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Introducing the … Managing Change in Times of Uncertainty
A case for change… “ schools frozen in time…” “ a yawning chasm …separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside.” "achievement gap" between social classes So how do we resolve this…?
School Review & Development Schools are ‘organic’, constantly evolving organizations. Need to take account of: curriculum changes change in staffing, students social and policy changes community expectations etc. Need for a process of  regular  review and development.
Key questions to resolve What are the characteristics of a high performing school? How do we recognise these factors? Test results - empirical Self review - ecological On what evidence?  What measures do you use? Are measures necessary? Would a rubric be better?

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The Value Of Value Added Methodology
The Value Of Value Added MethodologyThe Value Of Value Added Methodology
The Value Of Value Added Methodology

Value added methodology measures student growth and can provide useful information to educators. It analyzes learning trajectories to target interventions and assess placement fairness. This helps meet all student needs. While standardized tests cause "shed patterns" of disproportionate gains, the goal is equal growth for all. Teacher effectiveness strongly influences academic growth. Principals should use value added data to match teachers' strengths to student needs, leading to improved schools.

LAK18: Jojo Manai — Teachers Co-designing Innovations and Sharing Data to Imp...
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LAK18: Jojo Manai — Teachers Co-designing Innovations and Sharing Data to Imp...

LEARNING ANALYTICS IN SCHOOLS for updates. Date: Monday 5 March, 2018 Time: 8.30am—3.15pm Venue: SMC Conference & Function Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000 In association with the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Society for Learning Analytics Research Briefing papers: You are warmly invited to join this inaugural event! The data and analytics revolutions are disrupting and already transforming many sectors in society: finance, health, shopping, politics. Data is not new to education, but for many, it is still challenging to articulate the connection between the potential of using data to support decision making, and the every day-to-day operations occurring in learning environments. School leaders, teachers, data analysts, academics, policy makers and all other interested parties are invited to join a professional learning and development day focused on the practical applications of Learning Analytics in school (K-12) education. Drawing on national and international expertise, speakers include innovative school leaders and teachers, school data analysts, university researchers, government and software companies. Whether you already know a bit about Learning Analytics, are brand new to it, or already use it in the classroom, there will be insightful sessions with pertinent applications for all levels of knowledge and understanding. You will leave with a deeper understanding of: The diverse forms that Learning Analytics can take, and especially how technology extends this far beyond conventional school data to create better feedback How such data is being used by school leaders to support strategic reflection How new kinds of data are being used by teachers to support their practice The practicalities of initiating such work in your own school This is the first event of its kind in Australia, and a new initiative for the international LAK conference, so you will make many professional connections as we forge this new network.

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Career education for South-Eastern Europe, 08th Nov 2011, Part 3
Career education for South-Eastern Europe, 08th Nov 2011, Part 3Career education for South-Eastern Europe, 08th Nov 2011, Part 3
Career education for South-Eastern Europe, 08th Nov 2011, Part 3

Prof. Tony Watts presents on the topic: "Career management skills" at an international conference in Sofia, 08th Nov 2011. The conference is organised in cooperation between European Training Foundation, ELGPN and Euroguidance Bulgaria.

career educationsouth east europecareer management skills
What drives your process? External agendas? Whole school scan – where are you at? Pedagogical practice? Student achievement data? ICT? Assessment? Community opinion? School vision and values?
Some assumptions Based on process of school review in Australia/NZ School governance/management highly devolved Flexible curriculum, schools able to develop own curriculum ERO providing external review, moving to devolving to process of self-review (away from compliance) Widespread use of quantitative indicators of school performance (as distinct from national testing etc.)
Philosophical Frameworks Draws from traditions of practitioner research and reflecting in action ( Agyris  and  Schon ) Takes an ecological view of organisational change and development ( Hargreaves ,  Fullan  et al ) Importance of leadership ( Vivianne  Robinson ) Understanding personal change ( Holt )
Moral Purpose “ Moral purpose  is our social responsibility to others and the environment…  School leaders with moral purpose seek to make a difference in the lives of students.  They are concerned about closing the gap…  They act with intention of making a positive difference in their own schools as well as improving the environment in other local schools… Sustained improvement of schools is not possible unless the  whole system  is moving forward.” Michael Fullan

