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Ina Schieferdecker, Axel Rennoch
iSQI Certification days, November 9, 2017
© Fraunhofer FOKUS
1. Model-based testing, test automation, IoT testing and others are
(still) current topics in QA research …
2. … but not yet in industrial application
3. Often, they are not yet established on the market on a wider scale
and are not marketing hypes like agile testing, mobile testing, et al
Syllabi and people certifications
Increase industrial acceptance and deployment through growing
networks of practitioners and industrial applicants
Educate, train and certify industrial people and researcher
© Fraunhofer FOKUS
1. Test Automation Engineer
2. Model-Based Testing
3. Quality Engineer for IoT
© Fraunhofer FOKUS
1. Test Automation Engineer
2. Model-Based Testing
3. Quality Engineer for IoT
Why a Model-Based Tester certification at
foundation level?
1. Test automation is an advanced test engineering approach to improve effectivity and
efficiency most often of the test execution process but not only.
2. The syllabus is about the tasks of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing,
developing, and maintaining test automation solutions. It focuses on the concepts,
methods, tools, and processes for automating dynamic functional tests and the
relationship of those tests to test management, configuration management, defect
management, software development processes and quality assurance.
3. Methods described are generally applicable across variety of software lifecycle
approaches (e.g., agile, sequential, incremental, iterative), types of software systems
(e.g., embedded, distributed, mobile) and test types (functional and non-functional
Why a Model-Based Tester certification at
foundation level?
The ISTQB glossary of software testing terms defines Test
Automation as »The use of software toperformor support
test activities, e.g., test management, test design, test
executionandresultschecking. «
1. Test automation is an advanced test engineering approach to improve effectivity and
efficiency most often of the test execution process but not only.
2. The syllabus is about the tasks of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing,
developing, and maintaining test automation solutions. It focuses on the concepts,
methods, tools, and processes for automating dynamic functional tests and the
relationship of those tests to test management, configuration management, defect
management, software development processes and quality assurance.
3. Methods described are generally applicable across variety of software lifecycle
approaches (e.g., agile, sequential, incremental, iterative), types of software systems
(e.g., embedded, distributed, mobile) and test types (functional and non-functional
Why a Model-Based Tester certification at
foundation level?
1. Test management, automated creation of test specifications and
automated test generation.
2. Tasks of test automation manager (TAM) in planning, supervising and
adjusting the development and evolution of test automation solutions.
3. Specifics of automating non-functional tests (e.g., performance).
4. Automation of static analysis (e.g., vulnerability analysis) and static test
5. Teaching of software engineering methods and programming (e.g., which
standards to use and which skills to have for realizing a test automation
6. Teaching of software technologies (e.g., which scripting techniques to use
for implementing a test automation solution).
7. Selection of software testing products and services (e.g., which products
and services to use for a test automation solution).
1. A Test Automation Engineer is one who
– has broad knowledge of testing in general, and
– an in-depth understanding in the special area of test automation
2. An in-depth understanding is defined as having
– sufficient knowledge of test automation theory and practice
– to be able to influence the direction that an organization and/or
project takes
– when designing, developing and maintaining test automation
solutions for functional tests.
1. Contribute to the development of a plan to integrate automated testing within the
testing process
2. Evaluate tools and technology for automation best fit to each project and
3. Create an approach and methodology for building a test automation architecture
4. Design and develop (new or modified) test automation solutions that meet the
business needs.
5. Enable the transition of testing from a manual to an automated approach.
6. Create automated test reporting and metrics collection.
7. Manage and optimize testing assets to facilitate maintainability and address
evolving (test) systems.
• The introduction of test automation are ONLY reasonable and
even only possible with existing, well-established testing
– “Automating chaos just gives faster chaos!”
– “A fool with a tool is just a fool!”
• Note: The introduction of test automation is often connected to short
term productivity loss.
