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Integrating Alfresco with
SharePoint & Drupal
Using CMIS
Ben Chevallereau
Jim Nasr
Introduction to the Solution
What is this?
!   Provide SharePoint users direct
access to CMIS-enable repositories
!   Follow SharePoint UX guidelines for
ease of use
!   Configurable for easy integration
!   Document manipulation features
including: Search, Navigation,
Viewing, Upload and Update
!   Direct access to ECM
repositories through CMIS
!   Extensible Framework for New
!   Open Source – Apache
Chemistry Project
!   Fully CMIS Compliant
A bit on CMIS...

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Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2
Microservices with Apache Camel, Docker and Fabric8 v2

My talk from Red Hat Summit 2015 about the pros/cons of microservices, how integration is a strong requirement for doing distributed systems designs, and how open source projects like Apache Camel, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift and Fabric8 can help simplify and manage microservice environments

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How the Cloud Changes Business Solution Design and Delivery
How the Cloud Changes Business Solution Design and DeliveryHow the Cloud Changes Business Solution Design and Delivery
How the Cloud Changes Business Solution Design and Delivery

The document discusses how the cloud changes business solution design and delivery. Some key points are: - The cloud abstracts location, scale, and redundancy, allowing businesses to focus on their applications rather than infrastructure. - Cloud services like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS "make infrastructure and servers go away" so businesses can focus on developing applications and using software. - Feature flagging, telemetry, and rapid release cycles in the cloud allow for more agile solution delivery and the ability to safely test and roll out changes.

O365Con19 - Things I've Learned While Building a Product on SharePoint Modern...
O365Con19 - Things I've Learned While Building a Product on SharePoint Modern...O365Con19 - Things I've Learned While Building a Product on SharePoint Modern...
O365Con19 - Things I've Learned While Building a Product on SharePoint Modern...

This document provides an overview of lessons learned from building products on SharePoint Modern. It discusses SharePoint Framework architecture, localization strategies, versioning approaches, challenges of supporting older browsers and environments, and the importance of testing. Key recommendations include using semantic versioning, sharing common code via libraries, automating releases through CI/CD, and testing across different environments.

azuremicrosoft teamso365
So what?!
!   Increase user adoption with ease of use
!   Eliminate content silos
!   Reuse SharePoint and other ECM solutions
!   Faster time to solution with less resources
!   Full power of ECM from SharePoint
!   Bridge organizations and their content
!   Share solutions and burden through open source
!   No vendor lock-in
Use cases?
!   Collaboration – SharePoint to CMIS repository
!   Secure Storage in CMIS repository
!   Records Retention 
!   Enterprise Search and Knowledge Base
!   Compliance Applications
!   Simple Workflow Integration
!   Case Handling Support
A sample business application:
Vendor Management
Product Demonstration

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PowerShell for the Anxious ITPro

The document provides an agenda for a PowerShell training session. It includes an introduction to PowerShell, its history and uses. The agenda covers PowerShell principles like cmdlets, objects, pipelines and syntax. It also gives rules for the session and demonstrates some basic PowerShell commands and scripts. Contact details are provided for the presenter, Jason Himmelstein, for any additional information.

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Microservices and APIs
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Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

NSA - No thanks - Build your own cloud with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry | any...
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NSA - No thanks - Build your own cloud with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry | any...

This document discusses building your own private cloud using open source software like OpenStack and Cloud Foundry. It introduces Anynines, an open source PaaS company, and discusses concerns over data privacy and security issues with public cloud vendors. It provides an overview of key components like OpenStack, Cloud Foundry, BOSH, and how they can be used together to build a self-hosted private cloud without vendor lock-in. The presenter is available to answer questions about building private clouds or Anynines cloud services.

cloud foundryanyninesopenstack
!   What did we implement?
!   What does it look like?
!   How did we do?
!   How can you customize it?
!   Where can you use it?
A CMIS 1.1 user interface implemented
only with jQuery, HTML & CSS
And an Alfresco filtered search
component based on SolR.
Packaged in different platforms:
SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010,
Office 365, Alfresco Share, Drupal.

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Microservices Journey Summer 2017
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We consider a microservices architecture to achieve an end goal, not because it's "the cool thing to do". Every organization looking to adopt this architecture must realize (and adhere) to a set of foundational principles. Guided by those principles, we can correctly choose the technology to help support a microservices architecture and meet our end goals. This talk explains those core principles and gives you the tools needed for your microservices journey.

Building a PaaS with Docker and AWS
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Building a PaaS with Docker and AWS

Eric Holmes from Remind discusses building an internal Platform as a Service (PaaS) called Empire using Docker and AWS ECS. Remind started as a monolith but broke services apart due to scaling issues. They previously used Heroku but wanted more control. Empire provides a CLI and API for deploying Docker containers to ECS, replacing their use of CoreOS and etcd. Empire provides operational simplicity while allowing Remind to maintain deployment patterns and focus on building products. Empire is now in production at Remind, improving performance over directly using EC2.

Navigating the turbulence on takeoff: Setting up SharePoint on Azure IaaS the...
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Navigating the turbulence on takeoff: Setting up SharePoint on Azure IaaS the...

Are you looking to take advantage of the scalability & power of Azure IaaS for SharePoint but don't know how to get started? Join us for this session where we will learn the proper way to get off the ground and navigate around the rough patches when standing up SharePoint on Azure IaaS. You will leave this session with a clear understanding of what it takes to get started, how best to configure your Azure environment, and some very helpful tips and scripts to make your experience smoother. Come learn from our experiences in the field so that you can find success faster!

microsoftazuremicrosoft sharepoint
!   What did we implement?
!   What does it look like?
!   How did we do?
!   How can you customize it?
!   Where can you use it?
Integrating Alfresco with SharePoint & Drupal Using CMIS
What we are able to do?
!   Login to any CMIS 1.1 repository!
!   Browse a repository!
•  Create a new folder
•  Rename folder
•  Delete folder
!   Display documents!
•  List all documents stored in a folder
•  Display details
•  Download document
•  Preview PDF document
•  Delete document
•  Check-In / Check-Out / Update
•  Search (Full Text + Advanced Search)
•  Upload document

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2019 DevCon - The future of Authentication by Codrin Chirica

The future of authentication - Codrin Chirica This lighting talk will show how Alfresco is addressing the issues that are at the moment regarding authentication on our platform and what are the plans for the future. Please be aware that this is subject to change even thought we try to follow the roadmap, sometimes priorities change.

Rev Your Engines - SharePoint Performance Enhancements
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This document discusses techniques for optimizing SharePoint performance, including: - Leveraging caching, such as the distributed cache service, to improve load times and reduce database queries. - Configuring throttling and traffic management rules to control load and isolate traffic. - Planning database, search, and networking configurations based on farm size and usage. - Migrating content efficiently using techniques like content archiving and purging unused data.

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Making sense of Microsoft Identities in a Hybrid world
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Making sense of Microsoft Identities in a Hybrid world

The document discusses Microsoft identities in a hybrid world. It provides a history of identity management from SharePoint 2003 to the present. Key terminology is defined, including Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, and Azure AD Connect. Active Directory concepts and topology/security considerations are examined. Use cases for identity management scenarios are also explored.

azure adconnectoffice 365microsoft sharepoint
!   What did we implement?
!   What does it look like?
!   How did we do?
!   How can you customize it?
!   Where can you use it?
SharePoint 2013
Web Parts
SharePoint 2010
Web Parts
Office 365
App Parts
SharePoint 2013
Web Parts
SharePoint 2010
Web Parts
Office 365
App Parts
!   What did we implement?
!   What does it look like?
!   How did we do?
!   How can you customize it?
!   Where can you use it?

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Rev Your Engines - SharePoint Performance Best Practices
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Rev Your Engines - SharePoint Performance Best Practices

This document discusses techniques for enhancing SharePoint performance, including: - Optimizing the database through techniques like content archiving, cleanup, and index maintenance. - Distributing the database and cache across multiple servers to improve scalability and availability. - Implementing request management to route requests based on rules to balance load and isolate traffic. - Improving the user interface through techniques like client-side rendering, optimized markup, and image renditions to reduce page weight.

Create SASSy web parts in SPFx
Create SASSy web parts in SPFxCreate SASSy web parts in SPFx
Create SASSy web parts in SPFx

In this session, I explained the core concepts of SASS and how it can enhance your development workflow. Sketch Web Parts first in HTML move them to SPFx later...

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I3 - Running SharePoint 2016 in Azure the do's and dont's - Jasjit Chopra
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I3 - Running SharePoint 2016 in Azure the do's and dont's - Jasjit Chopra

In this session we are going to discuss the entire process of planning and successfully running SharePoint 2016 in the cloud. We will cover topics related to Security, Performance, Scalability, High Availability, Backup & Restore and Disaster Recovery. We will also cover the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) use case scenario in this deployment.

How can you customize it?

Using CSS
You can:!
!   Change document icons depending of the MIME type, the
object type or one of the attributes,
!   Re-organize the detailed view of documents,
!   Or apply any themes.
How can you customize it?

Using JavaScript
You can:!
!   Change the configuration of the library to focus on a
specific folder, to change the number of items per page,
!   Configure how a property will be displayed,
!   Configure the behavior in a search form,
!   Add new actions for each document,
!   …
How can you customize it?

Using HTML templates…
Folder Item Template

Table Header Template
Table Row Template
Node Details Template (per type)
Version Details Template
Advanced Search Form Template
How can you customize it?

Using HTML templates…

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Amazon Webservices for Java Developers - UCI Webinar

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services - now commonly known as cloud computing. AWS is an ideal platform to develop on and host enterprise Java applications, due to the zero up front costs and virtually infinite scalability of resources. Learn basic AWS concepts and work with many of the available services. Gain an understanding of how existing JavaEE applications can be migrated to the AWS environment and what the advantages are. Discover how to architect a new JavaEE application from the ground up to leverage the AWS environment for maximum benefit.

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I2 - SharePoint Hybrid Search Start to Finish - Thomas Vochten
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I2 - SharePoint Hybrid Search Start to Finish - Thomas Vochten

One of the most compelling additions to a SharePoint practitioner’s toolbox is hybrid search. Although hybrid search capabilities were already around for a few years, with the introduction of the “Cloud Search Service Application” things got a lot more interesting. This demo-heavy session will focus on the technical implementation details and their prerequisites, as well as the typical hurdles that you’ll face in your first hybrid search project.

hybridoffice 365sharepoint
Movin’ On Up - SP Engage Oct 2015
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Movin’ On Up - SP Engage Oct 2015

The document discusses a case study of migrating two construction companies from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013. It outlines the business drivers for the migration including performance issues, outdated search, and low user adoption. The proposed solution is to migrate content to the new SharePoint 2013 environment using a third-party tool to clean up access controls and align content. Challenges included limited resources and a datacenter move. The plan involved engaging users, defining governance and architecture, installing servers, migrating content and customizations, training users, and decommissioning the old environments.

How can you customize it?

For an invoice use case…
!   Open on the folder Invoices,
!   Add templates to change the document list view
(displaying of the invoice #, invoice date, invoice amount
and seller),
!   Add templates to change the detailed view of an invoice,
!   Add an invoice search form,
!   Configure the search form to use a date picker,
!   Add custom icons for invoices,
!   Use currency symbols instead of currency code if possible.
Integrating Alfresco with SharePoint & Drupal Using CMIS
Edit Online
!   What did we implement?
!   What does it look like?
!   How did we do?
!   How can you customize it?
!   Where can you use it?

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SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers TSPUG
SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers TSPUGSharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers TSPUG
SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers TSPUG

As presented to the Toronto SharePoint User Group on March 20, 2013. With powerful new content search capabilities, metadata driven navigation, and new features such as design manager and cross site publishing, this presents a paradigm shift for developers with a focus on WCM publishing sites (intranet, internet). These new features and capabilities will be presented at an introductory level during this talk. The session will then focus on your typical Visual Studio “Publishing Solution” in SharePoint 2010. How do you get this running on a SharePoint 2013 Farm “as is” (migration)? What is involved if I want to convert my existing visual studio solution to SP 2013 developer tools and then fully over to the SP 2013 publishing paradigm? We’re already in development of a SharePoint 2010 site - can we deploy SharePoint 2013 now or should we wait? This session will provide insight into how you should develop today, and be ready for the new world that awaits in SharePoint 2013!

SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers HSPUG
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SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management for Developers HSPUG

This document provides an overview of Ed Musters' background and expertise. It lists that he is a current SharePoint MVP, author of two SharePoint 2010 development books, and SharePoint architect. It also outlines some of his additional qualifications including Microsoft certifications and experience as a trainer. The document promotes Ed as an expert in areas like full trust SharePoint solutions, apps, and web content management in SharePoint 2013. It provides high-level summaries of these topics and when each approach is most suitable.

