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Diego González, PhD
Developer Advocate
Samsung Internet
Diego González, PhD
Senior Developer Advocate, Samsung
Google Developer Expert, Web Technologies
• Chromium Based (9.2 beta M67)
• Evergreen browser
• Android L+
53.17% 25.34% 7.36% 5.53%

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HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future
HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the FutureHTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future
HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future

This document summarizes the differences between developing native Android apps and developing apps using HTML5. It discusses that native Android apps have the best user experience and performance but are more expensive to develop, while HTML5 apps can be lower cost but have lower performance. It also covers technologies like geolocation, web sockets, and responsive design that help make HTML5 more full-featured for mobile. Overall it analyzes the tradeoffs between platforms for different types of apps and use cases.

html5androidmobile application development
Android Embedded - Smart Hubs als Schaltzentrale des IoT
Android Embedded - Smart Hubs als Schaltzentrale des IoTAndroid Embedded - Smart Hubs als Schaltzentrale des IoT
Android Embedded - Smart Hubs als Schaltzentrale des IoT

Android can be used as an operating system for smart hubs and embedded devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). Key advantages of using Android include its powerful graphics capabilities, ability to easily update devices over-the-air, and support for integrating various hardware protocols and devices. Android also provides a stable architecture and development process similar to building smartphone apps, making it well-suited for building smart hub and IoT devices.

internet of thingsandroid embeddediot
Ferguson VR Hackathon - May 6, 2017
Ferguson VR Hackathon - May 6, 2017Ferguson VR Hackathon - May 6, 2017
Ferguson VR Hackathon - May 6, 2017

Presentation Slides and A-Frame Workshop See git repo for demo files:

Immersed in the Web
XR 101
Content Creation
opaque transparent
Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) / XR devices
opaque transparent
Head Mounted Displays (HMD)
Samsung Odyssey

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Webgl 기술동향 2011.8
Webgl 기술동향 2011.8Webgl 기술동향 2011.8
Webgl 기술동향 2011.8

WebGL enables 3D graphics and hardware-accelerated rendering within web browsers without plugins. This allows for rich 3D graphics and gaming experiences to be developed for the web. There are many experiments underway with WebGL across areas like science visualization, graphics demos, and games. Over the next few years, best practices are expected to emerge from a variety of approaches, lowering barriers to entry while also pursuing high performance. WebGL has the potential to significantly expand the scope of web development.

The Magic of flutter Comex oman 2019
The Magic of flutter Comex oman 2019The Magic of flutter Comex oman 2019
The Magic of flutter Comex oman 2019

The document discusses Flutter, an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It notes that Flutter allows building high-performance, native-looking apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase. Key benefits of Flutter include its use of widgets that allow control over every pixel, fast development through hot reload, and high performance through compiling to native ARM code. Several large companies that use Flutter in production apps are mentioned, praising its cross-platform capabilities and developer productivity.

VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017
VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017
VizEx View HTML5 workshop 2017

VizEx View HTML5 is the first CGM viewer on the market that does not require a plug-in technology. There are many benefits associated with the technology from an IT and end-user perspective. We will provide an overview of the benefits during the event.

cgm viewertechnical illustrationstechnical graphics
opaque transparent
Head Mounted Displays (HMD)
Microsoft Hololens
opaque transparent
Head Mounted Displays (HMD)
Samsung Galaxy S10+
6 DoF3 DoF
Magic Window
Position tracking
6 DoF3 DoF
Magic Window
Position tracking
Oculus Rift
Google Cardboard

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Android application development with latest version
Android application development with latest version Android application development with latest version
Android application development with latest version

Android Application Development With Latest Version Treading Mobile Operating System

android apps developmenthire android application developerandroid application development
HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web DevelopersHTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers

HTML5 is a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio to HTML. It is not finished yet and continues to evolve. HTML5 introduces elements like article, section and aside to structure content. It also supports new media capabilities like playing video and audio natively in the browser without plugins. HTML5 is supported in Internet Explorer 9 and later, and also in other modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWebWordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb

The document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key elements and features. It begins with a definition of HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio. It then provides summaries of important HTML5 elements and features like video, audio, canvas, SVG, CSS3, DOM scripting, geolocation and more. The document concludes by discussing resources for learning more about HTML5 and considerations around using HTML5 versus apps or other technologies on mobile.

