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iOS7 Accessibility
Ted Drake, Intuit

Friday, January 24, 14

This presentation was created for the Mobile+Web Developer Conference in San Francisco,
Jan. 2014
What is accessibility?

Friday, January 24, 14
Friday, January 24, 14

This short video by Tommy Edison shows how accessible applications are used by screen
reader users. In this instance, he is able to quickly take a photo and share it on Instagram.
Friday, January 24, 14

This short video by Tommy Edison shows how accessible applications are used by screen
reader users. In this instance, he is able to quickly take a photo and share it on Instagram.

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The document provides an overview and agenda for an Android development tutorial being given in Tokyo, Japan in October 2009. It introduces key Android concepts like Activities, Views, Intents, Services, and Notifications. It also outlines the development environment and tools needed, including Ubuntu, Eclipse, and the Android SDK. The document guides attendees through creating their first basic Android map application, including designing the UI, adding elements to the layout, and running the application.


Friday, January 24, 14

Screen reader software, such as VoiceOver, TalkBack, or Narrator provide an interface
between the user and the application.
The SR interprets the user’s gestures and the application’s output.
Gestures are unique to screen reader usage, this can be surprising for custom gestures that
detect onTouch events.
Friday, January 24, 14

typically a user interacts directly with the phone

Friday, January 24, 14

With VoiceOver and other screen readers, the user interacts with VoiceOver.
VoiceOver interprets the user’s input and passes it to the application.
The application returns a result, which is passed back to the user in their preferred output,
such as voice.


Friday, January 24, 14

VoiceOver doesn’t care who the user is. You can even use it to run automated testing.
VoiceOver is your programable tool to the application’s functionality.

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Siri: Turn on VoiceOver

Friday, January 24, 14

VoiceOver is very easy to use. Simply ask Siri to turn on voiceover. You can also ask her to
turn it off.
For quicker access, go into settings>general>accessibility>accessibility shortcut and select
Focus & Double Tap

Friday, January 24, 14

VoiceOver’s gestures are quite simple, swipe with one finger to move from element to
Use touch exploration to discover what is on a screen. VoiceOver will announce what has
been focused.
Double tap to activate whatever is focused.
Learn more with a four finger double tap
Focus & Double Tap

Friday, January 24, 14

VoiceOver’s gestures are quite simple, swipe with one finger to move from element to
Use touch exploration to discover what is on a screen. VoiceOver will announce what has
been focused.
Double tap to activate whatever is focused.
Learn more with a four finger double tap
What’s new in iOS7


Friday, January 24, 14

Dynamic Type
Safari Viewport
Blur and Low Contrast
Switch Control
Guided Access
Speech Synthesis
Hand Writing
Magic Tap (iOS6)

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很多人想學iOS App開發,但卻既期待,又怕受傷害,因為心裡頭藏有很多疑問。不知從何開始學習? 害怕自己沒有程式天份? iOS App工程師真的可以年薪百萬,躺著賺錢? iOS App開發魔法師彼得潘將和大家分享自己身為果粉,多年學習開發App的心路歷程,解答這些疑問,希望幫助更多人勇敢踏出第一步,朝向成為偉大的iOS App魔法師方向大步前行,昂首飛翔!

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The document summarizes the key points from a mobile development meetup. It provided an overview of the mobile development landscape in 2016, including different types of platforms, approaches to development like native, hybrid and web. It also discussed Xamarin as an approach for write-once run-anywhere development. Finally, it outlined the typical mobile app development lifecycle covering aspects from planning to growth.


The document summarized the key points from a mobile development meetup. It included an overview of the mobile development landscape in 2016, discussing types of platforms, approaches like native, hybrid and web development. It also covered Xamarin as a recommended approach. The meetup discussed the full mobile app development lifecycle from planning to growth. It provided recaps of the introduction, overview, breakout sessions and next steps for future meetups.





Friday, January 24, 14

Dynamic Type is part of UIFont. Choose the purpose of your text and allow iOS to control its
proportional size.
For instance, choose heading, body, table cell
Headline, SubHeadline, Body, Footnote, Caption1, Caption2
Dynamic Type
message.label.font =

Friday, January 24, 14
self.label.font = [UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline];
listen for the font size change, this allows the type to be resized when the user changes their preference.
Safari Viewport
content="initial-scale=2.3, user-scalable=no">

Friday, January 24, 14

Safari for iOS7 has a different layout and treats the viewport differently. You don’t need to
disable user-scalable. Just use the basic viewport settings.