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Lesssons from reform_around_the_world_0
Lesssons from reform_around_the_world_0Lesssons from reform_around_the_world_0
Lesssons from reform_around_the_world_0

The document discusses reforms aimed at improving learning around the world. It notes that expectations for learning have changed and now emphasize skills like collaboration, problem solving, and lifelong learning. However, 20th century teaching methods are not adequate to meet 21st century demands. Effective teachers engage students in active learning and continuously assess student work. The highest achieving nations invest heavily in teacher training and collaboration. Standards and assessments should focus on higher-order thinking skills rather than memorization. Overall, the document advocates for reforms that strengthen teaching quality through professional learning opportunities.

Value added
Value addedValue added
Value added

Value-added assessment measures student academic growth and progress over time to evaluate teacher and school performance. It uses students' past test scores to predict expected growth and compares that to actual scores, showing which teachers and schools help students progress more or less than anticipated given their starting points. This helps identify effective teaching practices and allocate resources, while controlling for factors like socioeconomics. The approach was pioneered in Tennessee and research shows students taught by multiple highly effective teachers in a row experience much higher achievement gains.

value added growth shed patterns teepee
Educational Initiatives
Educational InitiativesEducational Initiatives
Educational Initiatives

The company is headed by IIM Graduates Sudhir Ghodke and Sridhar Rajagopalan and its aim is to promote an atmosphere of quality within India's primary school system. It pursues this by raising concerns related to the quality of learning, providing services related to assessment, professional development of teachers, curriculum and pedagogy, and influencing educational policy, especially in the realm of assessment.It takes a systems approach in order to improve the quality of learning. It uses a cycle of problem discovery, cause identification, solution implementation and feedback (which may lead to a deeper level of problem identification), a positive spiral towards improvement.

detailed assessmentlarge scale assessmenteducational initiatives
Values, Beliefs, Principles and Practices. How we operate in our schools and classrooms is a reflection of our core values and beliefs.
Our Beliefs Our beliefs are  the  truth The truth is obvious  Our beliefs are based on real data The data we select are the real data Challenges: Understanding the “current realities” Understanding the thinking of others and myself
Mental Models Mental models are the  assumptions & stories which we carry in our minds of ourselves, other people, institutions, & every aspect of the world. Differences between mental models explain why two people can observe the same event and describe it differently; they are paying attention to different details.
Changing schools… “ Schools may be the starkest example in modern society of an entire institution modelled after the assembly line. This has dramatically increased educational capability in our time, but it has also created many of the most intractable problems with which students, teachers and parents struggle to this day. If we want to change schools, it is unlikely to happen until we understand more deeply the  core assumptions  on which the industrial-age school is based” Peter Senge

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Mr Vinay Chousalkar on the regular assessment tool with diagnostic report in 24 hours - Detailed Assessment

detailed assessmenteducational initiativesstudents
Formative Assessments SPE 359
Formative Assessments SPE 359Formative Assessments SPE 359
Formative Assessments SPE 359

This document discusses formative assessment, which involves collecting evidence of student learning to inform instruction. Formative assessments can take many forms, such as summaries, charts, discussions, observations, and entrance/exit tickets. They provide benefits to teachers, students, and parents by helping to guide instruction, reflect on learning, and support students. While formative assessments are useful, they require teacher training and can be subject to cheating. The document also presents examples of using technology for formative assessments, such as voiceovers, games, and blogs.

formative assessmentspecial education
Earn an excellent rating part 2
Earn an excellent rating part 2Earn an excellent rating part 2
Earn an excellent rating part 2

This document provides examples of engaged teaching strategies and describes key elements of effective teacher evaluation. It lists strategies like small group work, project-based learning, flipped classroom approaches, and labs. It also discusses expectations for communicating clearly with students, using questioning techniques, formative and summative assessments, and establishing an environment of respect. The document is intended to help teachers understand how to demonstrate excellent teaching practices.

