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Internet Traffic Monitoring and Analysis 홍 원 기 포항공과대학교 컴퓨터공학과  분산처리 및 네트워크관리 연구실 [email_address] Tel: 054-279-2244
Table of Contents Introduction Real-World Applications of Traffic Monitoring and Analysis POSTECH R&D Activities in Traffic Monitoring and Analysis NG-MON:  N ext  G eneration Network Traffic  MON itoring and Analysis System Summary
1. Introduction –  Growth of Internet Use The number of Internet users is growing Source : Nua Inc. Internet traffic has increased dramatically Source: America’s Network
1. Introduction -  Evolving IP Network Environment WAN : SONET/SDH (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192), ATM, WDM/DWDM LAN : 10/100 Mbps to 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps Ethernet Broadband Internet Access : Cable Modem, ADSL, VDSL Wireless Access : WLAN (IEEE 802.11), Wireless Internet Wired/Wireless Convergence : Softswitch, Media Gateway, NGCN

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Network forensic
Network forensicNetwork forensic
Network forensic

The development of intelligent network forensic tools to focus on specific type of network traffic analysis is a challenge in terms of future perspective. This will reduce time delays, less computational resources requirement; minimize attacks, providing reliable and secured evidences, and efficient investigation with minimum efforts

network forensicnetworkingnetwork protocol
Intrusion prevention system(ips)
Intrusion prevention system(ips)Intrusion prevention system(ips)
Intrusion prevention system(ips)

The document discusses intrusion prevention systems (IPS), which monitor network and system activity to identify and block malicious activity. It describes how IPS uses signature-based or anomaly-based detection methods to identify intrusions. IPS can be network-based, host-based, wireless, or focus on network behavior analysis. The document contrasts IPS with intrusion detection systems (IDS), which can only detect and report intrusions, while IPS can actively prevent them. It also compares IPS to firewalls, noting that IPS monitors for unwanted entries while firewalls regulate activity based on set rules.

System hacking
System hackingSystem hacking
System hacking

1. Steps before hacking a System Footprinting, Scanning, Enumeration 2. System Hacking stage 3. Goals for System Hacking 4. System Hacking Methodology 5. System Hacking Steps 6. Password Cracking 7. Privilege escalation 8. Executing Applications 9. Hiding Files 10. Covering tracks

by CAS
ethical hacking stepscomputer system hackingsteps for computer system hacking
1. Introduction –  Reliance on Internet The Internet generated revenue has been increasing rapidly!  Source : Active Media. Internet’s importance and reliance are increasing!
Traditional Internet Applications Web, FTP, Email, Telnet, etc. Emerging Internet applications Online games, shopping, banking, stock trading, network storage VOD, EOD, VoIP P2P applications – instant messaging, file sharing 1. Introduction –  Internet Applications   Online game VoIP VOD
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) New concept between file sharing and transferring Generates high volume of traffic  1. Introduction –  Structure of Applications Structures of applications are changing! Client-Server Traditional structure client server peer discovery, content, transfer query peer peer
Bursty data transfer vs. Streaming data transfer 1. Introduction –  Types of Traffic Static sessions vs. Dynamic sessions packet network packet Types of traffic are various and increasing! Negotiate & allocate connect disconnect use  dynamic protocol, port data connect disconnect control use static protocol, port network

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Network security
Network security Network security
Network security

Network security involves protecting computer networks from unauthorized access. It aims to achieve access control, confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation. Throughout history, as hacking and crimes emerged in the 1980s and the Internet became public in the 1990s, security concerns increased tremendously. Network security employs multiple layers including physical security, perimeter protection, user training, encryption, and firewalls among other hardware and software components. As threats continue to evolve, the field of network security must also evolve rapidly to protect information and system resources.

Web security
Web securityWeb security
Web security

This document discusses web security and outlines some key terminology and issues. It defines internet security as protecting information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks. Some key points made are that 1 in 8 computers are infected with malware, spam and phishing attacks are common threats, and firewalls and antivirus software can help secure systems and block unwanted traffic. The document also provides definitions for common security terms like hackers, viruses, Trojan horses, and ransomware.

internet securityweb security

This document discusses cyber security and the need for it. It defines cyber as relating to information technology, the internet, and virtual reality. Cyber security is necessary to protect data from theft or misuse and safeguard systems from viruses. Some major security problems include viruses, hackers, malware, Trojan horses, and password cracking. It provides examples of each problem and recommends solutions like using antivirus software, firewalls, strong and unique passwords, and security suites.

1. Introduction –  Motivation Needs of Customers Want to get their money’s worth Fast, reliable, high-quality, secure, virus-free  Internet access Needs of Service Providers Understand the behavior of their networks Provide fast, high-quality, reliable service to satisfy customers and thus  reduce churn rate Plan for network deployment and expansion SLA monitoring Network security attack detection and prevention
1. Introduction –  Application Areas Network Problem Determination and Analysis Traffic Report Generation Intrusion & Hacking Attack (e.g., DoS, DDoS) Detection Service Level Monitoring (SLM) Network Planning Usage-based Billing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Marketing
1. Introduction –  Problems Capturing Packets How to capture all packets from high-speed, high volume networks (Mbps  Gbps  Tbps)? Flow Generation & Storage What packet information to save to perform various analysis? How to minimize storage requirements? Analysis How to analyze and generate data needed quickly? Streaming media (Windows Media, Real, Quicktime) P2P traffic Network Security Attacks
2. Real-World Applications -  Network Usage Analysis WAN Traffic Usage View Using MRTG At Internet Junction Time Series Data View Daily Monthly Weekly Yearly Internet Traffic Usage View

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DoS or DDoS attack
DoS or DDoS attackDoS or DDoS attack
DoS or DDoS attack

This document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines DoS as making a machine or network unavailable to its intended users. DDoS uses other computers to launch the attack. Methods of attack mentioned include ICMP floods, teardrop attacks, and reflected/spoofed attacks. Signs of an attack include slow network performance. The document provides tips for system administrators and users, such as contacting providers and following security best practices, to mitigate attacks.

hackdistributed denial of servicesdenial of services
Network Attacks and Countermeasures
Network Attacks and CountermeasuresNetwork Attacks and Countermeasures
Network Attacks and Countermeasures

This document discusses various types of network attacks and countermeasures. It describes mapping to study a victim's network before attacking, packet sniffing where a host can read unencrypted communication, spoofing where an attacker takes a target's IP address to remain anonymous, and DoS/DDoS attacks which aim to overload services and bring them down. Hijacking combines different attack techniques to disrupt an entire network. The document provides details on each attack method and their techniques.

network attacks and countermeasuresnetwork attacksnetwork attacks countermeasures
Intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection systemIntrusion detection system
Intrusion detection system

Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) monitor network traffic for malicious activity by analyzing network packets at choke points like borders or the demilitarized zone. NIDS identify intrusions by comparing traffic patterns to known attack signatures or by detecting anomalies from established baselines. While NIDS can detect both previously known and unknown attacks, they require frequent signature database updates and may generate false positives. NIDS provide visibility without affecting network performance but cannot inspect encrypted traffic or all traffic on very large networks.

