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A case for change… “ schools frozen in time…” “ a yawning chasm …separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside.” "achievement gap" between social classes fewer than half of high school students are enrolled in a foreign-language class
Future School…? What would students learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…
Setting the scene What is one thing you’d like to see changed in your school/organisation that you would improve the opportunities for learners to learn? Why is this important?

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Teaching business ethics: have we missed the financial crisis bus? - Julia Cl...Teaching business ethics: have we missed the financial crisis bus? - Julia Cl...
Teaching business ethics: have we missed the financial crisis bus? - Julia Cl...

Presentation given at the HEA Social Sciences learning and teaching summit 'Teaching ethics: The ethics of teaching' A blog post outlining the issues discussed at the summit is available via

business ethicshigher educationlearning and teaching
Inaugural lecture
Inaugural lectureInaugural lecture
Inaugural lecture

1. Dr. Tansy Jessop gave an inaugural lecture on her research focusing on fostering educational change through stories from the field. 2. She discussed a research project in South Africa that highlighted the importance of listening to teachers' narratives and understanding context when developing teacher training. 3. Her TESTA program at Solent University uses a collaborative, evidence-based approach including both quantitative data and qualitative student feedback to drive curriculum changes, with impacts like increased formative assessment and feed forward for students.

change principleseducational changehigher education
Stephen Wilson Profile
Stephen Wilson ProfileStephen Wilson Profile
Stephen Wilson Profile

This document profiles Stephen A. Wilson and his teaching philosophy. It outlines his educational background which includes degrees in math education, instructional design, and computer science. It discusses his teaching experience at community colleges since 2006, specializing in math and professional development courses. It identifies three main influences on his teaching philosophy: the annual Bracey report, solution step discipline, and adult education experiences. The Bracey report analyzed trends in education and standardized testing. Solution step discipline teaches documenting logical mathematical steps. Adult learners have different needs than traditional students.

School Level barriers Prof. Hedley Beare egg crate classrooms set class groups based on age period-based timetable linear curriculum division of all human knowledge into “subjects” division of staff by “subject” allocation of most school tasks to teachers assumption that learning is geographically bound notion of stand-alone school limiting ‘formal schooling’ to years 0-13
Changing schools… “ Schools may be the starkest example in modern society of an entire institution modelled after the assembly line. This has dramatically increased educational capability in our time, but it has also created many of the most intractable problems with which students, teachers and parents struggle to this day. If we want to change schools, it is unlikely to happen until we understand more deeply the core assumptions on which the industrial-age school is based” (2000, Peter Senge)
Theory Gap “ The difference between our espoused theory and our theory-in-use is becoming distressingly noticeable.” Chris Agyris & Donald Schon
Our Beliefs Our beliefs are  the  truth The truth is obvious  Our beliefs are based on real data The data we select are the real data Challenges: Understanding the “current realities” Understanding the thinking of others and myself

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Mental rotation skills
Mental rotation skillsMental rotation skills
Mental rotation skills

This study aimed to test whether a mental rotation skills (MRS) training intervention could improve MRS speed and effectiveness, and determine if expected gender differences occurred. Students were randomly assigned to intervention or control groups. The intervention group completed an online MRS training tool while the control group did not. Results showed a small improvement in MRS for the intervention group, but it was not statistically significant. There was also an inconclusive potential gender effect. The training tool was enjoyable but challenging. Further research is needed with modifications to better measure any effects.

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What makes an effective school?
What makes an effective school?What makes an effective school?
What makes an effective school?

This document summarizes a presentation by Dr. Scott Eacott on what makes an effective school. Eacott claims that schools prioritize what they are good at, education is political, and effectiveness is contested. He advocates for a relational approach that questions common discourses and embraces organizing relationally to overcome tensions between individualism and collectivism. Eacott discusses different perspectives on school effectiveness, improvement, and teacher effectiveness. He argues that effectiveness begins with clarity of purpose, coherence with that purpose, and constructing your own narrative.