– Test automation is therefore no solution for short term staff
Harder to automate
Identify and priortise
test conditions
Design test cases
(generate them automatically
e.g. with MBT)
Implement test cases
(automatically e.g.
with TTCN-3)
Rather single
Easy to automate
Implement test cases
(automatically e.g.
with TTCN-3)
Execute test cases
(automatically e.g. with
TTCN-3 or JUnit)
Rather many
test case executions
(automatically e.g.
with TTCN-3)
Harder to automate
Easy to automate
Identify and priortise
test conditions
Design test cases
(generate them automatically
e.g. with MBT)
Implement test cases
(automatically e.g.
with TTCN-3)
Execute test cases
(automatically e.g. with
TTCN-3 or JUnit)
Rather single
Rather many
test case executions
(automatically e.g.
with TTCN-3)
Automating activities of the
fundamental test process
 TTCN-3 is the Testing and Test Control Notation
 Internationally standardized testing language for formally
defining test scenarios. Designed purely for testing
testcase Hello_Bob () {
p.send(“How do you do?“);
alt {
{setverdict( pass )};
{setverdict( inconc )} //Bob asleep!
 TTCN (1992)
 published as ISO standard
 “Tree and Tabular Combined Notation”
 used for protocol tests:
 TTCN-2/2++ (1997)
 enhancements by ETSI MTS
 module concept, concurrency
 used for conformance tests
 TTCN-3 (2000)
 further development by ETSI MTS
 Testing and Test Control Notation
 standardised test specifications:
 HiperLan, HiperAccess, WiMAX
 oneM2M
 One test technology for different tests
 Distributed, platform-independent testing
 Integrated graphical test development,
documentation and analysis
 Adaptable, open test environment
 Areas of Testing
 Regression testing
 Conformance and functional testing
 Interoperability and integration testing
 Real-time, performance, load and stress testing
 Security testing
 Used for system and product qualification and certification,
e.g. for GCF/PTCRB certification of handsets (mobile phones)
Automated test process design and
TAS development
TAS pilots and review of
pilot experiences
Refinement of automated test
process and adoption
User training and broad-scale
Accompanying TAS
maintenance and extension
including user coaching
Automated test process design and
TAS development
TAS pilots and review of
pilot experiences
Refinement of automated test
process and adoption
User training and broad-scale
Accompanying TAS
maintenance and extension
including user coaching
Any test automation is done by software which
has an architecture and may use software tools
 Different types of software
 Different programming paradigms
 Different programming technologies
However, all share common concepts
Software …
 Provides services
 Implements algorithms
 Uses data
 Is accessible via interfaces
 Different types of software
 Different programming paradigms
 Different programming technologies
However, all share common concepts
Software …
 Provides services
 Implements algorithms
 Uses data
 Is accessible via interfaces
So does testing software …
● Provides testing services
● Implements test cases
● Uses test data
● Is accessible via test interfaces
Defines generic solution for tasks being similar in any test automation
Defines re-occurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing
Test Automation
Solution TAS
(Specific) Test
Architecture TAA
Generic Test
Defines generic solution for tasks being similar in any test automation
Defines re-occurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing
Test Automation
Solution TAS
(Specific) Test
Architecture TAA
Generic Test
1. Defining the concepts, layers,
services, and interfaces of a
2. Supporting simplified
components for the effective
and efficient development of test
3. Re-using test automation
components for different or
evolving TASs
4. Easing the maintenance and
evolution of TASs
5. Defining the essential
features for a user of a TAS
• Single responsibility: Every TAS component must have a single
responsibility, and that responsibility must be encapsulated entirely in the
• Extension (see e.g., open/closed principle by B. Myer): Every TAS
component must be open for extension, but closed for modification.
• Replacement (see e.g., substitution principle by B. Liskov): Every TAS
component must be replaceable without affecting the overall behaviour
of the TAS.
• Component segregation (see e.g., interfaces segregation principle by
R.C. Martin): It is better to have more specific components than a
general, multi-purpose component.
• Dependency inversion: The components of a TAS must depend on
abstractions rather than on low-level details.
 Test automation to be
interconnected with
• Project management
• Configuration management
• Test management
 Often realized by use of a Test
Automation Framework such
• JUnit
• TTCN-3
 Four distinct layers:
• Test Generation Layer
• Manual or automated design of test cases
• Means for designing test cases
• Test Definition Layer
• Definition and implementation of test suites and/or
test cases
• Separates the test definition from the SUT and/or test
system technologies and tools
• Test Execution Layer
• Execution of test cases and test logging
• Test Adaptation Layer
• Adapt the automated tests for the various components
or interfaces of the SUT
• Provides different adaptors for connecting to the SUT
via APIs, protocols, services, and others
 Further details to the layers follow
 Important: A TAS may contain some, but not all layers
• A test execution TAS will have test execution and test adaption layers
• A test generation TAS will have test generation and test definition layers, and may also
have test execution and test adaptation layers
• The interfaces between the gTAA
layers and their components are
typically specific and, therefore,
not further elaborated
• Most often, one would start with the
implementation of a TAS from
bottom to top
• It is advised to implement the TAS
in incremental steps (e.g., in
sprints) in order to use the TAS as
soon as possible and to prove the
added value of the TAS
• Proofs of concept are
recommended as part of test
automation project
• 40 multiple choice questions, with a pass mark grade of 65% to be
completed within 90 minutes.
• Participants that take the exam not in their spoken language, will
have a total of 113 min.
• The typical duration of the Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer
Training offered by an Accredited Training Provider is 3 days.
© Fraunhofer FOKUS
1. Test Automation Engineer
2. Model-Based Testing
3. Quality Engineer for IoT
Why a Model-Based Tester certification at
foundation level?
1. Model-based testing is an innovative test approach to improve
effectivity and efficiency of the test generation process.
2. A model-based tester on a project uses models to drive test
analysis and design, and keeps advantage of the models for other
testing activities such as test implementation and reporting.
3. ISTQB® Model-Based Tester certification complements the core
foundation level as a specialist module.
4. It provides a practical and easy entry to the MBT approach.
Why a Model-Based Tester certification at
foundation level?
The ISTQB glossary of software testing termsdefines
Model-Based Testing as »Testingbasedonor
1. Model-based testing is an innovative test approach to improve
effectivity and efficiency of the test generation process.
2. A model-based tester on a project uses models to drive test
analysis and design, and keeps advantage of the models for other
testing activities such as test implementation and reporting.
3. ISTQB® Model-Based Tester certification complements the core
foundation level as a specialist module.
4. It provides a practical and easy entry to the MBT approach.
1. In general, an ISTQB Certified Tester Model-Based Testing
Essentials has acquired the necessary skills to successfully
contribute to MBT projects in a given context.
– Practical modeling approach (excercises, …)
– On a foundation level
– On a technical level
2. Target audience – practitioners rather than enablers
– Main target: test analysts
– but also: test and project managers, analysts, quality engineers,
et al.
1. Collaborate in a model-based testing team using standard
terminology and established MBT concepts, processes and
2. Apply and integrate model-based testing in a test process.
3. Effectively create and maintain MBT models using established
techniques and best practices of model-based testing.
4. Select, create and maintain test artifacts from MBT models
considering risk and value of the features tested.
5. Support the organization to improve its quality assurance
process to be more constructive and efficient.
MBT is not self-propelling!
– Requires access to and acceptance from MBT and testing
– Requires providers with specific industrial MBT expertise and
– Requires a network of providers with the objective to foster MBT
as part of their core business
• 40 multiple choice questions, with a pass mark grade of 65% to be
completed within 60 minutes.
• The typical duration of the Model-Based Tester Certification Training
offered by an Accredited Training Provider is 2 days.
• Online Syllabus, sample exam questions with
1. Test Automation Engineer
2. Model-Based Testing
3. Quality Engineer for IoT
• ASQF/GTB Certified Professional for IoT Foundation Level
• New syllabus for 3-day lectures (starts 2018)
Business Outcomes
 Awareness raising
 Standards overview
 Competence landscape
 Processes for quality engineering in organisations
 Personal qualification
1. Motivation and challenges
2. Constructive QE – quality characteristics
3. Constructive QE – IoT architecture
4. Constructive QE – processes and and methods
5. Analytic QE incl. testing
1. Motivation and challenges
2. Constructive QE – quality characteristics
3. Constructive QE – IoT architecture
4. Constructive QE – processes and and methods
5. Analytic QE incl. testing
6. IoT Lifecycle
 Education and training gain importance
 Certified courses are also a mean for entering research fields
 Researchers may actively drive new initiatives and syllabi
 Also PhD students should be taught
 Recent developments are
 Model-Based Testing
 Test Automation Engineering
 Quality Engineering for IoT
 Security Testing
 Data science
 But not yet
 Evolutionary software engineering
 Model-driven engineering
 General artifical intelligence
 …
Fraunhofer-Institut für
Offene Kommunikationssysteme
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker
Tel. +49 (30) 34 63 -7241
Axel Rennoch
Tel. +49 (30) 34 63 -7344

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iSQI Certification Days ISTQB Advanced Axel Rennoch

  • 1. NEW SYLLABI ON QUALITY ENGINEERING ©MatthiasHeyde/FraunhoferFOKUS Ina Schieferdecker, Axel Rennoch iSQI Certification days, November 9, 2017
  • 4. 4 1. Model-based testing, test automation, IoT testing and others are (still) current topics in QA research … 2. … but not yet in industrial application 3. Often, they are not yet established on the market on a wider scale and are not marketing hypes like agile testing, mobile testing, et al Syllabi and people certifications Increase industrial acceptance and deployment through growing networks of practitioners and industrial applicants Educate, train and certify industrial people and researcher STATUS OF ADVANCED TESTING IN ENGINEERING
  • 5. 5 © Fraunhofer FOKUS 1. Test Automation Engineer 2. Model-Based Testing 3. Quality Engineer for IoT OUTLINE
  • 6. 6 © Fraunhofer FOKUS 1. Test Automation Engineer 2. Model-Based Testing 3. Quality Engineer for IoT OUTLINE
  • 7. 7 Why a Model-Based Tester certification at foundation level? 1. Test automation is an advanced test engineering approach to improve effectivity and efficiency most often of the test execution process but not only. 2. The syllabus is about the tasks of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing, developing, and maintaining test automation solutions. It focuses on the concepts, methods, tools, and processes for automating dynamic functional tests and the relationship of those tests to test management, configuration management, defect management, software development processes and quality assurance. 3. Methods described are generally applicable across variety of software lifecycle approaches (e.g., agile, sequential, incremental, iterative), types of software systems (e.g., embedded, distributed, mobile) and test types (functional and non-functional testing). TAE CERTIFICATION AT ADVANCED LEVEL – IN SCOPE
  • 8. 8 Why a Model-Based Tester certification at foundation level? The ISTQB glossary of software testing terms defines Test Automation as »The use of software toperformor support test activities, e.g., test management, test design, test executionandresultschecking. « 1. Test automation is an advanced test engineering approach to improve effectivity and efficiency most often of the test execution process but not only. 2. The syllabus is about the tasks of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing, developing, and maintaining test automation solutions. It focuses on the concepts, methods, tools, and processes for automating dynamic functional tests and the relationship of those tests to test management, configuration management, defect management, software development processes and quality assurance. 3. Methods described are generally applicable across variety of software lifecycle approaches (e.g., agile, sequential, incremental, iterative), types of software systems (e.g., embedded, distributed, mobile) and test types (functional and non-functional testing). TAE CERTIFICATION AT ADVANCED LEVEL – IN SCOPE
  • 9. 9 Why a Model-Based Tester certification at foundation level? 1. Test management, automated creation of test specifications and automated test generation. 2. Tasks of test automation manager (TAM) in planning, supervising and adjusting the development and evolution of test automation solutions. 3. Specifics of automating non-functional tests (e.g., performance). 4. Automation of static analysis (e.g., vulnerability analysis) and static test tools. 5. Teaching of software engineering methods and programming (e.g., which standards to use and which skills to have for realizing a test automation solution). 6. Teaching of software technologies (e.g., which scripting techniques to use for implementing a test automation solution). 7. Selection of software testing products and services (e.g., which products and services to use for a test automation solution). TAE CERTIFICATION AT ADVANCED LEVEL – OUT OF SCOPE
