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Mobile Application Delivery –
 Choices, choices, choices

        BLUG 2013

       René Winkelmeyer
        midpoints GmbH
About me

                     midpoints GmbH

                     IBM Advanced Business Partner
                     IBM Design Partner for Domino Next
                     IBM Mobile Design Partner
                     Apple and Samsung MDM Partner

                          •  Notes / Domino Consulting
                          •  E-Mail Management
                          •  App Development (IBM Connections, RCP,
                             XPages, mobile)

 René Winkelmeyer    We mobilize Notes
 Senior Consultant         •  IBM Notes Traveler planning & deployment
                           •  mobile app development
                           •  Domino based iOS Device Management
                           •  Domino based “Dropbox” for Notes and iOS

                     •  File Navigator
                     •  Generic NSF View Widget for IBM Connections
                     •  org.openntf.domino – the better Domino Java API
About me

                     •  Skype
                     •  Twitter
                     •  LinkedIn
                     •  Slideshare
                     •  G+

                     •  Web
 René Winkelmeyer    
 Senior Consultant
                     •  Mail
Who are you?

§  Manager?

§  Administrator?

§  Developer?

What device types are you targeting?

§  iOS

§  Android

§  BlackBerry

§  Windows Phone

§  ...

What are your requirements?

§  Who is your target audience for the applications?

§  Supporting different device types?

§  Ensure (high) security on application and server level?

§  Deliver a good user experience?

§  Time-to-delivery is critical?

§  Keeping initial and permanent costs down?

§  Application upgrades are important?


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

Types of mobile applications

§  Web

   §  Web application / website which runs on a HTTP server (i. e.

   §  Written in HTML(5)/CSS/JavaScript

   §  Languages/methods could be XPages, PHP, Perl etc.

   §  You need HTML5 if you want to leverage device capabilities or
       some kind of local data storage

   §  Full code control available, no additional layer

Types of mobile applications

§  Hybrid

    §  Native application container which runs web inside (container-
        like, i. e. PhoneGap)

    §  All techniques for web development apply

    §  Gives you access to native device capabilities like camera or geo

    §  Maybe enhanced with native code (Objective-C for iOS, Java for
        Android etc.)

    §  Mostly full code control, the container is an additional layer

Types of mobile applications

§  Native

    §  Full native app, written in the device operting systems language

    §  Give access to advanced device capabilities like dedicated data

    §  Full code control – no layers between your developers and

Types of mobile applications

§  Not-Real-Native (NRN)

   §  Specialised IDEs which convert (mostly) JavaScript to native

   §  Can have access to advanced device capabilities

   §  Somehow code control available (I name it „soup of code“),
       heavily dependencies on the used framework)


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

§  What are your goals and your strategy?

§  Defining them is mission critical – not having them can lead to more
    work, more costs, dissatisfaction...

What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?


      Quality                                  Costs
What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

                Security                Usability

          ???                                       Administration

             Development                 Costs
What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

§  Examples (bad ones):

   §  We want to mobilize all existing applications!

   §  We want to mobilize all available functionality of those

   §  Development needs to be fast. Security and usability is kind of
       nice to have, we‘ll check that later on.

   §  We want to mobilize our applications for any platform (we don‘t
       know which will be used in the future).

What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

§  Examples (good ones):

   §  We start to mobilize applications A, B and C.

   §  In the mobile area we only need 10% of the applications

   §  We consider usability and security from the very beginning.

   §  We focus on defined operating systems and device types.


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary


        YOUR USERS!
Usability – Performance

§  Users want to click (better: touch) and directly see a result. They
    don‘t want to wait for 2 seconds.

    §  Web applications can have reasonable performance – but that
        heavily depends on the network.

    §  Hybrid applications behave like web applications. So probably
        with good performance.

    §  Native applications have the best performance. They are native.

    §  NRN applications can have a good performance.

Usability – Native feeling

§  Users like doing things they are familiar with. And they like a kind of
    same look and feel. When they touch on the arrow in the top left
    corner they know that the app switches back to the previous screen.

    §  Web applications need a real good CSS to make things look
        native. At the end they don‘t feel native.

    §  Hybrid applications behave like web applications.

    §  Native applications do feel native – and they are native. Respect
        the UI guidelines of the operating system providers.

    §  NRN compile to native UI. They‘re doing a good job on that. If
        there‘s a bug – you can‘t fix it.

Usability – Network

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

§  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical!

Usability – Network

§  Check how and when your mobile apps need to have an active
    network connectivity. And consider that your users may have no or
    bad network access => Offline Usage.

    §  Web applications need network acces. Point. You‘ll need HTML5
        applications if you want to store data locally (in the browsers
        data container).

    §  Hybrid applications...well...see the web part.

    §  Native applications can use the full range of on- and offline

    §  NRN‘s give you access to on- and offline capabilities.


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

Costs – Mostly free as in beer

§  You normally don‘t have to invest in technology for development

§  IDEs are free

§  You probably have the servers


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary


§  Who are your developers?

§  What are they able to do today?

§  And what should they do tomorrow?

§  What do you want to invest into their knowledge?


§  Web applications / Hybrid applications

    §  Web development knowledge needed (should be known to most
        of the developers)

    §  Based on what you want to do: dedicates framework knowledge
        needed (Dojo, Sencha, XPages mobile app controls, Bootstrap

    §  Eventually new IDE‘s needed

    §  Mostly well documented

    §  You can grab a cheap web freelancer for that


§  Native applications

    §  Specialised knowledge of new languages and frameworks
        (Objective-C, Java, .net)

    §  New IDE‘s for your developers

    §  Extremly well documented


§  NRN applications

   §  Web development/JavaScript knowledge needed (should be
       known to most of the developers)

   §  They bring their own IDE‘s

   §  Completly new frameworks with their own language (JavaScript)

   §  Quality of documentation ranges from unusable to good


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

Security – Authentication

§  Define which authentication methods (username/password or
    certificate-based) you want to run – that defines your level of
    security access for (potential) confidential data.

    §  Web application (and hybrids) normally use username/password.
        They may use certificates – if you can put them onto the devices.

    §  Native applications are capable of any kind of authentication.

    §  NRN applications are normally capable of username/password
        authentication. You may add certificates – but then you‘ll have to
        write native code for each device.

Security – Local data encryption and backup

§  How good should your data be secured? I assume very good.
    Consider this very well – there are huge differences between the

    §  Web and hybrid applications use the browser‘s storage.
        Hopefully it is safe.

    §  Native applications enable you to use every thinkable security
         §  Local in-app data encryption
         §  Some MDM providers provide MAM (Mobile Application
             Management) API‘s to add additional security
         §  Prevent app data backup

    §  NRN application are giving you a framework. Some have limited
        security, some don‘t have.

    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

Updating your applications

§  The ease of updating applications is normally an administrators pet
    peeve, but...

    §  Updates should made be easy

    §  You probably have a lot of users and devices to update

Updating your applications

§  So what are the ways?

   §  Web applications....just update the server. Easy.

   §  Any other application needs a distribution way (think about in-
       place upgrades):

       §  Public App Store

       §  In-House App Store


    -  Types of mobile applications

    -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy?

    -  Usability

    -  Costs

    -  Development

    -  Security

    -  Updates

    -  Summary

Thank you very much!


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BLUG 2013 - Mobile Application Delivery - Choices, choices, choices

  • 1. Mobile Application Delivery – Choices, choices, choices BLUG 2013 René Winkelmeyer midpoints GmbH
  • 2. About me midpoints GmbH IBM Advanced Business Partner IBM Design Partner for Domino Next IBM Mobile Design Partner Apple and Samsung MDM Partner Services •  Notes / Domino Consulting •  E-Mail Management •  App Development (IBM Connections, RCP, XPages, mobile) René Winkelmeyer We mobilize Notes Senior Consultant •  IBM Notes Traveler planning & deployment •  mobile app development •  Domino based iOS Device Management •  Domino based “Dropbox” for Notes and iOS OpenNTF •  File Navigator •  Generic NSF View Widget for IBM Connections •  org.openntf.domino – the better Domino Java API
  • 3. About me •  Skype muenzpraeger •  Twitter muenzpraeger •  LinkedIn muenzpraeger •  Slideshare muenzpraeger •  G+ •  Web René Winkelmeyer Senior Consultant •  Mail
  • 4. Who are you? §  Manager? §  Administrator? §  Developer? 4
  • 5. What device types are you targeting? §  iOS §  Android §  BlackBerry §  Windows Phone §  ... 5
  • 6. What are your requirements? §  Who is your target audience for the applications? §  Supporting different device types? §  Ensure (high) security on application and server level? §  Deliver a good user experience? §  Time-to-delivery is critical? §  Keeping initial and permanent costs down? §  Application upgrades are important? 6
  • 7. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 7
  • 8. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 8
  • 9. Types of mobile applications §  Web §  Web application / website which runs on a HTTP server (i. e. Domino) §  Written in HTML(5)/CSS/JavaScript §  Languages/methods could be XPages, PHP, Perl etc. §  You need HTML5 if you want to leverage device capabilities or some kind of local data storage §  Full code control available, no additional layer 9
  • 10. Types of mobile applications §  Hybrid §  Native application container which runs web inside (container- like, i. e. PhoneGap) §  All techniques for web development apply §  Gives you access to native device capabilities like camera or geo §  Maybe enhanced with native code (Objective-C for iOS, Java for Android etc.) §  Mostly full code control, the container is an additional layer 10
  • 11. Types of mobile applications §  Native §  Full native app, written in the device operting systems language §  Give access to advanced device capabilities like dedicated data encryption §  Full code control – no layers between your developers and functionality 11
  • 12. Types of mobile applications §  Not-Real-Native (NRN) §  Specialised IDEs which convert (mostly) JavaScript to native code §  Can have access to advanced device capabilities §  Somehow code control available (I name it „soup of code“), heavily dependencies on the used framework) 12
  • 13. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 13
  • 14. What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? §  What are your goals and your strategy? §  Defining them is mission critical – not having them can lead to more work, more costs, dissatisfaction... 14
  • 15. What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? Time Quality Costs 15
  • 16. What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? Security Usability ??? Administration Development Costs 16
  • 17. What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? §  Examples (bad ones): §  We want to mobilize all existing applications! §  We want to mobilize all available functionality of those applications. §  Development needs to be fast. Security and usability is kind of nice to have, we‘ll check that later on. §  We want to mobilize our applications for any platform (we don‘t know which will be used in the future). 17
  • 18. What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? §  Examples (good ones): §  We start to mobilize applications A, B and C. §  In the mobile area we only need 10% of the applications functionality. §  We consider usability and security from the very beginning. §  We focus on defined operating systems and device types. 18
  • 19. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 19
  • 21. Usability – Performance §  Users want to click (better: touch) and directly see a result. They don‘t want to wait for 2 seconds. §  Web applications can have reasonable performance – but that heavily depends on the network. §  Hybrid applications behave like web applications. So probably with good performance. §  Native applications have the best performance. They are native. §  NRN applications can have a good performance. 21
  • 22. Usability – Native feeling §  Users like doing things they are familiar with. And they like a kind of same look and feel. When they touch on the arrow in the top left corner they know that the app switches back to the previous screen. §  Web applications need a real good CSS to make things look native. At the end they don‘t feel native. §  Hybrid applications behave like web applications. §  Native applications do feel native – and they are native. Respect the UI guidelines of the operating system providers. §  NRN compile to native UI. They‘re doing a good job on that. If there‘s a bug – you can‘t fix it. 22
  • 23. Usability – Network §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! §  Network connectivity and latency is mission critical! 23
  • 24. Usability – Network §  Check how and when your mobile apps need to have an active network connectivity. And consider that your users may have no or bad network access => Offline Usage. §  Web applications need network acces. Point. You‘ll need HTML5 applications if you want to store data locally (in the browsers data container). §  Hybrid applications...well...see the web part. §  Native applications can use the full range of on- and offline capabilites. §  NRN‘s give you access to on- and offline capabilities. 24
  • 25. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 25
  • 26. Costs – Mostly free as in beer §  You normally don‘t have to invest in technology for development §  IDEs are free §  You probably have the servers 26
  • 27. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 27
  • 28. Development §  Who are your developers? §  What are they able to do today? §  And what should they do tomorrow? §  What do you want to invest into their knowledge? 28
  • 29. Development §  Web applications / Hybrid applications §  Web development knowledge needed (should be known to most of the developers) §  Based on what you want to do: dedicates framework knowledge needed (Dojo, Sencha, XPages mobile app controls, Bootstrap etc.) §  Eventually new IDE‘s needed §  Mostly well documented §  You can grab a cheap web freelancer for that 29
  • 30. Development §  Native applications §  Specialised knowledge of new languages and frameworks (Objective-C, Java, .net) §  New IDE‘s for your developers §  Extremly well documented 30
  • 31. Development §  NRN applications §  Web development/JavaScript knowledge needed (should be known to most of the developers) §  They bring their own IDE‘s §  Completly new frameworks with their own language (JavaScript) §  Quality of documentation ranges from unusable to good 31
  • 32. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 32
  • 33. Security – Authentication §  Define which authentication methods (username/password or certificate-based) you want to run – that defines your level of security access for (potential) confidential data. §  Web application (and hybrids) normally use username/password. They may use certificates – if you can put them onto the devices. §  Native applications are capable of any kind of authentication. §  NRN applications are normally capable of username/password authentication. You may add certificates – but then you‘ll have to write native code for each device. 33
  • 34. Security – Local data encryption and backup §  How good should your data be secured? I assume very good. Consider this very well – there are huge differences between the technologies. §  Web and hybrid applications use the browser‘s storage. Hopefully it is safe. §  Native applications enable you to use every thinkable security §  Local in-app data encryption §  Some MDM providers provide MAM (Mobile Application Management) API‘s to add additional security §  Prevent app data backup §  NRN application are giving you a framework. Some have limited security, some don‘t have. 34
  • 35. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 35
  • 36. Updating your applications §  The ease of updating applications is normally an administrators pet peeve, but... §  Updates should made be easy §  You probably have a lot of users and devices to update 36
  • 37. Updating your applications §  So what are the ways? §  Web applications....just update the server. Easy. §  Any other application needs a distribution way (think about in- place upgrades): §  Public App Store §  In-House App Store 37
  • 38. Agenda -  Types of mobile applications -  What are your goals? Do you have a strategy? -  Usability -  Costs -  Development -  Security -  Updates -  Summary 38
  • 39. Thank you very much! 39