The Ladder of Inference Argyris & Schon, 2000 I adopt beliefs about the world I draw conclusions I make assumptions based on the meanings I’ve added I add meanings (cultural and personal) I select data from what I observe Observable ‘data’ and experiences The reflexive leap  (our beliefs affect what data we select next time) I take action based on my beliefs
What is EPS2.0? An online tool designed to enable educators to: understand the “big picture” within which their school is located identify areas of strength and weakness in their school plan strategically for future development.
Why is EPS2.0 useful? Principals and teachers are often immersed in the immediate concerns of their school/class. EPS2.0 provides an objective way of looking at the “bigger picture”. Provides a multi-dimensional picture specific to each school.
How does EPS2.0 work? Uses teachers’ own experiences as the basis of reflection and feedback Individuals respond to statements in an online survey Responses are combined to provide an objective overview Feedback can be interrogated interactively online, or printed out as a final report

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REACH 2.0 Incorporating Peer Feedback and Peer Evaluation Policy Brief Teach ...REACH 2.0 Incorporating Peer Feedback and Peer Evaluation Policy Brief Teach ...
REACH 2.0 Incorporating Peer Feedback and Peer Evaluation Policy Brief Teach ...

This document discusses incorporating peer feedback and evaluation into Chicago's teacher evaluation system called REACH. It finds that teachers do not view REACH as effective for feedback and that 1/4 of teachers did not receive required evaluations. It recommends instituting peer feedback and evaluation systems to address these issues. A survey of Chicago teachers found they value content-expert peer feedback and evaluation and are open to incorporating it. Incorporating peers could improve REACH by providing better feedback and reducing the administrative burden.

Parents and NAPLAN - mid-project report Oct 2013
Parents and NAPLAN - mid-project report Oct 2013Parents and NAPLAN - mid-project report Oct 2013
Parents and NAPLAN - mid-project report Oct 2013

Presented at the 2013 MUPSA Conference, 3 Oct 2013. An overview of the Parents and NAPLAN project so far. See notes for details.

Teacher Evaluation and High-stakes Testing
Teacher Evaluation and High-stakes TestingTeacher Evaluation and High-stakes Testing
Teacher Evaluation and High-stakes Testing

In January 2012, School Improvement Network surveyed educators nationwide about the rising pressure of teacher evaluations and high-stakes student testing. More than 4,000 educators responded and overwhelmingly agreed that teacher evaluations help them grow as professionals (91%), but including high-stakes student test scores in evaluations is unfair (85%). 60% of educators also supported using evaluations as criteria for firing or tenure decisions. Learn more here:

standardized testssurveytest scores
Three dimensions Philosophical Frameworks: deep exploration of the fundamental nature of educative purpose, learning, knowing and knowledge Techniques, Strategies, Structures:   the tools to implement the philosophical frameworks including the design of the use and allocation of people, time, space and place Community & Culture:   the development of a learning culture and learning community
18 Elements Provides a “birds eye view” of the feedback across all 18 elements. The colours in each element represent the strengths and weaknesses in each dimensions, depending on how far from the centre the colour bar reaches.
Four Tests The responses within each dimension can be interrogated according to the following four tests: Robustness  – processes up to the task Are the processes robust enough? Collectivity  – participation and contribution Who is participating and to what extent? Consistency  – relationships of the parts to whole Is the application consistent, across everything? Congruence  – the desired effect What is the relationship between theory and practice?
Starting the Survey School administrator registers school and distributes an access key to all staff Access key must be kept confidential to ensure validity of school data Individual staff may enter a PIN to enable them to return to the site to complete the survey or to review their results

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Module 1
Module 1Module 1
Module 1

This document discusses impact assessment and why it is valuable. It defines impact assessment as measuring the tangible and intangible effects of an entity's actions or influence on others. Impact assessment is constructive, produces individual outcomes, and engages learners and instructors. It often uses action research methods like guided reflection and scholarly personal narratives. Impact assessment goes beyond just reflection to measure insight and the lasting effects on learners, lives, and the world. Conducting impact assessment makes education more valuable by preparing students and obtaining useful institutional data. It also more deeply engages students by meeting their needs.

Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating implications for Teachin...
Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating implications for Teachin...Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating implications for Teachin...
Associate Professor Tracey Bretag: Contract cheating implications for Teachin...