beauty of the webcss 3.0html5
6 DoF3 DoF
Magic Window
Position tracking
Oculus Rift
Samsung Gear VR
6 DoF3 DoF
Magic Window
Position tracking
Oculus Rift
6 DoF3 DoF
Magic Window
Position tracking
Samsung Galaxy S10e
Content Creation
SDKs per device
Frameworks based
on an open standard

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Phonegap for Engineers
Phonegap for EngineersPhonegap for Engineers
Phonegap for Engineers

PhoneGap allows developers to build native mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by wrapping web content in a native container on each mobile platform, allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and other platforms. PhoneGap uses a plugin architecture that enables accessing native device APIs like the camera, contacts, and geolocation from JavaScript. It supports many mobile browsers and platforms, while providing tools for compiling, debugging, and deploying apps.

New Frontiers in Motion and Interactivity
New Frontiers in Motion and InteractivityNew Frontiers in Motion and Interactivity
New Frontiers in Motion and Interactivity

With Adobe CS6 and the Creative Cloud, there are many new possibilities to consider when it comes to motion and interactive tools! Flash Professional CS6 allows a number of new publish targets; including sprite sheets, the updated Flash Player and AIR runtimes, and even HTML5. We'll then have a look at how the Creative Cloud works for users in consideration of files, products, and services &closing with a detailed overview of a new product that is only available through cloud subscription: Adobe Edge!

Immersive Web
Immersive WebImmersive Web
Immersive Web

Immersive Web technologies like WebXR allow developers to build augmented and virtual reality experiences that can be accessed through web browsers on various devices. This expands accessibility of XR beyond specialized headsets to a wide range of phones, tablets and computers. WebXR uses web standards and APIs to integrate with sensors, displays and inputs, enabling cross-device experiences. As support grows across browsers and devices, the web has the potential to become a leading platform for immersive content and applications.

immersive webwebxrwebvr
rift / rift S go/gear vr quest
“easily port to
Oculus Quest”
when docs
C, C++
C#, BooC++C++ C#, BooC++
*And this is for 1 family of devices
closed environment
wait several minutes download
100s of MBs experience you
discard after 1 use
open accessible
multi-device, multi-platform,
progressive enhanced
open accessible
device progressive
Immersed in the Web

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Philly ete-2011
Philly ete-2011Philly ete-2011
Philly ete-2011

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by embedding a webview component within a native container, and provides a bridge for JavaScript to access some device APIs. PhoneGap has grown a large community and supports many mobile platforms. While it allows cross-platform development, apps are still packaged natively and some limitations remain. The future roadmap includes improved plugin support and new features like web sockets and background services to enhance the capabilities of hybrid mobile apps.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

open accessible
This specification describes support for accessing virtual reality
(VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, including sensors and
head-mounted displays, on the Web.
WebXR navigator.xr
WebXR navigator.xr
• Entry point to the API
• Query XR features
• Initiates communication
with XR hardware
• Has a list of XR devices
• Including an active one
1. Check if the type of session we want is supported
enum XRSessionMode { "inline", "immersive-vr", "immersive-ar" };
2. Advertise this to the user
3. Wait for user activation event
4. Request an XRSession
5. If it succeeds, run Frame loop
WebXRHow to

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Mobile Web Development with HTML5
Mobile Web Development with HTML5Mobile Web Development with HTML5
Mobile Web Development with HTML5

Mobile Web Development with HTML5 provides an overview of developing mobile web applications using HTML5. It discusses using HTML5 features like semantics, offline storage, device access and multimedia that are supported across mobile browsers. It also covers concerns for mobile development like screen resolution and memory constraints. JavaScript frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch are presented as solutions for touch-optimized interfaces. The document recommends HTML5 features and modern web standards for building accessible mobile web sites.

Mobile html5 v2
Mobile html5 v2Mobile html5 v2
Mobile html5 v2

Hunter Loftis discusses building mobile apps using HTML5. He recommends first considering whether the app could be built natively or as a hybrid app. If using mobile HTML5, he provides practical guidelines including using micro libraries, limiting DOM updates, storing data locally, keeping code asynchronous, and embracing features like geolocation. The key is to aim low, debug on devices, and have fun building the mobile app.

appweb apphtml5
Story after PWA A2HS
Story after PWA A2HSStory after PWA A2HS
Story after PWA A2HS

Diego González discusses Samsung's continued support for progressive web apps (PWAs) through their web browser. Key points include: - Samsung Internet is the second most popular Android browser and supports PWAs on a wide range of Samsung devices. - Samsung contributes to the Chromium project and aims to provide a consistent experience for PWAs across their products. - PWAs can now be installed like native apps through a new WebAPK feature, and Samsung plans to submit PWAs to their Galaxy Store. - Developers are encouraged to make PWAs that follow Samsung's interface guidelines for a native look and feel. Samsung will focus on improving PWA discoverability and compatibility going forward

• Poll device pose
• Query info about the environment
• Present imagery to user
WebXR - XRSessionHow to
Support: Browsers
Browsers – New kind
Support: Hardware

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Bridging Realitites
Bridging RealititesBridging Realitites
Bridging Realitites

This document discusses how emerging technologies like WebXR, Web Bluetooth, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are converging to bridge the physical and digital worlds on the web. It provides examples of how VR is being used beyond gaming for training and prototyping, and how AR is enhancing the real world with live data. It outlines browser support for WebXR, Web Bluetooth, and AR capabilities on the web and demonstrates how these technologies can be used together to control IoT devices from within a web browser.

web developmentbluetoothvirtual reality
WebXR if X = how?
WebXR if X = how?WebXR if X = how?
WebXR if X = how?

The document discusses getting started with the immersive web and WebXR. It introduces key concepts like the WebXR specification which allows accessing virtual and augmented reality devices from the web. It highlights opportunities like discoverability, reach, and accessibility that WebXR provides. Frameworks like A-Frame, BabylonJS, and THREE.js are presented for building immersive experiences. Examples like a solar system, LOVE sculpture, and Ava avatar demonstrate how to create VR content. The document emphasizes thinking about user interaction, readability in 360 environments, and combining WebXR with features like service workers to enable offline capabilities.

webxrimmersive webweb development
WebXR, if X = 5G
WebXR, if X = 5GWebXR, if X = 5G
WebXR, if X = 5G

WebXR allows accessing virtual and augmented reality devices from the web. With 5G networks promising low latency and high speeds, WebXR combined with 5G could enable new immersive experiences on the web. Benefits may include improved discoverability of content, increased reach of experiences across devices, and more immediate and social experiences due to higher bandwidth and lower latency. The W3C is exploring how to leverage 5G innovations through the open web platform.

5gwebxrimmersive web
Who’s using it?
Dance Tonite
LCD SoundSystem
/ Google
Renault Kadjar
Little Workshop
Dr. Who Time Travel
BBC / goodboy
Immersed in the Web
Gamepad API
Web Bluetooth, WebRTC
Progressive Web Apps
Web Audio
Web Payments
and many more!
Immersed in the Web
Most commonly used
programming languages*
“close alignment in the technology
choices of professional developer
and the developer population
Immersed in the Web
BabylonJS A-Frame Simbol

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Look ma! no hands!
Look ma! no hands!Look ma! no hands!
Look ma! no hands!

This document discusses the potential for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) on the web through WebXR. It describes how WebXR allows accessing VR and AR devices from the web browser. The document outlines different levels of hardware support, from orientation-only to full 6 degrees of freedom tracking. It suggests adapting content through progressive enhancement to support different levels of interaction from gaze to speech. Examples are provided of VR experiences built with WebXR that demonstrate new browsers, workflows and axes of interaction for the web. The document concludes that WebXR can help commoditize VR and enable innovative experiences through an open technology stack.

Web inmersiva
Web inmersivaWeb inmersiva
Web inmersiva

Este documento discute el futuro de la realidad virtual y aumentada en la web. Presenta varias ideas como aprovechar los recursos del navegador como la voz, los mandos y las notificaciones para crear experiencias inmersivas de realidad virtual y aumentada accesibles en la web. También sugiere combinar dispositivos para experiencias de seis grados de libertad y reconocimiento de cuerpo completo. El documento concluye que la web y la realidad extendida juntas pueden democratizar la realidad virtual y habilitar innovadoras experiencias sociales con alcance


Ava is a WebVR archaeological experience created by Diego González and Peter O'Shaughnessy that allows users to virtually explore archaeological sites and learn about the archaeological process. The experience aims to incorporate VR with existing archaeological assets to enable the creation of VR experiences by non-VR experts and spread knowledge about archaeological findings. User feedback suggests Ava helps ignite children's imaginations about past landscapes and structures and sparks discussions about life in historical periods like the Scottish Bronze Age.