Friday, January 24, 14

Replace buttons with text = good thing
Replacing buttons with icons = some good, some bad
Be consistent, don’t re-invent the icons. Give icons a label.

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This document provides information about developing mobile web applications that mimic native apps. It discusses techniques like using CSS for animations and transitions to improve performance, detecting standalone mode, adding home screen icons and startup images, and various HTML5 features supported in Mobile Safari like geolocation. It also covers frameworks like jQTouch, jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch that make the mobile web feel more like native apps. Testing strategies are discussed, noting emulators are good for version testing but actual devices are best. Potential app ideas that could work as mobile web apps are listed, like games, calculators and productivity apps. Examples of successful mobile web apps developed with frameworks in just a few hours are highlighted.

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My challenge for this year is to learn a new programming language or software development technology. While I don’t intend adopting the suggestion of The Pragmatic Programmer and learning one new language each year, I do think that there is much to be gained by seeing what else is out there. With the booming popularity of the Android platform for mobile devices I thought what better place to start? Over the past few weeks I have taken the first few steps in learning about Android application development.

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Presentation given at the San Francisco Android Java User Group on getting started with Flash and Flex on Android mobile devices. For more information see my blog entry:

Friday, January 24, 14

Thin fonts on blurred backgrounds can make your text unreadable for all users, let alone those with low vision.
Consider using system fonts to allow user settings.
Consider how your text will look with a light and dark background.
4.5:1 is the required ratio for contrast. Does your tint color provide this?
Friday, January 24, 14

Thin fonts on blurred backgrounds can make your text unreadable for all users, let alone those with low vision.
Consider using system fonts to allow user settings.
Consider how your text will look with a light and dark background.
4.5:1 is the required ratio for contrast. Does your tint color provide this?
Switch Control
Switch Control

Friday, January 24, 14

iOS7 introduced Switch Control, which provides an interface to all elements of a page, using just a single tap on the phone or
external switch.
It can also track head movements.
Switch Control can also be used to see what elements in your application receive focus.
Stephen Hawking NASA 50th photo by NASA
Guided Access

Friday, January 24, 14

G.A. started as a method for care givers to disable sections of applications and devices for people with autism, ADD, and
other cognitive disabilities.
It is now available to developers. You define roles and the availability of elements within those roles.
for example, only show a delete button for editors. Only show options available for a location, i.e. Clover brewing at
Custom restrictions are represented by string identifiers provided by the developer in the guidedAccessRestrictionIdentifiers
Photo: access denied by Notanotherusername!

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This document summarizes the iPhone application development expertise of NWS Pvt Ltd. They have expertise in GPS, sound, web-based, and RSS feed applications. They have also developed specialized frameworks for iBooks and quiz games. The document then describes several specific applications they have developed, including ones for prayer tracking, quizzes, books, writing obituaries, sound recording, parenting tutorials, calculators, games, and an RSS reader. It concludes by listing some of NWS Pvt Ltd's clients and providing contact information.

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The document describes a cross-platform mobile automation framework that allows testing mobile apps across different platforms like iOS, Android, and mobile web using a single automation code base. It proposes using common page objects to model pages of a mobile app, with elements defined using locator maps. The framework abstracts away differences in automation APIs and UI implementations using a driver abstraction. It also handles primary and secondary navigation patterns using menu and menu item page objects.

Guided Access API
- (NSArray *)guidedAccessRestrictionIdentifiers {
return @[ ControlsRestrictionId ];
- (NSString
(NSString *)restrictionId {
return @”Controls”;
- (NSString
(NSString *)restrictionId {
return @”Adjust floor down/up”;
Friday, January 24, 14

This sample code comes from the WWDC 2013 presentation: Accessibility in iOS
Speech Synthesis


Friday, January 24, 14

The AVSpeechSynthesizer class produces synthesized speech from text on an iOS device, and provides methods for controlling or monitoring the progress
of ongoing speech.
Access text to speech engine, also can define language and monitor the status. Use this to create a speech option on your pages for non VoiceOver users.
photo: speech bubbles at Erg by Topsy
Text to Speech API
AVSpeechSynthesizer *synthesizer =
[[AVSpeechSynthesizer alloc] init];
AVSpeechUtterance *utterance =
[AVSpeechUtteranceWithString: @"Hello!"];
[speechSynth speakUtterance:utterance];

Friday, January 24, 14
Friday, January 24, 14

This short video shows how to choose the handwriting option and open the starbucks app by
writing the letters “st” on the screen.
Handwriting can also be used to write text within text inputs.
Watch for this to be expanded in ios8 for all users.

