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Security Researcher
What are Injection Flaws??
 Injection flaws are a class of security vulnerability
that allows a user to “break out” of the web
application context.
 Weakness in an application whereby foreign input
subverts the otherwise legitimate use of a
 Injection flaws allow attackers to relay malicious
code through an application to another system
Is Your Web App Vulnerable to
 User Supplied data is not validated , filtered
or sanitized by Application.
 Hostile data is supplied directly to dynamic
queries or non parameterized calls for the
interpreter without context-aware escaping.
 Hostile data is used with ORM search
parameters such that search evaluates out
to include sensitive or all records.
Different types of Injection
flaws Different subsystems == Different flaws
 SQL Injection
 Command Injection
 HTML Injection
 LDAP Injection
 XML Injection
 IMAP/SMTP Injection

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Xss attack
Xss attackXss attack
Xss attack

An XSS attack is a type of vulnerability that allows malicious scripts to be injected into web pages viewed by other users. There are three main types: reflected XSS occurs when a link containing malicious code is clicked; stored XSS injects code directly into a vulnerable website, potentially affecting many users; DOM-based XSS involves injecting code into a website hosted on a user's local system, allowing the attacker to access that user's browser privileges. The document provides examples of how XSS attacks work and can be used to hijack accounts, insert hostile content, steal cookies, and redirect users.

cyber attacknetworkingxss
Sql injection in cybersecurity
Sql injection in cybersecuritySql injection in cybersecurity
Sql injection in cybersecurity

SQL injection is a code injection technique that attacks data-driven applications. It involves inserting malicious SQL statements into entry fields that are then executed by the database. There are different types of SQL injection attacks, including directly injecting code to immediately execute or injecting into persistent storage to be triggered later. Injection can occur through user input, cookies, or server variables. Prevention techniques aim to stop these types of attacks from harming databases.

sql injection in cybersecurity
SQL injection prevention techniques
SQL injection prevention techniquesSQL injection prevention techniques
SQL injection prevention techniques

This document discusses SQL injection and techniques to prevent it. SQL injection occurs when malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field to exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying database. Attackers can use SQL injection to bypass login screens or retrieve sensitive data. To prevent SQL injection, developers should escape special characters in user input before submitting queries, use prepared statements with bound parameters, and validate and sanitize all input. Input escaping involves using database-specific escape functions like mysql_real_escape_string() to avoid unintended SQL commands. Proper input validation and escaping helps prevent SQL injection attacks.

SQL Injection: Database Query
 Dynamic script to look into database
 “Direct” access to database
 Possible to issue CRUD statements and many
SQL Injection : Query
Command Injection
 Web application performs operating system
 Execute external programs/script
 List files etc.
ping –c <user_input>
Protection using Command Execution API
os.system(ping –c
HTML Injection
 Possible to include HTML Tags like iframe , fake forms,
XSS also possible….
 Can be used in phishing attacks

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This document discusses SQL injection (SQLI), which is a code injection technique used to attack data-driven applications. SQLI works by inserting malicious SQL statements into entry fields for execution on the backend database. This allows attackers to read sensitive data, modify database contents, and perform administration tasks. The document outlines common SQLI attack methods like error-based and union-based techniques. It also categorizes SQLI attacks as in-band, inferential/blind, or out-of-band based on how results are returned. Examples are provided to illustrate how SQLI exploits vulnerabilities in dynamic SQL queries.

sql injection in details
Xss (cross site scripting)
Xss (cross site scripting)Xss (cross site scripting)
Xss (cross site scripting)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of vulnerability in web applications that allows attackers to inject client-side scripts. There are three main types of XSS - reflected XSS occurs when malicious scripts are included in links or requests to the server, stored XSS happens when scripts are stored on the server through forums or comments, and local XSS executes without contacting the server through PDFs or Flash. XSS can lead to compromised user accounts, denial of service attacks, or access to users' local machines. Developers can prevent XSS through input validation, encoding output, and keeping software updated.

A2 - broken authentication and session management(OWASP thailand chapter Apri...
A2 - broken authentication and session management(OWASP thailand chapter Apri...A2 - broken authentication and session management(OWASP thailand chapter Apri...
A2 - broken authentication and session management(OWASP thailand chapter Apri...

