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HTTP/2 and Fiori
Sascha Wenninger
NET52433 @ TechEd 2017
Next version of HTTP Protocol
Based on Google’s SPDY
Designed to ‘fix’ many annoying aspects of HTTP
• Binary
• Multiplexing
• Header Compression
• Encryption
Image credit: Nick Yang
Multiplexing - Benefits
With HTTP/1.1, browsers open 4-8 TCP connections per origin
For each connection:
• TCP Handshake (2 Round-Trips)
• TLS Handshake (2+ Round Trips)
• TCP Slow Start
HTTP/2 Multiplexing avoids this!
1 TCP Connection for everything
Application  HTTP
Presentation  TLS
Transport  TCP
Network  IP
Data Link

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"鹿児島Linux勉強会 2017.01 - connpass"

Can I use it? – Browser
• IE 6 = WTF?
• IE 7 = LOL
• IE 8 = No
• IE 11 = Kind of
• Anything* else = Yes!
*yes even Edge!
Can I use it? – Server
• SAP WebDispatcher/ICM kernel >= 7.49
• Proper SSL setup
Set it up!
1. icm/HTTP/support_http2=true
2. Restart ICM
See Nick Yang’s blog post
SAP Web Dispatcher
ABAP System Java System
Set it up!
1. icm/HTTP/support_http2=true
2. Restart ICM
Bonus points for Web Dispatcher:
See Nick Yang’s blog post
SAP Web Dispatcher
ABAP System Java System

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Isn’t TLS Slow?
Isn’t TLS Slow?
Isn’t TLS Slow?
Not even on an SAP ICM, on ~2011 era hardware!
Throughput Response Time (ms)
Requests/s* Median 99th percentile
HTTP 93 20 33
HTTPS 93 36 40 4%
*Designed for 100/s, so my PC wasn’t fast enough.
New TLS Handshake for each connection
Let’s Test!
My role-based Fiori Launchpad
UI5 1.44
~180ms to server
30Mbps WAN link
Empty cache
Time to Load event

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TCP Connections
See chrome://net-internals/#sockets
Requests TCP Handshakes TLS Handshakes
HTTP/1.1 68 7 7
HTTP/2 68 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Load Time
Fiori Launchpad: Time to 'Load' event
That’s the median, obviously
Fiori CDN
• Often A Good Idea, but depends on network topology
• Where are your users? Is Akamai really “closer”?
• Do you have Riverbed WAN Acceleration?
• Is your internet link congested?
• Is your proxy slow?
• Individual results may vary
• Does not currently support HTTP/2, even though Akamai does 

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If you’re trying to process financial market data, monitor IoT sensor metrics or run real-time fraud detection, you’ll be thinking of stream processing. Stream processing sounds wonderful in concept, but scaling and debugging stream processing frameworks on distributed systems can be a nightmare. In clustered environments, your logs are scattered across many different computers making errors and strange behaviors are hard to trace. On frameworks like Apache Storm, the many layers of abstraction make it difficult to predict performance and do capacity planning. In micro batching frameworks like Spark Streaming, stateful aggregations can be a hassle. Moreover, in most of the existing frameworks, changing a single line of code requires a full topology redeploy causing operational strain. Concord strives to solve all the challenges above. In this talk, you’ll learn how Concord differs from other stream processing frameworks and how Concord can provide flexibility, simplicity, and predictable performance with help from Apache Mesos.

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Manufacturers have an abundance of data, whether from connected sensors, plant systems, manufacturing systems, claims systems and external data from industry and government. Manufacturers face increased challenges from continually improving product quality, reducing warranty and recall costs to efficiently leveraging their supply chain. For example, giving the manufacturer a complete view of the product and customer information integrating manufacturing and plant floor data, with as built product configurations with sensor data from customer use to efficiently analyze warranty claim information to reduce detection to correction time, detect fraud and even become proactive around issues requires a capable enterprise data hub that integrates large volumes of both structured and unstructured information. Learn how an enterprise data hub built on Hadoop provides the tools to support analysis at every level in the manufacturing organization.

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Load Time
Fiori Launchpad: Time to 'Load' event

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Presto in Treasure Data (presented at db tech showcase Sapporo 2015)
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This presentation is about what Presto is and how Treasure Data uses it (presented at db tech showcase Sapporo 2015).

Further Reading
• The HTTP/2 “Home Page”
• The HTTP/2 RFC
• SAP Help on HTTP/2
• Nick Yang’s blog post about HTTP/2
• Set up Fiori CDN
• Improving Fiori Performance
• Is TLS Fast Yet?
• My blog post on TLS performance
• Browser support for HTTP/2
Thank you!
Sascha Wenninger
+65 8799 1446

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HTTP/2 and SAP Fiori

  • 1. HTTP/2 and Fiori Sascha Wenninger @sufw NET52433 @ TechEd 2017
  • 2. @sufw What? Next version of HTTP Protocol Based on Google’s SPDY Designed to ‘fix’ many annoying aspects of HTTP
  • 3. @sufw Why? • Binary • Multiplexing • Header Compression • Encryption Image credit: Nick Yang
  • 4. @sufw Multiplexing - Benefits With HTTP/1.1, browsers open 4-8 TCP connections per origin For each connection: • TCP Handshake (2 Round-Trips) • TLS Handshake (2+ Round Trips) • TCP Slow Start HTTP/2 Multiplexing avoids this! 1 TCP Connection for everything Application  HTTP Presentation  TLS Session Transport  TCP Network  IP Data Link Physical
  • 5. @sufw Can I use it? – Browser • IE 6 = WTF? • IE 7 = LOL • IE 8 = No • IE 11 = Kind of • Anything* else = Yes! *yes even Edge!
  • 6. @sufw Can I use it? – Server • SAP WebDispatcher/ICM kernel >= 7.49 • Proper SSL setup
  • 7. @sufw Set it up! 1. icm/HTTP/support_http2=true 2. Restart ICM See Nick Yang’s blog post SAP Web Dispatcher ABAP System Java System ICM HANA DB ICM HANA DB HTTP/2 HTTP/1.1
  • 8. @sufw Set it up! 1. icm/HTTP/support_http2=true 2. Restart ICM Bonus points for Web Dispatcher: wdisp/support_http2_to_backend=true See Nick Yang’s blog post SAP Web Dispatcher ABAP System Java System ICM HANA DB ICM HANA DB HTTP/2 HTTP/2
  • 11. @sufw Isn’t TLS Slow? No. Not even on an SAP ICM, on ~2011 era hardware! 3% Throughput Response Time (ms) Requests/s* Median 99th percentile HTTP 93 20 33 HTTPS 93 36 40 4% *Designed for 100/s, so my PC wasn’t fast enough. New TLS Handshake for each connection 7%
  • 12. @sufw Let’s Test! My role-based Fiori Launchpad UI5 1.44 ~180ms to server 30Mbps WAN link Chrome Empty cache n=10 Time to Load event
  • 13. @sufw TCP Connections See chrome://net-internals/#sockets Requests TCP Handshakes TLS Handshakes HTTP/1.1 68 7 7 HTTP/2 68 1 1
  • 14. @sufw Profit! 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Frequency Load Time Fiori Launchpad: Time to 'Load' event That’s the median, obviously -20% 18s 14s
  • 15. @sufw
  • 16. @sufw Fiori CDN • Often A Good Idea, but depends on network topology • Where are your users? Is Akamai really “closer”? • Do you have Riverbed WAN Acceleration? • Is your internet link congested? • Is your proxy slow? • Individual results may vary • Does not currently support HTTP/2, even though Akamai does 
  • 17. @sufw
  • 18. @sufw
  • 19. @sufw Profit! 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Frequency Load Time Fiori Launchpad: Time to 'Load' event -20% 18s 14s -20% 11s
  • 20. @sufw
  • 21. @sufw Further Reading • The HTTP/2 “Home Page” • The HTTP/2 RFC • SAP Help on HTTP/2 • Nick Yang’s blog post about HTTP/2 • Set up Fiori CDN • Improving Fiori Performance • Is TLS Fast Yet? • My blog post on TLS performance • Browser support for HTTP/2
  • 22. @sufw Thank you! Sascha Wenninger @sufw +65 8799 1446