2. Real-World Applications -  Network Planning Network grows  in complexity and increases in usage   difficult to predict usage trends and loading on individual segments Previously, SNMP was the only tool available to service providers seeking access to usage statistics - severely limited For accurate network capacity planning Service providers must have access to in-depth info about their networks Network bottleneck details broken down into bandwidth used vs. bandwidth available   Detailed network usage history reports   A complete view of current use   Analytical tools to analyze and predict usage trends
2. Real-World Applications -  Network Weather Service (Abilene) Abilene Network weather map of the traffic load on the core links Measurement Method: SNMP Courtesy of the Abilene Network Operations Center, Indiana University
2. Real-World Applications -  Network Weather Service (AT&T) Network Performance Map on AT&T backbone network Measured Metrics Round Trip Delay  Packet Loss Availability Measurement Method ICMP based tools Ping, Traceroute Every 30 minutes The left figure shows the latency and loss rate from Atlanta to all the other major cities in USA
2. Real-World Applications -  SLA Monitoring Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a  contract between a network service provider and a customer that specifies, usually in measurable terms, what services the network service provider will furnish.  SLA Life Cycle SLA Negotiation Using QoS Parameters SLA Implementation (provisioning) Network provisioning using QoS technology such as Diffserv, Intserv, MPLS, etc.  Service configuration SLA Execution and Monitoring QoS Parameter to Network Performance Metric Mapping SLA violation handling Real-time reporting Product/Service Development Negotiation  Sales Implementation Execution Monitoring Assessment

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Overview of the Cyber Kill Chain [TM]
Overview of the Cyber Kill Chain [TM]Overview of the Cyber Kill Chain [TM]
Overview of the Cyber Kill Chain [TM]

William F. Crowe presented on the cybersecurity kill chain, which models the stages of a cyber attack based on military doctrine. The model developed by Lockheed Martin includes stages of reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on objectives. ISACA and the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security also use similar kill chain models to analyze the process of advanced persistent threats targeting critical systems and data.

dave sweigert cissp pmp cisa nist eo ethical hacke
Intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection system Intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection system

hey guys here comes my new implementation of my learning i.e the IDS a concept of network security go through it and add your valuable comments

ids"intrusion detection system""network security"
Network Forensic
Network ForensicNetwork Forensic
Network Forensic

This slide contains file about network forensics analysis techniques , tools which are uses and facing challenges into performing this.

network forensicnetwork analysisdigital forensic
2. Real-World Applications -  Usage-based Billing On a typical broadband network, 5% of the customers consume over 50% of the bandwidth. Gas Telephone Electricity Can you imagine your  telephone ,  electricity  and  gas  not being metered and priced by usage?  What about the services provided by current NSP and ISP?  Such as VPN, broadband Internet (xDSL, Cable Modem) These services are charged using a  flat-fee billing model . Is this situation is reasonable?
2. Real-World Applications -  CRM Customer Relationship Management ( CRM) is a  discipline  as well as  a set of discrete software and technologies  that focus on automating and improving the business processes associated with managing customer relationships in the areas of sales, marketing, customer service and support.  Business Objectives of CRM Increased efficiency through automation  The ability to provide faster response to customer inquiries  Having a deeper knowledge of customer needs  Generating more marketing or cross-selling opportunities  Better information for better management  Reduced cost of sales and increased productivity of sales representatives  Receiving customer feedback that leads to new and improved products or services  Traffic Monitoring for CRM basic technology to get the customer’s network usage pattern and using for target marketing
2. Real-World Applications -  Security Network Security Threats Reconnaissance   probing or mapping the network to identify targets (e.g., ping and port scans, usually a precursor to an actual exploit attempt) Denial of Service (DoS) Attempts to consume bandwidth or computing resources in order to prevent a host communicating on the network (e.g., Smurf attacks or SYN floods) Distributed DoS (DDoS) Very similar to DoS, except that the attack originates from multiple machines Exploits Attempts to gain access to or compromise systems on the network, often seen as repeated failed login attempts Misuse  Attempts to violate organizational policy (e.g., using disallowed services or including unauthorized content in e-mail or ftp transfers)
Code Red Worm (July 19, 2001) A famous example of a  TCP flood attack Infected over 350,000 hosts over a week The infection rate was doubling in about 37 minutes The first incarnation of the Code-Red worm (CRv1) began to infect hosts running unpatched versions of  MS IIS web server  on July 12th, 2001. The first version of the worm uses a static seed for it's random number generator.  Then, around 10:00 UTC in the morning of July 19th, 2001, a random seed variant of the Code-Red worm (CRv2) appeared and spread. MS Windows machines were vulnerable Microsoft web servers MS Windows NT 4.0 IIS 4.0, Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 and Windows XP beta IIS 6.0 were all susceptible to the Index Server ISAPI vulnerability which could be used to take control of a server by specially formatting a web page request.   The worm's original purpose was to perform a denial-of-service attack against

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Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain
Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jainEthical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain
Ethical Hacking n VAPT presentation by Suvrat jain

a perfect example of your 6 weeks summer training ppt. Course-Ethical Hacking , its info and VAPT- Vulnerability Assessment n Penetration testing. about how vulnerability scanning , tools used , cracking password , etc.

reportvulnerability scanningethical hacking
Types of attacks and threads
Types of attacks and threadsTypes of attacks and threads
Types of attacks and threads

The document defines security attacks and threats. It describes different types of attacks like passive attacks, active attacks, insider attacks, phishing attacks, spoofing attacks, hijack attacks, exploit attacks and password attacks. It also discusses two common threats - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. XSS involves injecting malicious code snippets while SQL injection embeds malicious code in a poorly-designed app passed to the backend database.