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MOOCs and the Flipped Classroom; A Way, Not THE Way
MOOCs and the Flipped Classroom; A Way, Not THE WayMOOCs and the Flipped Classroom; A Way, Not THE Way
MOOCs and the Flipped Classroom; A Way, Not THE Way

The document discusses different educational strategies like MOOCs, flipped classrooms, problem-based learning (PBL), and team-based learning (TBL). It states that these are some potential approaches educators can use, but cautions against promoting any single one as the best or only approach. Educational innovations need to be rigorously tested and their benefits and limitations understood before being widely adopted.

flipped classroommoocsteam based learning
Mental Models Mental models are the  assumptions & stories which we carry in our minds of ourselves, other people, institutions, & every aspect of the world. Differences between mental models explain why two people can observe the same event and describe it differently; they are paying attention to different details.
The Ladder of Inference Argyris & Schon, 2000 I adopt beliefs about the world I draw conclusions I make assumptions based on the meanings I’ve added I add meanings (cultural and personal) I select data from what I observe Observable ‘data’ and experiences The reflexive leap ( our beliefs affect what data we select next time ) I take action based on my beliefs
What we want young people to learn Learning to learn Curriculum based on knowledge alone does not equip students for further learning Shifting balance of values, competencies, knowledge, and skills Integration of skills, competencies and knowledge – emphasis on application
Essence of curriculum reform  Is not….. new documentation new resources But it is.. Teachers changing their teaching practice if teachers continue to do what they always did before, the new/revised curriculum will have no effect

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Is ICT Truly making an impact to Education? What do research and experts say?

Is ICT Truly making an impact to education? We listen into researches and opinions from experts for a discussion to help us set a directives with future ICT for education, to answer, what should we do with ICT? What agendas and directives should we set with edtech and technology for education?

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Education for an imperfect world: engaging students in the ethics of global i...

The document discusses approaches to global education that engage students in reflecting on ethics and global issues. It presents two approaches: Philosophy for Children, which uses communities of inquiry to emphasize morality and rationality; and Open Spaces for Dialogue and Enquiry, which emphasizes ethics, difference, and developing critical literacy towards difference. The document advocates for education that fosters critical thinking, open-mindedness, understanding of global issues and power relationships, and action for positive change.

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The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) is a framework that acknowledges learning requires change and supporting people through change is important for learning to be effective. The CBAM model outlines seven stages of concern people experience when changing, from self-concerns like how the change affects them personally, to task-related concerns like implementation, to impact concerns regarding student outcomes. Professional development should address the specific concerns people have at each stage to best support the change process.

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What Experience and Research tells us 1 Teachers do not change their practice because they are told to. Teachers change when: They have opportunities to practice They have opportunities to reflect on the success of their changed practice They can share experience and methods with professional colleagues They are supported with appropriate tools 1
Leading Curriculum Change Within the ‘jigsaw’ of things to consider when leading curriculum change establishing clarity around what the expectations are is an important first step.
What drives your process? Whole school scan – where are you at? School Vision and values? Pedagogical practice? Student achievement data? ICT? Assessment? Community opinion?
Values, Beliefs, Principles and Practices. Julia Atkin 2007

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I WILL ADD THE REFERENCES IN DUE TIME Christian received his PhD in 2011 at Utrecht University and is lecturer at the University of Southampton. In this talk Christian will present a wide spectrum of research initiatives that all involve the use of technology to support mathematics education itself and research into mathematics education. It will cover (i) design principles for algebra software, with an emphasis on automated feedback, (ii) the evolution from fragmented technology to coherent digital books, (iii) the use of technology to measure and develop Mental Rotation Skills, and (iv) the use of computer science techniques to study the development of mathematics education policy.

Ed ad521 adult learners
Ed ad521   adult learnersEd ad521   adult learners
Ed ad521 adult learners

The document discusses how to guide adult learners in designing blended learning experiences for students in a digital classroom by outlining key concepts from Malcolm Knowles' theory of andragogy, including the need to make learning relevant, draw on life experiences, and address motivation; it then provides examples of three teachers with varying technology skills and instructional styles to illustrate applying andragogical principles when designing personalized learning experiences using 1:1 devices.