  • 10. 10 1. A Test Automation Engineer is one who – has broad knowledge of testing in general, and – an in-depth understanding in the special area of test automation 2. An in-depth understanding is defined as having – sufficient knowledge of test automation theory and practice – to be able to influence the direction that an organization and/or project takes – when designing, developing and maintaining test automation solutions for functional tests. TAE COURSE OBJECTIVES
  • 11. 11 1. Contribute to the development of a plan to integrate automated testing within the testing process 2. Evaluate tools and technology for automation best fit to each project and organization. 3. Create an approach and methodology for building a test automation architecture (TAA). 4. Design and develop (new or modified) test automation solutions that meet the business needs. 5. Enable the transition of testing from a manual to an automated approach. 6. Create automated test reporting and metrics collection. 7. Manage and optimize testing assets to facilitate maintainability and address evolving (test) systems. TAE SYLLABUS BUSINESS OBJECTIVES
  • 13. 13 • The introduction of test automation are ONLY reasonable and even only possible with existing, well-established testing processes – “Automating chaos just gives faster chaos!” – “A fool with a tool is just a fool!” • Note: The introduction of test automation is often connected to short term productivity loss. – Test automation is therefore no solution for short term staff shortages. TEST AUTOMATION AND THE FUNDAMENTAL TEST PROCESS
  • 14. 14 TEST AUTOMATION AND FUNDAMENTAL TEST ACTIVITIES Harder to automate Identify and priortise test conditions Design test cases (generate them automatically e.g. with MBT) Implement test cases (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3) Rather single design Identification Design Implementation
  • 15. 15 TEST AUTOMATION AND FUNDAMENTAL TEST ACTIVITIES Easy to automate Implement test cases (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3) Execute test cases (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3 or JUnit) Rather many repetitions Evaluate test case executions (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3) Implementation Execution Evaluation
  • 16. 16 TEST AUTOMATION AND FUNDAMENTAL TEST ACTIVITIES Harder to automate Easy to automate Identify and priortise test conditions Design test cases (generate them automatically e.g. with MBT) Implement test cases (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3) Execute test cases (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3 or JUnit) Rather single design Rather many repetitions Evaluate test case executions (automatically e.g. with TTCN-3) Identification Design Implementation Execution Evaluation Automating activities of the fundamental test process
  • 17. 17  TTCN-3 is the Testing and Test Control Notation  Internationally standardized testing language for formally defining test scenarios. Designed purely for testing EXCURSUS: CHALLENGE TEST AUTOMATION testcase Hello_Bob () { p.send(“How do you do?“); alt { []p.receive(“Fine!“); {setverdict( pass )}; [else] {setverdict( inconc )} //Bob asleep! } }
  • 18. 18 TTCN-3 HISTORY  TTCN (1992)  published as ISO standard  “Tree and Tabular Combined Notation”  used for protocol tests: GSM, N-ISDN, B-ISDN  TTCN-2/2++ (1997)  enhancements by ETSI MTS  module concept, concurrency  used for conformance tests TTCN-2 TTCN-2++ 1997 1984 1994 1992 TTCN
  • 19. 19 TTCN-3 HISTORY (CONT.)  TTCN-3 (2000)  further development by ETSI MTS  Testing and Test Control Notation  standardised test specifications:  SIP, SCTP, M3UA, IPv6  HiperLan, HiperAccess, WiMAX  3GPP LTE, NB-IoT  OMA  TETRA  MOST, AUTOSAR  EUROCONTROL  oneM2M 2000 1998 2017 u
  • 20. 20  One test technology for different tests  Distributed, platform-independent testing  Integrated graphical test development, documentation and analysis  Adaptable, open test environment  Areas of Testing  Regression testing  Conformance and functional testing  Interoperability and integration testing  Real-time, performance, load and stress testing  Security testing  Used for system and product qualification and certification, e.g. for GCF/PTCRB certification of handsets (mobile phones) DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF TTCN-3
  • 21. 21 PROCESS OF TEST AUTOMATION IMPLEMENTATION Automated test process design and TAS development TAS pilots and review of pilot experiences Refinement of automated test process and adoption User training and broad-scale deployment Accompanying TAS maintenance and extension including user coaching
  • 22. 22 PROCESS OF TEST AUTOMATION IMPLEMENTATION Automated test process design and TAS development TAS pilots and review of pilot experiences Refinement of automated test process and adoption User training and broad-scale deployment Accompanying TAS maintenance and extension including user coaching Any test automation is done by software which has an architecture and may use software tools