Footprinting and reconnaissance
Footprinting and reconnaissanceFootprinting and reconnaissance
Footprinting and reconnaissance

These slides guides you through the tools and techniques one can use for footprinting websites or people.You will find amazing tools and techniques have a look

#footprinting #reconnaissance #datadiscovery
Code Red Worm (July 19, 2001) Damages Various service & network outages throughout the world The economic cost of the original Code Red worm and its more malicious cousin, Code Red II, was more than $2 Billion US, according to Computer Economics. "the  most expensive virus  in the history of the Internet"
Sapphire/Slammer Worm (Jan 25, 2003) A famous example of an  UDP flood attack Exploited a buffer overflow vulnerability in computers on the Internet running MS SQL Server or MSDE 2000 (MS Desktop Engine) Sent UDP packet (376 bytes size of very small worm) with destination  UDP port 1434 .  No response required from the receiving machine. Spreading strategy was based on random IP scanning It selects IP addresses at random to infect, eventually finding all susceptible hosts.  Infected more than 90% of vulnerable hosts in the world within 10 minutes. The worm infected at least 100,000 hosts Propagation was two orders of magnitude faster than the Code Red “ The  fastest spreading worm  in the history of the Internet”
Sapphire/Slammer Worm (Jan 25, 2003) Damages Since the worm did not contain malicious payload, it fortunately did not damage the data on the compromised machines Saturated network links causing network and service outages Caused big financial damages (hundreds of millions of dollars) to Internet-based businesses (such as Internet shopping malls, on-line paid contents services - games, movies)
3. POSTECH R&D Activities in Traffic Monitoring MRTG+ WebTrafMon I WebTrafMon II NG-MON

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DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service
DDoS - Distributed Denial of ServiceDDoS - Distributed Denial of Service
DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service

This document discusses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It begins with an introduction that defines denial of service (DoS) attacks and how DDoS attacks differ in employing multiple compromised computers to coordinate a widespread attack. It then provides examples of targets that can be affected and overviews how DDoS attacks work by flooding the victim with traffic from many sources. The document goes on to discuss specific DDoS attack types, defenses against attacks, and how attacks are practically handled through router filtering, black hole routing, and traffic diversion techniques.

ddos attackddosdos
Intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection systemIntrusion detection system
Intrusion detection system

It's power-point presentation on software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.

networkinginformation securityinformation technology
SAN Review
SAN ReviewSAN Review
SAN Review

This document defines storage area networks (SANs) and discusses their architecture, technologies, management, security and benefits. A SAN consists of storage devices connected via a dedicated network that allows servers to access storage independently. Fibre Channel is the most widely used technology but iSCSI and FCIP allow block storage over IP networks. Effective SAN management requires coordination across storage, network and system levels. Security measures like authentication, authorization and encryption help protect data in this shared storage environment.

MRTG+ Network  link utilization  monitoring, analysis & reporting system  Extended Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) added  security ,  threshold reporting  &  sensitive map  uses Web browser, Web server & SNMP agents generates HTML pages containing GIF images which provide a LIVE visual representation traffic based on Perl and C being used to monitor POSTECH, POSCO enterprise networks since 1997
MRTG+ Architecture
MRTG+ Network Sensitive Map (1997)
Link Utilization Output

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Arnaud Simon Service Contract Template
Arnaud  Simon    Service  Contract  TemplateArnaud  Simon    Service  Contract  Template
Arnaud Simon Service Contract Template

The document summarizes a presentation about service contracts. It discusses why service contracts are needed to formally specify relationships between service providers and consumers. It also describes what information should be included in a service contract, such as functional and non-functional requirements, policies, and the service contract definition process. Finally, it discusses characteristics of service contracts, including how they can be used to define policies, security, monitoring, and versioning of services.

Internet Applications
Internet ApplicationsInternet Applications
Internet Applications

This document provides an overview of using internet applications in Week 3 of a COMP121 course. It discusses internet, intranet and extranet networks and tools like HTTP, FTP, email, IRC, WWW, Gopher and WAIS. It outlines the scope and learning outcomes of understanding internet applications and protocols. Key topics covered include internet hardware and software, advantages and disadvantages of the internet, intranet and extranet, and layered system views of networking.

Traffic State Estimation and Prediction under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions
Traffic State Estimation and Prediction under Heterogeneous Traffic ConditionsTraffic State Estimation and Prediction under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions
Traffic State Estimation and Prediction under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

The recent economic growth in developing countries like India has resulted in an intense increase of vehicle ownership and use, as witnessed by severe traffic congestion and bottlenecks during peak hours in most of the metropolitan cities. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aim to reduce traffic congestion by adopting various strategies such as providing pre-trip and en-route traffic information thereby reducing demand, adaptive signal control for area wide optimization of traffic flow, etc. The successful deployment and the reliability of these systems largely depend on the accurate estimation of the current traffic state and quick and reliable prediction to future time steps. At a macroscopic level, this involves the prediction of fundamental traffic stream parameters which include speed, density and flow in spacetime domain. The complexity of prediction is enhanced by heterogeneous traffic conditions as prevailing in India due to less lane discipline and complex interactions among different vehicle types. Also, there is no exclusive traffic flow model for heterogeneous traffic conditions which can characterize the traffic stream at a macroscopic level. Hence, the present study tries to explore the applicability of an existing macroscopic model, namely the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model, for short term prediction of traffic flow in a busy arterial in the city of Chennai, India, under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Both linear and exponential speed-density relations were considered and incorporated into the macroscopic model. The resulting partial differential equations are solved numerically and the results are found to be encouraging. This model can ultimately be helpful for the implementation of ATIS/ATMS applications under heterogeneous traffic environment.

macroscopic traffic modelingintelligent transportation systemtraffic state estimation
WebTrafMon Web -based IP Network  Tra ffic  Mon itoring System  Developed at DPNM Lab, POSTECH In 1998,  WebTrafMon I  was first designed and developed to complement MRTG+ In 1999, upgrading and performance tuning of WebTrafMon I In 2000-2001,  WebTrafMon II  with a new architecture and a new implementation In 2002,  NG-MON  is being developed WebTrafMon has been deployed at the LAN-Internet junction of POSTECH campus network WebTrafMon provides comprehensive information Spatial, temporal and composition analysis Detailed analysis of traffic by minute, hour, day, month, year By protocols (network, transport, application & service)
WebTrafMon-I Features Web-based User Interface Real-time and short-term analysis  Packet capture with sampling (1/10, 1/100, etc.) Analysis Feature MAC Layer: Packet Size Network Layer : IP, ARP, RARP Transport Layer: TCP, UDP Application Layer: Telnet, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DNS…
WebTrafMon-I Architecture
WebTrafMon-I User Interface

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Applying Computer Vision to Traffic Monitoring System in Vietnam
Applying Computer Vision to Traffic Monitoring System in Vietnam Applying Computer Vision to Traffic Monitoring System in Vietnam
Applying Computer Vision to Traffic Monitoring System in Vietnam

This document summarizes research on applying computer vision algorithms to develop an automatic traffic monitoring system in Vietnam. Key aspects of the system include vehicle detection using differences between frames, vehicle segmentation using edge detection and dilation, vehicle classification based on area and shape, and vehicle tracking across frames to count vehicles and estimate speeds. Experimental results found the system could detect 90-95% of vehicles and estimate speeds accurately 90-93% of the time. The research aims to improve traffic management by providing real-time traffic information.


This document describes a prototype application that predicts a user's travel routes based on their travel history in order to provide customized traffic advisories. It uses machine learning techniques to identify important locations from GPS and other sensor data. Routes between locations are learned from GPS data sequences and frequent routes are identified. When the user is predicted to leave a location, the application checks for traffic along likely routes and issues alerts if congestion exceeds normal levels for that route and time. A field study evaluated user acceptance of the advisories delivered by the application during transitions between locations.

Wireless City
Wireless CityWireless City
Wireless City

The document discusses the need for reliable high-quality video transmission infrastructure but notes existing infrastructure is limited. It also notes wired infrastructure has high costs and deployment challenges. Wireless solutions can help overcome these issues by providing flexible, scalable networks to support various applications like traffic management, education, surveillance and more. Private wireless networks also offer reliability, security and control compared to public networks.

connectivitytechnologysmart city
WebTrafMon-I Limitations All in one system cause  packet loss  and  response and analysis time delay analysis network interface user network traffic data packet header information analyzed information capture presentation All in a single server Long Analysis Time Response Time Delay Packet Loss
WebTrafMon-II Requirements Improve the limitations of WebTrafMon-I No packet loss  in probe Real-time and long-term analysis Reduced analysis and response time Distributed Load Sharing Architecture capture presentation user network interface packet   header information network traffic data distributed environment analysis
WebTrafMon-II Architecture database Traffic  analyzer (minutely,  hourly, daily, monthly, yearly) probe network point promiscuous mode packet capture hash log format  and save into DB user distributed environment request response packet header information log file log  format port information  port information  make short term, long term traffic data minutely minutely hourly, daily, monthly, yearly statistics network traffic data analyzer Flow generator
WebTrafMon-II User Interface

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S-CUBE LP: Quality of Service-Aware Service Composition: QoS optimization in ...
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S-CUBE LP: Quality of Service-Aware Service Composition: QoS optimization in ...

This document discusses quality of service (QoS) optimization in service-based processes. It describes how to select and optimize composed web services to satisfy QoS constraints. The key aspects covered are QoS definition for web services, optimization at both the local service selection level and global process level, and rebinding services to maintain QoS as processes execute.

quality definitionjra-1.3s-cube
Traffic congestion prediction with images
Traffic congestion prediction with imagesTraffic congestion prediction with images
Traffic congestion prediction with images

This document discusses a project to build a machine learning model to predict traffic congestion levels based on images of roads. It uses the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm to extract features from images downloaded from a government data source. These features are used to train a random forest model to classify congestion levels. The model is tested on a test dataset, achieving an accuracy of 92.9%. Challenges include manually labelling images and issues with image resolution and lighting.

Securing Windows web servers
Securing Windows web serversSecuring Windows web servers
Securing Windows web servers

This document provides an agenda for hardening Windows 2003 web servers. It covers various topics including physical security, OS installation, account policies, local policies, services configuration, user accounts, IP policies, permissions, hardening IIS, and additional hardening techniques. The goal is to create a secure environment and maintain security by configuring the OS, services, user accounts, permissions and IIS according to security best practices.

WebTrafMon-II Limitations Takes long time to analyze high-speed, high-volume traffic Takes long time to generate presentation pages Analyzer does not support multiple probes High overhead in the NFS file system Need for NG-Mon  (Next Generation Monitoring) System
4. NG-MON History MRTG+  (1996-97) Traffic load analysis with sensitive map WebTrafMon-I  (1997-98) Traffic type analysis on a single monolithic system (up to 10 Mbps) WebTrafMon-II  (1999-2001) Traffic type analysis using a distributed architecture (up to 100 Mbps) NG-MON  (2002-present) N ext  G eneration Network Traffic  MON itoring and Analysis System Targeting 10 Gbps or higher networks To support various analysis applications Streaming media, multimedia conferencing, P2P, game traffic analysis Network security attack detection and analysis SLA monitoring Usage-based billing Customer relationship management
NG-MON -  Requirements Distributed, load-balancing architecture  for scalability subdivide monitoring system into several functional components efficient load sharing between phases and within each phase pipelined and parallel architecture Lossless packet capture Flow-based analysis aggregate packet information into flows for efficient processing Support for  various applications Considerations for  small storage requirements
NG-MON -  Design NG-MON is composed of 5 phases Packet Capture Flow Generation Flow Store Traffic Analysis Presentation & Reporting Packet  Capturer Flow Generator Flow Store Traffic Analyzer Presenter Web Server Network Device User Interface Web browser stored flows analyzed data raw packet packet header information flow information

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Trends in spies
Trends in spiesTrends in spies
Trends in spies

The document discusses trends in various industries and demographic groups. It provides statistics on year-over-year growth and key demographics for several companies including Abbott Laboratories, Pacific Life, CVS Caremark, and trends for age groups ranging from 13-70 years old. Unknown terms are used that make the overall meaning difficult to discern from the document.

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Dr. Patrick Carrick presents an Introduction to Physics and Electronics Directorate at the AFOSR 2012 Spring Review.

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Android UI
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NG-MON -  Packet Capture Network Link Splitting Device divided raw packet pkt header messages Distribution of raw packets by using  splitting function  provided by an optical splitter by using  mirroring function  provided in network devices Probe captures all packets coming into probe export buffer-queues : one to one with flow generators  fills buffer-queues with packet header’s  5-tuple based hashing collect the scattered packets in the same flow into the same buffer-queue Probe #1 Probe #2 Probe #3
NG-MON -  Flow Generation Distribution of packet header information 5-tuple based hashing in the probe Packet header messages of potentially the same flow get delivered to the same flow generator Flow generator receives packet header messages and generates flows and exports flow messages to flow store pkt header messages flow  messages Flow  Generator #1 Flow Generator #2 Flow Generator #3 Flow Generator #4
NG-MON -  Flow Store Separation of  write operations  from  read operations the destination address of flow message is assigned to the flow store according to the time While one or more flow stores are inserting flow data, the other flow stores are queried by the traffic analyzers Flow store provides traffic information to support various analysis applications provides an analysis API to analyzers t 2 t 3 Database  Query / Response Traffic Analyzer #1 Traffic Analyzer #2 flow  messages Write operations Read operations t 1 Flow Store #1 Flow Store #2 Flow Store #3
NG-MON -  Traffic Analysis & Presentation Analyzer extracts information from Flow Stores and can perform application specific analysis Separate analyzer is needed for each application Flow Store #1 Presenter Traffic Throughput Analyzer Usage-based billing application DDoS or DoS Attack Analyzer Other applications Flow Store #2 Flow Store #3 Web Server

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ICCV2009: MAP Inference in Discrete Models: Part 5
ICCV2009: MAP Inference in Discrete Models: Part 5ICCV2009: MAP Inference in Discrete Models: Part 5
ICCV2009: MAP Inference in Discrete Models: Part 5

The course program document outlines the schedule for a one-day tutorial on comparison of optimization methods. The schedule includes sessions on discrete models in computer vision, message passing algorithms, quadratic pseudo-boolean optimization, transformation and move-making methods, and recent advances such as dual decomposition and higher-order models. All materials from the tutorial will be made available online after the conference at the listed URL.