The document summarizes key findings from a research project on contract cheating in Australian higher education. The project involved surveys of over 14,000 students and 1,100 staff across 8 universities. It found that contract cheating is a systemic issue influenced by perceptions of higher education as a business. While most outsourcing involves people students know, certain factors like speaking a non-English language at home increase risk. Authentic assessment alone does not prevent cheating, and suspected cases often go unreported due to lack of proof or time. Overall, the problem requires addressing the complex causes rather than simplistic solutions.

When Student Confidence Clicks - Introduction
When Student Confidence Clicks - IntroductionWhen Student Confidence Clicks - Introduction
When Student Confidence Clicks - Introduction

This presentation outlines: - The core element of the Project - Key concepts about Academic Self-Efficacy - Key concepts about SRS and clickers - How to combine these two elements.

self-effiacystudent confidencestudent response systems
Selecting a role EPS2.0 requires users to designate their role This enables greater levels of interpretation of the data when the final results are published Schools should determine who will identify themselves as school leadership for the purposes of this survey
Responding to statements Click on ‘submit’ when all statements on the page have been responded to. Click on the bar to make marker appear. Slide marker to position that best indicates your response. Click on ‘comment’ to make comments box appear. Indicator bar shows progress through the pages of the survey. Enter comment if appropriate (140 character max.)
Viewing feedback Once completed, an individual teacher may view their personal results and explore the interactive feedback Whole school feedback can be viewed once all staff have completed the survey
School results

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2.11.16 Math Placement Recommendations -SB 359PDF2.11.16 Math Placement Recommendations -SB 359PDF
2.11.16 Math Placement Recommendations -SB 359PDF

This document describes a math placement tool called Math-Pensity that uses multiple measures to recommend the most appropriate math course for students with 90% accuracy. It explains that misplacement can cause students to fail algebra and fall behind in higher math. Math-Pensity considers state test scores, interim assessments, teacher recommendations accounting for maturity and skills, and a proprietary matrix. A trial in one district achieved over 95% accuracy in placing middle and high school students in the correct math levels. The document promotes Math-Pensity as helping districts save time, improve equity and access to courses, and develop optimal schedules annually in a changing process.

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Wsu Ppt Building District Data Capacity

This document discusses using data to improve schools and student outcomes. It provides: 1) Nine characteristics of high-performing schools that focus on clear goals, high expectations, leadership, collaboration, aligned curriculum and frequent monitoring. 2) An eight-step process called "Data Wise" for using data to identify problems, examine instruction, develop plans and assess progress. 3) The importance of considering multiple data sources, such as demographics, perceptions, programs and student learning to understand different student experiences.

Manual cpp. c++..
Manual cpp. c++..Manual cpp. c++..
Manual cpp. c++..

Este documento presenta un manual básico de programación en C++. Introduce conceptos clave de programación orientada a objetos como clases, objetos, mensajes, herencia, polimorfismo y reutilización. Explica características de C++ como tipos de datos definidos por el usuario, funciones en línea, parámetros por referencia, asignación dinámica de memoria y plantillas. El documento también cubre temas como entrada/salida de flujo, compilación de programas, herencia múltiple y clases abstractas.

Element View Each element can be viewed in terms of how the four tests apply: Robustness Collectivity Consistency Congruence
Slider view Each of the elements is linked for further analysis Interactive sliders enable exploration of the “what-if” possibilities Different views can be obtained by switching on or off the different groups Indicator statements change as the slider pots are moved, showing progressions for growth and development
PDF report views Top statement shows overall response across all four tests. Indicator statements reflect the position shown by the median marker. Individual responses shown for each of the four tests. Coloured bars reflect different roles. Black marker shows the median position.
Where to next? Where to next prompts included for each element in the PDF report.