  • 23. 23 WHY A GENERIC TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE  Different types of software  Different programming paradigms  Different programming technologies However, all share common concepts Software …  Provides services  Implements algorithms  Uses data  Is accessible via interfaces
  • 24. 24 WHY A GENERIC TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE  Different types of software  Different programming paradigms  Different programming technologies However, all share common concepts Software …  Provides services  Implements algorithms  Uses data  Is accessible via interfaces So does testing software … ● Provides testing services ● Implements test cases ● Uses test data ● Is accessible via test interfaces
  • 25. 25 Defines generic solution for tasks being similar in any test automation project Defines re-occurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing WHY A GENERIC TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE Test Automation Solution TAS (Specific) Test Automation Architecture TAA Generic Test Automation Architecture gTAA
  • 26. 26 Defines generic solution for tasks being similar in any test automation project Defines re-occurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing WHY A GENERIC TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE Test Automation Solution TAS (Specific) Test Automation Architecture TAA Generic Test Automation Architecture gTAA 1. Defining the concepts, layers, services, and interfaces of a TAS 2. Supporting simplified components for the effective and efficient development of test automation 3. Re-using test automation components for different or evolving TASs 4. Easing the maintenance and evolution of TASs 5. Defining the essential features for a user of a TAS
  • 27. 27 • Single responsibility: Every TAS component must have a single responsibility, and that responsibility must be encapsulated entirely in the component. • Extension (see e.g., open/closed principle by B. Myer): Every TAS component must be open for extension, but closed for modification. • Replacement (see e.g., substitution principle by B. Liskov): Every TAS component must be replaceable without affecting the overall behaviour of the TAS. • Component segregation (see e.g., interfaces segregation principle by R.C. Martin): It is better to have more specific components than a general, multi-purpose component. • Dependency inversion: The components of a TAS must depend on abstractions rather than on low-level details. DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR A TAS
  • 28. GTAA OVERVIEW 1 (4)  Test automation to be interconnected with • Project management • Configuration management • Test management  Often realized by use of a Test Automation Framework such as • JUnit • TTCN-3
  • 29. GTAA OVERVIEW 2 (4)  Four distinct layers: • Test Generation Layer • Manual or automated design of test cases • Means for designing test cases • Test Definition Layer • Definition and implementation of test suites and/or test cases • Separates the test definition from the SUT and/or test system technologies and tools • Test Execution Layer • Execution of test cases and test logging • Test Adaptation Layer • Adapt the automated tests for the various components or interfaces of the SUT • Provides different adaptors for connecting to the SUT via APIs, protocols, services, and others
  • 30. GTAA OVERVIEW 3 (4)  Further details to the layers follow  Important: A TAS may contain some, but not all layers • A test execution TAS will have test execution and test adaption layers • A test generation TAS will have test generation and test definition layers, and may also have test execution and test adaptation layers
  • 31. GTAA OVERVIEW 4 (4) • The interfaces between the gTAA layers and their components are typically specific and, therefore, not further elaborated • Most often, one would start with the implementation of a TAS from bottom to top • It is advised to implement the TAS in incremental steps (e.g., in sprints) in order to use the TAS as soon as possible and to prove the added value of the TAS • Proofs of concept are recommended as part of test automation project
  • 32. 32 • 40 multiple choice questions, with a pass mark grade of 65% to be completed within 90 minutes. • Participants that take the exam not in their spoken language, will have a total of 113 min. • The typical duration of the Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer Training offered by an Accredited Training Provider is 3 days. ADVANCED LEVEL TEST AUTOMATION ENGINEER EXAM STRUCTURE
  • 33. 33 © Fraunhofer FOKUS 1. Test Automation Engineer 2. Model-Based Testing 3. Quality Engineer for IoT OUTLINE
  • 34. 34 Why a Model-Based Tester certification at foundation level? 1. Model-based testing is an innovative test approach to improve effectivity and efficiency of the test generation process. 2. A model-based tester on a project uses models to drive test analysis and design, and keeps advantage of the models for other testing activities such as test implementation and reporting. 3. ISTQB® Model-Based Tester certification complements the core foundation level as a specialist module. 4. It provides a practical and easy entry to the MBT approach. WHY MBT CERTIFICATION AT FOUNDATION LEVEL?