Serial Killers Presentation1
Serial Killers Presentation1Serial Killers Presentation1
Serial Killers Presentation1

This document discusses various topics related to criminal justice programs and profiling of serial killers. It includes outlines on profiling serial killers and the SARA problem solving model. It also covers classical, biological, social and psychological theories of crime. Various criminal justice organizations and conferences are mentioned. Case studies related to Ted Bundy are discussed in the context of criminal justice programs and profiling.


The document discusses storage area networks (SANs) and fiber channel technology. It provides background on SANs and how they function as a separate high-speed network connecting storage resources like RAID systems directly to servers. It then covers SAN topologies using fiber channel, including point-to-point, arbitrated loop, and fabric switch configurations. Finally, it discusses planning, managing and the management perspective of SANs in the data center.

NG-MON -  Implementation Phase Packet Capture Flow Generator Flow Store Analyzer Presenter Development Tool pcap library C language C language C language MySQL C language MySQL PHP jpgraph library  Hardware System Xeon 2.4 GHz  2 CPUs 1 Gbytes memory 2-1000 Mbps NICs  80 GB hard disk Pentium-III 800 GHz CPU 256 Mbytes memory 2-100 Mbps NICs  20GB hard disk OS Redhat Linux 7.2
NG-MON -  Deployment at POSTECH Packet Capture Flow  Generator Flow  Store Analyzer Presenter 141.223.182. 40 EnterFLEX at Computer Center Flow  Store 141.223. 182.[31,32,33,34] POSTECH Computer Center 141.223.182. 38 EnterFLEX at Computer Center 141.223.182. 37 EnterFLEX at Computer Center 141.223.182. 36 EnterFLEX at Computer Center INTERNET 1Gbps Optical link NetOptics 1Gbps Optical Splitter Packet Capture Flow  Generator Packet Capture Flow  Generator Packet Capture Flow  Generator POSTECH Gigabit Campus Network Router Router
NG-MON -  Host Data Received Minute View
NG-MON -  Host Data Exchanged Minute View

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Intoduction to Network Security NS1
Intoduction to Network Security NS1Intoduction to Network Security NS1
Intoduction to Network Security NS1

The document outlines various security concepts including attacks, services, mechanisms, and methods of defense for network security. It discusses security attacks like interruption, interception, modification, and fabrication. It also covers security services like confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, and availability. Finally, it mentions methods of defense such as encryption, software and hardware controls, policies, and physical controls.

Intelligence, spies & espionage
Intelligence, spies & espionageIntelligence, spies & espionage
Intelligence, spies & espionage

World War 2 involved extensive spying and intelligence gathering efforts. The US established the Coordinator of Information in 1941 to collect and analyze national security data, but the FBI was reluctant to share information. After the Pearl Harbor attacks, it was clear that intelligence coordination needed improvement. The Office of Strategic Services was formed in 1942 to conduct clandestine operations like training foreign troops and sending operatives behind enemy lines. Notable OSS agent Moe Berg was a Major League Baseball player who used his language skills and undercover abilities on missions in Yugoslavia, Norway, and Italy. The military also had their own intelligence operations such as code breaking and interrogating prisoners of war. After the war, the OSS was dissolved and re

Android Application: Introduction
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Android Application: Introduction

The document discusses Android development and UI design. It introduces some common widgets in Android like TextView, buttons, and different layouts like linear, relative and table layouts. It also discusses activities, services, intents and the Android component and manifest files.

NG-MON -  Detailed Subnet Data Sent Minute View
NG-MON -   Application Protocol Minute View
NG-MON -   Time Series Minute View
5. Summary Internet is continuously growing  in terms of: # of users & hosts, traffic loads & types ISPs and enterprises  need to monitor their networks  for various purposes (e.g., Problem Detection, Workload Characterization, Planning, SLA, Billing, Security, CRM) This talk introduced  monitoring approaches, flow generation and analysis methods, tools, R&D/standards activities,  NG-MON , and real-world applications NG-MON Scalable and cost-effective architecture Spatial, temporal, composition analysis P2P, multimedia service, game traffic analysis Network security attack analysis Network monitoring and analysis is essential for service providers and enterprise network administrators but it is  not easy  and  still needs a lot of work  to do it right!

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Internet Traffic Monitoring and Analysis

