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Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning Core Education Ltd [email_address] ICT and the future of Education
Thinking digitally… Phone (obviously) Appointments Calendar Alarm Clock Game device Music player Still Camera Video Camera Video player Address Book To Do List Reminder Voice Recorder Calculator Email Tool Text Messenger Satellite Navigation System  (ref:  GPSXC .)
The Digital World Think of the communications technologies that are “taken for granted” now that weren’t around when you were at school….
New Tools Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Then Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs Analog Digital Connected Ubiquitous

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CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter4
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter4CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter4
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter4

Strayer University Course Slides for CIS375 Interaction Designs, to be added to student as instructor inside.

CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter5
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter5CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter5
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter5

Strayer University Course Slides for CIS375 Interaction Designs, to be added to student as instructor inside.

Perspectives on invisible learning
Perspectives on invisible learningPerspectives on invisible learning
Perspectives on invisible learning

This document discusses the concept of "invisible learning" and its implications for rethinking education. [1] Invisible learning refers to a sociotechnological framework for a new ecology of education that includes formal, non-formal, informal, and serendipitous learning. [2] It suggests that remixing different types of learning and applying new technologies more creatively could lead to novel applications and opportunities for learning outside traditional schools. [3] However, invisible learning is not presented as a single solution but rather a provocative perspective that encourages reimagining education in a more open and flexible manner attuned to changing times.

methodsaprendizaje invisiblefuturology
21st Century Skills Digital-Age Literacy * Basic, scientific, economic, and technological literacies * Visual and information literacies * Multicultural literacy and global awareness Inventive Thinking * Adaptability and managing complexity * Self-direction * Curiosity, creativity, and risk taking * Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning Effective Communication * Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills * Personal, social, and civic responsibility * Interactive communication High Productivity * Prioritizing, planning, and managing for results * Effective use of real-world tools * Ability to produce relevant, high-quality products
What the US public thinks
NZ Key Competencies Thinking:   Intellectual curiosity is at the heart of this competency. Using language, symbols, and texts:   confidently use ICT to access and provide information and to communicate with others Managing self:   know when to lead, when to follow, and when and how to act independently. Relating to others:   includes the ability to listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate, and share ideas. Participating and contributing:   includes a capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others, and to create opportunities for others in the group.
What do learners do online? Once they were… Consumers Now they are… Creators Contributors Communicators Collaborators  Coordinators In an “architecture of participation”

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Toward Society 3.0: A New Paradigm for 21st century education
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Toward Society 3.0: A New Paradigm for 21st century education

The convergence of globalization, the emergence of the knowledge society and accelerating change contribute to what might be best termed a New Paradigm of knowledge production in education. The New Paradigm reflects the emerging shifts in thought, beliefs, priorities and practice in regard to education in society. While the three component trends in the new paradigm are not unknown to educational leaders, discussion of the trends as elements of a larger system is largely absent. These new patterns of thought and belief are forming to harness and manage the chaos, indeterminacy, and complex relationships of the postmodern. This lecture provides a macro-level perspective of these three phenomena as they impact education at all levels. Such perspectives provide insight to leaders throughout the world on how educational institutions relate to the New Paradigm of knowledge production. The lecture then explores "what's next" as we build from the New Paradigm to co-construct Education 3.0 to complement Society 3.0.

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
Digital Natives, Digital ImmigrantsDigital Natives, Digital Immigrants
Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Digital natives are native speakers of the digital language who have grown up surrounded by technology and are used to receiving information very quickly. Digital immigrants are those who were not born into the digital world but have adopted certain aspects of the new technology. The document discusses how digital natives and digital immigrants think differently due to their varied experiences and how educators, who are typically digital immigrants, need to learn the language and style of the digital native students in order to effectively teach them.

