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   Use of iPads
   in Education

      Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

      Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
What is the
Difference between
S ubs t it u te Analog Act iv it ie s

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Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang : being creativ...
Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang :  being creativ...Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang :  being creativ...
Saiful hidayat : Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya Malang : being creativ...

The document discusses six aptitudes needed for careers in the digital broadband era: design, storytelling, synthesis abilities, empathy, play, and finding meaning. It provides examples of each aptitude and ways to develop skills in areas like visual literacy, cross-discipline projects, public speaking, and applying concepts to real-world problems. The broad message is that traditional skills alone are no longer sufficient, and workers must cultivate creative and conceptual abilities to thrive in today's economy.

seamless mobilitybroadband erasix aptitude
Usinge learningtofacilitate21stcenturylearningslideshare-090709062609-phpapp02
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Usinge learningtofacilitate21stcenturylearningslideshare-090709062609-phpapp02

The document discusses the use of e-learning and various tools for technology-enhanced learning such as i-lectures, online forums, blogs, social bookmarking, podcasts, virtual worlds and open educational resources which can be used to create engaging, interactive and collaborative learning experiences for students.

Creating those dots
Creating those dotsCreating those dots
Creating those dots

This document discusses 21st century skills and learning. It outlines eight types of intelligence and examples of people who exemplify each type. It then discusses key skills needed for the 21st century like creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. It advocates for project-based learning to develop these skills and provides examples of how to structure projects to incorporate different skills. The document provides recommendations for what 21st century learning should include and outcomes it should achieve. It also shares examples of emerging technologies and predictions about technological advances in the coming decades.

Do What You Could Have   NEVER   Do n e B e f o re
From Automation
To Transformation

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Growth Hacking, Disrupt the Business with Mobile!
Growth Hacking, Disrupt the Business with Mobile! Growth Hacking, Disrupt the Business with Mobile!
Growth Hacking, Disrupt the Business with Mobile!

Par Antonin Cohen, Manager France @ lors du Growth Hacking Paris meetup —

Placecast - E-commerce Paris 2012
Placecast - E-commerce Paris 2012Placecast - E-commerce Paris 2012
Placecast - E-commerce Paris 2012

This document discusses Placecast's ShopAlerts mobile marketing platform. ShopAlerts allows retailers and brands to send targeted offers and loyalty messages to consumers' mobile phones based on their location within geofenced areas. The platform has seen adoption from major brands and mobile carriers. Case studies show ShopAlerts programs for O2 UK have grown to millions of users and improved customer satisfaction for participating retailers. The document argues location-based mobile offers will continue growing as mobile and payments converge, and consumers expect personalized, timely deals from brands.

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Exmosi is a digital lead provider for SMS text marketing. Our mobile friendly content is triggered by SMS technology. Exmosi enhances all of your current marketing channels.

text marketingtext messagingmobile marketing
Go Beyond...
 ..replacing the paper/pencil/worksheet with an app on the iPad
Infuse Creativity to Experiment and Amplify...
No Roadmaps...

                                             We are
To Go Where no
one has Gone
         iPads   Exploration   Innovation

          Apps   Discovery     Imagination
Being Skilled

Being Literate

Being Fluent
Speaking Up and Down vs. Sideways

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iPads in Elementary School
iPads in Elementary SchooliPads in Elementary School
iPads in Elementary School

The document discusses the transformative use of iPads in an elementary school. It outlines several goals for using iPads, including developing student independence and fluency. It then provides examples of how iPads are being used as tools for personalization, collaboration, learning, creativity, communication, and more. Apps like Book Creator, ShowMe, and Explain Everything are highlighted. Overall the document shows how iPads are transforming learning across subjects and skills.

