracy of RDT results, were
lacked the skills to communicate with patients about the
In response to this study, Malaria Consortium, in
collaboration with the Uganda National Malaria Control
Programme and the Stop Malaria Project, developed and
implemented a training course for health facility workers
to improve interpersonal communication skills between
health facility workers and care-givers of children under-
five in the diagnosis and management of febrile illness.
The Job aid for children with fever, (developed in
collaboration with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health Center for Communication Programs and
Mango Tree, Uganda), is a flipchart booklet consisting
of picture cue cards on one side, which are shown to the
patient. On the back of each picture card is a script of
Card 1 Taking a patient history
Card 2 Assessing for danger signs
Card 3 Taking a patient history and conducting a
physical exam
Card 4 Testing for malaria
Card 5 Communicating positive malaria test results and
treatment of malaria
Card 6 Communicating negative malaria test results,
differential diagnosis and treatment of non-malaria fevers
Card 7 Care for febrile child

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Learning Paper 11
The development of this job aid proved to be
challenging in two ways: first, in terms of ensuring
that the interpersonal communication skills language
was simple enough to communicate to patients; and
second, that the clinical and procedural content was
consistent with both the 2011 NMCP policy regarding
testing all fevers before treating and the 2010 National
Clinical Guidelines on diagnosis of childhood fever. In
some cases, the National Clinical Guidelines contained
contradictory information regarding the treatment
of non-malaria fevers. This required extensive
collaboration with the NMCP in terms of their review
and approval of job aid and training materials to ensure
the messages were aligned with the current diagnosis
and treatment policy for malaria and case management
of fever.
Sample cards from job aid for
children with fever, Uganda
A large component of the training for this course
consisted of practising use of the job aid in a clinical
setting, including how to communicate accurate
information and counsel patients and care-givers of
children under five with fever. This was done through
multiple role-plays and case-study discussions.
The job aid is currently being used and tested in health
facilities across 18 districts in Uganda.
12 Learning Paper
Developing a job aid for CHWs and health facility workers often
involves translating complex clinical processes or algorithms
into simple and clear instructions. The more conditions
or options to choose from within the algorithm, the more
challenging it is to make it simple and easy to follow.
Job aids must be able to provide clear options or algorithmic
decision pathways for which actions to take based on
the information collected during the patient assessment.
Algorithms must be simple, contain start and end points, and
as far as possible be colour-coded so that the critical flow can
be followed easily.
Provide clear options for critical-decision
Communicating iCCM in eight easy steps for
community health workers
When developing job aids for iCCM, the algorithms
used for integrated management for childhood illnesses
(IMCI) are often used as a reference. Whereas IMCI
was developed for literate health facility workers, iCCM
targets CHWs with low education and literacy.
One strategy we have found to simplify algorithmic
information is to translate the algorithm into a sequential
linear list of numbered steps. We found that it was
important to list the steps in the same chronological
order which the CHWs follow during the sick child
In the example pictured here, we translated the
standard iCCM algorithm developed by WHO into a
series of eight critical steps. Through consultations
with CHWs and pre-testing conducted in Mozambique
to develop the eight steps of the child consultation job
aid, we found it important to number each step in order
to associate one key action word (such as ‘greet’, ‘ask’,
‘check’), as well as to insert a simple imagery to each
step for quick identification and easy recall.
What is iCCM?
The term integrated community case
management (or iCCM) generally
refers to an integrated approach for
assessing and classifying signs and
symptoms of pneumonia, diarrhoea,
and malaria in children under five
years old, and providing home-
based treatment or referral for these
diseases. The approach also normally
includes health promotion activities.
This care is provided by volunteers in
the community who are trained by
health workers on the iCCM approach.
Learning Paper 13
1. Establishing rapport
2. Assessing danger signs
3. Assessing cough or difficulty breathing
4. Assessing diarrhoea
5. Assessing fever
6. Checking nutritional status
7. Checking vaccination status
8. Counselling with key messages
The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness chart booklet
(UNICEF and WHO), Caring for newborns and children in
the community (left) to the job aid, 8 steps of the sick child
consultation (right)
8 steps of the sick child
14 Learning Paper
In cases where literacy is very low, our experience
showed that it is better to allocate one page per step to
avoid confusion. When the iCCM was first introduced
to South Sudan, we used the iCCM job aid from Uganda
as the template. The section on assessment of danger
signs included pictures of all the danger signs on one
page, with arrows pointing to a red referral triangle
and then to the picture of a health facility. There
were instructions in wordy English and descriptions
of each danger sign. During the three-year period
of implementing iCCM in South Sudan, a formal
evaluation and two informal feedback assessments of
the job aid took place. The findings showed that CHWs
found it confusing and difficult to see pictures of all
the danger signs on one page, and to explain them to
care-givers during a patient visit. In particular, there
was confusion on whether to refer a patient with one
or more danger signs (which is correct) or to refer only
when all the danger signs were present.
After subsequent revisions of the ICMM job aid, each
danger sign was represented per page, followed by a
summary page which included all the danger signs
with arrows pointing to the health facility. The wordy
instructions were removed and the necessary text was
translated into Dinka and Luo. Recent feedback from
the CHWs indicates that this change has helped them to
understand the need to refer a sick child with one or more
danger signs.
Examples for danger sign job
aids for South Sudan
Breaking down complex clinical algorithms and excess
information onto several pages with minimal text for low
literacy audiences

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Learning Paper 15
Aci gek piny
Ungen piny
E Ken koc nok Gume rach
Assessment of Danger Signs
Not able to wake
Puou thok aci lony thin
Ngeete, teel kii ngo
Chest in-drawing
E Ken koc nok Gume rach
Assessment of Danger Signs
Acie dek piu Acie thuat
Bimatha –Bidhodho 10
Not able to drink or breastfeed
E Ken koc nok Gume rach
Assessment of Danger Signs
Atoc panakim Ahor parakim
If any danger sign refer to PHCU/PHCC
16 Learning Paper
Using simple colour-coding systems to guide
critical-decision pathways
Our experience also found that using a simple colour-
coding system can help with understanding critical
pathways and making appropriate case-management
decisions. In the Mozambique iCCM job aid, we used
red for all conditions that require referral, yellow for all
conditions that the APE can diagnose and treat, and
green for conditions that can be managed at home
without medicine. Using a colour-coding system may
be particularly important for decisions which can save
a child’s life.
A page of the job aid for
CHWs in Northern Nigeria.
This is to help CHWs identify
children who should or
should not receive the SMC
treatment based on clear
Danger signs are represented in red
Yellow: Represents a condition that is to be diagnosed and treated by the CHW
Light green: Indicates that the child condition does not require specific medicines and can be
treated at home by caregivers
Learning Paper 17
Creating simple visual algorithms for decision
Another strategy we found helpful when simplifying
complex algorithms was to formulate the assessment
process into questions which can be answered by a
‘yes’ or ‘no’, and inserting tick boxes and arrows as
cues to action. The following example is of the job aid
developed for CHWs in Northern Nigeria participating in
the Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) project.
In this job aid, if the CHW selects YES for any of the
questions, it will lead him/her to withholding the dose
of SMC drugs; selecting NO will indicate that it is safe
to administer SMC drugs to the child. It is important to
ensure that the way in which the questions are written
leads logically to the desired action to be taken.
A page of the job aid for
CHWs in Northern Nigeria.
This is to help CHWs identify
children who should or
should not receive the SMC
treatment based on clear
18 Learning Paper
Describe processes and procedures in
alignment with the training curriculum and
existing healthcare practices and job tasks
In order to avoid confusion and adoption of new tasks, the
flow of information and visual cues need to be aligned in the
same sequential order in which the procedures and patient
consultations occur in the work place. The procedures should
be consistent and integrated into existing practices. Job aids
that deviate from the real world, or that require the use of tools
and materials which are unavailable, lead to frustration and will
ultimately be ignored. Job aids should serve as a tool to enhance
learning during and after training. Therefore, the content of
the job aid must be consistent with the sequence of technical
and procedural information outlined in the training curriculum
and delivered during training. This is critical to reinforcing the
transfer of newly acquired skills to the worksite7
Revising the flow of a job aid and
mobile phone iCCM report to align
with the iCCM patient register
We also found that job aids need to be aligned with
other documents and tools the CHWs and health facility
workers use in daily practice, such as patient registers.
During the training-of-trainers for the inSCALE project
in Uganda (mentioned in the first example) we received
feedback from the trainers that the sequence of the
iCCM patient report in the mobile phone did not match
the sequence of the iCCM paper patient register.
The mobile phone report was designed to follow the
same sequence of iCCM procedures (assessment,
classification, referral and treatment). However, the
patient register was designed and produced several
years prior by monitoring and evaluation and data
collectors, and was not designed in a format to capture
the clinical process the CHWs were expected to follow.
The mobile phone was more consistent with CHWs’
job practice, but the trainers expressed concern that
since the CHWs were accustomed to using the patient
register, and needed to transfer that data to the phone,
there could be a high risk of errors or confusion if the
data entry sequence differed. Based on this feedback,
both the mobile phone software and the job aid were
revised to be consistent with the sequential order of
the paper patient register. We found that although
the sequence of data reporting in the mobile phone
was more accurate and consistent with patient care
practice, in order to avoid error, it was important to
adjust the job aid and mobile phone software to be
consistent with established behaviours and routines.