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1) The NDRC adjusted the windfall tax threshold from $40/bbl to $55/bbl, effective November 1, 2011. This will benefit all three major Chinese energy companies, with PetroChina expected to benefit the most. 2) Sinopec is viewed as the biggest gainer from the tax changes on a net basis. The analyst reiterates a preference for Sinopec and CNOOC due to their attractive valuations. 3) Acquisition appetite from Chinese NOCs remains strong, as evidenced by recent deals, though spending has declined slightly from record levels in 2011. Strategies differ between focusing on unconventional versus conventional assets.

Friday, January 24, 14

This short video shows how to choose the handwriting option and open the starbucks app by
writing the letters “st” on the screen.
Handwriting can also be used to write text within text inputs.
Watch for this to be expanded in ios8 for all users.
Magic Tap
- (BOOL)accessibilityPerformMagicTap

Two-fingered double tap
activates the key function on
the screen.

•Take photo
•Start stopwatch
•Hangup phone call
Friday, January 24, 14

The exact action performed by this method depends your app, typically toggling the most important state of the app. For example, in the Phone app it
answers and ends phone calls, in the Music app it plays and pauses playback, in the Clock app it starts and stops a timer, and in the Camera app it takes a

photo: magic tap by ozz13x
Should an element receive focus?

Friday, January 24, 14

this can be chosen via interface builder or programmatically
Make sure this is set to yes for actionable items.
Set it to false on parent containers when their children are actionable, i.e. UITableViewCell
This is important for all VoiceOver and Switch Control users.
Friday, January 24, 14

This video shows a custom container that includes a date picker and button. The container
has accessibility so the picker and button are not available to the user.

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Slides from talk at iOSDevUK 2014. -Accessibility and disabilities -Assistive technologies on iOS -Implementing accessibility support -Testing accessibility

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by acvq
Japan creativity
Japan creativityJapan creativity
Japan creativity

Japan Creativity

Friday, January 24, 14

This video shows a custom container that includes a date picker and button. The container
has accessibility so the picker and button are not available to the user.
photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = YES;

Friday, January 24, 14

Typically you will not set isAccessibilityElement to true on a UITableView. But if you want this
to act as a single actionable item, set this to true.
photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = NO;
photoSetRow.isAccessibilityElement = Yes;
Friday, January 24, 14

this is the default behavior in iOS and you shouldn’t need to set these values.
photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = NO;
photoSetRow.isAccessibilityElement = NO;
photoSetImage.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
Friday, January 24, 14

If your UITableViewCell has actionable items, set the cell to NO and place YES on the
individual images.
This is also commonly seen when a Webview is given focus instead of the website within it.

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This primer on mobile accessibility will give you a solid grounding on standards, guidelines and principles of making websites accessible on mobile devices, and demonstrate some of the accessibility features available on iOS and Android. This presentation was delivered at Digpen 7:

SSB BART Group Mobile Accessibility
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This document provides an overview of mobile accessibility for various smartphone platforms. It discusses the current landscape including iOS, Android, Windows Phone/Mobile, Blackberry, Symbian and WebOS. It outlines strategies for developing accessible mobile apps, including considerations for users with disabilities. References for mobile accessibility best practices are also included.

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iOS 7.1 accessibility for developers
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iOS 7.1 accessibility for developers

This presentation for the Accessibility Camp Bay Area introduces the new accessibility features of iOS7 and how they can be used for mobile developers. It also highlights key elements of the iOS 7.1 release that can affect accessibility. This is similar to a presentation I gave at Mobile+Web conference,, but doesn't need to introduce accessibility. The presentation is also meant to be more conversational.

