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Incremental model
According to the incremental model, a software is divided into separate
modules(Component) and each of these module have a separate set of
waterfall activities including requirement gathering, designing,
implementation, deployment, and maintenance.
When any component is ready then the component is delivered to the
customer and when remaining component is ready then deliver to the
customer one by one by integrating new component with old once
• System development is broken down into many mini development
• Partial systems are successively built to produce a final total system
• Highest priority requirement is tackled first
• Once the incremented portion id developed, requirements for that
increment are frozen
Requirement Analysis Requirement and specification of the software are
Design Some high-end function are designed during this
Code Coding of software is done during this stage
Test Once the system is deployed, it goes through the
testing phase

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Prototyping model
Prototyping modelPrototyping model
Prototyping model

The document discusses the prototyping lifecycle model in software engineering. It describes prototyping as creating early versions of a software application to gather requirements and refine the design. The key steps are: gathering requirements through user interviews, creating a preliminary design, building a prototype, assessing the prototype with users, refining it based on their feedback, and developing the final product. There are different types of prototyping like throwaway, evolutionary, incremental, and extreme. Prototyping helps produce systems that better meet user needs and finds problems earlier in the development cycle.

software engineeringevolutionary model
Iterative model
Iterative modelIterative model
Iterative model

The iterative model breaks a project into small modules that can be delivered incrementally. A working version is produced in the first module, with each subsequent release adding additional functionality until the full system is complete. It allows for quick releases during development and makes it easier to develop and test in smaller iterations while incorporating customer feedback at each stage. However, it requires more resources than traditional models and skilled management to avoid increased costs over time.

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This document summarizes the waterfall model of software development. It describes the history and key phases of the waterfall model, including requirement gathering and analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. The advantages are that it is easy to implement for small projects and phases must be completed sequentially. Disadvantages include inability to easily change requirements late in the process and lack of feedback between phases.

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Analysis Design Code Test
Analysis Design Code Test
Increment 1
Increment 2
Increment 3
Increment 1 Increment 2
Increment 3 Increment 4
1. When we start our activities then we can start with component 1(Log in). This
component undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design,
implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component
is ready, we deliver this one component to the customer
LOG IN Component 1 is ready after first increment
2. After that we add or increment another component (2.Search). This
component undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design,
implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component
is ready, we deliver this one component to the customer.
Log In
Component 1 is ready after first increment
Component 2 is ready after second increment

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Software Development Life Cycle Model
Software Development Life Cycle ModelSoftware Development Life Cycle Model
Software Development Life Cycle Model

The document discusses several software development life cycle (SDLC) models: - The waterfall model is a linear and sequential approach with distinct phases for requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. It works well for projects with stable requirements. - The V-shaped model emphasizes verification and validation testing at each phase. It is suited for projects requiring high reliability. - Evolutionary prototyping involves building prototypes early and getting user feedback in iterations to refine requirements. It helps clarify unstable requirements. - Rapid application development (RAD) emphasizes user involvement and productivity tools to reduce cycle times. It is suited when requirements are reasonably well known. - Incremental development delivers partial systems in increments to get early benefits while allowing

Waterfall, Spiral and iterative model
Waterfall, Spiral and iterative modelWaterfall, Spiral and iterative model
Waterfall, Spiral and iterative model

The document provides an overview and comparison of three software engineering models: Waterfall, Spiral, and Iterative. The Waterfall model involves sequential phases from requirements to maintenance. The Spiral model is risk-driven and iterative, with prototypes evaluated at each cycle. The Iterative model breaks a project into smaller modules that are delivered incrementally with user feedback between cycles. Both Spiral and Iterative models allow for refinement and flexibility compared to the linear Waterfall approach.

software engineeringsdlcwaterfall

A prototype model is system development life cycle (SDLC) model used by companies in information system department.

