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From Idea To App 
ICONUK 2014 
René Winkelmeyer 
midpoints GmbH
René Winkelmeyer 
Lead Development Architect 
midpoints GmbH 
IBM Advanced Business Partner 
IBM Design Partner 
• Notes / Domino Consulting 
• E-Mail Management 
• Mobile 
• IBM Notes Traveler planning & deployment 
• mobile app development 
• Domino based iOS Device Management 
• Domino based “Dropbox” for Notes and iOS 
About me
René Winkelmeyer 
Lead Development Architect 
• Skype 
• Twitter 
• LinkedIn 
• Slideshare 
• Web 
• Mail 
• File Navigator 
• Generic NSF View Widget for IBM Connections 
About me
Who are you? 
§ Who runs an iMac, a MacBook or a MacPro? 
§ Who wants an iMac, a MacBook or a MacPro? 
§ Who created a native mobile app before?

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Ivan Jovanovic - Micro Frontends - Codemotion Rome_2019
Ivan Jovanovic - Micro Frontends - Codemotion Rome_2019Ivan Jovanovic - Micro Frontends - Codemotion Rome_2019
Ivan Jovanovic - Micro Frontends - Codemotion Rome_2019

The web is changing every day and it’s so hard to follow and implement all the new and fancy stuff that is being built. Cool new frameworks, libraries, methodologies and new approaches to solving problems. Usually is not that easy to deprecate some old technology and migrate to the new one. There are not many developers that still want to work with Angular 1 or Backbone and moving to something new is becoming necessary. If this sounds familiar to you, then this talk is for you! There is an innovative way to migrate from the old technology, to change the applications step by step

codemotioncodemotion rome 2019technology
Maintainable design
Maintainable designMaintainable design
Maintainable design

The document discusses how a designer's decisions impact a project's architecture and maintainability. It emphasizes that designers and developers should cooperate, with the designer understanding how developers work and creating reusable components. This allows developers to easily reuse code for different views, making the application faster and easier to maintain. The document recommends designers create a style guide documenting conventions and common components to help developers understand the design vision.

Cross Platform Mobile Development with Xamarin
Cross Platform Mobile Development with XamarinCross Platform Mobile Development with Xamarin
Cross Platform Mobile Development with Xamarin

This document discusses cross-platform mobile development using Xamarin, which allows developers to write C# code and build native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. It covers the tradeoffs of different cross-platform strategies and demonstrates Xamarin's approach of compiling C# code into native mobile apps. The presentation includes demos of building "Hello World" apps and a task management app in both Android and iOS with Xamarin.

What’s this session about? 
§ The business case 
§ Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Xcode 
§ Demo
What’s this session about? 
§ The business case 
§ Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Xcode 
§ Demo
The business case
The business case

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Ecommerce Mini Project / Group Project Coding
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Ecommerce Mini Project / Group Project Coding

This is an Ecommerce Mini Project / Group Project Presentation that I created as part of the college curriculum, this presentation is a more coding focused presentation that you might need to give in your college. If you want Design focused presentation please see Ecommerce Mini Project / Group Project Design PPT that I uploaded. It has things explained like VS Code, Adobe XD, Owl Carousel etc.

mini projectgroupgroup project
[Cordova] Empezando con Ionic
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[Cordova] Empezando con Ionic

Ionic es un framework muy popular para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles híbridas multi-plataforma usando Cordova. Recursos Internos: [Cordova] Empezando con Ionic [Cordova] Empezando con aplicaciones Ionic en Visual Studio Recursos Externos: Ionic Framework Sass AngularJS NodeJS npm Apache Cordova

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Say hello to Xamarin 3
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Say hello to Xamarin 3

The Xamarin 3 overview webinar explains and demos the Xamarin iOS Designer, Xamarin.Forms, and some major IDE enhancements.

xamarinmobile developmentwindows phone
The business case
Why a native app? 
§ Best performance 
§ Secure offline capabilities 
§ Defined distribution mechanisms
What’s this session about? 
§ The business case 
§ Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Xcode 
§ Demo
Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Standard pattern to separate the UI from the business logic 
§ Highly important to understand when creating iOS apps 
§ At least you‘re forced to program that way

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Code on the Beach 2018: Build an E-Commerce Chatbot on Azure Bot Framework v4
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Code on the Beach 2018: Build an E-Commerce Chatbot on Azure Bot Framework v4

Updated presentation for Code on the Beach 2018, August 10th, 2018. All of the samples and code were updated for botframework v4 which came out in early June of 2018. The presentation runs through how to use Azure Bot Framework and LUIS.AI using version 4 of the SDK. The example solution uses Kentico EMS for an e-commerce site that that Bot connects to for its data.

azure bot frameworkazurekentico
The future of the CMS
The future of the CMSThe future of the CMS
The future of the CMS

The document summarizes Todd Ross Nienkerk's presentation on decoupled content management system (CMS) architecture. Some key points: - A decoupled CMS separates the content storage and delivery mechanisms, allowing content to be delivered to various channels through APIs instead of being tied to specific frontends. - Decoupling a CMS makes sense when organizations want to adopt cutting-edge frontend technologies, separate upgrades from redesigns, eliminate tension between design and CMS constraints, or publish content to multiple channels. - Case studies of organizations like TWiT that have moved to a decoupled CMS architecture are discussed, highlighting benefits like faster website updates, easier app development, and encouraging community contributions.

cmsdevelopmentcontent management
Webview: The fifth element
Webview: The fifth elementWebview: The fifth element
Webview: The fifth element

Talk about different experiences related with mobile web and the android webview. Native vs Hybrid. Drawbacks and benefits of native and hybrid applications

Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Model 
§ „What your application is (but not how it is displayed)“ 
§ Controller 
§ „How your Model is presented to the user (UI logic)“ 
§ View 
§ Your Controller‘s minions
Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
What’s this session about? 
§ The business case 
§ Model-View-Controller (MVC) 
§ Xcode 
§ Demo
§ The main (only) IDE to create iOS and Mac apps. 
§ There are cross-compilers like Titanium for developing apps, but 
they need Xcode to build them. 
§ Free

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Single Page Application presentation
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Single Page Application presentation

The document discusses a journey to building a single page application using AngularJS and BreezeJS. It describes the initial solution using jQuery with problems around navigation and two-way binding. AngularJS solves these issues with routing and two-way binding. BreezeJS simplifies working with data by removing boilerplate code for model creation, queries, validation and only saving changed data. Unit testing is also enabled through Angular's dependency injection and separation of concerns. The presentation concludes that single page applications are well-suited for cross-platform mobile apps that avoid app stores, and that AngularJS and BreezeJS improve code testability and reduce data access code.

Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)
Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)
Micro Frontends Architecture - Jitendra kumawat (Guavus)

Micro Frontends Architecture is micro service approach for Frontend development. Micro Frontends thinks web-app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specialises in it. A team is cross functional and develops its features end-to-end, from database to user interface and take care of CI/CD. Micro service architechure is well know concept for backend point of view but In frontend we need to follow diffrent type of design pattern to achieve this. Key Take away: 1. Learn about Micro Frontend 2. How to practically use them 3. Key challenges

big datafrontend developmentjitendra kumawat
Product development - From Idea to Reality - VYE Leader Talk
Product development - From Idea to Reality - VYE Leader TalkProduct development - From Idea to Reality - VYE Leader Talk
Product development - From Idea to Reality - VYE Leader Talk

Product development - From Idea to Reality - Viet Youth Entrepreneur Bootcamp Leader Talk. Sharing to help VYE Boot-camper solidify their ideas and prepare for better pitch.

vietnamproduct developmentvye
Editor area 
Navigator area Utility area 
Debug area
Code available at
§ Xcode 
§ Swift 

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Performance optimization of vue.js apps with modern js
Performance optimization of vue.js apps with modern jsPerformance optimization of vue.js apps with modern js
Performance optimization of vue.js apps with modern js

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing the performance of Vue.js apps, including code splitting, lazy loading components and libraries, minimizing initial bundle size, prefetching resources, and using service workers to improve caching. Some key recommendations are to split code by route, lazily load off-screen components, defer non-critical libraries, and prefetch lazily loaded resources to improve performance and user experience. Measuring tools like the coverage tool, bundle analyzer, and import cost plugin can help identify optimization opportunities.

#javascript #performance
WebVisions: ISITE Design and CCLI on Platformication
WebVisions: ISITE Design and CCLI on PlatformicationWebVisions: ISITE Design and CCLI on Platformication
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George Ross, CIO at CCLI, and Kam Figy, Solution Architect at ISITE Design spoke at WebVisions 2012 in Portland, Oregon on the topic of “Platformification” and the SongSelect development experience.

BLUG 2013 - Mobile Application Delivery - Choices, choices, choices
BLUG 2013 - Mobile Application Delivery - Choices, choices, choicesBLUG 2013 - Mobile Application Delivery - Choices, choices, choices
BLUG 2013 - Mobile Application Delivery - Choices, choices, choices

These slides have been shown at BLUG 2013 in Leuven and are giving a brief overview of mobile application delivery options.

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§ iOS Development 
Thank you very much!

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ICONUK 2014 - From Idea To App

  • 1. From Idea To App ICONUK 2014 René Winkelmeyer midpoints GmbH
  • 2. René Winkelmeyer Lead Development Architect midpoints GmbH IBM Advanced Business Partner IBM Design Partner Services • Notes / Domino Consulting • E-Mail Management • Mobile Products • IBM Notes Traveler planning & deployment • mobile app development • Domino based iOS Device Management • Domino based “Dropbox” for Notes and iOS About me
  • 3. René Winkelmeyer Lead Development Architect • Skype muenzpraeger • Twitter muenzpraeger • LinkedIn muenzpraeger • Slideshare muenzpraeger • Web • Mail OpenNTF • File Navigator • Generic NSF View Widget for IBM Connections About me
  • 4. 4 Who are you? § Who runs an iMac, a MacBook or a MacPro? § Who wants an iMac, a MacBook or a MacPro? § Who created a native mobile app before?
  • 5. 5 What’s this session about? § The business case § Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Xcode § Demo
  • 6. 6 What’s this session about? § The business case § Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Xcode § Demo
  • 10. 10 Why a native app? § Best performance § Secure offline capabilities § Defined distribution mechanisms
  • 11. 11 What’s this session about? § The business case § Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Xcode § Demo
  • 12. 12 Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Standard pattern to separate the UI from the business logic § Highly important to understand when creating iOS apps § At least you‘re forced to program that way
  • 13. 13 Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Model § „What your application is (but not how it is displayed)“ § Controller § „How your Model is presented to the user (UI logic)“ § View § Your Controller‘s minions
  • 14. 14 Model-View-Controller (MVC) Model Controller View
  • 15. 15 What’s this session about? § The business case § Model-View-Controller (MVC) § Xcode § Demo
  • 16. 16 Xcode § The main (only) IDE to create iOS and Mac apps. § There are cross-compilers like Titanium for developing apps, but they need Xcode to build them. § Free
  • 18. 18 Xcode Toolbar Editor area Navigator area Utility area Debug area
  • 19. 19 LIVE-CODING-DEMO Code available at
  • 20. 20 Resources § Xcode § § Swift §
  • 21. 21 Resources § iOS Development § § §
  • 22. 22 Thank you very much!