Learning Theories and Instructional Pathways for Adult Learners in the Online...
Learning Theories and Instructional Pathways for Adult Learners in the Online...Learning Theories and Instructional Pathways for Adult Learners in the Online...
Learning Theories and Instructional Pathways for Adult Learners in the Online...

This document summarizes a presentation about best practices for teaching adult learners in online environments. It discusses key aspects of andragogy (adult learning theory) including the characteristics of adult learners and concepts like experiential learning, self-directed learning, and transformative learning. The presentation covers challenges adult learners face and online solutions. It also reviews Community of Inquiry framework and concludes that strategies for online learning should consider course development, community engagement, and classroom settings while knowing the students and blending pedagogy and andragogy.

Values & Beliefs
The big idea An Educational Positioning System Using a “map” metaphor - 3 purposes: Shows you where you are in relation to other features on the ‘landscape’ Allows you to ‘see’ where you may want to move to Enables you to develop an action plan to prioritize and chart your route to your selected destination Uses a teacher’s own experience as the basis of reflection and feedback.
An educational positioning system Julia Atkin 2007 Philosophical Frameworks: deep exploration of the fundamental nature of educative purpose, learning, knowing and knowledge Techniques, Strategies, Structures:   the tools to implement the philosophical frameworks including the design of the use and allocation of people, time, space and place Community & Culture:   the development of a learning culture and learning community
Four Tests The responses within each dimension can be interrogated according to the following four tests: Robustness  – processes up to the task Are the processes robust enough? Collectivity  – participation and contribution Who is participating and to what extent? Complimentarity  – relationships of the parts to whole Is the application consistent, across everything? Congruence  – the desired effect What is the relationship between theory and practice?

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Classroom research
Classroom researchClassroom research
Classroom research

This document outlines an agenda for a session on using action research to improve teaching practice. It will teach educators how to design and conduct classroom-based research using action research methodology. The agenda covers defining reflective practice, explaining action research principles and processes, formulating research questions, selecting appropriate data sources, and completing the research cycle. Attendees will have an opportunity to develop their own action research project focused on improving instructional strategies or addressing a classroom challenge. The goal is to help teachers engage in an ongoing, self-reflective process of inquiry to enhance their teaching practice.

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Jairo's problem based learning
Jairo's problem based learningJairo's problem based learning
Jairo's problem based learning

This document discusses the benefits of problem-based learning (PBL) over traditional teaching methods. It proposes using PBL to engage students by having them work in teams to research and solve real-world problems. The document outlines the key steps of PBL, including defining a problem, analyzing it, testing theories, and presenting solutions. It also distinguishes between well-structured problems, which have clear answers, and ill-structured problems that are more open-ended, like real-life issues. PBL is suggested as a way to promote critical thinking, problem solving, and skills relevant to life by giving students autonomy over their learning.

ResearchED 2016 The Trouble with Transfer
ResearchED 2016 The Trouble with TransferResearchED 2016 The Trouble with Transfer
ResearchED 2016 The Trouble with Transfer

How can we get students to transfer learning between contexts? An overview of the research and some suggestions for teachers

School analysis view Provides a “birds eye view” of the feedback across all 18 dimensions. The colours in each segment represent the strengths and weaknesses in each dimensions, depending on how far from the centre the colour bar reaches.
Slider view Provides an interactive interface where the feedback can be investigated and different scenarios explored.
More information For more information see:   Or contact CORE Education Ltd:

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  • 2. A case for change… “ schools frozen in time…” “ a yawning chasm …separates the world inside the schoolhouse from the world outside.” "achievement gap" between social classes fewer than half of high school students are enrolled in a foreign-language class
  • 3. Future School…? What would students learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…
  • 4. Setting the scene What is one thing you’d like to see changed in your school/organisation that you would improve the opportunities for learners to learn? Why is this important?
  • 5. School Level barriers Prof. Hedley Beare egg crate classrooms set class groups based on age period-based timetable linear curriculum division of all human knowledge into “subjects” division of staff by “subject” allocation of most school tasks to teachers assumption that learning is geographically bound notion of stand-alone school limiting ‘formal schooling’ to years 0-13
  • 6. Changing schools… “ Schools may be the starkest example in modern society of an entire institution modelled after the assembly line. This has dramatically increased educational capability in our time, but it has also created many of the most intractable problems with which students, teachers and parents struggle to this day. If we want to change schools, it is unlikely to happen until we understand more deeply the core assumptions on which the industrial-age school is based” (2000, Peter Senge)
  • 7. Theory Gap “ The difference between our espoused theory and our theory-in-use is becoming distressingly noticeable.” Chris Agyris & Donald Schon
  • 8. Our Beliefs Our beliefs are the truth The truth is obvious Our beliefs are based on real data The data we select are the real data Challenges: Understanding the “current realities” Understanding the thinking of others and myself
  • 9. Mental Models Mental models are the assumptions & stories which we carry in our minds of ourselves, other people, institutions, & every aspect of the world. Differences between mental models explain why two people can observe the same event and describe it differently; they are paying attention to different details.
  • 10. The Ladder of Inference Argyris & Schon, 2000 I adopt beliefs about the world I draw conclusions I make assumptions based on the meanings I’ve added I add meanings (cultural and personal) I select data from what I observe Observable ‘data’ and experiences The reflexive leap ( our beliefs affect what data we select next time ) I take action based on my beliefs
  • 11. What we want young people to learn Learning to learn Curriculum based on knowledge alone does not equip students for further learning Shifting balance of values, competencies, knowledge, and skills Integration of skills, competencies and knowledge – emphasis on application
  • 12. Essence of curriculum reform Is not….. new documentation new resources But it is.. Teachers changing their teaching practice if teachers continue to do what they always did before, the new/revised curriculum will have no effect
  • 13. What Experience and Research tells us 1 Teachers do not change their practice because they are told to. Teachers change when: They have opportunities to practice They have opportunities to reflect on the success of their changed practice They can share experience and methods with professional colleagues They are supported with appropriate tools 1
  • 14. Leading Curriculum Change Within the ‘jigsaw’ of things to consider when leading curriculum change establishing clarity around what the expectations are is an important first step.
  • 15. What drives your process? Whole school scan – where are you at? School Vision and values? Pedagogical practice? Student achievement data? ICT? Assessment? Community opinion?
  • 16. Values, Beliefs, Principles and Practices. Julia Atkin 2007
  • 18. The big idea An Educational Positioning System Using a “map” metaphor - 3 purposes: Shows you where you are in relation to other features on the ‘landscape’ Allows you to ‘see’ where you may want to move to Enables you to develop an action plan to prioritize and chart your route to your selected destination Uses a teacher’s own experience as the basis of reflection and feedback.
  • 19. An educational positioning system Julia Atkin 2007 Philosophical Frameworks: deep exploration of the fundamental nature of educative purpose, learning, knowing and knowledge Techniques, Strategies, Structures: the tools to implement the philosophical frameworks including the design of the use and allocation of people, time, space and place Community & Culture: the development of a learning culture and learning community
  • 20. Four Tests The responses within each dimension can be interrogated according to the following four tests: Robustness – processes up to the task Are the processes robust enough? Collectivity – participation and contribution Who is participating and to what extent? Complimentarity – relationships of the parts to whole Is the application consistent, across everything? Congruence – the desired effect What is the relationship between theory and practice?
  • 21. School analysis view Provides a “birds eye view” of the feedback across all 18 dimensions. The colours in each segment represent the strengths and weaknesses in each dimensions, depending on how far from the centre the colour bar reaches.
  • 22. Slider view Provides an interactive interface where the feedback can be investigated and different scenarios explored.
  • 23. More information For more information see: Or contact CORE Education Ltd: