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Information Literacy and the future of learning Sharon Markless,  King’s College London and IMA
The future of learning? What issues about learning are currently exercising the minds of researchers and developers? What implications might there be for the future? How will this affect our views of information literacy and our approaches to it?
What do we mean by learning? Increasing information  v  making meaning for oneself Remembering facts (exams)  v  developing new ways of seeing/preparing learners for the world that will be Applying information/skills  v  engaging in effective action in different situations/ seeing alternatives available The Old Debate
The debate hasn’t changed with the advent of new technologies… “ Learning involves very much more than undertaking activities on a computer... it includes an intricate and complex interaction between neural, cognitive, affective and social processes” Aragon, 2003, Facilitating learning in on-line environments “ See learning as holistic and iterative. This acknowledgement of the necessary iteration between teacher, student and content is more realistic than the cause/effect/behaviourist models usually presented. It requires a shift in focus from what the teacher should do to how they should set up the interactions” Laurillard, 2006, presentation on Integrating technology into teaching

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E learning theory
E learning theoryE learning theory
E learning theory

Here are some key points to discuss about communal constructivism and e-learning: Why is making it social valuable? - Learning from and contributing to others expands one's knowledge beyond what can be learned individually. It encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Learning becomes a communal effort rather than an isolated one. Which is better? Getting it from a peer... Or getting it from a teacher? - Getting it from a peer may promote more equal engagement and discussion as peers tend to communicate on a more similar level. However, teachers bring expertise and can provide guidance, feedback and correct misunderstandings. An ideal approach combines both peer and teacher interactions. How to design Multi-user Object Oriented systems (MO

Nat partyedpolicyforumjuly10
Nat partyedpolicyforumjuly10Nat partyedpolicyforumjuly10
Nat partyedpolicyforumjuly10

Derek Wenmoth presents a report on educational technology integration. The report finds that schools are progressing from adopting technologies to assimilating them into teaching and learning. It also finds that the relationship between how prominently technologies are used and how connected they are to curriculum goals illustrates different levels of integration, from addition to assimilation. The report discusses strategies for the future, including emphasizing technology to serve educational systems rather than lead them. It also identifies issues to consider when moving towards a networked school model, such as policy, technology, curriculum, staffing, pedagogy, leadership, resources, and quality.

education change technology future
Online Learning and courses
Online Learning and coursesOnline Learning and courses
Online Learning and courses

E-learning is part of the biggest change in training since the invention of the chalkboard or perhaps the alphabet. The development of computers and electronic communications has removed barriers of space and time. We can obtain and deliver knowledge anytime anywhere. Online classes are consistently imparting and improving knowledge of learners separated by geographical distances.

education and training
The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the best role for the ‘teacher’ “ I shall only ask him, not teach him and he shall share the enquiry with me” Socrates “ I know I cannot teach anything, I can only provide an environment in which someone can learn” Carl Rogers “ The technology is a very poor tool for teaching; its strength lies in supporting learning” Dr David Hay, the pedagogy of e-learning,2007 conference
The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the learner as active agent Social constructivism John Biggs Ference Marton 2003 Experiential learning Lauren Resnick 1980 Reflective practice Seymour Papert Learning as conversation Paulo Freire Jerome Bruner 1940 Problem-based learning Lev Vygotsky Discovery learning Jean Piaget Inquiry based education John Dewey 1890
The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the importance of collaboration Social constructivist approaches to learning have led to an emphasis on collaborative approaches to learning where ideas and attitudes are actively constructed/ deconstructed, rebuilt/renewed through group processes.  (Brown et al ,1989) Peer collaboration in developing on-screen concept maps led to sustained and improved learning and better outputs; using on –screen concept mapping without  collaboration did not make a significant difference in learning. (Black boxes to Glass boxes; on-screen learning in school with concept maps. Jan 2007 TLRP)
Is there nothing new in learning?

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Tawa pilot webinar
Tawa pilot webinarTawa pilot webinar
Tawa pilot webinar

This document provides an agenda and notes for a webinar on literacy teaching. The webinar will cover teaching comprehension strategies like drawing inferences, making connections, visualizing, and asking questions. It will also discuss scaffolding to help diverse students, matching students to texts, grouping approaches, and inquiry learning in comprehension. Specific comprehension strategies and research on their effectiveness will be reviewed.