  • 1. Internet Traffic Monitoring and Analysis 홍 원 기 포항공과대학교 컴퓨터공학과 분산처리 및 네트워크관리 연구실 [email_address] Tel: 054-279-2244
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction Real-World Applications of Traffic Monitoring and Analysis POSTECH R&D Activities in Traffic Monitoring and Analysis NG-MON: N ext G eneration Network Traffic MON itoring and Analysis System Summary
  • 3. 1. Introduction – Growth of Internet Use The number of Internet users is growing Source : Nua Inc. Internet traffic has increased dramatically Source: America’s Network
  • 4. 1. Introduction - Evolving IP Network Environment WAN : SONET/SDH (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192), ATM, WDM/DWDM LAN : 10/100 Mbps to 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps Ethernet Broadband Internet Access : Cable Modem, ADSL, VDSL Wireless Access : WLAN (IEEE 802.11), Wireless Internet Wired/Wireless Convergence : Softswitch, Media Gateway, NGCN
  • 5. 1. Introduction – Reliance on Internet The Internet generated revenue has been increasing rapidly! Source : Active Media. Internet’s importance and reliance are increasing!
  • 6. Traditional Internet Applications Web, FTP, Email, Telnet, etc. Emerging Internet applications Online games, shopping, banking, stock trading, network storage VOD, EOD, VoIP P2P applications – instant messaging, file sharing 1. Introduction – Internet Applications Online game VoIP VOD
  • 7. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) New concept between file sharing and transferring Generates high volume of traffic 1. Introduction – Structure of Applications Structures of applications are changing! Client-Server Traditional structure client server peer discovery, content, transfer query peer peer
  • 8. Bursty data transfer vs. Streaming data transfer 1. Introduction – Types of Traffic Static sessions vs. Dynamic sessions packet network packet Types of traffic are various and increasing! Negotiate & allocate connect disconnect use dynamic protocol, port data connect disconnect control use static protocol, port network
  • 9. 1. Introduction – Motivation Needs of Customers Want to get their money’s worth Fast, reliable, high-quality, secure, virus-free Internet access Needs of Service Providers Understand the behavior of their networks Provide fast, high-quality, reliable service to satisfy customers and thus reduce churn rate Plan for network deployment and expansion SLA monitoring Network security attack detection and prevention
  • 10. 1. Introduction – Application Areas Network Problem Determination and Analysis Traffic Report Generation Intrusion & Hacking Attack (e.g., DoS, DDoS) Detection Service Level Monitoring (SLM) Network Planning Usage-based Billing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Marketing
  • 11. 1. Introduction – Problems Capturing Packets How to capture all packets from high-speed, high volume networks (Mbps  Gbps  Tbps)? Flow Generation & Storage What packet information to save to perform various analysis? How to minimize storage requirements? Analysis How to analyze and generate data needed quickly? Streaming media (Windows Media, Real, Quicktime) P2P traffic Network Security Attacks
  • 12. 2. Real-World Applications - Network Usage Analysis WAN Traffic Usage View Using MRTG At Internet Junction Time Series Data View Daily Monthly Weekly Yearly Internet Traffic Usage View
  • 13. 2. Real-World Applications - Network Planning Network grows in complexity and increases in usage difficult to predict usage trends and loading on individual segments Previously, SNMP was the only tool available to service providers seeking access to usage statistics - severely limited For accurate network capacity planning Service providers must have access to in-depth info about their networks Network bottleneck details broken down into bandwidth used vs. bandwidth available Detailed network usage history reports A complete view of current use Analytical tools to analyze and predict usage trends
  • 14. 2. Real-World Applications - Network Weather Service (Abilene) Abilene Network weather map of the traffic load on the core links Measurement Method: SNMP Courtesy of the Abilene Network Operations Center, Indiana University
  • 15. 2. Real-World Applications - Network Weather Service (AT&T) Network Performance Map on AT&T backbone network Measured Metrics Round Trip Delay Packet Loss Availability Measurement Method ICMP based tools Ping, Traceroute Every 30 minutes The left figure shows the latency and loss rate from Atlanta to all the other major cities in USA
  • 16. 2. Real-World Applications - SLA Monitoring Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a network service provider and a customer that specifies, usually in measurable terms, what services the network service provider will furnish. SLA Life Cycle SLA Negotiation Using QoS Parameters SLA Implementation (provisioning) Network provisioning using QoS technology such as Diffserv, Intserv, MPLS, etc. Service configuration SLA Execution and Monitoring QoS Parameter to Network Performance Metric Mapping SLA violation handling Real-time reporting Product/Service Development Negotiation Sales Implementation Execution Monitoring Assessment
  • 17. 2. Real-World Applications - Usage-based Billing On a typical broadband network, 5% of the customers consume over 50% of the bandwidth. Gas Telephone Electricity Can you imagine your telephone , electricity and gas not being metered and priced by usage? What about the services provided by current NSP and ISP? Such as VPN, broadband Internet (xDSL, Cable Modem) These services are charged using a flat-fee billing model . Is this situation is reasonable?
  • 18. 2. Real-World Applications - CRM Customer Relationship Management ( CRM) is a discipline as well as a set of discrete software and technologies that focus on automating and improving the business processes associated with managing customer relationships in the areas of sales, marketing, customer service and support. Business Objectives of CRM Increased efficiency through automation The ability to provide faster response to customer inquiries Having a deeper knowledge of customer needs Generating more marketing or cross-selling opportunities Better information for better management Reduced cost of sales and increased productivity of sales representatives Receiving customer feedback that leads to new and improved products or services Traffic Monitoring for CRM basic technology to get the customer’s network usage pattern and using for target marketing
  • 19. 2. Real-World Applications - Security Network Security Threats Reconnaissance probing or mapping the network to identify targets (e.g., ping and port scans, usually a precursor to an actual exploit attempt) Denial of Service (DoS) Attempts to consume bandwidth or computing resources in order to prevent a host communicating on the network (e.g., Smurf attacks or SYN floods) Distributed DoS (DDoS) Very similar to DoS, except that the attack originates from multiple machines Exploits Attempts to gain access to or compromise systems on the network, often seen as repeated failed login attempts Misuse Attempts to violate organizational policy (e.g., using disallowed services or including unauthorized content in e-mail or ftp transfers)
  • 20. Code Red Worm (July 19, 2001) A famous example of a TCP flood attack Infected over 350,000 hosts over a week The infection rate was doubling in about 37 minutes The first incarnation of the Code-Red worm (CRv1) began to infect hosts running unpatched versions of MS IIS web server on July 12th, 2001. The first version of the worm uses a static seed for it's random number generator. Then, around 10:00 UTC in the morning of July 19th, 2001, a random seed variant of the Code-Red worm (CRv2) appeared and spread. MS Windows machines were vulnerable Microsoft web servers MS Windows NT 4.0 IIS 4.0, Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 and Windows XP beta IIS 6.0 were all susceptible to the Index Server ISAPI vulnerability which could be used to take control of a server by specially formatting a web page request. The worm's original purpose was to perform a denial-of-service attack against
  • 21. Code Red Worm (July 19, 2001) Damages Various service & network outages throughout the world The economic cost of the original Code Red worm and its more malicious cousin, Code Red II, was more than $2 Billion US, according to Computer Economics. "the most expensive virus in the history of the Internet"