Ted Drake
t: @ted_drake
j: - Intuit’s hiring: Web, iOS, Android

Friday, January 24, 14

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iOS 7 Accessibility

  • 1. iOS7 Accessibility Ted Drake, Intuit Friday, January 24, 14 This presentation was created for the Mobile+Web Developer Conference in San Francisco, Jan. 2014
  • 3. Friday, January 24, 14 This short video by Tommy Edison shows how accessible applications are used by screen reader users. In this instance, he is able to quickly take a photo and share it on Instagram.
  • 4. Friday, January 24, 14 This short video by Tommy Edison shows how accessible applications are used by screen reader users. In this instance, he is able to quickly take a photo and share it on Instagram.
  • 5. Screen Reader Friday, January 24, 14 Screen reader software, such as VoiceOver, TalkBack, or Narrator provide an interface between the user and the application. The SR interprets the user’s gestures and the application’s output. Gestures are unique to screen reader usage, this can be surprising for custom gestures that detect onTouch events.
  • 6. Friday, January 24, 14 typically a user interacts directly with the phone
  • 7. VoiceOver Friday, January 24, 14 With VoiceOver and other screen readers, the user interacts with VoiceOver. VoiceOver interprets the user’s input and passes it to the application. The application returns a result, which is passed back to the user in their preferred output, such as voice.
  • 8. VoiceOver Automated Testing Friday, January 24, 14 VoiceOver doesn’t care who the user is. You can even use it to run automated testing. VoiceOver is your programable tool to the application’s functionality.
  • 9. Siri: Turn on VoiceOver Friday, January 24, 14 VoiceOver is very easy to use. Simply ask Siri to turn on voiceover. You can also ask her to turn it off. For quicker access, go into settings>general>accessibility>accessibility shortcut and select
  • 10. Focus & Double Tap Friday, January 24, 14 VoiceOver’s gestures are quite simple, swipe with one finger to move from element to element. Use touch exploration to discover what is on a screen. VoiceOver will announce what has been focused. Double tap to activate whatever is focused. Learn more with a four finger double tap
  • 11. Focus & Double Tap Friday, January 24, 14 VoiceOver’s gestures are quite simple, swipe with one finger to move from element to element. Use touch exploration to discover what is on a screen. VoiceOver will announce what has been focused. Double tap to activate whatever is focused. Learn more with a four finger double tap
  • 12. What’s new in iOS7 • • • • • • • • • Friday, January 24, 14 Dynamic Type Safari Viewport Simplification Blur and Low Contrast Switch Control Guided Access Speech Synthesis Hand Writing Magic Tap (iOS6)
  • 13. mic na Dy Type Friday, January 24, 14 Dynamic Type is part of UIFont. Choose the purpose of your text and allow iOS to control its proportional size. For instance, choose heading, body, table cell Headline, SubHeadline, Body, Footnote, Caption1, Caption2
  • 14. Dynamic Type message.label.font = [UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle: UIFontTextStyleHeadline ]; Friday, January 24, 14 self.label.font = [UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline]; listen for the font size change, this allows the type to be resized when the user changes their preference. CustomTextProcessing.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009542-CH4-SW65
  • 15. Safari Viewport Good: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> Bad: <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=2.3, user-scalable=no"> Friday, January 24, 14 Safari for iOS7 has a different layout and treats the viewport differently. You don’t need to disable user-scalable. Just use the basic viewport settings.
  • 16. Simplification Friday, January 24, 14 Replace buttons with text = good thing Replacing buttons with icons = some good, some bad Be consistent, don’t re-invent the icons. Give icons a label.
  • 17. Friday, January 24, 14 Thin fonts on blurred backgrounds can make your text unreadable for all users, let alone those with low vision. Consider using system fonts to allow user settings. Consider how your text will look with a light and dark background. 4.5:1 is the required ratio for contrast. Does your tint color provide this? doc/uid/TP40006556-CH58-SW1
  • 18. 4.5:1 Friday, January 24, 14 Thin fonts on blurred backgrounds can make your text unreadable for all users, let alone those with low vision. Consider using system fonts to allow user settings. Consider how your text will look with a light and dark background. 4.5:1 is the required ratio for contrast. Does your tint color provide this? doc/uid/TP40006556-CH58-SW1