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Learning Paper 19
Revising complex manufacturer’s instructions
into easy-to-follow steps that were aligned with
routine care
We have found that manufacturer’s instructions may
not always contain sufficient or accurate information
to be practical and safe. However, well-designed
instructions that are integrated into the training
curriculum and applied during training can contribute
to higher performance8
One of the Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS)*
objectives in Nigeria is to support the National
Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) to strengthen the
capacity of health facility workers in the management
of severe malaria. In collaboration with FHI360,
Malaria Consortium developed and implemented a
training programme for doctors and nurses working in
secondary and tertiary facilities in Nigeria to correctly
and safely use injectable artesunate for the treatment
of severe malaria. The training was designed as a result
of the April 2011 WHO guidelines recommending
parenteral artesunate as first-line treatment in the
management of severe falciparum malaria9
At the time, injectable artesunate had not yet been
introduced to Nigeria. Despite its superior efficacy,
artensunate is more costly and requires an elaborate
preparation and administration process. Therefore, it
was important that artesunate be well accepted by the
health facility workers if it was to be used. To achieve
this, it was essential that the job aid contained easy-to-
follow instructions corresponding with existing health
facility practices and recommendations to minimise
wastage and expense.
Using the job aid for
injectable artesunate during
training in Nigeria
20 Learning Paper
Sample pages from the
job aids for injectable
artesunate, Nigeria
Both the manufacturer’s instructions and an existing
global job aid developed by another organisation
were evaluated and found to be confusing and
incongruous with existing health facility practice.
Malaria Consortium sought permission to revise and
update the existing job aid. The process involved
correspondence with the manufacturer and WHO to
confirm accurate dose calculations to ensure content
accuracy. In addition, we practised preparing several
vials to look for ways to streamline the directions for
preparation and administration and to find the fewest
materials needed. A draft job aid with seven steps was
initially developed for the training-of-trainers (ToT).
During the ToT, the trainees – professors of medicine
and directors of hospital facilities – used the job aid
to practise preparing the drug in the classroom. As a
result of the trainees’ feedback, several processes were
identified that were inconsistent with their existing
health practices, such as the size of syringes and
needles available in Nigeria, and the way IV lines were
cleaned and flushed. Also, the original job aid and
manufacturer’s instructions stated that it took two
minutes for the drug to be fully reconstituted, when
during the ToT it consistently took four minutes. This
was a key finding, since undissolved crystals could
potentially harm the patient.
The existing job aid now contains nine steps and has
been shared with the organisation which originally
developed it. This experience taught us the value of not
relying only on manufacturer’s instructions or other
job aids, and ensuring the content is accurate and
appropriate for the local context.
SOP for Preparation and Administration of Inj Art 2
Edition Page 1 of 5
SOP for the Preparation and Administration of
Artesunate Injection
This SOP contains the recommended steps that must be followed to prepare and administer
artesunate injection safely and correctly using the 60 mg per vial.
1. Weigh the patient.
2. Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed.
3. Calculate the dose and milliliters of artesunate needed for administration.
4. Gather materials and check expiry dates.
5. Reconstitute artesunate powder with 1 ml of 5% sodium bicarbonate and shake
until clear; 2-4 minutes.
6. Dilute the reconstituted artesunate with normal saline based on route of
administration; 5 ml for IV and 2 ml for IM.
7. Re-check the dose calculation and withdraw the required dose for the route of
8. Administer injectable artesunate.
9. Plan the dosing schedule.
Step 1—Weigh the patient.
1.1 Weigh every patient.
1.2 Record the exact weight.
Step 2—Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed.
2.1 Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed based on the patient’s weight.
60 mg vials
5-25 kg 1
26-50 kg 2
51-75 kg 3
76-100 kg 4
Step 3—Calculate the dose and millilitres of artesunate needed for
3.1 Determine the route of injectable artesunate: intravenous (IV) or intramuscular
3.2 Use the following calculation for intravenous or IV injection:
Learning Paper 21
SOP for Preparation and Administration of Inj Art 2
Edition Page 2 of 5
2.4 mg x body weight (kg)
10 mg / ml
Round up to the next 0.5 ml (e.g. 1.3 = 1.5 ml and 1.6 = 2 ml)
Total mg
Weight x 2.4
10 mg/ml
ml rounded up to
the next 0.5 ml
23.7 kg 56.88 mg 5.7 ml 6 ml
42.1 kg 101.04 mg 10.1 ml 10.5 ml
3.3 Use the following calculation for intramuscular or IM injection:
2.4 mg x body weight (kg)
20 mg / ml
Round up to the next 0.5 ml (e.g. 1.3 = 1.5 ml and 1.6 = 2 ml)
Total mg
Weight x 2.4
20 mg/ml
ml rounded up to
the next 0.5 ml
23.7 kg 56.88 mg 2.8 ml 3 ml
42.1 kg 101.04 mg 5.1 ml 5.5 ml
Step 4—Gather materials and check expiry dates.
4.1 Gather the required number of 60 mg artesunate vials (see 2.1).
4.2 Check the expiry dates of each vial of artesunate.
4.3 Ensure each package of artesunate is complete with the following ampoules and
check their expiry dates.
 1 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate
 5 ml normal saline
4.4 Gather all the needed materials and lay them out on a clean tray or kidney dish:
 a clean tray or kidney dish
 alcohol swabs or cotton swabs with alcohol disinfectant
 5 ml syringes with needles for reconstitution and dilution (1 per ampoule)
 appropriate sized syringes with needle for artesunate injection
 normal saline and two 5 ml syringes for flushing the IV line (if giving IV)
 a pair of gloves
Step 5—Reconstitute artesunate powder with 1 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate
and shake until clear; 2-4 minutes
5.1 Maintain aseptic technique throughout the preparation of artesunate injection.
5.2 Wash hands.
5.3 Put on gloves.
22 Learning Paper
Include culturally and literacy appropriate
language, illustrations and symbols to
communicate the desired key messages
The content of the job aid should be designed for the roles
and responsibilities, language, culture and the educational
and literacy level of the intended audience. The illustrations,
symbols and language used to give direction should be
culturally appropriate and recognisable to the user.
We found that it was critical to have few and precise words
in the correct language. We also found that the selection of
appropriate drawings and symbols can be vital in replacing
lengthy text. However, the selection of the right illustrations
with good quality can be challenging. Not only should the
illustrations be culturally relevant, but they should also be
designed to give a clear message or cue.
Essential to this criterion was conducting formal qualitative
pre-testing and, if possible, posting evaluation of the job aid
and other materials to confirm comprehension of the messages.
Using the correct words and language
We found that even though some CHWs may have low or
no literacy, the trainers and members of the community
may be able to read text on the job aid as long as it is in
their language and the spelling and meaning is correct.
The majority of the volunteer community health workers
(CDDs)* in South Sudan are low-literate women. In
the areas where iCCM was first introduced by Malaria
Consortium, most people speak either Dinka or Luo, but
cannot read or write in these languages. General levels
of education are very low. This posed a challenge to
developing the iCCM job aid.
Using the Uganda iCCM job aid as a template, the first
iCCM job aid we developed for South Sudan contained
wordy text in English. CDDs relied exclusively on the
pictures which were not always representative of the
text. The iCCM job aid for South Sudan has been revised
three times since and now contains minimal text and
translations into Dinka and Luo for the trainers and
literate community members. The translated text needed
to be updated twice since there is no written dictionary
and the agreed words and spelling required a consensus
among several iCCM trainers and project officers.
As a result of the very low literacy, there needed to be a
heavier reliance on graphics and symbols. For example,
suns (and eventually suns and moons) were used to
represent the number of days symptoms may be present,
or the number of days of a given treatment.
*Community drug distributors (CDDS) are the equivalent of community health workers in South Sudan.