3eme observatoire de l'internet mobile 2011
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3eme observatoire de l'internet mobile 2011
sfr regie group m
Mobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entreprise
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Mobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entreprise

Présentation lors du Web2Connet 17/18/19 Octobre 2014 - Paris

responsivemobilemobile marketing
Language Fluency                   I can
                              communicate and
     I don’t translate,         connect with
  nor wonder what comes            others.
   first...the verb or the
               I know how
              to respond to
                                   It feels
          I am                 unconscious and
       comfortable                 smooth.
         and not

       I know that a
   language is the sum of
    words, common history
       and traditions.
possessing or demonstrating
Being Skilled        accomplishment, skill, or special
                          training (from Free Dictionary)

                            To be literate means to have
                          knowledge or competence (from 21st
                                       Century Fluency Project)

Being Literate         To have to think about what you are
                            going to do next (from Ian Jukes)

                   To be fluent is to demonstrate
                 mastery and to do so unconsciously
                  and smoothly (from 21st Century Fluency Project)
Being Fluent
                     Are unconscious skills, you just
                     know what to do next (from Ian Jukes)
possessing or demonstrating
Being Skilled        accomplishment, skill, or special
                          training (from Free Dictionary)

                            To be literate means to have
                          knowledge or competence (from 21st
                                       Century Fluency Project)

Being Literate         To have to think about what you are
                            going to do next (from Ian Jukes)

                   To be fluent is to demonstrate
                 mastery and to do so unconsciously
                  and smoothly (from 21st Century Fluency Project)
Being Fluent
                     Are unconscious skills, you just
                     know what to do next (from Ian Jukes)
possessing or demonstrating
Being Skilled        accomplishment, skill, or special
                          training (from Free Dictionary)

                            To be literate means to have
                          knowledge or competence (from 21st
                                       Century Fluency Project)

Being Literate         To have to think about what you are
                            going to do next (from Ian Jukes)

                   To be fluent is to demonstrate
                 mastery and to do so unconsciously
                  and smoothly (from 21st Century Fluency Project)
Being Fluent
                     Are unconscious skills, you just
                     know what to do next (from Ian Jukes)

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The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.
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The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.

Information architecture and content strategy are the foundation of any website but, when it comes to mobile, they can literally mean the life or death of a product. The truth is that even the best-designed and well-engineered mobile products can still fail if their IA is not sound, and that’s because mobile information architecture doesn’t only define the structure of content, but also determines how users will interact with it. And speaking of content, do you know what content should go on your mobile sites and apps? Are your users finding what they came for?In this talk we will take a look at the thought process that drives mobile content strategy, the specific challenges and opportunities of the mobile space and how information architecture and content strategy contribute to the creation of outstanding cross-channel experiences. 75 Tutorial presented at UX Scotland 2014

metadataadaptive contentinformation architecture
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régiesfr régieandroid market
Smart contents in multi screen
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Smart contents in multi screen

KT Econovation Camp 발표 자료

iPad Fluency

 Knowing what app to use for a specific purpose...
Knowing what and how to combine apps to create and share..
iPad Fluency

 Is the     Creation
   your    Discovery
How can we

Enhance Learning?

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Unlock the Magic: How to set up and use your new ipad

Like our brains, most of us only use a small percentage of the MAGIC available on the iPads. This session takes you from General Settings to Must Have Apps! Gina Schreck, president of SynapseConnecting, share loads of fun tech tips on their website/ blog at Contact Gina on Twitter @GinaSchreck or old fashioned email Gina(at)

ipadapps for new ipadproductivity
Tapit Cannes 2012 Presentation - Creating Magical Experieneces on Mobile Usin...
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Tapit Cannes 2012 Presentation - Creating Magical Experieneces on Mobile Usin...

Full version of the 2012 Tapit presentation at the Cannes Festival of Creativity presented by Andrew Davis & Jamie Conyngham. For more Tapit feel free to visit us at or follow us @tapitnfc Any questions can be emailed to

Running your App as a Business
Running your App as a BusinessRunning your App as a Business
Running your App as a Business

Presented at 360 iDev Denver 2012 We're at the end of 2012 and it has become clear that the mobile app economy is leaving the vast majority of developers out in the cold. The revenue story is lopsided -- a handful of apps have turned into gold mines, but most of them are still standing in the river with a pan hoping for a stray nugget. With over a million apps in existence, simply building your app does not mean that users will come. In this talk you'll learn how to use customer relationship management, analytics and marketing tools to turn your app into a full fledged business. We'll start with a discussion of the many facets of analytics spanning from macro trends in the app stores all the way down to the demographics and actions of your individual users. You'll then learn about how to use customer relationship management tools collect and analyze that data in order to execute on marketing campaigns to engage, grow and monetize your user base.

customer relationship managementappboymarketing analysis
How can we...