  • 22. Sapphire/Slammer Worm (Jan 25, 2003) A famous example of an UDP flood attack Exploited a buffer overflow vulnerability in computers on the Internet running MS SQL Server or MSDE 2000 (MS Desktop Engine) Sent UDP packet (376 bytes size of very small worm) with destination UDP port 1434 . No response required from the receiving machine. Spreading strategy was based on random IP scanning It selects IP addresses at random to infect, eventually finding all susceptible hosts. Infected more than 90% of vulnerable hosts in the world within 10 minutes. The worm infected at least 100,000 hosts Propagation was two orders of magnitude faster than the Code Red “ The fastest spreading worm in the history of the Internet”
  • 23. Sapphire/Slammer Worm (Jan 25, 2003) Damages Since the worm did not contain malicious payload, it fortunately did not damage the data on the compromised machines Saturated network links causing network and service outages Caused big financial damages (hundreds of millions of dollars) to Internet-based businesses (such as Internet shopping malls, on-line paid contents services - games, movies)
  • 24. 3. POSTECH R&D Activities in Traffic Monitoring MRTG+ WebTrafMon I WebTrafMon II NG-MON
  • 25. MRTG+ Network link utilization monitoring, analysis & reporting system Extended Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) added security , threshold reporting & sensitive map uses Web browser, Web server & SNMP agents generates HTML pages containing GIF images which provide a LIVE visual representation traffic based on Perl and C being used to monitor POSTECH, POSCO enterprise networks since 1997
  • 29. WebTrafMon Web -based IP Network Tra ffic Mon itoring System Developed at DPNM Lab, POSTECH In 1998, WebTrafMon I was first designed and developed to complement MRTG+ In 1999, upgrading and performance tuning of WebTrafMon I In 2000-2001, WebTrafMon II with a new architecture and a new implementation In 2002, NG-MON is being developed WebTrafMon has been deployed at the LAN-Internet junction of POSTECH campus network WebTrafMon provides comprehensive information Spatial, temporal and composition analysis Detailed analysis of traffic by minute, hour, day, month, year By protocols (network, transport, application & service)
  • 30. WebTrafMon-I Features Web-based User Interface Real-time and short-term analysis Packet capture with sampling (1/10, 1/100, etc.) Analysis Feature MAC Layer: Packet Size Network Layer : IP, ARP, RARP Transport Layer: TCP, UDP Application Layer: Telnet, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DNS…
  • 33. WebTrafMon-I Limitations All in one system cause packet loss and response and analysis time delay analysis network interface user network traffic data packet header information analyzed information capture presentation All in a single server Long Analysis Time Response Time Delay Packet Loss
  • 34. WebTrafMon-II Requirements Improve the limitations of WebTrafMon-I No packet loss in probe Real-time and long-term analysis Reduced analysis and response time Distributed Load Sharing Architecture capture presentation user network interface packet header information network traffic data distributed environment analysis
  • 35. WebTrafMon-II Architecture database Traffic analyzer (minutely, hourly, daily, monthly, yearly) probe network point promiscuous mode packet capture hash log format and save into DB user distributed environment request response packet header information log file log format port information port information make short term, long term traffic data minutely minutely hourly, daily, monthly, yearly statistics network traffic data analyzer Flow generator
  • 37. WebTrafMon-II Limitations Takes long time to analyze high-speed, high-volume traffic Takes long time to generate presentation pages Analyzer does not support multiple probes High overhead in the NFS file system Need for NG-Mon (Next Generation Monitoring) System
  • 38. 4. NG-MON History MRTG+ (1996-97) Traffic load analysis with sensitive map WebTrafMon-I (1997-98) Traffic type analysis on a single monolithic system (up to 10 Mbps) WebTrafMon-II (1999-2001) Traffic type analysis using a distributed architecture (up to 100 Mbps) NG-MON (2002-present) N ext G eneration Network Traffic MON itoring and Analysis System Targeting 10 Gbps or higher networks To support various analysis applications Streaming media, multimedia conferencing, P2P, game traffic analysis Network security attack detection and analysis SLA monitoring Usage-based billing Customer relationship management
  • 39. NG-MON - Requirements Distributed, load-balancing architecture for scalability subdivide monitoring system into several functional components efficient load sharing between phases and within each phase pipelined and parallel architecture Lossless packet capture Flow-based analysis aggregate packet information into flows for efficient processing Support for various applications Considerations for small storage requirements
  • 40. NG-MON - Design NG-MON is composed of 5 phases Packet Capture Flow Generation Flow Store Traffic Analysis Presentation & Reporting Packet Capturer Flow Generator Flow Store Traffic Analyzer Presenter Web Server Network Device User Interface Web browser stored flows analyzed data raw packet packet header information flow information
  • 41. NG-MON - Packet Capture Network Link Splitting Device divided raw packet pkt header messages Distribution of raw packets by using splitting function provided by an optical splitter by using mirroring function provided in network devices Probe captures all packets coming into probe export buffer-queues : one to one with flow generators fills buffer-queues with packet header’s 5-tuple based hashing collect the scattered packets in the same flow into the same buffer-queue Probe #1 Probe #2 Probe #3
  • 42. NG-MON - Flow Generation Distribution of packet header information 5-tuple based hashing in the probe Packet header messages of potentially the same flow get delivered to the same flow generator Flow generator receives packet header messages and generates flows and exports flow messages to flow store pkt header messages flow messages Flow Generator #1 Flow Generator #2 Flow Generator #3 Flow Generator #4
  • 43. NG-MON - Flow Store Separation of write operations from read operations the destination address of flow message is assigned to the flow store according to the time While one or more flow stores are inserting flow data, the other flow stores are queried by the traffic analyzers Flow store provides traffic information to support various analysis applications provides an analysis API to analyzers t 2 t 3 Database Query / Response Traffic Analyzer #1 Traffic Analyzer #2 flow messages Write operations Read operations t 1 Flow Store #1 Flow Store #2 Flow Store #3
  • 44. NG-MON - Traffic Analysis & Presentation Analyzer extracts information from Flow Stores and can perform application specific analysis Separate analyzer is needed for each application Flow Store #1 Presenter Traffic Throughput Analyzer Usage-based billing application DDoS or DoS Attack Analyzer Other applications Flow Store #2 Flow Store #3 Web Server
  • 45. NG-MON - Implementation Phase Packet Capture Flow Generator Flow Store Analyzer Presenter Development Tool pcap library C language C language C language MySQL C language MySQL PHP jpgraph library Hardware System Xeon 2.4 GHz 2 CPUs 1 Gbytes memory 2-1000 Mbps NICs 80 GB hard disk Pentium-III 800 GHz CPU 256 Mbytes memory 2-100 Mbps NICs 20GB hard disk OS Redhat Linux 7.2
  • 46. NG-MON - Deployment at POSTECH Packet Capture Flow Generator Flow Store Analyzer Presenter 141.223.182. 40 EnterFLEX at Computer Center Flow Store 141.223. 182.[31,32,33,34] POSTECH Computer Center 141.223.182. 38 EnterFLEX at Computer Center 141.223.182. 37 EnterFLEX at Computer Center 141.223.182. 36 EnterFLEX at Computer Center INTERNET 1Gbps Optical link NetOptics 1Gbps Optical Splitter Packet Capture Flow Generator Packet Capture Flow Generator Packet Capture Flow Generator POSTECH Gigabit Campus Network Router Router
  • 47. NG-MON - Host Data Received Minute View
  • 48. NG-MON - Host Data Exchanged Minute View
  • 49. NG-MON - Detailed Subnet Data Sent Minute View
  • 50. NG-MON - Application Protocol Minute View
  • 51. NG-MON - Time Series Minute View
  • 52. 5. Summary Internet is continuously growing in terms of: # of users & hosts, traffic loads & types ISPs and enterprises need to monitor their networks for various purposes (e.g., Problem Detection, Workload Characterization, Planning, SLA, Billing, Security, CRM) This talk introduced monitoring approaches, flow generation and analysis methods, tools, R&D/standards activities, NG-MON , and real-world applications NG-MON Scalable and cost-effective architecture Spatial, temporal, composition analysis P2P, multimedia service, game traffic analysis Network security attack analysis Network monitoring and analysis is essential for service providers and enterprise network administrators but it is not easy and still needs a lot of work to do it right!