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Learning Paper 23
Old (top) and new (bottom)
illustrations of pedal oedema
iCCM job-aid, South Sudan
Job aids for iCCM, South
Selection of recognisable pictures and
When severe acute malnutrition was added to the
iCCM programme in South Sudan, we revised the job
aid to include illustrations of malnourished children
being assessed with a MUAC tape and pictures of
bi-pedal oedema. Due to the limited availability of
photographs, we initially selected a picture of a child’s
feet with pitting oedema. During the pre-testing of the
job aid, we learned that the CHWs could not visualise or
understand that they were looking at feet. The job aid
was eventually revised to include a drawing illustrating
the child’s legs and feet, and pictures of hands assessing
for pitting oedema. This change has helped the CHWs
to correctly recognise this as way to assess for signs of
severe acute malnutrition.
24 Learning Paper
Improving job aid illustrations
representing danger signs in
children, Mozambique
Incorporating action and emotion to add realism and recognition
Designing quality illustrations which convey the
right message can be challenging. It can be especially
challenging when visually describing complex health
conditions or symptoms for CHWs and community
members using just one picture. The images must be
medically realistic yet easily recognisable.
We have learned and applied a few tips for improving
the job aid illustrations representing danger signs
in children so that they are easily recognisable. So
we compared two illustrations of a child with the
danger sign, ‘abnormally sleepy, unable to wake, or
unconscious’. Keeping in mind that the illustrations in
job aids should serve as a trigger to help the intended
user remember content learned in training and to be
able to describe what they see in the picture. We found
that a helpful strategy was to add action or movement
in the drawing.
In this first example, we see a child sleeping peacefully.
The illustration does not convey the image of anything
being abnormal or wrong with the child. In the second
example, we added the image of hands clapping to
convey that the child is not reacting to a loud noise
– which is not normal. The addition of action in the
second drawing adds the needed memory trigger: the
child is not responding to noise because s/he may
be unconscious or extremely lethargic, and this is
Another strategy we used in the second example was
to remove all background/contextual details from the
drawing to ensure that attention is focused on the
specific action. Adding other details can be distracting
and divert visual attention from the critical message.
Finally, we incorporated the use of facial expressions to
convey emotion. In the second example, the mother’s
face demonstrates worry or concern communicating
that the situation is abnormal, dangerous or unsafe,
and that the child is very sick. The use of emotion
is also important to trigger feelings of empathy and
identification with the mother in the picture. It helps to
reinforce the appropriate emotion of concern and the
need to respond to the child’s dangerous condition by
getting help. Mothers are often the best placed people to
identify that something is wrong or not usual with the
child. The job aid can encourage and empower mothers
to trust their own judgement about their child’s condition.
It is important to note that using emotion or action
in job aids can also be used to demonstrate health,
happiness, or safety when communicating positive
l Looks like a child
sleeping peacefully
l Does not look abnormal
or in danger
l Facial expression on characters
is important: mother looks
l Hand clapping = action
Child abnormally sleepy or unconscious
Learning Paper 25
Original illustration of whole
family sleeping under a
bed net (top) and revised
illustration with mother and
child sleeping under a bed
net (bottom).
Wefoundthatdrawingsthatare widelyusedandaccepted
Sudan includes the malaria prevention message to ‘sleep
under bed net’. The original drawing we selected for this
During a mid-term monitoring and evaluation
programme evaluation, we learned that the CHWs and
community members found the picture of a family
sleeping in one bed amusing, since South Sudanese
men do not sleep in the same bed as their children.
Every time the picture was shown to a care-giver, she
giggled. Eventually the CHWs stopped showing it, and
the message failed to be communicated.
In order to remedy this, the current iCCM job aid was
revised to include a drawing of only a mother and child
sleeping under the mosquito net. Even though the
message of the entire family needing to prevent malaria
is not fully communicated, we felt it was best that the
message for mothers and children not be excluded from
the CHWs dialogue, since pregnant women and young
children are particularly vulnerable to malaria.
Selection of culturally correct
pictures and illustrations
26 Learning Paper
Produce cost-effective quality materials which
are durable and attractive
Job aids are meant to be used consistently in context
by the health workers and/or CHWs for whom they
are designed. Job aids should not be seen as an
inexpensive replacement to cut the costs of training
or supervision of health workers. A well-designed job
aid can maximise the cost and impact of training
by enhancing memory and retention, improving
daily job performance, and facilitating supervision
of standard procedures and assuring the delivery of
quality care.
A key element to making job aids effective is the
attractiveness and the format in which they are
produced. We have observed that job aids are more
likely to be used consistently by the intended
worker or volunteer if they are produced from good
quality materials that can endure dusty and/or wet
environments, and if they are colourful and attractive
to look at. The more job aids are used, the more likely it
is that they will have an impact on the desired health
Size and format
The job aid should be the right size for the intended
use. Our experience shows that CHWs who go house-
to-house for home visits need job aids which can fit in
a backpack or a simple bag such as the one they use to
carry diagnostic tools and medicines. Because their job
aid will be used on a daily basis, it should be made with
durable and waterproof materials such as thick plastic
laminated material or Tyvek©
Colour and attractiveness
While producing in full-colour is certainly more
expensive than simple black and white printing, the
cost-benefit has to be thoroughly analysed. Testimonies
from CHWs in Uganda and Mozambique indicate
that job aids are used as reminders, but also as a tool
for interpersonal communication and counselling.
The more attractive the job aid is, the more likely it is
that the CHW will use it as a visual aid to show to the
care-giver what s/he is doing during a child assessment
or treatment intervention. Colourful images also
help to distinguish specific detail of pictures, such as
colour-branded dosing of drugs, and when used during
interactive dialogues and counselling on treatment
regimens and home-based care.
Making job aids the right size, colourful and
long-lasting for regular use

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Dokumen tersebut berisi tentang materi pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi mengenai Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 di SMP N 18 Semarang. Materi tersebut mencakup penjelasan tentang standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, cara membuat tabel, grafik, diagram organisasi, dan menambahkan animasi pada presentasi PowerPoint. Dokumen tersebut juga berisi contoh soal latihan dan kunci jawabannya.

Learning Paper 27
In a participatory evaluation of the ’the eight steps
of the sick child consultation’, the job aid developed
for APEs in Mozambique, respondents stated that
since they were introduced to this job aid, they use
it on a daily basis and it has become their ‘bag’s
companion’. A key feature of the job aid that they
particularly appreciate is the easy-to-recognise,
colourful imagery. The attractive job aids help the
CHWs to feel more confident about what they are doing,
and to gain credibility and trust from the care-givers.
Some respondents indicated that when conducting
home visits in the community, they usually refuse to
undertake a consultation of a sick child without their
job aid in hand.
These results are congruent with findings from an
operational research conducted with CHWs in the
western region of Uganda. This showed that the job aid
was their ‘bible’ It was used both by the CHW to ensure
they did not miss a step in the consultation, but also
as an educational tool for care-givers to explain the
procedures they follow, and the treatment regimen for
the sick child.
Investing in good quality, durable and colourful job
aids can improve the user’s experience, but may also
potentially have an impact on the quality of care
provided by health workers and community health
Example of illustration and
lay out of the job aid, 8
passos da consulta da crianca,
piloted in Mozambique. This
aims to reduce errors in drug
dosage by age by CHWs
and serves as a visual aid for
CHWs to counsel care-givers
on how to give medicines
at home
28 Learning Paper
Subject matter experts and key stakeholders should begin
by identifying the target audience (intended users) and
outlining the key technical content which needs to be
communicated during training and within the job aid.
The technical content should be researched to ensure it is
current with national policies and guidelines.
Communication, training and subject matter experts
should work collaboratively to assess the target audience’s
learning needs, literacy level, education level, and
performance gaps in relation to the content to be delivered.
Once the key technical messages and content have been
agreed to and developed, BCC experts should design a draft
job aid by translating the complex training content into
simple key messages for the intended audience. They
should review similar job aids, if available, to determine
best practices. They should also select culturally
appropriate drawings, photographs, and symbols that
illustrate the key messages.
The training and subject matter experts, along with key
stakeholders, need to review the draft job aid to ensure the
technical content is correct, follows the procedural steps
in a logical manner, communicates the desired content,
and is consistent with the training curriculum framework
and job processes.
The final draft should then be pre-tested by BCC specialists
with an appropriate sample of intended users to ensure
the messages are understood and they are able to follow
the steps correctly. In addition, the language, illustrations,
symbols and colours should be pre-tested to ensure
they are culturally representative and recognised. The
qualitative approach of pre-testing materials can include
individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation,
case scenarios. The pre-testing feedback should be shared
with the SMEs and stakeholders in a written report and
subsequent revisions may need to be made before the final
approval from key stakeholders and policy makers.
We recommend producing only enough job aids for the
training-of-trainers, and a second production after training,
to avoid waste. This is because additional feedback about
the content and flow of the job aid may arise during
training. Occasionally the feedback is critical enough to
make additional revisions before mass production for the
intended users. When possible, we recommend printing
locally to save costs.
We strongly recommend using job aids as a training tool
and technical guide throughout the training to reinforce
key content, messages, and processes. Role-plays and
simulated patient scenarios can be used to practice how
to use job aids with patients in the community or clinical
setting. If trainee competencies are assessed during
training, they should include how well the trainee uses
and follows the job aid.
Once a job aid has been in circulation for about six
months, we recommend a formal evaluation of the job aid
to determine its use and impact on job performance. This
can be done though a formal monitoring and evaluation
process or by reviewing supervisor reports. Some questions
to consider when evaluating the job aid are whether the
job aid is present in the work place, if it is currently being
used and referred to, whether the tasks outlined in the
job aid are being performed correctly (with or without
the job aid). It is also important to explore what the users
are saying and thinking about the job aid as well as their
suggestions for improvements. The outcome of these
evaluations should be documented in a report and referred
to when developing other job aids.
Building on our iterative and experiential learning process as well as the information obtained from our formative
research, Malaria Consortium is proposing the following process for development, implementation and evaluation of
job aids. Fundamental to this process is the collaborative approach between clinical/technical subject matter experts
(SMEs), behaviour change communication (BCC) specialists, training curriculum designers and key stakeholders such
as our implementing partners, ministries of health and the intended users.
Recommended process for
developing, implementing
and evaluating job aids
Job aid process
1. Determine what content to
communicate and ensure it is
consistent with standards and policy
2. Assess learning needs, literacy
and performance gaps of intended
3. Design and develop job aid, select
illustrations and key messages
4. Review to ensure accuracy and
consistency with training curriculum
5. Pre-test for comprehension and
meaning of illustrations, flow and
decision making; obtain Ministry of
Health/stakeholder approval
6. Produce only enough copies to
obtain feedback during ToT; make
additional edits, then mass produce
7. Use as a training and performance
management tool during and after
8. Evaluate use and impact on job
Learning Paper 29
30 Learning Paper
1. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000.
The Use of manual job aids by health care providers:
What do we know?. Bethesda, MD, Published for the
U.S. Agency for International Development by the
Quality Assurance Project.
2. Gilbert, T.F. 1978. Human competence: Engineering
worthy performance. New York, McGraw-Hill.
3. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000.
4. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000.
5. Counihan, H. et al. 2012. Community health workers
use malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) safely and
accurately: Results of a longitudinal study in Zambia.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
87, 1, pp.57–63.
7. Broad, M.L. and J.W. Newstrom. 1992. Transfer of
training. Menlo Park, CA, Addison-Wesley.
8. Harvey, S., et al. 2008. Improving community health
worker use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Zambia:
package instructions, job-aid and job-aid-plus-
training. Malaria Journal, 7, 160.
A Malaria Consortium child
survival officer demonstrates
how to use the danger signs
yellow warning card

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Mulla Sadra's philosophy can be summarized in 3 points: 1. In ontology, he believed that existence is principal over quiddity, and that all contingent beings are composed of the union of existence and quiddity. He also developed the concept of the graded unity of being. 2. In epistemology, he argued for the unity of the intellect and the intelligible, rejecting the idea that knowledge is simply a reflection of external objects. 3. He developed the doctrine of trans-substantial motion to explain physics, metaphysics, and the relationship between the soul and body.

