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Introduction to Node.js
Single threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous runtime
(server side Javascript)
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Premier Software Development Services Company.
Build & Deliver for Node.js.
Tremendous work in :
ReactJs and many more.
intro to Javascript.
What the heck is an event loop?
What is javascript?
JavaScript has “event-loop”, “callback” and a stack.
It is “asynchronous”, “single-threaded” and “non-blocking”.
It uses v8 engine for runtime.
What does it mean?
Everything revolves around “event loop”.

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Don’t block the event loop!Don’t block the event loop!
Don’t block the event loop!

This document contains information about EventMachine and the reactor pattern in Ruby. It discusses how EventMachine implements the reactor pattern to allow non-blocking and asynchronous I/O in Ruby. It provides examples of how to use EventMachine to run code asynchronously using callbacks, timers, queues, and fibers to avoid "callback hell". The document also lists several other languages and frameworks that use the reactor pattern for asynchronous programming.

Владимир Мигуро "Дао Node.js"
Владимир Мигуро "Дао Node.js"Владимир Мигуро "Дао Node.js"
Владимир Мигуро "Дао Node.js"

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that uses asynchronous and event-driven programming to build fast and scalable network applications. It allows for non-blocking I/O operations through a callback pattern to prevent slow operations from blocking other operations. Node.js uses a single thread event loop model that handles concurrent operations without blocking. It can be used to build HTTP servers, watch files for changes, interface with databases like MongoDB, and create real-time web applications using web sockets. Node.js is well suited for real-time applications, APIs, and streaming but not for CPU intensive or data transformation tasks.

Масштабируемая конфигурация Nginx, Игорь Сысоев (Nginx)
Масштабируемая конфигурация Nginx, Игорь Сысоев (Nginx)Масштабируемая конфигурация Nginx, Игорь Сысоев (Nginx)
Масштабируемая конфигурация Nginx, Игорь Сысоев (Nginx)

This document discusses best practices for scalable nginx configuration. It begins by comparing nginx's location-based configuration to Apache's more complex configuration using various containers. The document then outlines nginx's configuration including using server blocks, locations by prefix, regular expressions, and inheritance. It emphasizes keeping similar locations together, using inclusive locations, and avoiding rewrites or unnecessary "if" blocks for improved performance and scalability.

highload 2014
V8 Engine?
Stack Call?
function foo2() {
console.log(“hello world”);
function foo1() {
Finally: hello world
What happen when we run code synchronously in
single threaded environment?
var request1 =
var request2 =
What will happen?
1.request1 will process, then
wait for the response.
2.Request2 will process, again
wait for response.
Why? Coz thread is busy processing
that request.
Then, how Javascript works asynchronously?
The answer lies in event loop?
What this event loop is?
Let’s see...

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This document provides an overview and introduction to Node.js. It discusses that Node.js is a platform for building scalable network applications using JavaScript and uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js allows building web servers, networking tools and real-time applications easily and efficiently by handling concurrent connections without threads. Some popular frameworks and modules built on Node.js are also mentioned such as Express.js, Socket.IO and over 1600 modules in the npm registry.

nodejs javascript js
Node.js Lab
Node.js LabNode.js Lab
Node.js Lab

This document outlines labs for learning Node.js and Express.js. Lab 01 focuses on Node.js, with exercises on installing Node.js, writing basic console, HTTP, TCP, and UDP applications. Lab 02 covers Express.js, including installing and configuring Express.js, generating an Express application, and using MySQL with Express. Each exercise provides code snippets and links to video tutorials.

Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine
Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 EngineEvent-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine
Event-driven IO server-side JavaScript environment based on V8 Engine

This document contains information about Ricardo Silva's background and areas of expertise. It includes his degree in Computer Science from ISTEC and MSc in Computation and Medical Instrumentation from ISEP. It also notes that he works as a Software Developer at Shortcut, Lda and maintains a blog and email contact for Node.js topics. The document then covers several JavaScript, Node.js and Websockets topics through examples and explanations in 3 sentences or less each.

What is Node.js then?A server side v8 engine
I hope you now have a basic idea of how javascript
works on browser?
What? Now we can run javascript on server side.
Yes, it allows us to run JavaScript code in the backend,
outside a browser.
How? Google's V8 VM.
Comes with two things: a runtime environment and a library
Sounds awesome, right?
Features of Node Js
Relies on asynchronous code to stay fast and non-blocking.
for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {
console.log("Inside the loop");
console.log("Welcome to NodeXperts.");
setTimeout(function timeout() {
for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {
console.log("Inside the loop");
}, 5000);
console.log("Welcome to NodeXperts.");
Where does it go? It goes inside EVENT LOOP (through

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The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded

This document contains code snippets and graphs demonstrating the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions in JavaScript. It shows how synchronous functions like crypto.pbkdf2Sync block further code execution, while asynchronous functions like crypto.pbkdf2 and https.request allow other work to continue in parallel and complete faster overall.