120307 lifelonglearningpotsdam
120307 lifelonglearningpotsdam120307 lifelonglearningpotsdam
120307 lifelonglearningpotsdam

The document discusses networked lifelong learning. It describes knowledge workers and their role in today's workforce as individuals who solve non-routine problems using creative and critical thinking. It also outlines the demands that lifelong learners place on education, including flexibility in location, content, instruction mode, and support for disadvantaged learners. The document proposes a networked learning approach to meet these demands and discusses models of centralized versus distributed control of educational resources and content.

networked learninglifelong learning
Consumers Encyclopedias How Stuff Works Google
Creators Text  -  NeoOffice, OpenOffice Graphics  -  ArtRage, GIMP, GBModelpro Sound  -  Audacity, GarageBand Video  -  iMovie, MovieMaker Games  -  Scratch   Alice Web pages/sites  -  Nvu, iWeb
Contributors Blog Comments Wikipedia Flickr YouTube
Communicators Blogs Podcasts Email SMS Twitter Skype - AC, VC, chat MySpace, Bebo

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Digital Nativity: Education in the Generation of the Tech-Saavy

"The newest generation of learners arriving at our shores have never been without technology in their lives…how does this simple fact change their perception of education? What does it mean for them, and us? Explore the paradigm of teaching to the Digital Native." Presentation given at the Association of Adult Educators conference on October 23rd, 2015 at Nova Scotia Community College - Waterfront Campus in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Bibliography available on request.

CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter3
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CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter3

Strayer University Course Slides for CIS375 Interaction Designs, to be added to student as instructor inside.

CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter2
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter2CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter2
CIS375 Interaction Designs Chapter2

Strayer University Course Slides for CIS375 Interaction Designs, to be added to student as instructor inside.

Collaborators Wikis GoogleDocs Frappr 43 things
Coordinators NetVibes PageFlakes MySpace, Bebo Flock Bloglines Tagging
2020 & Beyond… To what extent are we prepared, as a society and as educators, for the massive changes in human capabilities that digital technologies are likely to enable in the next 13 years? To what extent are our future visions for education based upon assumptions about humanity, society and technology that are no longer valid? To what extent can we, as educators, help to shape the developments of technology in order to enhance human development?
Future School Site What would kids learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? When would they learn? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides?

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WhoZNext - PDS 2012
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This document discusses innovative approaches to technology integration in K-12 education. It begins by providing background on augmented reality, social media, and games-based learning research. It then outlines key drivers of change like broadband, social media, mobile devices, and cloud computing. Examples are given of how technology can be used innovatively through mobile learning, game-based learning, and cloud computing. Ensuring success requires a focus on pedagogy over tools, adequate training and support, and addressing barriers to change.

New Paltz Presentation 5
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Here are some key online resources for school administrators on 21st century skills: - New York State Education Department's guide for administrators on 21st century skills: - ISTE's standards for school administrators on technology leadership: - Crosswalk of NYS standards and ISTE standards: - Louisianna LEADS site (Leadership, Education and Development for School Success) with resources for administrators: http://www.lead

Technology Integration for PDS
Technology Integration for PDSTechnology Integration for PDS
Technology Integration for PDS

The document discusses strategies for integrating technology into 21st century classrooms to engage digital native students. It recommends using project-based learning, collaboration tools like Google Docs, authentic online activities, and primary source materials. Brain research indicates that students learn best through active, hands-on approaches rather than passive lectures. Technology can support developing 21st century skills like complex thinking, communication, and innovation through tools that facilitate visual ranking, evidence-based arguments, and interactive projects.

Two key questions… Education  in  the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education  for  the Future: What must we be doing  today  to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
Future Skills
From  the US… The top ten in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 We are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist Using technologies that haven’t been invented In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
Tech Futures Advanced networks Interoperability/connectivity Personalisation/customization Miniaturization Mobile devices Convergence/Mashups LMS/SMS/OLE Web2.0 - social networking Semantic web Visualisation 3D Immersive environments

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PDS Technology Integration
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PDS Technology Integration

The document discusses strategies for integrating technology into 21st century classrooms to engage digital native students. It recommends using project-based learning, collaboration tools like Google Docs, authentic online activities, and primary source materials. Brain research indicates that students learn best through active, hands-on approaches rather than passive lectures. Technology can support developing 21st century skills like complex thinking, communication, and innovation when used for student-driven projects.

Tech Class Slideshow
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Tech Class Slideshow

A digital native is someone who has grown up with digital technology and perceives it as a friend. Digital natives rely on technology to work, study, play, relax and communicate, changing the way they learn. Students universally prefer dealing with questions rather than answers, sharing opinions, participating in group projects involving real world issues and people, and having teachers communicate with them as equals rather than inferiors. Teachers can use technology to effectively communicate with digital native students.

Online Learning in a Networked Age
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Online Learning in a Networked Age

Online learning is being transformed by new technologies and social connections. [1] Tools like YouTube and social media allow learning to occur anywhere and be shared widely. [2] Networks provide opportunities for inspiration, collaboration, and crowdsourcing knowledge. [3] Visible, open learning helps develop strong connections and communities for sharing ideas.

3D immersive environments “ Spore” - game based on procedural methods MellaniuM” - 3D graphical environments generated ‘on-the-fly”.
New forms of interface “ Touch” technology  - the Apple iPhone “ Multi-touch” technology - Microsoft’s ‘table’, surface computing.
Think about it… “The only people who call technology “technology”, are those who were born before it was invented” (Source unknown)
New Thinking What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005)  Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER

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Open Scholarship & Connected Learning
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Open Scholarship & Connected Learning

This document summarizes a presentation about open scholarship and connected learning. It discusses how knowledge is acquired and shared, from human thought to various coding languages. It also examines shifts towards more open and collaborative models of learning, including the rise of open content online and network literacies. Key barriers like power and control are addressed. The importance of collaboration, critical thinking, and questioning established ideas are emphasized in developing 21st century learning networks.

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This document provides an outline for a presentation on memory loss and technology in the information age. It discusses how memory has historically relied on the human brain but has expanded to include external tools like writing, books, and now digital devices. As technology has advanced, it has taken over more memory functions, allowing the brain to focus on higher-level thinking but also making people more reliant on devices. This overreliance could lead to problems with critical thinking skills and a "digital dark age" if digital formats become obsolete. The presentation poses discussion questions about these issues.

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Partner Roadmap

What are the 3 key Success Factors to build a Cloud Computing business: 1) Partner Enablement 2) The Sales Cycle -> The Buyer's Journey 3) Product or Service focus -> Solutions Focus

the buyer's journeyproduct focusservices focus
Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff” It can be stored - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is true, correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time; new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it exists objectively, independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its own way of doing things
Minds Minds are like containers (filing cabinets or databases), they store knowledge Minds also process knowledge; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for storing and processing knowledge The mind is located in the brain, but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
Learning Learning is the process by which knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an individual activity: it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and introduced as a series of steps.
Thankyou Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]

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ICT And Future Education
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ICT And Future Education

▶ The theme of this issue is connected learning and how technology is transforming education by bringing it back to its original values of fostering critical thinking. The old model of schools and education is changing as connectivity allows learning to take place anywhere, anytime, like in Socrates' time before schools existed. The issue examines questions around the purpose of education and learning institutions in this new environment and how learners and teachers may need to change.

The Future of ICT / TIME: Futurist Gerd Leonhard in Cologne (NSN)
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Topics: # The consequences of what I call 'Broadband Culture' # Why and how digital content, UGC and Social Media are the biggest growth factors for the ICT industries, going forward # Why telecoms and ICT companies need to get involved with Content, and move up the foodchain # Why content flat-rates, starting with music, are the way forward, and need to be regulated # The copy economy vs the access / usage / sharing economy More on my blog

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Proyecto final de psicología

El niño ha sido cambiado repetidamente de escuela y presenta bajas calificaciones, intolerancia a la frustración y problemas para dormir solo. Sus padres no aplican la disciplina de forma consistente. Según Piaget y Erikson, el ambiente del niño no le permite desarrollarse satisfactoriamente. La enuresis podría deberse a factores emocionales como la falta de atención paterna. Se recomienda que los padres pasen tiempo de calidad juntos para que el niño se sienta más seguro.

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ICT and the future of education

  • 1. Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning Core Education Ltd [email_address] ICT and the future of Education
  • 2. Thinking digitally… Phone (obviously) Appointments Calendar Alarm Clock Game device Music player Still Camera Video Camera Video player Address Book To Do List Reminder Voice Recorder Calculator Email Tool Text Messenger Satellite Navigation System (ref: GPSXC .)
  • 3. The Digital World Think of the communications technologies that are “taken for granted” now that weren’t around when you were at school….
  • 4. New Tools Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Then Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs Analog Digital Connected Ubiquitous
  • 5. 21st Century Skills Digital-Age Literacy * Basic, scientific, economic, and technological literacies * Visual and information literacies * Multicultural literacy and global awareness Inventive Thinking * Adaptability and managing complexity * Self-direction * Curiosity, creativity, and risk taking * Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning Effective Communication * Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills * Personal, social, and civic responsibility * Interactive communication High Productivity * Prioritizing, planning, and managing for results * Effective use of real-world tools * Ability to produce relevant, high-quality products
  • 6. What the US public thinks
  • 7. NZ Key Competencies Thinking: Intellectual curiosity is at the heart of this competency. Using language, symbols, and texts: confidently use ICT to access and provide information and to communicate with others Managing self: know when to lead, when to follow, and when and how to act independently. Relating to others: includes the ability to listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate, and share ideas. Participating and contributing: includes a capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others, and to create opportunities for others in the group.
  • 8. What do learners do online? Once they were… Consumers Now they are… Creators Contributors Communicators Collaborators Coordinators In an “architecture of participation”
  • 9. Consumers Encyclopedias How Stuff Works Google
  • 10. Creators Text - NeoOffice, OpenOffice Graphics - ArtRage, GIMP, GBModelpro Sound - Audacity, GarageBand Video - iMovie, MovieMaker Games - Scratch Alice Web pages/sites - Nvu, iWeb
  • 11. Contributors Blog Comments Wikipedia Flickr YouTube
  • 12. Communicators Blogs Podcasts Email SMS Twitter Skype - AC, VC, chat MySpace, Bebo
  • 13. Collaborators Wikis GoogleDocs Frappr 43 things
  • 14. Coordinators NetVibes PageFlakes MySpace, Bebo Flock Bloglines Tagging
  • 15. 2020 & Beyond… To what extent are we prepared, as a society and as educators, for the massive changes in human capabilities that digital technologies are likely to enable in the next 13 years? To what extent are our future visions for education based upon assumptions about humanity, society and technology that are no longer valid? To what extent can we, as educators, help to shape the developments of technology in order to enhance human development?
  • 16. Future School Site What would kids learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? When would they learn? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides?
  • 17. Two key questions… Education in the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education for the Future: What must we be doing today to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
  • 19. From the US… The top ten in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 We are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist Using technologies that haven’t been invented In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
  • 20. Tech Futures Advanced networks Interoperability/connectivity Personalisation/customization Miniaturization Mobile devices Convergence/Mashups LMS/SMS/OLE Web2.0 - social networking Semantic web Visualisation 3D Immersive environments
  • 21. 3D immersive environments “ Spore” - game based on procedural methods MellaniuM” - 3D graphical environments generated ‘on-the-fly”.
  • 22. New forms of interface “ Touch” technology - the Apple iPhone “ Multi-touch” technology - Microsoft’s ‘table’, surface computing.
  • 23. Think about it… “The only people who call technology “technology”, are those who were born before it was invented” (Source unknown)
  • 24. New Thinking What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005) Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER
  • 25. Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff” It can be stored - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is true, correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time; new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it exists objectively, independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its own way of doing things
  • 26. Minds Minds are like containers (filing cabinets or databases), they store knowledge Minds also process knowledge; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for storing and processing knowledge The mind is located in the brain, but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
  • 27. Learning Learning is the process by which knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an individual activity: it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and introduced as a series of steps.
  • 28. Thankyou Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]