Admin Neshaminy
Admin NeshaminyAdmin Neshaminy
Admin Neshaminy

The document discusses key skills and competencies needed for the 21st century such as critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, and accessing and analyzing information. It mentions Tony Wagner's "Seven Survival Skills" and discusses the need for systemic changes in schools and classrooms to help students develop these skills. It also discusses concepts like personal learning networks, rethinking pedagogy, strength-based learning, passion-based learning, educational technology integration models, and developing communities of practice.

ICT in Education
ICT in EducationICT in Education
ICT in Education

The document summarizes research on the evolving roles of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education and their impact on students' learning experiences. It discusses frameworks that classify ICT's roles as tools, tutors, and tutees. Research also shows ICT supporting deeper learning through "mindtools" and promoting motivation, engagement, access to information and resources, collaboration, and critical thinking skills. Studies find technology-rich classrooms correlate with improved critical thinking. Overall, ICT is increasingly emphasized in curricula and has significantly changed students' educative experiences in various ways.

What are the researchers and developers currently exploring? Is it new? Variation theory Importance of reflection, discussion, planning Centrality of existing/prior knowledge and personal meaning Importance of context and content of learning Cultural differences (‘learning styles’ is running into some problems) Collaborative/group learning
Does the context add anything new? Government policy/guidelines Curriculum needs of 21 st  Century The modern learning environment
Personal, learning and thinking skills framework     Independent enquirers Creative thinkers Reflective learners Team workers Self Managers Effective participators The framework has the potential to influence teaching and learning positively…..By providing a common way of talking about personal, learning and thinking skills the framework can enable a more specific focus on skills…  QCA   Advisor. December 2006
Personalised learning Meeting the range of needs, interests and aptitudes to ensure that every student reaches the highest standard possible…The quality of learning is shaped by learners’ experience, characteristics, interests and aspirations. High quality teaching explicitly builds on learner needs. Best practice: genuine pupil voice ( When their perspectives are taken seriously pupils feel more positive about themselves as learners, understand and manage their own progress better…)  pupils taking more responsibility for their own learning; curriculum flexibility to re-engage disaffected pupils Judy Seba et al, research brief 843, May 2007 (commissioned by DFES)

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The Learning Management System: Adapt or Disappear
The Learning Management System: Adapt or DisappearThe Learning Management System: Adapt or Disappear
The Learning Management System: Adapt or Disappear

This is a presentation that I gave at the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. I argued that we need to re-think pedagogy and technology use and suggested that we need to conceive of the LMS as one system within a student's personal learning environment.

elearninglearning management system
Challenges, change and trends 2011
Challenges, change and trends 2011Challenges, change and trends 2011
Challenges, change and trends 2011

The document discusses preparing students for an uncertain future where jobs and technologies do not yet exist. It emphasizes developing skills like adaptability and interacting with other cultures. Emerging technologies that could impact education in the next few years include electronic books, augmented reality, gesture-based computing, and visual data analysis. For technology to best support learning, it should inform but not dictate educational decisions and be backed by effective support. Connectivity and virtual learning environments may allow for anywhere, anytime education involving multiple remote participants.

educaiton future trends
Hybrid online learning
Hybrid online learningHybrid online learning
Hybrid online learning

The document discusses the benefits and guidelines for implementing hybrid online learning in K-12 classrooms. It argues that hybrid models can provide students with greater engagement, flexibility, and access to knowledge beyond the classroom by combining online and face-to-face learning. Standards from organizations like the American Association of School Librarians and Common Core emphasize skills like research, analysis, collaboration, and use of technology that are well-suited to hybrid environments. Recommendations include building an online community, using various technologies to encourage interaction, and assigning collaborative tasks.

Assessment for Learning Effective teaching and learning  (competence and confidence; active engagement and challenge) Curriculum  entitlement and choice  (personal relevance, flexible pathways) Organising the school  ( student centred approach ) Beyond the classroom  (strong partnership)
Needs of the 21 st  century? Fewer subjects, more intellectual depth Criticality Flexible mainstream programmes Navigating conflicting values Dealing with risk and uncertainty “ We cannot go backwards in education and recreate safe, conservative societies” Alan Luke 2006
Where does that leave us? Clues as to the future of learning? Meeting a wide variety of needs Critical engagement Pupils’ authentic voices Reflection and planning Collaborative learning
The new learning environment: affordances for learning “Teachers and learners often work with particular materials, resources and tools- from pencils and books to computers, interactive whiteboards and e-networks. These materials and technologies enable some things to happen and constrain others.” TLRP programme

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Thread: Discussion - Week 9 – DPSY-6111-1/DPSY-5111-1
Thread: Discussion - Week 9 – DPSY-6111-1/DPSY-5111-1Thread: Discussion - Week 9 – DPSY-6111-1/DPSY-5111-1
Thread: Discussion - Week 9 – DPSY-6111-1/DPSY-5111-1

By Day 4 Identify the age of the individual you are helping and explain the preliminary steps you would use to help the individual get started with the new skill. Include how you would identify the zone of proximal development for the individual and how you would use scaffolding to provide developmentally appropriate support for the individual’s learning. Indicate whether internalization of social speech is likely to occur and why.

thread: discussion - week 9 – dpsy-6111-1/dpsy-511zone of proximal developmentdpsy-6111
Ed Ic 706 Miranda Satterthwaite
Ed Ic 706 Miranda SatterthwaiteEd Ic 706 Miranda Satterthwaite
Ed Ic 706 Miranda Satterthwaite

The document summarizes a study on reducing energy consumption in New Zealand through the use of an educational wiki project. Students in a class of 29 worked on developing a wiki to discuss New Zealand's energy issues and propose innovative solutions. The aims of the project were to improve the students' information literacy skills and demonstrate key competencies outlined in the New Zealand curriculum. The wiki project allowed students to learn collaboratively while developing important 21st century skills needed to address complex issues like energy consumption.

A Green
A GreenA Green
A Green

Global Collaborative Projects allow students to work together on themes or topics across cultures using technology while remaining in their classrooms. They can involve structured or unstructured interactions between students on a limited or ongoing basis. Examples provided include competitions identifying landmarks, virtual field trips to share data about local areas, and having "travel buddies" share experiences across schools. Global projects help students develop broad perspectives, skills like communication, and cultural understanding by drawing on real-world resources. Success requires proper preparation, student-driven projects aligned with curriculum, and use of technologies like blogs, video chat, and social media to facilitate global collaboration.

The new learning environment:   the advent of social software Blogs Wikis YouTube Podcasts Social bookmarking MySpace/FaceBook Folksonomy Second Life
But what about learning?
Are some things now easier to achieve? Students creating, re-purposing and sharing multi-media content;creativity/innovation Socialising, collaborating (between students  and between students and teachers) and working with each other-interaction Meta cognitive strategies???   Student empowerment
Are some things now easier to achieve? Pupils’ authentic voices (preferences and perspectives) Authentic tasks/public entities Integrating different types of information Social environment (safe?) Peer critique/review/sharing Choice - engage different learners ‘ just –in –time’  interventions and teaching

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JTC May 2013 - Flexible Pathways Session
JTC May 2013 - Flexible Pathways SessionJTC May 2013 - Flexible Pathways Session
JTC May 2013 - Flexible Pathways Session

This document summarizes a JTC event from May 2013 focused on inclusive education and the role of technology. It discusses creating universally designed learning environments and flexible pathways for students through innovative uses of technology. School jurisdictions agreed to implement a research project exploring assistive technology and inclusive practices. The purpose is to better understand how to support learner participation and achievement for diverse students through technology and pedagogy. A developmental evaluation approach will be used to understand contexts and iteratively inform the initiative.

Regional Education Expertise Forum (REEF) RESEARCH BRIEFING Digital Literacy ...
Regional Education Expertise Forum (REEF) RESEARCH BRIEFING Digital Literacy ...Regional Education Expertise Forum (REEF) RESEARCH BRIEFING Digital Literacy ...
Regional Education Expertise Forum (REEF) RESEARCH BRIEFING Digital Literacy ...

This research brief on digital literacy in schools was completed by Isabelle Brent of Sheffield Hallam University in Summer 2012 and was commissioned by the Collaboration Sheffield: Leading Transformational Change project, funded by HEFCE. If you are interested in finding out more about the project and related activities, please contact

reefsheffield hallam universitydigital literacy
L Bridges
L BridgesL Bridges
L Bridges

The document discusses the benefits of using collaborative projects across curriculums in classrooms. It notes that while some educators are hesitant due to challenges in implementation, collaborative projects provide meaningful learning opportunities for students to interact, share perspectives, and construct new knowledge through dialogue. Research indicates that while many teachers currently use the internet as an information resource, collaborative online projects could further enhance learning by allowing students to communicate and work together beyond the classroom.