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OiB verkort jaarverslag 2012
OiB verkort jaarverslag 2012OiB verkort jaarverslag 2012
OiB verkort jaarverslag 2012

OiB is “blijvend actief” en voortdurend in beweging. Dat wil ook zeggen dat OiB graag meegaat met de tijd waarin het onnodig belasten van het milieu terecht een ‘hot item’ is. De slogan “Een beter milieu begint bij jezelf” past OiB als gegoten en dus leest u op dit moment het eerste digitale OiB-jaarverslag. Geen papieren versie meer om zo een (klein) steentje bij te dragen aan een betere leefomgeving voor iedereen. OiB was in 2012 wederom nadrukkelijk aanwezig in Oosterhout. Zowel op sport- en beweeggebied als met culturele activiteiten. Het meest in het oogspringende evenement in 2012 waren de Amerstreekspelen. Deze grootschalige sportdag werd door OiB samen met een aantal partners voor de Rabobank uitgevoerd op de velden van vv Oosterhout. Alle Oosterhoutse en Teteringse basisscholen waren aanwezig en met bijna 4.300 leerlingen was de dag even zo succesvol als de Oosterhoutse Rabospelen in 2009. Het totaal aantal deelnemers aan OiB-activiteiten of activiteiten waarin OiB een fundamentele rol heeft gespeeld is minstens zo indrukwekkend. Circa 14.000 deelnemers (kinderen, jongeren, volwassenen en/of senioren) waren actief op het gebied van sport en bewegen. De culturele activiteiten telden ongeveer 3.850 deelnames.

Grandes matematicos
Grandes matematicosGrandes matematicos
Grandes matematicos

El documento describe algunos de los matemáticos más importantes de la historia, incluyendo a Tales de Mileto, Pitágoras, Euclides, Arquímedes e Isaac Newton. Tales inventó el Teorema de Tales sobre triángulos semejantes, Pitágoras inventó el Teorema de Pitágoras sobre triángulos rectángulos, Euclides desarrolló los Elementos de Geometría y teoremas clave, Arquímedes descubrió relaciones entre superficies y volúmenes de esferas y cilindros,

Encuesta ICSO-UDP2012
Encuesta ICSO-UDP2012Encuesta ICSO-UDP2012
Encuesta ICSO-UDP2012

El documento resume los resultados de la octava medición de encuestas de opinión pública realizadas por la Universidad Diego Portales desde 2005. Presenta información sobre la metodología de la encuesta, los principales problemas que los chilenos perciben en el país, la aprobación presidencial y del gobierno, y los niveles de confianza en diferentes instituciones.

matrimonio igualitarioencuestapresidenciales 2014
Action Planning.. What needs to be done? Keep it SMART Who will take responsibility and by when? How will you know it has been achieved?
Make the most of EPS2.0
More information For more information see:   Or contact CORE Education Ltd: [email_address]