  • 19. Switch Control Switch Control Friday, January 24, 14 iOS7 introduced Switch Control, which provides an interface to all elements of a page, using just a single tap on the phone or external switch. It can also track head movements. Switch Control can also be used to see what elements in your application receive focus. Stephen Hawking NASA 50th photo by NASA
  • 20. Guided Access Friday, January 24, 14 G.A. started as a method for care givers to disable sections of applications and devices for people with autism, ADD, and other cognitive disabilities. It is now available to developers. You define roles and the availability of elements within those roles. for example, only show a delete button for editors. Only show options available for a location, i.e. Clover brewing at Starbucks. Reference/Reference.html Custom restrictions are represented by string identifiers provided by the developer in the guidedAccessRestrictionIdentifiers method Photo: access denied by Notanotherusername!
  • 21. Guided Access API - (NSArray *)guidedAccessRestrictionIdentifiers { return @[ ControlsRestrictionId ]; } - (NSString *)textForGuidedAccessRestrictionWithIdentifier: (NSString *)restrictionId { return @”Controls”; } - (NSString *)detailTextForGuidedAccessRestrictionWithIdentifier: (NSString *)restrictionId { return @”Adjust floor down/up”; } Friday, January 24, 14 This sample code comes from the WWDC 2013 presentation: Accessibility in iOS
  • 22. Speech Synthesis AVSpeechSynthesizer Friday, January 24, 14 The AVSpeechSynthesizer class produces synthesized speech from text on an iOS device, and provides methods for controlling or monitoring the progress of ongoing speech. Access text to speech engine, also can define language and monitor the status. Use this to create a speech option on your pages for non VoiceOver users. photo: speech bubbles at Erg by Topsy
  • 23. Text to Speech API AVSpeechSynthesizer *synthesizer = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer alloc] init]; AVSpeechUtterance *utterance = [AVSpeechUtteranceWithString: @"Hello!"]; [speechSynth speakUtterance:utterance]; Friday, January 24, 14
  • 24. Friday, January 24, 14 This short video shows how to choose the handwriting option and open the starbucks app by writing the letters “st” on the screen. Handwriting can also be used to write text within text inputs. Watch for this to be expanded in ios8 for all users.
  • 25. Friday, January 24, 14 This short video shows how to choose the handwriting option and open the starbucks app by writing the letters “st” on the screen. Handwriting can also be used to write text within text inputs. Watch for this to be expanded in ios8 for all users.
  • 26. Magic Tap - (BOOL)accessibilityPerformMagicTap Two-fingered double tap activates the key function on the screen. •Take photo •Start stopwatch •Hangup phone call Friday, January 24, 14 The exact action performed by this method depends your app, typically toggling the most important state of the app. For example, in the Phone app it answers and ends phone calls, in the Music app it plays and pauses playback, in the Clock app it starts and stops a timer, and in the Camera app it takes a picture. photo: magic tap by ozz13x
  • 27. isAccessibilityElement Should an element receive focus? Friday, January 24, 14 this can be chosen via interface builder or programmatically Make sure this is set to yes for actionable items. Set it to false on parent containers when their children are actionable, i.e. UITableViewCell This is important for all VoiceOver and Switch Control users.
  • 28. Friday, January 24, 14 This video shows a custom container that includes a date picker and button. The container has accessibility so the picker and button are not available to the user.
  • 29. Friday, January 24, 14 This video shows a custom container that includes a date picker and button. The container has accessibility so the picker and button are not available to the user.
  • 30. photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = YES; Friday, January 24, 14 Typically you will not set isAccessibilityElement to true on a UITableView. But if you want this to act as a single actionable item, set this to true.
  • 31. photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = NO; photoSetRow.isAccessibilityElement = Yes; Friday, January 24, 14 this is the default behavior in iOS and you shouldn’t need to set these values.
  • 32. photoSet.isAccessibilityElement = NO; photoSetRow.isAccessibilityElement = NO; photoSetImage.isAccessibilityElement = YES; Friday, January 24, 14 If your UITableViewCell has actionable items, set the cell to NO and place YES on the individual images. This is also commonly seen when a Webview is given focus instead of the website within it.
  • 33. Ted Drake w: t: @ted_drake s: y: p: j: - Intuit’s hiring: Web, iOS, Android Friday, January 24, 14