Are some things now easier to achieve? Build up a corpus of interrelated knowledge via posts and comments Create and structure annotated reading lists and information resource base Generate and collaboratively edit material Construct particular environments for students to explore Bring together learners with similar interests even if in different year groups Facilitate personal reading and writing groups Document group processes for reflection and planning
‘ I never thought of playing with my website as connected to literacy’.   “ At home students engage in a whole variety of social practices which involves text… Students were not aware of the literacy involved in these practices and were not therefore able to draw on them when working at school… What is equally important is that none of the staff were aware of the range of literacy practices students engaged in.”
Organising life:  Uses mobile phone as an alarm clock; Keeps a notebook for assessment deadlines; Files his school work in folders; Keeps notes of his dates for socialising. Private/leisure:  Creates his own websites; reads newspapers; reads novels; downloads music; reads on-line versions of magazines. Documenting life : Created and maintains his own website with photographs and opinions of social events he attends.

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PSTI Monday
PSTI MondayPSTI Monday
PSTI Monday

This document outlines an agenda for a Pre-Service Teacher Institute occurring from July 12-23, 2010. It discusses introducing teachers to 21st century skills and using technology to support student-centered, hands-on learning. Breakout sessions will address how to engage students with technology, support standards-based instruction, and use real-world data and skills to deepen understanding.

JTC May 2013 - K-4 Technology Project
JTC May 2013 - K-4 Technology ProjectJTC May 2013 - K-4 Technology Project
JTC May 2013 - K-4 Technology Project

This document summarizes the research of an expert community of practice focused on using technology to support learning for young students in grades ECS to 4. It outlines the goals of cultivating and documenting engaged teaching and learning practices using technology. It discusses relevant research in areas like learning sciences, challenges for teaching, technologies role in young learners' lives, and knowledge building. The research plan involves a mixed methods case study over two years to understand how technology impacts student engagement, agency, competencies and shifts teaching practices. The purpose is to identify promising practices and innovations enabled by technology.

Using Mobile Technology in Information Literacy Skills Training to Enhance ...
Using Mobile Technology in Information Literacy Skills Training to Enhance ...Using Mobile Technology in Information Literacy Skills Training to Enhance ...
Using Mobile Technology in Information Literacy Skills Training to Enhance ...

Thirteen mobile information literacy eLearning lessons have been designed to demonstrate how to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. Testing of the tool is underway with students majoring in psychology, social work, and education to determine the effectiveness of using mobile technology to enhance students’ information literacy skills. This poster highlights the development and application of the mobile information literacy innovation, the collaboration between faculty and the Library and preliminary findings of the pilot project. Successes and challenges of the research project to support anytime, anywhere student mobile information literacy eLearning training will be highlighted.

information literacymobile learningmobile information literacy
Personal communication : Uses email; msn; text messaging; Sense making:  Reads websites to help construct his own; joins chat rooms to get advice on website construction. Social participation : Created posters and publicity for a school play and  charity function; builds groups of new ‘friends’
Can schools cope with fast, multi-tasking, empowered pupils?   Conservative institutions Sterile, two-dimensional environment (v creating, sharing and commenting on content; multi-tasking; social networking) Assessment driven/individual marks Still cling to authority and credibility as basis of acceptable content
Where does this leave Information Literacy and the library? Reach, Focus, Presence and Delivery?
The focus of Information Literacy? Is finding the issue any more? In the web 2.0 environment do other concerns e.g. forming their own perspectives and creating new insights.  Information literacy should enable students to discover and present their own authentic voices. How does IL fit in with the personal, learning and thinking skills framework? How far should librarians venture into areas such as critical and creative thinking, structured reflection and active construction of new knowledge?

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Information Literacy
Information LiteracyInformation Literacy
Information Literacy

Keynote Addressed delivered by MASuva during the Basic IL forum sponsored by Association of Laguna Librarians (ALL)

Computer literacy course for university students
Computer literacy course for university studentsComputer literacy course for university students
Computer literacy course for university students

This document discusses a proposed computer literacy course for students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Makerere University. It begins with an introduction that defines computer literacy and its importance for university students. It then provides background information on the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and levels of computer literacy. The document outlines the course, which would be taken over two semesters and cover basic to intermediate computer skills including hardware, software, internet and email. It aims to improve students' computer skills and prepare them for using technology in their studies and future careers.

Information Literacy in Lifelong learning
Information Literacy in Lifelong learningInformation Literacy in Lifelong learning
Information Literacy in Lifelong learning

Presentation by Anthi Katsirikou Venue:QQML 2011- EMPATIC Workshop Hellenic National Research Foundation Greece 27 May 2011

Information Literacy Frameworks not linked to the learning process …, ignoring or underplaying reflection, iteration, trial-and-error, and different learning styles and strategies. Linear, mono-directional, sequential. grounded in a technical view of information literacy (processes such as citation and keyword searching), with far too little emphasis on the cognitive and meta-cognitive elements  ignore peer interaction and the collaborative nature of much enquiry  use a language that does not resonate with teachers and students, does not reflect the language of the subjects  Designed to be taught and assessed .
A framework to support student choice in learning?   Takes advantage of the technology that allows individuals and groups to make choices, navigate between options and then save their search paths for discussion and reflection.  Students can construct their own problem-solving approaches. The context should lead students to make different choices depending upon the nature of the task they are doing If one avenue fails they can go back to the big picture and choose another   Used in a blended learning approach
Based on a fusion of two research-based published models, a non-linear model of information-seeking behaviour devised by Allen Foster (2004) and a model of information and critical literacies offered by Ross Todd(2001 etc.)
Information and Critical Literacies Connecting with Information ( orientation; exploring; focussing; locating) Making use of information ( transforming; communicating; applying ) Interacting with Information ( Thinking critically; evaluating; transforming; constructing ) Monitoring progress  Reflecting on the experience and the outcome

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Keynote Address at the 3er Congreso de Bibliotecas Universitarias y Especializadas in Santiago, Chile, June 2, 2016.

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Computer literacy by student of UOL from first semester
Computer literacy by student of UOL from first semesterComputer literacy by student of UOL from first semester
Computer literacy by student of UOL from first semester

This document discusses a project on computer literacy in Pakistani schools. It provides an overview of the project contents and structure, including introductions of group members, concepts of computer literacy, its history and development in Pakistan, effects of computer literacy in private and public schools, and recommendations.

Information Literacy in the Knowledge Society
Information Literacy in the Knowledge SocietyInformation Literacy in the Knowledge Society
Information Literacy in the Knowledge Society

The document discusses information literacy in the knowledge society. It defines information literacy as comprising the information science concepts needed for everyday life, work, and education. In a knowledge society, information literacy becomes increasingly important as knowledge workers and lifelong learning are essential. The document outlines two aspects of information literacy - retrieval literacy and knowledge representation literacy. It also discusses the importance of information literacy in everyday life, the workplace, and education to prevent digital and knowledge divides.

measuring information literacyinformation literacy instructioninformation literacy didactics
orientation exploring locating Focussing (e.g. keywords, formulating questions ) Monitoring progress Reflecting on the experience and the outcome Connecting with information Making use of information Interacting with information Thinking critically Constructing new knowledge, concepts Evaluating and verifying transforming transforming Citing and referencing applying communicating i-skills
Connecting with Information problem definition reviewing identifying sources orientation focussing networking picture building browsing  exploring l locating systematic searching M o n I t o r I n g  p r o g r e s s
Interacting with Information questioning and challenging filtering knowing enough thinking critically refining and interpreting synthesising and analysing transforming constructing l evaluating Imposing structure R e f l e c t I n g
Making Use of Information restructuring transforming taking ownership of the learning communicating applying R e f l e c t I n g  o n  t h e  e x p e r i e n c e  a n d  t h e  o u t c o m e  Citing and  referencing

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Transforming Information Literacy for Today’s K-12 Learners Through the Lense...
Transforming Information Literacy for Today’s K-12 Learners Through the Lense...Transforming Information Literacy for Today’s K-12 Learners Through the Lense...
Transforming Information Literacy for Today’s K-12 Learners Through the Lense...

This document discusses transforming information literacy for K-12 learners through transliteracy, inquiry, and participatory learning. It defines key concepts like transliteracy as the ability to read, write and interact across different platforms and media. Inquiry is presented as a way to encourage participatory learning and discourage the "banking" model of education. The document advocates for putting pedagogy before tools and recognizing the classroom as a place for complex human interactions rather than just delivering right answers.

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Semantic information theory in 20 minutes
Semantic information theory in 20 minutesSemantic information theory in 20 minutes
Semantic information theory in 20 minutes

The document discusses extending Shannon's information theory to incorporate semantics. It proposes a three-level model of communication including physical, technical, and semantic layers. It explores how semantics can reduce source redundancy through shared background knowledge, and defines notions of semantic noise and channel capacity. Future work is outlined on topics like lossy semantic compression, semantic mismatches, and applications to knowledge representation languages.