Search and Social: A Happy Marriage - Cara Wiggins Gray [Energy Digital Summi...
Search and Social: A Happy Marriage - Cara Wiggins Gray [Energy Digital Summi...Search and Social: A Happy Marriage - Cara Wiggins Gray [Energy Digital Summi...
Search and Social: A Happy Marriage - Cara Wiggins Gray [Energy Digital Summi...

This presentation was written by Cara Wiggins Gray, Manager, Digital Marketing Analytics and SEO at Reliant Energy. Cara was invited to present as a keynote speaker for the inaugural Energy Digital Summit in June 2014. She presented on the subjects on the influences of SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing.

search engine optimizationcara grayenergy digital summit
Fedegari Training & Education Calendar 2016
Fedegari Training & Education Calendar 2016Fedegari Training & Education Calendar 2016
Fedegari Training & Education Calendar 2016

Fedegari provides a calendar of training and education programs for 2016 to share knowledge on sterile processing technologies and products. The calendar includes technical training courses on steam sterilizers, seminars on topics like moist heat sterilization and hydrogen peroxide decontamination, and customized courses. Fedegari's technology centers offer hands-on training to deepen understanding of equipment and processes.

education and trainingsterilization; sterilisation; decontamination; phatraining
Learning Paper 31
32 Learning Paper32 Learning Paper
Malaria Consortium works in Africa and Asia with
communities, government and non-government
agencies, academic institutions, and local and
international organisations, to ensure good evidence
supports delivery of effective services.
Areas of expertise include disease prevention, diagnosis
and treatment; disease control and elimination; health
systems strengthening, research, monitoring and
evaluation, behaviour change communication, and
national and international advocacy.
An area of particular focus for the organisation is
community level healthcare delivery, particularly
through integrated case management. This is a
community based child survival strategy which aims to
deliver life-saving interventions for common childhood
diseases where access to health facilities and services
are limited or non-existent. It involves building capacity
and support for community level health workers to be
able to recognise, diagnose, treat and refer children
under five suffering from the three most common
childhood killers: pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria. In
South Sudan, this also involves programmes to manage
Malaria Consortium also supports efforts to combat
neglected tropical diseases and is seeking to integrate
NTD management with initiatives for malaria and other
infectious diseases.
With 95 percent of Malaria Consortium staff working in
malaria endemic areas, the organisation’s local insight
and practical tools gives it the agility to respond to
critical challenges quickly and effectively. Supporters
include international donors, national governments and
foundations. In terms of its work, Malaria Consortium
focuses on areas with a high incidence of malaria and
communicable diseases for high impact among those
people most vulnerable to these diseases.
Malaria Consortium is
committed to a practical
approach that integrates
engagement between
the community and
health services, and
national and global
policy makers. It is
an approach that is
underpinned by a
strong evidence base
and driven by shared
learning within and
between countries
Malaria Consortium
Malaria Consortium is one of the world’s leading non- profit
organisations specialising in the comprehensive control of malaria
and other communicable diseases – particularly those affecting
children under five.
A flipbook is used during
community health worker
training in Kitaleesa Village
Health Club, Uganda.
Photo: Tine Frank
Learning Paper 33Learning Paper 33
34 Learning Paper
Malaria Consortium
Development House
56-64 Leonard Street
London EC2A 4LT
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7549 0210
This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government,
however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK
government’s official policies

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Dokumen tersebut membahas gagasan Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid tentang hermeneutika Al-Quran. Abu Zaid berpandangan bahwa Al-Quran harus dipahami dalam konteks sejarah dan budaya ketika diturunkan, serta menekankan pentingnya metode analisis bahasa dalam memahami Al-Quran. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas upaya Abu Zaid dalam menempatkan Al-Quran sebagai produk budaya yang dipengaruhi oleh sistem budaya pada masanya

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This document provides a list of character traits and their translations. It includes positive traits like "intelligent", "sociable", and "brave" as well as negative traits like "stupid", "naughty", and "rude". It also lists potential hobbies and careers.

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It’s all in the detail developing effective health-related job aids