Connecting to the network
Connecting to the networkConnecting to the network
Connecting to the network

The document discusses various methods for connecting to a network and downloading content in Android, including checking network connectivity, performing long operations off the main thread using AsyncTask, downloading content from URLs, and considerations around using HttpClient versus HttpURLConnection. It provides code examples for tasks like retrieving the device IP address, disabling HTTP connection reuse, and handling gzip encoding.

Nodejs quick start
Nodejs quick startNodejs quick start
Nodejs quick start

This document provides an overview of Node.js basics like running a simple "Hello World" program, using the Node Package Manager (NPM) to install packages, debugging with node-inspector, and using the Express framework to build web applications. It also covers using MongoDB and the Mongoose ODM to interface with MongoDB to create, retrieve, and save documents to a database in Express applications.

Let’s take a look at an example
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('nx.txt', function (err, data){
if(err) throw err;
While there are events to process:
e = get the next event
Perform the action requested by e in thread
If e’s thread is complete and there is a callback associated with e:
Call the callback
Event Loop: How it is different from browser?
Where you can use Node Js?
Few CPU cycles
I/O operations
Chat Applications

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Avoid the callback hell and improve on promises in node.js and JavaScript by using the new ES6 generators. This presentation will show you before and after code examples that will illustrate the full benefit of using this new syntax.

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This document discusses Node.js modules and the Node Package Manager (NPM). It explains that modules are defined using one .js file, and objects not assigned to exports are private. It also covers module loading using require(), module encapsulation, module identifiers, the node_modules search path, the package.json format, dependencies, and basic NPM commands like install, uninstall, search, and publish.

Node intro
Node introNode intro
Node intro

Node.js is an environment for developing high-performance web services using JavaScript on the server-side. It uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. Common programming techniques in Node.js include asynchronous I/O with callbacks, event-driven programming, and a common module system for building reusable components.

Where you can not use Node Js?
Heavy computation.
Large and complicated web application because it doesn’t
support multi-threaded programming.
Advantages of Node Js
Open source
JavaScript language is used on both front-end & back-end
High Scalability both Horizontally & Vertically
Better Performance than traditional web servers
Has a wide community of developers around the world
Thank you
Any questions?
Hope you all enjoyed :)

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Introduction to Node.js

  • 1. Introduction to Node.js Single threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous runtime (server side Javascript)
  • 2. About me? NodeXperts? Premier Software Development Services Company. Build & Deliver for Node.js. Tremendous work in : Angular.js, D3.js, Meteor.js, ReactJs and many more.
  • 3. intro to Javascript. What the heck is an event loop?
  • 4. What is javascript? JavaScript has “event-loop”, “callback” and a stack. It is “asynchronous”, “single-threaded” and “non-blocking”. It uses v8 engine for runtime. What does it mean? Everything revolves around “event loop”.
  • 6. Stack Call? function foo2() { console.log(“hello world”); } function foo1() { foo2(); } foo1(); Stack: Finally: hello world foo2() foo1() main()
  • 7. What happen when we run code synchronously in single threaded environment? var request1 = $.getSync(‘’); var request2 = $.getSync(‘’); console.log(request1); console.log(request2) What will happen? 1.request1 will process, then wait for the response. 2.Request2 will process, again wait for response. Why? Coz thread is busy processing that request.
  • 8. Then, how Javascript works asynchronously? The answer lies in event loop? What this event loop is? Let’s see...
  • 9. What is Node.js then?A server side v8 engine I hope you now have a basic idea of how javascript works on browser?
  • 10. What? Now we can run javascript on server side. Yes, it allows us to run JavaScript code in the backend, outside a browser. How? Google's V8 VM. Comes with two things: a runtime environment and a library (NPM). Sounds awesome, right?
  • 11. Features of Node Js Relies on asynchronous code to stay fast and non-blocking. Non-blocking Blocking: console.log("Hi!"); for(var i=0; i<100; i++) { console.log("Inside the loop"); } console.log("Welcome to NodeXperts.");
  • 12. Continue... Non-blocking: console.log("Hi!"); setTimeout(function timeout() { for(var i=0; i<100; i++) { console.log("Inside the loop"); } }, 5000); console.log("Welcome to NodeXperts."); Where does it go? It goes inside EVENT LOOP (through callbacks).
  • 13. Let’s take a look at an example var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('nx.txt', function (err, data){ if(err) throw err; console.log(data); })
  • 14. While there are events to process: e = get the next event Perform the action requested by e in thread If e’s thread is complete and there is a callback associated with e: Call the callback
  • 15. Continue... Event Loop: How it is different from browser?
  • 16. Where you can use Node Js? Few CPU cycles I/O operations Chat Applications Proxies
  • 17. Where you can not use Node Js? Heavy computation. Large and complicated web application because it doesn’t support multi-threaded programming.
  • 18. Advantages of Node Js Open source JavaScript language is used on both front-end & back-end High Scalability both Horizontally & Vertically Better Performance than traditional web servers Has a wide community of developers around the world
  • 19. Thank you Any questions? Hope you all enjoyed :)

Editor's Notes

  1. Show that loupe work on browser.
  2. More information on NPM