From user education to information literacy : changing role of university lib...
From user education to information literacy : changing role of university lib...From user education to information literacy : changing role of university lib...
From user education to information literacy : changing role of university lib...

A paper presented on 21st March 2008 at National Institute of Library and Information Sciences (NILIS), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka in its' annual research symposium.

Blended Learning: a complex mixture of experiences that build on how students operate Different modes of delivery Mixture of technologies Synchronous and a-synchronous Authentic and classroom-based learning Enables timely and context led interventions
Not making connections Skills-led approach Allowing a sequential process to dominate (this is how to…) rather than task focus Skills and process led Lack of focus on developing knowledge; learning always has content as well as process Dorothy Williams, presentation 2007, Making Connections
Learning occurs when variation in ways of understanding or experiencing are discerned Improving learning is about understanding the learner’s perspective; the variations in students conceptions of information literacy. Learning is about changes in conception-assist students in developing new and more complex ways of experiencing information literacy Teaching and learning activities should be designed to enable students to develop more complex understandings Christine Bruce in Andretta, S. 2007, page 43
Variation in information searching:   looking for a needle in a haystack finding a way through a maze; as using the tools as a filter as panning   for gold Decide which is the most appropriate to use in different contexts; need the whole repertoire to draw upon.  Able to experience variety on-line and to reflect on differences:   For each of the searches on the two sources note down How many results you obtained What type of results e.g too broad? Too narrow? Area in which you didn’t get the answers that you expected etc

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Information Seeking Information Literacy
Information Seeking  Information LiteracyInformation Seeking  Information Literacy
Information Seeking Information Literacy

This document discusses various concepts related to information seeking and literacy. It defines information seeking as involving search, retrieval, recognition and application of content. It discusses several theories on why people seek information, including being in an anomalous state of knowledge, experiencing uncertainty, or having a gap in understanding. It also covers theories on how and who seeks information. Finally, it discusses related concepts such as information literacy, competence, inquiry-based learning and 21st century skills.

Information Literacy Skills (Advanced)
Information Literacy Skills (Advanced)Information Literacy Skills (Advanced)
Information Literacy Skills (Advanced)

This is the slide used for Library training. This training covers 4 parts; Research Searching, Writing, Publishing, Sharing & Monitoring

Information literacy and the role of academic libraries
Information literacy and the role of academic librariesInformation literacy and the role of academic libraries
Information literacy and the role of academic libraries

Lecture presented by Michelle A. Esteban at PAARL Seminar- workshop with the theme "Managing Today’s Learning Commons: Re-Skilling Seminar for Information Professionals" held on September 20-22, 2016 at the Crown Legacy Hotel, Kisad Road, Baguio City.

training seminarsinformation literacypaarl

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Information Literacy and the future of learning