Differentiate Learning?
How can we...

Personalize Learning?
How can the
iPad be used as a
   device for...

             Personal Learning?
How can we...

Transform Teaching &

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Baromètre mobile marketing association France mai 2013

Retrouvez mon analyse de ce baromètre sur mon blog :

Internationaliser son app pour réussir: l'exemple de 94 Secondes
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Internationaliser son app pour réussir: l'exemple de 94 Secondes

Conférence présentée aux AppDays 2013.

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Create great UIs for budget phones
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Create great UIs for budget phones

Contrary to popular belief, it is indeed possible to create great-looking UIs for apps that target very low-priced phones. This presentation shows you how to apply solid UX guidelines and application-design principles that work great even on very low-cost hardware. Juhani Haaparanta, principal interaction designer with Nokia in Tampere, Finland, explains how to design the right type of interaction architecture, apply the appropriate UI style, and add a twist of visual excellence to applications for budget phones. The resulting apps will deliver better user experience and thus better reviews, usage numbers, and return on investment.

nokia ashaappsjava me
What is your

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With an impressive 70% viewing mobile ads as a personal invitation from brands rather than an invasion, it opens up new opportunities for brand advertisers to engage with their consumers.

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Do you use
  iPad as a
tool to
teach or to
iPads as a Teaching Tool
Access to    Curate   Access to
Information             Media




iPads as a Learning Tool

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This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.

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This document describes research being conducted to examine the effect of digital technologies on the engagement and complexity of thinking of 5-6 year old children in a Reggio Emilia-inspired educational setting. The researcher hypothesizes that iPads, when used as an expressive tool in a supportive environment with carefully chosen apps, can enhance engagement and thinking complexity compared to more passive use. The study involves providing iPad access to an experimental group of children while collecting data on engagement and thinking levels before and after the intervention, compared to a control group. The intervention focuses on replacing passive apps with more open-ended options and supporting sharing of discoveries between children.

digital technologieslanguage of expression
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This document discusses education as a complex ecosystem and the implications for developing student communicative competence. It argues that education is an unresolved practice that requires continuous work and movement. The school is viewed as a living ecosystem where education involves performance. CLIL is presented as a new consolidated object and language that motivates many teachers when implemented effectively by focusing on achievement, recognition, responsibility and growth. Key skills are developed through tasks and integrated projects involving cooperation, digital literacy, research projects, gaming, entrepreneurship, and service learning. Universities can support these efforts by providing open educational resources and cooperation.



iPad Suc
                                                                                How do we              cess




                                                                            Prac&ce                      mo&va&on



  Learning             36

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What is Visual Literacy?
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What is Visual Literacy?

I had an incredible opportunity to join the Steelcase Global Design team in their monthly quest for a deeper understanding of our world. Their team finds time once a month to gather and discuss topics outside the world of design; past talks have covered "the art of conversations" and experiencing a "holy moment." I chose to focus my talk on visual literacy. This can be a very broad topic, so I focused on its use in education, how humans are naturally wired to think visually, and comparisons to Reading and Writing literacy scales. To establish a few conversation starters, I put together a series of points and shared two videos - with a little help from the Heroes, of course.

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This document discusses skills needed for success in the 21st century. It identifies seven key skills: critical thinking, collaboration, agility, initiative, communication, analyzing information, and curiosity. Media literacy is also discussed as an important competency. Students should develop skills with technology tools, build relationships to solve problems, design information for various audiences, and manage multiple streams of data. Developing these skills will help students learn through experience and apply their knowledge.

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1. The document discusses strategies for sustaining 1-to-1 laptop programs in schools, including addressing challenges, leveraging research findings, and ensuring technology enhances pedagogy. 2. Key research findings show that 1-to-1 programs can increase student engagement and motivation, improve writing and problem-solving skills, and lead to better academic outcomes when implemented successfully. 3. Sustaining innovative technology use requires addressing issues like professional development, infrastructure needs, and changing teacher mindsets and practices to fully realize the potential of technology to transform learning.


      Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

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