  • 1. Learning Paper 1 LEARNING PAPER developing effective health-related job aids It’s all in the detail
  • 2. Since starting operations in 2003, Malaria Consortium has gained a great deal of experience and knowledge through technical and operational programmes and activities relating to the control of malaria and other infectious childhood and neglected tropical diseases. Organisationally, we are dedicated to ensuring our work remains grounded in the lessons we learn through implementation. We explore beyond current practice, to try out innovative ways – through research, implementation and policy development – to achieve effective and sustainable disease management and control. Collaboration and cooperation with others through our work has been paramount and much of what we have learned has been achieved through our partnerships. This series of learning papers aims to capture and collate some of the knowledge, learning and, where possible, the evidence around the focus and effectiveness of our work. By sharing this learning, we hope to provide new knowledge on public health development that will help influence and advance both policy and practice. BACKGROUND Learning paper series Community health workers using job aids during a training on use of mobile phone technology
  • 3. Learning Paper 1 Contents AUTHOR Maddy Marasciulo-Rice Malaria Consortium Sandrine Martin Malaria Consortium CONTRIBUTORS Helen Counihan Malaria Consortium EDITORS Sue George Portia Reyes Malaria Consortium DESIGN Transmission Art direction & Design Andrew Lyons Cover illustration Cristina Ortiz Graphic illustration CONTACT Citation: Marasciulo-Rice, M and Martin, S (2014) It’s all in the detail: developing effective health-related job aids learningpapers COPYRIGHT Malaria Consortium PUBLISHED March 2014 © 2014 This learning paper was produced by Malaria Consortium and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivs 3.0 Unported Licence. It is permitted to copy, distribute and transmit the work commercially or otherwise under the following conditions: the work must be attributed in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work; the work may not be altered, transformed, or built upon. These conditions can be waived if permission is granted in writing by Malaria Consortium. For other details relating to this licence, please visit http:// For any reuse or distribution, please make clear the licence terms of this paper by linking to it via publications/add-type/learning-papers 2. Introduction 4. Section 1: Malaria Consortium’s experience with job aids 6. Communicate complex information accurately, and in an easy-to-understand format 10. Content must be current, accurate and consistent with health policies and guidelines 12. Provide clear options for critical-decision pathways 18. Describe processes and procedures in alignment with the training curriculum, and existing healthcare practices and job tasks 22. Include culturally and literacy appropriate language, illustrations and symbols to communicate the desired key messages 26. Produce cost-effective quality materials which are durable and attractive 28. Section 2: Recommended process for developing, implementing and evaluating job aids 30. Section 3: References 32. About Malaria Consortium
  • 4. 2 Learning Paper BACKGROUND This paper describes Malaria Consortium’s iterative and research- based experience developing, implementing and evaluating job aids for community health workers (CHWs)* and health facility workers** in Mozambique, Nigeria, South Sudan and Uganda. It discusses challenges encountered and considers the lessons learned. Through this experience, Malaria Consortium has developed a recommended process and practical tips to ensure that the content of our job aids is of high quality; accurate and appropriate for the intended audience; consistent with standards of practice; communicates essential information clearly; contains culturally representative visuals and graphics; and is understood and used to perform tasks and make correct technical decisions. The purpose of any job aid is to provide simplified information, a selection of algorithmic decisions and illustrated instructions of steps and procedures needed to perform specific tasks. Job aids are used extensively with CHWs and health facility workers to reinforce adherence to a correct sequence of standard care practices based on recommended guidelines. Job aids help to enhance memory, reduce errors and improve job performance. When used regularly, they can promote passive learning through behavioural conditioning of performing a task until the aid is no longer needed1,2 . In addition, when combined with training and supervision, they have been shown to enhance a health worker’s ability to perform specific tasks3 correctly. A review of the literature indicates that job aids are commonly used in developing countries to enhance the performance of CHWs and health facility workers, especially those who lack adequate supervision or clearly defined performance expectations. There is a consensus among behaviour change communication and training experts about the recommended criteria for a well-designed job aid. However, we found limited evidence in the literature regarding operational research on practical applications of these criteria or their impact on job performance4 . We have found there to be one confounding factor in demonstrating influence of job aids on performance, which is that when CHWs were observed, they avoided using the job aid. The reason for this is because they believed the observer wanted to test their ability to perform the tasks without this support5 . Introduction Job aids are commonly used to enhance the performance of health workers. There is limited guidance in the literature about practical applications of recommended criteria for a well-designed job aid. We aim to contribute to filling this gap through sharing experience- based lessons learned and tips to develop effective job aids and maximise their use and impact. *Community health workers (CHWs) refer to individuals working in the community to provide health services. They are often volunteers and often have little education. **health facility workers refer to doctors, clinicians, nurses, nursing assistants, labortorians and pharmacists working in a health facility (either public or private). They are literate and earn a salary. A Malaria Consortium community drug distributor shows a mother how to treat her one-year old daughter, South Sudan
  • 6. 4 Learning Paper SECTION 1 Malaria Consortium has had extensive experience designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a variety of job aids. An integral part of our work is to strengthen capacity and improve the performance of health workers to be able to prevent, diagnose, treat and care for groups most at risk of malaria and other communicable diseases. Malaria Consortium’s experience with job aids Community health workers using job aids during a training in Buhimba sub- county, Uganda We do this by developing quality training curricula, training trainers, designing and developing training materials including job aids and coordinating the delivery of training. The beneficiaries of our training are CHWs and their supervisors, as well as public and private sector health facility workers. The level of education varies from CHWs with little to no education and very low literacy, to health facility workers with university education and a good reading comprehension of English, or Portuguese in the case of Mozambique. Motivation and quality of care varies widely among these health workers. Our job aids are designed to strengthen various elements of quality of care such as interpersonal patient communication and diagnostic skills and adherence to treatment policies. In addition, we train supervisors about competency-based performance management and how to use job aids to monitor quality and standards of care during support supervision visits. Lastly, in order to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services, Malaria Consortium frequently conducts formative and operational research to test the use, comprehension and impact of our job aids with users. From theory to practise We have found the following six criteria to be critical for a well-designed job aid. These criteria are based on recommended behavioural and communication theories and on best practice from our practical experience. 1. Communicate complex information accurately and in an easy-to-understand format. 2. Content must be current, accurate, and consistent with health policies and guidelines. 3. Provide clear options for critical decision pathways. 4. Describe processes and procedures in alignment with the training curriculum and existing healthcare practices and tasks. 5. Include culturally and literacy- appropriate language, illustrations and symbols to communicate key messages. 6. Produce cost-effective quality materials which are durable and attractive. The following sections in this paper show a summary of our experiences, challenges and lessons learned while applying these principles in the development of various original or new job aids in several countries.
  • 8. 6 Learning Paper SECTION 1 In order to reduce errors and enhance memory recall, the written and visual content of the job aid should be simple, direct and contain only key information. Any unnecessary and confusing details should be removed. Job aids should help to reduce the need to memorise complex information or a long list of processes by making it readily accessible and easy to follow. By using the job aid repeatedly over time, it reinforces the learning of job tasks through associative conditioning of desired behaviours. The messages, instructions, illustrations and symbols should serve as cues to remind the user of the knowledge and skills they acquired during training. Selecting and presenting key information and simple cues for action In Mozambique, the Ministry of Health revitalised the community health programme in 2010 and developed a new training curriculum for CHWs, called Elementary Multipurpose Agents (Agentes Polivalentes Elementares - APEs). APEsaremenandwomenvillagememberswho volunteeredandwereselectedbytheirowncommunities toserveasAPEs.Mostofthemhaveonlycompletedthe primaryeducationcycleandhavenopriormedicaltraining. Theyreceiveda16-weektrainingalternatingclassroom teachingandpracticestagestobequalifiedasAPEs. Theyleftthetrainingwiththreemanuals(ModuleI, ModuleIIandModuleIII),eachoneover100pages.The thirdmodule,whichcoversdiagnosisandtreatment ofcommonillnesses,wasdesignedwithcolourful illustrationsandvisuals,includingcolour-codedalgorithms foreachcondition,inordertomaketechnicalcontentmore accessibletolow-literacyCHWs. APEs were not equipped with additional job aids, as the Ministry of Health felt that the instructional design of the modules was sufficient and could be used by APEs as a reference material. In addition, producing a job aid would have increased costs for the programme. However, an operational research study conducted in a district of Inhambane province in March 2012, revealed that APEs were facing significant challenges with diagnosis and treatment of childhood illnesses. This resulted in incomplete diagnoses and sometimes an incorrect treatment prescription. Malaria Consortium thus designed and piloted a job aid for APEs in this province to provide a practical summary guide that APEs could take in their bag and use during sick child consultation. The main purpose of this job aid was to translate disease-specific technical contents into ‘the eight steps of the child consultation’. It was designed to support APEs in following the required essential steps for the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of three diseases in children under five, and the dispensing of medicines correctly and adequately. While we re-used many images and wording from the manual to ensure consistency, we also had to make adaptations. These included bringing assessment of all danger signs into the first steps, instead of presenting danger signs by specific disease as they were in the manual. 1 Communicate complex information accurately and in an easy-to-understand format
  • 9. Learning Paper 7 In the example pictured here, the algorithm for fever assessment has been simplified: the danger signs are being assessed at the beginning of the consultation, so that the fever assessment section is focused on malaria testing and only two options are left for the CHW to act on. In the case of a positive rapid diagnostic test (RDT), the CHW should counsel the care-giver on how to bring fever down (wrapping the child in a damp cloth) and give Coartem (AL) medication to be continued at home. In the case of a negative RDT, the CHW should only give paracetamol as pre-referral treatment and counsel the care-giver to go to the nearest health facility for further assessment of the child’s condition. Fever assessment from the APE Manual, Mozambique (top row) to job aid (bottom)
  • 10. 8 Learning Paper SECTION 1 As part of the inSCALE Project*, the use of mobile phone technology was introduced to a group of CHWs participating in the integrated community case management (iCCM) programme in Uganda and Mozambique. The mobile phone contains customised software for submitting iCCM patient reports and for receiving motivational and automated educational messages. CHWs were also provided with a solar charger to charge the phone in areas where electricity was not available. Our initial needs assessment in Uganda indicated that although most Ugandans in rural communities had used a mobile phone, very few knew how to operate it beyond turning it on and making or receiving a call. None of them had used a solar charger before. As a result, two detailed job aids were developed – one for the phone functions and the solar charger, and the other for using the mobile phone to submit weekly iCCM reports and read educational messages. Designing this job aid required taking the detailed manufacturer’s users’ guides and translating them into simple steps with brief directions. It also required adding photographs of the various phone screens, parts of the phone and charger to illustrate each step. Included in the training curriculum was an instructional DVD which reinforced the same steps in the job aid. Still-shot pictures from the DVD training were also included in the job aid for visual reinforcement An easy to follow job aid for community health workers to operate mobile phones and solar chargers *
  • 11. Learning Paper 9 A sample page from the VHT job aid on how to use the solar charger and Nokia mobile phone (left) and how to send weekly reports using a Nokia mobile phone (right) Extensive pre-testing was conducted with CHWs in several districts to see whether they could read the instructions in English or just follow the visual cues without any instructions from a trainer or supervisor. Remarkably, the vast majority of the pre-testing participants were able to operate the phone, place the solar panel properly in the sun, charge the phone, and use the accompanying solar lamp and solar charger just by following the pictures in the job aid and with minimal assistance. We found developing these job aids to be quite challenging in terms of the time it took to select and photograph the essential phone screens and describing the instructions for each step and illustration while using minimal non-technical words. The time and detail applied to ensuring these job aids communicated the content in an easy-to-follow format proved vital to the success of training and implementation of this project.
  • 12. 10 Learning Paper SECTION 1 Health worker job aids frequently contain new technical content and/or new guidelines and policies which need to be followed exactly as they are written. As a repository of standards of care practice, it is important that the content is accurate and consistent with national or international policies they are describing. As a guide to quality standards, the content and description of procedures can be used to measure the quality of health worker performance to determine whether they are complying with standards of care in the correct procedural order. 2 Content must be current, accurate and consistent with health policies and guidelines Job aids to help health facility workers improve their communication skills with patients and promote malaria testing before treating In 2011, the Ministry of Health of Uganda implemented a new National Malaria Control Policy (NMCP) stating that all suspected malaria cases must be confirmed with microscopy or RDTs before treatment with artemisinin combinationtherapy(ACTs)6 .Inordertoimproveaccurate diagnosis of malaria, the Ministry of Health introduced RDTs for malaria in all health facilities where microscopic examinationofbloodsmearswasnotavailable.Despitethis policychange,manychildrenwerestillgettinganti-malarial medicineswithoutlaboratoryconfirmationofmalaria.The 2011DemographicHealthSurveyshowedthatonly25per centofchildrenwithfeverweretestedformalaria,while 46percentreceivedananti-malarial.Asaresult,formative research was conducted to understand the underlying reasonsforhealthfacilityworkers’non-compliancewiththe policy. The qualitative study revealed that health facility workers did not trust the accuracy of RDT results, were uncertainhowtotreatfeversafternegativeRDTresults,and lacked the skills to communicate with patients about the needformalariatestingandthemeaningoftheirtestresults. In response to this study, Malaria Consortium, in collaboration with the Uganda National Malaria Control Programme and the Stop Malaria Project, developed and implemented a training course for health facility workers to improve interpersonal communication skills between health facility workers and care-givers of children under- five in the diagnosis and management of febrile illness. The Job aid for children with fever, (developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs and Mango Tree, Uganda), is a flipchart booklet consisting of picture cue cards on one side, which are shown to the patient. On the back of each picture card is a script of whatthehealthfacilityworkershouldcommunicatetothe patientandinstructionalcuesforwhattodo.Thesequence ofcardsfollowthesameproceduresthehealthfacility workershouldfollowduringapatientconsultationvisit. Card 1 Taking a patient history Card 2 Assessing for danger signs Card 3 Taking a patient history and conducting a physical exam Card 4 Testing for malaria Card 5 Communicating positive malaria test results and treatment of malaria Card 6 Communicating negative malaria test results, differential diagnosis and treatment of non-malaria fevers Card 7 Care for febrile child
  • 13. Learning Paper 11 The development of this job aid proved to be challenging in two ways: first, in terms of ensuring that the interpersonal communication skills language was simple enough to communicate to patients; and second, that the clinical and procedural content was consistent with both the 2011 NMCP policy regarding testing all fevers before treating and the 2010 National Clinical Guidelines on diagnosis of childhood fever. In some cases, the National Clinical Guidelines contained contradictory information regarding the treatment of non-malaria fevers. This required extensive collaboration with the NMCP in terms of their review and approval of job aid and training materials to ensure the messages were aligned with the current diagnosis and treatment policy for malaria and case management of fever. Sample cards from job aid for children with fever, Uganda A large component of the training for this course consisted of practising use of the job aid in a clinical setting, including how to communicate accurate information and counsel patients and care-givers of children under five with fever. This was done through multiple role-plays and case-study discussions. The job aid is currently being used and tested in health facilities across 18 districts in Uganda.
  • 14. 12 Learning Paper SECTION 1 Developing a job aid for CHWs and health facility workers often involves translating complex clinical processes or algorithms into simple and clear instructions. The more conditions or options to choose from within the algorithm, the more challenging it is to make it simple and easy to follow. Job aids must be able to provide clear options or algorithmic decision pathways for which actions to take based on the information collected during the patient assessment. Algorithms must be simple, contain start and end points, and as far as possible be colour-coded so that the critical flow can be followed easily. 3 Provide clear options for critical-decision pathways Communicating iCCM in eight easy steps for community health workers When developing job aids for iCCM, the algorithms used for integrated management for childhood illnesses (IMCI) are often used as a reference. Whereas IMCI was developed for literate health facility workers, iCCM targets CHWs with low education and literacy. One strategy we have found to simplify algorithmic information is to translate the algorithm into a sequential linear list of numbered steps. We found that it was important to list the steps in the same chronological order which the CHWs follow during the sick child consultation. In the example pictured here, we translated the standard iCCM algorithm developed by WHO into a series of eight critical steps. Through consultations with CHWs and pre-testing conducted in Mozambique to develop the eight steps of the child consultation job aid, we found it important to number each step in order to associate one key action word (such as ‘greet’, ‘ask’, ‘check’), as well as to insert a simple imagery to each step for quick identification and easy recall. What is iCCM? The term integrated community case management (or iCCM) generally refers to an integrated approach for assessing and classifying signs and symptoms of pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria in children under five years old, and providing home- based treatment or referral for these diseases. The approach also normally includes health promotion activities. This care is provided by volunteers in the community who are trained by health workers on the iCCM approach.
  • 15. Learning Paper 13 1. Establishing rapport 2. Assessing danger signs 3. Assessing cough or difficulty breathing 4. Assessing diarrhoea 5. Assessing fever 6. Checking nutritional status 7. Checking vaccination status 8. Counselling with key messages The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness chart booklet (UNICEF and WHO), Caring for newborns and children in the community (left) to the job aid, 8 steps of the sick child consultation (right) 8 steps of the sick child consultation
  • 16. 14 Learning Paper SECTION 1 In cases where literacy is very low, our experience showed that it is better to allocate one page per step to avoid confusion. When the iCCM was first introduced to South Sudan, we used the iCCM job aid from Uganda as the template. The section on assessment of danger signs included pictures of all the danger signs on one page, with arrows pointing to a red referral triangle and then to the picture of a health facility. There were instructions in wordy English and descriptions of each danger sign. During the three-year period of implementing iCCM in South Sudan, a formal evaluation and two informal feedback assessments of the job aid took place. The findings showed that CHWs found it confusing and difficult to see pictures of all the danger signs on one page, and to explain them to care-givers during a patient visit. In particular, there was confusion on whether to refer a patient with one or more danger signs (which is correct) or to refer only when all the danger signs were present. After subsequent revisions of the ICMM job aid, each danger sign was represented per page, followed by a summary page which included all the danger signs with arrows pointing to the health facility. The wordy instructions were removed and the necessary text was translated into Dinka and Luo. Recent feedback from the CHWs indicates that this change has helped them to understand the need to refer a sick child with one or more danger signs. Examples for danger sign job aids for South Sudan Breaking down complex clinical algorithms and excess information onto several pages with minimal text for low literacy audiences
  • 17. Learning Paper 15 Aci gek piny Ungen piny E Ken koc nok Gume rach Assessment of Danger Signs Not able to wake 4 Puou thok aci lony thin Ngeete, teel kii ngo Chest in-drawing E Ken koc nok Gume rach Assessment of Danger Signs 6 Acie dek piu Acie thuat Bimatha –Bidhodho 10 Not able to drink or breastfeed E Ken koc nok Gume rach Assessment of Danger Signs 7 13 Atoc panakim Ahor parakim If any danger sign refer to PHCU/PHCC 10
  • 18. 16 Learning Paper SECTION 1 Using simple colour-coding systems to guide critical-decision pathways Our experience also found that using a simple colour- coding system can help with understanding critical pathways and making appropriate case-management decisions. In the Mozambique iCCM job aid, we used red for all conditions that require referral, yellow for all conditions that the APE can diagnose and treat, and green for conditions that can be managed at home without medicine. Using a colour-coding system may be particularly important for decisions which can save a child’s life. A page of the job aid for CHWs in Northern Nigeria. This is to help CHWs identify children who should or should not receive the SMC treatment based on clear criteria Danger signs are represented in red Yellow: Represents a condition that is to be diagnosed and treated by the CHW Light green: Indicates that the child condition does not require specific medicines and can be treated at home by caregivers
  • 19. Learning Paper 17 Creating simple visual algorithms for decision making Another strategy we found helpful when simplifying complex algorithms was to formulate the assessment process into questions which can be answered by a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and inserting tick boxes and arrows as cues to action. The following example is of the job aid developed for CHWs in Northern Nigeria participating in the Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) project. In this job aid, if the CHW selects YES for any of the questions, it will lead him/her to withholding the dose of SMC drugs; selecting NO will indicate that it is safe to administer SMC drugs to the child. It is important to ensure that the way in which the questions are written leads logically to the desired action to be taken. A page of the job aid for CHWs in Northern Nigeria. This is to help CHWs identify children who should or should not receive the SMC treatment based on clear criteria
  • 20. 18 Learning Paper SECTION 1 4 Describe processes and procedures in alignment with the training curriculum and existing healthcare practices and job tasks In order to avoid confusion and adoption of new tasks, the flow of information and visual cues need to be aligned in the same sequential order in which the procedures and patient consultations occur in the work place. The procedures should be consistent and integrated into existing practices. Job aids that deviate from the real world, or that require the use of tools and materials which are unavailable, lead to frustration and will ultimately be ignored. Job aids should serve as a tool to enhance learning during and after training. Therefore, the content of the job aid must be consistent with the sequence of technical and procedural information outlined in the training curriculum and delivered during training. This is critical to reinforcing the transfer of newly acquired skills to the worksite7 . Revising the flow of a job aid and mobile phone iCCM report to align with the iCCM patient register We also found that job aids need to be aligned with other documents and tools the CHWs and health facility workers use in daily practice, such as patient registers. During the training-of-trainers for the inSCALE project in Uganda (mentioned in the first example) we received feedback from the trainers that the sequence of the iCCM patient report in the mobile phone did not match the sequence of the iCCM paper patient register. The mobile phone report was designed to follow the same sequence of iCCM procedures (assessment, classification, referral and treatment). However, the patient register was designed and produced several years prior by monitoring and evaluation and data collectors, and was not designed in a format to capture the clinical process the CHWs were expected to follow. The mobile phone was more consistent with CHWs’ job practice, but the trainers expressed concern that since the CHWs were accustomed to using the patient register, and needed to transfer that data to the phone, there could be a high risk of errors or confusion if the data entry sequence differed. Based on this feedback, both the mobile phone software and the job aid were revised to be consistent with the sequential order of the paper patient register. We found that although the sequence of data reporting in the mobile phone was more accurate and consistent with patient care practice, in order to avoid error, it was important to adjust the job aid and mobile phone software to be consistent with established behaviours and routines.