  • 1. Information Literacy and the future of learning Sharon Markless, King’s College London and IMA
  • 2. The future of learning? What issues about learning are currently exercising the minds of researchers and developers? What implications might there be for the future? How will this affect our views of information literacy and our approaches to it?
  • 3. What do we mean by learning? Increasing information v making meaning for oneself Remembering facts (exams) v developing new ways of seeing/preparing learners for the world that will be Applying information/skills v engaging in effective action in different situations/ seeing alternatives available The Old Debate
  • 4. The debate hasn’t changed with the advent of new technologies… “ Learning involves very much more than undertaking activities on a computer... it includes an intricate and complex interaction between neural, cognitive, affective and social processes” Aragon, 2003, Facilitating learning in on-line environments “ See learning as holistic and iterative. This acknowledgement of the necessary iteration between teacher, student and content is more realistic than the cause/effect/behaviourist models usually presented. It requires a shift in focus from what the teacher should do to how they should set up the interactions” Laurillard, 2006, presentation on Integrating technology into teaching
  • 5. The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the best role for the ‘teacher’ “ I shall only ask him, not teach him and he shall share the enquiry with me” Socrates “ I know I cannot teach anything, I can only provide an environment in which someone can learn” Carl Rogers “ The technology is a very poor tool for teaching; its strength lies in supporting learning” Dr David Hay, the pedagogy of e-learning,2007 conference
  • 6. The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the learner as active agent Social constructivism John Biggs Ference Marton 2003 Experiential learning Lauren Resnick 1980 Reflective practice Seymour Papert Learning as conversation Paulo Freire Jerome Bruner 1940 Problem-based learning Lev Vygotsky Discovery learning Jean Piaget Inquiry based education John Dewey 1890
  • 7. The same old issues keep appearing… e.g. the importance of collaboration Social constructivist approaches to learning have led to an emphasis on collaborative approaches to learning where ideas and attitudes are actively constructed/ deconstructed, rebuilt/renewed through group processes. (Brown et al ,1989) Peer collaboration in developing on-screen concept maps led to sustained and improved learning and better outputs; using on –screen concept mapping without collaboration did not make a significant difference in learning. (Black boxes to Glass boxes; on-screen learning in school with concept maps. Jan 2007 TLRP)
  • 8. Is there nothing new in learning?
  • 9. What are the researchers and developers currently exploring? Is it new? Variation theory Importance of reflection, discussion, planning Centrality of existing/prior knowledge and personal meaning Importance of context and content of learning Cultural differences (‘learning styles’ is running into some problems) Collaborative/group learning
  • 10. Does the context add anything new? Government policy/guidelines Curriculum needs of 21 st Century The modern learning environment
  • 11. Personal, learning and thinking skills framework   Independent enquirers Creative thinkers Reflective learners Team workers Self Managers Effective participators The framework has the potential to influence teaching and learning positively…..By providing a common way of talking about personal, learning and thinking skills the framework can enable a more specific focus on skills… QCA Advisor. December 2006
  • 12. Personalised learning Meeting the range of needs, interests and aptitudes to ensure that every student reaches the highest standard possible…The quality of learning is shaped by learners’ experience, characteristics, interests and aspirations. High quality teaching explicitly builds on learner needs. Best practice: genuine pupil voice ( When their perspectives are taken seriously pupils feel more positive about themselves as learners, understand and manage their own progress better…) pupils taking more responsibility for their own learning; curriculum flexibility to re-engage disaffected pupils Judy Seba et al, research brief 843, May 2007 (commissioned by DFES)
  • 13. Assessment for Learning Effective teaching and learning (competence and confidence; active engagement and challenge) Curriculum entitlement and choice (personal relevance, flexible pathways) Organising the school ( student centred approach ) Beyond the classroom (strong partnership)
  • 14. Needs of the 21 st century? Fewer subjects, more intellectual depth Criticality Flexible mainstream programmes Navigating conflicting values Dealing with risk and uncertainty “ We cannot go backwards in education and recreate safe, conservative societies” Alan Luke 2006
  • 15. Where does that leave us? Clues as to the future of learning? Meeting a wide variety of needs Critical engagement Pupils’ authentic voices Reflection and planning Collaborative learning
  • 16. The new learning environment: affordances for learning “Teachers and learners often work with particular materials, resources and tools- from pencils and books to computers, interactive whiteboards and e-networks. These materials and technologies enable some things to happen and constrain others.” TLRP programme
  • 17. The new learning environment: the advent of social software Blogs Wikis YouTube Podcasts Social bookmarking MySpace/FaceBook Folksonomy Second Life
  • 18. But what about learning?
  • 19. Are some things now easier to achieve? Students creating, re-purposing and sharing multi-media content;creativity/innovation Socialising, collaborating (between students and between students and teachers) and working with each other-interaction Meta cognitive strategies??? Student empowerment
  • 20. Are some things now easier to achieve? Pupils’ authentic voices (preferences and perspectives) Authentic tasks/public entities Integrating different types of information Social environment (safe?) Peer critique/review/sharing Choice - engage different learners ‘ just –in –time’ interventions and teaching
  • 21. Are some things now easier to achieve? Build up a corpus of interrelated knowledge via posts and comments Create and structure annotated reading lists and information resource base Generate and collaboratively edit material Construct particular environments for students to explore Bring together learners with similar interests even if in different year groups Facilitate personal reading and writing groups Document group processes for reflection and planning