3D assets into the mix
3DS Max
Google Poly
Immersed in the Web
Hands on
+ Web Component
+ Progressive Web App
+ Web Component

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W3C Workshop WebXR Samsung Internet Update
W3C Workshop WebXR Samsung Internet UpdateW3C Workshop WebXR Samsung Internet Update
W3C Workshop WebXR Samsung Internet Update

1) Samsung Internet was the first consumer VR browser, launched in 2012 for Gear VR, and has since added support for WebVR APIs, 3DoF controllers, and changing the skybox background through JavaScript. 2) The presentation discussed the evolution and basic features of Samsung Internet for VR, including its integration with the Android version and support for continuous browsing experiences across devices. 3) Samsung Internet is dedicated to supporting emerging VR web standards like WebVR 1.1 and 2.0 through their implementation in the browser and by working with standards groups and developers.

samsung internetsamsungwebvr
State of Browsers
State of BrowsersState of Browsers
State of Browsers

Samsung Internet was the first consumer VR browser in 2012 and supported WebVR in 2016. Firefox has supported WebVR on desktop since version 55 in 2017. Google Chrome supported WebVR on mobile in 2017 and desktop with VR headsets in beta. Microsoft Edge announced WebVR support in late 2017. Chromium and Opera have experimental WebVR support. Safari has joined the WebVR group but does not yet officially support it. Browser support for WebVR varies from full support to experimental.

WebVR, an offspring of two worlds
WebVR, an offspring of two worldsWebVR, an offspring of two worlds
WebVR, an offspring of two worlds

This document summarizes Samsung Internet's WebVR capabilities and vision. It discusses how WebVR allows virtual reality experiences to be created using web technologies, reaching users through any compatible browser. Examples are provided showing how WebVR allows virtual tours and games to be experienced on mobile devices and headsets. The document argues that WebVR can help democratize VR and foster innovative experiences by providing an accessible and cross-platform development platform with the potential for wide social reach and immediate discoverability.

webvrvrweb design and development
• Component:
• Loads engine scripts
• Sets up the 3D environment
• Loads the 3D model
• Listening for changes
• BabylonJS
• Everything happens in
• You can easily add VR to the
+ Progressive Web App
• A-Frame:
• Declarative way of doing VR
• PWA:
• Offline VR experience
• Remove browser chrome
• No barriers to the experience
• Performance is still a bit lower than native XR
• Resolution is a bit lower than native XR
• AR is still experimental
• Specification is under development
• Size of assets on mobile connections might be too

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What's Coming Coming Coming
What's Coming Coming ComingWhat's Coming Coming Coming
What's Coming Coming Coming

Brief presentation of fairly new and coming web technologies, and why are developers excited about them.

web developmentwebbrowser
Making VR Webby
Making VR WebbyMaking VR Webby
Making VR Webby

The document discusses making virtual reality (VR) experiences accessible through the web. Key points include that the web provides widespread accessibility through browsers, low barriers to entry for developers, and support for VR features like 360 media, motion tracking, and different input methods through APIs like WebVR. This can help commoditize VR and enable innovative and social VR experiences that are cross-platform, privacy friendly, and accessible to all.

Web and the future of VR
Web and the future of VRWeb and the future of VR
Web and the future of VR

The document compares different VR headsets including Cardboard, Gear VR, HTC Vive, and discusses their pros and cons. It then introduces the concept of WebVR, which allows VR experiences to be delivered through a web browser instead of requiring specialized hardware. Some key advantages of WebVR mentioned are that it is open, accessible across different devices, easy to share content, and independent of an internet connection. Examples of WebVR experiences are provided.

web developmentvrwebvr
What’s next?
• AR on WebXR
• 5G for better, faster experiences
• New devices with growing capabilities
• Declarative Depth? CSS 3D?
Diego González, PhD

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