  • 21. Learning Paper 19 Revising complex manufacturer’s instructions into easy-to-follow steps that were aligned with routine care We have found that manufacturer’s instructions may not always contain sufficient or accurate information to be practical and safe. However, well-designed instructions that are integrated into the training curriculum and applied during training can contribute to higher performance8 . One of the Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS)* objectives in Nigeria is to support the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) to strengthen the capacity of health facility workers in the management of severe malaria. In collaboration with FHI360, Malaria Consortium developed and implemented a training programme for doctors and nurses working in secondary and tertiary facilities in Nigeria to correctly and safely use injectable artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria. The training was designed as a result of the April 2011 WHO guidelines recommending parenteral artesunate as first-line treatment in the management of severe falciparum malaria9 . At the time, injectable artesunate had not yet been introduced to Nigeria. Despite its superior efficacy, artensunate is more costly and requires an elaborate preparation and administration process. Therefore, it was important that artesunate be well accepted by the health facility workers if it was to be used. To achieve this, it was essential that the job aid contained easy-to- follow instructions corresponding with existing health facility practices and recommendations to minimise wastage and expense. * Using the job aid for injectable artesunate during training in Nigeria
  • 22. 20 Learning Paper SECTION 1 Sample pages from the job aids for injectable artesunate, Nigeria Both the manufacturer’s instructions and an existing global job aid developed by another organisation were evaluated and found to be confusing and incongruous with existing health facility practice. Malaria Consortium sought permission to revise and update the existing job aid. The process involved correspondence with the manufacturer and WHO to confirm accurate dose calculations to ensure content accuracy. In addition, we practised preparing several vials to look for ways to streamline the directions for preparation and administration and to find the fewest materials needed. A draft job aid with seven steps was initially developed for the training-of-trainers (ToT). During the ToT, the trainees – professors of medicine and directors of hospital facilities – used the job aid to practise preparing the drug in the classroom. As a result of the trainees’ feedback, several processes were identified that were inconsistent with their existing health practices, such as the size of syringes and needles available in Nigeria, and the way IV lines were cleaned and flushed. Also, the original job aid and manufacturer’s instructions stated that it took two minutes for the drug to be fully reconstituted, when during the ToT it consistently took four minutes. This was a key finding, since undissolved crystals could potentially harm the patient. The existing job aid now contains nine steps and has been shared with the organisation which originally developed it. This experience taught us the value of not relying only on manufacturer’s instructions or other job aids, and ensuring the content is accurate and appropriate for the local context. SOP for Preparation and Administration of Inj Art 2 nd Edition Page 1 of 5 SOP for the Preparation and Administration of Artesunate Injection This SOP contains the recommended steps that must be followed to prepare and administer artesunate injection safely and correctly using the 60 mg per vial. 1. Weigh the patient. 2. Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed. 3. Calculate the dose and milliliters of artesunate needed for administration. 4. Gather materials and check expiry dates. 5. Reconstitute artesunate powder with 1 ml of 5% sodium bicarbonate and shake until clear; 2-4 minutes. 6. Dilute the reconstituted artesunate with normal saline based on route of administration; 5 ml for IV and 2 ml for IM. 7. Re-check the dose calculation and withdraw the required dose for the route of administration. 8. Administer injectable artesunate. 9. Plan the dosing schedule. Step 1—Weigh the patient. 1.1 Weigh every patient. 1.2 Record the exact weight. Step 2—Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed. 2.1 Determine the number of 60 mg vials needed based on the patient’s weight. Patient weight 60 mg vials 5-25 kg 1 26-50 kg 2 51-75 kg 3 76-100 kg 4 Step 3—Calculate the dose and millilitres of artesunate needed for administration. 3.1 Determine the route of injectable artesunate: intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM). 3.2 Use the following calculation for intravenous or IV injection:
  • 23. Learning Paper 21 SOP for Preparation and Administration of Inj Art 2 nd Edition Page 2 of 5 2.4 mg x body weight (kg) 10 mg / ml Round up to the next 0.5 ml (e.g. 1.3 = 1.5 ml and 1.6 = 2 ml) Patient weight Total mg Weight x 2.4 10 mg/ml ml rounded up to the next 0.5 ml 23.7 kg 56.88 mg 5.7 ml 6 ml 42.1 kg 101.04 mg 10.1 ml 10.5 ml 3.3 Use the following calculation for intramuscular or IM injection: 2.4 mg x body weight (kg) 20 mg / ml Round up to the next 0.5 ml (e.g. 1.3 = 1.5 ml and 1.6 = 2 ml) Patient weight Total mg Weight x 2.4 20 mg/ml ml rounded up to the next 0.5 ml 23.7 kg 56.88 mg 2.8 ml 3 ml 42.1 kg 101.04 mg 5.1 ml 5.5 ml Step 4—Gather materials and check expiry dates. 4.1 Gather the required number of 60 mg artesunate vials (see 2.1). 4.2 Check the expiry dates of each vial of artesunate. 4.3 Ensure each package of artesunate is complete with the following ampoules and check their expiry dates.  1 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate  5 ml normal saline 4.4 Gather all the needed materials and lay them out on a clean tray or kidney dish:  a clean tray or kidney dish  alcohol swabs or cotton swabs with alcohol disinfectant  5 ml syringes with needles for reconstitution and dilution (1 per ampoule)  appropriate sized syringes with needle for artesunate injection  normal saline and two 5 ml syringes for flushing the IV line (if giving IV)  a pair of gloves Step 5—Reconstitute artesunate powder with 1 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate and shake until clear; 2-4 minutes 5.1 Maintain aseptic technique throughout the preparation of artesunate injection. 5.2 Wash hands. 5.3 Put on gloves.
  • 24. 22 Learning Paper SECTION 1SECTION 1 5 Include culturally and literacy appropriate language, illustrations and symbols to communicate the desired key messages The content of the job aid should be designed for the roles and responsibilities, language, culture and the educational and literacy level of the intended audience. The illustrations, symbols and language used to give direction should be culturally appropriate and recognisable to the user. We found that it was critical to have few and precise words in the correct language. We also found that the selection of appropriate drawings and symbols can be vital in replacing lengthy text. However, the selection of the right illustrations with good quality can be challenging. Not only should the illustrations be culturally relevant, but they should also be designed to give a clear message or cue. Essential to this criterion was conducting formal qualitative pre-testing and, if possible, posting evaluation of the job aid and other materials to confirm comprehension of the messages. Using the correct words and language We found that even though some CHWs may have low or no literacy, the trainers and members of the community may be able to read text on the job aid as long as it is in their language and the spelling and meaning is correct. The majority of the volunteer community health workers (CDDs)* in South Sudan are low-literate women. In the areas where iCCM was first introduced by Malaria Consortium, most people speak either Dinka or Luo, but cannot read or write in these languages. General levels of education are very low. This posed a challenge to developing the iCCM job aid. Using the Uganda iCCM job aid as a template, the first iCCM job aid we developed for South Sudan contained wordy text in English. CDDs relied exclusively on the pictures which were not always representative of the text. The iCCM job aid for South Sudan has been revised three times since and now contains minimal text and translations into Dinka and Luo for the trainers and literate community members. The translated text needed to be updated twice since there is no written dictionary and the agreed words and spelling required a consensus among several iCCM trainers and project officers. As a result of the very low literacy, there needed to be a heavier reliance on graphics and symbols. For example, suns (and eventually suns and moons) were used to represent the number of days symptoms may be present, or the number of days of a given treatment. *Community drug distributors (CDDS) are the equivalent of community health workers in South Sudan.
  • 25. Learning Paper 23 Old (top) and new (bottom) illustrations of pedal oedema iCCM job-aid, South Sudan Job aids for iCCM, South Sudan Selection of recognisable pictures and illustrations When severe acute malnutrition was added to the iCCM programme in South Sudan, we revised the job aid to include illustrations of malnourished children being assessed with a MUAC tape and pictures of bi-pedal oedema. Due to the limited availability of photographs, we initially selected a picture of a child’s feet with pitting oedema. During the pre-testing of the job aid, we learned that the CHWs could not visualise or understand that they were looking at feet. The job aid was eventually revised to include a drawing illustrating the child’s legs and feet, and pictures of hands assessing for pitting oedema. This change has helped the CHWs to correctly recognise this as way to assess for signs of severe acute malnutrition.
  • 26. 24 Learning Paper SECTION 1SECTION 1 Improving job aid illustrations representing danger signs in children, Mozambique Incorporating action and emotion to add realism and recognition Designing quality illustrations which convey the right message can be challenging. It can be especially challenging when visually describing complex health conditions or symptoms for CHWs and community members using just one picture. The images must be medically realistic yet easily recognisable. We have learned and applied a few tips for improving the job aid illustrations representing danger signs in children so that they are easily recognisable. So we compared two illustrations of a child with the danger sign, ‘abnormally sleepy, unable to wake, or unconscious’. Keeping in mind that the illustrations in job aids should serve as a trigger to help the intended user remember content learned in training and to be able to describe what they see in the picture. We found that a helpful strategy was to add action or movement in the drawing. In this first example, we see a child sleeping peacefully. The illustration does not convey the image of anything being abnormal or wrong with the child. In the second example, we added the image of hands clapping to convey that the child is not reacting to a loud noise – which is not normal. The addition of action in the second drawing adds the needed memory trigger: the child is not responding to noise because s/he may be unconscious or extremely lethargic, and this is concerning. Another strategy we used in the second example was to remove all background/contextual details from the drawing to ensure that attention is focused on the specific action. Adding other details can be distracting and divert visual attention from the critical message. Finally, we incorporated the use of facial expressions to convey emotion. In the second example, the mother’s face demonstrates worry or concern communicating that the situation is abnormal, dangerous or unsafe, and that the child is very sick. The use of emotion is also important to trigger feelings of empathy and identification with the mother in the picture. It helps to reinforce the appropriate emotion of concern and the need to respond to the child’s dangerous condition by getting help. Mothers are often the best placed people to identify that something is wrong or not usual with the child. The job aid can encourage and empower mothers to trust their own judgement about their child’s condition. It is important to note that using emotion or action in job aids can also be used to demonstrate health, happiness, or safety when communicating positive behaviours. l Looks like a child sleeping peacefully l Does not look abnormal or in danger l Facial expression on characters is important: mother looks worried l Hand clapping = action Child abnormally sleepy or unconscious