Editor's Notes

  1. Abstract Most Internet networking devices are now equipped with a Web server for providing Web-based element management so that an administrator may take advantage of this enhanced and powerful management interface. On the other hand, for network management, an administrator normally buys and deploys SNMP-based network management platform to be customized to his network. Each management scheme has mutually exclusive advantages; consequently, two schemes coexist in the real world. This results in both a high development cost and a dual management interface for administrator. We propose an embedded Web server (EWS)-based network management architecture as an alternative to an SNMP based network management and to leverage on already existing embedded web server. We extend EWS-based element management architecture to the network management architecture. Our proposed architecture uses HTTP as a communication protocol with management information and operation encoding. Further we designed a management system on the basis of our proposed architecture that supports basic management functions.
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one ’ s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one ’ s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider ’ s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one ’ s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one ’ s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider ’ s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one ’ s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one ’ s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider ’ s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one ’ s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one ’ s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider ’ s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one’s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one’s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider’s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://] CAIDA  Outreach  Network Measurement FAQ 2.1. Why should I measure my network's behaviour? If you don't measure it, you have no objective record or benchmark of how it behaves. This could make it difficult to judge whether changes in the network have improved its performance, or degraded it. If you are buying Internet connectivity from an ISP you need to understand the kind of service being offered, and you need to measure the actual performance so as to verify that you're getting what you pay for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KRNET Tutorial] Internet Traffic Monitoring & Analysis User’s Needs * Monitor the performance experienced by one ’ s application - Why is the web page download so slow? - Why is my multicast video stream jerky? * Check if level of service meets one ’ s need - Do I have enough b/w? * Check if one experiences intrusions and attacks - Is someone attacking me? Service provider ’ s needs * Monitor the current level of activity * Enforce SLAs(service level agreements) * Detect faults and failures * Engineer the network for better performance * Plan for future capacity * Feedback to customers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. To monitor high speed network such 10Gpbs link, the NG-MON should consider these 5 significant requirements. The first one, as stated, NG-MON needs distributed, load-balancing architecture. To distribute the processing load , we should divide monitoring and analysis task into several functional units, and we also need an efficient load sharing mechanism within each phase. For load distribution method , we considered the pipeline and parallel methods. The second is lossless packet capture . NG-MON should capture all packets without a loss to provide all the required information to various analysis applications. The fourth one is, to reduce processing load , flow based analysis is essential. by the flow-based analysis, NG-MON can aggregate packet information into flows for efficient processing. Also, limited storage at each phase should be considered. By the consideration of these requirements we designed the architecture of NG-MON.
  9. This is an overall architecture of NG-MON design. The key feature in our design is an pipelined distribution and load balancing technique. Whole tasks are divided into 5 phases like this. Packet capture, Flow Generation, Flow Store, Traffic Analysis and Presentation phase. The entire raw packets are captured in the Packet Capture phase. And packet header information extracted from raw packets are delivered to the second phase: Flow Generation phase, The flow information is generated in this Flow Generation phase. the flow information is stored in the Flow Store phase. Traffic Analyzer queries to Flow Store and store analyzed data, provide them to Presenter. Load distribution mechanism used in each phase will be explained in the following slides in detail.
  10. This slide shows the first phase of our NG-MON design: packet capture phase. Large bulk traffic on the network links is distributed over probe systems and sent to next phase, Flow Generation. In the distribution of raw packets we can use one of these methods. First one is by using splitting function provided by an optical splitter. And Using mirroring functions provided by network devices is the second one. These probe systems captures incoming packets and extract packet header information form layered headers of each raw packet, then push into the export buffer-queues by packet header’s 5-tuple based hashing. Each probe system maintain the same number of buffer queues corresponding to the number of flow generators. If a buffer queue becomes full , probe constructs packet header messages then export to next phase. The raw packets with the same color indicates that they belong to the same flow. As you can see, packets which belong to the same flow put together into the same packet header messages. ( 5-tuple : src & dst address, protocol number, src & dst port number )
  11. This and next slides shows the second phases of our NG-MON design. In this phase, packet headers are compressed into flows. For the distribution of packet header information, we used 5-tuple based hashing and buffer queue for each flow generator. Therefore the packet header information of potentially the same flow get delivered to the same flow generator. There can’t be the case that same flow is generated in different flow generator at a certain moment. Flow generators simply generate flow messages from incoming packet header messages, then exports these to next phase, flow store.
  12. This slide shows the third phase of our NG-MON architecture: Flow Store phase The main role of Flow Store phase is to store flow information and handle the request from analyzer: those are write operation and read operation . For the load distribution and efficient processing , we considered a method that prevent write operations from occurring with read operations at the same time in a single flow store system. In order to do this, the destination address of flow messages should be changed over to Flow Store sequentially depending on the time slot changes. While one or more flow stores are inserting flow data, the other flow stores are queried by the traffic analyzers. As you can see here , at the time slot t1, Flow Store 1 only receives flow messages and the other Flow Stores are processing queries from Analyzers. Before the time slot changes from t1 to t2, queries to Flow Store 2 should be finished. Then the time slot becomes t2, flow messages will go into the Flow Store 2, and queries to Flow Store 1 will be started. In our earlier work , we realized that one of the bottleneck of the monitoring process is a huge storage space required. So, Flow Store keeps flow information for only several time slots, and then discard them when they are finished an analysis by traffic analyzers. Therefore, flow store only requires a small and fixed amount of disk space. Flow store provides traffic information to support various analysis applications and provide an analysis API to analyzers.
  13. This slide shows the fourth and fifth phases of our NG-MON architecture. These two phases are tightly coupled according to the analysis purpose; such as Traffic Throughput Analysis, Usage-based billing analysis, DDOS and DOS attack analysis, such like that. Analyzer extracts information from Flow Stores and can perform application specific analysis . Separate analyzer is needed for each application. we separated the presenter from traffic analyzer, because more than one systems tend to be allocated in the traffic analysis phase.
  14. In this summer We implemented a prototype of NG-MON and deployed our system in our campus backbone network. In the implementation, we used Net Optics’ Gigabit Fiber Optic tap to split the traffic and used GE Card to get it. The hardware configuration we used are, P-III 800MHz, 256 Mbytes memory, 20Gbytes HD. And we developed our system on Redhat Linux 7.2 OS. And used C language with pcap library in Packet Capture phase. In the Flow Store, we used MySQL Database to store flows. Presenter uses PHP with jpgraph library to present the analysis result through the web.
  15. This and other two slides show some selected screen shots of our prototype implementation. Our analyzer shows various throughput information according to the HOST, SUBNET, and PROTOCOL. This screen shot shows the throughput of host received in one minute, and total throughput changes by the time in one hour is illustrated in the form of line graph.
  16. This and other two slides show some selected screen shots of our prototype implementation. Our analyzer shows various throughput information according to the HOST, SUBNET, and PROTOCOL. This screen shot shows the throughput of host received in one minute, and total throughput changes by the time in one hour is illustrated in the form of line graph.
  17. This is a detailed subnet data sent view in a certain minute.
  18. Left one is an application protocol view in a certain minute. And right one is Time series graph of the throughput at each protocol layer during a certain hour.
  19. Left one is an application protocol view in a certain minute. And right one is Time series graph of the throughput at each protocol layer during a certain hour.