OWASP Top 10- A2 broken authentication and session management at Mahidol University on April 28, 2016

authenticationowasp top 10broken authentication
XML Injection
 Web App talks to backend web services
 Web app’s logic converts parameter’s to XML web
services (as SOAP,…)
XML Injection
LDAP Injection
 Lightweight Directory Access protocol
 It is used to access information directories like
users, user information, software, computers.
LDAP Injection
 Insert Special characters like(*,|,&,…) leading
to exposure of user’s confidential data

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Sql injection
Sql injectionSql injection
Sql injection

The document discusses SQL injection, including its types, methodology, attack queries, and prevention. SQL injection is a code injection technique where a hacker manipulates SQL commands to access a database and sensitive information. It can result in identity spoofing, modifying data, gaining administrative privileges, denial of service attacks, and more. The document outlines the steps of a SQL injection attack and types of queries used. Prevention methods include minimizing privileges, coding standards, and firewalls.

SQL Injection attack
SQL Injection attackSQL Injection attack
SQL Injection attack

SQL injection is a code injection technique used to attack data-driven applications that use SQL queries to access a backend database. An attacker can insert malicious SQL statements into the login form of a web application to gain unauthorized access to the database. The document discusses what SQL injection is, types of SQL injection like in-band and out-of-band, and provides examples. It also notes that SQL injection is a serious problem that can allow attackers to delete, modify or steal data. Suggested solutions include input validation, prepared statements, and minimizing database privileges.

How to identify and prevent SQL injection
How to identify and prevent SQL injection  How to identify and prevent SQL injection
How to identify and prevent SQL injection

• What is SQL injection ? • Why is it harmful? • Types of SQL injection attacks. • How to identify SQL injection vulnerability. • Exploiting SQL injection. • How to protect Web Application from SQL injection.

#cybersecurity #meetup #sql #sqlinjection
IMAP/SMTP Injection
 This threat affects all applications that
communicate with mail servers (IMAP/SMTP),
generally webmail applications.
 We need to verify the capacity to inject arbitrary
IMAP/SMTP commands into the mail servers,
due to input data not being properly sanitized.
State of Web framework
 Anti CSRF tokens – can easily turned
 Templates escapes user input – just HTML
escape ->XSS
 Uses ORM – SQLi still possible
 We need to use secure APIs or write secure
Can WAF solve the problem?
 Web Application Firewalls are for Attack
Detection and Prevention
 Most of WAFs use blacklists. No
vulnerability detection.
Protect Exploitation : RASP
Runtime Application Self Protection
• Detect both Attacks and Vulnerability
• No Hardware Requirements
• Inject Security at Runtime
• Applies defense inside the application
• Zero code Modification and Easy
• No use of Blacklists

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Secure Code Warrior - CRLF injection
Secure Code Warrior - CRLF injectionSecure Code Warrior - CRLF injection
Secure Code Warrior - CRLF injection

Web App Vulnerabilities - Slidepack on "CRLF injection" by Secure Code Warrior Limited and licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

hackingsecuritysoftware development
Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution
Local File Inclusion to Remote Code ExecutionLocal File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution
Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution

This document discusses local file inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities that can allow attackers to execute remote code. It explains how LFI works by dynamically including user-supplied files, and how attackers can use path traversal and null bytes to read arbitrary local files. It then describes how attackers can use LFI to execute reverse shells on the target server by including a PHP script that opens a remote connection. The document provides examples of vulnerable PHP functions and common files that can be read. It concludes by recommending input validation and whitelisting of allowed files to defend against LFI attacks.

Directory Traversal & File Inclusion Attacks
Directory Traversal & File Inclusion AttacksDirectory Traversal & File Inclusion Attacks
Directory Traversal & File Inclusion Attacks

Directory traversal, also known as path traversal, allows attackers to access files and directories outside of the web server's designated root folder. This can lead to attacks like file inclusion, where malicious code is executed on the server, and source code disclosure, where sensitive application code is revealed. Local file inclusion allows attackers to include files from the local web server, while remote file inclusion includes files from external websites, potentially allowing remote code execution on the vulnerable server.

RASP by API Instrumentation
and Dynamic White-list
 Monkey Patching
 Lexical Analysis and Token Generation
 Context Determination
Injection flaws
Injection flaws
Injection flaws

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS, stored XSS, and DOM-based XSS. XSS has been one of the top vulnerabilities on the OWASP Top Ten list for many years. While XSS attacks can compromise user sessions and steal sensitive data, developers can prevent XSS through proper input sanitization and output encoding. As web applications continue to grow in use, jobs in web application security and penetration testing are also expected to increase significantly in the coming years.