3. After that we add or increment another component (3.Modify). This component
undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design,
implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component is ready,
we deliver this one component to the customer.
Log In
Component 1 is ready after first increment
Component 2 is ready after second increment
Component 3 is ready after third increment
Customer feedback is received after the delivery of each component.
Risk of requirement change is reduced.
More flexible.
Easy to test.
Give quick result.
Needs proper plan to integrate the components.
Needs proper design to integrate the components.
More expensive as compared to waterfall model.
When to use incremental model?
When the major requirement are understood but some requirement
evolve within the passage of time.
When the product launch in the market getting late.
When customer have no problem of budget but he demand for more
and more quality in software.

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The document discusses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including its objectives, common phases and models. The key models described are waterfall, prototyping, spiral, RAD and agile. Waterfall is the classical sequential model but is inflexible. Prototyping and spiral address changing requirements through iterative cycles. RAD focuses on rapid development through reuse, workshops and early user testing. Agile methods emphasize speed, reduced formal processes and adaptability. The conclusion recommends RAD for mashup projects due to its support for iterative requirements changes and modular development.

Software development life cycle (SDLC)
Software development life cycle (SDLC)Software development life cycle (SDLC)
Software development life cycle (SDLC)

The document defines the software development life cycle (SDLC) and its phases. It discusses several SDLC models including waterfall, prototype, iterative enhancement, and spiral. The waterfall model follows sequential phases from requirements to maintenance with no overlap. The prototype model involves building prototypes for user feedback. The iterative enhancement model develops software incrementally. The spiral model is divided into risk analysis, engineering, construction, and evaluation cycles. The document also covers software requirements, elicitation through interviews and use cases, analysis through data, behavioral and functional modeling, and documentation in a software requirements specification.

software developmentwaterfall modelprototype model
Spiral model
Spiral modelSpiral model
Spiral model

The document presents information on the Spiral Model software development process. It discusses that the Spiral Model combines elements of the prototype model and waterfall model. It involves dividing the process into task regions like customer communication, planning, risk analysis, engineering, and construction. Each task region results in further refinement through iterations of the spiral. The Spiral Model allows for risk analysis and adding new features throughout the process.

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Incremental model

  • 2. WHAT IS INCREMENTAL MODEL? According to the incremental model, a software is divided into separate modules(Component) and each of these module have a separate set of waterfall activities including requirement gathering, designing, implementation, deployment, and maintenance. When any component is ready then the component is delivered to the customer and when remaining component is ready then deliver to the customer one by one by integrating new component with old once
  • 3. CHARACTERISTICS • System development is broken down into many mini development projects • Partial systems are successively built to produce a final total system • Highest priority requirement is tackled first • Once the incremented portion id developed, requirements for that increment are frozen
  • 4. INCREMENTAL MODEL PHASES Requirement Analysis Requirement and specification of the software are collected Design Some high-end function are designed during this stage Code Coding of software is done during this stage Test Once the system is deployed, it goes through the testing phase
  • 5. Analysis Design Code Test Analysis Design Code Test Analysis Design Code Test Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 3
  • 6. EXAMPLE (JUST FOR UNDERSTANDING) Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 3 Increment 4
  • 7. ANOTHER EXAMPLE 1. When we start our activities then we can start with component 1(Log in). This component undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design, implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component is ready, we deliver this one component to the customer LOG IN Component 1 is ready after first increment
  • 8. 2. After that we add or increment another component (2.Search). This component undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design, implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component is ready, we deliver this one component to the customer. Log In Search Component 1 is ready after first increment Component 2 is ready after second increment
  • 9. 3. After that we add or increment another component (3.Modify). This component undergoes the phases of requirement gathering and analysis, design, implementation, deployment and maintenance. When this component is ready, we deliver this one component to the customer. Log In Search Modify Component 1 is ready after first increment Component 2 is ready after second increment Component 3 is ready after third increment
  • 10. ADVANTAGES Customer feedback is received after the delivery of each component. Risk of requirement change is reduced. More flexible. Easy to test. Give quick result.
  • 11. Dis-ADVANTAGES Needs proper plan to integrate the components. Needs proper design to integrate the components. More expensive as compared to waterfall model.
  • 12. When to use incremental model? When the major requirement are understood but some requirement evolve within the passage of time. When the product launch in the market getting late. When customer have no problem of budget but he demand for more and more quality in software.