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Introducing EPS2.0

  • 1. Introducing the … Managing Change in Times of Uncertainty
  • 2. A case for change… “ schools frozen in time…” “ a yawning chasm …separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside.” "achievement gap" between social classes So how do we resolve this…?
  • 3. School Review & Development Schools are ‘organic’, constantly evolving organizations. Need to take account of: curriculum changes change in staffing, students social and policy changes community expectations etc. Need for a process of regular review and development.
  • 4. Key questions to resolve What are the characteristics of a high performing school? How do we recognise these factors? Test results - empirical Self review - ecological On what evidence? What measures do you use? Are measures necessary? Would a rubric be better?
  • 5. What drives your process? External agendas? Whole school scan – where are you at? Pedagogical practice? Student achievement data? ICT? Assessment? Community opinion? School vision and values?
  • 6. Some assumptions Based on process of school review in Australia/NZ School governance/management highly devolved Flexible curriculum, schools able to develop own curriculum ERO providing external review, moving to devolving to process of self-review (away from compliance) Widespread use of quantitative indicators of school performance (as distinct from national testing etc.)
  • 7. Philosophical Frameworks Draws from traditions of practitioner research and reflecting in action ( Agyris and Schon ) Takes an ecological view of organisational change and development ( Hargreaves , Fullan et al ) Importance of leadership ( Vivianne Robinson ) Understanding personal change ( Holt )
  • 8. Moral Purpose “ Moral purpose is our social responsibility to others and the environment… School leaders with moral purpose seek to make a difference in the lives of students. They are concerned about closing the gap… They act with intention of making a positive difference in their own schools as well as improving the environment in other local schools… Sustained improvement of schools is not possible unless the whole system is moving forward.” Michael Fullan
  • 9. Values, Beliefs, Principles and Practices. How we operate in our schools and classrooms is a reflection of our core values and beliefs.
  • 10. Our Beliefs Our beliefs are the truth The truth is obvious Our beliefs are based on real data The data we select are the real data Challenges: Understanding the “current realities” Understanding the thinking of others and myself
  • 11. Mental Models Mental models are the assumptions & stories which we carry in our minds of ourselves, other people, institutions, & every aspect of the world. Differences between mental models explain why two people can observe the same event and describe it differently; they are paying attention to different details.
  • 12. Changing schools… “ Schools may be the starkest example in modern society of an entire institution modelled after the assembly line. This has dramatically increased educational capability in our time, but it has also created many of the most intractable problems with which students, teachers and parents struggle to this day. If we want to change schools, it is unlikely to happen until we understand more deeply the core assumptions on which the industrial-age school is based” Peter Senge
  • 13. The Ladder of Inference Argyris & Schon, 2000 I adopt beliefs about the world I draw conclusions I make assumptions based on the meanings I’ve added I add meanings (cultural and personal) I select data from what I observe Observable ‘data’ and experiences The reflexive leap (our beliefs affect what data we select next time) I take action based on my beliefs
  • 14. What is EPS2.0? An online tool designed to enable educators to: understand the “big picture” within which their school is located identify areas of strength and weakness in their school plan strategically for future development.
  • 15. Why is EPS2.0 useful? Principals and teachers are often immersed in the immediate concerns of their school/class. EPS2.0 provides an objective way of looking at the “bigger picture”. Provides a multi-dimensional picture specific to each school.
  • 16. How does EPS2.0 work? Uses teachers’ own experiences as the basis of reflection and feedback Individuals respond to statements in an online survey Responses are combined to provide an objective overview Feedback can be interrogated interactively online, or printed out as a final report
  • 17. Three dimensions Philosophical Frameworks: deep exploration of the fundamental nature of educative purpose, learning, knowing and knowledge Techniques, Strategies, Structures: the tools to implement the philosophical frameworks including the design of the use and allocation of people, time, space and place Community & Culture: the development of a learning culture and learning community
  • 18. 18 Elements Provides a “birds eye view” of the feedback across all 18 elements. The colours in each element represent the strengths and weaknesses in each dimensions, depending on how far from the centre the colour bar reaches.
  • 19. Four Tests The responses within each dimension can be interrogated according to the following four tests: Robustness – processes up to the task Are the processes robust enough? Collectivity – participation and contribution Who is participating and to what extent? Consistency – relationships of the parts to whole Is the application consistent, across everything? Congruence – the desired effect What is the relationship between theory and practice?
  • 20. Starting the Survey School administrator registers school and distributes an access key to all staff Access key must be kept confidential to ensure validity of school data Individual staff may enter a PIN to enable them to return to the site to complete the survey or to review their results
  • 21. Selecting a role EPS2.0 requires users to designate their role This enables greater levels of interpretation of the data when the final results are published Schools should determine who will identify themselves as school leadership for the purposes of this survey
  • 22. Responding to statements Click on ‘submit’ when all statements on the page have been responded to. Click on the bar to make marker appear. Slide marker to position that best indicates your response. Click on ‘comment’ to make comments box appear. Indicator bar shows progress through the pages of the survey. Enter comment if appropriate (140 character max.)
  • 23. Viewing feedback Once completed, an individual teacher may view their personal results and explore the interactive feedback Whole school feedback can be viewed once all staff have completed the survey
  • 25. Element View Each element can be viewed in terms of how the four tests apply: Robustness Collectivity Consistency Congruence
  • 26. Slider view Each of the elements is linked for further analysis Interactive sliders enable exploration of the “what-if” possibilities Different views can be obtained by switching on or off the different groups Indicator statements change as the slider pots are moved, showing progressions for growth and development
  • 27. PDF report views Top statement shows overall response across all four tests. Indicator statements reflect the position shown by the median marker. Individual responses shown for each of the four tests. Coloured bars reflect different roles. Black marker shows the median position.
  • 28. Where to next? Where to next prompts included for each element in the PDF report.
  • 29. Action Planning.. What needs to be done? Keep it SMART Who will take responsibility and by when? How will you know it has been achieved?
  • 30. Make the most of EPS2.0
  • 31. More information For more information see: Or contact CORE Education Ltd: [email_address]