SQL Injections (Part 1)
SQL Injections (Part 1)SQL Injections (Part 1)
SQL Injections (Part 1)

This document provides an introduction to SQL injection basics. It defines SQL injection as executing a SQL query or statement by injecting it into a user input field. The document outlines why SQL injection is studied, provides a sample database structure, and describes generic SQL queries and operators like UNION and ORDER BY. It also categorizes different types of SQL injection and attacks. The remainder of the document previews upcoming topics on blind SQL injection, data extraction techniques, and prevention.

SSRF exploit the trust relationship
SSRF exploit the trust relationshipSSRF exploit the trust relationship
SSRF exploit the trust relationship

This document provides an overview of server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities, including what SSRF is, its impact, common attacks, bypassing filters, and mitigations. SSRF allows an attacker to induce the application to make requests to internal or external servers from the server side, bypassing access controls. This can enable attacks on the server itself or other backend systems and escalate privileges. The document discusses techniques for exploiting trust relationships and bypassing blacklists/whitelists to perform SSRF attacks. It also covers blind SSRF and ways to detect them using out-of-band techniques. Mitigations include avoiding user input that can trigger server requests, sanitizing input, whitelist

securityinformation securitysecurity news
 Ideal RASP should have minimum
performance impact.
 Need to do adapt more secure techniques
in combination with RASP.
 Minimal configuration and Easy
 Implementing Preventing measures to
avoid session Hijacking, Credentials etc.
Thank You

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Injection flaws

  • 2. What are Injection Flaws??  Injection flaws are a class of security vulnerability that allows a user to “break out” of the web application context.  Weakness in an application whereby foreign input subverts the otherwise legitimate use of a subsystem.  Injection flaws allow attackers to relay malicious code through an application to another system
  • 3. Is Your Web App Vulnerable to Injection?  User Supplied data is not validated , filtered or sanitized by Application.  Hostile data is supplied directly to dynamic queries or non parameterized calls for the interpreter without context-aware escaping.  Hostile data is used with ORM search parameters such that search evaluates out to include sensitive or all records.
  • 4. Different types of Injection flaws Different subsystems == Different flaws  SQL Injection  Command Injection  HTML Injection  LDAP Injection  XML Injection  IMAP/SMTP Injection
  • 5. SQL Injection: Database Query  Dynamic script to look into database  “Direct” access to database  Possible to issue CRUD statements and many more….
  • 6. SQL Injection : Query database
  • 7. Command Injection  Web application performs operating system tasks  Execute external programs/script  List files etc. ping –c <user_input> Protection using Command Execution API os.system(ping –c
  • 8. HTML Injection  Possible to include HTML Tags like iframe , fake forms, XSS also possible….  Can be used in phishing attacks
  • 9. XML Injection  Web App talks to backend web services  Web app’s logic converts parameter’s to XML web services (as SOAP,…)
  • 11. LDAP Injection  Lightweight Directory Access protocol  It is used to access information directories like users, user information, software, computers.
  • 12. LDAP Injection  Insert Special characters like(*,|,&,…) leading to exposure of user’s confidential data
  • 13. IMAP/SMTP Injection  This threat affects all applications that communicate with mail servers (IMAP/SMTP), generally webmail applications.  We need to verify the capacity to inject arbitrary IMAP/SMTP commands into the mail servers, due to input data not being properly sanitized.
  • 14. State of Web framework Security  Anti CSRF tokens – can easily turned off/miss-configurations  Templates escapes user input – just HTML escape ->XSS  Uses ORM – SQLi still possible  We need to use secure APIs or write secure code
  • 15. Can WAF solve the problem?  Web Application Firewalls are for Attack Detection and Prevention  Most of WAFs use blacklists. No vulnerability detection.
  • 16. Protect Exploitation : RASP Runtime Application Self Protection • Detect both Attacks and Vulnerability • No Hardware Requirements • Inject Security at Runtime • Applies defense inside the application • Zero code Modification and Easy Integration • No use of Blacklists
  • 17. RASP by API Instrumentation and Dynamic White-list  Monkey Patching  Lexical Analysis and Token Generation  Context Determination
  • 21. Challenges  Ideal RASP should have minimum performance impact.  Need to do adapt more secure techniques in combination with RASP.  Minimal configuration and Easy Deployment.  Implementing Preventing measures to avoid session Hijacking, Credentials etc.