  • 35. 35 Why a Model-Based Tester certification at foundation level? The ISTQB glossary of software testing termsdefines Model-Based Testing as »Testingbasedonor involvingmodels« 1. Model-based testing is an innovative test approach to improve effectivity and efficiency of the test generation process. 2. A model-based tester on a project uses models to drive test analysis and design, and keeps advantage of the models for other testing activities such as test implementation and reporting. 3. ISTQB® Model-Based Tester certification complements the core foundation level as a specialist module. 4. It provides a practical and easy entry to the MBT approach. WHY MBT CERTIFICATION AT FOUNDATION LEVEL?
  • 36. 36 1. In general, an ISTQB Certified Tester Model-Based Testing Essentials has acquired the necessary skills to successfully contribute to MBT projects in a given context. – Practical modeling approach (excercises, …) – On a foundation level – On a technical level 2. Target audience – practitioners rather than enablers – Main target: test analysts – but also: test and project managers, analysts, quality engineers, et al. MBT COURSE OBJECTIVES
  • 37. 37 1. Collaborate in a model-based testing team using standard terminology and established MBT concepts, processes and techniques. 2. Apply and integrate model-based testing in a test process. 3. Effectively create and maintain MBT models using established techniques and best practices of model-based testing. 4. Select, create and maintain test artifacts from MBT models considering risk and value of the features tested. 5. Support the organization to improve its quality assurance process to be more constructive and efficient. MBT SYLLABUS BUSINESS OBJECTIVES
  • 39. 39 MBT is not self-propelling! – Requires access to and acceptance from MBT and testing communities – Requires providers with specific industrial MBT expertise and tooling – Requires a network of providers with the objective to foster MBT as part of their core business OUTLOOK A GOOD MBT TESTER HAS MORE THAN TECHNICAL KNOWHOW, HE/SHE HAS ADEQUATE TESTING SKILLS Training Communication
  • 40. 40 • 40 multiple choice questions, with a pass mark grade of 65% to be completed within 60 minutes. • The typical duration of the Model-Based Tester Certification Training offered by an Accredited Training Provider is 2 days. • Online Syllabus, sample exam questions with answers/justifications. FOUNDATION LEVEL CERTIFIED MODEL-BASED TESTER
  • 41. 41 1. Test Automation Engineer 2. Model-Based Testing 3. Quality Engineer for IoT OUTLINE
  • 42. 42 • ASQF/GTB Certified Professional for IoT Foundation Level • New syllabus for 3-day lectures (starts 2018) QUALITY ENGINEERING FOR THE INTERNET OF THINKS Business Outcomes  Awareness raising  Standards overview  Competence landscape  Processes for quality engineering in organisations  Personal qualification NEW FOUNDATION LEVEL: QE FOR IOT
  • 43. 43 1. Motivation and challenges 2. Constructive QE – quality characteristics 3. Constructive QE – IoT architecture 4. Constructive QE – processes and and methods 5. Analytic QE incl. testing QE4IOT SYLLABUS CONTENTS
  • 44. 44 1. Motivation and challenges 2. Constructive QE – quality characteristics 3. Constructive QE – IoT architecture 4. Constructive QE – processes and and methods 5. Analytic QE incl. testing 6. IoT Lifecycle QE4IOT SYLLABUS CONTENTS source:[ISO/IECCD30141]
  • 45. 45  Education and training gain importance  Certified courses are also a mean for entering research fields  Researchers may actively drive new initiatives and syllabi  Also PhD students should be taught  Recent developments are  Model-Based Testing  Test Automation Engineering  Quality Engineering for IoT  Security Testing  Data science  But not yet  Evolutionary software engineering  Model-driven engineering  General artifical intelligence  … SUMMARY
  • 46. 46 CONTACT Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 10589 Berlin, Germany Director Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker Tel. +49 (30) 34 63 -7241 Axel Rennoch Tel. +49 (30) 34 63 -7344