  • 23. ‘ I never thought of playing with my website as connected to literacy’. “ At home students engage in a whole variety of social practices which involves text… Students were not aware of the literacy involved in these practices and were not therefore able to draw on them when working at school… What is equally important is that none of the staff were aware of the range of literacy practices students engaged in.”
  • 24. Organising life: Uses mobile phone as an alarm clock; Keeps a notebook for assessment deadlines; Files his school work in folders; Keeps notes of his dates for socialising. Private/leisure: Creates his own websites; reads newspapers; reads novels; downloads music; reads on-line versions of magazines. Documenting life : Created and maintains his own website with photographs and opinions of social events he attends.
  • 25. Personal communication : Uses email; msn; text messaging; Sense making: Reads websites to help construct his own; joins chat rooms to get advice on website construction. Social participation : Created posters and publicity for a school play and charity function; builds groups of new ‘friends’
  • 26. Can schools cope with fast, multi-tasking, empowered pupils? Conservative institutions Sterile, two-dimensional environment (v creating, sharing and commenting on content; multi-tasking; social networking) Assessment driven/individual marks Still cling to authority and credibility as basis of acceptable content
  • 27. Where does this leave Information Literacy and the library? Reach, Focus, Presence and Delivery?
  • 28. The focus of Information Literacy? Is finding the issue any more? In the web 2.0 environment do other concerns e.g. forming their own perspectives and creating new insights. Information literacy should enable students to discover and present their own authentic voices. How does IL fit in with the personal, learning and thinking skills framework? How far should librarians venture into areas such as critical and creative thinking, structured reflection and active construction of new knowledge?
  • 29. Information Literacy Frameworks not linked to the learning process …, ignoring or underplaying reflection, iteration, trial-and-error, and different learning styles and strategies. Linear, mono-directional, sequential. grounded in a technical view of information literacy (processes such as citation and keyword searching), with far too little emphasis on the cognitive and meta-cognitive elements ignore peer interaction and the collaborative nature of much enquiry use a language that does not resonate with teachers and students, does not reflect the language of the subjects Designed to be taught and assessed .
  • 30. A framework to support student choice in learning? Takes advantage of the technology that allows individuals and groups to make choices, navigate between options and then save their search paths for discussion and reflection. Students can construct their own problem-solving approaches. The context should lead students to make different choices depending upon the nature of the task they are doing If one avenue fails they can go back to the big picture and choose another Used in a blended learning approach
  • 31. Based on a fusion of two research-based published models, a non-linear model of information-seeking behaviour devised by Allen Foster (2004) and a model of information and critical literacies offered by Ross Todd(2001 etc.)
  • 32. Information and Critical Literacies Connecting with Information ( orientation; exploring; focussing; locating) Making use of information ( transforming; communicating; applying ) Interacting with Information ( Thinking critically; evaluating; transforming; constructing ) Monitoring progress Reflecting on the experience and the outcome
  • 33. orientation exploring locating Focussing (e.g. keywords, formulating questions ) Monitoring progress Reflecting on the experience and the outcome Connecting with information Making use of information Interacting with information Thinking critically Constructing new knowledge, concepts Evaluating and verifying transforming transforming Citing and referencing applying communicating i-skills
  • 34. Connecting with Information problem definition reviewing identifying sources orientation focussing networking picture building browsing exploring l locating systematic searching M o n I t o r I n g p r o g r e s s
  • 35. Interacting with Information questioning and challenging filtering knowing enough thinking critically refining and interpreting synthesising and analysing transforming constructing l evaluating Imposing structure R e f l e c t I n g
  • 36. Making Use of Information restructuring transforming taking ownership of the learning communicating applying R e f l e c t I n g o n t h e e x p e r i e n c e a n d t h e o u t c o m e Citing and referencing
  • 37. Blended Learning: a complex mixture of experiences that build on how students operate Different modes of delivery Mixture of technologies Synchronous and a-synchronous Authentic and classroom-based learning Enables timely and context led interventions
  • 38. Not making connections Skills-led approach Allowing a sequential process to dominate (this is how to…) rather than task focus Skills and process led Lack of focus on developing knowledge; learning always has content as well as process Dorothy Williams, presentation 2007, Making Connections
  • 39. Learning occurs when variation in ways of understanding or experiencing are discerned Improving learning is about understanding the learner’s perspective; the variations in students conceptions of information literacy. Learning is about changes in conception-assist students in developing new and more complex ways of experiencing information literacy Teaching and learning activities should be designed to enable students to develop more complex understandings Christine Bruce in Andretta, S. 2007, page 43
  • 40. Variation in information searching: looking for a needle in a haystack finding a way through a maze; as using the tools as a filter as panning for gold Decide which is the most appropriate to use in different contexts; need the whole repertoire to draw upon. Able to experience variety on-line and to reflect on differences: For each of the searches on the two sources note down How many results you obtained What type of results e.g too broad? Too narrow? Area in which you didn’t get the answers that you expected etc