Movin’ On Up - A #SharePoint Migration Case Study #HSPUG
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Movin’ On Up - A #SharePoint Migration Case Study #HSPUG

The document outlines a case study for migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013. It describes the clients as construction companies with slow adoption of changes. The goals are to create a unified SharePoint 2013 on-premises environment. Business drivers include performance issues, unhelpful search, and low user adoption in the previous environments. The proposed solution is to migrate content to the new environment using a third-party tool and realign content. Challenges include limited resources and user unhappiness with the current system. Potential benefits include cost savings, improved search and support, and increased efficiency. The plan involves various stages such as user engagement, governance, installation, migration, and decommissioning the previous environments.

Where can you use it?
Where can you use it?
Where can you use it?
Where can you use it?

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This document summarizes a SharePoint Saturday event presentation about enterprise content management (ECM) in SharePoint. The presentation discusses KnowledgeLake as an ECM solution provider, what ECM is, common use cases, and components like taxonomy, content type hubs, and ECM strategies. It also provides contact information for the presenters.

Mastering the Art of SharePoint DMS
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Mastering the Art of SharePoint DMS

This session provides information on how to best implement a Document Management System within SharePoint. All elements used to create a DMS are explained in detail and best practices are provided as well.

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Movin on Up - SPEngage Phoenix 2017
Movin on Up - SPEngage Phoenix 2017Movin on Up - SPEngage Phoenix 2017
Movin on Up - SPEngage Phoenix 2017

SharePoint Engage Phoenix 2017 Our SharePoint environment is a lot like many others – a SharePoint 2007 implementation that was used more as a file dump than a collaboration space. With minimal user adoption, we were never quite ready to implement 2010, with a pilot SharePoint 2010 implementation stalled out of the gate. In the meantime, some content was put on Box and other services to address external collaboration needs. Business users needed more relevant search results, content databases had grown uncomfortably large, and access controls had become spaghetti. Fortunately, site sprawl wasn’t too bad… except that the reason for that was the low adoption. SharePoint 2013 arrived to a perfect storm – business and technology needs to be addressed, content that needs to be brought back in-house, and user adoption that needs to be improved. Time to upgrade! See how we approached the upgrade, the issues than needed to be addressed, and the questions that needed to be answered.

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Where can you use it?
Where can you use it?
Jim Nasr
Armedia CEO
Ben Chevallereau
Software Architect
About Armedia

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Movin on Up - ScarePoint Friday Cincinnati 2016
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Movin on Up - ScarePoint Friday Cincinnati 2016

Cincinnati's version of SharePoint Saturday, on a Friday before Halloween Our SharePoint environment is a lot like many others – a SharePoint 2007 implementation that was used more as a file dump than a collaboration space. With minimal user adoption, we were never quite ready to implement 2010, with a pilot SharePoint 2010 implementation stalled out of the gate. In the meantime, some content was put on Box and other services to address external collaboration needs. Business users needed more relevant search results, content databases had grown uncomfortably large, and access controls had become spaghetti. Fortunately, site sprawl wasn’t too bad… except that the reason for that was the low adoption. SharePoint 2013 arrived to a perfect storm – business and technology needs to be addressed, content that needs to be brought back in-house, and user adoption that needs to be improved. Time to upgrade! See how we approached the upgrade, the issues than needed to be addressed, and the questions that needed to be answered.

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Product Catalog and IT Service Management
Product Catalog and IT Service ManagementProduct Catalog and IT Service Management
Product Catalog and IT Service Management

SharePoint Fest Chicago 2014 product catalog and service management presentation presented by Concurrency

Solve Todays Problems with 10 New SharePoint 2010 Features
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Solve Todays Problems with 10 New SharePoint 2010 Features

This document summarizes 10 new features in SharePoint 2010 that help solve problems organizations face today. It discusses features like unique document IDs, managed metadata, metadata navigation, content type hubs, unattached database recovery, new object models, and business connectivity services. For each feature, it provides a brief description of what it does, how it works, and why the feature was needed to address challenges in previous versions of SharePoint. It also includes information on requirements and best practices for upgrading to SharePoint 2010.

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Armedia Competencies

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Integrating Alfresco with SharePoint & Drupal Using CMIS

  • 1. Integrating Alfresco with SharePoint & Drupal Using CMIS Ben Chevallereau Jim Nasr
  • 3. What is this? !   Provide SharePoint users direct access to CMIS-enable repositories !   Follow SharePoint UX guidelines for ease of use !   Configurable for easy integration !   Document manipulation features including: Search, Navigation, Viewing, Upload and Update !   Direct access to ECM repositories through CMIS !   Extensible Framework for New Solutions !   Open Source – Apache Chemistry Project !   Fully CMIS Compliant
  • 4. A bit on CMIS...
  • 5. So what?! !   Increase user adoption with ease of use !   Eliminate content silos !   Reuse SharePoint and other ECM solutions !   Faster time to solution with less resources !   Full power of ECM from SharePoint !   Bridge organizations and their content !   Share solutions and burden through open source !   No vendor lock-in
  • 6. Use cases? !   Collaboration – SharePoint to CMIS repository !   Secure Storage in CMIS repository !   Records Retention !   Enterprise Search and Knowledge Base !   Compliance Applications !   Simple Workflow Integration !   Case Handling Support
  • 7. A sample business application: Vendor Management
  • 9. Summary !   What did we implement? !   What does it look like? !   How did we do? !   How can you customize it? !   Where can you use it?
  • 10. A CMIS 1.1 user interface implemented only with jQuery, HTML & CSS
  • 11. And an Alfresco filtered search component based on SolR.
  • 12. Packaged in different platforms: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, Office 365, Alfresco Share, Drupal.
  • 13. Summary !   What did we implement? !   What does it look like? !   How did we do? !   How can you customize it? !   Where can you use it?
  • 16. What we are able to do? !   Login to any CMIS 1.1 repository! !   Browse a repository! •  Create a new folder •  Rename folder •  Delete folder !   Display documents! •  List all documents stored in a folder •  Display details •  Download document •  Preview PDF document •  Delete document •  Check-In / Check-Out / Update •  Search (Full Text + Advanced Search) •  Upload document
  • 17. Summary !   What did we implement? !   What does it look like? !   How did we do? !   How can you customize it? !   Where can you use it?
  • 18. Architecture CMIS  1.1   CMIS  1.1  JavaScript  Library   Browser   UI   Component   Library   UI   Component   SharePoint 2013 Web Parts SharePoint 2010 Web Parts Office 365 App Parts Drupal Plugin Alfresco Module
  • 19. Architecture Web  Services   Facet   Search   Component   SharePoint 2013 Web Parts SharePoint 2010 Web Parts Office 365 App Parts Drupal Plugin Alfresco Module
  • 20. Summary !   What did we implement? !   What does it look like? !   How did we do? !   How can you customize it? !   Where can you use it?
  • 21. How can you customize it?
 Using CSS You can:! ! !   Change document icons depending of the MIME type, the object type or one of the attributes, !   Re-organize the detailed view of documents, !   Or apply any themes.
  • 22. How can you customize it?
 Using JavaScript You can:! ! !   Change the configuration of the library to focus on a specific folder, to change the number of items per page, … !   Configure how a property will be displayed, !   Configure the behavior in a search form, !   Add new actions for each document, !   …
  • 23. How can you customize it?
 Using HTML templates… Browser:! Folder Item Template Library:! Table Header Template Table Row Template Node Details Template (per type) Version Details Template Advanced Search Form Template
  • 24. How can you customize it?
 Using HTML templates… Generic Templates JS Library Custom HTML Templates
  • 25. How can you customize it?
 For an invoice use case… !   Open on the folder Invoices, !   Add templates to change the document list view (displaying of the invoice #, invoice date, invoice amount and seller), !   Add templates to change the detailed view of an invoice, !   Add an invoice search form, !   Configure the search form to use a date picker, !   Add custom icons for invoices, !   Use currency symbols instead of currency code if possible.
  • 28. Summary !   What did we implement? !   What does it look like? !   How did we do? !   How can you customize it? !   Where can you use it?
  • 29. Where can you use it?
  • 30. Where can you use it?
  • 31. Where can you use it?
  • 32. Where can you use it?
  • 33. Where can you use it?
  • 34. Where can you use it?
  • 35. Thanks! Jim Nasr Armedia CEO @jnasr Ben Chevallereau Software Architect @bchevallereau