  • 27. Learning Paper 25 Original illustration of whole family sleeping under a bed net (top) and revised illustration with mother and child sleeping under a bed net (bottom). Wefoundthatdrawingsthatare widelyusedandaccepted inseveralcountriesandseemrelativelybenignbutmaynot alwaysbeculturallyappropriate.TheiCCMjobaidforSouth Sudan includes the malaria prevention message to ‘sleep under bed net’. The original drawing we selected for this messagewasofafamilycomprisingofamother,fatherand childsleepingtogetherinthesamebedunderamosquito net.Theintendedmessageisthattheentirefamilyshould protectthemselvesfrommalaria-causingmosquitoes. During a mid-term monitoring and evaluation programme evaluation, we learned that the CHWs and community members found the picture of a family sleeping in one bed amusing, since South Sudanese men do not sleep in the same bed as their children. Every time the picture was shown to a care-giver, she giggled. Eventually the CHWs stopped showing it, and the message failed to be communicated. In order to remedy this, the current iCCM job aid was revised to include a drawing of only a mother and child sleeping under the mosquito net. Even though the message of the entire family needing to prevent malaria is not fully communicated, we felt it was best that the message for mothers and children not be excluded from the CHWs dialogue, since pregnant women and young children are particularly vulnerable to malaria. Selection of culturally correct pictures and illustrations
  • 28. 26 Learning Paper SECTION 1SECTION 1 6 Produce cost-effective quality materials which are durable and attractive Job aids are meant to be used consistently in context by the health workers and/or CHWs for whom they are designed. Job aids should not be seen as an inexpensive replacement to cut the costs of training or supervision of health workers. A well-designed job aid can maximise the cost and impact of training by enhancing memory and retention, improving daily job performance, and facilitating supervision of standard procedures and assuring the delivery of quality care. A key element to making job aids effective is the attractiveness and the format in which they are produced. We have observed that job aids are more likely to be used consistently by the intended worker or volunteer if they are produced from good quality materials that can endure dusty and/or wet environments, and if they are colourful and attractive to look at. The more job aids are used, the more likely it is that they will have an impact on the desired health behaviour. Size and format The job aid should be the right size for the intended use. Our experience shows that CHWs who go house- to-house for home visits need job aids which can fit in a backpack or a simple bag such as the one they use to carry diagnostic tools and medicines. Because their job aid will be used on a daily basis, it should be made with durable and waterproof materials such as thick plastic laminated material or Tyvek© . Colour and attractiveness While producing in full-colour is certainly more expensive than simple black and white printing, the cost-benefit has to be thoroughly analysed. Testimonies from CHWs in Uganda and Mozambique indicate that job aids are used as reminders, but also as a tool for interpersonal communication and counselling. The more attractive the job aid is, the more likely it is that the CHW will use it as a visual aid to show to the care-giver what s/he is doing during a child assessment or treatment intervention. Colourful images also help to distinguish specific detail of pictures, such as colour-branded dosing of drugs, and when used during interactive dialogues and counselling on treatment regimens and home-based care. Making job aids the right size, colourful and long-lasting for regular use
  • 29. Learning Paper 27 In a participatory evaluation of the ’the eight steps of the sick child consultation’, the job aid developed for APEs in Mozambique, respondents stated that since they were introduced to this job aid, they use it on a daily basis and it has become their ‘bag’s companion’. A key feature of the job aid that they particularly appreciate is the easy-to-recognise, colourful imagery. The attractive job aids help the CHWs to feel more confident about what they are doing, and to gain credibility and trust from the care-givers. Some respondents indicated that when conducting home visits in the community, they usually refuse to undertake a consultation of a sick child without their job aid in hand. These results are congruent with findings from an operational research conducted with CHWs in the western region of Uganda. This showed that the job aid was their ‘bible’ It was used both by the CHW to ensure they did not miss a step in the consultation, but also as an educational tool for care-givers to explain the procedures they follow, and the treatment regimen for the sick child. Investing in good quality, durable and colourful job aids can improve the user’s experience, but may also potentially have an impact on the quality of care provided by health workers and community health workers. Example of illustration and lay out of the job aid, 8 passos da consulta da crianca, piloted in Mozambique. This aims to reduce errors in drug dosage by age by CHWs and serves as a visual aid for CHWs to counsel care-givers on how to give medicines at home
  • 30. 28 Learning Paper SECTION 1SECTION 2 1. Subject matter experts and key stakeholders should begin by identifying the target audience (intended users) and outlining the key technical content which needs to be communicated during training and within the job aid. The technical content should be researched to ensure it is current with national policies and guidelines. 2. Communication, training and subject matter experts should work collaboratively to assess the target audience’s learning needs, literacy level, education level, and performance gaps in relation to the content to be delivered. 3. Once the key technical messages and content have been agreed to and developed, BCC experts should design a draft job aid by translating the complex training content into simple key messages for the intended audience. They should review similar job aids, if available, to determine best practices. They should also select culturally appropriate drawings, photographs, and symbols that illustrate the key messages. 4. The training and subject matter experts, along with key stakeholders, need to review the draft job aid to ensure the technical content is correct, follows the procedural steps in a logical manner, communicates the desired content, and is consistent with the training curriculum framework and job processes. 5. The final draft should then be pre-tested by BCC specialists with an appropriate sample of intended users to ensure the messages are understood and they are able to follow the steps correctly. In addition, the language, illustrations, symbols and colours should be pre-tested to ensure they are culturally representative and recognised. The qualitative approach of pre-testing materials can include individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation, case scenarios. The pre-testing feedback should be shared with the SMEs and stakeholders in a written report and subsequent revisions may need to be made before the final approval from key stakeholders and policy makers. 6. We recommend producing only enough job aids for the training-of-trainers, and a second production after training, to avoid waste. This is because additional feedback about the content and flow of the job aid may arise during training. Occasionally the feedback is critical enough to make additional revisions before mass production for the intended users. When possible, we recommend printing locally to save costs. 7. We strongly recommend using job aids as a training tool and technical guide throughout the training to reinforce key content, messages, and processes. Role-plays and simulated patient scenarios can be used to practice how to use job aids with patients in the community or clinical setting. If trainee competencies are assessed during training, they should include how well the trainee uses and follows the job aid. 8. Once a job aid has been in circulation for about six months, we recommend a formal evaluation of the job aid to determine its use and impact on job performance. This can be done though a formal monitoring and evaluation process or by reviewing supervisor reports. Some questions to consider when evaluating the job aid are whether the job aid is present in the work place, if it is currently being used and referred to, whether the tasks outlined in the job aid are being performed correctly (with or without the job aid). It is also important to explore what the users are saying and thinking about the job aid as well as their suggestions for improvements. The outcome of these evaluations should be documented in a report and referred to when developing other job aids. Building on our iterative and experiential learning process as well as the information obtained from our formative research, Malaria Consortium is proposing the following process for development, implementation and evaluation of job aids. Fundamental to this process is the collaborative approach between clinical/technical subject matter experts (SMEs), behaviour change communication (BCC) specialists, training curriculum designers and key stakeholders such as our implementing partners, ministries of health and the intended users. Recommended process for developing, implementing and evaluating job aids Job aid process 1. Determine what content to communicate and ensure it is consistent with standards and policy 2. Assess learning needs, literacy and performance gaps of intended audiences 3. Design and develop job aid, select illustrations and key messages 4. Review to ensure accuracy and consistency with training curriculum 5. Pre-test for comprehension and meaning of illustrations, flow and decision making; obtain Ministry of Health/stakeholder approval 6. Produce only enough copies to obtain feedback during ToT; make additional edits, then mass produce 7. Use as a training and performance management tool during and after training 8. Evaluate use and impact on job performance
  • 32. 30 Learning Paper SECTION 3 1. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000. The Use of manual job aids by health care providers: What do we know?. Bethesda, MD, Published for the U.S. Agency for International Development by the Quality Assurance Project. 2. Gilbert, T.F. 1978. Human competence: Engineering worthy performance. New York, McGraw-Hill. 3. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000. 4. Knebel E, Lundahl S, Edward-Raj A, Abdullah H. 2000. 5. Counihan, H. et al. 2012. Community health workers use malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) safely and accurately: Results of a longitudinal study in Zambia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 87, 1, pp.57–63. 6. 7. Broad, M.L. and J.W. Newstrom. 1992. Transfer of training. Menlo Park, CA, Addison-Wesley. 8. Harvey, S., et al. 2008. Improving community health worker use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Zambia: package instructions, job-aid and job-aid-plus- training. Malaria Journal, 7, 160. 9. publications/mal_treatchild_revised%20april%20 2011.pdf References A Malaria Consortium child survival officer demonstrates how to use the danger signs yellow warning card
  • 34. 32 Learning Paper32 Learning Paper SECTION 3 Malaria Consortium works in Africa and Asia with communities, government and non-government agencies, academic institutions, and local and international organisations, to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services. Areas of expertise include disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment; disease control and elimination; health systems strengthening, research, monitoring and evaluation, behaviour change communication, and national and international advocacy. An area of particular focus for the organisation is community level healthcare delivery, particularly through integrated case management. This is a community based child survival strategy which aims to deliver life-saving interventions for common childhood diseases where access to health facilities and services are limited or non-existent. It involves building capacity and support for community level health workers to be able to recognise, diagnose, treat and refer children under five suffering from the three most common childhood killers: pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria. In South Sudan, this also involves programmes to manage malnutrition. Malaria Consortium also supports efforts to combat neglected tropical diseases and is seeking to integrate NTD management with initiatives for malaria and other infectious diseases. With 95 percent of Malaria Consortium staff working in malaria endemic areas, the organisation’s local insight and practical tools gives it the agility to respond to critical challenges quickly and effectively. Supporters include international donors, national governments and foundations. In terms of its work, Malaria Consortium focuses on areas with a high incidence of malaria and communicable diseases for high impact among those people most vulnerable to these diseases. Malaria Consortium is committed to a practical approach that integrates engagement between the community and health services, and national and global policy makers. It is an approach that is underpinned by a strong evidence base and driven by shared learning within and between countries Malaria Consortium Malaria Consortium is one of the world’s leading non- profit organisations specialising in the comprehensive control of malaria and other communicable diseases – particularly those affecting children under five. A flipbook is used during community health worker training in Kitaleesa Village Health Club, Uganda. Photo: Tine Frank
  • 36. 34 Learning Paper Malaria Consortium Development House 56-64 Leonard Street London EC2A 4LT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7549 0210 Email: This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government, however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies